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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 149 - 165, 15.09.2017


Patent dökümanları teknolojinin her
alanında güncel ve detaylı teknik bilgilerin depolandığı çok kıymetli bilimsel
kaynaklardır. Gün geçtikçe patent haklarının öneminin daha iyi anlaşılmasıyla
birlikte, tüm dünyada patent başvurularının da sayısı artmakta, böylelikle
patent veritabanlarında saklanan teknik bilgiler de hızla büyümektedir. Patent
dökümanlarında yer alan bu çok değerli bilgiler sadece patent dünyasıyla
bağlantılı kişiler için değil, bilimin ve teknolojinin içerisinde faaliyet
gösteren herkes için ulaşılabilir durumdadır.

Bu çalışmada, patent veritabanlarına
ulaşılmasını sağlayan ve ücretsiz hizmet veren patent arama motorlarından
birkaçının kullanımı incelenmiştir. Ardından, bilim dünyasının patent
veritabanlarından olması gerektiği düzeyde istifade edemediği ortaya konmuş ve
bunun sebepleri tartışılmıştır. Bu eksikliğin giderilmesi noktasında, patent
arama motorlarının geliştirilerek kullanıcı dostu bir hale getirilmesinin ve
bilgiye ulaşmayı kolaylaştıracak fonksiyonlarla güçlendirilmesinin gerekli olduğu
sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

Böylece patent kaynaklarında bulunan kıymetli
teknik bilgiler, Ar-Ge faaliyetlerine ve inovatif çalışmalara kazandırılacak bu
da bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmemizi hızlandıracaktır.


  • [1] Bonino, D., Ciaramella, A. ve Corno, F., "Review of the state-of-the-art in patent information and forthcoming evolutions in intelligent patent informatics", World Patent Information, pp. 30-40, 2010.
  • [2] Björklund, L. G., "Online Patent Information: Perspectives for the Future", World Patent Information, cilt 13, no. 4, pp. 206-210, 1991.
  • [3] Schwander, P., "An evaluation of patent searching resources: comparing the professional and free on-line databases", World Patent Information, cilt 22, pp. 147-165, 2000.
  • [4] World Intellectual Property Organization, "WIPO IP Statistics Data Center", erişim: 24/01/2017
  • [5] U.S, Department of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office, "Technology Assessment & Forecast, Eighth Report", Washington, 1977.
  • [6] Allen, J, ve Oppenheim, C., "The Overlap of U.S. and Canadian Patent Literature with Journal Literature", World Patent Information, cilt 1, no. 2, pp. 77-80, 1979.
  • [7] Asche, G., "“80% of technical information found only in patents” Is there proof of this?", World Patent Information, cilt 48, pp. 16-28, 2017.
  • [8] Bozkurt, K., "Patent Verileri ve Teknolojik Sınıflama Sistemleri", Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, cilt 1, no. 1, pp. 65-80.
  • [9] Verhulst, W. "The Impact of the Internet on Prior-art Searching in a Patent Environment", World Patent Information, cilt 19, no. 2, pp. 95-107, 1997.
  • [10] Atal, V, ve Bar, T., "Prior art: To search or not to search", International Journal of Industrial Organization, cilt 28, pp. 507-521, 2010.
  • Li, B., Duan, Y., Luebke, D. ve Morreale, B., "Advances in CO2 capture technology: A patent review", Applied Energy, cilt 102, 1439-1447, 2013.
  • Anonymously, D. "A method and system for a sender's email client to decide which recipients to send attachments to based on knowledge of which recipients have already received this attachment", IP.COM JOURNAL, 2010.
  • IBM, "Identifing mailing list conflicts while replying emails", Journal, 2010.
  • S. B., "Combining ICT-standards essential-patents and medical-managerial Guidelines towards sustainable assisted-living and home-care", Proceedings of the 2014 ITU kaleidoscope academic conference: Living in a converged world - Impossible without standards?, 2014.
  • Chiu, C. ve Su, H.-N. "Analysis of patent portfolio and knowledge flow of the global semiconductor industry", Proceedings of PICMET '14 Conference: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology; Infrastructure and Service Integration, 2014.
  • Bacioiu, G. M. ve Pasek, Z. J., "Method of patent analysis to determine the speed of progress in blood pressure monitors", Management of Engineering&Technology, 2009. PICMET 2009. Portland International Conference, 2009.
  • Yuan, F. ve Kumiko, M., "Understanding the dynamic nature of technological change using trajectory identification based on patent citation network in the Electric Vehicles industry", Proceedings of PICMET '14 Conference, 2014.
  • Edfjall, C. "European patent information 2007: EPO policy reformulated", World Patent Information , cilt 30, 206-211, 2008.
  • Giereth, M, ve Ertl, T. “Visualization Enhanced Semantic Wikis for Patent Information", Information Visualisation, 2008. IV '08. 12th International Conference, 2008.
  • Avasarala, V. ve Bonissone, P. “iPresage: An innovative patent landscaping tool", Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2012 IEEE Congress, 2012.
  • Bamba, B., Kankar, P. ve Mukherjea, S. “Information Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery Utilizing a BioMedical Patent Semantic Web", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, cilt 17, no. 8, 1099-1110, 2005.
  • Pawan, S., Rashmi, T., Singh, V. K. ve Tripathi, R. C., “Automated patents search through semantic similarity", 2015 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control , 2015.
  • Cao, Y., Fan J. ve Li, G., “A User-Friendly Patent Search Paradigm", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, cilt 25, no. 6, 1439-1443, 2013.
  • Ming, Q. ve Xiaoming, H. “The Design and Application of Mobile-Based Patent Search Service System", Intelligent Information Technology Application, 2009. IITA 2009. Third International Symposium, 2009.
  • Han, I. S., Choi, J. W., Kim S. H., Sin J. E. ve Baek, B. K., “Method for providing application of searching patent". Kore Patent KR20160042328, 19/04/2016.
  • List, J. “Free patent databases come of age", World Patent Information, cilt 30, 185-186, 2008.
  • Bechtel, H., Zoeke, I., Marhan H. ve Kleinschmager, H., “Online Patent Searching Useful, but still in its Infancy", World Patent Information, cilt 7, 68-82, 1985.
  • US Patent and Trademark Office, “Patent Full Text Databases", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Japon Patent Office, “Searching Patent Abstracts of Japan", erişim: 25/01/2017
  • State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China, “Patent Search and Analysis", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • German Patent and Trade Mark Office, “DEPATISnet", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, “Patent Araştırma", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • European Patent Office, “Espacenet", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • World Intellectual Property Organization, “Patentscope", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Google, “Google Patents", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Free Patents Online, “Quick Search", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Jürgens, B. ve Herrero-Solana, V.,, “Espacenet, Patentscope and Depatisnet: A comparison approach", World Patent Information, cilt 42, 4-12, 2015.
  • Hunt, D., Nguyen L. ve Rodgers, M. “Chapter 2 Types of Patent Searches", Patent Searching Tool & Techniques, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, 21-31.
  • European Patent Office, “Espacenet Patent Search", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Hitchcock, D. “Understanding Keyword Searching", Patent Searching Made Easy, A.B.D, Nolo, 2009, 29-40.
  • Foglia, P. “Patentability search strategies and the reformed IPC: A patent office perspective", World Patent Information, cilt 29, 33-53, 2007.
  • Wikipedia, “Cooperative Patent Classification", erişim: 26/01/2017,
  • Eisenschitz T. S. ve Crane, J. A., “Patent Searching Using Classifications and Using Keywords", World Patent Information , cilt 8, no. 1, 38-40, 1986.
  • Google Patent, “About Google Patent", erişim: 26/01/2017
  • Sampat, B. N., “When Do Applicants Search for Prior Art?", Journal of Law and Economics, cilt 53, no. 2, 399-416, 2010.
  • Editorial, “Increasing patent value by conducting pre-filing prior art searches", World Patent Information, cilt 44, A1-A3, 2016.
  • Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, “İstatistikler", erişim: 26/01/2017
  • Reymond, D. ve Quoniam, L., “A new patent processing suite for academic and rese arch purposes", World Patent Information, cilt 47, 40-50, 2016.
  • Salampasis, M. ve Hanbury, A., “PerFedPat: An integrated federated system for patent search", World Patent Information, cilt 38, 4-11, 2014.
  • Williams J. ve Ebe, T.,“STN Easy: point-and-click patent searching on the World Wide Web", World Patent Information, cilt 19, 161-166, 1997.
  • Dirnberger, D. “The use of mindmapping software for patent search and management", World Patent Information, cilt 47, 12-20, 2016.
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 149 - 165, 15.09.2017



  • [1] Bonino, D., Ciaramella, A. ve Corno, F., "Review of the state-of-the-art in patent information and forthcoming evolutions in intelligent patent informatics", World Patent Information, pp. 30-40, 2010.
  • [2] Björklund, L. G., "Online Patent Information: Perspectives for the Future", World Patent Information, cilt 13, no. 4, pp. 206-210, 1991.
  • [3] Schwander, P., "An evaluation of patent searching resources: comparing the professional and free on-line databases", World Patent Information, cilt 22, pp. 147-165, 2000.
  • [4] World Intellectual Property Organization, "WIPO IP Statistics Data Center", erişim: 24/01/2017
  • [5] U.S, Department of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office, "Technology Assessment & Forecast, Eighth Report", Washington, 1977.
  • [6] Allen, J, ve Oppenheim, C., "The Overlap of U.S. and Canadian Patent Literature with Journal Literature", World Patent Information, cilt 1, no. 2, pp. 77-80, 1979.
  • [7] Asche, G., "“80% of technical information found only in patents” Is there proof of this?", World Patent Information, cilt 48, pp. 16-28, 2017.
  • [8] Bozkurt, K., "Patent Verileri ve Teknolojik Sınıflama Sistemleri", Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, cilt 1, no. 1, pp. 65-80.
  • [9] Verhulst, W. "The Impact of the Internet on Prior-art Searching in a Patent Environment", World Patent Information, cilt 19, no. 2, pp. 95-107, 1997.
  • [10] Atal, V, ve Bar, T., "Prior art: To search or not to search", International Journal of Industrial Organization, cilt 28, pp. 507-521, 2010.
  • Li, B., Duan, Y., Luebke, D. ve Morreale, B., "Advances in CO2 capture technology: A patent review", Applied Energy, cilt 102, 1439-1447, 2013.
  • Anonymously, D. "A method and system for a sender's email client to decide which recipients to send attachments to based on knowledge of which recipients have already received this attachment", IP.COM JOURNAL, 2010.
  • IBM, "Identifing mailing list conflicts while replying emails", Journal, 2010.
  • S. B., "Combining ICT-standards essential-patents and medical-managerial Guidelines towards sustainable assisted-living and home-care", Proceedings of the 2014 ITU kaleidoscope academic conference: Living in a converged world - Impossible without standards?, 2014.
  • Chiu, C. ve Su, H.-N. "Analysis of patent portfolio and knowledge flow of the global semiconductor industry", Proceedings of PICMET '14 Conference: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology; Infrastructure and Service Integration, 2014.
  • Bacioiu, G. M. ve Pasek, Z. J., "Method of patent analysis to determine the speed of progress in blood pressure monitors", Management of Engineering&Technology, 2009. PICMET 2009. Portland International Conference, 2009.
  • Yuan, F. ve Kumiko, M., "Understanding the dynamic nature of technological change using trajectory identification based on patent citation network in the Electric Vehicles industry", Proceedings of PICMET '14 Conference, 2014.
  • Edfjall, C. "European patent information 2007: EPO policy reformulated", World Patent Information , cilt 30, 206-211, 2008.
  • Giereth, M, ve Ertl, T. “Visualization Enhanced Semantic Wikis for Patent Information", Information Visualisation, 2008. IV '08. 12th International Conference, 2008.
  • Avasarala, V. ve Bonissone, P. “iPresage: An innovative patent landscaping tool", Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2012 IEEE Congress, 2012.
  • Bamba, B., Kankar, P. ve Mukherjea, S. “Information Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery Utilizing a BioMedical Patent Semantic Web", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, cilt 17, no. 8, 1099-1110, 2005.
  • Pawan, S., Rashmi, T., Singh, V. K. ve Tripathi, R. C., “Automated patents search through semantic similarity", 2015 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control , 2015.
  • Cao, Y., Fan J. ve Li, G., “A User-Friendly Patent Search Paradigm", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, cilt 25, no. 6, 1439-1443, 2013.
  • Ming, Q. ve Xiaoming, H. “The Design and Application of Mobile-Based Patent Search Service System", Intelligent Information Technology Application, 2009. IITA 2009. Third International Symposium, 2009.
  • Han, I. S., Choi, J. W., Kim S. H., Sin J. E. ve Baek, B. K., “Method for providing application of searching patent". Kore Patent KR20160042328, 19/04/2016.
  • List, J. “Free patent databases come of age", World Patent Information, cilt 30, 185-186, 2008.
  • Bechtel, H., Zoeke, I., Marhan H. ve Kleinschmager, H., “Online Patent Searching Useful, but still in its Infancy", World Patent Information, cilt 7, 68-82, 1985.
  • US Patent and Trademark Office, “Patent Full Text Databases", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Japon Patent Office, “Searching Patent Abstracts of Japan", erişim: 25/01/2017
  • State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China, “Patent Search and Analysis", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • German Patent and Trade Mark Office, “DEPATISnet", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, “Patent Araştırma", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • European Patent Office, “Espacenet", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • World Intellectual Property Organization, “Patentscope", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Google, “Google Patents", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Free Patents Online, “Quick Search", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Jürgens, B. ve Herrero-Solana, V.,, “Espacenet, Patentscope and Depatisnet: A comparison approach", World Patent Information, cilt 42, 4-12, 2015.
  • Hunt, D., Nguyen L. ve Rodgers, M. “Chapter 2 Types of Patent Searches", Patent Searching Tool & Techniques, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, 21-31.
  • European Patent Office, “Espacenet Patent Search", erişim: 25/01/2017,
  • Hitchcock, D. “Understanding Keyword Searching", Patent Searching Made Easy, A.B.D, Nolo, 2009, 29-40.
  • Foglia, P. “Patentability search strategies and the reformed IPC: A patent office perspective", World Patent Information, cilt 29, 33-53, 2007.
  • Wikipedia, “Cooperative Patent Classification", erişim: 26/01/2017,
  • Eisenschitz T. S. ve Crane, J. A., “Patent Searching Using Classifications and Using Keywords", World Patent Information , cilt 8, no. 1, 38-40, 1986.
  • Google Patent, “About Google Patent", erişim: 26/01/2017
  • Sampat, B. N., “When Do Applicants Search for Prior Art?", Journal of Law and Economics, cilt 53, no. 2, 399-416, 2010.
  • Editorial, “Increasing patent value by conducting pre-filing prior art searches", World Patent Information, cilt 44, A1-A3, 2016.
  • Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, “İstatistikler", erişim: 26/01/2017
  • Reymond, D. ve Quoniam, L., “A new patent processing suite for academic and rese arch purposes", World Patent Information, cilt 47, 40-50, 2016.
  • Salampasis, M. ve Hanbury, A., “PerFedPat: An integrated federated system for patent search", World Patent Information, cilt 38, 4-11, 2014.
  • Williams J. ve Ebe, T.,“STN Easy: point-and-click patent searching on the World Wide Web", World Patent Information, cilt 19, 161-166, 1997.
  • Dirnberger, D. “The use of mindmapping software for patent search and management", World Patent Information, cilt 47, 12-20, 2016.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Ahmet Kayakökü

Şevki Demirbaş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Şubat 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kayakökü, A., & Demirbaş, Ş. (2017). PATENT ARAMA MOTORLARININ KULLANIMI ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME. Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology, 5(3), 149-165.

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