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Nötr Kenetlemeli Eviriciler için Çok Giriş – Çok Çıkışlı DA-DA Çevirici Tasarımı ve Kontrolü

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 49 - 62, 24.03.2019


Bu çalışmada, Nötr Kenetlemeli Eviricilerin
(NKE) hem çok girişli yapıya getirilmesi hem de gerilim dengesizliğinin
giderilmesi için çok-giriş çok-çıkışlı bir DA-DA çevirici topolojisi
sunulmuştur. Çok kaynaklı çalışma, önerilen çevirici modelinin çok girişli
özelliği ile sağlanmıştır. Nötr kenetlemeli eviricilerde bozunumların artmasına
sebep olan dengesiz kondansatör gerilimleri, bu topolojinin çok çıkışlı
özelliğiyle DA tarafta dengelenmiştir. Şebeke etkileşimli eviricinin
kondansatör gerilimlerinin dengelenmesi ve güç akışını kontrol etmek için PI
denetleyiciler kullanılmıştır. Önerilen topolojinin teorik altyapısını ve
performansını doğrulamak için Matlab/Simulink platformunda benzetim çalışmaları
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Benzetim sonuçları, iki giriş kaynağında üretilen
enerjinin, NKE ve önerilen çevirici modeli aracılığıyla başarılı bir şekilde
şebekeye aktarıldığını göstermiştir. NKE kondansatör gerilimlerinin eşitliğini
bozsa da, gerilim dengelenmesi kontrolörler ve önerilen dönüştürücü modeli
tarafından sağlanmıştır. Dengeli ve dengesiz koşullar altında elde edilen
sonuçlar, önerilen sistemin bozunumları önemli ölçüde azalttığını göstermiştir.


  • [1] M. Schweizer, J. W. Kolar, Design and Implementation of a Highly Efficient Three-Level T-Type Converter for Low-Voltage Applications, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28: 2 (2013) 899-907.
  • [2] K. Komatsu, M. Yatsu, S. Miyashita, S. Okita, H. Nakazawa, S. Igarashi, Y. Takahashi, Y. Okuma, Y. Seki, T. Fujihira, New IGBT modules for advanced neutral-point-clamped 3-level power converters, International Power Electronics Conference - ECCE ASIA -, Sapporo, (2010) 523-527.
  • [3] P. Kakosimos, H. Abu-Rub, Predictive Control of a Grid-Tied Cascaded Full-Bridge NPC Inverter for Reducing High-Frequency Common-Mode Voltage Components, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14: 6 (2018) 2385-2394.
  • [4] M. Szarek, A. Penczek, R. Stala, S. Piróg, A. Mondzik, NPC three level inverter with dual DC bus for independent distributed generators. Neutral-point voltage balancing under the input power imbalance, 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), Warsaw, (2017) 1-10.
  • [5] I. Forrisi, J. P. Martin, B. Nahid-Mobarakeh, S. Pierfederici, PV-grid system in mismatch operating mode: Improvement through a new voltage balancing method in multilevel NPC inverters, IEEE 25th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Santa Clara, CA, (2016) 1280-1285.
  • [6] Y. Liu, H. Abu-Rub, B. Ge, Front-End Isolated Quasi-Z-Source DC–DC Converter Modules in Series for High-Power Photovoltaic Systems—Part I: Configuration, Operation, and Evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64:1 (2017) 347-358.
  • [7] R. Faraji, H. Farzanehfard, Soft-Switched Nonisolated High Step-Up Three-Port DC–DC Converter for Hybrid Energy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33:12 (2018) 10101-10111.
  • [8] E. Irmak, N. Güler, Application of A Boost Based Multi-Input Single-Output DC/DC Converter, 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), San Diego, USA, (2017) 955-961.
  • [9] Chung-Ming Young, Ting-Ruei Fan, Two-stage interleaved three-level DC/AC converter with neutral point voltage balancing, IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC), Kaohsiung, (2017) 1430-1434.
  • [10] P. Wang, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, J. Li, M. Sumner, Input-Parallel Output-Series DC-DC Boost Converter With a Wide Input Voltage Range, For Fuel Cell Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66: 9 (2017) 7771-7781.
  • [11] A. Ganjavi, H. Ghoreishy, A. A. Ahmad, A Novel Single-Input Dual-Output Three-Level DC–DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65: 10 (2018) 8101-8111.
  • [12] N. Güler, E. Irmak, Design and Application of A Novel Single Input - Multi Output DC/DC Converter, IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Birmingham, (2016) 1039-1045.
  • [13] B. Wang, L. Xian, V. R. K. Kanamarlapudi, K. J. Tseng, A. Ukil, H. B. Gooi, A Digital Method of Power-Sharing and Cross-Regulation Suppression for Single-Inductor Multiple-Input Multiple-Output DC–DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64: 4 (2017) 2836-2847.
  • [14] Y. Tong, Z. Shan, J. Jatskevich, A. Davoudi, A nonisolated multiple-input multiple-output DC-DC converter for DC distribution of future energy efficient homes, 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Dallas, TX, (2014) 4126-4132.
  • [15] P. Mohseni, S. H. Hosseini, M. Sabahi, T. Jalilzadeh, M. Maalandish, A New High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Basım aşamasında (2018).
  • [16] L. Zhang, K. Sun, M. Gu, D. Xu, Y. Gu, A Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control Method for Five-Level Full-Bridge Grid-Tied Inverters Without Split-Capacitor Voltage Sampling, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6: 4 (2018) 2042-2052.
  • [17] E. Irmak, N. Güler, Model predictive control of grid-tied three level neutral point clamped inverter integrated with a double layer multi-input single output DC/DC converter, IEEE 12th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), Doha, (2018) 1-6.
  • [18] C. Zhang, C. Hu, G. Fang, H. Li, Z. Qian, An improved SVPWM strategy for three-level active NPC inverter, 12th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Siem Reap, (2017) 292-296.
  • [19] C. Hu, G. Holmes, W. Shen, X. Yu, Q. Wang, F. Luo, Neutral-point potential balancing control strategy of three-level active NPC inverter based on SHEPWM, IET Power Electronics, 10: 14 (2017) 1943-1950.
  • [20] F. Donoso, A. Mora, R. Cárdenas, A. Angulo, D. Sáez, M. Rivera, Finite-Set Model-Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating With Fixed Switching Frequency, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65: 5 (2018) 3954-3965.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 49 - 62, 24.03.2019



  • [1] M. Schweizer, J. W. Kolar, Design and Implementation of a Highly Efficient Three-Level T-Type Converter for Low-Voltage Applications, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28: 2 (2013) 899-907.
  • [2] K. Komatsu, M. Yatsu, S. Miyashita, S. Okita, H. Nakazawa, S. Igarashi, Y. Takahashi, Y. Okuma, Y. Seki, T. Fujihira, New IGBT modules for advanced neutral-point-clamped 3-level power converters, International Power Electronics Conference - ECCE ASIA -, Sapporo, (2010) 523-527.
  • [3] P. Kakosimos, H. Abu-Rub, Predictive Control of a Grid-Tied Cascaded Full-Bridge NPC Inverter for Reducing High-Frequency Common-Mode Voltage Components, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14: 6 (2018) 2385-2394.
  • [4] M. Szarek, A. Penczek, R. Stala, S. Piróg, A. Mondzik, NPC three level inverter with dual DC bus for independent distributed generators. Neutral-point voltage balancing under the input power imbalance, 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), Warsaw, (2017) 1-10.
  • [5] I. Forrisi, J. P. Martin, B. Nahid-Mobarakeh, S. Pierfederici, PV-grid system in mismatch operating mode: Improvement through a new voltage balancing method in multilevel NPC inverters, IEEE 25th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Santa Clara, CA, (2016) 1280-1285.
  • [6] Y. Liu, H. Abu-Rub, B. Ge, Front-End Isolated Quasi-Z-Source DC–DC Converter Modules in Series for High-Power Photovoltaic Systems—Part I: Configuration, Operation, and Evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64:1 (2017) 347-358.
  • [7] R. Faraji, H. Farzanehfard, Soft-Switched Nonisolated High Step-Up Three-Port DC–DC Converter for Hybrid Energy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33:12 (2018) 10101-10111.
  • [8] E. Irmak, N. Güler, Application of A Boost Based Multi-Input Single-Output DC/DC Converter, 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), San Diego, USA, (2017) 955-961.
  • [9] Chung-Ming Young, Ting-Ruei Fan, Two-stage interleaved three-level DC/AC converter with neutral point voltage balancing, IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC), Kaohsiung, (2017) 1430-1434.
  • [10] P. Wang, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, J. Li, M. Sumner, Input-Parallel Output-Series DC-DC Boost Converter With a Wide Input Voltage Range, For Fuel Cell Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66: 9 (2017) 7771-7781.
  • [11] A. Ganjavi, H. Ghoreishy, A. A. Ahmad, A Novel Single-Input Dual-Output Three-Level DC–DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65: 10 (2018) 8101-8111.
  • [12] N. Güler, E. Irmak, Design and Application of A Novel Single Input - Multi Output DC/DC Converter, IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Birmingham, (2016) 1039-1045.
  • [13] B. Wang, L. Xian, V. R. K. Kanamarlapudi, K. J. Tseng, A. Ukil, H. B. Gooi, A Digital Method of Power-Sharing and Cross-Regulation Suppression for Single-Inductor Multiple-Input Multiple-Output DC–DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64: 4 (2017) 2836-2847.
  • [14] Y. Tong, Z. Shan, J. Jatskevich, A. Davoudi, A nonisolated multiple-input multiple-output DC-DC converter for DC distribution of future energy efficient homes, 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Dallas, TX, (2014) 4126-4132.
  • [15] P. Mohseni, S. H. Hosseini, M. Sabahi, T. Jalilzadeh, M. Maalandish, A New High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Basım aşamasında (2018).
  • [16] L. Zhang, K. Sun, M. Gu, D. Xu, Y. Gu, A Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control Method for Five-Level Full-Bridge Grid-Tied Inverters Without Split-Capacitor Voltage Sampling, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6: 4 (2018) 2042-2052.
  • [17] E. Irmak, N. Güler, Model predictive control of grid-tied three level neutral point clamped inverter integrated with a double layer multi-input single output DC/DC converter, IEEE 12th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), Doha, (2018) 1-6.
  • [18] C. Zhang, C. Hu, G. Fang, H. Li, Z. Qian, An improved SVPWM strategy for three-level active NPC inverter, 12th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Siem Reap, (2017) 292-296.
  • [19] C. Hu, G. Holmes, W. Shen, X. Yu, Q. Wang, F. Luo, Neutral-point potential balancing control strategy of three-level active NPC inverter based on SHEPWM, IET Power Electronics, 10: 14 (2017) 1943-1950.
  • [20] F. Donoso, A. Mora, R. Cárdenas, A. Angulo, D. Sáez, M. Rivera, Finite-Set Model-Predictive Control Strategies for a 3L-NPC Inverter Operating With Fixed Switching Frequency, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65: 5 (2018) 3954-3965.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Tasarım ve Teknoloji

Naki Güler 0000-0003-3882-733X

Erdal Irmak 0000-0002-4712-6861

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mart 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güler, N., & Irmak, E. (2019). Nötr Kenetlemeli Eviriciler için Çok Giriş – Çok Çıkışlı DA-DA Çevirici Tasarımı ve Kontrolü. Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology, 7(1), 49-62.

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