ABSTACT Q-switching is a method to create high power- short pulses in laser material processing. Although fifty years passed after the development of this method, it is still used especially in the new developed fiber laser devices. High-energy pulses enable some micro-manufacturing applications which never been possible. For this reason, the importance of this technique can be emphasized for laser micro-machining applications. The aim of the present manuscript is to give beneficial information about Q-switch mechanism in laser micro-manufacturing applications and evaluate the rapid development of this technique from the viewpoint of industrial dimension. Thus historical development, theory, types and current usage fields of q-switching method were given in the paper
Bertoletti M., Storia del Laser, Bollati Boringhieri Editore Torino, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 2005.
Wang Y., Xu C.Q., “Actively Q-switched fiber lasers: processes”, Progress in Quantum Electronics, Elsevier, 31, s:131-216, 2007. and nonlinear
Weber H., Herziger G., Poprawe R., Landolt- Börnstein, Relationships in Science and Technology New Series / Editor in Chief: W. Martienssen, Laser Physics and Applications Group VIII: Advanced Materials and Technologies, Volume 1, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2005.
McClung F.J., Hellwarth R.W., Giant optical pulsations from ruby, J. Appl. Phys., 33, (3), 828, 1962.
Chiao R. Y., Townes C. H., Stoicheff B. P., Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and Coherent Generation of Intense Hypersonic Waves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12, 592, 1964.
Boyd R.W., Nonlinear Optics: Past Successes and Future Challenges, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO: 2012), in San Jose, California, 2012.
Mears J.R., Reekie L., Poole S.B., Payne D.N., Low threshold tunable CW and Q-switched fibre laser operating at 1.55 µm, Electronic Letters, 22, ss:159- 160, 1986.
Myslinski P., Chrostowski J., Koningstein J.A., Simpson J.R., High Power Q-Switched Erbium Doped Fiber Laser, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol.28, ss:371-377, 1992.
Hideur A., Chartier T., Brunel M., Salhi M., Özkul C., Sanchez F., “Mode-locked, Q-switch and CW operation of an Yb-doped Double-clad Fiber Ring Laser, Optics Communications, Elsevier, 198, ss:141-146, 2001.
Hitz B,, Ewing J.J., Hecht J., Introduction to Laser Technology, third edition, IEEE Press, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., New York, 2001.
Ion J.C., Laser Processing of Engineering Materials (Principles, Procedure and Industrial Application), Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.
Kannatey-Asibu E., Principle of Laser Materials Processing, Wiley Press, 2009.
Paschotta R., Q-switched Lasers, Encyclopedia of Laser, Physics and Technology, http://www.rp- photonics.com/q_switched_lasers.html.
Paschotta R., “High Power Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, Encyclopedia of Laser, Physics and Technology”, http://www.rpphotonics.com/q_switching.html.
Arrigoni M., Bengtsson M., and Schulze M., Solid- state lasers: Laser pulsing: The nuts and bolts of switching and modelocking, Laser Focus World. http://www.laserfocusworld.com/articles/print/volu me-48/issue-06/features/laser-pulsing-the-nuts-and- bolts-of-q-switching-and-modelocking.html
Stollhof J., Laser Based Manufacturing in Micro- Processing http://www.seas.virginia.edu/research/lam/pdfs/spea ker%20presentations/Juergen20101109_Laser_appli cation_energy_industry.pdf Energy, Trumpf,
Ready J.F. and Farson D.F., LIA Handbook of Laser Material Processing, Laser Institute of America, Magnolia publishing, Inc., 740 s., 2001.
Dahotre N., Harimkar S.P., Laser Fabrication and Machining of Materials, Springer, 2008.
Cheng X.P., Shum P., Tang M., Wu R., “Numerical Analysis and Characterisation of Fiber Bragg grating-based Q switched Ytterbium-doped Double- clad Fiber Lasers, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Elsevier, 47, ss:148-155, 2009.
Paschotta R., “Fiber Lasers, Encyclopedia of Laser and Physics http://www.rpphotonics.com/fiber_lasers_versus_bu lk_lasers.html. Technology”,
Çelen S., “Lazer Yüzey Yapılandırılması ile Oluşturulan Morfolojik Karekteristikleri”, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011.
Çelen S., Efeoğlu C., Özden H., Pulsed Laser- Induced Micro-Pits: As Bone Stabilizers, Physics Procedia, Volume 12, Part B, s 245–251, 2011.
Çelen S., Ozden H. , Laser-induced novel patterns: As smart strain actuators for new-age dental implant surfaces, Applied Surface Science, Elsevier, Vol. 263, 579-585, 2012.
Wiechmann W., Eyres L., Morehead J., Gregg J., Richard D., Grossmann W., Variable Pulse Duration Laser for Material Processing, [Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol.2, No.1, s:64-68, 2007. Journal of Laser
Gutty F., Grisard A., Joly A., Larat C., Papillon- Ruggeri D., Lallier E., kW-level tunable Q-switched thulium-doped fiber system, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Huang Y.P., Huang Y.J., Chen Y.F., Efficient high- energy passively Q-switched Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG laser with a convex-concave resonator, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Kausas A., Taira T., Timing jitter control by scanning coupled cavity in passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4/Cr:YAG laser, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Maxim S. Gaponenko M.S., Metz P.W., Härkönen A., Heuer A., Leinonen T., Guina M., Südmeyer T., Huber G., Kränkel C., 50-ps Passively Mode- Locked Red Praseodymium Laser, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Nishizawa N., Sakakibara Y., Kataura H., Carbon- Nanotube Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers and Their Applications to OCT, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Q-anahtarlama, lazer malzeme işleme cihazlarında yüksek güçlü çok kısa süreli darbeler üretmek için kullanılan, temelde resonatör kayıplarının ayarlanması prensibine dayalı bir yöntemdir. Yöntemin bulunmasının üzerinden 50 yıllık bir süre geçmiş olmasına rağmen, özellikle yeni geliştirilen fiber lazer cihazlarında etkin bir şekilde kullanımı söz konusudur. Q-anahtarlama sayesinde üretilen kısa süreli yüksek enerjili darbeler, daha önce gerçekleştirilmesi mümkün olmayan bazı mikro-imalat proseslerine olanak sağlamıştır. Bu bakımdan bu yöntemin malzeme işleme boyutunda incelenmesi önem taşımaktadır.
Bertoletti M., Storia del Laser, Bollati Boringhieri Editore Torino, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 2005.
Wang Y., Xu C.Q., “Actively Q-switched fiber lasers: processes”, Progress in Quantum Electronics, Elsevier, 31, s:131-216, 2007. and nonlinear
Weber H., Herziger G., Poprawe R., Landolt- Börnstein, Relationships in Science and Technology New Series / Editor in Chief: W. Martienssen, Laser Physics and Applications Group VIII: Advanced Materials and Technologies, Volume 1, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2005.
McClung F.J., Hellwarth R.W., Giant optical pulsations from ruby, J. Appl. Phys., 33, (3), 828, 1962.
Chiao R. Y., Townes C. H., Stoicheff B. P., Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and Coherent Generation of Intense Hypersonic Waves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12, 592, 1964.
Boyd R.W., Nonlinear Optics: Past Successes and Future Challenges, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO: 2012), in San Jose, California, 2012.
Mears J.R., Reekie L., Poole S.B., Payne D.N., Low threshold tunable CW and Q-switched fibre laser operating at 1.55 µm, Electronic Letters, 22, ss:159- 160, 1986.
Myslinski P., Chrostowski J., Koningstein J.A., Simpson J.R., High Power Q-Switched Erbium Doped Fiber Laser, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol.28, ss:371-377, 1992.
Hideur A., Chartier T., Brunel M., Salhi M., Özkul C., Sanchez F., “Mode-locked, Q-switch and CW operation of an Yb-doped Double-clad Fiber Ring Laser, Optics Communications, Elsevier, 198, ss:141-146, 2001.
Hitz B,, Ewing J.J., Hecht J., Introduction to Laser Technology, third edition, IEEE Press, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., New York, 2001.
Ion J.C., Laser Processing of Engineering Materials (Principles, Procedure and Industrial Application), Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.
Kannatey-Asibu E., Principle of Laser Materials Processing, Wiley Press, 2009.
Paschotta R., Q-switched Lasers, Encyclopedia of Laser, Physics and Technology, http://www.rp- photonics.com/q_switched_lasers.html.
Paschotta R., “High Power Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, Encyclopedia of Laser, Physics and Technology”, http://www.rpphotonics.com/q_switching.html.
Arrigoni M., Bengtsson M., and Schulze M., Solid- state lasers: Laser pulsing: The nuts and bolts of switching and modelocking, Laser Focus World. http://www.laserfocusworld.com/articles/print/volu me-48/issue-06/features/laser-pulsing-the-nuts-and- bolts-of-q-switching-and-modelocking.html
Stollhof J., Laser Based Manufacturing in Micro- Processing http://www.seas.virginia.edu/research/lam/pdfs/spea ker%20presentations/Juergen20101109_Laser_appli cation_energy_industry.pdf Energy, Trumpf,
Ready J.F. and Farson D.F., LIA Handbook of Laser Material Processing, Laser Institute of America, Magnolia publishing, Inc., 740 s., 2001.
Dahotre N., Harimkar S.P., Laser Fabrication and Machining of Materials, Springer, 2008.
Cheng X.P., Shum P., Tang M., Wu R., “Numerical Analysis and Characterisation of Fiber Bragg grating-based Q switched Ytterbium-doped Double- clad Fiber Lasers, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Elsevier, 47, ss:148-155, 2009.
Paschotta R., “Fiber Lasers, Encyclopedia of Laser and Physics http://www.rpphotonics.com/fiber_lasers_versus_bu lk_lasers.html. Technology”,
Çelen S., “Lazer Yüzey Yapılandırılması ile Oluşturulan Morfolojik Karekteristikleri”, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011.
Çelen S., Efeoğlu C., Özden H., Pulsed Laser- Induced Micro-Pits: As Bone Stabilizers, Physics Procedia, Volume 12, Part B, s 245–251, 2011.
Çelen S., Ozden H. , Laser-induced novel patterns: As smart strain actuators for new-age dental implant surfaces, Applied Surface Science, Elsevier, Vol. 263, 579-585, 2012.
Wiechmann W., Eyres L., Morehead J., Gregg J., Richard D., Grossmann W., Variable Pulse Duration Laser for Material Processing, [Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol.2, No.1, s:64-68, 2007. Journal of Laser
Gutty F., Grisard A., Joly A., Larat C., Papillon- Ruggeri D., Lallier E., kW-level tunable Q-switched thulium-doped fiber system, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Huang Y.P., Huang Y.J., Chen Y.F., Efficient high- energy passively Q-switched Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG laser with a convex-concave resonator, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Kausas A., Taira T., Timing jitter control by scanning coupled cavity in passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4/Cr:YAG laser, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Maxim S. Gaponenko M.S., Metz P.W., Härkönen A., Heuer A., Leinonen T., Guina M., Südmeyer T., Huber G., Kränkel C., 50-ps Passively Mode- Locked Red Praseodymium Laser, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.
Nishizawa N., Sakakibara Y., Kataura H., Carbon- Nanotube Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers and Their Applications to OCT, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) Congress, 16-21 Kasım 2014.