Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 483 - 499, 04.05.2015
Hakan Ateş
Ersin Bahçeci
This paper presents the review of manufacturing processes for nanoparticle and nanowires as well as general manufacturing approaches for nanomaterials. It defines nanotechnology and nanomaterials, and gives information about manufacturing techniques
- Enderby, J. and Dowling, A., 2004, Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: Opportunities and Uncertainties,The Royal Society & The Royal Academy of Engineering Report , London.
- Gençer Ö., 2009 ,BakırveBakırOksitNanoParçacıklarınınUltrasonikSpreyPiroliz(USP) YöntemiileÜretimi,YüksekLisansTezi, İ.T.Ü. Fen BilimleriEnstitüsü, İstanbul.
- Kulinowski, K., 2003,ASencer Backgrounder Draft For Dıscussıon At SSI, Rice University.
- Ramsden J., 2011“Nanotechnology: An introduction” (ISBN: 978-0-08-096447-8) Elsevier.
- Yazıcı, E., 2009, Ultrasonikspreypiroliztekniğiyleküreselgümüşnano-parçacıklerininüretimi, İ.T.Ü. Fen bilimleriEnstitüsüyükseklisanstezi
- Lines M.G., 2008, Nanomaterials for Practical Functional Uses, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 449, 242-245.
- Ates, H.,2015, Nano Parçacıklar ve Nano Teller. GU J SciPart:C , 3(1)(437-442),.
- Nanoteknolojinedir.com,http://nanoteknolojinedir.com/upload/files/201303190540Nanoteknoloj-ve-uygulamalari.pdf, Erişim 2 Mayıs 2015.
- Doğan, G., 2007. MikroVe Nano HızlıPrototipleme, YüksekLisansTezi, Y.T.Ü. Fen BilimleriEnstitüsü, İstanbul.
- Scenihr, 2006The appropriateness of existing methodologies to assess the potential risks associated with engineered and adventitious products of nanotechnologies, Committee Opinion, 58-59.
- Kumar, V., Nanosilicon, ISBN: 978-0-08-044528-1, First Edition, 2007.
- TÜSİAD,Yayın No -T/2008-11/474,Kasım 2008.
- Luther, W., International Strategy and Foresight Report on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,March 2004.
- Jon, J. K., 2006: Functional Fillers and Nanoscale Minerals, ISBN 0873352475, 9780873352475, 33.
- Koch, C. C., 200:. Top-down synthesis of nanostructured materials: mechanical and thermal processing methods, Rev.Adv.Mater.Sci, 5, 91-99.
- Claudio, L. D. C., Brian, S. M., Nanoparticles from Mechanical Attrition, Synthesis, Functionalization and Surface Treatment of Nanoparticles, M.I. Barton, editor, American Scientific Publishers,2002.
- Suryanarayana, C.,MechanicalAlloyingAndMilling, ISBN 9780824741037 - CAT# DK1314, September 2004.
- Dictionary of nanotechnology (Nanodictionary),
- http://www.nanodic.com/nanofabrication/Mechanical_alloying.htm, Erişim 1 Mayıs 2015.
- Vandana, S. P.,Nanometre scale surface modification in a needle–plateexploding system, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 17 5327-5334,2005.
- Luther, W., http://www.nanosafe.org/node/277,Erişim17 Mayıs 2006.
- Raskin, J. P., Iker F., Andr´e N., Olbrechts B., Pardoen T., Flandre D., Bulk and surface micromachined MEMS in thin film SOI technology, ElectrochimicaActa, 52, 2850–2861, 2007.
- Kevin Mantey, Somayeh Shams, Munir H. Nayfeh, Osama Nayfeh, Mansour Alhoshan and Salman Alrokayan, Synthesis of wirelike silicon nanostructures by dispersion of silicon on insulator using electroless etching, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 124321, 2010.
- First light on siliconlasers, Physics World V14, No 1 (January 2001), page 7;
- ]Siliconlightsupimaging, Nature biotechnology V 20 (April 2002), page 351;
- Siliconnanoparticlesenablemicroscopiclasers, Electronic Engineering Times, (March 4, 2002), page 61;
- Siliconnanoparticlesboostperformance of solar cells, Nanomaterial News V 3, Issue 14, page 7 Spet 18, 2007)
- Sarıtaş, S., Türker, M. ve Durlu, N., Toz Metalurjisi ve Parçacıklı Malzeme İşlemleri, Toz Metalurjisi Derneği, ISBN: 978-975-92463-2-7, Temmuz 2007.
- G. Timp (Ed.): Nanotechnology(Springer, New York 1999),
- Rietman,E.A.,MolecularEngineering of Nanosystems, Springer, New York, 2001.
- Goddard,W.A., Brenner,D.W., Yshevski,Iafrate,S.E., G.J. (Eds.),Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, andTechnology(CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002.
- Bushan B., Handbook of Nanotechnology,Third Edition, ISBN: 978-3-642-02524-2, 2010.
- Ward, M. B., Brydson, R. and Cochrane R. F., MnNanoparticles Produced by Inert Gas Condensation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 26, 296–299,2006.
- Ceylan, A., Abdul K. R., Ismat Shah S., Inert Gas Condensation of Evaporated Ni and Laser Ablated CoO, Journal Of Applıed Physıcs, 101, 294-302,2007.
- Türker, M., AsalGazYogunlastırmaMetoduile Nano boyutlu Ag Tozlarının ¨ÜretimiveÖzelliklerininDegerlendirilmesi, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 26, 147- 154,2002.
- Randy, V. W. and Gordon, M. B., Flame Synthesis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers, NASA/CP-212376/REV1.,2003.
- Qin X. and Ju Y., Flame Synthesis of Y2O3:Eu Nanophosphors using Ethanol as Precursor Solvents, Journal of Materials Research, 20,2960-2968,2005.
- Tok, A.I.Y., Boey, F.Y.C., Su, L.T. and Ng, S.H., Flame Synthesis of Nanoparticles, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 82, 1444-1452,2001.
- Stark1, W.J., Wegner, K., Pratsinis1, S. E. and Baiker, A., Flame Synthesis of Vanadia/ Titania Nano-particles for NO Removal, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 19, 306 – 311, 2002.
- Wang, Z.H., Choi, C.J., Kim, J.C., Kim, B.K. and Zhang Z.D., Characterization of Fe–Co Alloyed Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Condensation, Materials Letters, 57, 3560–3564,2003.
- Hahn H., Gas Phase Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Materials, Nanostructured Materials, 9, 3-12,1997,
- Lee J.-S., Soon S., Lee C.-W., Yu J.-H., Choa Y.-H. and Oh S.-T., Hollow Nanoparticles of b-Iron Oxide Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Condensation, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 6, 627–631,2004.
- Willems and van der Willenberg (W & W), NRM Nanoroadmap Project: Roadmap Report on Nanoparticles, November 2005.
- Arthur, J. R., MolecularBeamEpitaxy, SurfaceScience 500, 189–217,2002.
- D.G. Schlom a,*, J.H. Haeni a , J. Lettieri a , C.D. Theis a , W. Tian b , J.C. Jiang b , X.Q. Pan, OxideNano-Engineering Using MBE, MaterialsScienceandEngineering B, 87, 282–291, 2001.
- Nascimento, J., http://ciencia.me/nanotecnlogia-nanomateriais/?lang=tr, Erişim 3 Ocak 2015
- S.I. Dolgaev, A.V. Simakin, V.V. Voronova, G.A. Shafeeva, F. Bozon-Verdurazb, NanoparticlesProducedbyLaserAblation of Solids in Liquid Environment, AppliedSurfaceScience,Volume 186, Issues 1–4, Pages 546–551, 28,January 2002.
- Sadeghzadeh-Attar, A., SasaniGhamsari, Hajiesmaeilbaigi, M. F., Mirdamadi, S., Template-Based Growth of TiO2 Nanorodsby Sol-Gel Process, Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 10, 36-39,2007.
- Chen, Q., Soutar, A. M., Progress on Nanoceramics by Sol Gel Process, Key Engineering Materials, 391, 79-95,2009.
- ChematTechnology, A Total Sol-Gel Solution, http://www.chemat.com/chemattechnology/SolGel.aspx, Erişim3 Mayıs 2015.
- Brinker, C. J. and Scherer, G. W., Sol-Gel Science - The Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing, New York, Academic Pres,1990.
- Gürmen,S., Ebin,B., İ.T.Ü., MetalurjiveMalzemeMühendisliğiBölümü,http://www.metalurji.org.tr/dergi/dergi150/d150_3138.pdf, Erişim 3 Mayıs 2015.
- Gürmen, S., Stopic, S. and Friedrich, B., Synthesis of nanosized spherical cobalt powder by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, Mater. Res. Bull., 41, 1882-1890,2006.
- Tsai, S. C., Song, Y. L. Tsai, C.S., Yang, C.C., Chiu, W. Y. and Lin, H. M., Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis for nanoparticles synthesis, J. of Mater. Science, 39, 3647-3657, 2004.
- Messing, G., Zhang, S. and Jayanthi, G., Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 76, 2707 –2726, 1993.
- Gogotsi, Y., Nanomaterials Handbook, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis,2006.
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 483 - 499, 04.05.2015
Hakan Ateş
Ersin Bahçeci
Bu makale nano malzeme üretimi için var olan genel yaklaşımları açıklanmanın yanı sıra özellikle silikon esaslı parçacık ve tellerin üretiminde kullanılan yöntem hakkında bir irdelemeyi sunmaktadır. Çalışma nano teknoloji ve nano malzemeleri tanımlamakta ve üretim teknikleri hakkında bilgi vermektedir.
- Enderby, J. and Dowling, A., 2004, Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: Opportunities and Uncertainties,The Royal Society & The Royal Academy of Engineering Report , London.
- Gençer Ö., 2009 ,BakırveBakırOksitNanoParçacıklarınınUltrasonikSpreyPiroliz(USP) YöntemiileÜretimi,YüksekLisansTezi, İ.T.Ü. Fen BilimleriEnstitüsü, İstanbul.
- Kulinowski, K., 2003,ASencer Backgrounder Draft For Dıscussıon At SSI, Rice University.
- Ramsden J., 2011“Nanotechnology: An introduction” (ISBN: 978-0-08-096447-8) Elsevier.
- Yazıcı, E., 2009, Ultrasonikspreypiroliztekniğiyleküreselgümüşnano-parçacıklerininüretimi, İ.T.Ü. Fen bilimleriEnstitüsüyükseklisanstezi
- Lines M.G., 2008, Nanomaterials for Practical Functional Uses, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 449, 242-245.
- Ates, H.,2015, Nano Parçacıklar ve Nano Teller. GU J SciPart:C , 3(1)(437-442),.
- Nanoteknolojinedir.com,http://nanoteknolojinedir.com/upload/files/201303190540Nanoteknoloj-ve-uygulamalari.pdf, Erişim 2 Mayıs 2015.
- Doğan, G., 2007. MikroVe Nano HızlıPrototipleme, YüksekLisansTezi, Y.T.Ü. Fen BilimleriEnstitüsü, İstanbul.
- Scenihr, 2006The appropriateness of existing methodologies to assess the potential risks associated with engineered and adventitious products of nanotechnologies, Committee Opinion, 58-59.
- Kumar, V., Nanosilicon, ISBN: 978-0-08-044528-1, First Edition, 2007.
- TÜSİAD,Yayın No -T/2008-11/474,Kasım 2008.
- Luther, W., International Strategy and Foresight Report on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,March 2004.
- Jon, J. K., 2006: Functional Fillers and Nanoscale Minerals, ISBN 0873352475, 9780873352475, 33.
- Koch, C. C., 200:. Top-down synthesis of nanostructured materials: mechanical and thermal processing methods, Rev.Adv.Mater.Sci, 5, 91-99.
- Claudio, L. D. C., Brian, S. M., Nanoparticles from Mechanical Attrition, Synthesis, Functionalization and Surface Treatment of Nanoparticles, M.I. Barton, editor, American Scientific Publishers,2002.
- Suryanarayana, C.,MechanicalAlloyingAndMilling, ISBN 9780824741037 - CAT# DK1314, September 2004.
- Dictionary of nanotechnology (Nanodictionary),
- http://www.nanodic.com/nanofabrication/Mechanical_alloying.htm, Erişim 1 Mayıs 2015.
- Vandana, S. P.,Nanometre scale surface modification in a needle–plateexploding system, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 17 5327-5334,2005.
- Luther, W., http://www.nanosafe.org/node/277,Erişim17 Mayıs 2006.
- Raskin, J. P., Iker F., Andr´e N., Olbrechts B., Pardoen T., Flandre D., Bulk and surface micromachined MEMS in thin film SOI technology, ElectrochimicaActa, 52, 2850–2861, 2007.
- Kevin Mantey, Somayeh Shams, Munir H. Nayfeh, Osama Nayfeh, Mansour Alhoshan and Salman Alrokayan, Synthesis of wirelike silicon nanostructures by dispersion of silicon on insulator using electroless etching, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 124321, 2010.
- First light on siliconlasers, Physics World V14, No 1 (January 2001), page 7;
- ]Siliconlightsupimaging, Nature biotechnology V 20 (April 2002), page 351;
- Siliconnanoparticlesenablemicroscopiclasers, Electronic Engineering Times, (March 4, 2002), page 61;
- Siliconnanoparticlesboostperformance of solar cells, Nanomaterial News V 3, Issue 14, page 7 Spet 18, 2007)
- Sarıtaş, S., Türker, M. ve Durlu, N., Toz Metalurjisi ve Parçacıklı Malzeme İşlemleri, Toz Metalurjisi Derneği, ISBN: 978-975-92463-2-7, Temmuz 2007.
- G. Timp (Ed.): Nanotechnology(Springer, New York 1999),
- Rietman,E.A.,MolecularEngineering of Nanosystems, Springer, New York, 2001.
- Goddard,W.A., Brenner,D.W., Yshevski,Iafrate,S.E., G.J. (Eds.),Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, andTechnology(CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002.
- Bushan B., Handbook of Nanotechnology,Third Edition, ISBN: 978-3-642-02524-2, 2010.
- Ward, M. B., Brydson, R. and Cochrane R. F., MnNanoparticles Produced by Inert Gas Condensation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 26, 296–299,2006.
- Ceylan, A., Abdul K. R., Ismat Shah S., Inert Gas Condensation of Evaporated Ni and Laser Ablated CoO, Journal Of Applıed Physıcs, 101, 294-302,2007.
- Türker, M., AsalGazYogunlastırmaMetoduile Nano boyutlu Ag Tozlarının ¨ÜretimiveÖzelliklerininDegerlendirilmesi, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 26, 147- 154,2002.
- Randy, V. W. and Gordon, M. B., Flame Synthesis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers, NASA/CP-212376/REV1.,2003.
- Qin X. and Ju Y., Flame Synthesis of Y2O3:Eu Nanophosphors using Ethanol as Precursor Solvents, Journal of Materials Research, 20,2960-2968,2005.
- Tok, A.I.Y., Boey, F.Y.C., Su, L.T. and Ng, S.H., Flame Synthesis of Nanoparticles, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 82, 1444-1452,2001.
- Stark1, W.J., Wegner, K., Pratsinis1, S. E. and Baiker, A., Flame Synthesis of Vanadia/ Titania Nano-particles for NO Removal, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 19, 306 – 311, 2002.
- Wang, Z.H., Choi, C.J., Kim, J.C., Kim, B.K. and Zhang Z.D., Characterization of Fe–Co Alloyed Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Condensation, Materials Letters, 57, 3560–3564,2003.
- Hahn H., Gas Phase Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Materials, Nanostructured Materials, 9, 3-12,1997,
- Lee J.-S., Soon S., Lee C.-W., Yu J.-H., Choa Y.-H. and Oh S.-T., Hollow Nanoparticles of b-Iron Oxide Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Condensation, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 6, 627–631,2004.
- Willems and van der Willenberg (W & W), NRM Nanoroadmap Project: Roadmap Report on Nanoparticles, November 2005.
- Arthur, J. R., MolecularBeamEpitaxy, SurfaceScience 500, 189–217,2002.
- D.G. Schlom a,*, J.H. Haeni a , J. Lettieri a , C.D. Theis a , W. Tian b , J.C. Jiang b , X.Q. Pan, OxideNano-Engineering Using MBE, MaterialsScienceandEngineering B, 87, 282–291, 2001.
- Nascimento, J., http://ciencia.me/nanotecnlogia-nanomateriais/?lang=tr, Erişim 3 Ocak 2015
- S.I. Dolgaev, A.V. Simakin, V.V. Voronova, G.A. Shafeeva, F. Bozon-Verdurazb, NanoparticlesProducedbyLaserAblation of Solids in Liquid Environment, AppliedSurfaceScience,Volume 186, Issues 1–4, Pages 546–551, 28,January 2002.
- Sadeghzadeh-Attar, A., SasaniGhamsari, Hajiesmaeilbaigi, M. F., Mirdamadi, S., Template-Based Growth of TiO2 Nanorodsby Sol-Gel Process, Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 10, 36-39,2007.
- Chen, Q., Soutar, A. M., Progress on Nanoceramics by Sol Gel Process, Key Engineering Materials, 391, 79-95,2009.
- ChematTechnology, A Total Sol-Gel Solution, http://www.chemat.com/chemattechnology/SolGel.aspx, Erişim3 Mayıs 2015.
- Brinker, C. J. and Scherer, G. W., Sol-Gel Science - The Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing, New York, Academic Pres,1990.
- Gürmen,S., Ebin,B., İ.T.Ü., MetalurjiveMalzemeMühendisliğiBölümü,http://www.metalurji.org.tr/dergi/dergi150/d150_3138.pdf, Erişim 3 Mayıs 2015.
- Gürmen, S., Stopic, S. and Friedrich, B., Synthesis of nanosized spherical cobalt powder by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, Mater. Res. Bull., 41, 1882-1890,2006.
- Tsai, S. C., Song, Y. L. Tsai, C.S., Yang, C.C., Chiu, W. Y. and Lin, H. M., Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis for nanoparticles synthesis, J. of Mater. Science, 39, 3647-3657, 2004.
- Messing, G., Zhang, S. and Jayanthi, G., Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 76, 2707 –2726, 1993.
- Gogotsi, Y., Nanomaterials Handbook, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis,2006.