Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2025, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 154 - 168, 24.03.2025



  • [1] International Energy Agency (IEA), Electricity Market Report 2023.
  • [2] World Energy Council 2021 Global Energy Report, Access: December 13, 2021.
  • [3] Energy Sector Outlook (TSKB). . Access: September 10, 2021.
  • [4] İpek, AT İ. K., & Sekin, A. Hybrid renewable energy system design: Balıkesir example. Dicle University Faculty of Engineering Journal, 13(3), 517-529.
  • [5] TEIAS, Access: March 21, 2024.
  • [6] Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources – Türkiye National Energy Plan 2022.
  • [7] Regulation on Storage Activities in the Electricity Market, 2021.
  • [8] Grimaldi, A., Minuto, F. D., Brouwer, J., & Lanzini, A. (2024). Profitability of energy arbitrage net profit for grid-scale battery energy storage considering dynamic efficiency and degradation using a linear, mixed-integer linear, and mixed-integer non-linear optimization approach. Journal of Energy Storage, 95, 112380.
  • [9] Wu, F.-B.; Yang, B.; Ye, J.-L. Chapter 5-Integrated ESS application and economic analysis. In Grid-Scale Energy Storage Systems and Applications; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019; pp. 153–201.
  • [10] J. Atherton, J. Akroyd, F. Farazi, S. Mosbach, M. Q. Lim and M. Kraft, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, 16, 4020—4040.
  • [11] Terlouw, T., AlSkaif, T., Bauer, C., & Van Sark, W. (2019). Multi-objective optimization of energy arbitrage in community energy storage systems using different battery technologies. Applied Energy, 239, 356-372.
  • [12] Abran, E., Andersson, E., & Nilsson Rova, T. (2021). Battery Storage for Grid Application: A case study of implementing a Lithium-ion storage system for power peak shaving and energy arbitrage.
  • [13] Bai, Y., Wang, J., & He, W. (2022). Energy arbitrage optimization of lithium-ion battery considering short-term revenue and long-term battery life loss. Energy Reports, 8, 364-371.
  • [14] Aktas, A., Kırcicek, Y., & Ozkaymak, M. (2020). Modeling and validation analysis according to temperature effect of different type batteries. Thermal Science, 24(2 Part A), 1031-1043.
  • [15] Pusceddu, E., Zakeri, B., & Gissey, G. C. (2021). Synergies between energy arbitrage and fast frequency response for battery energy storage systems. Applied Energy, 283, 116274.
  • [16] Grimaldi, A., Minuto, F. D., Brouwer, J., & Lanzini, A. (2024). Profitability of energy arbitrage net profit for grid-scale battery energy storage considering dynamic efficiency and degradation using a linear, mixed-integer linear, and mixed-integer non-linear optimization approach. Journal of Energy Storage, 95, 112380.
  • [17] Yılmaz, G., Şahin, M., Akyazı, Ö., & Öztürk, B. (2023). Şebeke Bağlantılı Hibrit Yenilenebilir Enerji Sisteminin Homer ile Ekonomik ve Çevresel Analizi: İzmir Endüstriyel Bölgesi Örneği. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 1090-1106.
  • [18] Peñaranda AF, Romero-Quete D, Cortés CA. Grid-Scale Battery Energy Storage for Arbitrage Purposes: A Colombian Case. Batteries. 2021; 7(3):59. .
  • [19] Hu, Y., Armada, M., & Sánchez, M. J. (2022). Potential utilization of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in the major European electricity markets. Applied Energy, 322, 119512.
  • [20] Mohamed, A. A. R., Best, R. J., Liu, X., & Morrow, D. J. (2022). Single electricity market forecasting and energy arbitrage maximization framework. IET Renewable Power Generation, 16(1), 105-124.
  • [21] [22] EPIAS, Access: March 27, 2024.
  • [23] Cellura, S., Mazza, A., Bompard, E., & Corgnati, S. (2023). An extended approach to the evaluation of energy storage systems: a case study of Li-ion batteries. Electronics, 12(11), 2391.
  • [24] Tharani, K. L., & Dahiya, R. (2018). Choice of battery energy storage for a hybrid renewable energy system. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 26(2), 666-676.
  • [25] Fantham, T. L. (2021). Experimental Analysis, Modelling and Optimisation of Large Scale Lithium-ion Batteries (Doctoral dissertation, University of Sheffield).
  • [26]
  • [27] Uzunkaya, Z. C. (2012). Türkiye icin ekonomik indirgeme oranı tahmini. Kakınma Bakanlığı. Available Online:
  • [28] Arnberg, G. (2022). Implementation of battery energy storage systems in the Swedish electrical infrastructure. Available Online:

An Arbitrage Study with Wind-Solar-BESS Hybrid Power Plant

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 154 - 168, 24.03.2025


Today, the demand for energy is increasing due to reasons such as technological advancements, population growth, industrialization, and globalization. The insufficiency and exhaustibility of fossil resources are enhancing the use and importance of renewable energy sources. Hybrid energy systems have been developed to make better use of renewable energy sources. Solutions that effectively employ several sources are known as hybrid systems. In many areas with sufficient potential for wind and solar energy, the implementation of hybrid energy systems is of great importance. In this study, under the conditions in Türkiye, scenarios will be examined in which a BESS is installed in a wind-solar hybrid power plant. The scenarios involve storing energy during hours when energy prices are low and selling both the production from the hybrid plant and the energy stored in the BESS to the electricity market during hours when energy prices are high. It is shown that, with the help of the BESS energy storage systems, hybrid power plant profit is increasing.


  • [1] International Energy Agency (IEA), Electricity Market Report 2023.
  • [2] World Energy Council 2021 Global Energy Report, Access: December 13, 2021.
  • [3] Energy Sector Outlook (TSKB). . Access: September 10, 2021.
  • [4] İpek, AT İ. K., & Sekin, A. Hybrid renewable energy system design: Balıkesir example. Dicle University Faculty of Engineering Journal, 13(3), 517-529.
  • [5] TEIAS, Access: March 21, 2024.
  • [6] Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources – Türkiye National Energy Plan 2022.
  • [7] Regulation on Storage Activities in the Electricity Market, 2021.
  • [8] Grimaldi, A., Minuto, F. D., Brouwer, J., & Lanzini, A. (2024). Profitability of energy arbitrage net profit for grid-scale battery energy storage considering dynamic efficiency and degradation using a linear, mixed-integer linear, and mixed-integer non-linear optimization approach. Journal of Energy Storage, 95, 112380.
  • [9] Wu, F.-B.; Yang, B.; Ye, J.-L. Chapter 5-Integrated ESS application and economic analysis. In Grid-Scale Energy Storage Systems and Applications; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019; pp. 153–201.
  • [10] J. Atherton, J. Akroyd, F. Farazi, S. Mosbach, M. Q. Lim and M. Kraft, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, 16, 4020—4040.
  • [11] Terlouw, T., AlSkaif, T., Bauer, C., & Van Sark, W. (2019). Multi-objective optimization of energy arbitrage in community energy storage systems using different battery technologies. Applied Energy, 239, 356-372.
  • [12] Abran, E., Andersson, E., & Nilsson Rova, T. (2021). Battery Storage for Grid Application: A case study of implementing a Lithium-ion storage system for power peak shaving and energy arbitrage.
  • [13] Bai, Y., Wang, J., & He, W. (2022). Energy arbitrage optimization of lithium-ion battery considering short-term revenue and long-term battery life loss. Energy Reports, 8, 364-371.
  • [14] Aktas, A., Kırcicek, Y., & Ozkaymak, M. (2020). Modeling and validation analysis according to temperature effect of different type batteries. Thermal Science, 24(2 Part A), 1031-1043.
  • [15] Pusceddu, E., Zakeri, B., & Gissey, G. C. (2021). Synergies between energy arbitrage and fast frequency response for battery energy storage systems. Applied Energy, 283, 116274.
  • [16] Grimaldi, A., Minuto, F. D., Brouwer, J., & Lanzini, A. (2024). Profitability of energy arbitrage net profit for grid-scale battery energy storage considering dynamic efficiency and degradation using a linear, mixed-integer linear, and mixed-integer non-linear optimization approach. Journal of Energy Storage, 95, 112380.
  • [17] Yılmaz, G., Şahin, M., Akyazı, Ö., & Öztürk, B. (2023). Şebeke Bağlantılı Hibrit Yenilenebilir Enerji Sisteminin Homer ile Ekonomik ve Çevresel Analizi: İzmir Endüstriyel Bölgesi Örneği. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 1090-1106.
  • [18] Peñaranda AF, Romero-Quete D, Cortés CA. Grid-Scale Battery Energy Storage for Arbitrage Purposes: A Colombian Case. Batteries. 2021; 7(3):59. .
  • [19] Hu, Y., Armada, M., & Sánchez, M. J. (2022). Potential utilization of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in the major European electricity markets. Applied Energy, 322, 119512.
  • [20] Mohamed, A. A. R., Best, R. J., Liu, X., & Morrow, D. J. (2022). Single electricity market forecasting and energy arbitrage maximization framework. IET Renewable Power Generation, 16(1), 105-124.
  • [21] [22] EPIAS, Access: March 27, 2024.
  • [23] Cellura, S., Mazza, A., Bompard, E., & Corgnati, S. (2023). An extended approach to the evaluation of energy storage systems: a case study of Li-ion batteries. Electronics, 12(11), 2391.
  • [24] Tharani, K. L., & Dahiya, R. (2018). Choice of battery energy storage for a hybrid renewable energy system. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 26(2), 666-676.
  • [25] Fantham, T. L. (2021). Experimental Analysis, Modelling and Optimisation of Large Scale Lithium-ion Batteries (Doctoral dissertation, University of Sheffield).
  • [26]
  • [27] Uzunkaya, Z. C. (2012). Türkiye icin ekonomik indirgeme oranı tahmini. Kakınma Bakanlığı. Available Online:
  • [28] Arnberg, G. (2022). Implementation of battery energy storage systems in the Swedish electrical infrastructure. Available Online:
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Elektrik Enerjisi Depolama
Bölüm Tasarım ve Teknoloji

Eren Güz 0009-0003-9876-004X

Kübra Nur Akpınar 0000-0003-4579-4070

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Şubat 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güz, E., & Akpınar, K. N. (2025). An Arbitrage Study with Wind-Solar-BESS Hybrid Power Plant. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım Ve Teknoloji, 13(1), 154-168.

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