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Investigating The Use Of Immersive Virtual Reality In Professional Architectural Design Process

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 260 - 271, 24.03.2025


This study aims to explore the role of immersive virtual reality (iVR) technology in the architectural design process. The primary goal is to assess how effective iVR technology is as a tool from both the architect's and the client's perspectives. In this context, the use of iVR technology has been evaluated through semi-structured interviews and surveys.
The findings of the research reveal that iVR can be effectively utilized in the architectural design process, particularly for design validation purposes. From the clients' perspective, the high sense of "presence" provided by iVR technology allowed them to better understand the projects and perceive the dimensions of the evaluated spaces more accurately.


  • [1] Pimental, K. ve Teixeira, K. (1993): Virtual Reality Through the New Looking Glass, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill.
  • [2] Bayraktar, E., & Kaleli, F. (2007). Sanal gerceklik ve uygulama alanlari. Akademik Bilişim, 1(6).
  • [3] Hoffman, H. G., Hullfish, K. C. ve Houston, S. J. (1995). Virtual-reality monitoring, Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium 1995, March 11-15, 1995 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 48-54.
  • [4] Maneuvrier, A., Decker, L. M., Ceyte, H., Fleury, P., & Renaud, P. 2020. “Presence promotes performance on a virtual spatial cognition task: Impact of human factors on virtual reality assessment”, Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1, 571713.
  • [5] Mitchell, W. J. 1990. “Design Worlds”. Sayfa 36-57. The logic of architecture: Design, computation, and cognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • [6] Evans, R. 1989. “Architectural Projection”. Sayfa 19. Architecture and Its Image. MIT Press.
  • [7] Frascari, M. (2013). A reflection on paper and its virtues within the material and invisible factures of architecture. In M. Frascari, J. Hale, & B. Starkey (Eds.), From Models to Drawings. Routledge.
  • [8] Perez-Gomez, A., & Pelletier, L. 1997. Architectural representation and the perspective hinge. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • [9] Carpo, M. 2011. The Alphabet and The Algorithm. MIT Press.
  • [10] Olson, D. R. 1996. “Towards a psychology of literacy: On the relations between speech and writing”, Cognition, 60, 83-104.
  • [11] Zhang, J., & Norman, D. A. 1995. “A representational analysis of numeration systems”, Cognition, 57, 271-295.
  • [12] Donald, M. 1991. Origins of the modern mind: Three stages in the evolution of culture and cognition. Harvard University Press.
  • [13] Cross, N. 2011. Design thinking: Understanding how designers think and work. Berg.
  • [14] Paes, D., Arantes, E., & Irizarry, J. (2017). Immersive environment for improving the understanding of architectural 3D models: Comparing user spatial perception between immersive and traditional virtual reality systems. Automation in Construction, 84, 292–303.
  • [15] Goldschmidt, G. 1994. “On visual design thinking: the vis kids of architecture”, Design studies, 15(2), 158-174.
  • [16] Slater, M. (2018). Immersion and the illusion of presence in virtual reality. In British Journal of Psychology (Vol. 109, Issue 3, pp. 431–433). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • [17] Slater, M., Spanlang, B., & Corominas, D. (2010, July 26). Simulating virtual environments within virtual environments as the basis for a psychophysics of presence. ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Papers, SIGGRAPH 2010.
  • [18] Sheridan, T. B. (2000). Interaction, imagination and immersion some research needs. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 1–7.
  • [19] Gomes, M. G., Ogliari, A., Fernandes, R. B., & Marques, K. O. 2022. “Evaluation of physical models as creative stimuli in conceptual design of products”, Design Studies, 81.
  • [20] DeSutter, D., & Stieff, M. (2017). Teaching students to think spatially through embodied actions: Design principles for learning environments in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2(1).
  • [21] Kilteni, K., Groten, R., & Slater, M. (2012). The Sense of Embodiment in virtual reality. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 373–387). MIT Press Journals.
  • [22] Portman, M. E., Natapov, A., & Fisher-Gewirtzman, D. 2015. “To go where no man has gone before: Virtual reality in architecture, landscape architecture and environmental planning”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 376-384 .
  • [23] Bashabsheh, A. K., Alzoubi, H. H., & Ali, M. Z. 2019. “The application of virtual reality technology in architectural pedagogy for building constructions”, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 58(2), 713-723.
  • [24] Klerk, R., Duarte, A. M., Medeiros, D. P., Duarte, J. P., Jorge, J., & Lopes, D. S. 2019. “Usability studies on building early stage architectural models in virtual reality”, Automation in Construction, 103, 104-116.
  • [25] Su, P., & Wang, S. 2012. “Virtual reality practice in architecture design” (Sayfa 98-101). 2012 IEEE Symposium on Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEESYM).
  • [26] Delgado, J. M. D., Oyedele, L., Demian, P., & Beach, T. 2020. “A research agenda for augmented and virtual reality in architecture, engineering and construction”, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 45, 101122.
  • [27] Doma, O. O., & Şener, S. M. 2022. “An investigation of architectural design process in physical medium and VR”, A| Z ITU Journal Of The Faculty Of Architecture, 19(3), 631-649.
  • [28] Chandrasekera, T., & Yoon, S. Y. 2018. “Augmented reality, virtual reality and their effect on learning style in the creative design process”, Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 23(1), 55-75.
  • [29] Simon, H. A. (1996). The Sciences of the Artificial (3rd ed.). MIT Press.
  • [30] Miller, G. A. 1956. “The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information”, Psychological review, 63(2), 81.
  • [31] Suwa, M., & Tversky, B. (1997). What do architects and students perceive in their design sketches? A protocol analysis. Design Studies, 18(4), 385-403.

Mimari Tasarım Sürecinde Kapsayıcı Sanal Gerçeklik Kullanımının Araştırılması

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 260 - 271, 24.03.2025



  • [1] Pimental, K. ve Teixeira, K. (1993): Virtual Reality Through the New Looking Glass, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill.
  • [2] Bayraktar, E., & Kaleli, F. (2007). Sanal gerceklik ve uygulama alanlari. Akademik Bilişim, 1(6).
  • [3] Hoffman, H. G., Hullfish, K. C. ve Houston, S. J. (1995). Virtual-reality monitoring, Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium 1995, March 11-15, 1995 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 48-54.
  • [4] Maneuvrier, A., Decker, L. M., Ceyte, H., Fleury, P., & Renaud, P. 2020. “Presence promotes performance on a virtual spatial cognition task: Impact of human factors on virtual reality assessment”, Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1, 571713.
  • [5] Mitchell, W. J. 1990. “Design Worlds”. Sayfa 36-57. The logic of architecture: Design, computation, and cognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • [6] Evans, R. 1989. “Architectural Projection”. Sayfa 19. Architecture and Its Image. MIT Press.
  • [7] Frascari, M. (2013). A reflection on paper and its virtues within the material and invisible factures of architecture. In M. Frascari, J. Hale, & B. Starkey (Eds.), From Models to Drawings. Routledge.
  • [8] Perez-Gomez, A., & Pelletier, L. 1997. Architectural representation and the perspective hinge. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • [9] Carpo, M. 2011. The Alphabet and The Algorithm. MIT Press.
  • [10] Olson, D. R. 1996. “Towards a psychology of literacy: On the relations between speech and writing”, Cognition, 60, 83-104.
  • [11] Zhang, J., & Norman, D. A. 1995. “A representational analysis of numeration systems”, Cognition, 57, 271-295.
  • [12] Donald, M. 1991. Origins of the modern mind: Three stages in the evolution of culture and cognition. Harvard University Press.
  • [13] Cross, N. 2011. Design thinking: Understanding how designers think and work. Berg.
  • [14] Paes, D., Arantes, E., & Irizarry, J. (2017). Immersive environment for improving the understanding of architectural 3D models: Comparing user spatial perception between immersive and traditional virtual reality systems. Automation in Construction, 84, 292–303.
  • [15] Goldschmidt, G. 1994. “On visual design thinking: the vis kids of architecture”, Design studies, 15(2), 158-174.
  • [16] Slater, M. (2018). Immersion and the illusion of presence in virtual reality. In British Journal of Psychology (Vol. 109, Issue 3, pp. 431–433). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • [17] Slater, M., Spanlang, B., & Corominas, D. (2010, July 26). Simulating virtual environments within virtual environments as the basis for a psychophysics of presence. ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Papers, SIGGRAPH 2010.
  • [18] Sheridan, T. B. (2000). Interaction, imagination and immersion some research needs. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 1–7.
  • [19] Gomes, M. G., Ogliari, A., Fernandes, R. B., & Marques, K. O. 2022. “Evaluation of physical models as creative stimuli in conceptual design of products”, Design Studies, 81.
  • [20] DeSutter, D., & Stieff, M. (2017). Teaching students to think spatially through embodied actions: Design principles for learning environments in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2(1).
  • [21] Kilteni, K., Groten, R., & Slater, M. (2012). The Sense of Embodiment in virtual reality. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 373–387). MIT Press Journals.
  • [22] Portman, M. E., Natapov, A., & Fisher-Gewirtzman, D. 2015. “To go where no man has gone before: Virtual reality in architecture, landscape architecture and environmental planning”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 376-384 .
  • [23] Bashabsheh, A. K., Alzoubi, H. H., & Ali, M. Z. 2019. “The application of virtual reality technology in architectural pedagogy for building constructions”, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 58(2), 713-723.
  • [24] Klerk, R., Duarte, A. M., Medeiros, D. P., Duarte, J. P., Jorge, J., & Lopes, D. S. 2019. “Usability studies on building early stage architectural models in virtual reality”, Automation in Construction, 103, 104-116.
  • [25] Su, P., & Wang, S. 2012. “Virtual reality practice in architecture design” (Sayfa 98-101). 2012 IEEE Symposium on Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEESYM).
  • [26] Delgado, J. M. D., Oyedele, L., Demian, P., & Beach, T. 2020. “A research agenda for augmented and virtual reality in architecture, engineering and construction”, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 45, 101122.
  • [27] Doma, O. O., & Şener, S. M. 2022. “An investigation of architectural design process in physical medium and VR”, A| Z ITU Journal Of The Faculty Of Architecture, 19(3), 631-649.
  • [28] Chandrasekera, T., & Yoon, S. Y. 2018. “Augmented reality, virtual reality and their effect on learning style in the creative design process”, Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 23(1), 55-75.
  • [29] Simon, H. A. (1996). The Sciences of the Artificial (3rd ed.). MIT Press.
  • [30] Miller, G. A. 1956. “The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information”, Psychological review, 63(2), 81.
  • [31] Suwa, M., & Tversky, B. (1997). What do architects and students perceive in their design sketches? A protocol analysis. Design Studies, 18(4), 385-403.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bilgi Modelleme, Yönetim ve Ontolojiler, Bilgi Sistemleri Kullanıcı Deneyimi Tasarımı ve Geliştirme
Bölüm Tasarım ve Teknoloji

Gönenç Kurpınar 0000-0001-6848-9453

Aslıhan Çevik 0000-0003-2014-4557

Yeliz Kurpınar 0000-0003-4082-3346

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 19 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 1 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurpınar, G., Çevik, A., & Kurpınar, Y. (2025). Investigating The Use Of Immersive Virtual Reality In Professional Architectural Design Process. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım Ve Teknoloji, 13(1), 260-271.

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