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Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Hazır Giyim Satınalma Kararlarında Reklamlara Yönelik Tutumları Ve Marka Tercihleri

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 24, 147 - 176, 31.12.2018


tüketicilerin hazır giyim ürünlerinde hangi reklam aracından etkilendikleri ve
hangi markaları tercih ettiklerinin belirlenmesi pazarlama açısından büyük önem
arz etmektedir. Bu açıdan çalışma 2018 yılında Gümüşhane Üniversitesi ve
Bayburt Üniversitesinde eğitim gören lisans ve önlisans öğrencisi toplam 612 tüketiciye
yüzyüze anket yöntemi uygulanarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada daha önce
yapılan çalışmalardan farklı olarak üniversite öğrencilerinin 11 farklı marka
için (Mavi Jeans, Kinetix, Adidas, Nike, DeFacto, Lcw, Levi’s, Lacoste, Puma,
Loft, Koton) 7 farklı reklam aracından (TV, İnternet, Gazete, Dergi, Radyo,
Afiş Reklamları ve Çevremdeki Kişiler) hangilerini tercih ettiklerini,
tüketicilerin reklamlara yönelik tutumları (TM) ile marka bilinirliği (MB),
marka sadakati (MS), marka odaklılığı (MO) ve marka güvenilirliğinin (MG)
satınalma kararları (SK) üzerindeki etkileri yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada
gerçekleştirilen Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli’nin sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde
bütün hipotezler kabul edilmiştir. 


  • Al-fawwaz, Bader M., Atallah M. Al- shatnawi ve Wafa S. Alsharafat (2015), ‘‘Recognizing The Importance of Brand Awareness on E-Commerce Sales While Shopping on Internet: Empirical Analysis of European Countries’’, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 9 (1), pp. 15-18.Bakewell, Cathy ve Vincent-Wayne Mitchell (2006), ‘‘Male Versus Female Consumer Decision Making Styles’’, Journal of Business Research, 59, pp.1297-1300.Banks, I.B. ve P.D. Pelsmacker (2014), ‘‘Involvement, Tolerance for Ambiguity and Type of Service Moderate the Effectiveness of Probability Marker Usage in Service Advertising’’, Journal of Advertising, 43 (2), pp. 196-209.Bao, Yeqing, Kevin Z. Zhou ve Chenting Su (2003), ‘‘Face Consiousness and Risk Aversion: Do They Affect Consumer Decision-Making?’’, Psychology & Marketing, 20 (8), pp. 733-755.Brison, Natasha T., Thomas A. Baker ve Kevin K. Byon (2015), ‘‘Facebook Likes and Sport Brand Image: An Empirical Examination of The National Advertising Division’s Coastal Contacts Decision’’, Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, 25 (2), pp.104-122Bucklin, E. Randolph ve James M. Lattin (1991), ‘‘A Two-State Model of Purchase Incidence and Brand Choice’’, Marketing Science, 10 (1), pp. 24-39.Chan, Terri H., Fine F. Leung, Peking Tan ve David K. Tse (2015), ‘‘Role of Conventional Ads in A Digital Age: Effects of Internet and Conventional Advertising on Brand Awareness and Brand Desire in China’’, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 6 (1), pp. 87-98.Chanova, Henriate H., Aleksander I. Korshunov ve Dagmar Babcanova (2015), ‘‘Impact of Brand on Consumer Behavior’’, Procedia Economics and Finance, 34, pp.615-621.Chi, Hsin Kuan, Huery Ren Yeh ve Ya Ting Yang (2009), ‘‘The Impact of Brand Awareness on Consumer Purchase Intention: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty’’, The Journal of International Management Studies, 4 (1), pp.135-144. Chung, Kim-Choy (2008), ‘‘Antecedent of Brand Trust in Online Tertiary Education: A Malaysian and Singapore Perspective’’, International Journal of Business and Management, 3 (4), pp.1-10.Cleff, Thomas, I Chun Lin ve Nadine Walter (2014), ‘‘Can Yuo It? – The Effect of Brand Experience on Brand Equity’’, The IUP Journal of Brand Management, 11 (2), pp.7-27.Çakır, Vesile ve Edanur Kınıt (2014), ‘‘The Result of Product Placement and Sponsorship in Television Series’’, Global Media Journal: TR Edition, 5 (9), pp.19-47.Dawes, John (2008), ‘‘Brand Loyalty in The UK Sportswear Market’’, International Journal of Market Research, 51 (4), pp. 449-463.Dehghani, Milad ve Mustafa Tümer (2015), ‘‘A Research on Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising on Enhancing Purchase Intention of Consumers’’, Computers in Human Behavior, 49, pp.597-600.Delgado-ballester, Elena (2004), ‘‘Applicability of a Brand Trust Scale Across Product Categories: A Multigroup Invariance Analysis’’, European Journal of Marketing, 38 (5-6), pp.573-592.Durkin, Mark (2004), ‘‘In Search of the Internet-Banking Customer Exploring the use of Decision Styles’’, The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 22 (7), pp.484-503.Dursun, İnci, Ümit Alnıaçık ve Ebru T. Kabadayı (2013), ‘‘The Scale of Consumer Styles Inventory: Structure and Dimensions’’, Journal of Management Economics and Business, 9 (19), pp. 293-304.Farhat, Kashif (2014), ‘‘Components of The Brand Equity of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Pakistan’’, Business Review, 9 (2), pp. 74-98.Granot, Elad, Henry Greene ve Thomas G. Brashear (2010), ‘‘Female Consumers: Decision-Making in Brand-Driven Retail’’, Journal of Business Research, 63(8), pp.801-808.Hsio, Ya-Hsin, Ya-hei Hsu, Suh-Yueh Chu ve Wenchang Fang (2014), ‘‘Is Brand Awareness a Marketing Placebo?’’, International Journal of Business and Information, 9 (1), pp.29-60.Jin, H. Suung ve R.J. Lutz (2013), ‘‘The Typicality and Accessibility of Consumer Attitudes Toward Television Advertising: Implications for the Measurement of Attitudes Toward Advertising in General’’, Journal of Advertising, 42 (4), pp.343-357.Jones, J.Morgan ve Fred S. Zufryden (1982), ‘‘An Approach for Assessing Demographic and Price Influences on Brand Purchase Behavior’’, Journal of Marketing, 46, pp. 36-46.Kashif, Muhammad, S.Z. Melatu Samsi ve Syamsulang Sarifuddin (2015), ‘‘Brand Equity of Lahore Fort as a Tourism Destination Brand’’, Revista de Administraçao de Empresas, 55 (4), pp.432-443.Keller, Kevin Line (1993), ‘‘Conceptualizing, Measuring and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity’’, Journal of Marketing, 57, pp. 1-22.Kocakaya, Serhat ve Selahattin Gönen (2013), ‘‘Effects of Demographic and Affective Characteristics on Physics Achievement: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach’’, Turkish Science Education, 10 (1), pp.28-43.Kumar, Mukund (2011), ‘‘The Impact of ‘Brand Equity’ Determinants on Consumers’ Purchase Decisions. A Case Study of the Processed Food Sector in the National Capital Region of India’’, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 6 (1), pp.63-72.Lada, Suddin, Samsinar MD. Sidin ve Kenny T.G. Cheng (2014), ‘‘Moderating Role of Product Involvement on the Relationship Between Brand Personality and Brand Loyalty’’, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 19 (2), pp.1-16. Lam, Desmond (2007), ‘‘Cultural Influence on Proneness to Brand Loyalty’’, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 19 (3), pp. 7-21.Lee, Cheng-Jong (2014), ‘‘Effects of Sport Mega-events on City Brand Awareness and Image: Using The 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung as an Example’’, Quality & Quantity, 48 (3), pp.1243-1256.Lotfizadeh, Fariba ve Fereshteh Lotfizadeh (2015), ‘‘Comparing High-Involvement and LowInvolvement Products: Brand Perspective’’, International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 2 (5), pp. 404-413.Loureiro, Sandra M.C. (2013), ‘‘The Effect of Perceived Benefits, Trust, Quality, Brand Awareness/Associations and Brand Loyalty on Internet Banking Brand Equity’’, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 4 (2), pp.139-158.Luk, Sherriff T.K. ve Leslie S.C. Yip (2008), ‘‘The Moderator Effect of Monetary Sales Promotion on the Relationship Between Brand Trust and Purchase Behaviour’’, Brand Management, 15 (6), pp.452-464.Malik, Muhammad Ehsan, Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor ve Hafiz Kashif Iqbal (2013), ‘‘Importance of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty in Asessing Purchase Intentions of Consumer’’, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4 (5), pp.167-171.Matthews, Delisia R., Junghwa Son ve K. Watchravesringkan (2014), ‘‘An Exploration of Brand Equity Antecedents Concerning Brand Loyalty: A Cognitive, Affective, and Conative Perspective’’, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 9 (1), pp.26-39.Mehta, Abhilasha (2000), ‘‘Advertising Attitudes and Advertising Effectiveness’’, Journal of Advertising Research, 40 (3), pp. 67-72.Mitchell, Vincent-Wayne ve Gianfranco Walsh (2004), ‘‘Gender Differences in German Consumer Decision-Making Styles’’, Journal of Consumer Behavior, 3 (4), pp.331-346.Moisescu, Ovidiu I. (2009), ‘‘The Importance of Brand Awareness in Consumer’s Buying Decision and Perceived Risk Assessment’’, Academic Journal, 7 (2), pp.103-110.Muehling, Darrel D., David E. Sprott ve Abdullah J. Sultan (2014), ‘‘Exploring the Boundaries of Nostalgic Advertising Effects: A Consideration of Childhood Brand Exposure and Attachment on Consumers Responses to Nostalgia-Themed Advertisement’’, Journal of Advertising, 43 (1), pp.73-84.Pedeliento, Giuseppe – Daniela Andreini, Mara Bergamaschi ve Jari Salo (2016), ‘‘Brand and Product Attachment in an Indrustrial Context: The Effects on Brand Loyalty’’, Indrustrial Marketing Management, 53, pp.194-206.Radu, - Pintea F. (2013), ‘‘Relationship Marketing Strategies in The Knowledge Society’’, The Journal of the Faculty of Economics, 1 (2), pp.605-613.Ravinran, Sudharani, Hari S.G. Ram ve Reji Kumar G. (2009), ‘‘Study on Decision Making Styles of Consumers in Malls’’, Institute of Management Studies, 4(2), pp.103-109.Sinkovics, Rudolf R., Kannika M. Leelapanyalert ve Mo Yamin (2010), ‘‘A Comparitive Examination of Consumer Decision Styles in Austria’’, Journal of Marketing Management, 26 (11-12), pp.1021-1036.Sproles, George B ve Elizabeth L. Kendall (1986), ‘‘A Methodology for Profiling Consumers Decision-Making Styles’’, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 20 (2), pp.267-279.Ulfat, Saima, Asif Muzaffer ve Muhammad Shoaib (2014), ‘‘To Examine The Application and Practicality of Aakers Brand Equity Model in Relation with Recurrent Purchases Decision for Imported Beauty Care Products (A Study of Female Customers of Pakistan)’’, Journal of Managerial Sciences, 8 (1), pp.115-138.Vazquez, Marina B., Marta M. Llaguno ve Alejandra H. Ruiz (2013), ‘‘The Factor Structure of The Spanish Version of The Work-Family Culture Scale in a Sample of Workers from The Advertising Sector’’, Psicothema, 25 (2), pp.232-237.Vieira, Valter Afonso (2011), ‘‘Evaluating The Psychometric Properties of Consumer Decision-Making Style Instrument’’, Journal Belo Horizonte, 10 (3), pp.124-144.Wang, Cheng-Lu, Noel Y.M. Siu ve Alice S.Y. Hui (2004), ‘‘Consumer Decision-Making Styles on Domestic and Imported Brand Clothing’’, European Journal of Marketing, 38 (1/2), pp.239-252.Witt, Robert ve Grady D. Bruce (1970), ‘‘Purchase Decision and Group Influence’’, Journal of Marketing Research, 7, pp.533-535.Wood, Leslie A. ve David F. Poltrack (2015), ‘‘Measuring The Long-Term Effects of Television Advertising Nielsen-CBS Study Uses Single-Source Data To Reassess The ‘‘Two-Times’’ Multiplier’’,Journal of Advertising Research, 55 (2), pp.123-131.Wu, Shwu-Ing ve Li-Pang Ho (2014), ‘‘The Influence of Perceived Innovation and Brand Awareness on Purchase Intention of Innovation Product – An Example of iPhone’’, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 11 (4), pp.1-22.Xie, Karen ve Young-Jın Lee (2015), ‘‘Social Media and Brand Purchase: Quantifying The Effects of Exposures to Earned and Owned Social Media Activities in A Two-Stage Decision Making Model’’, Journal of Management Information Systems, 32 (2), pp.204-238.Yao, Qing, Rong Chen ve Xiaobing Xu (2015), ‘‘Consistency Between Consumer Personality and Brand Personality Influences Brand Attachment’’, Social Behavior and Personality, 43 (9), pp.1419-1428.Yeh, Ching-Hsuan, Yi-Shun Wang ve Kaili Yieh (2016), ‘‘Predicting Smartphone Brand Loyalty: Consumer Value and Consumer-Brand Identification Perspectives’’, International Journal of Information Management, 36, pp. 245-257.Yıldız, Salih ve İbrahim Durmuş (2015), ‘‘TV Reklamlarının Kişisel Kullanımının Tutum ve Satın Alma Kararları Üzerine Etkileri: Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Uygulama’’, GÜSBEED, 6 (13), pp.238-252. Yılmaz, E. Demirel, Ö. Aydemir, S. Kesebir, A. Örek, A.G. Gençer, A. Yılmaz, Ö. Ünal ve M. Bilici (2014), ‘‘Validity and Reliability of Nine Types Temperament Scale’’, Education and Science, 39 (171), pp.115-137.Zarantonello, Lia, Bernd H. Schmitt ve Kamel Jedidi (2014), ‘‘How to Advertise and Build Brand Knowledge Globally Comparing Television Advertising Appeals Across Developed and Emerging Economies’’, Journal of Advertising Research, 54 (4), pp.1-23.

University Students Purchases Attitude Toward Advertising and Brand Preferences

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 24, 147 - 176, 31.12.2018


it is important to determine which advertising media are affected by consumers
and which brands they prefer in terms of marketing. In this respect, atotal of
612 students studying in Gumushane University and Bayburt University in 2018
were interviewed by using face-to-face survey method.  Unlike previous studies in the study, 11
different brands of university students  (Blue Jeans, Kinetix, Adidas, Nike, DeFacto,
Lcw, Levi’s, Lacoste, Puma, Loft, Koton) from 7 different advertising tool (TV,
Internet, Newspaper, Magazine, Radio, Banner Ads and People in the Circle) the
effects of  consumers attitudes toward
advertisements (TM) brand awareness (MB), brand loyalty (MS), brand orientation
(MO) and brand trust (MG) the effects on procurement decisions (SK) have been
tried to be interpreted. When the result of the Sructural Equation Model were
evaluated all hypotheses were accepted. 


  • Al-fawwaz, Bader M., Atallah M. Al- shatnawi ve Wafa S. Alsharafat (2015), ‘‘Recognizing The Importance of Brand Awareness on E-Commerce Sales While Shopping on Internet: Empirical Analysis of European Countries’’, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 9 (1), pp. 15-18.Bakewell, Cathy ve Vincent-Wayne Mitchell (2006), ‘‘Male Versus Female Consumer Decision Making Styles’’, Journal of Business Research, 59, pp.1297-1300.Banks, I.B. ve P.D. Pelsmacker (2014), ‘‘Involvement, Tolerance for Ambiguity and Type of Service Moderate the Effectiveness of Probability Marker Usage in Service Advertising’’, Journal of Advertising, 43 (2), pp. 196-209.Bao, Yeqing, Kevin Z. Zhou ve Chenting Su (2003), ‘‘Face Consiousness and Risk Aversion: Do They Affect Consumer Decision-Making?’’, Psychology & Marketing, 20 (8), pp. 733-755.Brison, Natasha T., Thomas A. Baker ve Kevin K. Byon (2015), ‘‘Facebook Likes and Sport Brand Image: An Empirical Examination of The National Advertising Division’s Coastal Contacts Decision’’, Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, 25 (2), pp.104-122Bucklin, E. Randolph ve James M. Lattin (1991), ‘‘A Two-State Model of Purchase Incidence and Brand Choice’’, Marketing Science, 10 (1), pp. 24-39.Chan, Terri H., Fine F. Leung, Peking Tan ve David K. Tse (2015), ‘‘Role of Conventional Ads in A Digital Age: Effects of Internet and Conventional Advertising on Brand Awareness and Brand Desire in China’’, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 6 (1), pp. 87-98.Chanova, Henriate H., Aleksander I. Korshunov ve Dagmar Babcanova (2015), ‘‘Impact of Brand on Consumer Behavior’’, Procedia Economics and Finance, 34, pp.615-621.Chi, Hsin Kuan, Huery Ren Yeh ve Ya Ting Yang (2009), ‘‘The Impact of Brand Awareness on Consumer Purchase Intention: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty’’, The Journal of International Management Studies, 4 (1), pp.135-144. Chung, Kim-Choy (2008), ‘‘Antecedent of Brand Trust in Online Tertiary Education: A Malaysian and Singapore Perspective’’, International Journal of Business and Management, 3 (4), pp.1-10.Cleff, Thomas, I Chun Lin ve Nadine Walter (2014), ‘‘Can Yuo It? – The Effect of Brand Experience on Brand Equity’’, The IUP Journal of Brand Management, 11 (2), pp.7-27.Çakır, Vesile ve Edanur Kınıt (2014), ‘‘The Result of Product Placement and Sponsorship in Television Series’’, Global Media Journal: TR Edition, 5 (9), pp.19-47.Dawes, John (2008), ‘‘Brand Loyalty in The UK Sportswear Market’’, International Journal of Market Research, 51 (4), pp. 449-463.Dehghani, Milad ve Mustafa Tümer (2015), ‘‘A Research on Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising on Enhancing Purchase Intention of Consumers’’, Computers in Human Behavior, 49, pp.597-600.Delgado-ballester, Elena (2004), ‘‘Applicability of a Brand Trust Scale Across Product Categories: A Multigroup Invariance Analysis’’, European Journal of Marketing, 38 (5-6), pp.573-592.Durkin, Mark (2004), ‘‘In Search of the Internet-Banking Customer Exploring the use of Decision Styles’’, The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 22 (7), pp.484-503.Dursun, İnci, Ümit Alnıaçık ve Ebru T. Kabadayı (2013), ‘‘The Scale of Consumer Styles Inventory: Structure and Dimensions’’, Journal of Management Economics and Business, 9 (19), pp. 293-304.Farhat, Kashif (2014), ‘‘Components of The Brand Equity of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Pakistan’’, Business Review, 9 (2), pp. 74-98.Granot, Elad, Henry Greene ve Thomas G. Brashear (2010), ‘‘Female Consumers: Decision-Making in Brand-Driven Retail’’, Journal of Business Research, 63(8), pp.801-808.Hsio, Ya-Hsin, Ya-hei Hsu, Suh-Yueh Chu ve Wenchang Fang (2014), ‘‘Is Brand Awareness a Marketing Placebo?’’, International Journal of Business and Information, 9 (1), pp.29-60.Jin, H. Suung ve R.J. Lutz (2013), ‘‘The Typicality and Accessibility of Consumer Attitudes Toward Television Advertising: Implications for the Measurement of Attitudes Toward Advertising in General’’, Journal of Advertising, 42 (4), pp.343-357.Jones, J.Morgan ve Fred S. Zufryden (1982), ‘‘An Approach for Assessing Demographic and Price Influences on Brand Purchase Behavior’’, Journal of Marketing, 46, pp. 36-46.Kashif, Muhammad, S.Z. Melatu Samsi ve Syamsulang Sarifuddin (2015), ‘‘Brand Equity of Lahore Fort as a Tourism Destination Brand’’, Revista de Administraçao de Empresas, 55 (4), pp.432-443.Keller, Kevin Line (1993), ‘‘Conceptualizing, Measuring and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity’’, Journal of Marketing, 57, pp. 1-22.Kocakaya, Serhat ve Selahattin Gönen (2013), ‘‘Effects of Demographic and Affective Characteristics on Physics Achievement: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach’’, Turkish Science Education, 10 (1), pp.28-43.Kumar, Mukund (2011), ‘‘The Impact of ‘Brand Equity’ Determinants on Consumers’ Purchase Decisions. A Case Study of the Processed Food Sector in the National Capital Region of India’’, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 6 (1), pp.63-72.Lada, Suddin, Samsinar MD. Sidin ve Kenny T.G. Cheng (2014), ‘‘Moderating Role of Product Involvement on the Relationship Between Brand Personality and Brand Loyalty’’, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 19 (2), pp.1-16. Lam, Desmond (2007), ‘‘Cultural Influence on Proneness to Brand Loyalty’’, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 19 (3), pp. 7-21.Lee, Cheng-Jong (2014), ‘‘Effects of Sport Mega-events on City Brand Awareness and Image: Using The 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung as an Example’’, Quality & Quantity, 48 (3), pp.1243-1256.Lotfizadeh, Fariba ve Fereshteh Lotfizadeh (2015), ‘‘Comparing High-Involvement and LowInvolvement Products: Brand Perspective’’, International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 2 (5), pp. 404-413.Loureiro, Sandra M.C. (2013), ‘‘The Effect of Perceived Benefits, Trust, Quality, Brand Awareness/Associations and Brand Loyalty on Internet Banking Brand Equity’’, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 4 (2), pp.139-158.Luk, Sherriff T.K. ve Leslie S.C. Yip (2008), ‘‘The Moderator Effect of Monetary Sales Promotion on the Relationship Between Brand Trust and Purchase Behaviour’’, Brand Management, 15 (6), pp.452-464.Malik, Muhammad Ehsan, Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor ve Hafiz Kashif Iqbal (2013), ‘‘Importance of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty in Asessing Purchase Intentions of Consumer’’, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4 (5), pp.167-171.Matthews, Delisia R., Junghwa Son ve K. Watchravesringkan (2014), ‘‘An Exploration of Brand Equity Antecedents Concerning Brand Loyalty: A Cognitive, Affective, and Conative Perspective’’, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 9 (1), pp.26-39.Mehta, Abhilasha (2000), ‘‘Advertising Attitudes and Advertising Effectiveness’’, Journal of Advertising Research, 40 (3), pp. 67-72.Mitchell, Vincent-Wayne ve Gianfranco Walsh (2004), ‘‘Gender Differences in German Consumer Decision-Making Styles’’, Journal of Consumer Behavior, 3 (4), pp.331-346.Moisescu, Ovidiu I. (2009), ‘‘The Importance of Brand Awareness in Consumer’s Buying Decision and Perceived Risk Assessment’’, Academic Journal, 7 (2), pp.103-110.Muehling, Darrel D., David E. Sprott ve Abdullah J. Sultan (2014), ‘‘Exploring the Boundaries of Nostalgic Advertising Effects: A Consideration of Childhood Brand Exposure and Attachment on Consumers Responses to Nostalgia-Themed Advertisement’’, Journal of Advertising, 43 (1), pp.73-84.Pedeliento, Giuseppe – Daniela Andreini, Mara Bergamaschi ve Jari Salo (2016), ‘‘Brand and Product Attachment in an Indrustrial Context: The Effects on Brand Loyalty’’, Indrustrial Marketing Management, 53, pp.194-206.Radu, - Pintea F. (2013), ‘‘Relationship Marketing Strategies in The Knowledge Society’’, The Journal of the Faculty of Economics, 1 (2), pp.605-613.Ravinran, Sudharani, Hari S.G. Ram ve Reji Kumar G. (2009), ‘‘Study on Decision Making Styles of Consumers in Malls’’, Institute of Management Studies, 4(2), pp.103-109.Sinkovics, Rudolf R., Kannika M. Leelapanyalert ve Mo Yamin (2010), ‘‘A Comparitive Examination of Consumer Decision Styles in Austria’’, Journal of Marketing Management, 26 (11-12), pp.1021-1036.Sproles, George B ve Elizabeth L. Kendall (1986), ‘‘A Methodology for Profiling Consumers Decision-Making Styles’’, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 20 (2), pp.267-279.Ulfat, Saima, Asif Muzaffer ve Muhammad Shoaib (2014), ‘‘To Examine The Application and Practicality of Aakers Brand Equity Model in Relation with Recurrent Purchases Decision for Imported Beauty Care Products (A Study of Female Customers of Pakistan)’’, Journal of Managerial Sciences, 8 (1), pp.115-138.Vazquez, Marina B., Marta M. Llaguno ve Alejandra H. Ruiz (2013), ‘‘The Factor Structure of The Spanish Version of The Work-Family Culture Scale in a Sample of Workers from The Advertising Sector’’, Psicothema, 25 (2), pp.232-237.Vieira, Valter Afonso (2011), ‘‘Evaluating The Psychometric Properties of Consumer Decision-Making Style Instrument’’, Journal Belo Horizonte, 10 (3), pp.124-144.Wang, Cheng-Lu, Noel Y.M. Siu ve Alice S.Y. Hui (2004), ‘‘Consumer Decision-Making Styles on Domestic and Imported Brand Clothing’’, European Journal of Marketing, 38 (1/2), pp.239-252.Witt, Robert ve Grady D. Bruce (1970), ‘‘Purchase Decision and Group Influence’’, Journal of Marketing Research, 7, pp.533-535.Wood, Leslie A. ve David F. Poltrack (2015), ‘‘Measuring The Long-Term Effects of Television Advertising Nielsen-CBS Study Uses Single-Source Data To Reassess The ‘‘Two-Times’’ Multiplier’’,Journal of Advertising Research, 55 (2), pp.123-131.Wu, Shwu-Ing ve Li-Pang Ho (2014), ‘‘The Influence of Perceived Innovation and Brand Awareness on Purchase Intention of Innovation Product – An Example of iPhone’’, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 11 (4), pp.1-22.Xie, Karen ve Young-Jın Lee (2015), ‘‘Social Media and Brand Purchase: Quantifying The Effects of Exposures to Earned and Owned Social Media Activities in A Two-Stage Decision Making Model’’, Journal of Management Information Systems, 32 (2), pp.204-238.Yao, Qing, Rong Chen ve Xiaobing Xu (2015), ‘‘Consistency Between Consumer Personality and Brand Personality Influences Brand Attachment’’, Social Behavior and Personality, 43 (9), pp.1419-1428.Yeh, Ching-Hsuan, Yi-Shun Wang ve Kaili Yieh (2016), ‘‘Predicting Smartphone Brand Loyalty: Consumer Value and Consumer-Brand Identification Perspectives’’, International Journal of Information Management, 36, pp. 245-257.Yıldız, Salih ve İbrahim Durmuş (2015), ‘‘TV Reklamlarının Kişisel Kullanımının Tutum ve Satın Alma Kararları Üzerine Etkileri: Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Uygulama’’, GÜSBEED, 6 (13), pp.238-252. Yılmaz, E. Demirel, Ö. Aydemir, S. Kesebir, A. Örek, A.G. Gençer, A. Yılmaz, Ö. Ünal ve M. Bilici (2014), ‘‘Validity and Reliability of Nine Types Temperament Scale’’, Education and Science, 39 (171), pp.115-137.Zarantonello, Lia, Bernd H. Schmitt ve Kamel Jedidi (2014), ‘‘How to Advertise and Build Brand Knowledge Globally Comparing Television Advertising Appeals Across Developed and Emerging Economies’’, Journal of Advertising Research, 54 (4), pp.1-23.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İbrahim Durmuş

Fetullah Battal

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 24

Kaynak Göster

APA Durmuş, İ., & Battal, F. (2018). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Hazır Giyim Satınalma Kararlarında Reklamlara Yönelik Tutumları Ve Marka Tercihleri. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(24), 147-176.