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Investigation of the structural damage caused by blasting activities in tunnels to surrounding buildings: The case of Gümüşhane belt highway

Yıl 2023, , 221 - 234, 15.01.2023


Tunnels are road transport structures that reduce traffic and expropriation problems, noise, and possible damage to animals and plants, and provide safer, more comfortable, and faster transportation for vehicles compared to highways. However, some environmental problems occur during tunnel construction. These problems such as vibration, noise, rock throwing, etc. caused by the blasting process used during tunnel excavation on buildings and people should be well investigated. In this study, two buildings located close to the exit and entrance of two tunnels (T2 and T3 tunnels) on the Gümüşhane belt road were chosen to investigate. Firstly, the existing damages in the first building, which is 7 m away from the T2 tunnel exit, and the second building, which is 60 m away from the T3 tunnel entrance, were analyzed by considering criteria such as the geological and ground condition of the land and the building materials used during the construction of those building. In addition, the negative effects on the buildings were evaluated by calculating the vibrations after the blasting process in the tunnel with the help of various empirical formulas. Investigation on site showed that building 1 was built of masonry and building 2 was built of reinforced concrete, and that deep cracks had formed in the bearing systems of both buildings, spills occurred in the walls, and fractures in the windows. Also, calculations with empirical formulas showed that the vibration rates caused by blasting process in the 1st and 2nd buildings were as 385.68 mm/sec and 6.91 mm/sec, respectively, and these vibration values were above the standard values. The data obtained through examination on-site and empirical approaches show that it would be dangerous for people to be resident in both buildings.


  • Alemdağ, S., Kaya, A., Gürocak, Z., & Dağ, S. (2011). Farklı ayrışma derecesine sahip kaya kütlelerinin kazılabilirlik özellikleri: Gümüşhane Granitoyidi örneği, Gümüşhane, KD Türkiye. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 35(2), 133-149.
  • Alemdağ, S., & Kanık, M. (2020). Atık baraj yerindeki kaya kütlelerinin mühendislik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi: Gümüşhane örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10 (3), 569-580. 10.17714/gumusfenbil.689750
  • Alkan, F., & Dağ, S. (2018). Gümüşhane yöresinde yüzeylenen magmatik kökenli bazı kayaların jeomekanik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılması. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 23,(2). 10.17482/uumfd.409184
  • Altunışık, A.C., Önalan, F., & Sunca, F. (2021). Experimental, numerical and analytical investigation on blast response of brick walls subjected to TNT explosive. Journal of Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics, 4(1), 28-45.
  • Barton, N., & Grimstad, E. (1994). The Q-System following twenty years of application in NTM support selection. 43rd Geomechanic Colloquy, Felsbau, Salzburg, 6 (94), 428-436.
  • Bieniawski, Z.T. (1989). Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York, 238 p.
  • Demir, H. (1999). Betonarme yapilarin onarim ve güçlendirilmesi, Second Edition. Fast print, İstanbul.
  • DIN Standard 4150-3, (1999). Structural vibration–Part 3: Effects of Vibration on Structures.
  • Forssblad, L. (1981). Vibratory soil and rock fill compaction. Dynapac Maskin AB, Sweden
  • Gümüşçü, M., Cebe, A., Erdinç, A., & Uyanık, S. (2016). Characteristics of explosives used for civilian purposes, their effects on the environment and measures. Dicle University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Science, 5(2), 81-91.
  • Hoek, E. (1994). Strength of rock and rock masses. News Journal of International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) 2(2), 4-16.
  • ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics)., 1981. Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring. International Society of Rock Mechanics Suggested Methods, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 211 p.
  • ISRM (2007). The complete isrm suggested methods for rock characterization, testing and monitoring: 1974-2006. R. Ulusay and J.A. Hudson (Eds.), Suggested methods prepared by the commission on testing tethods, international society for rock mechanics, compilation arranged by the ISRM Turkish National Group, Kozan Ofset, Ankara,Turkey, 628 p.
  • Karakuş, Y. (2012). Feasibility of the system of mini bench blasting in foundation excavations in settlement areas [Master's Thesis, İstanbul University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences].
  • Kaya, A., Bulut, F., & Alemdag, S., 2011. Applicability of excavatability classification systems in underground excavations: an example of Konakönü tunnel, Trabzon, Turkey. Scientific Research and Essays, 6 (25), 5331-5341. Kumar, R., Choudhury, D., & Bhargava, K. (2016). Determination of blast-induced ground vibration equations for rocks using mechanical and geological properties. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 8, 341-349.
  • Küçük, K., & Aksoy, C.O. (2017). Blasting design and vibration modelling in urban tunnel excavations. Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Science and Engineering 19(57), 1035-1052.
  • Liu, Z., Jiang, N., Sun, J., Xia, Y., & Lyu, G. (2020). Influence of tunnel blasting construction on adjacent highway tunnel: A case study in Wuhan, China. International Journal of Protective Structures, 11(3), 283-303.
  • Marinos, V., Marinos, P., & Hoek, E. (2005). The geological strengthindex: applications andlimitations. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 64(1), 55-65.
  • Öztürk, H. T. (2007). Tunnels and Design Principles [Master's Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences].
  • Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise (2010). Official Gazette of The Republic of Turkey (27601, 4 Haziran 2010).
  • Senthil, K., Gupta, I., Rupali, S., & Pelecanos, L. (2020). A Review on the performance of reinforced concrete structures under blast loading. Journal of Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics, 3(4), 216-228.
  • Senthil, K., Sethi, M., & Pelecanos, L. (2021). A review on the Performance of the underground tunnels against blast loading. Journal of Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics, 4(1), 1-17.
  • Siskind, D.E, Crum, S. V., & Plis, M.N. (1993). Blast vibrations and other potential causes of damage in homes near a large surface coal mine in Indiana. RI 9455. Bureau of Mines.
  • Siskind, D.E., Stagg, M.S., Kopp, J.W., & Dowding, C.H. (1980). Structure response and damage produced by ground vibrations from surface mine blasting. USBM RI 8507: 77, Boston.
  • Sönmez, H., & Ulusay, R., 2002. A discussion on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion and suggested modifications to the criterion verified by slope stability case studies. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 26, 77-99.
  • Tokel, S. (1977). Eocene calc-alkaline andesites and geotectonism in the Eastern Black Sea Region, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey, 20(1), 49-54.
  • Topuz, G., Altherr, R., Siebel, W., Schwarz, W. H., Zack, T., Hasözbek, A., Barthd, M., Satır, M., & Şen, C. (2010). Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the eastern pontides: The Gümüşhane Pluton (NE Turkey). Lithos, 116(1-2), 92-110.
  • Yılmaz, Y. (1972). Settlement of Gümüşhane Granite. In: Proceedings of 50th Anniversary of the Republic Earth Sciences Congress, Turkey.
  • Yüksel, İ. (2008). Post-earthquake emergency damage assessments of reinforced concrete buildings. Erciyes University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 24(1-2), 260-276.

Tünellerde patlatma faaliyetlerinin çevre binalara verdiği yapısal hasarın incelenmesi: Gümüşhane çevre yolu örneği

Yıl 2023, , 221 - 234, 15.01.2023


Tüneller, trafik ve kamulaştırma sorunlarını, gürültüyü, hayvan ve bitkilere gelebilecek olası zararları azaltan, karayollarına göre araçların daha güvenli, konforlu ve hızlı ulaşımını sağlayan karayolu ulaşım yapılarıdır. Ancak tünel yapımı sırasında bazı çevre sorunları ortaya çıkmaktadır. Tünel kazısı sırasında kullanılan patlatma işleminin binalar ve insanlar üzerinde yaratacağı titreşim, gürültü, kaya fırlatma vb. problemleri iyice araştırılmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, Gümüşhane çevre yolu üzerinde bulunan iki tünelin (T2 ve T3 tünelleri) giriş ve çıkışlarına yakın konumda bulunan iki bina incelenmek üzere seçilmiştir. İlk olarak T2 tüneli çıkışına 7 m uzaklıkta bulunan ilk binada ve T3 tünel girişine 60 m uzaklıkta bulunan ikinci binada mevcut hasarlar arazinin jeolojisi ve zemin durumu ve bu binaların inşası sırasında kullanılan yapı malzemeleri ve gibi kriterler dikkate alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca tünelde patlatma işlemi sonrası oluşan titreşimler çeşitli ampirik formüller yardımıyla hesaplanarak binalar üzerindeki olumsuz etkiler değerlendirilmiştir. Yerinde yapılan incelemede, 1. binanın yığma, 2. binanın betonarme olarak inşa edildiği, her iki binanın taşıyıcı sistemlerinde derin çatlaklar oluştuğu, duvarlarda dökülmeler ve camlarda kırıklar olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca ampirik formüllerle yapılan hesaplamalar 1. ve 2. binalarda patlatma işleminden kaynaklanan titreşim hızlarının sırasıyla 385.68 mm/sn ve 6.91mm/sn olduğunu ve bu titreşim değerlerinin standart değerlerin üzerinde olduğunu göstermiştir. Yerinde inceleme ve ampirik yaklaşımlarla elde edilen veriler, insanların her iki binada da ikamet etmesinin tehlikeli olacağını göstermektedir.


  • Alemdağ, S., Kaya, A., Gürocak, Z., & Dağ, S. (2011). Farklı ayrışma derecesine sahip kaya kütlelerinin kazılabilirlik özellikleri: Gümüşhane Granitoyidi örneği, Gümüşhane, KD Türkiye. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 35(2), 133-149.
  • Alemdağ, S., & Kanık, M. (2020). Atık baraj yerindeki kaya kütlelerinin mühendislik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi: Gümüşhane örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10 (3), 569-580. 10.17714/gumusfenbil.689750
  • Alkan, F., & Dağ, S. (2018). Gümüşhane yöresinde yüzeylenen magmatik kökenli bazı kayaların jeomekanik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılması. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 23,(2). 10.17482/uumfd.409184
  • Altunışık, A.C., Önalan, F., & Sunca, F. (2021). Experimental, numerical and analytical investigation on blast response of brick walls subjected to TNT explosive. Journal of Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics, 4(1), 28-45.
  • Barton, N., & Grimstad, E. (1994). The Q-System following twenty years of application in NTM support selection. 43rd Geomechanic Colloquy, Felsbau, Salzburg, 6 (94), 428-436.
  • Bieniawski, Z.T. (1989). Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York, 238 p.
  • Demir, H. (1999). Betonarme yapilarin onarim ve güçlendirilmesi, Second Edition. Fast print, İstanbul.
  • DIN Standard 4150-3, (1999). Structural vibration–Part 3: Effects of Vibration on Structures.
  • Forssblad, L. (1981). Vibratory soil and rock fill compaction. Dynapac Maskin AB, Sweden
  • Gümüşçü, M., Cebe, A., Erdinç, A., & Uyanık, S. (2016). Characteristics of explosives used for civilian purposes, their effects on the environment and measures. Dicle University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Science, 5(2), 81-91.
  • Hoek, E. (1994). Strength of rock and rock masses. News Journal of International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) 2(2), 4-16.
  • ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics)., 1981. Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring. International Society of Rock Mechanics Suggested Methods, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 211 p.
  • ISRM (2007). The complete isrm suggested methods for rock characterization, testing and monitoring: 1974-2006. R. Ulusay and J.A. Hudson (Eds.), Suggested methods prepared by the commission on testing tethods, international society for rock mechanics, compilation arranged by the ISRM Turkish National Group, Kozan Ofset, Ankara,Turkey, 628 p.
  • Karakuş, Y. (2012). Feasibility of the system of mini bench blasting in foundation excavations in settlement areas [Master's Thesis, İstanbul University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences].
  • Kaya, A., Bulut, F., & Alemdag, S., 2011. Applicability of excavatability classification systems in underground excavations: an example of Konakönü tunnel, Trabzon, Turkey. Scientific Research and Essays, 6 (25), 5331-5341. Kumar, R., Choudhury, D., & Bhargava, K. (2016). Determination of blast-induced ground vibration equations for rocks using mechanical and geological properties. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 8, 341-349.
  • Küçük, K., & Aksoy, C.O. (2017). Blasting design and vibration modelling in urban tunnel excavations. Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Science and Engineering 19(57), 1035-1052.
  • Liu, Z., Jiang, N., Sun, J., Xia, Y., & Lyu, G. (2020). Influence of tunnel blasting construction on adjacent highway tunnel: A case study in Wuhan, China. International Journal of Protective Structures, 11(3), 283-303.
  • Marinos, V., Marinos, P., & Hoek, E. (2005). The geological strengthindex: applications andlimitations. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 64(1), 55-65.
  • Öztürk, H. T. (2007). Tunnels and Design Principles [Master's Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences].
  • Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise (2010). Official Gazette of The Republic of Turkey (27601, 4 Haziran 2010).
  • Senthil, K., Gupta, I., Rupali, S., & Pelecanos, L. (2020). A Review on the performance of reinforced concrete structures under blast loading. Journal of Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics, 3(4), 216-228.
  • Senthil, K., Sethi, M., & Pelecanos, L. (2021). A review on the Performance of the underground tunnels against blast loading. Journal of Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics, 4(1), 1-17.
  • Siskind, D.E, Crum, S. V., & Plis, M.N. (1993). Blast vibrations and other potential causes of damage in homes near a large surface coal mine in Indiana. RI 9455. Bureau of Mines.
  • Siskind, D.E., Stagg, M.S., Kopp, J.W., & Dowding, C.H. (1980). Structure response and damage produced by ground vibrations from surface mine blasting. USBM RI 8507: 77, Boston.
  • Sönmez, H., & Ulusay, R., 2002. A discussion on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion and suggested modifications to the criterion verified by slope stability case studies. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 26, 77-99.
  • Tokel, S. (1977). Eocene calc-alkaline andesites and geotectonism in the Eastern Black Sea Region, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey, 20(1), 49-54.
  • Topuz, G., Altherr, R., Siebel, W., Schwarz, W. H., Zack, T., Hasözbek, A., Barthd, M., Satır, M., & Şen, C. (2010). Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the eastern pontides: The Gümüşhane Pluton (NE Turkey). Lithos, 116(1-2), 92-110.
  • Yılmaz, Y. (1972). Settlement of Gümüşhane Granite. In: Proceedings of 50th Anniversary of the Republic Earth Sciences Congress, Turkey.
  • Yüksel, İ. (2008). Post-earthquake emergency damage assessments of reinforced concrete buildings. Erciyes University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 24(1-2), 260-276.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Tevfik Seferoğlu 0000-0003-4677-3335

Ayşegül Güneş Seferoğlu 0000-0002-1008-6456

Enver Akaryalı 0000-0003-1495-9186

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Eylül 2022
Kabul Tarihi 14 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Seferoğlu, M. T., Seferoğlu, A. G., & Akaryalı, E. (2023). Investigation of the structural damage caused by blasting activities in tunnels to surrounding buildings: The case of Gümüşhane belt highway. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1), 221-234.