İstanbul’un Kent Topraklarında Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbonların (PAHs) Birikimi ve Kökenleri Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma
Yıl 2019,
, 173 - 179, 15.01.2019
Esra Billur Balcıoğlu
Filiz Ekim Çevik
Abdullah Aksu
aromatik hidrokarbonlar (PAH), kentsel çevrede en ciddi kirletici grupları
arasında yer alır. Kentsel topraklardaki PAH konsantrasyonları doğal ortam
topraklarındakilere oranla 10 kat daha fazladır. Bu çalışmanın amacı İstanbul’
un farklı ilçelerinden alınan toprak örneklerinde bulunan PAH’ların
kontaminasyonları ve kökenleri üzerine ön verileri ortaya koymaktır.
İstanbul’un yedi farklı ilçesinde toplamda 23 istasyondan 2015 yılının Temmuz
ayında yüzey toprağı örneği alınmıştır. Örneklerde sekiz PAH bileşeni tayin edilmiş
ve toplam konsantrasyonlar 0.12 ile 29.4 µg kg-1 aralığında
değişiklik göstermiştir. En yüksek toplam PAH (Σ8PAH)
konsantrasyonları yol kenarlarında ve sanayi bölgelerine yakın yerlerde tespit
edilmiştir. Kökenlerin pirolitik ve/veya petrojenik olduğunu tayin etmek için
fenantrenin antrasene ve florantenin pirene oranları kullanılmıştır. Yalnızca
iki ilçenin tüm istasyonlarında kökenler pirolitik olarak bulunmuştur.
Pirolitik kökenler motorlu taşıt egzozları, endüstriyel faaliyetler ve kömür yanmasıyla
ilgilidir. Bu veriler ilerideki izleme çalışmaları için veri tabanı
oluşturmakta ve PAH’larla kirlenmiş toprakların insan sağlığı üzerinde
risklerin değerlendirilmesi için kullanılabilmektedir.
- Baumard, P., Budzinski, H., Michon, Q., Garrigues, P., Burgeot, T. ve Bellocq, J., 1998. Origin and bioavailability of PAHs in the Mediterranean Sea from mussel and sediment records, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 47, 77–90.
- Chung M.K., Hu R., Cheung, K.C. ve Wong, M.H., 2007. Pollutants in Hong Kong soils: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Chemosphere, 67, 464–473.
- Cetin, B., Ozturk, F., Keles, M. ve Yurdakul, S., 2017. PAHs and PCBs in an Eastern Mediterranean megacity, Istanbul: Their spatial and temporal distributions, air-soil exchange and toxicological effects, Environmental Pollution, 220, 1322–1332.
- Dahle, S., Savinov, V.M., Matishov, G.G., Evenset, A. ve Naes, K., 2003. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bottom sediments of the Kara Sea shelf, Gulf of Ob and Yenisei Bay, The Science of the Total Environment, 306, 57–71.
- Gogou, A., Bouloubassi, I. ve Stephanou, E.G., 2000. Marine organic geochemistry of The Eastern Mediterranean, 1. Aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in Cretan Sea surficial sediments, Marine Chemistry, 68, 265–282.
- Haugland, T., Ottesen, R.T. ve Volden, T., 2008. Lead and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface soil from day care centres in the city of Bergen, Norway, Environmental Pollution, 153, 266–272.
- Jiang, Y.F., Wang, X.T., Wang, F., Jia, Y., Wu, M.H., Sheng, G.Y. ve Fu, J.M., 2009. Levels, composition profiles and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban soil of Shanghai, China, Chemosphere, 75, 1112–1118.
- Jiao, W., Lu, Y., Li, J., Han, J., Wang, T., Luo, W., Shi, Y. ve Wang, G., 2009. Identification of sources of elevated concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an industrial area in Tianjin, China, Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 158,581–592.
- Khalili, N.R., Scheff, P.A. ve Holsen, T.M., 1995. PAH source fingerprints for coke ovens, diesel and gasoline engines, highway tunnels, and wood combustion emissions, Atmospheric Environment, 29, 533–542.
- Mielke, H.W., Gonzales, C.R., Smith, M.K. ve Mielke, P.W., 1999. The urban environment and children’s health: soils as an indicator of lead, zinc, and cadmium in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Environmental Research Section A, 81,117–129.
- Mielke, H.W., Wang, G., Gonzales, C.R., Powell, E.T., Le, B. ve Quach V.N., 2004. PAHs and metals in the soils of inner city and suburban New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 18, 243–247.
- Morillo, E., Romero, A.S., Maqueda, C., Madrid, L., Ajmone-Marsan, F., Grcman, H., Davidson, C.M., Hursthouse, A.S. ve Villaverde, J., 2007. Soil pollution by PAHs in urban soils: a comparison of three European cities, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9, 1001–1008.
- Norra, S. vecStübe, D., 2003. Urban soils, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 3: 230–233.
- Pavao-Zuckerman, M.A. ve Byrne, L.B., 2009. Scratching the surface and digging deeper: exploring ecological theories in urban soils, Urban Ecosystems, 12, 9–20.
- Popp, P., Keil, P., Möder, M., Paschke, A. ve Thuss, U., 1997. Application of accelerated solvent extraction followed by gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in solid wastes, Journal Chromatogrraphy A, 774,203–211.
- Rossiter, D.G., 2007. Classification of urban and industrial soils in the world reference base for soil resources, Journal of Soils andSediments, 7, 96–100.
- Sicre, M.A., Marty, J.C., Saliot, A., Aparicio, X., Grimalt, J. ve Albaiges, J., 1987. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in different sized aerosols over the mediterranean sea: occurrence and origin, Atmosphere Environment, 21, 2247–2259.
- Soclo, H.H., Garrıgues, P.H. ve Ewald, M., 2000. Origin of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Coastal Marine Sediments, Case Studies in Cotonou (Benin) and Aquitaine (France) Area, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40, 387-396.
- TKKY, 2010. “27605 sayılı 08.06.2010 tarihli Toprak Kirliliği Kontrolü ve Noktasal Kaynaklı Kirlenmiş Sahalara Dair Yönetmelik (TKKY 2010/27605).
- Tiller, K.G., 1992. Urban soil contamination in Australia, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 30, 937–957.
- Trapido, M., 1999. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Estonian soil: contamination and profiles, Environmental Pollution, 105, 67–74.
- Wang, Z., Chen, J.., Qiao, X.., Yang, P., Tian, F. ve Huang, L., 2007. Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from urban to rural soils: a case study in Dalian, China, Chemosphere, 68, 965–971.
- Wilcke, W., 2000. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil – a review, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 163, 229–248.
- Wilcke, W., Krauss, M., Safronov, G., Fokin, A.D. ve Kaupenjohann, M., 2005. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils of the Moscow region – concentrations, temporal trends, and small-scale distribution, Journal of Environmental Quality, 34, 1581–1590.
- Witt, G., 1995. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water and sediment of the Baltic sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31, 237–248.
- Zhang, Y., Schauer, J.J., Zhang, Y., Zeng, L., Wei, Y., Liu, Y. ve Shao, M., 2008. Characteristics of particulate carbon emissions from real-world Chinese coal combustion, Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 5068–5073.
A Preliminary Study on Accumulations and Origins of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Urban Soils of Istanbul
Yıl 2019,
, 173 - 179, 15.01.2019
Esra Billur Balcıoğlu
Filiz Ekim Çevik
Abdullah Aksu
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one group
of the most serious pollutants in urban environment. Concentration of PAHs in
urban soils is 10 times higher than that in natural soils. The aim of this
study is to give preliminary data on contaminations and the origins of PAHs in
soil samples obtained from various towns of Istanbul. Totally 23 top-soil
samples collected in main urban areas in seven towns of Istanbul, Turkey in July
of 2015. Samples were analyzed for eight PAHs and the total concentrations
ranged from 0.12 to 29.4 µg kg-1 for Σ8PAHs. The highest ΣPAHs concentrations were found at
roadsides and industrial sites. The ratios of phenanthrene to anthracene and
fluoranthene to pyrene were used to identify pyrolytic and petrogenic sources
to determine the sources of PAHs. Only all stations of two towns in Istanbul
show pyrolytic source. These sources included motor vehicle exhausts,
industrial activities and coal burning. These data is a database for further
monitoring studies and can be used to assess the health risk associated with
soils polluted with PAHs.
- Baumard, P., Budzinski, H., Michon, Q., Garrigues, P., Burgeot, T. ve Bellocq, J., 1998. Origin and bioavailability of PAHs in the Mediterranean Sea from mussel and sediment records, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 47, 77–90.
- Chung M.K., Hu R., Cheung, K.C. ve Wong, M.H., 2007. Pollutants in Hong Kong soils: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Chemosphere, 67, 464–473.
- Cetin, B., Ozturk, F., Keles, M. ve Yurdakul, S., 2017. PAHs and PCBs in an Eastern Mediterranean megacity, Istanbul: Their spatial and temporal distributions, air-soil exchange and toxicological effects, Environmental Pollution, 220, 1322–1332.
- Dahle, S., Savinov, V.M., Matishov, G.G., Evenset, A. ve Naes, K., 2003. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bottom sediments of the Kara Sea shelf, Gulf of Ob and Yenisei Bay, The Science of the Total Environment, 306, 57–71.
- Gogou, A., Bouloubassi, I. ve Stephanou, E.G., 2000. Marine organic geochemistry of The Eastern Mediterranean, 1. Aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in Cretan Sea surficial sediments, Marine Chemistry, 68, 265–282.
- Haugland, T., Ottesen, R.T. ve Volden, T., 2008. Lead and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface soil from day care centres in the city of Bergen, Norway, Environmental Pollution, 153, 266–272.
- Jiang, Y.F., Wang, X.T., Wang, F., Jia, Y., Wu, M.H., Sheng, G.Y. ve Fu, J.M., 2009. Levels, composition profiles and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban soil of Shanghai, China, Chemosphere, 75, 1112–1118.
- Jiao, W., Lu, Y., Li, J., Han, J., Wang, T., Luo, W., Shi, Y. ve Wang, G., 2009. Identification of sources of elevated concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an industrial area in Tianjin, China, Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 158,581–592.
- Khalili, N.R., Scheff, P.A. ve Holsen, T.M., 1995. PAH source fingerprints for coke ovens, diesel and gasoline engines, highway tunnels, and wood combustion emissions, Atmospheric Environment, 29, 533–542.
- Mielke, H.W., Gonzales, C.R., Smith, M.K. ve Mielke, P.W., 1999. The urban environment and children’s health: soils as an indicator of lead, zinc, and cadmium in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Environmental Research Section A, 81,117–129.
- Mielke, H.W., Wang, G., Gonzales, C.R., Powell, E.T., Le, B. ve Quach V.N., 2004. PAHs and metals in the soils of inner city and suburban New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 18, 243–247.
- Morillo, E., Romero, A.S., Maqueda, C., Madrid, L., Ajmone-Marsan, F., Grcman, H., Davidson, C.M., Hursthouse, A.S. ve Villaverde, J., 2007. Soil pollution by PAHs in urban soils: a comparison of three European cities, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9, 1001–1008.
- Norra, S. vecStübe, D., 2003. Urban soils, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 3: 230–233.
- Pavao-Zuckerman, M.A. ve Byrne, L.B., 2009. Scratching the surface and digging deeper: exploring ecological theories in urban soils, Urban Ecosystems, 12, 9–20.
- Popp, P., Keil, P., Möder, M., Paschke, A. ve Thuss, U., 1997. Application of accelerated solvent extraction followed by gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in solid wastes, Journal Chromatogrraphy A, 774,203–211.
- Rossiter, D.G., 2007. Classification of urban and industrial soils in the world reference base for soil resources, Journal of Soils andSediments, 7, 96–100.
- Sicre, M.A., Marty, J.C., Saliot, A., Aparicio, X., Grimalt, J. ve Albaiges, J., 1987. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in different sized aerosols over the mediterranean sea: occurrence and origin, Atmosphere Environment, 21, 2247–2259.
- Soclo, H.H., Garrıgues, P.H. ve Ewald, M., 2000. Origin of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Coastal Marine Sediments, Case Studies in Cotonou (Benin) and Aquitaine (France) Area, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40, 387-396.
- TKKY, 2010. “27605 sayılı 08.06.2010 tarihli Toprak Kirliliği Kontrolü ve Noktasal Kaynaklı Kirlenmiş Sahalara Dair Yönetmelik (TKKY 2010/27605).
- Tiller, K.G., 1992. Urban soil contamination in Australia, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 30, 937–957.
- Trapido, M., 1999. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Estonian soil: contamination and profiles, Environmental Pollution, 105, 67–74.
- Wang, Z., Chen, J.., Qiao, X.., Yang, P., Tian, F. ve Huang, L., 2007. Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from urban to rural soils: a case study in Dalian, China, Chemosphere, 68, 965–971.
- Wilcke, W., 2000. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil – a review, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 163, 229–248.
- Wilcke, W., Krauss, M., Safronov, G., Fokin, A.D. ve Kaupenjohann, M., 2005. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils of the Moscow region – concentrations, temporal trends, and small-scale distribution, Journal of Environmental Quality, 34, 1581–1590.
- Witt, G., 1995. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water and sediment of the Baltic sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31, 237–248.
- Zhang, Y., Schauer, J.J., Zhang, Y., Zeng, L., Wei, Y., Liu, Y. ve Shao, M., 2008. Characteristics of particulate carbon emissions from real-world Chinese coal combustion, Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 5068–5073.