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BaRu2As2 Malzemesinin Fiziksel Özelliklerinin Yoğunluk Fonksiyonel Teorisi Kullanılarak İncelenmesi

Yıl 2019, , 505 - 514, 15.07.2019


bileşiğinin yapısal, elektronik, fonon ve süperiletkenlik özellikleri ab initio
pseudopotansiyel metodu kullanılarak incelendi. Elektronik hesaplamaların
sonucunda, Fermi enerjisi durum yoğunluğu (N(EF)) 1.79 durum/eV
olarak bulundu ve Fermi enerjisi civarında en büyük katkı Ru 4d ve As 4p
orbitallerinden kaynaklandığı gözlemlendi. Bu bileşiğin fonon dağılım
eğrilerinin ve fonon durum yoğunluğunun hesaplaması doğrusal tepki metodu
kullanılarak yapıldı. Fonon dağılım eğrileri ve fonon durum yoğunluğu sonuçları
BaRu2As2 bileşiğinin dinamik kararlı olduğunu gösterdi.
Ayrıca doğrusal tepki metodu ve Migdal-Eliashberg yaklaşımı kullanılarak BaRu2As2
bileşiğinin elektron-fonon matris elemanları hesaplandı. Bu matris elemanları
yardımıyla BaRu2As2 bileşiği için ortalama elektron-fonon
etkileşim parametresi 
λ = 0.21 gibi zayıf bir etkileşim olarak bulundu. Bu sonuç
incelenen bileşikte elektron-fonon etkileşiminin çok küçük olduğunu
göstermektedir. Bu düşük 
λ değeri incelenen bileşikte 0.1 K değerine
kadar geleneksel süperiletkenlik gözlemlenememesini açıklamaktadır.  


  • Anand, V.K., Kim, H., Tanatar, M.A., Prozorov, R. ve Johnston, D.C., 2013. Superconducting and normal-state properties of APd2As2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) single crystals. Physical Review B, 87, 224510.
  • Bağcı, S., Tütüncü, H.M, Duman, S. veSrivastava, G.P., 2010. Phonons and superconductivity in fcc and dhcp lanthanum. Physical Review B, 81, 144507.
  • Baroni, S., De Gironcoli, S., Dal Corso, A. ve Giannozzi, P., 2001. Phonons and related crystal properties from density-functional perturbation theory., Reviews of Modern Physics, 73, 515.
  • Bauer, R., Schmid, A., Pavone, P. ve Strauch, D., 1998. Electron-phonon coupling in the metallic elements Al, Au, Na, and Nb: A first-principles study., Physical Review B, 57, 11276.
  • Berry, N., Capan, C., Seyfarth, G., Bianchi, A.D., Ziller, J. ve Fisk, Z., 2009. Superconductivity without Fe or Ni in the phosphides BaIr2P2 and BaRh2P2. Physical Review B, 79, 180502.
  • Eliashberg, G., 1960. Interactions between electrons and lattice vibrations in a superconductor, Sov. Phys.-JETP (Engl. Transl.);(United States), 11, 696.
  • Fujii, H. ve Sato, A., 2009. Superconductivity in SrPd2Ge2. Physical Review B, 79, 224522.
  • Ghebouli, M.A., Bouhemadou, A., Ghebouli, B., Fatmi, M. ve Bin-Omran, S., 2011. Prediction study of the elastic and thermodynamic properties of the newly discovered tetragonal SrPd2Ge2 phase. Solid State Communications, 151, 976-981.
  • Giannozzi, P., Baroni, S., Bonini, N., Calandra, M., Car, R., Cavazzoni, C., Ceresoli, D., Chiarotti, G.L., Cococcioni, M., Dabo, I., Dal Corso, A., De Gironcoli, S., Fabris, S., Fratesi, G., Gebauer, R., Gerstmann, U., Gougoussis, C., Kokalj, A., Lazzeri, M., Martin-Samos, L., Marzari, N., Mauri, F., Mazzarello, R., Paolini, S., Pasquarello, A., Paulatto, L., Sbraccia, C., Scandolo, S., Sclauzero, G., Seitsonen, A.P., Smogunov, A., Umari, P., Wentzcovitch, R.M., 2009. QUANTUM ESPRESSO: A modular and open-source software project for quantum simulations of materials. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 21, 395502.
  • Hirai, D., Takayama, T., Hashizume, D., Higashinaka, R., Yamamoto, A., Hiroko, A.K. ve Takagi, H., 2010. Superconductivity in 4d and 5d transition metal layered pnictides BaRh2P2, BaIr2P2 and SrIr2As2. Physica C:Superconductivity and Its Applications, 470, 296-S297.
  • Hirai, D., Takayama, T., Higashinaka, R., Aruga-Katori, H. ve Takagi, H., 2009. Superconductivity in Layered Pnictides BaRh2P2 and BaIr2P2. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 78, 023706.
  • Hirai, D., von Rohr, Cava, R., 2012. Emergence of superconductivity in BaNi2(Ge1− x Px)2 at a structural instability. Physical Review B, 86, 100505.
  • Hull, G.W., Wernick, J.H., Geballe, T.H., Waszczak, J.V. ve Bernardini, J.E., 1981. Superconductivity in the ternary intermetallics YbPd2Ge2, LaPd2Ge2, and LaPt2Ge2. Physical Review B, 24, 6715-6718.
  • Hung, T.L., Chen, I.A., Huang, C.H., Lin, C.Y., Chen, C.W., You, Y.B., Jian, S.T., Yang, M.C., Hsu, Y.Y., Ho, J.C., Chen, Y.Y. ve Ku, H.C., 2013. Low Temperature Heat Capacity of Layered Superconductors SrNi2Ge2 and SrPd2Ge2. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 171, 148-155.
  • Jayalakshmi, D.S. ve Sundareswari, M., 2013. Effect of pressure on structural, electronic and bonding properties of CaTM2Pn2 (TM = Ni, Pd; Pn = P, As) compounds: A full potential computational study.-, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 561, 268-275.
  • Jeevan, H., Hossain, Z., Kasinathan, D., Rosner, H., Geibel, C. ve Gegenwart, P., 2008. High-temperature superconductivity in Eu0.5K0.5Fe2As2. Physical Review B, 78, 092406.
  • Jeitschko, W., Glaum, R. ve Boonk, L., 1987. Superconducting LaRu2P2 and other alkaline earth and rare earth metal ruthenium and osmium phosphides and arsenides with ThCr2Si2 structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 69, 93-100.
  • Keimes, V., Johrendt, D., Mewis, A., Huhnt, C. ve Schlabitz, W., 1997. About polymorphism of SrNi2P2 and crystal structure of BaNi2P2. Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie, 623, 1699-1704.
  • Kim, T.K., Yaresko, A.N., Zabolotnyy, V.B., Kordyuk, A.A., Evtushinsky, D.V., Sung, N.H., Cho, B.K., Samuely, T., Szabó, P., Rodrigo, J.G., Park, J.T., Inosov, D.S., Samuely, P., Büchner, B. ve Borisenko, S.V., 2012. Conventional superconductivity in SrPd2Ge2, Physical Review B, 85, 014520.
  • Kittel, C., 2014. Katı Hal Fiziğine Giriş, (çev: G. Önengüt, D. Önengüt), Palme Yayınları, ISBN 9780471415268, Ankara, 257s.
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  • Lohken, A., Lux, C., Johrendt, D. ve Mewis, A., 2002. Crystal and electronic structures of AIr2P2 (A : Ca-Ba). Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie, 628, 1472-1476.
  • Miclea, C.F, Nicklas, M., Jeevan, H.S, Kasinathan, D., Hossain, Z., Rosner, H., Gegenwart, P., Geibel, C. ve Steglich, F., 2009. Evidence for a reentrant superconducting state in EuFe2As2 under pressure. Physical Review B, 79, 212509.
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  • Mine, T., Yanagi, H., Kamiya, T., Kamihara, Y., Hirano, M. ve Hosono, H., 2008. Nickel-based phosphide superconductor with infinite-layer structure, BaNi2P2. Solid State Communications, 147, 111-113.
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  • Ronning, F., Kurita, N., Bauer, E.D., Scott, B.L., Park, T., Klimczuk, T., Movshovich, R. ve Thompson, J.D., 2008. The first order phase transition and superconductivity in BaNi2As2 single crystals. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20, 342203.
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  • Samuely, T., Szabó, P., Rodrigo, J.G., Sung, N.H., Cho, B.K. ve Samuely, P., 2013. Magnetic Pair Breaking in Superconducting SrPd2Ge2 Investigated by Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26, 1199-1203.
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Investigation of Physical Properties of the BaRu2As2 by Using Density Functional Theory

Yıl 2019, , 505 - 514, 15.07.2019


Ab initio
pseudopotential calculations have been made to investigate structural,
electronic, vibrational, and superconducting properties of BaRu2As2.
Electronic results show that the calculated density of states at the Fermi
level (N(EF)) is 1.79 states/eV and N(EF) is mainly
contributed by Ru 4d states and As 4p states. A linear response approach is
used to determine phonon dispersion curves and phonon density of states for this
compound. The phonon dispersion curves and phonon density of states indicate
the optimized structure of BaRu2As2 is dynamically
stable. Furthermore, the linear response method and theMigdal-Eliashberg
approach have been used to calculate electron-phonon matrix elements for BaRu2As2.
By using these matrix elements, the average electron-phonon coupling parameter
is found to be weak strength such as 
λ=0.21 . This result
confirms that very small electron-phonon interaction occurring in this
compound. This low value of (λ) explains the absence of conventional
superconductivity up to 0.1 K in this compound.


  • Anand, V.K., Kim, H., Tanatar, M.A., Prozorov, R. ve Johnston, D.C., 2013. Superconducting and normal-state properties of APd2As2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) single crystals. Physical Review B, 87, 224510.
  • Bağcı, S., Tütüncü, H.M, Duman, S. veSrivastava, G.P., 2010. Phonons and superconductivity in fcc and dhcp lanthanum. Physical Review B, 81, 144507.
  • Baroni, S., De Gironcoli, S., Dal Corso, A. ve Giannozzi, P., 2001. Phonons and related crystal properties from density-functional perturbation theory., Reviews of Modern Physics, 73, 515.
  • Bauer, R., Schmid, A., Pavone, P. ve Strauch, D., 1998. Electron-phonon coupling in the metallic elements Al, Au, Na, and Nb: A first-principles study., Physical Review B, 57, 11276.
  • Berry, N., Capan, C., Seyfarth, G., Bianchi, A.D., Ziller, J. ve Fisk, Z., 2009. Superconductivity without Fe or Ni in the phosphides BaIr2P2 and BaRh2P2. Physical Review B, 79, 180502.
  • Eliashberg, G., 1960. Interactions between electrons and lattice vibrations in a superconductor, Sov. Phys.-JETP (Engl. Transl.);(United States), 11, 696.
  • Fujii, H. ve Sato, A., 2009. Superconductivity in SrPd2Ge2. Physical Review B, 79, 224522.
  • Ghebouli, M.A., Bouhemadou, A., Ghebouli, B., Fatmi, M. ve Bin-Omran, S., 2011. Prediction study of the elastic and thermodynamic properties of the newly discovered tetragonal SrPd2Ge2 phase. Solid State Communications, 151, 976-981.
  • Giannozzi, P., Baroni, S., Bonini, N., Calandra, M., Car, R., Cavazzoni, C., Ceresoli, D., Chiarotti, G.L., Cococcioni, M., Dabo, I., Dal Corso, A., De Gironcoli, S., Fabris, S., Fratesi, G., Gebauer, R., Gerstmann, U., Gougoussis, C., Kokalj, A., Lazzeri, M., Martin-Samos, L., Marzari, N., Mauri, F., Mazzarello, R., Paolini, S., Pasquarello, A., Paulatto, L., Sbraccia, C., Scandolo, S., Sclauzero, G., Seitsonen, A.P., Smogunov, A., Umari, P., Wentzcovitch, R.M., 2009. QUANTUM ESPRESSO: A modular and open-source software project for quantum simulations of materials. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 21, 395502.
  • Hirai, D., Takayama, T., Hashizume, D., Higashinaka, R., Yamamoto, A., Hiroko, A.K. ve Takagi, H., 2010. Superconductivity in 4d and 5d transition metal layered pnictides BaRh2P2, BaIr2P2 and SrIr2As2. Physica C:Superconductivity and Its Applications, 470, 296-S297.
  • Hirai, D., Takayama, T., Higashinaka, R., Aruga-Katori, H. ve Takagi, H., 2009. Superconductivity in Layered Pnictides BaRh2P2 and BaIr2P2. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 78, 023706.
  • Hirai, D., von Rohr, Cava, R., 2012. Emergence of superconductivity in BaNi2(Ge1− x Px)2 at a structural instability. Physical Review B, 86, 100505.
  • Hull, G.W., Wernick, J.H., Geballe, T.H., Waszczak, J.V. ve Bernardini, J.E., 1981. Superconductivity in the ternary intermetallics YbPd2Ge2, LaPd2Ge2, and LaPt2Ge2. Physical Review B, 24, 6715-6718.
  • Hung, T.L., Chen, I.A., Huang, C.H., Lin, C.Y., Chen, C.W., You, Y.B., Jian, S.T., Yang, M.C., Hsu, Y.Y., Ho, J.C., Chen, Y.Y. ve Ku, H.C., 2013. Low Temperature Heat Capacity of Layered Superconductors SrNi2Ge2 and SrPd2Ge2. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 171, 148-155.
  • Jayalakshmi, D.S. ve Sundareswari, M., 2013. Effect of pressure on structural, electronic and bonding properties of CaTM2Pn2 (TM = Ni, Pd; Pn = P, As) compounds: A full potential computational study.-, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 561, 268-275.
  • Jeevan, H., Hossain, Z., Kasinathan, D., Rosner, H., Geibel, C. ve Gegenwart, P., 2008. High-temperature superconductivity in Eu0.5K0.5Fe2As2. Physical Review B, 78, 092406.
  • Jeitschko, W., Glaum, R. ve Boonk, L., 1987. Superconducting LaRu2P2 and other alkaline earth and rare earth metal ruthenium and osmium phosphides and arsenides with ThCr2Si2 structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 69, 93-100.
  • Keimes, V., Johrendt, D., Mewis, A., Huhnt, C. ve Schlabitz, W., 1997. About polymorphism of SrNi2P2 and crystal structure of BaNi2P2. Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie, 623, 1699-1704.
  • Kim, T.K., Yaresko, A.N., Zabolotnyy, V.B., Kordyuk, A.A., Evtushinsky, D.V., Sung, N.H., Cho, B.K., Samuely, T., Szabó, P., Rodrigo, J.G., Park, J.T., Inosov, D.S., Samuely, P., Büchner, B. ve Borisenko, S.V., 2012. Conventional superconductivity in SrPd2Ge2, Physical Review B, 85, 014520.
  • Kittel, C., 2014. Katı Hal Fiziğine Giriş, (çev: G. Önengüt, D. Önengüt), Palme Yayınları, ISBN 9780471415268, Ankara, 257s.
  • Kohn, W. ve Sham, L.J., 1965. Self-consistent equations including exchange and correlation effects. Physical Review, 140, A1133.
  • Liu, A.Y. ve Quong, A.A., 1996. Linear-response calculation of electron-phonon coupling parameters. Physical Review B, 53, R7575.
  • Lohken, A., Lux, C., Johrendt, D. ve Mewis, A., 2002. Crystal and electronic structures of AIr2P2 (A : Ca-Ba). Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie, 628, 1472-1476.
  • Miclea, C.F, Nicklas, M., Jeevan, H.S, Kasinathan, D., Hossain, Z., Rosner, H., Gegenwart, P., Geibel, C. ve Steglich, F., 2009. Evidence for a reentrant superconducting state in EuFe2As2 under pressure. Physical Review B, 79, 212509.
  • Migdal, A. 1958. Interaction between electrons and lattice vibrations in a normal metal, Sov. Phys. JETP, 7, 996-1001.
  • Mine, T., Yanagi, H., Kamiya, T., Kamihara, Y., Hirano, M. ve Hosono, H., 2008. Nickel-based phosphide superconductor with infinite-layer structure, BaNi2P2. Solid State Communications, 147, 111-113.
  • Moll, P.J.W., Kanter, J., McDonald, R.D., Balakirev, F., Blaha, P., Schwarz, K., Bukowski, Z., Zhigadlo, N.D., Katrych, S., Mattenberger, K., Karpinski, J. ve Batlogg, B., 2011. Quantum oscillations of the superconductor LaRu2P2: Comparable mass enhancement λ ≈ 1 in Ru and Fe phosphides, Physical Review B, 84, 224507
  • Monkhorst, H.J. ve Pack, J.D., 1976. Special points for Brillouin-zone integrations., Physical Review B, 13, 5188.
  • Murnaghan, F., 1944. The compressibility of media under extreme pressures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 30, 244-247.
  • Nagarajan, R., Sampathkumaran, E.V., Gupta, L.C., Vijayaraghavan, R., Prabhawalkar, V., Bhaktdarshan ve Padalia, B.D., 1981. Mössbauer and x-ray absorption spectroscopic measurements on the new mixed-valence system EuNi2P2, Physics Letters A, 84, 275-277.
  • Nath, R., Singh, Y. ve Johnston, D., 2009. Magnetic, thermal, and transport properties of layered arsenides BaRu2As2 and SrRu2As2., Physical Review B, 79, 174513.
  • Perdew, J.P., Burke, K. ve Ernzerhof, M., 1996. Generalized gradient approximation made simple. Physical Review Letters, 77, 3865.
  • Rappe, A.M., Rabe, K.M., Kaxiras, E. ve Joannopoulos, J., 1990. Optimized pseudopotentials, Physical Review B, 41, 1227.
  • Razzoli, E., Kobayashi, M., Strocov, V.N., Delley, B., Bukowski, Z., Karpinski, J., Plumb, N.C., Radovic, M., Chang, J., Schmitt, T., Patthey, L., Mesot, J. ve Shi, M., 2012. Bulk Electronic Structure of Superconducting LaRu2P2 Single Crystals Measured by Soft-X-Ray Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, 108, 257005.
  • Reehuis, M., Jeitschko, W., Möller, M.H. ve Brown, P.J., 1992. A Neutron diffraction study of the magnetic structure of EuCo2P2., Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 53, 687-690.
  • Ronning, F., Bauer, E.D., Park, T., Baek, S.H., Sakai, H. ve Thompson, J.D., 2009. Superconductivity and the effects of pressure and structure in single-crystalline SrNi2P2. Physical Review B, 79, 134507.
  • Ronning, F., Kurita, N., Bauer, E.D., Scott, B.L., Park, T., Klimczuk, T., Movshovich, R. ve Thompson, J.D., 2008. The first order phase transition and superconductivity in BaNi2As2 single crystals. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20, 342203.
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Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Ertuğrul Karaca 0000-0003-4451-4989

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Aralık 2018
Kabul Tarihi 29 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaca, E. (2019). BaRu2As2 Malzemesinin Fiziksel Özelliklerinin Yoğunluk Fonksiyonel Teorisi Kullanılarak İncelenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(3), 505-514.