Aydınlatma alternatiflerinin insan odaklı aydınlatma açısından değerlendirilmesi: Büro örneği
Yıl 2022,
, 26 - 38, 30.09.2022
Elif Erkoç Kaplan
Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk
Işığın görsel etkilerinin yanı sıra görsel olmayan biyolojik ve davranışsal etkileri de vardır. Günümüzde ışığın görsel ve görsel olmayan etkilerini dikkate alan insan odaklı aydınlatma önem kazanmıştır. Ancak henüz bu bağlamda işleve göre sağlanması uygun aydınlık düzeyi ve ışığın renk sıcaklığı hakkında bir görüş birliği yoktur. Bu çalışmada bürolar için benimsenebilecek aydınlatma koşullarını araştırmak üzere bir deney hacminde dört statik ve bir dinamik aydınlatma senaryosu kurgulanmıştır. Aydınlık düzeyi ve renk sıcaklıkları farklı bu senaryolar anket çalışması ve aydınlatma hesaplarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma, uzun ve kısa süreli çalışma olmak üzere iki ayrı koşul için planlanmıştır. Her aydınlatma senaryosu uzun süreli çalışmada iki hafta, kısa süreli çalışmada ise yirmi dakika uygulanmıştır. Anket soruları ile katılımcıların duygu durumlarının yanı sıra aydınlatma koşulları da çeşitli açılardan sorgulanmıştır. Her iki çalışma için de anket verilerinin istatistiksel değerlendirmesi yapılmış ve sonuçlar birbirini desteklemiştir. Soğuk ışık rengi ve yüksek aydınlık düzeyi deneklerin kendilerini daha enerjik, uyanık ve dinlenmiş hissetmelerini sağlamıştır. Öte yandan, her iki çalışmada da en çok ılık renkli ışık tercih edilmiştir. Aydınlık düzeyi alternatiflerinden 500 lx düşük, 1500 lx ise yüksek olarak nitelendirilmiştir. En çok yeğlenen aydınlatma senaryosu ılık renkli ışık ile 1250 lx aydınlığın sağlandığı seçenektir. Bu araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar ile bütünleyici aydınlatma için optimum koşulların belirlenmesine yönelik veriler sunulmuştur.
Destekleyen Kurum
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi
Proje Numarası
Bu çalışma Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından FDK-2019-3594 numaralı proje kapsamında desteklenmiştir. YTÜ BAP Koordinasyon Birimi’ne ve aydınlatma düzeninin kurulmasına verdikleri destekten ötürü Signify Aydınlatma’ya teşekkür ederiz.
- aan het Rot, M., Moskowitz, D.S., Young, S.N. (2008). Exposure to bright light is associated with positive social interaction and good mood over short time periods: A naturalistic study in mildly seasonal people. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42(4), 311–319.
- Berson, D.M., Dunn, F.A., Takao, M. (2002). Phototransduction by retinal ganglion cells that set the circadian clock. Science, 295, 1070–1073.
- Canazei, M., Dehoff, P., Staggl, S., Pohl, W. (2014). Effects of dynamic ambient lighting on female permanent morning shift workers. Lighting Res. Technol., Vol. 46, 140–156.
- de Kort, Y.A.W., Smolders, K.C.H.J. (2010). Effects of dynamic lighting on office workers: First results of a field study with monthly alternating settings. Lighting Res. Technol., 42, 345–360.
- European Committee for Standardization. (2019). Light and lighting - Lighting of work places - Part 1: Indoor work places, EN 12464-1. Brussels: CEN.
- European Committee for Standardization. (2017). Quantifying irradiance for eye-mediated non-image-forming effects of light in humans, PD CEN/TR 16791. Brussels: CEN.
- Figueiro, M.G., Steverson, B., Heerwagen, J., Kampschroer, K., Hunter, C.M., Gonzales, K., Plitnick, B., Rea, M.S. (2017). The impact of daytime light exposures on sleep and mood in office workers. Sleep Health, 3, 204-2015.
- Hattar, S., Liao, H.W., Takao, M., Berson, D.M., Yau, K.W. (2002). Melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells: Architecture, projections, and intrinsic photosensitivity. Science, 295, 1065–1070.
- International Commission on Illumination. (2019). CIE Position statement on non-visual effects of light, Recommending proper light at the proper time. https://cie.co.at/files/CIE%20Position%20Statement%20-%20Proper%20Light%20at%20the%20Proper%20Time%20(2019)_0.pdf.
- International Commission on Illumination. (2011). International lighting vocabulary. CIE S017/E. Vienna: CIE. https://cie.co.at/e-ilv.
- Jolles, J., Houx, P.J., Van Boxtel, M.P.J., & Ponds, R.W.H.M. (1995). Maastricht Aging Study: Determinants of cognitive aging. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Neuropsych Publishers.
- Lucas, R.J. et. al (2014). Measuring and using light in the melanopsin age, Trends in Neurosciences, 37, No. 1, 1-9.
- Mills, P.R., Tomkins, S., Schlangen, L.J.M. (2007). The effect of high correlated colour temperature office lighting on employee wellbeing and work performance. Journal of Circadian Rhythms, 5, 2.
- Patania, F., Gagliano, A., Nocera, F., Galesi, A., Caserta, J. (2012). The dynamic lighting into the working environment. Int. J. of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Vol. 7, No. 4, 394–408.
- PHO. (2008-2012). PROMIS-Sleep disturbance-short form-Adult. PROMIS Health Organization and PROMIS Cooperative Group.
- Schlangen, L.J.M., Verhaegh, J., Denissen, A.J.M., Talen, H.J., Herremans, H.M.L., Bikker, J.W., de Ruyter, B., Lemmens, P.M.C. (2015). Workplace illumination effects on acuity, cognitive performance and well-being in older and young people. 28th CIE Session. Manchester, United Kingdom, 87-95.
- Smolders, K.C.H.J., de Kort, Y.A.W., Cluitmans, P.J.M. (2012). A higher illuminance induces alertness even during office hours: Findings on subjective measures, task performance and heart rate measures. Physiology&Behaviour, 107, 7-16.
- Tonello, G., de Borsetti, N.H., Borsetti, H., Tereschuk, L., Lopez Zigaran, S. (2019). Perceived well-being and light-reactive hormones: An exploratory study. Lighting Res. Technol., 51, 184-205.
- Van der Elst, W., van Boxtel, M.P.J., van Breukelen, G., Jolles, J. (2006). The letter digit substitution test: Normative data for 1858 healthy participants aged 24-81 from the Maastricht aging study (MAAS): Influence of age, education, and sex. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 28, 998-1009.
- Viola, A.U., James, L.M., Schlangen, L.J.M., Dijk, D.J. (2008). Blue-enriched white light in the workplace improves self-reported alertness, performance and sleep quality. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 34, 297–306.
Evaluation of lighting alternatives in terms of human centric lighting: The case of office
Yıl 2022,
, 26 - 38, 30.09.2022
Elif Erkoç Kaplan
Leyla Dokuzer Öztürk
In addition to its visual effects, light also has non-visual biological and behavioural effects. Nowadays, human centric lighting that takes into account the visual and non-visual effects of light has gained in importance. However, in this context there is no consensus on the appropriate illuminance and colour temperature of light according to the function. In this study, four static and one dynamic lighting scenarios were designed in a mock-up room in order to investigate the lighting conditions applicable to offices. These scenarios with different illuminances and colour temperatures were compared through surveys and lighting calculations. The research was planned for two separate conditions; long-term and short-term study. Each lighting scenario was applied for two weeks in the long-term study and twenty minutes in the short-term study. In addition to the emotional states of the participants, the lighting conditions were also questioned from various aspects with the questionnaire. Statistical evaluation of the survey data was conducted for both studies and the results supported each other. Cool light colour and high illuminance ensured that the subjects felt more energetic, alert and rested. On the other hand, neutral coloured light was preferred the most in both studies. Among the illuminance alternatives, 500 lx was assessed as low and 1500 lx as high. The most preferred lighting scenario was the option where 1250 lx illumination is provided with neutral coloured light. With the results obtained in this research, data for determining the optimum conditions for integrative lighting are presented.
Proje Numarası
- aan het Rot, M., Moskowitz, D.S., Young, S.N. (2008). Exposure to bright light is associated with positive social interaction and good mood over short time periods: A naturalistic study in mildly seasonal people. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42(4), 311–319.
- Berson, D.M., Dunn, F.A., Takao, M. (2002). Phototransduction by retinal ganglion cells that set the circadian clock. Science, 295, 1070–1073.
- Canazei, M., Dehoff, P., Staggl, S., Pohl, W. (2014). Effects of dynamic ambient lighting on female permanent morning shift workers. Lighting Res. Technol., Vol. 46, 140–156.
- de Kort, Y.A.W., Smolders, K.C.H.J. (2010). Effects of dynamic lighting on office workers: First results of a field study with monthly alternating settings. Lighting Res. Technol., 42, 345–360.
- European Committee for Standardization. (2019). Light and lighting - Lighting of work places - Part 1: Indoor work places, EN 12464-1. Brussels: CEN.
- European Committee for Standardization. (2017). Quantifying irradiance for eye-mediated non-image-forming effects of light in humans, PD CEN/TR 16791. Brussels: CEN.
- Figueiro, M.G., Steverson, B., Heerwagen, J., Kampschroer, K., Hunter, C.M., Gonzales, K., Plitnick, B., Rea, M.S. (2017). The impact of daytime light exposures on sleep and mood in office workers. Sleep Health, 3, 204-2015.
- Hattar, S., Liao, H.W., Takao, M., Berson, D.M., Yau, K.W. (2002). Melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells: Architecture, projections, and intrinsic photosensitivity. Science, 295, 1065–1070.
- International Commission on Illumination. (2019). CIE Position statement on non-visual effects of light, Recommending proper light at the proper time. https://cie.co.at/files/CIE%20Position%20Statement%20-%20Proper%20Light%20at%20the%20Proper%20Time%20(2019)_0.pdf.
- International Commission on Illumination. (2011). International lighting vocabulary. CIE S017/E. Vienna: CIE. https://cie.co.at/e-ilv.
- Jolles, J., Houx, P.J., Van Boxtel, M.P.J., & Ponds, R.W.H.M. (1995). Maastricht Aging Study: Determinants of cognitive aging. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Neuropsych Publishers.
- Lucas, R.J. et. al (2014). Measuring and using light in the melanopsin age, Trends in Neurosciences, 37, No. 1, 1-9.
- Mills, P.R., Tomkins, S., Schlangen, L.J.M. (2007). The effect of high correlated colour temperature office lighting on employee wellbeing and work performance. Journal of Circadian Rhythms, 5, 2.
- Patania, F., Gagliano, A., Nocera, F., Galesi, A., Caserta, J. (2012). The dynamic lighting into the working environment. Int. J. of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Vol. 7, No. 4, 394–408.
- PHO. (2008-2012). PROMIS-Sleep disturbance-short form-Adult. PROMIS Health Organization and PROMIS Cooperative Group.
- Schlangen, L.J.M., Verhaegh, J., Denissen, A.J.M., Talen, H.J., Herremans, H.M.L., Bikker, J.W., de Ruyter, B., Lemmens, P.M.C. (2015). Workplace illumination effects on acuity, cognitive performance and well-being in older and young people. 28th CIE Session. Manchester, United Kingdom, 87-95.
- Smolders, K.C.H.J., de Kort, Y.A.W., Cluitmans, P.J.M. (2012). A higher illuminance induces alertness even during office hours: Findings on subjective measures, task performance and heart rate measures. Physiology&Behaviour, 107, 7-16.
- Tonello, G., de Borsetti, N.H., Borsetti, H., Tereschuk, L., Lopez Zigaran, S. (2019). Perceived well-being and light-reactive hormones: An exploratory study. Lighting Res. Technol., 51, 184-205.
- Van der Elst, W., van Boxtel, M.P.J., van Breukelen, G., Jolles, J. (2006). The letter digit substitution test: Normative data for 1858 healthy participants aged 24-81 from the Maastricht aging study (MAAS): Influence of age, education, and sex. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 28, 998-1009.
- Viola, A.U., James, L.M., Schlangen, L.J.M., Dijk, D.J. (2008). Blue-enriched white light in the workplace improves self-reported alertness, performance and sleep quality. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 34, 297–306.