Antimicrobial Potential of Usnea longissima Ach. Lichen Against Human Pathogens
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 4, 710 - 715, 15.10.2019
Kadir Kınalıoğlu
Sinem Aydın
Bahar Bilgin Sökmen
Lichens are a symbiotic association between a fungus and algae
and/or cyanobacteria. Lichen use as food and dye source, air pollution
indicator, medicinal and decoration. In
this study, antimicrobial activity of ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts of
Usnea longissima Ach. lichen was searched by disc diffusion method. While
inhibition zones ranges from 14.5 mm to 24.5 mm for bacteria, inhibition zones
ranges from 10 mm to 32 mm for fungi. Lichen extracts exhibited higher activity
than gentamicin
and tetracycline but they showed similar activity to nystatin. The MIC values of the
extract varied between 0.002-0.117 mg/mL against bacteria; while The MIC values
of the extract varied between 0.004-0.059 mg/mL against fungi. According to the obtained
results, it could be said that U. longissima might be an alternative to
synthetic antimicrobial agents.
- Ağar, G., Aslan, A., Sarıoğlu, E.K., Alpsoy, L. and Çeker, S., 2011. Protective activity of the methanol extract of Usnea longissima against oxidative damage and genotoxicity caused by aflatoxin B1 in vitro. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 41 (6), 1043-1049.
- Amenu, D., 2014. Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plant extracts and their synergetic effect on some selected pathogens. American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 1(1), 18-29.
- Atalay, F., Halıcı, M.B., Mavi, A., Çakır, A., Odabaşoğlu, F., Kazaz, C., Aslan, A. and Küfrevioğlu, Ö.İ., 2011. Antioxidant phenolics from Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. and Usnea longissima Ach. lichen species. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 35, 647 – 661.
- Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S. and Sharnoff, S., 2001. Lichens of North America: London, Yale University Press, 795p.
- Cansaran, D., Kahya, D., Yurdakulol, E. and Atakol, O., 2006. Identification and quantification of usnic acid from the lichen Usnea species of Anatolia and antimicrobial activity. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 61c, 773-776.
- Chandra, M., 2013. Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants against human pathogenic bacteria. International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research, 4(7), 653-658.
- Dandapat, M. and Paul, S., 2019. Secondary metabolites from lichen Usnea longissima and its pharmacological relevance. Pharmacognosy Research, 11(2), 103-109.
- Ertürk, Ö., 2006. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of ethanolic extracts from eleven spice plants. Biologia Bratislava, 61, 275-278.
- Güllüce, M., Adıgüzel, A., Öğütçü, H., Şengül, M., Karaman, İ. and Şahin, F., 2004. Antimicrobial effects of Quercus ilex L. extract. Phytotheraphy Research, 18, 208- 211.
- Halici, M., Odabasoglu, F., Suleyman, H., Cakir, A., Aslan, A. and Bayir, Y., 2005. Effects of water extract of Usnea longissima on antioxidant enzyme activity and mucosal damage caused by indomethacin in rats. Phytomedicine, 12, 656- 662.
- Hobbs, C. 1990. Usnea: The Herbal Antibiotic and Other Medicinal Lichens: California, Botanica Press, 20p.
- Kamal, S., Manish, S., Savita, J. and Jasumati, 2015. Assessment of antibacterial activity of Usnea species of Shimla Hills. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 4(7), 413-425.
- Keskin, D., Oskay, D. and Oskay, M., 2010. Antimicrobial activity of selected plant spices marketed in the West Anatolia. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 12, 916–920.
- Koçer, S., Uruş, S., Çakır, A., Güllüce, M., Dığrak, M., Alan, Y., Aslan, A., Tümer, M., Karadayı, M., Kazaz, C. and Dal, H., 2014. The synthesis, characterization, Antimicrobial and antimutagenic activities of hydroxyphenylimino ligands and their metal complexes of usnic acid isolated from Usnea longissima. Dalton Transactions, 43, 6148-6164.
- Kumar, S., Dhankhar, S., Arya, V.P., Yadav, S. and Yadav, J.P., 2012. Antimicrobial activity of Salvadora oleoides Decne. against some microorganisms. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 6 (14), 2754-2760.
- Maulidiyah, I., Muntu, W. and Nurdin, M., 2016. Secondary metabolites identification from Usnea longissima Ach.: Bioactivity test of antibacterial. International Journal of Applied Chemistry, 12(3), 347-357.
- Murray, P.R., Baron, E.J., Pfaller, M.A., Tenovar, F.C. and Yolke, R.H., 1995. Manual of Clinical Microbiology: Washington DC., ASM Press, 1482p.
- Prateeksha, Paliya, B.S., Bajpai, R., Jadaun, V., Kumar, J., Kumar, S., Upreti, D.K., Singh, B.R., Nayaka, S., Joshi, Y. and Singh, B.N., 2016. The genus Usnea: a potent phytomedicine with multifarious ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology. RSC Advances, 6, 21672-21696.
- Rauf, A., Latif, A., Rehman, R. and Afaq, S.H., 2011. In-vitro antibacterial screening of extracts of Usnea longissima lichen. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 2(2), 14-18.
- Šarić, Ć.L., Ćabarkapa, S.I., Beljkaš, M.B., Mišan, Ć.A., Sakać, B.M. and Plavšiće, V.D., 2009. Antimicrobial activity of plant extracts from Serbia. Food Processing, Quality and Safety, 1(2), 1-5.
- Siddiqi, K.S., Rashid, M., Rahman, A., Tajuddin, Husen, A. and Rehman, S., 2019. Biogenic fabrication and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous ethanolic extract of lichen (Usnea longissima) and their antimicrobial activity. Biomaterials Research, 22, 23-32.
- Srivastava, P., Upreti, D.K., Dhole, T.N., Srivastava, A.K. and Nayak, M.T., 2013. Antimicrobial property of extracts of Indian lichen against human pathogenic bacteria. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 10, 1155-1161.
- Thippeswamy B., Naveenkumar K.J., Bodharthi J.G. and Shivaprasad S.R., 2011. Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract of Usnea longissima. Journal of Experimental Sciences, 2(12), 01-03.
- Ünal, M.Ü., Uçan, F., Şener, A. and Dinçer, S., 2008. Research on antifungal and inhibitory effects of DL-limonene on some yeasts. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Forestry, 36, 576-582.
Usnea longissima Ach. Likeninin İnsan Patojenlerine Karşı Antimikrobiyal Potansiyeli
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 4, 710 - 715, 15.10.2019
Kadir Kınalıoğlu
Sinem Aydın
Bahar Bilgin Sökmen
Likenler bir mantar ve bir alg ve/ya da siyanobakteri arasındaki simbiyotik
birlikteliklerdir. Likenler besin ve boya kaynağı, hava kirliliği indikatörü,
tıbbi ve dekorasyon amaçlı kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Usnea longissima
Ach. likeninin etanol ve etil asetat ekstraktlarının antimikrobiyal
aktiviteleri disk difüzyon metodu ile araştırıldı. Bakteriler için inhibisyon
zonları 14.5 mm ve 24.5 mm arasında değişirken; mantarlar için 10 mm ve 32 mm
arasında değişmektedir. Liken ekstraktları gentamisin ve tetrasiklinden daha
yüksek ve nistatine benzer aktivite göstermiştir. Ekstraktların bakterilere
karşı MİK değerleri 2-117 µg/mL arasında değişirken; mantarlara karşı MİK
değerleri 4-59 µg/mL arasında değişmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, U.
longissima’nın sentetik antimikrobiyal ajanlara alternatif olabileceği
- Ağar, G., Aslan, A., Sarıoğlu, E.K., Alpsoy, L. and Çeker, S., 2011. Protective activity of the methanol extract of Usnea longissima against oxidative damage and genotoxicity caused by aflatoxin B1 in vitro. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 41 (6), 1043-1049.
- Amenu, D., 2014. Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plant extracts and their synergetic effect on some selected pathogens. American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 1(1), 18-29.
- Atalay, F., Halıcı, M.B., Mavi, A., Çakır, A., Odabaşoğlu, F., Kazaz, C., Aslan, A. and Küfrevioğlu, Ö.İ., 2011. Antioxidant phenolics from Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. and Usnea longissima Ach. lichen species. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 35, 647 – 661.
- Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S. and Sharnoff, S., 2001. Lichens of North America: London, Yale University Press, 795p.
- Cansaran, D., Kahya, D., Yurdakulol, E. and Atakol, O., 2006. Identification and quantification of usnic acid from the lichen Usnea species of Anatolia and antimicrobial activity. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 61c, 773-776.
- Chandra, M., 2013. Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants against human pathogenic bacteria. International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research, 4(7), 653-658.
- Dandapat, M. and Paul, S., 2019. Secondary metabolites from lichen Usnea longissima and its pharmacological relevance. Pharmacognosy Research, 11(2), 103-109.
- Ertürk, Ö., 2006. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of ethanolic extracts from eleven spice plants. Biologia Bratislava, 61, 275-278.
- Güllüce, M., Adıgüzel, A., Öğütçü, H., Şengül, M., Karaman, İ. and Şahin, F., 2004. Antimicrobial effects of Quercus ilex L. extract. Phytotheraphy Research, 18, 208- 211.
- Halici, M., Odabasoglu, F., Suleyman, H., Cakir, A., Aslan, A. and Bayir, Y., 2005. Effects of water extract of Usnea longissima on antioxidant enzyme activity and mucosal damage caused by indomethacin in rats. Phytomedicine, 12, 656- 662.
- Hobbs, C. 1990. Usnea: The Herbal Antibiotic and Other Medicinal Lichens: California, Botanica Press, 20p.
- Kamal, S., Manish, S., Savita, J. and Jasumati, 2015. Assessment of antibacterial activity of Usnea species of Shimla Hills. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 4(7), 413-425.
- Keskin, D., Oskay, D. and Oskay, M., 2010. Antimicrobial activity of selected plant spices marketed in the West Anatolia. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 12, 916–920.
- Koçer, S., Uruş, S., Çakır, A., Güllüce, M., Dığrak, M., Alan, Y., Aslan, A., Tümer, M., Karadayı, M., Kazaz, C. and Dal, H., 2014. The synthesis, characterization, Antimicrobial and antimutagenic activities of hydroxyphenylimino ligands and their metal complexes of usnic acid isolated from Usnea longissima. Dalton Transactions, 43, 6148-6164.
- Kumar, S., Dhankhar, S., Arya, V.P., Yadav, S. and Yadav, J.P., 2012. Antimicrobial activity of Salvadora oleoides Decne. against some microorganisms. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 6 (14), 2754-2760.
- Maulidiyah, I., Muntu, W. and Nurdin, M., 2016. Secondary metabolites identification from Usnea longissima Ach.: Bioactivity test of antibacterial. International Journal of Applied Chemistry, 12(3), 347-357.
- Murray, P.R., Baron, E.J., Pfaller, M.A., Tenovar, F.C. and Yolke, R.H., 1995. Manual of Clinical Microbiology: Washington DC., ASM Press, 1482p.
- Prateeksha, Paliya, B.S., Bajpai, R., Jadaun, V., Kumar, J., Kumar, S., Upreti, D.K., Singh, B.R., Nayaka, S., Joshi, Y. and Singh, B.N., 2016. The genus Usnea: a potent phytomedicine with multifarious ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology. RSC Advances, 6, 21672-21696.
- Rauf, A., Latif, A., Rehman, R. and Afaq, S.H., 2011. In-vitro antibacterial screening of extracts of Usnea longissima lichen. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 2(2), 14-18.
- Šarić, Ć.L., Ćabarkapa, S.I., Beljkaš, M.B., Mišan, Ć.A., Sakać, B.M. and Plavšiće, V.D., 2009. Antimicrobial activity of plant extracts from Serbia. Food Processing, Quality and Safety, 1(2), 1-5.
- Siddiqi, K.S., Rashid, M., Rahman, A., Tajuddin, Husen, A. and Rehman, S., 2019. Biogenic fabrication and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous ethanolic extract of lichen (Usnea longissima) and their antimicrobial activity. Biomaterials Research, 22, 23-32.
- Srivastava, P., Upreti, D.K., Dhole, T.N., Srivastava, A.K. and Nayak, M.T., 2013. Antimicrobial property of extracts of Indian lichen against human pathogenic bacteria. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 10, 1155-1161.
- Thippeswamy B., Naveenkumar K.J., Bodharthi J.G. and Shivaprasad S.R., 2011. Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract of Usnea longissima. Journal of Experimental Sciences, 2(12), 01-03.
- Ünal, M.Ü., Uçan, F., Şener, A. and Dinçer, S., 2008. Research on antifungal and inhibitory effects of DL-limonene on some yeasts. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Forestry, 36, 576-582.