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Farklı çevrelerde yetiştirilen ekmeklik ve makarnalık buğday genotiplerinde stoma sayısı değişimleri

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 79 - 88, 01.04.2011


Taban ve kıraç koşullar gibi iki farklı çevrede yetiştirilen ekmeklik ve makarnalık buğday genotiplerinin stoma sayılarının incelendiği bu çalışma, 2002 yılında Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Uygulama ve Araştırma Alanları ile Bölüm laboratuvarlarında; altı ekmeklik ve beş makarnalık buğday genotipi kullanılarak yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, ekmeklik ve makarnalık buğday genotiplerinin taban ve kıraç koşullarda stoma sayıları bakımından P = 0.01 olasılık düzeyinde farklılıklar gösterdiği; ekmeklik ve makarnalık buğdayların taban koşullardaki stoma sayılarının, kıraca göre daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca, stoma sayıları bakımından çevre yer x genotip interaksiyonları ekmeklik ve makarnalık buğdaylarda istatistiki olarak önemli düzeyde farklılıklar göstermiştir. Bu çalışma sonunda, stoma sayısının diğer yaprak karakterleriyle birlikte değerlendirilmek suretiyle bitki ıslahı çalışmalarında morfo-fizyolojik bir kriter olarak kullanılabileceği ortaya konmuştur


  • [1] Hetherington, A. M., Woodward, F. I., 2003, The role of stomata in sensing and driving environmental change, Nature, 424, 901-908.
  • [2] Mohammed, S., Stomatal behaviour and water loss in halophytes of Indian arid zone in Chawan, D. D., Environment and Adaptive Biology of Plants, Scientific Publisher, 151-165, Jodhpur (1995).
  • [3] Wenkert, W., Water transport and balance with in the plant in Taylor, H. M., Jordan, W. R., Sinclair, T. R., Limitations to Efficient Water Use in Crop Plants, American Society of Agronomy, 137-172, 1983.
  • [4] Farquhar, G. D., 1978, Feed forward responses of stomata to humidity, Aust. J. Plant Physiol., 5, 787-800.
  • [5] Xu, D. Q., Shen, Y. K., Photosynthetic efficiency and crop yield in Pessarakli, M., Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Marcel Dekker Inc., 836, New York (2002).
  • [6] Davies, W. T., Transpiration and the water balance of plants in Steward, F. C., Sutcliffe J. F., Dale, J. E., Plant Physiology, A treatise, Vol. IX., Water and Solutes in Plants, 49-154, New York (1986).
  • [7] Fischer, R. A., Turner, N. C., 1978, Plant productivity in the arid and semi-arid zones, Annual Rev. Plant Physiol., 29, 277-317.
  • [8] Pugnaire, F. I., Endolz, L. Z., Pardos, I., Contraints by water stress on plant growth in Pessarakli, M., Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, Marcel Dekker Inc., 247-259, New York (1994).
  • [9] Sen, D. N., Kasera, P. K., Mohammed, S., Biology and physiology of saline plants in Pessarakli, M., Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Marcel Dekker Inc., 574, New York (2002).
  • [10] Mohammed, S., Comparative studies of saline and non-saline vegetation in Indian arid zone, PhD dissertation, University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur (1988).
  • [11] Moss, D. N., Wooley, J. T., Stone, J. F., 1974, Plant modification for more efficient water use: the challenge, Agric. Meteorol., 14, 311-320.
  • [12] Bahar, B., Yıldırım, M., Barutcular, C., 2009, Relationships between stomatal conductance and yield components in spring durum wheat under Mediterranean conditions, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 37 (2), 45-48.
  • [13] Tezara, W., Mitchell, V. J., Driscoll, S. D., Lawlor, D. W., 1999, Water stress inhibits plant photosynthesis by decreasing coupling factor and ATP, Nature, 401, 914-917.
  • [14] Itani, J., Oda, T., Numao, T., 1999, Studies on mechanisms of dehydration postponoment in cassava leaves under short-term soil water deficits, Plant Prod. Sci., 2, 184-189.
  • [15] Thimann, K. V., Satler, S. O., 1979, Relation between senescence and stomatal closure: senescence in light, Proc. Natil. Acad. Sci. USA, 76, 2295-2298.
  • [16] Penerrubia, L., Moreno, J., Senescence in plants and crops in Pessarakli, M., Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Marcel Dekker Inc., 574, New York (2002).
  • [17] Marschner, H., Mineral nutrition of higher plants, Academic Press, London, (1995).
  • [18] Schlicting, E., Blume, H., Bodenkundliches practicum, Hamburg, Berlin, (1966).
  • [19] Richards, L. A., Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soil, USDA Handbook, No: 60, (1954).
  • [20] Bouyoucos, G. J., 1951, Arecalibration of the higrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agron. Jour., 43, 434-438.
  • [21] Morgan, J. A., Lecain, D. R., McCaig, T. N., Quick, J. S., 1993, Gas exchange, carbon isotope discrimination, and productivity in winter wheat, Crop Sci., 33, 178-186.
  • [22] Araghi, S. G., Assad, M. T., 1998, Evaluation of four screening techniques for drought resistance and their relationship to yield reduction ratio in wheat, Euphytica, 103, 293-299.
  • [23] Khan, A. S., Ul-Allah, S., Sadique, S., 2010, Genetic variability and correlation among seedling traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under water stress, Int. J. Agric. Biol., 12 (2), 247-250.
  • [24] Bahar, B., Çukurova taban ve kıraç koşullarında bazı ekmeklik ve makarnalık buğday genotiplerinde stoma iletkenliği ve diğer yaprak özellikleri ile verim ve verim unsurları arasındaki ilişkiler üzerine bir araştırma, Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, (2004).
  • [25] Arminian, A., Houshmand, S., Knox, R. E., Shiran, B., 2008, Stomatal characteristics, heritability, and their relationship to grain yield in a double haploid bread wheat population, 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, 24-29 August 2008, Brisbone, QLD, Australia, vol. 2, 638- 640.
  • [26] Merah, O., Monneveux, P., Deleens, E., 2001, Relationships between flag leaf carbon isotope discrimination and several morpho-physiological traits in durum wheat genotypes under Mediterranean conditions, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 45, 63-71.

Variations for the number of stomata in bread and durum wheat genotypes under different environments

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 79 - 88, 01.04.2011


The objective of this study was to investigate the differences among bread wheat and durum wheat genotypes for the number of stomata under high - and low - land conditions in Cukurova Region. The study was conducted at the Research Areas and Laboratories of Cukurova University, Agricultural Faculty, Field Crops Department, and used six bread, five durum wheat genotypes as a material. Also, trials were designed according to the completely randomised blocks with four replicates. In this study, it was found bread and durum wheat genotypes under high- and -low land conditions for the number of stomata showed significant differences at the level of P = 0.01. Also, the numbers of stomata of both species under high- land were less than under low-land conditions. In the study, environment location x genotype interactions for this trait in bread and durum wheat genotypes were statistically different. At the end of the study, it was decided that the number of stomata must be evaluated together with the other leaf traits. Thus, it will be more useful morpho-physiological criteria in plant breeding studies


  • [1] Hetherington, A. M., Woodward, F. I., 2003, The role of stomata in sensing and driving environmental change, Nature, 424, 901-908.
  • [2] Mohammed, S., Stomatal behaviour and water loss in halophytes of Indian arid zone in Chawan, D. D., Environment and Adaptive Biology of Plants, Scientific Publisher, 151-165, Jodhpur (1995).
  • [3] Wenkert, W., Water transport and balance with in the plant in Taylor, H. M., Jordan, W. R., Sinclair, T. R., Limitations to Efficient Water Use in Crop Plants, American Society of Agronomy, 137-172, 1983.
  • [4] Farquhar, G. D., 1978, Feed forward responses of stomata to humidity, Aust. J. Plant Physiol., 5, 787-800.
  • [5] Xu, D. Q., Shen, Y. K., Photosynthetic efficiency and crop yield in Pessarakli, M., Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Marcel Dekker Inc., 836, New York (2002).
  • [6] Davies, W. T., Transpiration and the water balance of plants in Steward, F. C., Sutcliffe J. F., Dale, J. E., Plant Physiology, A treatise, Vol. IX., Water and Solutes in Plants, 49-154, New York (1986).
  • [7] Fischer, R. A., Turner, N. C., 1978, Plant productivity in the arid and semi-arid zones, Annual Rev. Plant Physiol., 29, 277-317.
  • [8] Pugnaire, F. I., Endolz, L. Z., Pardos, I., Contraints by water stress on plant growth in Pessarakli, M., Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, Marcel Dekker Inc., 247-259, New York (1994).
  • [9] Sen, D. N., Kasera, P. K., Mohammed, S., Biology and physiology of saline plants in Pessarakli, M., Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Marcel Dekker Inc., 574, New York (2002).
  • [10] Mohammed, S., Comparative studies of saline and non-saline vegetation in Indian arid zone, PhD dissertation, University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur (1988).
  • [11] Moss, D. N., Wooley, J. T., Stone, J. F., 1974, Plant modification for more efficient water use: the challenge, Agric. Meteorol., 14, 311-320.
  • [12] Bahar, B., Yıldırım, M., Barutcular, C., 2009, Relationships between stomatal conductance and yield components in spring durum wheat under Mediterranean conditions, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 37 (2), 45-48.
  • [13] Tezara, W., Mitchell, V. J., Driscoll, S. D., Lawlor, D. W., 1999, Water stress inhibits plant photosynthesis by decreasing coupling factor and ATP, Nature, 401, 914-917.
  • [14] Itani, J., Oda, T., Numao, T., 1999, Studies on mechanisms of dehydration postponoment in cassava leaves under short-term soil water deficits, Plant Prod. Sci., 2, 184-189.
  • [15] Thimann, K. V., Satler, S. O., 1979, Relation between senescence and stomatal closure: senescence in light, Proc. Natil. Acad. Sci. USA, 76, 2295-2298.
  • [16] Penerrubia, L., Moreno, J., Senescence in plants and crops in Pessarakli, M., Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Marcel Dekker Inc., 574, New York (2002).
  • [17] Marschner, H., Mineral nutrition of higher plants, Academic Press, London, (1995).
  • [18] Schlicting, E., Blume, H., Bodenkundliches practicum, Hamburg, Berlin, (1966).
  • [19] Richards, L. A., Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soil, USDA Handbook, No: 60, (1954).
  • [20] Bouyoucos, G. J., 1951, Arecalibration of the higrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agron. Jour., 43, 434-438.
  • [21] Morgan, J. A., Lecain, D. R., McCaig, T. N., Quick, J. S., 1993, Gas exchange, carbon isotope discrimination, and productivity in winter wheat, Crop Sci., 33, 178-186.
  • [22] Araghi, S. G., Assad, M. T., 1998, Evaluation of four screening techniques for drought resistance and their relationship to yield reduction ratio in wheat, Euphytica, 103, 293-299.
  • [23] Khan, A. S., Ul-Allah, S., Sadique, S., 2010, Genetic variability and correlation among seedling traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under water stress, Int. J. Agric. Biol., 12 (2), 247-250.
  • [24] Bahar, B., Çukurova taban ve kıraç koşullarında bazı ekmeklik ve makarnalık buğday genotiplerinde stoma iletkenliği ve diğer yaprak özellikleri ile verim ve verim unsurları arasındaki ilişkiler üzerine bir araştırma, Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, (2004).
  • [25] Arminian, A., Houshmand, S., Knox, R. E., Shiran, B., 2008, Stomatal characteristics, heritability, and their relationship to grain yield in a double haploid bread wheat population, 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, 24-29 August 2008, Brisbone, QLD, Australia, vol. 2, 638- 640.
  • [26] Merah, O., Monneveux, P., Deleens, E., 2001, Relationships between flag leaf carbon isotope discrimination and several morpho-physiological traits in durum wheat genotypes under Mediterranean conditions, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 45, 63-71.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Bilge Bahar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bahar, B. (2011). Farklı çevrelerde yetiştirilen ekmeklik ve makarnalık buğday genotiplerinde stoma sayısı değişimleri. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 79-88.