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Balıkesir Sındırgı Bölgesi Kaolinlerinin Kullanım Potansiyellerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 15 - 28, 15.03.2024


Kaolinler, jeolojik oluşum süreçlerine ve koşullarına bağlı olarak safsızlık olarak metal katyonları (K+, Na+, Mg+2, Ca+2) ve anyonlar (karbonat, fosfat ve sülfat gibi) içerebilirler. Genellikle düşük olan Fe2O3 içeriği sayesinde Türkiye’deki kaolinler pişirildikten sonra yüksek beyazlığa sahip olmaktadırlar. Ancak Türkiye kaolin yataklarının büyük bir bölümünde kükürt içerikleri yüksektir. SO3 kaynağı olan alunit mineralinin bilinen yöntemlerle bünyeden uzaklaştırılamaması nedeniyle alunit içeren kaolinler sadece beyaz çimento sektöründe kullanılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye kaolin rezervinin büyük bir kısmına sahip olan Balıkesir Sındırgı bölgesi kaolinlerinin mevcut halleri ile kaolinin en fazla kullanıldığı kullanım alanlarına uygunluğu araştırılmış ve bölgeden temin edilen örneklerin ham olarak hangi alanlarda kullanıma uygun olduğu incelenmiş ve literatürde yapılan çalışmalar ile kıyaslanarak yapılması gereken zenginleştirme yöntemleri ile ilgili önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Abdel-Khalek, N.A., Omar, A.M.A., & Hassan Y. (1996). Froth flotation of ultrafine Egyptian kaolin ore. In M. Kemal, V. Arslan, A. Akar, & M. Canbazoglu (Eds), Changing Scopes in Mineral Processing, (pp. 395-400). AA Belkama, Rotterdam.
  • Akdeniz, N., & Konak, N. (1979). Rock units of the Menderes Massif around Simav and location of metabasic and metaultrabasic rocks. TJK Bulletin, 22, 175-184. (in Turkish).
  • Alpar, S.R., Gürgey, İ., Rodopman, K., & Ustaer, C. (1973). Treatment of sulfate and pyrite containing kaolin minerals, TÜBİTAK, Engineering Research Group, MAG-246. (in Turkish).
  • Al-Zahrani, A.A., & Abdul-Majid, M.H. (2009). Extraction of alumina from local clays by hydrochloric acid process. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Engineering Science, 20(2), 29-41.
  • Ambikadevi, V.R., & Lalithambika, M. (2000). Effect of organic acids on ferric iron removal from iron-stained kaolinite. Applied Clay Science, 16, 133-145.
  • Arslan, V., & Bayat, O. (2009). Upgrading of kaolin ores by chemical leaching and bioleaching methods. Kibited, 1(3), 175-184. (in Turkish).
  • Bauer, A., & Berger, G. (1998). Kaolinite and smectite dissolution rate in high molar KOH solutions at 35° and 80°C. Applied Geochemistry, 13(7), 905-916.
  • Bayraktar, İ., Ersayın, S., Gülsoy, Ö. Y., Ekmekçi, Z., & Can, N. M. (1999). Temel seramik ve cam hammaddelerimizdeki feldispat kuvars ve kaolin kalite sorunları ve çözüm önerileri. 3rd Industrial Raw Materials Symposium (pp.22-33), Ankara. (in Turkish).
  • Calderon, G.D.T., Rodriguez, J.I., Ortiz-Mendez, U., & Torres-Martinez, L.M. (2005). Iron leaching of a Mexican clay of industrial interest by oxalic acid, Journal of Materials Online, 1, 1-8.
  • Carroll, D., & Starkey, H.C. (1971). Reactivity of clay minerals with acids and alkalies. Clays and Clay Minerals, 19, 321-333.
  • Celik, H. (2010). Technological characterization and industrial application of two Turkish clays for the ceramic industry. Applied Clay Science, 50, 245-254.
  • Çiftlik, S. (2010). Removal of metals from kaolin ores by using leaching method, [MSc Thesis, Süleyman Demirel University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • D.P.T. (1995). Yedinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı (1995-1999). Madencilik Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Endüstriyel Hammaddeler Alt Komisyonu Raporu, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. Yayın No, 2418/477, Başbakanlık Basımevi, Ankara.
  • D.P.T. (2001). Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı (2001-2005). Madencilik Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. Yayın No: 2611/622, Başbakanlık Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Day, N., & Toroğlu, I. (1997). Bilecik (Sögüt) yöresi killerinin AKW hidrosiklonu ile zenginleştirilmesi. 2nd Industrial Raw Materials Symposium (pp. 187-192), Izmir. (in Turkish).
  • Day, N. (1996). Kaolinite beneficiation with hydrocyclone [MSc Thesis, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Demirbilek, F. (2007). The change in the physical characteristics, mineralogic structure and plasticity of kaolin and illite ceramic clays [MSc Thesis, Dumlupınar University, Science and Technology Institute] (in Turkish)
  • Demirtaş, G. (2011). Analaysing the being fried properties of Balıkesir-Sındırgı-Düvertepe alunitic kaolin with different contents of alunite [MSc Thesis, Dumlupınar University, Science and Technology Institute] (in Turkish)
  • Ece, I., & Yüce, A.E. (1999). Kaolin. Istanbul Mineral Exporters Association. (in Turkish).
  • Ece, Ö.I., & Ekinci, B. (2009). Tektonik Olarak Aktif Simav Grabeni Boyunca Oluşan Düvertepe Kaolin-Alunit Yataklarının Mineralojik-Jeokimyasal Değişimi ve Orijini, TUBİTAK ÇAYDAĞ-106Y070, İstanbul. (in Turkish).
  • Ekinci, B. (2009). Geological, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of kaolin (+/- alunite) occurrences in Düvertepe-Şapçi regions (Sındırgı, Balıkesir) [MSc Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Ekmekçi, Z., Gülsoy, Ö., Ersayın, S., & Bayraktar, İ. (2001). Desulphurisation of İvrindi alunitic kaolin, Yerbilimleri, 23, 53-60.
  • Elmacı, M. (1989). Balıkesir İli-Sındırgı İlçesi-Düvertepe Nahiyesi Güneyi ve Çıkrıkçı Kuzeyi ÖİR 1930 No’lu M.T.A. Alüminyum (Kaolen) Ruhsatlı Sahasına Ait Maden Jeolojisi Raporu. M.T.A. Report No: 2889. (in Turkish).
  • Erkan, Z.E. (2002). Balıkesir – Sındırgı Düvertepe bölgesi Döküştepe mevkii kaolin cevherinin zenginleştirilmesi [MSc Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Eygi, M.S. (2009). Improving the usage of kaolin in ceramic with the aid of polyelectrolyte [PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Gebhardt, J.E., Piga, L., & Schena, G. (1998). Flocculation and flotation behavior of a low-grade alunite ore, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 15(4), 48-52.
  • Genç, S. (1994). Sulphate removal from alunite kaolins and production of ceramic raw material [PhD Thesis, Osmangazi University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Girgin, Ü., Ekmekçi, Z., & Erkal, F. (1993). Sındırgı alunitli kaolini zenginleştirme çalışmaları. 13th Mining Congress of Turkiye (pp. 549-560), İstanbul. (in Turkish).
  • Güneş, A.N., Akçil, A.U., Çiftlik, S., & Handırı, İ. (2009). Kaolinlerin organik asitler kullanılarak liç yöntemiyle saflaştırılması. TUBİTAK, Project No: 108M180. (in Turkish).
  • Hoşgün, H.L., Altıokka, M.R., & Çıtak, A. (1997). Kaolinin HCl ve NaOH çözeltilerinde çözünme kinetiğinin incelenmesi, 8th National Clay Sympossium (pp. 195-204), Kütahya. (in Turkish).
  • İpekoğlu, B., & Kurşun, I. (1999). Dumanlı kaolinlerin zenginleştirilmesi, 3rd Industrial Raw Materials Symposium (pp. 16-21), İzmir. (in Turkish).
  • Koca, S., & Koca, H. (2000). Carrier flotation of alunite from kaolin clay. XXI. International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 1-8), Italy
  • Koca, S., & Özdağ, H. (1994). Flotation of alunite from kaolin, progress in mineral processing technology, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
  • Lee, S.O., Tran, T., Park, Y.Y., Kim, S.J., & Kim, M.J. (2006). Study on the kinetics of iron oxide leaching by oxalic acid. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 80, 144-152.
  • Luo, M-J., Liu, C-L., Jiang, Y., Xue, J., Li, P., & Yu, J-G. (2017b). Green recovery of potassium and aluminium elements from alunite tailings using gradient leaching process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 1080-1090.
  • Luo, M-J., Liu, C-L., Xue, J., Li, P., & Yu, J-G. (2017a). Leaching kinetics and mechanism of alunite from alunite tailings in highly concentrated KOH solution. Hydrometallurgy, 174, 10-20.
  • Nazarov, Sh. B., Gulakhmadov, Kh. Sh., Khakdodov, M.M., & Aminov, Sh. G. (2001). Processing of aluminum sulfates into alumina. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 74(8), 1392-1394.
  • Oygür, V. (1997). Anatomy of an epithermal mineralization: Mumcu (Balıkesir-Sındırgı), inner-western Anatolia, Turkey. Bulletin of The Mineral Research and Exploration, 119, 29-39.
  • Özdemir, M., & Çetişli, H. (2005a). Extraction kinetics of alunite in sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. Hydrometallurgy, 76, 217-224.
  • Özdemir, M., & Çetişli, H. (2005b). Sulphate removal from alunitic kaolin by chemical method. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, 3213-3219.
  • Özdemir, M. (1995). The removal of sulphate from alunitic kaolins by chemical method the utilization in potassium sulphate and aluminum sulphate production [PhD Thesis, Osmangazi University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Saikia, N.J., Bharali, D.J., Segupta, P., Bordoloi, D., Goswamee, R.L., Saikia, P.C., & Borthakur, P.C. (2003). Characterization, beneficiation and utilization of a kaolinite clay from Assam, India. Applied Clay Science, 2, 93-103
  • Sayın, S.A. (1995). Kaolinit içeren kil yataklarının hidrosiklon ile zenginleştirilmesi. 7th National Clay Symposium, Ankara. (in Turkish).
  • Sümer, G. (1991). Alunitli Kaolinlerin Zenginleştirilmesi [MSc Thesis, Anadolu University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Tatar, İ. (2012). Determination of usage areas of the products obtained from alunitic kaolins by means of different enrichment approaches [PhD Thesis, Dumlupınar University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • TUİK. (2020). Import-Export Data of Kaolin, Turkish Statistical Institute. (in Turkish).
  • Tunçay, N.Ö. (2006). A linear programming model implementation for mine mixture and transportation costs minimization with acase study [MSc Thesis, Balıkesir University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Ustuer, C., & Gürgey, I. (1975). The separation of alunite in alunitic kaolin by selective flocculation. Clays and Clay Minerals, 23, 468 472.
  • Veglio, F. (1997). Factorial experiments in the development of a kaolin bleaching process using thiourea in sulphuric acid solutions. Hydrometallurgy, 45, 181-197.
  • Veglio, F., Pagliarini, A., & Toro, L. (1993). Factorial experiments for the development of a kaolin bleaching process. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 39, 87-99.
  • Veglio, F., Passariello, B., Barbaro, M., Plescia, P., & Marabini, A.M. (1998). Drum leaching tests in iron removal from quartz using oxalic and sulphuric acids. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 54, 183-200.
  • Veglio, F., Passariello, B., Toro, L., & Marabini, A.M. (1996). Development of a bleaching process for a kaolin of industrial interest by oxalic, ascorbic, and sulphuric acids: preliminary study using statistical methods of experimental design. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 35, 1680-1687.
  • Yapa, N. (1993). Alunitli Kaolinlerin Değerlendirilmesi [PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Science and Technology Institiute]. (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz, B. (2008). Sulphate removal from alunite kaolines and production of ceramic raw material [MSc Thesis, Osmangazi University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz, H. Ö., & Günen, M. A. (2023). Is environment destiny? Spatial analysis of the relationship between geographic factors and obesity in Türkiye. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 1-13.

Exploring the utilization potential of kaolin in the Balıkesir Sındırgı region

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 15 - 28, 15.03.2024


Natural kaolins may contain some metal cations (K+, Na+, Mg+2, Ca+2) and anions such as carbonate, phosphate, and sulfate as impurities, depending on the formation conditions. The kaolins of Turkiye generally give a high-quality white color after firing due to their low Fe2O3 content. Unfortunately, Turkiye’s kaolin deposits generally contain high levels of SO3. Since the alunite mineral, which is the source of SO3, cannot be removed from the structure by known methods, kaolins containing alunite can only be used in the white cement sector. In this study, the suitability of the kaolins of the Balıkesir Sındırgı region, which has a large part of the kaolin reserves of Turkiye, to the areas of use where kaolin is mostly used in its current state has been investigated, and the samples obtained from the region have been examined in which areas of use they are suitable for use in raw form, and suggestions have been made about the enrichment methods to be carried out by comparing with the studies in the literature.


  • Abdel-Khalek, N.A., Omar, A.M.A., & Hassan Y. (1996). Froth flotation of ultrafine Egyptian kaolin ore. In M. Kemal, V. Arslan, A. Akar, & M. Canbazoglu (Eds), Changing Scopes in Mineral Processing, (pp. 395-400). AA Belkama, Rotterdam.
  • Akdeniz, N., & Konak, N. (1979). Rock units of the Menderes Massif around Simav and location of metabasic and metaultrabasic rocks. TJK Bulletin, 22, 175-184. (in Turkish).
  • Alpar, S.R., Gürgey, İ., Rodopman, K., & Ustaer, C. (1973). Treatment of sulfate and pyrite containing kaolin minerals, TÜBİTAK, Engineering Research Group, MAG-246. (in Turkish).
  • Al-Zahrani, A.A., & Abdul-Majid, M.H. (2009). Extraction of alumina from local clays by hydrochloric acid process. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Engineering Science, 20(2), 29-41.
  • Ambikadevi, V.R., & Lalithambika, M. (2000). Effect of organic acids on ferric iron removal from iron-stained kaolinite. Applied Clay Science, 16, 133-145.
  • Arslan, V., & Bayat, O. (2009). Upgrading of kaolin ores by chemical leaching and bioleaching methods. Kibited, 1(3), 175-184. (in Turkish).
  • Bauer, A., & Berger, G. (1998). Kaolinite and smectite dissolution rate in high molar KOH solutions at 35° and 80°C. Applied Geochemistry, 13(7), 905-916.
  • Bayraktar, İ., Ersayın, S., Gülsoy, Ö. Y., Ekmekçi, Z., & Can, N. M. (1999). Temel seramik ve cam hammaddelerimizdeki feldispat kuvars ve kaolin kalite sorunları ve çözüm önerileri. 3rd Industrial Raw Materials Symposium (pp.22-33), Ankara. (in Turkish).
  • Calderon, G.D.T., Rodriguez, J.I., Ortiz-Mendez, U., & Torres-Martinez, L.M. (2005). Iron leaching of a Mexican clay of industrial interest by oxalic acid, Journal of Materials Online, 1, 1-8.
  • Carroll, D., & Starkey, H.C. (1971). Reactivity of clay minerals with acids and alkalies. Clays and Clay Minerals, 19, 321-333.
  • Celik, H. (2010). Technological characterization and industrial application of two Turkish clays for the ceramic industry. Applied Clay Science, 50, 245-254.
  • Çiftlik, S. (2010). Removal of metals from kaolin ores by using leaching method, [MSc Thesis, Süleyman Demirel University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • D.P.T. (1995). Yedinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı (1995-1999). Madencilik Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Endüstriyel Hammaddeler Alt Komisyonu Raporu, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. Yayın No, 2418/477, Başbakanlık Basımevi, Ankara.
  • D.P.T. (2001). Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı (2001-2005). Madencilik Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. Yayın No: 2611/622, Başbakanlık Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Day, N., & Toroğlu, I. (1997). Bilecik (Sögüt) yöresi killerinin AKW hidrosiklonu ile zenginleştirilmesi. 2nd Industrial Raw Materials Symposium (pp. 187-192), Izmir. (in Turkish).
  • Day, N. (1996). Kaolinite beneficiation with hydrocyclone [MSc Thesis, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Demirbilek, F. (2007). The change in the physical characteristics, mineralogic structure and plasticity of kaolin and illite ceramic clays [MSc Thesis, Dumlupınar University, Science and Technology Institute] (in Turkish)
  • Demirtaş, G. (2011). Analaysing the being fried properties of Balıkesir-Sındırgı-Düvertepe alunitic kaolin with different contents of alunite [MSc Thesis, Dumlupınar University, Science and Technology Institute] (in Turkish)
  • Ece, I., & Yüce, A.E. (1999). Kaolin. Istanbul Mineral Exporters Association. (in Turkish).
  • Ece, Ö.I., & Ekinci, B. (2009). Tektonik Olarak Aktif Simav Grabeni Boyunca Oluşan Düvertepe Kaolin-Alunit Yataklarının Mineralojik-Jeokimyasal Değişimi ve Orijini, TUBİTAK ÇAYDAĞ-106Y070, İstanbul. (in Turkish).
  • Ekinci, B. (2009). Geological, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of kaolin (+/- alunite) occurrences in Düvertepe-Şapçi regions (Sındırgı, Balıkesir) [MSc Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Ekmekçi, Z., Gülsoy, Ö., Ersayın, S., & Bayraktar, İ. (2001). Desulphurisation of İvrindi alunitic kaolin, Yerbilimleri, 23, 53-60.
  • Elmacı, M. (1989). Balıkesir İli-Sındırgı İlçesi-Düvertepe Nahiyesi Güneyi ve Çıkrıkçı Kuzeyi ÖİR 1930 No’lu M.T.A. Alüminyum (Kaolen) Ruhsatlı Sahasına Ait Maden Jeolojisi Raporu. M.T.A. Report No: 2889. (in Turkish).
  • Erkan, Z.E. (2002). Balıkesir – Sındırgı Düvertepe bölgesi Döküştepe mevkii kaolin cevherinin zenginleştirilmesi [MSc Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Eygi, M.S. (2009). Improving the usage of kaolin in ceramic with the aid of polyelectrolyte [PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Gebhardt, J.E., Piga, L., & Schena, G. (1998). Flocculation and flotation behavior of a low-grade alunite ore, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 15(4), 48-52.
  • Genç, S. (1994). Sulphate removal from alunite kaolins and production of ceramic raw material [PhD Thesis, Osmangazi University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Girgin, Ü., Ekmekçi, Z., & Erkal, F. (1993). Sındırgı alunitli kaolini zenginleştirme çalışmaları. 13th Mining Congress of Turkiye (pp. 549-560), İstanbul. (in Turkish).
  • Güneş, A.N., Akçil, A.U., Çiftlik, S., & Handırı, İ. (2009). Kaolinlerin organik asitler kullanılarak liç yöntemiyle saflaştırılması. TUBİTAK, Project No: 108M180. (in Turkish).
  • Hoşgün, H.L., Altıokka, M.R., & Çıtak, A. (1997). Kaolinin HCl ve NaOH çözeltilerinde çözünme kinetiğinin incelenmesi, 8th National Clay Sympossium (pp. 195-204), Kütahya. (in Turkish).
  • İpekoğlu, B., & Kurşun, I. (1999). Dumanlı kaolinlerin zenginleştirilmesi, 3rd Industrial Raw Materials Symposium (pp. 16-21), İzmir. (in Turkish).
  • Koca, S., & Koca, H. (2000). Carrier flotation of alunite from kaolin clay. XXI. International Mineral Processing Congress (pp. 1-8), Italy
  • Koca, S., & Özdağ, H. (1994). Flotation of alunite from kaolin, progress in mineral processing technology, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
  • Lee, S.O., Tran, T., Park, Y.Y., Kim, S.J., & Kim, M.J. (2006). Study on the kinetics of iron oxide leaching by oxalic acid. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 80, 144-152.
  • Luo, M-J., Liu, C-L., Jiang, Y., Xue, J., Li, P., & Yu, J-G. (2017b). Green recovery of potassium and aluminium elements from alunite tailings using gradient leaching process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 1080-1090.
  • Luo, M-J., Liu, C-L., Xue, J., Li, P., & Yu, J-G. (2017a). Leaching kinetics and mechanism of alunite from alunite tailings in highly concentrated KOH solution. Hydrometallurgy, 174, 10-20.
  • Nazarov, Sh. B., Gulakhmadov, Kh. Sh., Khakdodov, M.M., & Aminov, Sh. G. (2001). Processing of aluminum sulfates into alumina. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 74(8), 1392-1394.
  • Oygür, V. (1997). Anatomy of an epithermal mineralization: Mumcu (Balıkesir-Sındırgı), inner-western Anatolia, Turkey. Bulletin of The Mineral Research and Exploration, 119, 29-39.
  • Özdemir, M., & Çetişli, H. (2005a). Extraction kinetics of alunite in sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. Hydrometallurgy, 76, 217-224.
  • Özdemir, M., & Çetişli, H. (2005b). Sulphate removal from alunitic kaolin by chemical method. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, 3213-3219.
  • Özdemir, M. (1995). The removal of sulphate from alunitic kaolins by chemical method the utilization in potassium sulphate and aluminum sulphate production [PhD Thesis, Osmangazi University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Saikia, N.J., Bharali, D.J., Segupta, P., Bordoloi, D., Goswamee, R.L., Saikia, P.C., & Borthakur, P.C. (2003). Characterization, beneficiation and utilization of a kaolinite clay from Assam, India. Applied Clay Science, 2, 93-103
  • Sayın, S.A. (1995). Kaolinit içeren kil yataklarının hidrosiklon ile zenginleştirilmesi. 7th National Clay Symposium, Ankara. (in Turkish).
  • Sümer, G. (1991). Alunitli Kaolinlerin Zenginleştirilmesi [MSc Thesis, Anadolu University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Tatar, İ. (2012). Determination of usage areas of the products obtained from alunitic kaolins by means of different enrichment approaches [PhD Thesis, Dumlupınar University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • TUİK. (2020). Import-Export Data of Kaolin, Turkish Statistical Institute. (in Turkish).
  • Tunçay, N.Ö. (2006). A linear programming model implementation for mine mixture and transportation costs minimization with acase study [MSc Thesis, Balıkesir University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Ustuer, C., & Gürgey, I. (1975). The separation of alunite in alunitic kaolin by selective flocculation. Clays and Clay Minerals, 23, 468 472.
  • Veglio, F. (1997). Factorial experiments in the development of a kaolin bleaching process using thiourea in sulphuric acid solutions. Hydrometallurgy, 45, 181-197.
  • Veglio, F., Pagliarini, A., & Toro, L. (1993). Factorial experiments for the development of a kaolin bleaching process. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 39, 87-99.
  • Veglio, F., Passariello, B., Barbaro, M., Plescia, P., & Marabini, A.M. (1998). Drum leaching tests in iron removal from quartz using oxalic and sulphuric acids. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 54, 183-200.
  • Veglio, F., Passariello, B., Toro, L., & Marabini, A.M. (1996). Development of a bleaching process for a kaolin of industrial interest by oxalic, ascorbic, and sulphuric acids: preliminary study using statistical methods of experimental design. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 35, 1680-1687.
  • Yapa, N. (1993). Alunitli Kaolinlerin Değerlendirilmesi [PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Science and Technology Institiute]. (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz, B. (2008). Sulphate removal from alunite kaolines and production of ceramic raw material [MSc Thesis, Osmangazi University, Science and Technology Institute]. (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz, H. Ö., & Günen, M. A. (2023). Is environment destiny? Spatial analysis of the relationship between geographic factors and obesity in Türkiye. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 1-13.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kimyasal-Biyolojik Kazanma Teknikleri ve Cevher Hazırlama
Bölüm Makaleler

İlker Erkan 0000-0001-7326-6297

İbrahim Alp 0000-0002-6032-3528

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Eylül 2023
Kabul Tarihi 18 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Erkan, İ., & Alp, İ. (2024). Exploring the utilization potential of kaolin in the Balıkesir Sındırgı region. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(1), 15-28.