Biyoetanol üretiminde mikroalglerin rolü
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 321 - 330, 15.03.2025
Yasemin Akdağ
Hüseyin Güven
Mustafa Evren Erşahin
Hale Özgün
Mikroalgler, yüksek büyüme hızları ve karbondioksit tüketme kapasiteleri sayesinde sürdürülebilir enerji üretiminde önemli bir kaynak olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Mikroalgler, çevresel faktörlere karşı gösterdikleri üstün adaptasyon yetenekleriyle, biyokütle üretimini hızla artırabilmekte ve atmosferdeki karbondioksiti etkili bir şekilde emerek sera gazı emisyonlarının azaltılmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır. Mikroalgler biyoetanol üretimi için ideal bir hammadde olarak değerlendirilebilmekte ve yenilenebilir enerji hedeflerine ulaşmada kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, mikroalglerden elde edilen biyoetanol, enerji üretiminde sürdürülebilir bir çözüm sunmanın yanı sıra fosil yakıt bağımlılığını azaltma potansiyeline de sahiptir. Bu makalenin amacı, mikroalglerin biyoetanol üretimindeki rolünü incelemektir. Bu çerçevede, mikroalg yetiştirilmesinde kullanılan yöntemler, biyokütle hasat süreçleri ve biyokütlenin biyoetanol üretiminde değerlendirilmesine yönelik teknikler değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, mikroalglerin yenilenebilir enerji üretimindeki avantajların yanı sıra, bu süreçte karşılaşılan zorluklar ve geleceğe dair perspektifler de irdelenmiştir.
- Abdelfattah, A., Ali, S. S., Ramadan, H., El-Aswar, E. I., Eltawab, R., Ho, S. H., Elsamahy, T., Li, S., El-Sheekh, M. M., Schagerl, M., Kornaros, M., & Sun, J. (2022). Microalgae-based wastewater treatment: mechanisms, challenges, recent advances, and future prospects. Environmental Science Ecotechnology 8(13).
- Agarwalla, A Komandur, J., & Mohanty, K. (2023). Current trends in the pretreatment of microalgal biomass for efficient and enhanced bioenergy production. Bioresource Technology 369(2023) 128330.
- Alam, M.A., Wan, C., Tran, D.T., Mofijur, M., Ahmed, S. F, Mehmood, M. A., Shaik, F., Vo, D. V. N., & Xu, J. (2022). Microalgae binary culture for higher biomass production, nutrients recycling, and efficient harvesting: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters 20 (2022), 1153–1168.
Ardo, F. M., Lim, J. W., Ramli, A., Lam, M. K., Kiatkittipong, W., Abdelfattah, E. A., Shahid, M. K., Usman, A., Wongsakulphasatch, S., & Sahrin, N. T. (2022). A review in redressing challenges to produce sustainable hydrogen from microalgae for aviation industry. Fuel 33 (2022) 125646.
- Carneiro, M. L. N. M., Pradelle, F., Braga, S. L., Gomes, M. S., P., Martins, A. R. F. A., Turkovics, F., & Pradelle, R. N. C. (2017). Potential of biofuels from algae: comparison with fossil fuels, ethanol and biodiesel in Europe and Brazil through life cycle assessment (LCA). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73(2017), 632-653.
- Chauhan, S.J., Patel, B., Devliya, B., Solanki, H., & Patel, H. D. (2023). Recent advancement in production of bioethanol from waste biomass: A review. Clean Technology Environmental Policy (2023).
- Cherwoo, L., Gupta, I., Flora, G., Verma, R., Kapil, M., Arya, S. K., Ravindran, B., Khoo, K. S., Bhatia, S. K., Chang, S. W., Ngamcharussrivichai, C., & Ashokkumar, V. (2023). Biofuels an alternative to traditional fossil fuels: a comprehensive review. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 60(2023) 103503.
- Chia, S. R., Ong, H. C., Chew, K. W., Show, P. L., Phang, S. M., Ling, T. C., Nagarajan, D., Lee, D. J., & Chang, J. S. (2018). Sustainable approaches for algae utilisation in bioenergy production. Renewable Energy 129(2018), 838-852.
- de Boer, K., Moheimani, N.R., Borowitzka, M.A., & Bahri, P. A. (2012). Extraction and conversion pathways for microalgae to biodiesel: A review focused on energy consumption. Journal of Applied Phycology 24(2012), 1681–1698.
- Deepa, P., Sowndhararajan, K., & Kim, S. A. (2023). Review of the harvesting techniques of microalgae. Water 15(2023) 3074.
- de Morais, E. G., Sampaio, I. C. F., Gonzalez-Flo, E., Ferrer, I., Uggetti, E., & Garcia, J. (2023). Microalgae harvesting for wastewater treatment and resources recovery: a review. New Biotechnology 78(2023), 84-94.
- Ezhumalai, G., Arun, M., Manavalan, A., Rajkumar, R., & Heese, K. A. (2024). Holistic approach to circular bioeconomy through the sustainable utilization of microalgal biomass for biofuel and other value-added products. Microbial Ecology 87(61).
- Kabir, F., Gulfraz, M., Raja, G. K., Inam-ul-Haq, M., Awais, M., Mustafa, M. S., Khan, S. U., Tlili, I., & Shadloo, M. S. (2020). Screening of native hyper-lipid producing microalgae strains for biomass and lipid production. Renewable Energy 160(2020), 1295-1307.
- Kumari, A., Chakraborty, S., Sirotiya, V., Kalita, D., Rai, A., Yadav, K. K., Bhutto, J. K., Vinayak, V. (2024). A review on economical and impact of bioethanol production from microalgae: Current scenario and future prospect, Industrial Crops and Products 222(2024) 119927.
- Kusmiyati, K., Hadiyanto, H., & Fudholi, A. (2023). Treatment updates of microalgae biomass for bioethanol production: a comparative study. Journal of Cleaner Production 383(2023) 135236.
- Liu, Z., Hao, N., Hou, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, Q., Yan, S., Chen, F., & Zhao, L. (2023). Technologies for harvesting the microalgae for industrial applications: current trends and perspectives. Bioresource Technology 387(2023) 129631.
- Lorenzen, J., Igl, N., Tippelt, M., Stege, A., Qoura, F., Sohling, U., & Brück, T. (2017). Extraction of microalgae derived lipids with supercritical carbon dioxide in an industrial relevant pilot plant. Bioprocess Biosystems Engineering 40(2017), 911–918.
- Maity, S., & Mallick, N. (2022). Trends and advances in sustainable bioethanol production by marine microalgae: a critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production 345(2022) 131153.
- Mehariya, S., Goswami, R.K., Verma, P., Lavecchia, R., & Zuorro, A. (2021). Integrated approach for wastewater treatment and biofuel production in microalgae biorefineries. Energies, 14(2021) 2282.
- Milano, J., Ong, H. C., Masjuki, H.H., Chong, W.T., Lam, M. K., Loh, P. K., & Vellayan, V. (2016). Microalgae biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuel for power generation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 58(2016), 180-197.
- Paul, S., Bera, S, Dasgupta, R., Mondal, S., & Roy, S. (2021). Review on the recent structural advances in open and closed systems for carbon capture through algae. Energy Nexus 4(2021) 100032.
- Pereira, A. S.A. P., Silva, T. A., Magalhaes, I. B., Ferreira, J., Braga, M. Q., Lorentz, J. F., Assemany, P. P., de Aguiar do Couto, E., & Calijuri, M. L. (2024). Biocompounds from wastewater-grown microalgae: a review of emerging cultivation and harvesting technologies. Science of The Total Environment 920(2024) 170918.
- Razzak, S. A., Lucky, R. A., Hossain, M. M., & de Lasa, H. (2022). Valorization of microalgae biomass to biofuel production: A review. Energy Nexus 7(2022) 100139.
- Tao, Y., Liu, Z., Zheng, J., Zhou, J., He, D., & Ma, J. (2022). Microalgae production in human urine: fundamentals, opportunities, and perspectives. Frontiers in Microbiology 13(2022), 1067782.
- Udayan, A., Sirohi, R., Sreekumar, N., Sang, B., & Sim, S. J. (2022). Mass cultivation and harvesting of microalgal biomass: current trends and future perspectives. Bioresource Technology 344(2022) 126406.
- Velazquez-Lucio J., Colla L. M., Rodríguez-Jasso R. M., Sáenz-Galindo A., Cervantes-Cisneros D. E., Aguilar C. N., Fernandes B. D., & Ruiz H.A. (2018). Microalgal biomass pretreatment for bioethanol production: A review. Biofuel Research Journal 17(2018), 780-791.
- Xiaogang, H., Jalalah, M., Jingyuan, W., Zheng, Y., Li, X., & Salama, E. S. (2022). Microalgal growth coupled with wastewater treatment in open and closed systems for advanced biofuel generation. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 12(2022), 1939–1958.
- Yin, Z., Zhu, L., Li, S., Hu, T., Chu, R., Mo, F., Hu, D., Liu, C., & Li, B. (2020). A comprehensive review on cultivation and harvesting of microalgae for biodiesel production: environmental pollution control and future directions. Bioresource Technology 301(2020) 122804.
- Zhu, J., Wakisaka, M., Omura, T., Yang, Z., Yin, Y., Fang, W. (2024) Advances in industrial harvesting techniques for edible microalgae: Recent insights into sustainable, efficient methods and future directions. Journal of Cleaner production 436(2024) 140626.
The role of microalgae in bioethanol production
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 321 - 330, 15.03.2025
Yasemin Akdağ
Hüseyin Güven
Mustafa Evren Erşahin
Hale Özgün
Microalgae are emerging as a significant resource for sustainable energy production due to their rapid growth rates and high carbon dioxide absorption capabilities. Their remarkable adaptability to environmental conditions allows microalgae to rapidly increase biomass production while effectively absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. As an ideal raw material for bioethanol production, microalgae play a pivotal role in advancing renewable energy goals. Bioethanol derived from microalgae not only offers a sustainable solution for energy generation but also has the potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of microalgae in bioethanol production. In doing so, we assess the methods used for cultivating microalgae, the processes involved in biomass harvesting, and the techniques for converting this biomass into bioethanol. Additionally, the paper discusses the advantages of using microalgae for renewable energy production, the challenges encountered in the process, and future prospects for this promising field.
- Abdelfattah, A., Ali, S. S., Ramadan, H., El-Aswar, E. I., Eltawab, R., Ho, S. H., Elsamahy, T., Li, S., El-Sheekh, M. M., Schagerl, M., Kornaros, M., & Sun, J. (2022). Microalgae-based wastewater treatment: mechanisms, challenges, recent advances, and future prospects. Environmental Science Ecotechnology 8(13).
- Agarwalla, A Komandur, J., & Mohanty, K. (2023). Current trends in the pretreatment of microalgal biomass for efficient and enhanced bioenergy production. Bioresource Technology 369(2023) 128330.
- Alam, M.A., Wan, C., Tran, D.T., Mofijur, M., Ahmed, S. F, Mehmood, M. A., Shaik, F., Vo, D. V. N., & Xu, J. (2022). Microalgae binary culture for higher biomass production, nutrients recycling, and efficient harvesting: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters 20 (2022), 1153–1168.
Ardo, F. M., Lim, J. W., Ramli, A., Lam, M. K., Kiatkittipong, W., Abdelfattah, E. A., Shahid, M. K., Usman, A., Wongsakulphasatch, S., & Sahrin, N. T. (2022). A review in redressing challenges to produce sustainable hydrogen from microalgae for aviation industry. Fuel 33 (2022) 125646.
- Carneiro, M. L. N. M., Pradelle, F., Braga, S. L., Gomes, M. S., P., Martins, A. R. F. A., Turkovics, F., & Pradelle, R. N. C. (2017). Potential of biofuels from algae: comparison with fossil fuels, ethanol and biodiesel in Europe and Brazil through life cycle assessment (LCA). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73(2017), 632-653.
- Chauhan, S.J., Patel, B., Devliya, B., Solanki, H., & Patel, H. D. (2023). Recent advancement in production of bioethanol from waste biomass: A review. Clean Technology Environmental Policy (2023).
- Cherwoo, L., Gupta, I., Flora, G., Verma, R., Kapil, M., Arya, S. K., Ravindran, B., Khoo, K. S., Bhatia, S. K., Chang, S. W., Ngamcharussrivichai, C., & Ashokkumar, V. (2023). Biofuels an alternative to traditional fossil fuels: a comprehensive review. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 60(2023) 103503.
- Chia, S. R., Ong, H. C., Chew, K. W., Show, P. L., Phang, S. M., Ling, T. C., Nagarajan, D., Lee, D. J., & Chang, J. S. (2018). Sustainable approaches for algae utilisation in bioenergy production. Renewable Energy 129(2018), 838-852.
- de Boer, K., Moheimani, N.R., Borowitzka, M.A., & Bahri, P. A. (2012). Extraction and conversion pathways for microalgae to biodiesel: A review focused on energy consumption. Journal of Applied Phycology 24(2012), 1681–1698.
- Deepa, P., Sowndhararajan, K., & Kim, S. A. (2023). Review of the harvesting techniques of microalgae. Water 15(2023) 3074.
- de Morais, E. G., Sampaio, I. C. F., Gonzalez-Flo, E., Ferrer, I., Uggetti, E., & Garcia, J. (2023). Microalgae harvesting for wastewater treatment and resources recovery: a review. New Biotechnology 78(2023), 84-94.
- Ezhumalai, G., Arun, M., Manavalan, A., Rajkumar, R., & Heese, K. A. (2024). Holistic approach to circular bioeconomy through the sustainable utilization of microalgal biomass for biofuel and other value-added products. Microbial Ecology 87(61).
- Kabir, F., Gulfraz, M., Raja, G. K., Inam-ul-Haq, M., Awais, M., Mustafa, M. S., Khan, S. U., Tlili, I., & Shadloo, M. S. (2020). Screening of native hyper-lipid producing microalgae strains for biomass and lipid production. Renewable Energy 160(2020), 1295-1307.
- Kumari, A., Chakraborty, S., Sirotiya, V., Kalita, D., Rai, A., Yadav, K. K., Bhutto, J. K., Vinayak, V. (2024). A review on economical and impact of bioethanol production from microalgae: Current scenario and future prospect, Industrial Crops and Products 222(2024) 119927.
- Kusmiyati, K., Hadiyanto, H., & Fudholi, A. (2023). Treatment updates of microalgae biomass for bioethanol production: a comparative study. Journal of Cleaner Production 383(2023) 135236.
- Liu, Z., Hao, N., Hou, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, Q., Yan, S., Chen, F., & Zhao, L. (2023). Technologies for harvesting the microalgae for industrial applications: current trends and perspectives. Bioresource Technology 387(2023) 129631.
- Lorenzen, J., Igl, N., Tippelt, M., Stege, A., Qoura, F., Sohling, U., & Brück, T. (2017). Extraction of microalgae derived lipids with supercritical carbon dioxide in an industrial relevant pilot plant. Bioprocess Biosystems Engineering 40(2017), 911–918.
- Maity, S., & Mallick, N. (2022). Trends and advances in sustainable bioethanol production by marine microalgae: a critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production 345(2022) 131153.
- Mehariya, S., Goswami, R.K., Verma, P., Lavecchia, R., & Zuorro, A. (2021). Integrated approach for wastewater treatment and biofuel production in microalgae biorefineries. Energies, 14(2021) 2282.
- Milano, J., Ong, H. C., Masjuki, H.H., Chong, W.T., Lam, M. K., Loh, P. K., & Vellayan, V. (2016). Microalgae biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuel for power generation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 58(2016), 180-197.
- Paul, S., Bera, S, Dasgupta, R., Mondal, S., & Roy, S. (2021). Review on the recent structural advances in open and closed systems for carbon capture through algae. Energy Nexus 4(2021) 100032.
- Pereira, A. S.A. P., Silva, T. A., Magalhaes, I. B., Ferreira, J., Braga, M. Q., Lorentz, J. F., Assemany, P. P., de Aguiar do Couto, E., & Calijuri, M. L. (2024). Biocompounds from wastewater-grown microalgae: a review of emerging cultivation and harvesting technologies. Science of The Total Environment 920(2024) 170918.
- Razzak, S. A., Lucky, R. A., Hossain, M. M., & de Lasa, H. (2022). Valorization of microalgae biomass to biofuel production: A review. Energy Nexus 7(2022) 100139.
- Tao, Y., Liu, Z., Zheng, J., Zhou, J., He, D., & Ma, J. (2022). Microalgae production in human urine: fundamentals, opportunities, and perspectives. Frontiers in Microbiology 13(2022), 1067782.
- Udayan, A., Sirohi, R., Sreekumar, N., Sang, B., & Sim, S. J. (2022). Mass cultivation and harvesting of microalgal biomass: current trends and future perspectives. Bioresource Technology 344(2022) 126406.
- Velazquez-Lucio J., Colla L. M., Rodríguez-Jasso R. M., Sáenz-Galindo A., Cervantes-Cisneros D. E., Aguilar C. N., Fernandes B. D., & Ruiz H.A. (2018). Microalgal biomass pretreatment for bioethanol production: A review. Biofuel Research Journal 17(2018), 780-791.
- Xiaogang, H., Jalalah, M., Jingyuan, W., Zheng, Y., Li, X., & Salama, E. S. (2022). Microalgal growth coupled with wastewater treatment in open and closed systems for advanced biofuel generation. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 12(2022), 1939–1958.
- Yin, Z., Zhu, L., Li, S., Hu, T., Chu, R., Mo, F., Hu, D., Liu, C., & Li, B. (2020). A comprehensive review on cultivation and harvesting of microalgae for biodiesel production: environmental pollution control and future directions. Bioresource Technology 301(2020) 122804.
- Zhu, J., Wakisaka, M., Omura, T., Yang, Z., Yin, Y., Fang, W. (2024) Advances in industrial harvesting techniques for edible microalgae: Recent insights into sustainable, efficient methods and future directions. Journal of Cleaner production 436(2024) 140626.