Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 11, 17 - 30, 15.07.2017
Pınar Evrim Mandacı
Nihan Demirkaya Küsülü
This study investigates short-run relationships among spot and
derivatives market (including futures and options market) in Turkey. We examine
the relationships among BIST-30 Index, BIST-30 Index Futures and BIST-30 Index
Options by employing Granger causality and variance decomposition tests for the
period from April 4, 2013 and December 31, 2015 by using daily data. Our
results show that there is a two-way granger causality relationship between the
spot and futures market. However, the effect from spot market to futures market
is stronger than the effect from futures market to spot market indicating a
weak arbitrage opportunity. On the other hand, we observe a one-way causality
from options market to other two markets, which is quite weak.
- 1. ANTHONY, JOSEPH H. (1988), “The Interrelation of Stock and Options Market Trading-Volume Data”, Journal of Finance, 43(4), 949-964.
- 2. BAKLACI, Hasan and Hülya TÜTEK (2006), “The Impact of The Futures Market on Spot Volatility: An Analysis in Turkish Derivatives Markets” WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation. 43(1), 237-246.
- 3. BHATTACHARYA, Mihir (1987) “Price Changes of Related Securities: The Case of Call Options and Stocks”, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 22(1), 1-15.
- 4. BLACK, Fischer and Myron SHOLES (1973), “The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities”, The Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 637-654.
- 5. BORSA ISTANBUL, (2016), “Derivatives Market 2015”, [Access address:, Access date: 06.09.2016].
- 6. BOOTH, Geoffrey G., Raymond W.SO and Yiuman TSE (1999), “Price Discovery in the German Equity Index Derivatives Markets”, The Journal of Futures Markets, 19(6), 619-643.
- 7. CAGLI, Efe Ç. and Pınar EVRİM MANDACI (2013), “The Long-Run Relationship Between the Spot and Futures Markets under Multiple Regime-Shifts: Evidence from Turkish Derivatives Exchange”, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10), 4206-4212.
- 8. CHAN, Kalok., Kakeung C. CHAN, and G. Andrew KAROLYI (1991), “Intraday Volatility in The Stock Index and Stock Index Futures Markets”, The Review of Financial Studies, 4(4), 657-684.
- 9. CHAN, Kalok, Y. Peter CHUNG, and Herb JOHNSON (1993), “Why Option Prices Lag Stock Prices: A Trading-Based Explanation”, Journal of Finance, 48(5), 1957-1967.
- 10. CHAN, Kalok (1992), “A Further Analysis of The Lead-Lag Relationship Between the Cash Market and Stock Index Futures Market”, The Review of Financial Studies, 5(1), 123-152.
- 11. DEJONG, Frank and Monique W. DONDERS (1998), “Intraday Lead-Lag Relationships between the Futures, Options and Stock Market, European Finance Review, 1, 337-359.
- 12. DILTZ, J. David and Suhkyong KIM (1996), “The Relationship Between Stock and Option Price Changes”, The Financial Review, 31(3), 499-519.
- 13. FLEMING, Jeff., Barbara OSTDIEK and Robert E. WHALEY (1996), “Trading Costs and The Relative Rates of Price Discovery in Stock Futures and Options Markets”, The Journal of Futures Markets, 16(4), 353-387.
- 14. FLOROS, Christos and Dimitrios V. VOUGAS D. V. (2008), “The Efficiency of Greek Stock Index Futures Market” Managerial Finance, 34(7), 498-519.
- 15. GRANGER, Clive W. J. (1969), “Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-spectral Methods”, Econometrica, 37(3), 424-438.
- 16. HERBST, F. Anthony, Joseph P. MCCORMACK and Elizabeth N. WEST (1987), “Investigation of A Lead-Lag Relationship Between Spot Stock Indices and Their Futures Contracts”, The Journal of Futures Markets, 7(4), 373-381.
- 17. KAPUSUZOGLU, Ayhan and Aslıhan TASDEMIR (2010) “The Analysis of The Effects of Derivatives Exchange (DE) Transactions on The Market Efficiency of Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) National 100 Index and on Spot Market Transaction Prices”, African Journal of Business Management, 4(2), 242-247.
- 18. KASMAN, Adnan and Saadet KASMAN (2008), “The Impact of Futures Trading on Volatility of the Underlying Asset in the Turkish Stock Market”, Physica A, 387(12), 2837-2845.
- 19. KAVUSSANOS, Manolis G., Ilias D. VISVIKIS and Panayotis D. ALEXAKIS (2008), “The Lead-Lag Relationship Between Cash and Stock Index Futures in A New Market”, European Financial Management, 14(5), 1007-1025.
- 20. KAWALLER, Ira G, Paul D. KOCH and Timothy W. KOCH (1987), “The Temporal Price Relationship Between S&P 500 Futures and the S&P 500 Index”, The Journal of Finance, 42(5), 1309-1329.
- 21. KRINSKY, Itzhak and Jason LEE (1997), Quarterly Earnings Announcements and The Lead/Lag Relationship Between the Stock and Option Markets, Working paper, [Access address:, Access Date: 10.07.2016).
- 22. LAFUENTE, Juan A. (2002), “Intraday Price And Volatility Relationships Between The Ibex 35 Spot And Futures Markets”, Spanish Economic Review, 4(3), 201-220.
- 23. MANASTER, Steven and Richard J. RENDLEMAN (1982), “Option Prices as Predictors of Equilibrium Stock Prices”, The Journal of Finance, 37(4), 1043-1057.
- 24. MATTOS, Fabia and Philippe GARCIA (2004), Price Discovery in Thinly Traded Markets: Cash And Futures Relationships In Brazilian Agricultural Futures Markets, NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting and Market Risk Management, St. Louis, Missouri. [Access Address:, Access Date: 12.08.2016]
- 25. MIN, Jae. H. and Mohammad NAJAND (1999), A Further Investigation of The Lead-Lag Relationship Between the Spot Market and Stock Index Futures: Early Evidence from Korea”, The Journal of Futures Markets. 19(2), 217-232.
- 26. MODEST, David. M. and Mahadevan SUNDARESAN (1983), “The Relationship Between Spot and Futures Prices in Stock Index Futures Markets: Some Preliminary Evidence”, The Journal of Futures Markets, 3(1), 15-41.
- 27. NIETO, M. Luisa., Angeles FERNANDEZ and M. Jesus MUNOZ (1998), “Market Efficiency in the Spanish Derivatives Markets: An Empirical Analysis”, International Advances in Economic Research,4(4), 349-355.
- 28. SINGH, Y.P. and Shalini BHATIA (2006), “Does Futures Trading Impact Spot Market Volatility? Evidence from Indian Financial Market”, Decision, 33(2), 41-62.
- 29. SRINIVASAN, Palamalai (2009), “An Empirical Analysis of Price Discovery in the NSE Spot and Futures Markets of India”, The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, 15(11), 24-36.
- 30. STEPHAN, Jens A. and Robert E. WHALEY (1990), “Intraday Price Change And Trading Volume Relations In The Stock And Stock Option Markets”, The Journal of Finance, 45(1), 191-220.
- 31. STOLL, Hans. R. and Robert E. WHALEY, “The Dynamics of Stock Index And Stock Index Futures Returns”, The Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis, 25(4), 441-468.
- 32. STUCKI, Thomas and Walter WASSERFALLEN (1994), “Stock and Option Markets: The Swiss Evidence”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 18(5), 881-893.
- 33. TSE, Yiu Kuen (1995), “Lead-Lag Relationship between Spot Index and Futures Price of the Nikkei Stock Average”, Journal of Forecasting, 14(5), 553-563.
- 34. VIJH, Anand M. (1990), “Liquidity of The CBOE Equity Options”, Journal of Finance, 45(4), 1157-1179.
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 11, 17 - 30, 15.07.2017
Pınar Evrim Mandacı
Nihan Demirkaya Küsülü
çalışma Türkiye’deki spot ve türev
(vadeli işlem ve opsiyon piyasalarını içeren) piyasalar arasındaki kısa dönemli
ilişkileri araştırmaktadır. Çalışmada 4 Nisan 2013 ve 31 Aralık 2015 tarihleri
arasındaki günlük data kullanılarak BIST 30 Endeksi, BIST 30 Endeks Vadeli
İşlem ve BIST 30 Endeks Opsiyon sözleşmeleri
arasındaki ilişkiler Granger nedensellik ve varyans ayrıştırma testleri
kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar spot ve vadeli işlem piyasaları arasında iki-yönlü granger nedensellik olduğunu
göstermektedir. Ancak spot piyasanın
vadeli işlem piyasasına etkisinin, vadeli işlem piyasasının spot piyasasına
olan etkisinden daha güçlü bulunmuştur. Bu durum arbitraj fırsatının zayıf
olduğunu işaret etmektedir. Diğer taraftan, opsiyon piyasasından bu iki
piyasaya tek yönlü ve zayıf bir nedensellik gözlemlenmiştir.
- 1. ANTHONY, JOSEPH H. (1988), “The Interrelation of Stock and Options Market Trading-Volume Data”, Journal of Finance, 43(4), 949-964.
- 2. BAKLACI, Hasan and Hülya TÜTEK (2006), “The Impact of The Futures Market on Spot Volatility: An Analysis in Turkish Derivatives Markets” WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation. 43(1), 237-246.
- 3. BHATTACHARYA, Mihir (1987) “Price Changes of Related Securities: The Case of Call Options and Stocks”, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 22(1), 1-15.
- 4. BLACK, Fischer and Myron SHOLES (1973), “The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities”, The Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 637-654.
- 5. BORSA ISTANBUL, (2016), “Derivatives Market 2015”, [Access address:, Access date: 06.09.2016].
- 6. BOOTH, Geoffrey G., Raymond W.SO and Yiuman TSE (1999), “Price Discovery in the German Equity Index Derivatives Markets”, The Journal of Futures Markets, 19(6), 619-643.
- 7. CAGLI, Efe Ç. and Pınar EVRİM MANDACI (2013), “The Long-Run Relationship Between the Spot and Futures Markets under Multiple Regime-Shifts: Evidence from Turkish Derivatives Exchange”, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10), 4206-4212.
- 8. CHAN, Kalok., Kakeung C. CHAN, and G. Andrew KAROLYI (1991), “Intraday Volatility in The Stock Index and Stock Index Futures Markets”, The Review of Financial Studies, 4(4), 657-684.
- 9. CHAN, Kalok, Y. Peter CHUNG, and Herb JOHNSON (1993), “Why Option Prices Lag Stock Prices: A Trading-Based Explanation”, Journal of Finance, 48(5), 1957-1967.
- 10. CHAN, Kalok (1992), “A Further Analysis of The Lead-Lag Relationship Between the Cash Market and Stock Index Futures Market”, The Review of Financial Studies, 5(1), 123-152.
- 11. DEJONG, Frank and Monique W. DONDERS (1998), “Intraday Lead-Lag Relationships between the Futures, Options and Stock Market, European Finance Review, 1, 337-359.
- 12. DILTZ, J. David and Suhkyong KIM (1996), “The Relationship Between Stock and Option Price Changes”, The Financial Review, 31(3), 499-519.
- 13. FLEMING, Jeff., Barbara OSTDIEK and Robert E. WHALEY (1996), “Trading Costs and The Relative Rates of Price Discovery in Stock Futures and Options Markets”, The Journal of Futures Markets, 16(4), 353-387.
- 14. FLOROS, Christos and Dimitrios V. VOUGAS D. V. (2008), “The Efficiency of Greek Stock Index Futures Market” Managerial Finance, 34(7), 498-519.
- 15. GRANGER, Clive W. J. (1969), “Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-spectral Methods”, Econometrica, 37(3), 424-438.
- 16. HERBST, F. Anthony, Joseph P. MCCORMACK and Elizabeth N. WEST (1987), “Investigation of A Lead-Lag Relationship Between Spot Stock Indices and Their Futures Contracts”, The Journal of Futures Markets, 7(4), 373-381.
- 17. KAPUSUZOGLU, Ayhan and Aslıhan TASDEMIR (2010) “The Analysis of The Effects of Derivatives Exchange (DE) Transactions on The Market Efficiency of Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) National 100 Index and on Spot Market Transaction Prices”, African Journal of Business Management, 4(2), 242-247.
- 18. KASMAN, Adnan and Saadet KASMAN (2008), “The Impact of Futures Trading on Volatility of the Underlying Asset in the Turkish Stock Market”, Physica A, 387(12), 2837-2845.
- 19. KAVUSSANOS, Manolis G., Ilias D. VISVIKIS and Panayotis D. ALEXAKIS (2008), “The Lead-Lag Relationship Between Cash and Stock Index Futures in A New Market”, European Financial Management, 14(5), 1007-1025.
- 20. KAWALLER, Ira G, Paul D. KOCH and Timothy W. KOCH (1987), “The Temporal Price Relationship Between S&P 500 Futures and the S&P 500 Index”, The Journal of Finance, 42(5), 1309-1329.
- 21. KRINSKY, Itzhak and Jason LEE (1997), Quarterly Earnings Announcements and The Lead/Lag Relationship Between the Stock and Option Markets, Working paper, [Access address:, Access Date: 10.07.2016).
- 22. LAFUENTE, Juan A. (2002), “Intraday Price And Volatility Relationships Between The Ibex 35 Spot And Futures Markets”, Spanish Economic Review, 4(3), 201-220.
- 23. MANASTER, Steven and Richard J. RENDLEMAN (1982), “Option Prices as Predictors of Equilibrium Stock Prices”, The Journal of Finance, 37(4), 1043-1057.
- 24. MATTOS, Fabia and Philippe GARCIA (2004), Price Discovery in Thinly Traded Markets: Cash And Futures Relationships In Brazilian Agricultural Futures Markets, NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting and Market Risk Management, St. Louis, Missouri. [Access Address:, Access Date: 12.08.2016]
- 25. MIN, Jae. H. and Mohammad NAJAND (1999), A Further Investigation of The Lead-Lag Relationship Between the Spot Market and Stock Index Futures: Early Evidence from Korea”, The Journal of Futures Markets. 19(2), 217-232.
- 26. MODEST, David. M. and Mahadevan SUNDARESAN (1983), “The Relationship Between Spot and Futures Prices in Stock Index Futures Markets: Some Preliminary Evidence”, The Journal of Futures Markets, 3(1), 15-41.
- 27. NIETO, M. Luisa., Angeles FERNANDEZ and M. Jesus MUNOZ (1998), “Market Efficiency in the Spanish Derivatives Markets: An Empirical Analysis”, International Advances in Economic Research,4(4), 349-355.
- 28. SINGH, Y.P. and Shalini BHATIA (2006), “Does Futures Trading Impact Spot Market Volatility? Evidence from Indian Financial Market”, Decision, 33(2), 41-62.
- 29. SRINIVASAN, Palamalai (2009), “An Empirical Analysis of Price Discovery in the NSE Spot and Futures Markets of India”, The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, 15(11), 24-36.
- 30. STEPHAN, Jens A. and Robert E. WHALEY (1990), “Intraday Price Change And Trading Volume Relations In The Stock And Stock Option Markets”, The Journal of Finance, 45(1), 191-220.
- 31. STOLL, Hans. R. and Robert E. WHALEY, “The Dynamics of Stock Index And Stock Index Futures Returns”, The Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis, 25(4), 441-468.
- 32. STUCKI, Thomas and Walter WASSERFALLEN (1994), “Stock and Option Markets: The Swiss Evidence”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 18(5), 881-893.
- 33. TSE, Yiu Kuen (1995), “Lead-Lag Relationship between Spot Index and Futures Price of the Nikkei Stock Average”, Journal of Forecasting, 14(5), 553-563.
- 34. VIJH, Anand M. (1990), “Liquidity of The CBOE Equity Options”, Journal of Finance, 45(4), 1157-1179.