Development of Rehabilitation Software with the Cooperation of Physiotherapists and Engineers: A Shoulder Rehabilitation Pilot Study
Yıl 2023,
, 1950 - 1958, 26.12.2023
Burak Menek
Doç. Dr. Ayşe Betül Oktay
Devrim Tarakcı
The use of technological rehabilitation as a comp-lementary approach has gained popularity in recent years. This study aimed to create serious games for shoulder rehabilitation and investigate their impact on patients with rotator cuff rupture in terms of pain, range of motion, joint position sense, and approxima-tion force. Additionally, it aimed to showcase the collaboration between physiotherapists and engineers in developing technological rehabilitation software. The study involved 20 patients with rotator cuff rup-ture who underwent the Serious-Game Exercise (SGE) program twice a week for six weeks. All individuals were assessed before and after the treatment, and the results showed significant differences in all measured parameters (p<0.05). The study concluded that SGE is an effective therapy for patients with rotator cuff rupture, and serious games can be a viable alternative therapeutic approach.
- 1. Choi, S.D, Guo, L, Kang, D. and Xiong, S. (2017). “Exer-game Technology and Interactive Interventions for Elderly Fall Prevention: A Systematic Literature Review”. Applied Ergonomics, 65, 570–581.
- 2. Kurillo, G, Hemingway, E, Cheng, M.L. and Cheng, L. (2022). “Evaluating the Accuracy of the Azure Kinect and Kinect V2.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22 (7), 2469.
- 3. Taylor, M.J, McCormick, D, Shawis, T, Impson, R. and Griffin, M. (2011). “Activity-Promoting Gaming Systems in Exercise and Rehabilitation”. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 48 (10), 1171–1186.
- 4. Clark, R.A, Bryant, A.L, Pua, Y, McCrory, P, Bennell, K. and Hunt, M. (2010). “Validity and Reliability of the Nin-tendo Wii Balance Board for Assessment of Standing Ba-lance”. Gait & Posture,31 (3), 307–310.
- 5. Fernández-González, P, Carratalá-Tejada, M, Monge-Pereira, E, Collado-Vázquez, S, Sánchez-Herrera Baeza, P, Cuesta-Gómez, A, Oña-Simbaña, E.D, Jardón-Huete, A, Molina-Rueda, F, Balaguer-Bernaldo de Quirós, C, Mian-golarra-Page, J.C. and Cano-de la Cuerda, R. (2019). “Leap Motion Controlled Video Game-Based Therapy for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Feasibility Study”. Journal of Neuroengineering and Re-habilitation, 16 (1), 133.
- 6. Proença, J.P, Quaresma, C. and Vieira, P. (2018). “Serious Games for Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Systematic Re-view”. Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Techno-logy, 13 (1), 95–100.
- 7. Noveletto, F, Soares, A.V, Eichinger, F.L.F, Domenech, S.C, Hounsell, M.D.S. and Filho, P.B. (2020). “Biomedical Serious Game System for Lower Limb Motor Rehabilita-tion of Hemiparetic Stroke Patients”. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 28 (6), 1481–1487.
- 8. Menek, B, Tarakci, D, Tarakci, E. and Menek, M.Y. (2022). “Investigation on the Efficiency of the Closed Ki-netic Chain and Video-Based Game Exercise Programs in the Rotator Cuff Rupture: A Randomized Trial”. Games for Health Journal, 11 (5), 298–306.
- 9. Martin-Niedecken, A.L, Schwarz, T. and Schättin, A. (2021). “Comparing the Impact of Heart Rate-Based In-Game Adaptations in an Exergame-Based Functional High-Intensity Interval Training on Training Intensity and Expe-rience in Healthy Young Adults”. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 572877.
- 10. Gordt, K, Gerhardy, T, Najafi, B. and Schwenk, M. (2018). “Effects of Wearable Sensor-Based Balance and Gait Training on Balance, Gait, and Functional Performan-ce in Healthy and Patient Populations: A Systematic Re-view and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Tri-als”. Gerontology, 64 (1), 74–89.
- 11. Gumaa, M. and Rehan Youssef, A. (2019). “Is Virtual Reality Effective in Orthopedic Rehabilitation? A Systema-tic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Physical Therapy, 99 (10), 1304–1325.
- 12. Menek, M.Y. and Tarakci, D. (2021). Kalça Çevresi Kas Kuvveti Denge ve Fonksiyonu Etkiler Mi?. Sağlık Akade-misi Kastamonu, 7 (1), 100-111.
- 13. Cruz-Díaz, D, Romeu, M, Velasco-González, C, Martínez-Amat, A. and Hita-Contreras, F. (2018). “The Effective-ness of 12 Weeks of Pilates Intervention on Disability, Pain and Kinesiophobia in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Clinical Re-habilitation, 32 (9), 1249–1257.
- 14. Dutta, K.T. (2012). “Evaluation of the Kinect™ Sensor for 3-D Kinematic Measurement in the Workplace”. Applied Ergonomics, 43 (4), 645–649.
- 15. Monteiro-Junior, R.S, Vaghetti, C.A, Nascimento, O.J, Laks, J. and Deslandes, A.C. (2016). “Exergames: Neu-roplastic Hypothesis About Cognitive Improvement and Biological Effects on Physical Function of İnstitutionalized Older Persons”. Neural Regeneration Research, 11 (2), 201–204.
- 16. Yong Joo, L, Soon Yin, T, Xu, D, Thia, E, Pei Fen, C, Kuah, C.W. and Kong, K.H. (2010). “A Feasibility Study Using Interactive Commercial off-the-Shelf Computer Gaming in Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Patients After Stroke”. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 42 (5), 437–441.
- 17. Barry, G, Galna, B. and Rochester, L. (2014). “The Role of Exergaming in Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review fo the Evidence”. Journal of Neuroen-gineering and Rehabilitation, 11, 33.
- 18. Chao, Y.Y, Scherer, Y.K. and Montgomery, C.A. (2015). “Effects of Using Nintendo Wii™ Exergames in Older Adults: A Review of the Literature”. Journal of Aging and Health, 27 (3), 379–402.
- 19. Miller, C.A, Hayes, D.M, Dye, K, Johnson, C. and Me-yers, J. (2012). “Using the Nintendo Wii Fit and Body We-ight Support to Improve Aerobic Capacity, Balance, Gait Ability, and Fear of Falling: Two Case Reports”. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 35 (2), 95–104.
- 20. Yen, H.Y. and Chiu, H.L. (2021). “Virtual Reality Exergames for Improving Older Adults' Cognition And Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials”. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22 (5), 995–1002.
- 21. Chen, Y, Zhang, Y, Guo, Z, Bao, D. and Zhou, J. (2021). “Comparison Between the Effects of Exergame Interven-tion and Traditional Physical Training on Improving Ba-lance and Fall Prevention in Healthy Older Adults: A Sys-tematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Journal of Neuroen-gineering and Rehabilitation, 18 (1), 164.
- 22. Pekyavas, N.O. and Ergun, N. (2017). “Comparison of Virtual Reality Exergaming and Home Exercise Programs in Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome and Scapular Dyskinesis: Short Term Effect”. Acta Orthopae-dica et Traumatologica Turcica, 51 (3), 238–242.
- 23. Alfieri, F.M, da Silva Dias, C, de Oliveira, N.C. and Battis-tella, L.R. (2022). “Gamification in Musculoskeletal Reha-bilitation”. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine, 15 (6), 629–636.
- 24. Jonsdottir, J, Bertoni, R, Lawo, M, Montesano, A, Bowman, T. and Gabrielli, S. (2018). “Serious Games for Arm Rehabilitation of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study”. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 19, 25–29.
- 25. Steiner, B, Elgert, L, Saalfeld, B. and Wolf, K.H. (2020). “Gamification in Rehabilitation of Patients with Musculos-keletal Diseases of the Shoulder: Scoping Review”. JMIR Serious Games, 8 (3), e19914.
- 26. Beristain-Colorado, M.D.P, Ambros-Antemate, J.F, Var-gas-Treviño, M, Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, J, Moreno-Rodriguez, A, Hernández-Cruz, P.A, Gallegos-Velasco, I.B. and Torres-Rosas, R. (2021). “Standardizing the De-velopment of Serious Games for Physical Rehabilitation: Conceptual Framework Proposal”. JMIR Serious Games, 9 (2), e25854.
- 27. Amengual Alcover, E, Jaume-I-Capó, A. and Moyà-Alcover, B. (2018). “PROGame: A Process Framework for Serious Game Development for Motor Rehabilitation The-rapy”. PloS One, 13 (5), e0197383.
- 28. Wittkopf, P.G, Lloyd, D.M, Coe, O, Yacoobali, S. and Billington, J. (2020). “The Effect of Interactive Virtual Re-ality on Pain Perception: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies”. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42 (26), 3722–3733.
- 29. Collado-Mateo, D, Merellano-Navarro, E, Olivares, P.R, García-Rubio, J. and Gusi, N. (2018). “Effect of Exerga-mes on Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Sci-ence in Sports, 28 (3), 760–771.
Fizyoterapist ve Mühendis İş Birliği ile Rehabilitasyon Yazılımının Geliştirilmesi: Omuz Rehabilitasyonu Pilot Çalışması
Yıl 2023,
, 1950 - 1958, 26.12.2023
Burak Menek
Doç. Dr. Ayşe Betül Oktay
Devrim Tarakcı
Teknolojik rehabilitasyon, son yıllarda popüler olan tamamlayıcı yaklaşımlardan biridir. Bu çalış-manın amacı omuz rehabilitasyonu için serious oyun-larının oluşturulması ve omuza yönelik tasarlanan bu oyunların rotator cuff rüptürü olan bireylerde ağrı, eklem hareket açıklığı, eklem pozisyon hissi ve ap-roksimasyon kuvveti üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Ayrıca fizyoterapistler ve mühendislerin iş birliği ile teknolojik rehabilitasyon yazılımlarının oluşturulması amaçlandı. Çalışmaya rotator cuff rüptürü olan 20 hasta dahil edildi. Katılımcılar 6 hafta boyunca haf-tada iki kez omuz rehabilitasyonu için geliştirilen seri-ous oyun egzersiz programına alındı. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrası tüm bireylerin ağrı şiddeti, fleksiyon, ab-duksiyon ve eksternal rotasyon eklem hareket açıklı-ğı, eklem pozisyon hissi ve aproksimasyon kuvveti değerlendirildi. Grubun tedavi öncesi ve sonrası tüm değerlendirme parametrelerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardı (p<0,05). Omuz rehabilitasyonu için serious oyun egzersiz programının rotator cuff rüptürü olan bireylerde etkili olduğu ve alternatif bir terapatik strateji olarak serious oyunlarının kullanıla-bileceği bulunmuştur.
- 1. Choi, S.D, Guo, L, Kang, D. and Xiong, S. (2017). “Exer-game Technology and Interactive Interventions for Elderly Fall Prevention: A Systematic Literature Review”. Applied Ergonomics, 65, 570–581.
- 2. Kurillo, G, Hemingway, E, Cheng, M.L. and Cheng, L. (2022). “Evaluating the Accuracy of the Azure Kinect and Kinect V2.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22 (7), 2469.
- 3. Taylor, M.J, McCormick, D, Shawis, T, Impson, R. and Griffin, M. (2011). “Activity-Promoting Gaming Systems in Exercise and Rehabilitation”. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 48 (10), 1171–1186.
- 4. Clark, R.A, Bryant, A.L, Pua, Y, McCrory, P, Bennell, K. and Hunt, M. (2010). “Validity and Reliability of the Nin-tendo Wii Balance Board for Assessment of Standing Ba-lance”. Gait & Posture,31 (3), 307–310.
- 5. Fernández-González, P, Carratalá-Tejada, M, Monge-Pereira, E, Collado-Vázquez, S, Sánchez-Herrera Baeza, P, Cuesta-Gómez, A, Oña-Simbaña, E.D, Jardón-Huete, A, Molina-Rueda, F, Balaguer-Bernaldo de Quirós, C, Mian-golarra-Page, J.C. and Cano-de la Cuerda, R. (2019). “Leap Motion Controlled Video Game-Based Therapy for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Feasibility Study”. Journal of Neuroengineering and Re-habilitation, 16 (1), 133.
- 6. Proença, J.P, Quaresma, C. and Vieira, P. (2018). “Serious Games for Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Systematic Re-view”. Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Techno-logy, 13 (1), 95–100.
- 7. Noveletto, F, Soares, A.V, Eichinger, F.L.F, Domenech, S.C, Hounsell, M.D.S. and Filho, P.B. (2020). “Biomedical Serious Game System for Lower Limb Motor Rehabilita-tion of Hemiparetic Stroke Patients”. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 28 (6), 1481–1487.
- 8. Menek, B, Tarakci, D, Tarakci, E. and Menek, M.Y. (2022). “Investigation on the Efficiency of the Closed Ki-netic Chain and Video-Based Game Exercise Programs in the Rotator Cuff Rupture: A Randomized Trial”. Games for Health Journal, 11 (5), 298–306.
- 9. Martin-Niedecken, A.L, Schwarz, T. and Schättin, A. (2021). “Comparing the Impact of Heart Rate-Based In-Game Adaptations in an Exergame-Based Functional High-Intensity Interval Training on Training Intensity and Expe-rience in Healthy Young Adults”. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 572877.
- 10. Gordt, K, Gerhardy, T, Najafi, B. and Schwenk, M. (2018). “Effects of Wearable Sensor-Based Balance and Gait Training on Balance, Gait, and Functional Performan-ce in Healthy and Patient Populations: A Systematic Re-view and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Tri-als”. Gerontology, 64 (1), 74–89.
- 11. Gumaa, M. and Rehan Youssef, A. (2019). “Is Virtual Reality Effective in Orthopedic Rehabilitation? A Systema-tic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Physical Therapy, 99 (10), 1304–1325.
- 12. Menek, M.Y. and Tarakci, D. (2021). Kalça Çevresi Kas Kuvveti Denge ve Fonksiyonu Etkiler Mi?. Sağlık Akade-misi Kastamonu, 7 (1), 100-111.
- 13. Cruz-Díaz, D, Romeu, M, Velasco-González, C, Martínez-Amat, A. and Hita-Contreras, F. (2018). “The Effective-ness of 12 Weeks of Pilates Intervention on Disability, Pain and Kinesiophobia in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Clinical Re-habilitation, 32 (9), 1249–1257.
- 14. Dutta, K.T. (2012). “Evaluation of the Kinect™ Sensor for 3-D Kinematic Measurement in the Workplace”. Applied Ergonomics, 43 (4), 645–649.
- 15. Monteiro-Junior, R.S, Vaghetti, C.A, Nascimento, O.J, Laks, J. and Deslandes, A.C. (2016). “Exergames: Neu-roplastic Hypothesis About Cognitive Improvement and Biological Effects on Physical Function of İnstitutionalized Older Persons”. Neural Regeneration Research, 11 (2), 201–204.
- 16. Yong Joo, L, Soon Yin, T, Xu, D, Thia, E, Pei Fen, C, Kuah, C.W. and Kong, K.H. (2010). “A Feasibility Study Using Interactive Commercial off-the-Shelf Computer Gaming in Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Patients After Stroke”. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 42 (5), 437–441.
- 17. Barry, G, Galna, B. and Rochester, L. (2014). “The Role of Exergaming in Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review fo the Evidence”. Journal of Neuroen-gineering and Rehabilitation, 11, 33.
- 18. Chao, Y.Y, Scherer, Y.K. and Montgomery, C.A. (2015). “Effects of Using Nintendo Wii™ Exergames in Older Adults: A Review of the Literature”. Journal of Aging and Health, 27 (3), 379–402.
- 19. Miller, C.A, Hayes, D.M, Dye, K, Johnson, C. and Me-yers, J. (2012). “Using the Nintendo Wii Fit and Body We-ight Support to Improve Aerobic Capacity, Balance, Gait Ability, and Fear of Falling: Two Case Reports”. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 35 (2), 95–104.
- 20. Yen, H.Y. and Chiu, H.L. (2021). “Virtual Reality Exergames for Improving Older Adults' Cognition And Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials”. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22 (5), 995–1002.
- 21. Chen, Y, Zhang, Y, Guo, Z, Bao, D. and Zhou, J. (2021). “Comparison Between the Effects of Exergame Interven-tion and Traditional Physical Training on Improving Ba-lance and Fall Prevention in Healthy Older Adults: A Sys-tematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Journal of Neuroen-gineering and Rehabilitation, 18 (1), 164.
- 22. Pekyavas, N.O. and Ergun, N. (2017). “Comparison of Virtual Reality Exergaming and Home Exercise Programs in Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome and Scapular Dyskinesis: Short Term Effect”. Acta Orthopae-dica et Traumatologica Turcica, 51 (3), 238–242.
- 23. Alfieri, F.M, da Silva Dias, C, de Oliveira, N.C. and Battis-tella, L.R. (2022). “Gamification in Musculoskeletal Reha-bilitation”. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine, 15 (6), 629–636.
- 24. Jonsdottir, J, Bertoni, R, Lawo, M, Montesano, A, Bowman, T. and Gabrielli, S. (2018). “Serious Games for Arm Rehabilitation of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study”. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 19, 25–29.
- 25. Steiner, B, Elgert, L, Saalfeld, B. and Wolf, K.H. (2020). “Gamification in Rehabilitation of Patients with Musculos-keletal Diseases of the Shoulder: Scoping Review”. JMIR Serious Games, 8 (3), e19914.
- 26. Beristain-Colorado, M.D.P, Ambros-Antemate, J.F, Var-gas-Treviño, M, Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, J, Moreno-Rodriguez, A, Hernández-Cruz, P.A, Gallegos-Velasco, I.B. and Torres-Rosas, R. (2021). “Standardizing the De-velopment of Serious Games for Physical Rehabilitation: Conceptual Framework Proposal”. JMIR Serious Games, 9 (2), e25854.
- 27. Amengual Alcover, E, Jaume-I-Capó, A. and Moyà-Alcover, B. (2018). “PROGame: A Process Framework for Serious Game Development for Motor Rehabilitation The-rapy”. PloS One, 13 (5), e0197383.
- 28. Wittkopf, P.G, Lloyd, D.M, Coe, O, Yacoobali, S. and Billington, J. (2020). “The Effect of Interactive Virtual Re-ality on Pain Perception: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies”. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42 (26), 3722–3733.
- 29. Collado-Mateo, D, Merellano-Navarro, E, Olivares, P.R, García-Rubio, J. and Gusi, N. (2018). “Effect of Exerga-mes on Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Sci-ence in Sports, 28 (3), 760–771.