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Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals

Yıl 2024, , 1934 - 1941, 25.12.2024


The aim of our study was to analyze the scapula position of healthy individuals and individuals with chronic low back pain and to determine its relationship with balance functioning and proprioception.
Chronic low back pain patients (n=40, age: 31.13) and healthy individuals (n=41, age: 28.37) with similar age and physical characteristics were included in the study. Pain intensity was assessed using a visual analog scale and pain tolerance was assessed using an algometer. Lateral scapular shift test was performed for scapular position assessment. Functionality in activities of daily living was evaluated with the Oswestry Disability Index. Biodex Balance System was used to evaluate the dynamic and static balance of the individuals. Proprioception was measured using an inclinometer device in lumbar flexion and extension positions with eyes open/closed.
As a result of the study, when the difference between healthy and chronic low back pain groups was examined, no significant relationship was found in terms of proprioception (p=0.084), pain tolerance (p=0.64) and scapula position (p=0.570). However, a significant difference was found in the balance parameters between individuals in left foot dynamic (p=0.036), static (p=0.035) and dynamic bipedal (p=0.039).
According to the findings obtained as a result of the study, there were differences in balance parameters between individuals with chronic low back pain and individuals of similar age group. However, no differences were found between scapula position, pain and proprioception. We think that more effective results will be obtained in future studies with older age groups.


  • 1. Knezevic, N.N, Candido, K.D, Vlaeyen, J.W.S, Van Zundert, J. and Cohen, S.P. (2021). “Low Back Pain”. Lancet, 398 (10294), 78-92.
  • 2. Duray, M, Yagci, N. and Ok, N. (2018). “Determination of Physical Parameters Associated with Self-Efficacy in Patients with Chronic Mechanic Low Back Pain”. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 31 (4), 743-748.
  • 3. Crombez, G, Vlaeyen, J.W.S, Heuts, P.H.T.G. and Lysens, R. (1999). “Pain-Related Fear Is More Disabling Than Pain Itself: Evidence on The Role of Pain-Related Fear in Chronic Back Pain Disability”. Pain, 80 (1–2), 329– 339. 10.1016/S0304-3959(98)00229-2.
  • 4. Orakifar, N, Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, M.J, Salehi, R, Mehravar, M, Namnik, N. and Haghpanah, S.A. (2022). “Comparison of Kinematic Movement Patterns Between 2 Subgroups of Females with Low Back Pain and Healthy Women During Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-Sit”. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 38 (5), 346-354.
  • 5. Aydog, S.T, Aydog, E, Çakcı, A. and Doral, M.N. (2004). “Reproducibility of Postural Stability Scores in Blind Athletes”. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 12 (4), 229–232.
  • 6. Berenshteyn, Y, Gibson, K, Hackett, G.C, Trem, A.B. and Wilhelm, M. (2019). “Is Standing Balance Altered in Individuals with Chronic Low Back Pain? A Systematic Review”. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41 (13), 1514–1523.
  • 7. Da Silva, R.A, Vieira, E.R, Fernandes, K.B, Andraus, R.A, Oliveira, M.R, Sturion, L.A. and Calderon, M.G. (2018). “People with Chronic Low Back Pain Have Poorer Balance Than Controls in Challenging Tasks”. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40 (11), 1294-1300.
  • 8. Georgy, E.E. (2011). “Lumbar Repositioning Accuracy as A Measure of Proprioception in Patients with Back Dysfunction and Healthy Controls”. Asian Spine Journal, 5 (4), 201–207.
  • 9. Henry, S.M, Hitt, J.R, Jones, S. L. and Bunn, J.Y. (2006). “Decreased Limits of Stability in Response to Postural Perturbations in Subjects with Low Back Pain”. Clinical Biomechanics, 21 (9), 881–892.
  • 10. Kibler, W.B. & McMullen, J. (2003). “Scapular Dyskinesis and Its Relation to Shoulder Pain”. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 11 (2), 142–151
  • 11. Kim J.W, Kang M.H. and Oh J.S. (2014). “Patients with Low Back Pain Demonstrate Increased Activity of the Posterior Oblique Sling Muscle During Prone Hip Extension”. PM&R. 6 (5), 400–405.
  • 12. Chiarotto, A, Maxwell, L.J, Ostelo, R.W, Boers, M, Tugwell,P, Terwee,C.B. (2019). “Measurement Properties of Visual Analogue Scale, Numeric Rating Scale, and Pain Severity Subscale of the Brief Pain Inventory in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review”. The Journal of Pain, 20 (3), 245–263.
  • 13. Jaeger, B. and Reeves, J.L. (1986). “Quantification of Changes in Myofascial Trigger Point Sensitivity with the Pressure Algometer Following Passive Stretch”. Pain, 27 (2), 203- 210.
  • 14. Cho, H.Y, Kim, E.H, Kim J. “Effects of the CORE Exercise Program on Pain and Active Range of Motion in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain”. (2014). Journal Physical Therapy Science, 26 (8), 1237- 40.
  • 15. Odom, C. J, Taylor, A.B, Hurd, C.E, Denegar C.R (2001). “Measurement of Scapular Asymmetry and Assessment of Shoulder Dysfunction Using the Lateral Scapular Slide Test: A Reliability and Validity Study”. Physical Therapy, 81 (2), 1 (799-809).
  • 16. Dawson, N, Dzurino, D, Karleskint, M. and Tucker, J. (2018). “Examining the Reliability, Correlation, and Validity of Commonly Used Assessment Tools to Measure Balance”. Health Science Reports, 1 (12), e98.
  • 17. Koumantakis, G. A., Winstanley, J. & Oldham, J. A. (2002). “Thoracolumbar Proprioception in Individuals with and without Low Back Pain: Intratester Reliability, Clinical Applicability, and Validity”. The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 32 (7), 327–335.
  • 18. Yakut, E, Düger, T, Öksüz, Ç, Yörükan, S, Üreten, K. and Turan, D. (2004). “Validation of the Turkish version of the Oswestry Disability Index for patients with low back pain”. Spine, 29 (5), 581- 585.
  • 19. Javadian, Y, Akbari, M, Talebi, G, Taghipour-Darzi, M. and Janmohammadi, N. (2015). “Influence of Core Stability Exercise on Lumbar Vertebral Instability in Patients Presented with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine, 6 (2), 98- 102.
  • 20. Laird, R.A, Gilbert, J, Kent, P. and Keating, J.L. (2014). “Comparing Lumbo-Pelvic Kinematics in People with and Without Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, 229.
  • 21. Laudner, K.G. and Williams, J.G. (2013). “The Relationship Between Latissimus Dorsi Stiffness and Altered Scapular Kinematics Among Asymptomatic Collegiate Swimmers”. Physical Therapy in Sport, 14 (1), 50–53.
  • 22. Mazaheri, M, Coenen, P, Parnianpour, M, Kiers, H. and van Dieën, J.H. (2013). “Low Back Pain and Postural Sway During Quiet Standing with and without Sensory Manipulation: A Systematic Review”. Gait & Posture, 37(1),12-22.
  • 23. Shanbehzadeh, S, Salavati, M, Talebian, S, Khademi-Kalantari, K. and Tavahomi, M. (2018). “Attention Demands of Postural Control in Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain Subjects with Low and High Pain-Related Anxiety”. Experimental Brain Research, 236 (7), 1927–1938.
  • 24. Meinke, A, Maschio, C, Meier, M.L, Karlen, W. and Swanenburg, J. (2022). “The Association of Fear of Movement and Postural Sway in People with Low Back Pain”. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
  • 25. Sherafat, S, Salavati, M, Takamjani, I.E, Akhbari, B, Mohammadirad, S, Mazaheri, M. and Negahban, H. (2013). “Intrasession and Intersession Reliability of Postural Control in Participants with and without Nonspecific Low Back Pain Using the Biodex Balance System”. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 36 (2), 111– 118.
  • 26. Taghizadeh, S, Pirouzi, S, Hemmati, L, Khaledi, F. and Sadat, A. (2017). “Clinical Evaluation of Scapular Positioning in Patients with Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain: A Case-Control Study”. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 16 (3), 195- 198.
  • 27. Myers, T.W. (2004). “Structural Integration - Developments in Ida Rolf’s “Recipe”–I”. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 8 (2), 131–142.
  • 28. Myrtos, C.D. (2012). “Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation”. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 56 (1), 76. 29. Neumann D.A, Camargo P.R. (2019). “Kinesiologic Considerations for Targeting Activation of Scapulothoracic Muscles - Part 1: Serratus Anterior”. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 23 (6): 459- 466.
  • 30. Paolucci, T, Attanasi, C, Cecchini, W, Marazzi, A, Capobianco, S.V. and Santilli, V. (2019). “Chronic Low Back Pain and Postural Rehabilitation Exercise: A Literature Review”. Journal of Pain Research, 12, 95–107.
  • 31. Yılmaz, S. and Yılmaz, Ö. (2019). “Kronik Bel Ağrılı Bireylerde Alt Ekstremite Izokinetik Kas Kuvvetinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation, 6 (3), 195–200.
  • 32. Meier, M.L, Vrana, A. and Schweinhardt, P. (2019). “Low back pain: The Potential Contribution of Supraspinal Motor Control and Proprioception”. The Neuroscientist,25 (6) ,583– 596.

Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals

Yıl 2024, , 1934 - 1941, 25.12.2024


Çalışmamızın amacı kronik bel ağrısı olan bireyler ile sağlıklı bireylerin skapula pozisyonunu incelemek, denge fonksiyonellik ve propriosepsiyon ile ilişkisini belirlemek amacıyla tasarlanmıştır.
Çalışma en az 3 ay süreli ağrı şikâyeti olan kronik bel ağrılı (n=40, yaş: 31.13) ve benzer yaş grubu ve fiziksel özelliklerdeki sağlıklı bireyler (n=41, yaş: 28.37) dahil edildi. Bireylerin ağrı şiddeti vizüel analog skala ve ağrı toleransı algometreyle değerlendirildi. Skapular pozisyon değerlendirmesi için lateral skapular kayma testi uygulandı. Bireylerin günlük yaşam aktivitelerindeki fonksiyonelliği Oswestry Disabilite İndeksi ile değerlendirildi. Bireylerin dinamik ve statik dengelerini değerlendirmek için Biodex Denge Sistemi kullanıldı. Proprioseopsiyonu, gözler açık/kapalı koşullarda lumbal fleksiyon ve ekstansiyon pozisyonlarında inklinometre cihazı kullanılarak ölçüm yapıldı.
Çalışma sonucumuzda sağlıklı ve kronik bel ağrılı gruplar arasındaki fark incelendiğinde propriosepsiyon (p=0.084), ağrı toleransı (p=0.64) ve skapula pozisyonu (p=0.570) açısından anlamlı ilişki bulunamamıştır. Ancak bireyler arasında sol ayak dinamik (p=0.036) ve statik (p=0.035) ve dinamik çift ayak (p=0.039) dengede anlamlı fark bulunmuştur.
Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre kronik bel ağrısı olan bireyler ve benzer yaş grubundaki bireylerde arasında denge parametrelerde farklılık bulundu. Ancak skapula poziyonu, ağrı ve propriosepsiyon arasında farklılıklar bulunmadı. Gelecekte daha ileri yaş grupkarıyla yapılan çalışmalarda daha etkili sonuçlar elde edileceği düşüncesindeyiz.


  • 1. Knezevic, N.N, Candido, K.D, Vlaeyen, J.W.S, Van Zundert, J. and Cohen, S.P. (2021). “Low Back Pain”. Lancet, 398 (10294), 78-92.
  • 2. Duray, M, Yagci, N. and Ok, N. (2018). “Determination of Physical Parameters Associated with Self-Efficacy in Patients with Chronic Mechanic Low Back Pain”. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 31 (4), 743-748.
  • 3. Crombez, G, Vlaeyen, J.W.S, Heuts, P.H.T.G. and Lysens, R. (1999). “Pain-Related Fear Is More Disabling Than Pain Itself: Evidence on The Role of Pain-Related Fear in Chronic Back Pain Disability”. Pain, 80 (1–2), 329– 339. 10.1016/S0304-3959(98)00229-2.
  • 4. Orakifar, N, Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, M.J, Salehi, R, Mehravar, M, Namnik, N. and Haghpanah, S.A. (2022). “Comparison of Kinematic Movement Patterns Between 2 Subgroups of Females with Low Back Pain and Healthy Women During Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-Sit”. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 38 (5), 346-354.
  • 5. Aydog, S.T, Aydog, E, Çakcı, A. and Doral, M.N. (2004). “Reproducibility of Postural Stability Scores in Blind Athletes”. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 12 (4), 229–232.
  • 6. Berenshteyn, Y, Gibson, K, Hackett, G.C, Trem, A.B. and Wilhelm, M. (2019). “Is Standing Balance Altered in Individuals with Chronic Low Back Pain? A Systematic Review”. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41 (13), 1514–1523.
  • 7. Da Silva, R.A, Vieira, E.R, Fernandes, K.B, Andraus, R.A, Oliveira, M.R, Sturion, L.A. and Calderon, M.G. (2018). “People with Chronic Low Back Pain Have Poorer Balance Than Controls in Challenging Tasks”. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40 (11), 1294-1300.
  • 8. Georgy, E.E. (2011). “Lumbar Repositioning Accuracy as A Measure of Proprioception in Patients with Back Dysfunction and Healthy Controls”. Asian Spine Journal, 5 (4), 201–207.
  • 9. Henry, S.M, Hitt, J.R, Jones, S. L. and Bunn, J.Y. (2006). “Decreased Limits of Stability in Response to Postural Perturbations in Subjects with Low Back Pain”. Clinical Biomechanics, 21 (9), 881–892.
  • 10. Kibler, W.B. & McMullen, J. (2003). “Scapular Dyskinesis and Its Relation to Shoulder Pain”. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 11 (2), 142–151
  • 11. Kim J.W, Kang M.H. and Oh J.S. (2014). “Patients with Low Back Pain Demonstrate Increased Activity of the Posterior Oblique Sling Muscle During Prone Hip Extension”. PM&R. 6 (5), 400–405.
  • 12. Chiarotto, A, Maxwell, L.J, Ostelo, R.W, Boers, M, Tugwell,P, Terwee,C.B. (2019). “Measurement Properties of Visual Analogue Scale, Numeric Rating Scale, and Pain Severity Subscale of the Brief Pain Inventory in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review”. The Journal of Pain, 20 (3), 245–263.
  • 13. Jaeger, B. and Reeves, J.L. (1986). “Quantification of Changes in Myofascial Trigger Point Sensitivity with the Pressure Algometer Following Passive Stretch”. Pain, 27 (2), 203- 210.
  • 14. Cho, H.Y, Kim, E.H, Kim J. “Effects of the CORE Exercise Program on Pain and Active Range of Motion in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain”. (2014). Journal Physical Therapy Science, 26 (8), 1237- 40.
  • 15. Odom, C. J, Taylor, A.B, Hurd, C.E, Denegar C.R (2001). “Measurement of Scapular Asymmetry and Assessment of Shoulder Dysfunction Using the Lateral Scapular Slide Test: A Reliability and Validity Study”. Physical Therapy, 81 (2), 1 (799-809).
  • 16. Dawson, N, Dzurino, D, Karleskint, M. and Tucker, J. (2018). “Examining the Reliability, Correlation, and Validity of Commonly Used Assessment Tools to Measure Balance”. Health Science Reports, 1 (12), e98.
  • 17. Koumantakis, G. A., Winstanley, J. & Oldham, J. A. (2002). “Thoracolumbar Proprioception in Individuals with and without Low Back Pain: Intratester Reliability, Clinical Applicability, and Validity”. The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 32 (7), 327–335.
  • 18. Yakut, E, Düger, T, Öksüz, Ç, Yörükan, S, Üreten, K. and Turan, D. (2004). “Validation of the Turkish version of the Oswestry Disability Index for patients with low back pain”. Spine, 29 (5), 581- 585.
  • 19. Javadian, Y, Akbari, M, Talebi, G, Taghipour-Darzi, M. and Janmohammadi, N. (2015). “Influence of Core Stability Exercise on Lumbar Vertebral Instability in Patients Presented with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine, 6 (2), 98- 102.
  • 20. Laird, R.A, Gilbert, J, Kent, P. and Keating, J.L. (2014). “Comparing Lumbo-Pelvic Kinematics in People with and Without Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, 229.
  • 21. Laudner, K.G. and Williams, J.G. (2013). “The Relationship Between Latissimus Dorsi Stiffness and Altered Scapular Kinematics Among Asymptomatic Collegiate Swimmers”. Physical Therapy in Sport, 14 (1), 50–53.
  • 22. Mazaheri, M, Coenen, P, Parnianpour, M, Kiers, H. and van Dieën, J.H. (2013). “Low Back Pain and Postural Sway During Quiet Standing with and without Sensory Manipulation: A Systematic Review”. Gait & Posture, 37(1),12-22.
  • 23. Shanbehzadeh, S, Salavati, M, Talebian, S, Khademi-Kalantari, K. and Tavahomi, M. (2018). “Attention Demands of Postural Control in Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain Subjects with Low and High Pain-Related Anxiety”. Experimental Brain Research, 236 (7), 1927–1938.
  • 24. Meinke, A, Maschio, C, Meier, M.L, Karlen, W. and Swanenburg, J. (2022). “The Association of Fear of Movement and Postural Sway in People with Low Back Pain”. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
  • 25. Sherafat, S, Salavati, M, Takamjani, I.E, Akhbari, B, Mohammadirad, S, Mazaheri, M. and Negahban, H. (2013). “Intrasession and Intersession Reliability of Postural Control in Participants with and without Nonspecific Low Back Pain Using the Biodex Balance System”. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 36 (2), 111– 118.
  • 26. Taghizadeh, S, Pirouzi, S, Hemmati, L, Khaledi, F. and Sadat, A. (2017). “Clinical Evaluation of Scapular Positioning in Patients with Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain: A Case-Control Study”. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 16 (3), 195- 198.
  • 27. Myers, T.W. (2004). “Structural Integration - Developments in Ida Rolf’s “Recipe”–I”. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 8 (2), 131–142.
  • 28. Myrtos, C.D. (2012). “Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation”. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 56 (1), 76. 29. Neumann D.A, Camargo P.R. (2019). “Kinesiologic Considerations for Targeting Activation of Scapulothoracic Muscles - Part 1: Serratus Anterior”. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 23 (6): 459- 466.
  • 30. Paolucci, T, Attanasi, C, Cecchini, W, Marazzi, A, Capobianco, S.V. and Santilli, V. (2019). “Chronic Low Back Pain and Postural Rehabilitation Exercise: A Literature Review”. Journal of Pain Research, 12, 95–107.
  • 31. Yılmaz, S. and Yılmaz, Ö. (2019). “Kronik Bel Ağrılı Bireylerde Alt Ekstremite Izokinetik Kas Kuvvetinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation, 6 (3), 195–200.
  • 32. Meier, M.L, Vrana, A. and Schweinhardt, P. (2019). “Low back pain: The Potential Contribution of Supraspinal Motor Control and Proprioception”. The Neuroscientist,25 (6) ,583– 596.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık, Egzersiz ve Spor Bilimleri (Diğer), Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon
Bölüm Makaleler

Şirin Çiftçi 0009-0000-6589-9123

Hazal Genç 0000-0001-9999-1040

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 17 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Çiftçi, Ş., & Genç, H. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(4), 1934-1941.
AMA Çiftçi Ş, Genç H. Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Aralık 2024;13(4):1934-1941. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1410691
Chicago Çiftçi, Şirin, ve Hazal Genç. “Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13, sy. 4 (Aralık 2024): 1934-41.
EndNote Çiftçi Ş, Genç H (01 Aralık 2024) Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13 4 1934–1941.
IEEE Ş. Çiftçi ve H. Genç, “Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 4, ss. 1934–1941, 2024, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.1410691.
ISNAD Çiftçi, Şirin - Genç, Hazal. “Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13/4 (Aralık 2024), 1934-1941.
JAMA Çiftçi Ş, Genç H. Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13:1934–1941.
MLA Çiftçi, Şirin ve Hazal Genç. “Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 1934-41, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1410691.
Vancouver Çiftçi Ş, Genç H. Comparative Analysis of Scapula Position, Balance, and Proprioception in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Individuals. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13(4):1934-41.