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Beyaz Turp Ekstraktının (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) In Vitro Ehrlich Asit Tümör Hücreleri Üzerinde Antikanserojenik Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2024, , 1003 - 1008, 26.09.2024


Bu çalışmada beyaz turp (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) ekstresinin Ehrlich Assit Tümör (EAT) hücre hattı üzerinde zaman ve doza bağlı etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada EAT hücre hattı kullanıldı. EAT hücreleri, değişen sürelerde (24 ve 48 saat) ve dozlarda (100-200 ve 300 μg/ml beyaz turp ekstresi) 37°C ve %5 CO2'de beyaz turp ekstresine (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) maruz bırakıldı. İnkübasyon süresinin sonunda EAT hücrelerinin argyrophilic nükleolar organize bölge (AgNOR) protein durumu incelendi. 48 saatlik inkübasyonda ortalama AgNOR sayısı ve TAA/NA açısından kontrol ve 300 μg/ml Raphanus sativus ekstresi grubu arasında anlamlı fark bulundu. Ayrıca 48 saatlik inkübasyonda AgNOR sayısı ve TAA/NA için 100 ve 300 μg/ml Raphanus sativus ekstre gruplarında istatistiksel olarak fark görüldü (p<0,05). Mevcut çalışmamızda, Raphanus sativus'un kanser gelişimine karşı çok önemli bir işlevi olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, AgNOR kanser için en güvenilir terapötik doz seçiminin saptanmasında biyobelirteç olarak kullanılmaktadır. Raphanus sativus'un doğru tüketiminin kanser oluşumunu önlemede ve ilerlemesini yavaşlatmada etkili olabileceği gösterilmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma hücre kültürü çalışması olduğu, herhangi bir girişimsel uygulama (insan veya deney hayvanı) içermediği için etik kurul izni gerekmemektedir.


  • 1. Yavuz, M, İlçe, A, Kaymakçı, Ş, Bildik, G. ve Dıramalı, A. (2007). "Meme kanserli hastaların tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tedavi yöntemlerini kullanma durumlarının incelenmesi". Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 27:680-686.
  • 2. Lorenzato, M, Abboud, P, Lechki, C, Browarnyj, F, O'Donohue, M. F, Ploton, D. and Adnet, J. J. (2000). "Proliferation assessment in breast cancer: a double-staining technique for AgNOR quantification in MIB-1 positive cells especially adapted for image cytometry". Micron (Oxford, England), 31(2), 151–159.
  • 3. Rüschoff, J, Plate, K, Bittinger, A. and Thomas, C. (1989). "Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). Basic concepts and practical application in tumor pathology". Pathology, research and practice, 185(6), 878–885.
  • 4. Rüschoff J. (1992). "Nukleolus Organisierende Regionen (NORs) in der Pathomorphologischen Tumordiagnostik [Nucleolus organizer regions in pathomorphologic tumor diagnosis]". Veroffentlichungen aus der Pathologie, 139, 1–144.
  • 5. Lewandowska, A. M, Lewandowski, T, Rudzki, M, Rudzki, S. and Laskowska, B. (2021). "Cancer prevention - review paper". Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM, 28(1), 11–19.
  • 6. Ferro, A, Rosato, V, Rota, M, Costa, A. R, Morais, S, Pelucchi, C, Johnson, K. C, Hu, J, Palli, D, Ferraroni, M, Zhang, Z. F, Bonzi, R, Yu, G. P, Peleteiro, B, López-Carrillo, L, Tsugane, S, Hamada, G. S, Hidaka, A, Zaridze, D, Maximovitch, D. and Lunet, N. (2020). "Meat intake and risk of gastric cancer in the Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) project". International journal of cancer, 147(1), 45–55.
  • 7 Maddineni, G, Xie, J. J, Brahmbhatt, B. and Mutha, P. (2022). "Diet and carcinogenesis of gastric cancer". Current opinion in gastroenterology, 38(6), 588–591.
  • 8 Gamba, M, Asllanaj, E, Raguindin, P. F, Glisic, M, Franco, O, Minder, B, Bussler, W, Metzger, B, Kern, H. and Muka, T. (2021). "Nutritional and phytochemical characterization of radish (Raphanus sativus): A systematic review". Trends in Food Science & Technology, 113.
  • 9. Manivannan, A, Kim, J. H, Kim, D. S, Lee, E. S. and Lee, H. E. (2019). "Deciphering the Nutraceutical Potential of Raphanus sativus-A Comprehensive Overview". Nutrients, 11(2), 402.
  • 10. Baenas, N, García-Viguera, C. and Moreno, D. A. (2014). "Biotic elicitors effectively increase the glucosinolates content in Brassicaceae sprouts". Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 62(8), 1881–1889.
  • 11. Yi, G, Lim, S, Chae, W. B, Park, J. E, Park, H. R, Lee, E. J. and Huh, J. H. (2016). "Root Glucosinolate Profiles for Screening of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Genetic Resources". Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 64(1), 61–70.
  • 12. Miękus, N, Marszałek, K, Podlacha, M, Iqbal, A, Puchalski, C. and Świergiel, A. H. (2020). "Health Benefits of Plant-Derived Sulfur Compounds, Glucosinolates, and Organosulfur Compounds". Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25(17), 3804.
  • 13. Gutiérrez, R. M. and Perez, R. L. (2004). "Raphanus sativus (Radish): their chemistry and biology". TheScientificWorldJournal, 4, 811–837.
  • 14.Ateş,Ş,Ülger,H,Yilmaz,S,Karatoprak,G,Al,Ö,Uçar,S,Taştan,M,Tokpinar,A,Alpa,Ş. and Farooqi,A.(2022)."Evaluation of antitumoral effect of mistletoe fruit extract on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells with muse cell analyzer and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region staining method". Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej,76(1) 209-219.
  • 15. Ploton, D, Menager, M, Jeannesson, P, Himber, G, Pigeon, F. and Adnet, J. J. (1986). "Improvement in the staining and in the visualization of the argyrophilic proteins of the nucleolar organizer region at the optical level". The Histochemical journal, 18(1), 5–14.
  • 16. Jajodia, E, Raphael, V, Shunyu, N. B, Ralte, S, Pala, S. and Jitani, A. K. (2017). "Brush Cytology and AgNOR in the Diagnosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma". Acta cytologica, 61(1), 62–70. 17 Furusawa, Y, Takahashi, M, Shima-Sawa, M, Yamato, O. and Yabuki, A. (2020). "Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions staining for cytology smears in dogs and cats". The Journal of veterinary medical science, 82(9), 1267–1270.
  • 18. Srivastava, A. N, Misra, J. S, Singh, U, Khan, M. and Raza, S. (2019). "AgNOR Pleomorphic Count as a Tumor Marker in Cervical Carcinogenesis and Feasibility of Its Introduction in Cervical Cancer Screening Programs to Discriminate High-Risk Cases of Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the Cervix". Acta cytologica, 63(5), 371–378.
  • 19. Ferreira, S. J, Machado, M. Â, de Lima, A. A, Johann, A. C, Grégio, A. M. and Azevedo-Alanis, L. R. (2017). "Identification of AgNORs and cytopathological changes in oral lichen planus lesions". Acta histochemica, 119(1), 32–38.
  • 20. Jinza, S, Iki, M, Noguchi, S, Shuin, T, Kubota, Y, Takano, Y. and Masuda, M. (1996). "AgNOR staining of cell imprint preparations of human bladder cancer". Acta cytologica, 40(6), 1159–1164.
  • 21. Rao, D. S, Ali, I. M. and Annigeri, R. G. (2017). "Evaluation of diagnostic value of AgNOR and PAP in early detection of dysplastic changes in leukoplakia and lichen planus - a preliminary case-control study". Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology, 46(1), 56–60.
  • 22. Elangovan, T, Mani, N. J. and Malathi, N. (2008). "Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions in inflammatory, premalignant, and malignant oral lesions: a quantitative and qualitative assessment". Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research, 19(2), 141–146.
  • 23. Tomazelli, K. B, Modolo, F. and Rivero, E. R. (2015). "Evaluation of AgNORs in Oral Potentially Malignant Lesions". Journal of oncology, 2015, 218280.
  • 24. Kim, W. K, Kim, J. H, Jeong, D. H, Chun, Y. H, Kim, S. H, Cho, K. J. and Chang, M. J. (2011). "Radish (Raphanus sativus L. leaf) ethanol extract inhibits protein and mRNA expression of ErbB(2) and ErbB(3) in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells". Nutrition research and practice, 5(4), 288–293.
  • 25. Yılmaz, S, Ülger, H, Ertekin, T, Yay, A. H, Nisari, M, Alpa, Ş. and Acer, N. (2019). "Investigating the anti-tumoral effect of curcumin on the mice in which Ehrlich ascites and solid tumor is created". Iranian journal of basic medical sciences, 22(4), 418-425.
  • 26. Yılmaz, S, Doğanyiğit, Z, Oflamaz, A. O, Ateş, Ş, Söylemez, E. S. A, Nisari, M. and Farooqı, A. A. (2023). “Determination of Rutin's antitumoral effect on EAC solid tumor by AgNOR count and PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway”. Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England), 40(5), 131.

Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells

Yıl 2024, , 1003 - 1008, 26.09.2024


In this research, it was aimed to research the time and different dose effects of white radish extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) on Ehrlich Ascites Tumor (EAT) cell lines. EAT cell line was used in the study. EAT cells were treated white radish extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) at 37°C and 5% CO2 for differing periods (24 and 48 hours) and doses (100-200 and 300 μg/ml white radish extract). At the end of the incubation duration, Argyrophilic nucleolar organizing region (AgNOR) protein condition of EAT cells were investigated.It was determined among the control and 300 μg/ml Raphanus sativus extract group the significant differences for mean AgNOR number and TAA/NA in 48 hours period. It was detected also between the 100 and 300 μg/ml Raphanus sativus extract groups for AgNOR number and TAA/NA in 48 hours incubation. This study demonstrated that Raphanus sativus had a important role against cancer cells. Also, both AgNOR values mit be used as biomarkers for identification of the most true therapeutic dose option for cancer and it has been shown that suitable ingestion of Raphanus sativus can be effective in avoid cancer development and slowing its spreading.

Etik Beyan

Since this study is a cell culture study and does not involve any invasive practices (human or experimental animals), ethics committee permission is not required.


  • 1. Yavuz, M, İlçe, A, Kaymakçı, Ş, Bildik, G. ve Dıramalı, A. (2007). "Meme kanserli hastaların tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tedavi yöntemlerini kullanma durumlarının incelenmesi". Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 27:680-686.
  • 2. Lorenzato, M, Abboud, P, Lechki, C, Browarnyj, F, O'Donohue, M. F, Ploton, D. and Adnet, J. J. (2000). "Proliferation assessment in breast cancer: a double-staining technique for AgNOR quantification in MIB-1 positive cells especially adapted for image cytometry". Micron (Oxford, England), 31(2), 151–159.
  • 3. Rüschoff, J, Plate, K, Bittinger, A. and Thomas, C. (1989). "Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). Basic concepts and practical application in tumor pathology". Pathology, research and practice, 185(6), 878–885.
  • 4. Rüschoff J. (1992). "Nukleolus Organisierende Regionen (NORs) in der Pathomorphologischen Tumordiagnostik [Nucleolus organizer regions in pathomorphologic tumor diagnosis]". Veroffentlichungen aus der Pathologie, 139, 1–144.
  • 5. Lewandowska, A. M, Lewandowski, T, Rudzki, M, Rudzki, S. and Laskowska, B. (2021). "Cancer prevention - review paper". Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM, 28(1), 11–19.
  • 6. Ferro, A, Rosato, V, Rota, M, Costa, A. R, Morais, S, Pelucchi, C, Johnson, K. C, Hu, J, Palli, D, Ferraroni, M, Zhang, Z. F, Bonzi, R, Yu, G. P, Peleteiro, B, López-Carrillo, L, Tsugane, S, Hamada, G. S, Hidaka, A, Zaridze, D, Maximovitch, D. and Lunet, N. (2020). "Meat intake and risk of gastric cancer in the Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) project". International journal of cancer, 147(1), 45–55.
  • 7 Maddineni, G, Xie, J. J, Brahmbhatt, B. and Mutha, P. (2022). "Diet and carcinogenesis of gastric cancer". Current opinion in gastroenterology, 38(6), 588–591.
  • 8 Gamba, M, Asllanaj, E, Raguindin, P. F, Glisic, M, Franco, O, Minder, B, Bussler, W, Metzger, B, Kern, H. and Muka, T. (2021). "Nutritional and phytochemical characterization of radish (Raphanus sativus): A systematic review". Trends in Food Science & Technology, 113.
  • 9. Manivannan, A, Kim, J. H, Kim, D. S, Lee, E. S. and Lee, H. E. (2019). "Deciphering the Nutraceutical Potential of Raphanus sativus-A Comprehensive Overview". Nutrients, 11(2), 402.
  • 10. Baenas, N, García-Viguera, C. and Moreno, D. A. (2014). "Biotic elicitors effectively increase the glucosinolates content in Brassicaceae sprouts". Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 62(8), 1881–1889.
  • 11. Yi, G, Lim, S, Chae, W. B, Park, J. E, Park, H. R, Lee, E. J. and Huh, J. H. (2016). "Root Glucosinolate Profiles for Screening of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Genetic Resources". Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 64(1), 61–70.
  • 12. Miękus, N, Marszałek, K, Podlacha, M, Iqbal, A, Puchalski, C. and Świergiel, A. H. (2020). "Health Benefits of Plant-Derived Sulfur Compounds, Glucosinolates, and Organosulfur Compounds". Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25(17), 3804.
  • 13. Gutiérrez, R. M. and Perez, R. L. (2004). "Raphanus sativus (Radish): their chemistry and biology". TheScientificWorldJournal, 4, 811–837.
  • 14.Ateş,Ş,Ülger,H,Yilmaz,S,Karatoprak,G,Al,Ö,Uçar,S,Taştan,M,Tokpinar,A,Alpa,Ş. and Farooqi,A.(2022)."Evaluation of antitumoral effect of mistletoe fruit extract on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells with muse cell analyzer and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region staining method". Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej,76(1) 209-219.
  • 15. Ploton, D, Menager, M, Jeannesson, P, Himber, G, Pigeon, F. and Adnet, J. J. (1986). "Improvement in the staining and in the visualization of the argyrophilic proteins of the nucleolar organizer region at the optical level". The Histochemical journal, 18(1), 5–14.
  • 16. Jajodia, E, Raphael, V, Shunyu, N. B, Ralte, S, Pala, S. and Jitani, A. K. (2017). "Brush Cytology and AgNOR in the Diagnosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma". Acta cytologica, 61(1), 62–70. 17 Furusawa, Y, Takahashi, M, Shima-Sawa, M, Yamato, O. and Yabuki, A. (2020). "Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions staining for cytology smears in dogs and cats". The Journal of veterinary medical science, 82(9), 1267–1270.
  • 18. Srivastava, A. N, Misra, J. S, Singh, U, Khan, M. and Raza, S. (2019). "AgNOR Pleomorphic Count as a Tumor Marker in Cervical Carcinogenesis and Feasibility of Its Introduction in Cervical Cancer Screening Programs to Discriminate High-Risk Cases of Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the Cervix". Acta cytologica, 63(5), 371–378.
  • 19. Ferreira, S. J, Machado, M. Â, de Lima, A. A, Johann, A. C, Grégio, A. M. and Azevedo-Alanis, L. R. (2017). "Identification of AgNORs and cytopathological changes in oral lichen planus lesions". Acta histochemica, 119(1), 32–38.
  • 20. Jinza, S, Iki, M, Noguchi, S, Shuin, T, Kubota, Y, Takano, Y. and Masuda, M. (1996). "AgNOR staining of cell imprint preparations of human bladder cancer". Acta cytologica, 40(6), 1159–1164.
  • 21. Rao, D. S, Ali, I. M. and Annigeri, R. G. (2017). "Evaluation of diagnostic value of AgNOR and PAP in early detection of dysplastic changes in leukoplakia and lichen planus - a preliminary case-control study". Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology, 46(1), 56–60.
  • 22. Elangovan, T, Mani, N. J. and Malathi, N. (2008). "Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions in inflammatory, premalignant, and malignant oral lesions: a quantitative and qualitative assessment". Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research, 19(2), 141–146.
  • 23. Tomazelli, K. B, Modolo, F. and Rivero, E. R. (2015). "Evaluation of AgNORs in Oral Potentially Malignant Lesions". Journal of oncology, 2015, 218280.
  • 24. Kim, W. K, Kim, J. H, Jeong, D. H, Chun, Y. H, Kim, S. H, Cho, K. J. and Chang, M. J. (2011). "Radish (Raphanus sativus L. leaf) ethanol extract inhibits protein and mRNA expression of ErbB(2) and ErbB(3) in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells". Nutrition research and practice, 5(4), 288–293.
  • 25. Yılmaz, S, Ülger, H, Ertekin, T, Yay, A. H, Nisari, M, Alpa, Ş. and Acer, N. (2019). "Investigating the anti-tumoral effect of curcumin on the mice in which Ehrlich ascites and solid tumor is created". Iranian journal of basic medical sciences, 22(4), 418-425.
  • 26. Yılmaz, S, Doğanyiğit, Z, Oflamaz, A. O, Ateş, Ş, Söylemez, E. S. A, Nisari, M. and Farooqı, A. A. (2023). “Determination of Rutin's antitumoral effect on EAC solid tumor by AgNOR count and PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway”. Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England), 40(5), 131.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hücre Metabolizması
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sümeyye Uçar 0000-0003-3378-3745

Aslı Okan Oflamaz 0000-0001-8152-7338

Mert Ocak 0000-0001-6832-6208

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 27 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Uçar, S., Okan Oflamaz, A., & Ocak, M. (2024). Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 1003-1008.
AMA Uçar S, Okan Oflamaz A, Ocak M. Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Eylül 2024;13(3):1003-1008. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1411588
Chicago Uçar, Sümeyye, Aslı Okan Oflamaz, ve Mert Ocak. “Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus Sativus Var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13, sy. 3 (Eylül 2024): 1003-8.
EndNote Uçar S, Okan Oflamaz A, Ocak M (01 Eylül 2024) Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13 3 1003–1008.
IEEE S. Uçar, A. Okan Oflamaz, ve M. Ocak, “Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, ss. 1003–1008, 2024, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.1411588.
ISNAD Uçar, Sümeyye vd. “Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus Sativus Var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13/3 (Eylül 2024), 1003-1008.
JAMA Uçar S, Okan Oflamaz A, Ocak M. Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13:1003–1008.
MLA Uçar, Sümeyye vd. “Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus Sativus Var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 1003-8, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1411588.
Vancouver Uçar S, Okan Oflamaz A, Ocak M. Evaluation of the Anticarcinogenic Effect of White Radish Extract (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) on In Vitro Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13(3):1003-8.