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Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-control Study

Yıl 2024, , 1125 - 1131, 26.09.2024


We investigated the effects of smoking on serum biochemical parameters primarily liver functions and metabolism.
This is a case-control study. The case and control groups were formed by clinical randomization by using the data obtained from the hospital information system and patient records, including age, gender, height, and weight. Smokers were identified as the case group, while non-smokers were identified as the control group. In the comparisons of rates Chi-square tests were used and in the comparisons of averages, independent sample t and MANCOVA tests were used.
When covariance factors such as age, gender, body mass index, and alcohol use were taken into consideration, it found that AST, ALT, and GGT were higher in smokers, whereas vitamin D, vitamin B12, and TSH were higher in non-smokers.
We found that smoking has a negative effect on liver and bile functions, and vitamin D values are affected secondary to this negative effect


  • 1. Talhout, R, Schulz, T, Florek, E. and Opperhuizen A. (2011). “Hazardous Compounds in Tobacco Smoke”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 8, 613-628.
  • 2. Benowitz, N.L. and Henningfield, J.E. (2013). “Reducing the Nicotine Content to Make Cigarettes Less Addictive”. Tobacco Control, 22, 14-17.
  • 3. Salvi, S. (2014). “Tobacco Smoking and Environmental Risk Factors for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Clinics in Chest Medicine, 35 (1), 17-27.
  • 4. Laniado-Laborín, R. (2009). “Smoking and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Parallel Epidemics of the 21st Century”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6, 209-224.
  • 5. Banks, E, Joshy, G, Korda, R.J, Stavreski, B, Soga, K, Egger, S, Day, C, Clarke, N.E, Lewington, S. and Lopez, A.D. (2019). “Tobacco Smoking and Risk of 36 Cardiovascular Disease Subtypes: Fatal and Non-fatal Outcomes in a Large Prospective Australian Study”. BMC Medicine, 17 (1), 128.
  • 6. Messner, B. and Bernhard, D. (2014). “Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease: Mechanisms of Endothelial Dysfunction and Early Atherogenesis”. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 34 (3), 509-515.
  • 7. Lee, H, Joe, K.H, Kim, W, Park, J, Lee D.H, Sung, K.W. and Kim, D.J. (2006). “Increased Leptin and Decreased Ghrelin Level After Smoking Cessation”. Neuroscience Letters, 409 (1), 47-51.
  • 8. Fagard, R.H. and Nilsson, P.M. (2009). “Smoking and Diabetes-The Double Health Hazard!” Primary Care Diabetes, 3, 205-209.
  • 9. Lee, D, Kang, H.W. and II Kim, Y. (2019). “Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Level”. International Journal Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine, 6, 125.
  • 10. Battah, K.A, Badran, D.H. and Shraideh, Z.A. (2016). “Effect of Cigarette Smoking on the Structure of Hepatocytes: TEM Study”. International Journal Morphology, 34 (4), 1239-1244.
  • 11. Heath, K.M. and Elovic, E.P. (2016). “Vitamin D Deficiency: Implications in the Rehabilitation Setting”. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 85, 916-923.
  • 12. Brot, C, Jorgensen, N.R. and Sorensen, O.H. (1999). “The Influence of Smoking on Vitamin D Status and Calcium Metabolism”. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 53 (12), 920-926.
  • 13. Pivathilake, H.J, Macaluso, M, Hine, R.J, Richards, E.W. and Krumdieck, C.L. (1994). “Local and Systemic Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Folate and Vitamin B12”. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 60, 559-566.
  • 14. Mcgarry, J.M. and Andrews, J. (1972). “Smoking in Pregnancy and Vitamin B12 Metabolism”. British Medical Journal, 2, 74-77.
  • 15. Sezgin, Y. (2019). “Approach to Vitamin B12 Deficiency”. Konuralp Medical Journal, 11 (3), 482-488.
  • 16. Linnell, J.C, Smith, A.D, Smith, C.L, Wilson, J. and Matthews, D.M. (1968). “Effects of Smoking on Metabolism and Excretion of Vitamin B12”. British Medical Journal, 2, 215-216.
  • 17. Gülcü, F, Polat, S.A. and Gürsü, M.F. (2003). “Aşırı Sigara Kullanımının Tiroid Fonksiyon Testleri ile Eser Element Düzeylerine Etkileri”. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medicine Science, 23 (5), 386-391
  • 18. Kim, B.H, Kim, W.B, Kim, T.Y, Jeon, S.H, Lee, C.W. and Shong, Y.K. (2008). “Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Thyroid Function in Adults Without Previous History of Thyroid Disease”. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 23 (2), 123-128.
  • 19. Collins, A.B. and Pawlak, R. (2016). “Prevalence of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Among Patients with Thyroid Dysfunction”. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 25 (2), 221-226
  • 20. Atabek, M.E, Pirgon, O. and Erkul, I. (2003). “Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations in Adolescents with Subclinical Hypothyroidism”. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 16 (9), 1245-1248.
  • 21. Jacobs, R.L, Stead, L.M, Brosnan, M.E. and Brosnan, J.T. (2000). “Plasma Homocysteine is Decreased in the Hypothyroid Rat”. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 78 (7), 565-570.
  • 22. Prasad, C, Mori, M, Greeley, G.H, Jr Edwards, R.M, Wilber, J.F. and Pegues, J. (1985). “Biochemical Transmethylation of Lipids and Neuropeptidergic Stimulation of Pituitary Hormone Secretion”. Brain Research, 334 (1), 41-46.
  • 23. Cooper, R.G. (2006). “Effect of Tobacco Smoking on Renal Function”. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 124 (3), 261-268.
  • 24. Yağbasan, Y, Ersoy, C, Çubukçu, E, Ölmez, Ö.F. and İmamoğlu, Ş. (2008). “Morbid Obez Kadınlarda Sigara İçiminin Obezite İndeksleri, İnsülin Direnci, Kan Basıncı, Glisemi ve Lipid Parametreleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Retrospektif Olarak Değerlendirilmesi”. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (4), 245-248.

Sigara İçenlerde Karaciğer Fonksiyonları Başta Olmak Üzere Serum Biyokimyasal Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Bir Vaka-kontrol Çalışması

Yıl 2024, , 1125 - 1131, 26.09.2024


Sigaranın karaciğer fonksiyonları ve metabolizma başta olmak üzere serum biyokimyasal parametreleri üzerine etkilerini araştırdık.
Bu bir vaka kontrol çalışmasıdır. Olgu ve kontrol grupları hastane bilgi sistemi ve hasta kayıtlarından elde edilen yaş, cinsiyet, boy, kilo gibi veriler kullanılarak klinik randomizasyonla oluşturuldu. Sigara içenler vaka grubu, içmeyenler ise kontrol grubu olarak belirlendi. Oranların karşılaştırılmasında Ki-kare testi, ortalamaların karşılaştırılmasında ise bağımsız örneklem t ve MANCOVA testleri kullanıldı.
Yaş, cinsiyet, vücut kitle indeksi ve alkol kullanımı gibi kovaryans faktörleri dikkate alındığında sigara içenlerde AST, ALT ve GGT'nin, sigara içmeyenlerde ise D vitamini, B12 vitamini ve TSH'nin daha yüksek olduğu görüldü. .
Sigaranın karaciğer ve safra fonksiyonlarını olumsuz etkilediğini, bu olumsuz etkiye ikincil olarak D vitamini değerlerinin de etkilendiğini tespit ettik.

Etik Beyan

Etik Onay Belgesi eklenmiştir


  • 1. Talhout, R, Schulz, T, Florek, E. and Opperhuizen A. (2011). “Hazardous Compounds in Tobacco Smoke”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 8, 613-628.
  • 2. Benowitz, N.L. and Henningfield, J.E. (2013). “Reducing the Nicotine Content to Make Cigarettes Less Addictive”. Tobacco Control, 22, 14-17.
  • 3. Salvi, S. (2014). “Tobacco Smoking and Environmental Risk Factors for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Clinics in Chest Medicine, 35 (1), 17-27.
  • 4. Laniado-Laborín, R. (2009). “Smoking and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Parallel Epidemics of the 21st Century”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6, 209-224.
  • 5. Banks, E, Joshy, G, Korda, R.J, Stavreski, B, Soga, K, Egger, S, Day, C, Clarke, N.E, Lewington, S. and Lopez, A.D. (2019). “Tobacco Smoking and Risk of 36 Cardiovascular Disease Subtypes: Fatal and Non-fatal Outcomes in a Large Prospective Australian Study”. BMC Medicine, 17 (1), 128.
  • 6. Messner, B. and Bernhard, D. (2014). “Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease: Mechanisms of Endothelial Dysfunction and Early Atherogenesis”. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 34 (3), 509-515.
  • 7. Lee, H, Joe, K.H, Kim, W, Park, J, Lee D.H, Sung, K.W. and Kim, D.J. (2006). “Increased Leptin and Decreased Ghrelin Level After Smoking Cessation”. Neuroscience Letters, 409 (1), 47-51.
  • 8. Fagard, R.H. and Nilsson, P.M. (2009). “Smoking and Diabetes-The Double Health Hazard!” Primary Care Diabetes, 3, 205-209.
  • 9. Lee, D, Kang, H.W. and II Kim, Y. (2019). “Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Level”. International Journal Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine, 6, 125.
  • 10. Battah, K.A, Badran, D.H. and Shraideh, Z.A. (2016). “Effect of Cigarette Smoking on the Structure of Hepatocytes: TEM Study”. International Journal Morphology, 34 (4), 1239-1244.
  • 11. Heath, K.M. and Elovic, E.P. (2016). “Vitamin D Deficiency: Implications in the Rehabilitation Setting”. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 85, 916-923.
  • 12. Brot, C, Jorgensen, N.R. and Sorensen, O.H. (1999). “The Influence of Smoking on Vitamin D Status and Calcium Metabolism”. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 53 (12), 920-926.
  • 13. Pivathilake, H.J, Macaluso, M, Hine, R.J, Richards, E.W. and Krumdieck, C.L. (1994). “Local and Systemic Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Folate and Vitamin B12”. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 60, 559-566.
  • 14. Mcgarry, J.M. and Andrews, J. (1972). “Smoking in Pregnancy and Vitamin B12 Metabolism”. British Medical Journal, 2, 74-77.
  • 15. Sezgin, Y. (2019). “Approach to Vitamin B12 Deficiency”. Konuralp Medical Journal, 11 (3), 482-488.
  • 16. Linnell, J.C, Smith, A.D, Smith, C.L, Wilson, J. and Matthews, D.M. (1968). “Effects of Smoking on Metabolism and Excretion of Vitamin B12”. British Medical Journal, 2, 215-216.
  • 17. Gülcü, F, Polat, S.A. and Gürsü, M.F. (2003). “Aşırı Sigara Kullanımının Tiroid Fonksiyon Testleri ile Eser Element Düzeylerine Etkileri”. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medicine Science, 23 (5), 386-391
  • 18. Kim, B.H, Kim, W.B, Kim, T.Y, Jeon, S.H, Lee, C.W. and Shong, Y.K. (2008). “Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Thyroid Function in Adults Without Previous History of Thyroid Disease”. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 23 (2), 123-128.
  • 19. Collins, A.B. and Pawlak, R. (2016). “Prevalence of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Among Patients with Thyroid Dysfunction”. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 25 (2), 221-226
  • 20. Atabek, M.E, Pirgon, O. and Erkul, I. (2003). “Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations in Adolescents with Subclinical Hypothyroidism”. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 16 (9), 1245-1248.
  • 21. Jacobs, R.L, Stead, L.M, Brosnan, M.E. and Brosnan, J.T. (2000). “Plasma Homocysteine is Decreased in the Hypothyroid Rat”. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 78 (7), 565-570.
  • 22. Prasad, C, Mori, M, Greeley, G.H, Jr Edwards, R.M, Wilber, J.F. and Pegues, J. (1985). “Biochemical Transmethylation of Lipids and Neuropeptidergic Stimulation of Pituitary Hormone Secretion”. Brain Research, 334 (1), 41-46.
  • 23. Cooper, R.G. (2006). “Effect of Tobacco Smoking on Renal Function”. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 124 (3), 261-268.
  • 24. Yağbasan, Y, Ersoy, C, Çubukçu, E, Ölmez, Ö.F. and İmamoğlu, Ş. (2008). “Morbid Obez Kadınlarda Sigara İçiminin Obezite İndeksleri, İnsülin Direnci, Kan Basıncı, Glisemi ve Lipid Parametreleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Retrospektif Olarak Değerlendirilmesi”. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (4), 245-248.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gastroenteroloji ve Hepatoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yılmaz Sezgin 0000-0002-3626-0264

Sinan Becel 0000-0003-4269-9879

Abdurrahman Polat 0009-0003-6317-7102

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Sezgin, Y., Becel, S., & Polat, A. (2024). Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-control Study. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 1125-1131.
AMA Sezgin Y, Becel S, Polat A. Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-control Study. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Eylül 2024;13(3):1125-1131. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1460296
Chicago Sezgin, Yılmaz, Sinan Becel, ve Abdurrahman Polat. “Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-Control Study”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13, sy. 3 (Eylül 2024): 1125-31.
EndNote Sezgin Y, Becel S, Polat A (01 Eylül 2024) Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-control Study. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13 3 1125–1131.
IEEE Y. Sezgin, S. Becel, ve A. Polat, “Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-control Study”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, ss. 1125–1131, 2024, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.1460296.
ISNAD Sezgin, Yılmaz vd. “Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-Control Study”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13/3 (Eylül 2024), 1125-1131.
JAMA Sezgin Y, Becel S, Polat A. Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-control Study. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13:1125–1131.
MLA Sezgin, Yılmaz vd. “Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-Control Study”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 1125-31, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1460296.
Vancouver Sezgin Y, Becel S, Polat A. Evaluation of Serum Biochemical Parameters Primarily Liver Functions in Smokers: A Case-control Study. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13(3):1125-31.