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Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration

Yıl 2024, , 1030 - 1037, 26.09.2024


Background: MIND diet is a nutritional model that has positive effects on neurological diseases, cognitive function and mental health, as it contains nutrients with antioxidant properties. The MIND diet scale was developed to evaluate the diet's adherence with the MIND nutritional model principles. Objectives: This study aimed to adapt the MIND Diet Scale into Turkish and assess validity, reliability of the scale in the Turkish population. Method: Language adaptation of the scale was provided and the serving sizes in the scale items were adapted to our country. Then, the scale was applied to volunteer participants aged 18 and over. The data of 150 participants were analyzed. Content, concurrent validity and reliability of the scale was tested. Cronbach’s α (internal consistency) and test-retest reliability were used to assess the reliability. Results: The Cronbach's Alpha value of the 15-item MIND diet scale was 0.626 and the scale was found to have moderate reliability. Test and retest correlation also shows that the MIND diet scale is a reliable scale (r=0.591; p<0.001) The MIND diet scale mean score was 7.17±2.13 points. Finally, it was found that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between MIND total scores, Mediterranean Diet Adherence Scale and DASH diet index scores. Conclusion: This study is the first to evaluate the validity and reliability of the MIND diet scale in Turkish population. Study results showed that the scale was valid and moderately reliable tool.

Etik Beyan

Ethical permission was obtained from Gazi University Ethics Commission (Research Code No: 2022 – 1383, meeting decision dated 13.12.2022 and numbered 21).


This work was supported by Tübitak 2209-A - Research Project Support Program for Undergraduate Students.


  • 1. Fresán, U, Bes-Rastrollo, M, Segovia-Siapco, G, Sanchez-Villegas A, Lahortiga, F, de la Rosa, P. A. et al. (2019). "Does the MIND diet decrease depression risk? A comparison with Mediterranean diet in the SUN cohort". European journal of nutrition, 58, 1271-82.
  • 2. Agarwal, P, Wang, Y, Buchman, A, Holland, T, Bennett, D. and Morris, M. (2018). "MIND diet associated with reduced incidence and delayed progression of Parkinsonism in old age". The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 22, 1211-5.
  • 3. Angeloni, C, Businaro, R. and Vauzour, D. (2020). "The role of diet in preventing and reducing cognitive decline". Current opinion in psychiatry, 33, 432-8.
  • 4. Barnes, L.L, Dhana, K, Liu, X, Carey, V.J, Ventrelle, J, Johnson, K. et al. (2023). "Trial of the MIND Diet for Prevention of Cognitive Decline in Older Persons". New England Journal of Medicine, 389, 602-11.
  • 5. Salari-Moghaddam, A, Keshteli, A.H, Mousavi, S.M, Afshar, H, Esmaillzadeh, A. and Adibi, P. (2019). "Adherence to the MIND diet and prevalence of psychological disorders in adults". Journal of affective disorders, 256, 96-102.
  • 6. Chen, H, Dhana, K, Huang, Y, Huang, L, Tao, Y, Liu, X. et al. (2023). "Association of the Mediterranean Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) Diet With the Risk of Dementia". JAMA Psychiatry, 80, 630-8.
  • 7. Talegawkar, S.A, Jin, Y, Simonsick, E.M, Tucker, K.L, Ferrucci, L and Tanaka, T. (2022). "The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet is associated with physical function and grip strength in older men and women". The American journal of clinical nutrition, 115, 625-32.
  • 8. Salari-Moghaddam, A, Nouri-Majd, S, Shakeri, F, Keshteli, A.H, Benisi-Kohansal, S, Saadatnia, M, et al. (2021). "The association between adherence to the MIND diet and stroke: a case–control study". Nutritional Neuroscience, 1-6.
  • 9. Golzarand, M, Mirmiran, P. and Azizi, F. (2022). "Adherence to the MIND diet and the risk of cardiovascular disease in adults: a cohort study". Food & Function, 13, 1651-8.
  • 10. Marcason, W. (2015). "What are the components to the MIND diet?" Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115, 1744.
  • 11. Gerald J.R.D. (2018). "MIND diet for better brain aging". Health&Nutrition Letter, 36.
  • 12. Lavefve, L, Howard, L.R. and Carbonero, F. (2020). "Berry polyphenols metabolism and impact on human gut microbiota and health". Food & function, 11, 45-65.
  • 13. Kumar, D, Kumar, S. and Shekhar, C. (2020). "Nutritional components in green leafy vegetables: A review". Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9, 2498-502.
  • 14. Mazzocchi, A, Leone, L, Agostoni, C. and Pali-Schöll, I. (2019). "The secrets of the Mediterranean diet. Does [only] olive oil matter?" Nutrients, 11, 2941.
  • 15. Polmann, G, Badia, V, Danielski, R, Ferreira, S.R.S. and Block, J.M. (2022). "Nuts and nut-based products: A meta-analysis from intake health benefits and functional characteristics from recovered constituents". Food Reviews International, 1-27.
  • 16. Tieri, M, Ghelfi, F, Vitale, M, Vetrani, C, Marventano, S, Lafranconi, A. et al. (2020). "Whole grain consumption and human health: an umbrella review of observational studies". International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 71, 668-77.
  • 17. Huang, Y, Li, Y, Pan, H. and Han, L. (2023). "Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders in 204 countries and territories worldwide". Journal of global health, 13, 04160.
  • 18. Christ, A, Lauterbach, M. and Latz, E. (2019). "Western Diet and the Immune System: An Inflammatory Connection". Immunity, 51, 794-811.
  • 19. Evci, N. and Aylar, F. (2017). "Use of confirmatory factor analysis in scale development studies". J Soc Sci, 4, 389-412.
  • 20. Şeker, H. ve Gençdoğan, B. (2006). "Psikolojide ve eğitimde ölçme aracı geliştirme". Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • 21. Baştürk, S, Dönmez, G. ve Dicle, A.N. (2013). "Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik". In: S. BAŞTÜRK (Ed.). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Vize Yayıncılık.
  • 22. Morris, M.C, Tangney, C.C, Wang, Y, Sacks, F.M, Barnes, L.L, Bennett, D.A. et al. (2015). "MIND diet slows cognitive decline with aging". Alzheimer's & dementia, 11, 1015-22.
  • 23. Bowman, S.A, Friday, J.E. and Moshfegh, A.J. (2008). "MyPyramid Equivalents Database, 2.0 for USDA survey foods, 2003–2004: documentation and user guide". US Department of Agriculture.
  • 24. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2016). "Food labeling: serving sizes of foods that can reasonably be consumed at one eating occasion; dual-column labeling; updating, modifying, and establishing certain reference amounts customarily consumed; serving size for breath mints; and technical amendments". Final rule. Federal register, 81, 34000-47.
  • 25. Davis, L.L. (1992). "Instrument review: Getting the most from a panel of experts". Applied nursing research, 5, 194-7.
  • 26. Pehlivanoğlu, E.F.Ö, Balcioğlu, H. ve Ünlüoğlu, İ. (2020). "Akdeniz diyeti bağlılık ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği". Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi, 42, 160-4.
  • 27. Casanova, M, Medeiros, F, Oigman, W. and Neves, M. (2014). "Low concordance with the DASH plan is associated with higher cardiovascular risk in treated hypertensive patients". International Scholarly Research Notices, 2014. 28. Alpar, C. (2016). "Spor Sağlık Ve Eğitim Bilimlerinden Örneklerle Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Geçerlik Güvenirlik". Detay Yayıncılık.
  • 29. Weir, J.P. (2005). "Quantifying test-retest reliability using the intraclass correlation coefficient and the SEM". The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 19, 231-40.
  • 30. Kılıç, S. (2016). "Cronbach'ın alfa güvenirlik katsayısı". Journal of Mood Disorders, 6, 47-8.
  • 31. Vassilopoulou, E, Koumbi, L, Karastogiannidou, C, Sotiriadis, P.M, Felicia, P.C. and Tsolaki, M. (2022). "Adjustment of the MIND diet tool for discriminating Greek patients with dementia: A confirmatory factor analysis". Frontiers in Neurology, 13, 811314.
  • 32. Holthaus, T.A, Sethi, S, Cannavale, C.N, Aguiñaga, S, Burd, N.A, Holscher, H.D. et al. (2023). "MIND dietary pattern adherence is inversely associated with visceral adiposity and features of metabolic syndrome". Nutrition Research, 116, 69-79.
  • 33. Holthaus, T.A, Kashi, M, Cannavale, C.N, Edwards, C.G, Aguiñaga, S, Walk, A.D.M. et al. (2022). "MIND Dietary Pattern Adherence Is Selectively Associated with Cognitive Processing Speed in Middle-Aged Adults". The Journal of Nutrition, 152, 2941-9.

Nörodejenerasyonun Geliştirilmesinde MIND Diyet Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Yıl 2024, , 1030 - 1037, 26.09.2024


Giriş: MIND diyet, antioksidan özelliklere sahip besinleri içermesi nedeniyle nörolojik hastalıklar, bilişsel işlev ve mental sağlık üzerinde olumlu etkileri olan bir beslenme modelidir. MIND diyet ölçeği, diyetin MIND beslenme modeli ilkelerine uygunluğunu değerlendirmek için geliştirilmiştir. Amaç: Bu çalışmada MIND Diyet Ölçeği'nin Türkçe'ye uyarlanması ve ölçeğin Türk toplumunda geçerlik ve güvenirliğinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Ölçeğin dil uyarlaması sağlanmış ve ölçek maddelerindeki porsiyon boyutları ülkemize göre uyarlanmıştır. Türkçe uyarlama ve kapsam geçerliliğinden sonra ölçek 18 yaş ve üzeri gönüllü katılımcılara uygulanmıştır. Çalışma 150 katılımcı ile tamamlanmıştır. Ölçeğin eş zamanlı geçerliliği ve güvenirliği test edilmiştir. Güvenilirliği değerlendirmek için Cronbach α (iç tutarlılık) ve test-tekrar test güvenilirliği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: 15 maddelik MIND diyeti ölçeğinin Cronbach Alpha değeri 0,626 olup ölçeğin orta düzeyde güvenilirliğe sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Test-tekrar test korelasyonu da MIND diyeti ölçeğinin güvenilir bir ölçek olduğunu göstermektedir (r=0,591; p<0,001). MIND diyeti ölçeği puan ortalaması 7,17±2,13’tür. Son olarak MIND diyet ölçeği toplam puanı, Akdeniz Diyeti Uyum Ölçeği ve DASH diyet indeksi puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif korelasyon olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışma MIND diyeti ölçeğinin Türk toplumunda geçerlik ve güvenirliğini değerlendiren ilk çalışmadır. Araştırma sonuçları ölçeğin geçerli ve orta derecede güvenilir bir araç olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • 1. Fresán, U, Bes-Rastrollo, M, Segovia-Siapco, G, Sanchez-Villegas A, Lahortiga, F, de la Rosa, P. A. et al. (2019). "Does the MIND diet decrease depression risk? A comparison with Mediterranean diet in the SUN cohort". European journal of nutrition, 58, 1271-82.
  • 2. Agarwal, P, Wang, Y, Buchman, A, Holland, T, Bennett, D. and Morris, M. (2018). "MIND diet associated with reduced incidence and delayed progression of Parkinsonism in old age". The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 22, 1211-5.
  • 3. Angeloni, C, Businaro, R. and Vauzour, D. (2020). "The role of diet in preventing and reducing cognitive decline". Current opinion in psychiatry, 33, 432-8.
  • 4. Barnes, L.L, Dhana, K, Liu, X, Carey, V.J, Ventrelle, J, Johnson, K. et al. (2023). "Trial of the MIND Diet for Prevention of Cognitive Decline in Older Persons". New England Journal of Medicine, 389, 602-11.
  • 5. Salari-Moghaddam, A, Keshteli, A.H, Mousavi, S.M, Afshar, H, Esmaillzadeh, A. and Adibi, P. (2019). "Adherence to the MIND diet and prevalence of psychological disorders in adults". Journal of affective disorders, 256, 96-102.
  • 6. Chen, H, Dhana, K, Huang, Y, Huang, L, Tao, Y, Liu, X. et al. (2023). "Association of the Mediterranean Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) Diet With the Risk of Dementia". JAMA Psychiatry, 80, 630-8.
  • 7. Talegawkar, S.A, Jin, Y, Simonsick, E.M, Tucker, K.L, Ferrucci, L and Tanaka, T. (2022). "The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet is associated with physical function and grip strength in older men and women". The American journal of clinical nutrition, 115, 625-32.
  • 8. Salari-Moghaddam, A, Nouri-Majd, S, Shakeri, F, Keshteli, A.H, Benisi-Kohansal, S, Saadatnia, M, et al. (2021). "The association between adherence to the MIND diet and stroke: a case–control study". Nutritional Neuroscience, 1-6.
  • 9. Golzarand, M, Mirmiran, P. and Azizi, F. (2022). "Adherence to the MIND diet and the risk of cardiovascular disease in adults: a cohort study". Food & Function, 13, 1651-8.
  • 10. Marcason, W. (2015). "What are the components to the MIND diet?" Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115, 1744.
  • 11. Gerald J.R.D. (2018). "MIND diet for better brain aging". Health&Nutrition Letter, 36.
  • 12. Lavefve, L, Howard, L.R. and Carbonero, F. (2020). "Berry polyphenols metabolism and impact on human gut microbiota and health". Food & function, 11, 45-65.
  • 13. Kumar, D, Kumar, S. and Shekhar, C. (2020). "Nutritional components in green leafy vegetables: A review". Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9, 2498-502.
  • 14. Mazzocchi, A, Leone, L, Agostoni, C. and Pali-Schöll, I. (2019). "The secrets of the Mediterranean diet. Does [only] olive oil matter?" Nutrients, 11, 2941.
  • 15. Polmann, G, Badia, V, Danielski, R, Ferreira, S.R.S. and Block, J.M. (2022). "Nuts and nut-based products: A meta-analysis from intake health benefits and functional characteristics from recovered constituents". Food Reviews International, 1-27.
  • 16. Tieri, M, Ghelfi, F, Vitale, M, Vetrani, C, Marventano, S, Lafranconi, A. et al. (2020). "Whole grain consumption and human health: an umbrella review of observational studies". International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 71, 668-77.
  • 17. Huang, Y, Li, Y, Pan, H. and Han, L. (2023). "Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders in 204 countries and territories worldwide". Journal of global health, 13, 04160.
  • 18. Christ, A, Lauterbach, M. and Latz, E. (2019). "Western Diet and the Immune System: An Inflammatory Connection". Immunity, 51, 794-811.
  • 19. Evci, N. and Aylar, F. (2017). "Use of confirmatory factor analysis in scale development studies". J Soc Sci, 4, 389-412.
  • 20. Şeker, H. ve Gençdoğan, B. (2006). "Psikolojide ve eğitimde ölçme aracı geliştirme". Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • 21. Baştürk, S, Dönmez, G. ve Dicle, A.N. (2013). "Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik". In: S. BAŞTÜRK (Ed.). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Vize Yayıncılık.
  • 22. Morris, M.C, Tangney, C.C, Wang, Y, Sacks, F.M, Barnes, L.L, Bennett, D.A. et al. (2015). "MIND diet slows cognitive decline with aging". Alzheimer's & dementia, 11, 1015-22.
  • 23. Bowman, S.A, Friday, J.E. and Moshfegh, A.J. (2008). "MyPyramid Equivalents Database, 2.0 for USDA survey foods, 2003–2004: documentation and user guide". US Department of Agriculture.
  • 24. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2016). "Food labeling: serving sizes of foods that can reasonably be consumed at one eating occasion; dual-column labeling; updating, modifying, and establishing certain reference amounts customarily consumed; serving size for breath mints; and technical amendments". Final rule. Federal register, 81, 34000-47.
  • 25. Davis, L.L. (1992). "Instrument review: Getting the most from a panel of experts". Applied nursing research, 5, 194-7.
  • 26. Pehlivanoğlu, E.F.Ö, Balcioğlu, H. ve Ünlüoğlu, İ. (2020). "Akdeniz diyeti bağlılık ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği". Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi, 42, 160-4.
  • 27. Casanova, M, Medeiros, F, Oigman, W. and Neves, M. (2014). "Low concordance with the DASH plan is associated with higher cardiovascular risk in treated hypertensive patients". International Scholarly Research Notices, 2014. 28. Alpar, C. (2016). "Spor Sağlık Ve Eğitim Bilimlerinden Örneklerle Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Geçerlik Güvenirlik". Detay Yayıncılık.
  • 29. Weir, J.P. (2005). "Quantifying test-retest reliability using the intraclass correlation coefficient and the SEM". The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 19, 231-40.
  • 30. Kılıç, S. (2016). "Cronbach'ın alfa güvenirlik katsayısı". Journal of Mood Disorders, 6, 47-8.
  • 31. Vassilopoulou, E, Koumbi, L, Karastogiannidou, C, Sotiriadis, P.M, Felicia, P.C. and Tsolaki, M. (2022). "Adjustment of the MIND diet tool for discriminating Greek patients with dementia: A confirmatory factor analysis". Frontiers in Neurology, 13, 811314.
  • 32. Holthaus, T.A, Sethi, S, Cannavale, C.N, Aguiñaga, S, Burd, N.A, Holscher, H.D. et al. (2023). "MIND dietary pattern adherence is inversely associated with visceral adiposity and features of metabolic syndrome". Nutrition Research, 116, 69-79.
  • 33. Holthaus, T.A, Kashi, M, Cannavale, C.N, Edwards, C.G, Aguiñaga, S, Walk, A.D.M. et al. (2022). "MIND Dietary Pattern Adherence Is Selectively Associated with Cognitive Processing Speed in Middle-Aged Adults". The Journal of Nutrition, 152, 2941-9.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Beslenme ve Diyetetik (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Büşra Atabilen 0000-0002-8485-1763

Merve Safa Kilif 0009-0003-2788-8572

Sevilay Nur Coşkun 0009-0000-8081-6648

Gül Hazal Ceyhan 0009-0006-9229-2304

Kısmet Cin 0009-0001-7496-326X

Yasemin Akdevelioğlu 0000-0002-2213-4419

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Atabilen, B., Kilif, M. S., Coşkun, S. N., Ceyhan, G. H., vd. (2024). Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 1030-1037.
AMA Atabilen B, Kilif MS, Coşkun SN, Ceyhan GH, Cin K, Akdevelioğlu Y. Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Eylül 2024;13(3):1030-1037. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1506595
Chicago Atabilen, Büşra, Merve Safa Kilif, Sevilay Nur Coşkun, Gül Hazal Ceyhan, Kısmet Cin, ve Yasemin Akdevelioğlu. “Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13, sy. 3 (Eylül 2024): 1030-37.
EndNote Atabilen B, Kilif MS, Coşkun SN, Ceyhan GH, Cin K, Akdevelioğlu Y (01 Eylül 2024) Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13 3 1030–1037.
IEEE B. Atabilen, M. S. Kilif, S. N. Coşkun, G. H. Ceyhan, K. Cin, ve Y. Akdevelioğlu, “Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, ss. 1030–1037, 2024, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.1506595.
ISNAD Atabilen, Büşra vd. “Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 13/3 (Eylül 2024), 1030-1037.
JAMA Atabilen B, Kilif MS, Coşkun SN, Ceyhan GH, Cin K, Akdevelioğlu Y. Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13:1030–1037.
MLA Atabilen, Büşra vd. “Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 1030-7, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.1506595.
Vancouver Atabilen B, Kilif MS, Coşkun SN, Ceyhan GH, Cin K, Akdevelioğlu Y. Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of The MIND Diet Scale for Delaying Neurodegeneration. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;13(3):1030-7.