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A Colonoscopy Fact: The Feeling of Embarrassment and Its Management

Yıl 2020, , 216 - 221, 30.06.2020


Today, colonoscopy is widely used in many diseases,
especially in the screening and diagnosis of colorectal cancers. There are
prejudiced ideas stating that procedures and examinations such as colonoscopy
from the anorectal region which is regarded as one of the most intimate areas
of that body, humiliate patients. Because these ideas will disturb the patient
by creating a feeling of embarrassment in the patient and may adversely affect
the success of the procedure, it is important to manage and minimize this
emotion. Interventions, such as patient education and counseling for
individuals feeling embarrassed due to colonoscopy procedure, decrease the
feeling of embarrassment, increase patient comfort, facilitate adherence to the
procedure, provide the participation of more people in colorectal cancer
screening, and thus make contribution to early diagnosis of colorectal cancers.
The aim of this review is to determine the potential reasons of embarrassment
of the patients, who undergo colonoscopy, upon literature review, to inform
nurses about management of embarrassment, and increase their awareness.


  • 1. Hazewinkel Y. (2011). Dekker E. Colonoscopy: basic principles and novel techniques. Nature reviews Gastroenterology &Hepatology, (8), 554-564.2. Vleugels JL, Lanschot MC, Dekker E. (2016). Colorectal cancer screening by colonoscopy: putting it into perspective. Digestive Endosc, (28), 250-259.3. Gipsh K, Sullivan JM, Dietz EO. (2004). Health belief assessment regarding screening colonoscopy. Gastroenterol Nurs, (27, 262-267.4. Winterich JA, Quandt SA, Grzywacz JG, Grzywacz JG, Clark P, Dignan M (2011). Men's knowledge and beliefs about colorectal cancer and 3 screenings: education, race, and screening status. Am J Health Behav, (35), 525-534.5. Dillard AJ, Fagerlin A, Dal Cin S, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Ubel PA. (2010). Narratives that address affective forecasting errors reduce perceived barriers to colorectal cancer screening. Soc Sci Med, (71), 45-52. 6. Friedemann-Sa´nchez GGJ, Partin MR. (2007) Gender differences in colorectal cancer screening barriers and information needs. Health Expect, (10),148–160.7. Consedine NS, Reddig MK, Ladwig I, Broadbent EA. (2011). Gender and ethnic differences in colorectal cancer screening embarrassment and physician gender preferences. Oncol Nurs Forum, (6), 409-417.8. Rawl SM, Menon U, Champion VL, Foster JL, (2000). Skinner CS. Colorectal cancer screening beliefs. Cancer Pract, (8), 32-37.9. Greiner KA, Born W, Nollen N, Ahluwalia JS. (2005). Knowledge and perceptions of colorectal cancer screening among urban African Americans. J Gen Intern Med, (20), 977-983.10. Trevisani L, Zelante A, Sartori S. (2014). Colonoscopy, pain and fears: Is it an indissoluble trinomial?. World J Gastroentero, (69), 227-233.11. Ritvo P, Myers RE, Paszat L, Serenity M, Perez DF, Rabeneck L. (2013). Gender differences in attitudes impeding colorectal cancer screening. BMC Public Health, (13), 500-515.12. Green PM, Kelly BA. (2004) Colorectal cancer knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors in African Americans. Cancer Nurs, (27), 206-215.13. Bajracharya SM. (2017). Knowledge, perceived benefits, and barriers of college employees regarding colorectal cancer (CRC) screening: a replication study. Intern J Health, Well Soc, (7), 88-95.14. Wong MC, Ching JY, Hirai HH, Lam TY, Griffiths SM, Chan FK, (2013). Perceived obstacles of colorectal cancer screening and their associated factors among 10,078 Chinese participants. Plos One, , (8), e70209.15. Attarabeen OF, Sambamoorthi U, Larkin KT, Kelly KM. (2018). Colon cancer worry in Appalachia. J Commun Health, (43), 79-88.16. Leal IM, Kao LS, Karanjawala B, Escamilla RJ, Ko TC, Millas SG. (2018). Understanding patients’ experiences of diagnosis and treatment of advanced colorectal cancer in a safety-net hospital system: a qualitative study. Dis Colon Rectum, (61),504-513.17. Bleiker EM, Menko FH, Taal BG, (2005). Screening behavior of individuals at high risk for colorectal cancer. Gastroenterology, (128), 280-287.18. Chong VH. (2012). Gender preference and implications for screening colonoscopy: impact of endoscopy nurses. W J Gastroenterol, (18), 3590–3594.19. Goldman RE, Diaz JA, Kim I. (2009). Perspectives of colorectal cancer risk and screening among Dominicans and Puerto Ricans: stigma and misperceptions. Qual Health Res, (19), 1559-1568.20. Consedine NS, Ladwig I, Reddig MK, Broadbent EA. (2011). The many faeces of colorectal cancer screening embarrassment: Preliminary psychometric development and links to screening outcome. Brit J Health Psych, (16), 559-579.21. Condon A, Graff L, Elliot L, Ilnyckyj A. (2008). Acceptance of colonoscopy requires more than test tolerance. Can J Gastroenterol, ,(22), 41-47.22. Bynum SA, Davis JL, Green BL, Katz RV. (2012). Unwillingness to participate in colorectal cancer screening: examining fears, attitudes, and medical mistrust in an ethnically diverse sample of adults 50 years and older. Am J Health Promot, (26), 295-300. 23. Yakut M, Uysal E, Beşik G, Özkan Y, Kırbaş G, Özden A. Türk insanı kolonoskopi işlemine nasıl bakıyor? Kolonoskopi hazırlık rejimine uyumu etkileyen faktörlerin irdelenmesi: Klinik prospektif çalışma. Endoskopi Derg. 2009, 17: 69-71.24. Shafer LA, Walker JR, Waldman C, Yang C, Michaud V, Bernstein CN, Wittmeier K. (2018). Factors associated with anxiety about colonoscopy: the preparation, the procedure, and the anticipated findings. Digestive diseases and sciences. (63), 610-61825. Menees SB, Inadomi JM, Korsnes S, Elta GH. (2005). Women patients' preference for women physicians is a barrier to colon cancer screening. Gastrointest Endosc, , (62), 219-223.26. Wilson J. (2001) Shame, guilt and moral education. J Moral Educ, (30), 71-81.27. Krishna A, Herd B, Aydınoğlu NZ. (2015). Wetting the bed at twenty-one: Embarrassment as a private emotion. J Consum Psychol, (25), 473-486.28. Mitchell KA, Rawl SM, Champion VL, Jeffries PR, Welch JL. (2012). Development and psychometric testing of the colonoscopy embarrassment scale. Western J Nurs Res, (34), 548-564.29. Marsicovetere P. (2018). Examining, diagnosing, and treating benign anorectal conditions. J Am Acad Pas, (31), 32-37.30. Erdil F, Elbaş NÖ. (2008). Cerrahi Hastalıklar Hemşireliği Genişletilmiş V. Baskı, Ankara : Aydoğdu Ofset Matbacılık, 447-450.31. Öztekin SD. (2007) Endoskopi Hemşireliğine Giriş, 1. Baskı, Ankara, Alter Yayıncılık, 114-15032. Lewis SM, Heitkemper MM, Dirksen SR. (2004) Medical-surgical nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems.. 6th ed. Publishing: Mosby, 182-183.33. Mitchell KA, (2009). Development and psychometric testing of the colonoscopy embarrassment scale, PhD Thesis, School of Nursing, Bloomington: Indiana University, 34. Köroğlu G. (2013). Kolonoskopi Öncesi Uygulanan Hemşirelik. Girişimlerinin Ağrı, Anksiyete ve Utanma Duygusuna Etkisinin Belirlenmesi. Ankara: T.C. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı GATA Komutanlığı Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi, 2013.35. Condon A, Graff L, Elliot L, Ilnyckyj A. (2008). Acceptance of colonoscopy requires more than test tolerance. Can J Gastroenterol, (22),41-47.36. Armitage AJ, Cahill DJ. (2018). Medical students and intimate examinations: What affects whether a woman will consent?. Med Teach, (31), 1-6.37. Aamar A, Madhani K, Butt Z, Ali I, Aslanian HR. (2017). Privacy pants in colonoscopy: a novel approach to enhance colon cancer screening. Gastrointest Endosc, (85), 268.38. Lawler J. (2004). Embarresment Social Rules and Context of Body Care. In: Blaikie A, Hepworth M, Holmes M, Howson A, Inglis D, Sartain S (Eds). The Body Critical Concepts in Sociology, 1thed. Psychology Press, 418-438.39. Deryal Y. (2008). Hastanın Özel Yaşamana Saygı Hakkının İki Boyutu: Hasta Sırrının Korunması Ve Beden Mahremiyeti, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Sağlık Kurultayı, Ankara Barosu Yayınları, Ankara, 71-84.40. Hasta Hakları Yönetmeliği,,10461/hasta-haklari-yonetmeligi.html, 05 Aralık 2017.41. Baillie L. (2009). Patient dignity in an acute hospital setting: a case study. Int J Nurs Stud, , 46: 22-36.42. Rosenwasser LA, McCall-Hosenfeld JS, Weisman CS, Hillemeier MM, Perry AN, Chuang CH. (2013). Barriers to colorectal cancer screening among women in rural central Pennsylvania: Primary care physicians’ perspective. Rural Remote Health, (13) 2504-2517.43. Chung SH, Park SJ, Hong JS, , Hwang JY, Lee SA, Kim KR et. el. (2013). Comparison of double pants with single pants on satisfaction with colonoscopy. World J Gastroentero, (19), 4177-418444. Marsicovetere P. (2018). Examining, diagnosing, and treating benign anorectal conditions. J Am Acad Pas, (31), 32-37.45. Brandt LJ. (2001). Patients’ attitudes andapprehensions about endoscopy: how to calm troubled waters. Am J Gastroenterol, (96), 280– 284.46. Sewitch MJ, Dubé C, Brien S, Jiang M, Hilsden RJ, Barkun AN, Armstrong D. (2013) Patient-identified quality indicators for colonoscopy services. Can J Gastroenterol, (27), 25-32.47. Armstrong N, James V, Dixon-Woods M. (2011). The role of primary care professionals in women’s experiences of cervical cancer screening: a qualitative study. Fam Pract, (29), 462-466.48. Yıldız T. (2015). Cerrahi hasta eğitiminde kullanılan güncel yöntemler: hastalık merkezli değil, hasta merkezli eğitim. Journal of Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences, (5), 129-133.49. Davis TC, Dolan NC, Ferreira MR, (2001) The role of inadequate health literacy skills in colorectal cancer screening. Cancer Invest, (19), 193-200.50. Shaikh AA, Hussain SM, Rahn S, Desilets DJ. (2010). Effect of an educational pamphlet on colon cancer screening: a randomized, prospective trial. Eur J Gastroen Hepat, (22), 444-449.51. Arabul M, Kandemır A, Çelik M, et.el. (2011). Impact of an information video before colonoscopy on patient satisfaction and anxiety. Turk J Gastroenterol, (23), 523-529.52. Erdağı Oral S. (2018). Kolonoskopi uygulanan hastalarda beden imajı algısı ve farklı eğitim programlarının utanma duygusuna etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. 53. Liu CJ, Fleck T, Goldfarb J, Green C, Porter, E. (2011). Attitudes to colorectal cancer screening after reading the prevention information. J Cancer Educ, (26), 701-707.

Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi

Yıl 2020, , 216 - 221, 30.06.2020


Kolonoskopi günümüzde başta kolorektal kanserlerin
tarama ve tanısı olmak üzere pek çok hastalıkta yaygın olarak uygulanmaktadır.
Vücudun en mahrem bölgelerinden biri olarak kabul edilen anorektal bölgeden
yapılan kolonoskopi gibi işlemler ve muayenelerin hastaları küçük düşürdüğüne
dair ön yargılı fikirler vardır. Bu fikirler hastada utanma duygusu oluşturarak
hastayı rahatsız edeceğinden ve işlemin başarısını olumsuz yönde
etkileyebileceğinden bu duygunun yönetilerek en aza indirilmesi önemlidir.
Kolonoskopi işleminden utanan bireyler için hasta eğitimi ve danışmanlığı gibi
müdahaleler bireyin utanma duygusunu azaltarak hasta konforunun artmasına,
işleme uyum sağlamasına, kolorektal kanser taramalarına daha fazla kişinin
katılımı sağlanarak kolorektal kanserlerin erken dönemde tanılanmasına katkı
sağlar. Bu derleme; kolonoskopi uygulanan hastaların yaşadıkları potansiyel
utanma nedenlerini literatür incelenmesiyle belirlemek, hemşireleri utanma
duygusu yönetimi hakkında bilgilendirmek ve farkındalıklarını artırmak amacıyla


  • 1. Hazewinkel Y. (2011). Dekker E. Colonoscopy: basic principles and novel techniques. Nature reviews Gastroenterology &Hepatology, (8), 554-564.2. Vleugels JL, Lanschot MC, Dekker E. (2016). Colorectal cancer screening by colonoscopy: putting it into perspective. Digestive Endosc, (28), 250-259.3. Gipsh K, Sullivan JM, Dietz EO. (2004). Health belief assessment regarding screening colonoscopy. Gastroenterol Nurs, (27, 262-267.4. Winterich JA, Quandt SA, Grzywacz JG, Grzywacz JG, Clark P, Dignan M (2011). Men's knowledge and beliefs about colorectal cancer and 3 screenings: education, race, and screening status. Am J Health Behav, (35), 525-534.5. Dillard AJ, Fagerlin A, Dal Cin S, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Ubel PA. (2010). Narratives that address affective forecasting errors reduce perceived barriers to colorectal cancer screening. Soc Sci Med, (71), 45-52. 6. Friedemann-Sa´nchez GGJ, Partin MR. (2007) Gender differences in colorectal cancer screening barriers and information needs. Health Expect, (10),148–160.7. Consedine NS, Reddig MK, Ladwig I, Broadbent EA. (2011). Gender and ethnic differences in colorectal cancer screening embarrassment and physician gender preferences. Oncol Nurs Forum, (6), 409-417.8. Rawl SM, Menon U, Champion VL, Foster JL, (2000). Skinner CS. Colorectal cancer screening beliefs. Cancer Pract, (8), 32-37.9. Greiner KA, Born W, Nollen N, Ahluwalia JS. (2005). Knowledge and perceptions of colorectal cancer screening among urban African Americans. J Gen Intern Med, (20), 977-983.10. Trevisani L, Zelante A, Sartori S. (2014). Colonoscopy, pain and fears: Is it an indissoluble trinomial?. World J Gastroentero, (69), 227-233.11. Ritvo P, Myers RE, Paszat L, Serenity M, Perez DF, Rabeneck L. (2013). Gender differences in attitudes impeding colorectal cancer screening. BMC Public Health, (13), 500-515.12. Green PM, Kelly BA. (2004) Colorectal cancer knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors in African Americans. Cancer Nurs, (27), 206-215.13. Bajracharya SM. (2017). Knowledge, perceived benefits, and barriers of college employees regarding colorectal cancer (CRC) screening: a replication study. Intern J Health, Well Soc, (7), 88-95.14. Wong MC, Ching JY, Hirai HH, Lam TY, Griffiths SM, Chan FK, (2013). Perceived obstacles of colorectal cancer screening and their associated factors among 10,078 Chinese participants. Plos One, , (8), e70209.15. Attarabeen OF, Sambamoorthi U, Larkin KT, Kelly KM. (2018). Colon cancer worry in Appalachia. J Commun Health, (43), 79-88.16. Leal IM, Kao LS, Karanjawala B, Escamilla RJ, Ko TC, Millas SG. (2018). Understanding patients’ experiences of diagnosis and treatment of advanced colorectal cancer in a safety-net hospital system: a qualitative study. Dis Colon Rectum, (61),504-513.17. Bleiker EM, Menko FH, Taal BG, (2005). Screening behavior of individuals at high risk for colorectal cancer. Gastroenterology, (128), 280-287.18. Chong VH. (2012). Gender preference and implications for screening colonoscopy: impact of endoscopy nurses. W J Gastroenterol, (18), 3590–3594.19. Goldman RE, Diaz JA, Kim I. (2009). Perspectives of colorectal cancer risk and screening among Dominicans and Puerto Ricans: stigma and misperceptions. Qual Health Res, (19), 1559-1568.20. Consedine NS, Ladwig I, Reddig MK, Broadbent EA. (2011). The many faeces of colorectal cancer screening embarrassment: Preliminary psychometric development and links to screening outcome. Brit J Health Psych, (16), 559-579.21. Condon A, Graff L, Elliot L, Ilnyckyj A. (2008). Acceptance of colonoscopy requires more than test tolerance. Can J Gastroenterol, ,(22), 41-47.22. Bynum SA, Davis JL, Green BL, Katz RV. (2012). Unwillingness to participate in colorectal cancer screening: examining fears, attitudes, and medical mistrust in an ethnically diverse sample of adults 50 years and older. Am J Health Promot, (26), 295-300. 23. Yakut M, Uysal E, Beşik G, Özkan Y, Kırbaş G, Özden A. Türk insanı kolonoskopi işlemine nasıl bakıyor? Kolonoskopi hazırlık rejimine uyumu etkileyen faktörlerin irdelenmesi: Klinik prospektif çalışma. Endoskopi Derg. 2009, 17: 69-71.24. Shafer LA, Walker JR, Waldman C, Yang C, Michaud V, Bernstein CN, Wittmeier K. (2018). Factors associated with anxiety about colonoscopy: the preparation, the procedure, and the anticipated findings. Digestive diseases and sciences. (63), 610-61825. Menees SB, Inadomi JM, Korsnes S, Elta GH. (2005). Women patients' preference for women physicians is a barrier to colon cancer screening. Gastrointest Endosc, , (62), 219-223.26. Wilson J. (2001) Shame, guilt and moral education. J Moral Educ, (30), 71-81.27. Krishna A, Herd B, Aydınoğlu NZ. (2015). Wetting the bed at twenty-one: Embarrassment as a private emotion. J Consum Psychol, (25), 473-486.28. Mitchell KA, Rawl SM, Champion VL, Jeffries PR, Welch JL. (2012). Development and psychometric testing of the colonoscopy embarrassment scale. Western J Nurs Res, (34), 548-564.29. Marsicovetere P. (2018). Examining, diagnosing, and treating benign anorectal conditions. J Am Acad Pas, (31), 32-37.30. Erdil F, Elbaş NÖ. (2008). Cerrahi Hastalıklar Hemşireliği Genişletilmiş V. Baskı, Ankara : Aydoğdu Ofset Matbacılık, 447-450.31. Öztekin SD. (2007) Endoskopi Hemşireliğine Giriş, 1. Baskı, Ankara, Alter Yayıncılık, 114-15032. Lewis SM, Heitkemper MM, Dirksen SR. (2004) Medical-surgical nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems.. 6th ed. Publishing: Mosby, 182-183.33. Mitchell KA, (2009). Development and psychometric testing of the colonoscopy embarrassment scale, PhD Thesis, School of Nursing, Bloomington: Indiana University, 34. Köroğlu G. (2013). Kolonoskopi Öncesi Uygulanan Hemşirelik. Girişimlerinin Ağrı, Anksiyete ve Utanma Duygusuna Etkisinin Belirlenmesi. Ankara: T.C. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı GATA Komutanlığı Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi, 2013.35. Condon A, Graff L, Elliot L, Ilnyckyj A. (2008). Acceptance of colonoscopy requires more than test tolerance. Can J Gastroenterol, (22),41-47.36. Armitage AJ, Cahill DJ. (2018). Medical students and intimate examinations: What affects whether a woman will consent?. Med Teach, (31), 1-6.37. Aamar A, Madhani K, Butt Z, Ali I, Aslanian HR. (2017). Privacy pants in colonoscopy: a novel approach to enhance colon cancer screening. Gastrointest Endosc, (85), 268.38. Lawler J. (2004). Embarresment Social Rules and Context of Body Care. In: Blaikie A, Hepworth M, Holmes M, Howson A, Inglis D, Sartain S (Eds). The Body Critical Concepts in Sociology, 1thed. Psychology Press, 418-438.39. Deryal Y. (2008). Hastanın Özel Yaşamana Saygı Hakkının İki Boyutu: Hasta Sırrının Korunması Ve Beden Mahremiyeti, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Sağlık Kurultayı, Ankara Barosu Yayınları, Ankara, 71-84.40. Hasta Hakları Yönetmeliği,,10461/hasta-haklari-yonetmeligi.html, 05 Aralık 2017.41. Baillie L. (2009). Patient dignity in an acute hospital setting: a case study. Int J Nurs Stud, , 46: 22-36.42. Rosenwasser LA, McCall-Hosenfeld JS, Weisman CS, Hillemeier MM, Perry AN, Chuang CH. (2013). Barriers to colorectal cancer screening among women in rural central Pennsylvania: Primary care physicians’ perspective. Rural Remote Health, (13) 2504-2517.43. Chung SH, Park SJ, Hong JS, , Hwang JY, Lee SA, Kim KR et. el. (2013). Comparison of double pants with single pants on satisfaction with colonoscopy. World J Gastroentero, (19), 4177-418444. Marsicovetere P. (2018). Examining, diagnosing, and treating benign anorectal conditions. J Am Acad Pas, (31), 32-37.45. Brandt LJ. (2001). Patients’ attitudes andapprehensions about endoscopy: how to calm troubled waters. Am J Gastroenterol, (96), 280– 284.46. Sewitch MJ, Dubé C, Brien S, Jiang M, Hilsden RJ, Barkun AN, Armstrong D. (2013) Patient-identified quality indicators for colonoscopy services. Can J Gastroenterol, (27), 25-32.47. Armstrong N, James V, Dixon-Woods M. (2011). The role of primary care professionals in women’s experiences of cervical cancer screening: a qualitative study. Fam Pract, (29), 462-466.48. Yıldız T. (2015). Cerrahi hasta eğitiminde kullanılan güncel yöntemler: hastalık merkezli değil, hasta merkezli eğitim. Journal of Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences, (5), 129-133.49. Davis TC, Dolan NC, Ferreira MR, (2001) The role of inadequate health literacy skills in colorectal cancer screening. Cancer Invest, (19), 193-200.50. Shaikh AA, Hussain SM, Rahn S, Desilets DJ. (2010). Effect of an educational pamphlet on colon cancer screening: a randomized, prospective trial. Eur J Gastroen Hepat, (22), 444-449.51. Arabul M, Kandemır A, Çelik M, et.el. (2011). Impact of an information video before colonoscopy on patient satisfaction and anxiety. Turk J Gastroenterol, (23), 523-529.52. Erdağı Oral S. (2018). Kolonoskopi uygulanan hastalarda beden imajı algısı ve farklı eğitim programlarının utanma duygusuna etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. 53. Liu CJ, Fleck T, Goldfarb J, Green C, Porter, E. (2011). Attitudes to colorectal cancer screening after reading the prevention information. J Cancer Educ, (26), 701-707.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derlemeler

Semra Erdağı Oral 0000-0001-9127-6448

Nadiye Özer

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdağı Oral, S., & Özer, N. (2020). Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 216-221.
AMA Erdağı Oral S, Özer N. Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Haziran 2020;9(2):216-221. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.637819
Chicago Erdağı Oral, Semra, ve Nadiye Özer. “Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Haziran 2020): 216-21.
EndNote Erdağı Oral S, Özer N (01 Haziran 2020) Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 9 2 216–221.
IEEE S. Erdağı Oral ve N. Özer, “Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 216–221, 2020, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.637819.
ISNAD Erdağı Oral, Semra - Özer, Nadiye. “Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 9/2 (Haziran 2020), 216-221.
JAMA Erdağı Oral S, Özer N. Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2020;9:216–221.
MLA Erdağı Oral, Semra ve Nadiye Özer. “Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 216-21, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.637819.
Vancouver Erdağı Oral S, Özer N. Bir Kolonoskopi Gerçeği: Utanma Duygusu Ve Yönetimi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2020;9(2):216-21.