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Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi

Yıl 2021, , 656 - 666, 29.12.2021


Sağlık hizmetlerinin daha kaliteli sunulması gibi amaçların karşılanabilmesi için sağlık çalışanlarının bilgi teknolojilerine yönelik tutumları değerlendirilmelidir. Bu değerlendirmeler, sağlık çalışanlarının sağlıkta belirlenen amaçların gerçekleştirilebilmesine ve gelecekte yapılabilecek muhtemel yeniliklere hazır olmalarına yardımcı olacaktır. Çalışmanın amacı, sağlık çalışanlarının bilgi teknolojileri ve yeniliklerine ilişkin davranışsal tutumlarını UTAUT-2 Teorisi ile incelemektir. Bu çalışma, çeşitli teknolojilere yönelik davranışsal tutumların incelenmesinde sıklıkla kullanılan UTAUT-2 ile elde edilen sonuçların yanı sıra bilgi teknolojilerine yönelik yapılabilecek yeniliklere ilişkin tutumu da değerlendirerek literatüre bir yenilik getirmektedir. Araştırmada, Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli kurularak gerekli istatistiksel analizler yapılmıştır. Yapılan incelemeler neticesinde, performans beklentisi (β=0,37, p<0,01) ve alışkanlığın (β=0,75, p<0,001) sağlık çalışanlarının bilgi teknolojileri ve yeniliklerine ilişkin davranışsal tutumları üzerinde anlamlı ve olumlu bir etkisi olduğu bulunmuştur. Çaba beklentisinin (β=-0,25, p<0,05), hedonik motivasyonun (β=-0,13, p<0,05) sağlık çalışanlarının bilgi teknolojileri ve yeniliklerine ilişkin davranışsal tutumları üzerinde anlamlı etkisi bulunmasına rağmen bu etkinin negatif yönlü olduğu bulunmuştur. Sosyal etkinin (β=0,05, p>0,05), kolaylaştırıcı koşulların (β=0,00, p>0,05), algılanan fiyat değerinin (β=0,09, p>0,05) sağlık çalışanlarının bilgi teknolojileri ve yeniliklerine ilişkin davranışsal tutumları üzerinde anlamlı ve olumlu bir etkisinin olmadığı bulunmuştur. Gelecekte, sağlık çalışanlarının teknolojilere yönelik tutumlarının değerlendirilmesinin yaygınlaşacağı beklenilmektedir.


  • Zhou, L.L, Owusu-Marfo, J, Antwi, H.A, Antwi, M.O, Kachie, A.D.T. and Ampon-Wireko, S. (2019). “Assessment of the Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions that Support Nurses’ Adoption of Hospital Electronic Information Management Systems (HEIMS) in Ghana Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19, 1-9.
  • Buabbas, A.J, Sharma, P, Al-Abdulrazaq, A. and Shehab, H. (2019). “Smartphone Use by Government Dermatology Practitioners in Kuwait: A Self-Reported Questionnaire Based Cross-Sectional Study”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19, 1-11.
  • Maillet, É, Mathieu, L. and Sicotte, C. (2015). “Modeling Factors Explaining the Acceptance, Actual Use and Satisfaction of Nurses Using an Electronic Patient Record in Acute Care Settings: An Extension of the UTAUT”. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84 (1), 36–47.
  • Adenuga, K.I, Iahad, N.A. and Miskon, S. (2017). “Towards Reinforcing Telemedicine Adoption Amongst Clinicians in Nigeria”. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 104, 84-96.
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Bilgi Sistemleri Genel Müdürlüğü. (2019). “Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2018”. Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 11.08.2021).
  • Hennemann, S, Beutel, M.E. and Zwerenz, R. (2017). “Ready for eHealth? Health Professionals’ Acceptance and Adoption of eHealth Interventions in Inpatient Routine Care”. Journal of Health Communication, 22 (3), 274-284.
  • Eichenberg, C, Wolters, C. and Brähler, E. (2013). “The Internet as a Mental Health Advisor in Germany-Results of A National Survey”. Plos One, 8 (11), e79206.
  • Chang, I.C, Hwang, H.G, Hung, W.F. and Li, Y.C. (2007). “Physicians’ Acceptance of Pharmacokinetics-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems”. Expert Systems With Applications, 33 (2), 296-303.
  • Venkatesh, V, Thong, J.Y.L. and Xu, X. (2012). “Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information Technology: Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology”. MIS Quarterly, 36 (1), 157-178.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M.M. (2017). “Sosyal Bilimlerde Faktör Analizi ve Geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizlerinin Kullanılması”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 74-85.
  • Schermelleh-Engel, K, Moosbrugger, H. and Müller, H. (2003). “Evaluating the Fit of Structural Equation Models: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodness-of-Fit Measures”. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8 (2), 23-74.
  • McDonald, R.P. and Ho, M.H.R. (2002). “Principles and Practice in Reporting Structural Equation Analyses”. Psychological Methods, 7 (1), 64-82.
  • Cangur, S. and Ercan, I. (2015). “Comparison of Model Fit Indices Used in Structural Equation Modeling Under Multivariate Normality”. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 14 (1), 152-167.
  • Chen, F.F. (2007). “Sensitivity of Goodness of Fit Indexes to Lack of Measurement Invariance”. Structural Equation Modeling: a Multidisciplinary Journal, 14 (3), 464-504.
  • Hair, J.F, Anderson, R.E, Babin, B.J. and Black, W.C. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Hampshire: Cengage Learning.
  • George, D. and Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: a Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update. Boston: Pearson.
  • Kline, R.B. (2011). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: Guilford Publications.
  • Venkatesh, V, Morris, M.G, Davis, G.B. and Davis, F.D. (2003). “User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View”. MIS Quarterly, 27 (3), 425-478.
  • Ahmed, M.H, Bogale, A.D, Tilahun, B, Kalayou, M.H, Klein, J, Mengiste, S.A. and Endehabtu, B.F. (2020). “Intention to Use Electronic Medical Record and Its Predictors Among Health Care Providers at Referral Hospitals, North-West Ethiopia, 2019: Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Model”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20, 1-11.
  • Hua, T.V. and Hou, Y. (2020). “Factors That Influence the Intention to Use Self-Diagnosis Apps in Vietnam”. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 72, 47-56.
  • Kunnapapdeelert, S. and Pitchayadejanant, K. (2020). “Hybrid SEM-Neural Networks for Predicting Electronics Logistics Information System Adoption in Thailand Healthcare Supply Chain”. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 11 (1), 54-68.
  • Francis, R.P. (2019). “Examining Healthcare Providers' Acceptance of Data From Patient Self-Monitoring Devices Using Structural Equation Modeling With the UTAUT2 Model”. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), 14 (1), 44-60.
  • Owusu Kwateng, K, Appiah, C. and Atiemo, K.A.O. (2021). “Adoption of Health Information Systems: Health Professionals Perspective”. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14 (2), 517-533.
  • Beh, P.K, Ganesan, Y, Iranmanesh, M. and Foroughi, B. (2021). “Using Smartwatches for Fitness and Health Monitoring: the UTAUT2 Combined with Threat Appraisal as Moderators”. Behaviour & Information Technology, 40 (3), 282-299.
  • Alazzam, M.B, Al-Sharo, Y.M. and Al-Azzam, M.K. (2018). “Developing (UTAUT 2) Model of Adoption Mobile Health Application in Jordan E-Government”. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 96 (12), 3846-3860.
  • Tavares, J. and Oliveira, T. (2017). “Electronic Health Record Portal Adoption: a Cross Country Analysis”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17, 1-17.
  • Jones, M.E. (2013). Factors Supporting the Intention to Use e-Prescribing Systems: Health Professionals' Use of Technology in a Voluntary Setting. Master Thesis, University of the Witwatersrand Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Johannesburg.

Investigation of Health Professionals Behavioral Attitude Regarding Information Technologies and Innovations With the Utaut-2 Theory

Yıl 2021, , 656 - 666, 29.12.2021


Health professionals attitudes towards information technologies should be evaluated in order to meet goals such as presenting better quality of health services. These evaluations will help health professionals to achieve the goals that determined in health and to be ready for possible innovations that may be made in the future. The aim of study is to examine the behavioral attitudes of health professionals towards information technologies and innovations with the UTAUT-2 Theory. This study brings an innovation to the literature by evaluating the results obtained with UTAUT-2 which is frequently used in the examination of behavioral attitudes towards various technologies, as well as the attitude towards innovations that can be made towards information technologies. Necessary statistical analyzes were made by establishing the Structural Equation Model in the research. As result of examinations, it was found that performance expectancy (β=0.37, p<0.01) and habit (β=0.75, p<0.001) had significant and positive effect on behavioral attitude to the information technologies and innovations by health professionals. Although effort expectancy (β=-0.25, p<0.05), hedonic motivation (β=-0.13, p<0.05) had significant effect on health professionals behavioral attitude to the information technologies and innovations, this effect was found to be negative. It was found that social influence (β=0.05, p>0.05), faciliating conditions (β=0.00, p>0.05), perceived price value (β=0.09, p>0.05), had no significant and positive effect on health professionals behavioral attitude to the information technologies and innovations. It is expected that the evaluations of health professionals regarding their attitudes towards technologies will become widespread in the future.


  • Zhou, L.L, Owusu-Marfo, J, Antwi, H.A, Antwi, M.O, Kachie, A.D.T. and Ampon-Wireko, S. (2019). “Assessment of the Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions that Support Nurses’ Adoption of Hospital Electronic Information Management Systems (HEIMS) in Ghana Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19, 1-9.
  • Buabbas, A.J, Sharma, P, Al-Abdulrazaq, A. and Shehab, H. (2019). “Smartphone Use by Government Dermatology Practitioners in Kuwait: A Self-Reported Questionnaire Based Cross-Sectional Study”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19, 1-11.
  • Maillet, É, Mathieu, L. and Sicotte, C. (2015). “Modeling Factors Explaining the Acceptance, Actual Use and Satisfaction of Nurses Using an Electronic Patient Record in Acute Care Settings: An Extension of the UTAUT”. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84 (1), 36–47.
  • Adenuga, K.I, Iahad, N.A. and Miskon, S. (2017). “Towards Reinforcing Telemedicine Adoption Amongst Clinicians in Nigeria”. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 104, 84-96.
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Bilgi Sistemleri Genel Müdürlüğü. (2019). “Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2018”. Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 11.08.2021).
  • Hennemann, S, Beutel, M.E. and Zwerenz, R. (2017). “Ready for eHealth? Health Professionals’ Acceptance and Adoption of eHealth Interventions in Inpatient Routine Care”. Journal of Health Communication, 22 (3), 274-284.
  • Eichenberg, C, Wolters, C. and Brähler, E. (2013). “The Internet as a Mental Health Advisor in Germany-Results of A National Survey”. Plos One, 8 (11), e79206.
  • Chang, I.C, Hwang, H.G, Hung, W.F. and Li, Y.C. (2007). “Physicians’ Acceptance of Pharmacokinetics-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems”. Expert Systems With Applications, 33 (2), 296-303.
  • Venkatesh, V, Thong, J.Y.L. and Xu, X. (2012). “Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information Technology: Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology”. MIS Quarterly, 36 (1), 157-178.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M.M. (2017). “Sosyal Bilimlerde Faktör Analizi ve Geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizlerinin Kullanılması”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 74-85.
  • Schermelleh-Engel, K, Moosbrugger, H. and Müller, H. (2003). “Evaluating the Fit of Structural Equation Models: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodness-of-Fit Measures”. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8 (2), 23-74.
  • McDonald, R.P. and Ho, M.H.R. (2002). “Principles and Practice in Reporting Structural Equation Analyses”. Psychological Methods, 7 (1), 64-82.
  • Cangur, S. and Ercan, I. (2015). “Comparison of Model Fit Indices Used in Structural Equation Modeling Under Multivariate Normality”. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 14 (1), 152-167.
  • Chen, F.F. (2007). “Sensitivity of Goodness of Fit Indexes to Lack of Measurement Invariance”. Structural Equation Modeling: a Multidisciplinary Journal, 14 (3), 464-504.
  • Hair, J.F, Anderson, R.E, Babin, B.J. and Black, W.C. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Hampshire: Cengage Learning.
  • George, D. and Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: a Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update. Boston: Pearson.
  • Kline, R.B. (2011). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: Guilford Publications.
  • Venkatesh, V, Morris, M.G, Davis, G.B. and Davis, F.D. (2003). “User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View”. MIS Quarterly, 27 (3), 425-478.
  • Ahmed, M.H, Bogale, A.D, Tilahun, B, Kalayou, M.H, Klein, J, Mengiste, S.A. and Endehabtu, B.F. (2020). “Intention to Use Electronic Medical Record and Its Predictors Among Health Care Providers at Referral Hospitals, North-West Ethiopia, 2019: Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Model”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20, 1-11.
  • Hua, T.V. and Hou, Y. (2020). “Factors That Influence the Intention to Use Self-Diagnosis Apps in Vietnam”. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 72, 47-56.
  • Kunnapapdeelert, S. and Pitchayadejanant, K. (2020). “Hybrid SEM-Neural Networks for Predicting Electronics Logistics Information System Adoption in Thailand Healthcare Supply Chain”. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 11 (1), 54-68.
  • Francis, R.P. (2019). “Examining Healthcare Providers' Acceptance of Data From Patient Self-Monitoring Devices Using Structural Equation Modeling With the UTAUT2 Model”. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), 14 (1), 44-60.
  • Owusu Kwateng, K, Appiah, C. and Atiemo, K.A.O. (2021). “Adoption of Health Information Systems: Health Professionals Perspective”. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14 (2), 517-533.
  • Beh, P.K, Ganesan, Y, Iranmanesh, M. and Foroughi, B. (2021). “Using Smartwatches for Fitness and Health Monitoring: the UTAUT2 Combined with Threat Appraisal as Moderators”. Behaviour & Information Technology, 40 (3), 282-299.
  • Alazzam, M.B, Al-Sharo, Y.M. and Al-Azzam, M.K. (2018). “Developing (UTAUT 2) Model of Adoption Mobile Health Application in Jordan E-Government”. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 96 (12), 3846-3860.
  • Tavares, J. and Oliveira, T. (2017). “Electronic Health Record Portal Adoption: a Cross Country Analysis”. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17, 1-17.
  • Jones, M.E. (2013). Factors Supporting the Intention to Use e-Prescribing Systems: Health Professionals' Use of Technology in a Voluntary Setting. Master Thesis, University of the Witwatersrand Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Johannesburg.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Yiğit Kerem Yıldız 0000-0002-2976-9169

Hasan Dinçer 0000-0002-8072-031X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız, Y. K., & Dinçer, H. (2021). Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(4), 656-666.
AMA Yıldız YK, Dinçer H. Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Aralık 2021;10(4):656-666. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.904912
Chicago Yıldız, Yiğit Kerem, ve Hasan Dinçer. “Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri Ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 10, sy. 4 (Aralık 2021): 656-66.
EndNote Yıldız YK, Dinçer H (01 Aralık 2021) Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 10 4 656–666.
IEEE Y. K. Yıldız ve H. Dinçer, “Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 4, ss. 656–666, 2021, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.904912.
ISNAD Yıldız, Yiğit Kerem - Dinçer, Hasan. “Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri Ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 10/4 (Aralık 2021), 656-666.
JAMA Yıldız YK, Dinçer H. Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;10:656–666.
MLA Yıldız, Yiğit Kerem ve Hasan Dinçer. “Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri Ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 4, 2021, ss. 656-6, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.904912.
Vancouver Yıldız YK, Dinçer H. Sağlık Çalışanlarının Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Yeniliklerine İlişkin Davranışsal Tutumunun Utaut-2 Teorisiyle İncelenmesi. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;10(4):656-6.