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The Erosion of the Enculturation Function of Domestic Tourism in the Focus of McDisneyization

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: Ek2, 104 - 114, 11.09.2022


Heterogeneity and dynamism are rooted within the foundations of the existing social structure. Therefore, for an effective enculturation process, interacting beyond the relatively narrow daily and routine environment has increased its importance. In this direction, the importance of domestic tourism activities has increased in the acquisition of the social culture spread over the geography. While focusing on the enculturation function of domestic tourism in the study, it is aimed to shed light on and draw attention to the erosive aspect of McDisneyization which accelerates transformation of destinations into placeless spaces adorned with pseudo-events to the enculturation function. Consequently; it is laid stress on destinations with high McDisneyization where artificiality, uniformity and commercialization come to the forefront, significantly neutralize the enculturation function of domestic tourism. In addition to this, the importance of not considering tourists under a single category and supporting touristic experiences that are more responsive to the search for meaning in terms of the development of destinations are emphasized.


  • Aktaş Polat, S. (2015). Üstgerçeklik ve turizmin sonu [Hyperreality and the end of tourism]. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(1), 120–137.
  • Albu, C. E. (2015). Intercultural communication in tourism. Cross-Cultural Management Journal, 17(01), 7–14.
  • APA (2022). Dictionary of Psychology: "Self-concept". [URL:] (Erişim Tarihi: 06 Mayıs 2022).
  • Archer, B. (1978). Domestic tourism as a development factor. Annals of Tourism Research, 5(1), 126–141. doi: /10.1016/0160-7383(78)90007-5
  • Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D. ve Akert, R. M. (2012). Sosyal Psikoloji [Social Psychology, 2010], Okhan Gündüz (Çev.), 1. Basım, İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Bach, K. (1981). An analysis of self-deception. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 41(3), 351-370. doi: 10.2307/2107457
  • Berry, J. W. (1992). Acculturation and adaptation in a new society. International Migration, 30, 69.
  • Boorstin, D. J. (1992). The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America. Vintage Books.
  • Bryman, A. (1999). The disneyization of society. The Sociological Review, 47(1), 25–47. doi: /10.1111/1467-954X.00161
  • Butler, R. (2004). The Tourism Area Life Cycle in the Twenty-First Century (Chapter 13). Lew, A. A., Hall, C. M. and Williams, A. M. (Ed.), in A Companion to Tourism. First edition. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Campbell, N. (2005). Producing America: Redefining Post-Tourism in the Global Age. In Crouch, D., Jackson, R. and Thompson F. (Ed.), in The Media and the Tourist Imagination: Coverging Cultures (pp. 198–214). London: Routledge.
  • Carlson, N. R. ve Buskist, W. (1997). Psychology: The Science of Behaviour, Fifth Edition, Allyn and Bacon.
  • Carver, C. S. ve Scheier, M. F. (2012). Perspectives on Personality, Seventh Edition, Upper Saddle River-New Jersey: Pearson.
  • Chambers, I. (2014). Göç, Kültür, Kimlik [Migrancy, Culture, Identity - 1994]. (İ. Türkmen & M. Beşikçi, çev.) 2. Baskı. Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Cohen, E. (2003). Backpacking: Diversity and change. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 1(2), 95–110. doi: /10.1080/14766820308668162
  • Cooley, C. H. (1902). Human Nature and the Social Order. First Edition, New York, Chicago, Boston: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Côté, J. E. (1996). Sociological perspectives on identity formation: The culture - identity link and identity capital. Journal of Adolescence, 19(5), 417–428. doi: /10.1006/jado.1996.0040
  • Cynarski, W. J. (2015). Following the Trail of Cultural Traditions - Travelling in the Sphere of Values and Symbolism. Puchnarewicz, E. (Ed.), in Tourism in Poland (pp. 35–46). Warsaw: The Higher School of Tourism and Foreign Languages.
  • Daffin, L. ve Lane, C. (2021). Principles of Social Psychology. Second edition. Washington State University. Decety, J. ve Chaminade, T. (2003). When the self represents the other: A new cognitive neuroscience view on psychological identification. Consciousness and Cognition, 12(4), 577-596. doi: /10.1016/S1053-8100(03)00076-X.
  • Dujmović, M. (2015). Tourism, Culture, Cultural Tourism. Gržinić, J. and Vodeb, K. (Ed.), in Cultural Tourism and Destination Impacts (pp. 3–30). Pula: Juraj Dobrila University of Pula.
  • Eco, U. (1986). Travels in Hyper Reality: Essays (W. Weaver, trans.). A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers.
  • Erdoğan Ç. ve Kıngır, S. (2021). Liminal evrenin ardından: Kümülatif turistik deneyimler temelinde kalıcı davranışsal edinimler [After the liminal stage: The permanent behavioral acquisitions based on cumulative touristic experiences]. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi/MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 10(1), 591-607. doi: /10.33206/mjss.781401.
  • Erdoğan, Ç. (2021). The Potential of Touristic Activities as Self-Related Information Provider. Cobanoglu, C., Gunlu Kucukaltan, E., Tuna, M., Basoda, A. and Dogan, S. (Ed.), in Proceedings of the Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents/MTCON’21 (pp. 121–122). University of South Florida M3 Publishing. doi: /10.5038/9781955833011
  • Erdoğan, Ç. ve Kıngır, S. (2019). Turistik deneyimlerin bilişsel edinim bağlamında değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of touristic experiences in the context of cognitive acquisition]. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 5(48), 6074–6084. doi: /10.26449/sssj.1830
  • Gavelek, J. R. ve Kong, A. (2012). Learning: A Process of Enculturation. Seel, N. M. (Ed.), in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 2029–2032). Boston, MA: Springer US. doi: /10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_868
  • Graburn, N. H. H., ve Barthel-Bouchier, D. (2001). Relocating the tourist. International Sociology, 16(2), 147–158. doi: /10.1177/0268580901016002001
  • Harvey, D. (2014). Postmodernliğin Durumu: Kültürel Değişimin Kökenleri [The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change] (S. Savran, trans.) (7th ed.). İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.
  • Hilgard, E. R. (1962). Introduction to Psychology, Third Edition, New York & Burlingame: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc..
  • Hodgins, H. S. ve Knee, C. R. (2004). 4: The Integrating Self and Conscious Experience, Deci, E. L. and Ryan, R. M. (Ed.), in Handbook of Self-Determination Research, The Softcover Edition (First Edition – 2002), New York US and Suffolk UK: The University of Rochester Press, pp.: 87-101.
  • Jack, G. ve Phipps, A. (2005). Tourism and Intercultural Exchange: Why Tourism Matters. Channel View Publications. doi: /10.21832/9781845410193
  • Jafari, J. (1986). On domestic tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 13(3), 491–496. doi: /10.1016/0160-7383(86)90033-2
  • Jafari, J. (1987). On domestic tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 25(3), 36–38. doi: /10.1177/004728758702500309
  • Kim, B. S. K. (2007). Acculturation and Enculturation. Leong, F. T. L., Inman, A. G., Ebreo, A., Yang, L., Kinoshita, L. and Fu, M. (Ed.), in Handbook of Asian American Psychology (2nd ed., pp. 141–158). Thousand Oaks, Sage.
  • Kirshner, D. H. ve Meng, L. (2012). Enculturation and Acculturation. Seel, N. M. (Ed.), in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 1148–1151). Boston, MA: Springer US. doi: /10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_773
  • Leed, E. J. (1991). The Mind of the Traveller: From Gilgamesh to Global Tourism. Basic Books.
  • MacCannell, D. (2001). Tourist agency. Tourist Studies, 1(1), 23-37. doi: /10.1177/146879760100100102
  • MacCannell, D. (2002). The ego factor in tourism. Journal of Consumer Research, 29(1), 146-151. doi: /10.1086/339927
  • Markus, H. (1977). Self-schemata and processing information about the self. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(2), 63-78. doi: /10.1037/0022-3514.35.2.63
  • Murphy, P., Pritchard, M. P. ve Smith, B. (2000). The destination product and its impact on traveller perceptions. Tourism Management, 21(1), 43–52. doi: /10.1016/S0261-5177(99)00080-1
  • Parrinello, G. L. (1993). Motivation and anticipation in post-industrial tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 20(2), 233–249. doi: /10.1016/0160-7383(93)90052-5
  • Pasya, G. K., Setiyorini, H. P. D. ve Andari, R. (2016). Traditional festivals: A tourism development contribution for cultural inheritance. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 11(2), 27–30.
  • Ritzer, G. (2011). Toplumun McDonaldlaştırılması: Çağdaş Toplum Yaşamının Değişen Karakteri Üzerine Bir İnceleme [The McDonaldization of Society: An Investigation into the Changing Character of Contemporary Social Life] (Ş. S. Kaya, trans.) (2nd ed.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Ritzer, G. ve Liska, A. (2004). “McDisneyization” and “Post-Tourism”: Complementary Perspectives on Contemporary Tourism. Williams, S. (Ed.), in Tourism: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences - Volume IV: New Directions and Alternative Tourism (1st ed., pp. 65–82). London and New York: Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Şimşek, S. (2002). Günümüzün kimlik sorunu ve bu sorunun yaşandığı temel çatışma eksenleri [The question of identity and its conflict dimensions]. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(3), 29–39.
  • Singh, S. (2009). Spirituality and tourism an anthropologist’s view. Tourism Recreation Research, 34(2), 143–155. doi: /10.1080/02508281.2009.11081586
  • Smith, S. L. J. (1994). The tourism product. Annals of Tourism Research, 21(3), 582–595. doi: /10.1016/0160-7383(94)90121-X
  • Swann, W. B. (1983). Self-Verification: Bringing Social Reality into Harmony with the Self, Suls, J. and Greenwald, A. (Ed.), in Social Psychological Perspectives on the Self (Vol.: 2, pp. 33-66), Hillsdale N.J.: Erlbaum.
  • Tan, S.-K., Tan, S.-H., Luh, D.-B. ve Kung, S.-F. (2016). Understanding tourist perspectives in creative tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 19(10), 981–987. doi: /10.1080/13683500.2015.1008427
  • UNDESA Statistics Division. (2010). International recommendations for tourism statistics 2008. United Nations Publication.
  • Weaver, A. (2006). The Disneyization of Cruise Travel. Dowling, R. K. (Ed.), in Cruise Ship Tourism (1st ed., pp. 389–396). Wallingford, UK: CAB International.

McDisneyleşme Odağında İç Turizmin Kültürleme İşlevindeki Aşınma

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: Ek2, 104 - 114, 11.09.2022


Heterojenlik ve dinamizm, mevcut sosyal yapının temellerine kadar işlemiştir. Dolayısıyla etkin bir kültürleme süreci geçirilebilmesi için gündelik ve rutin nitelikteki görece dar çevrenin ötesi ile etkileşim halinde olunması bir gereklilik halini almıştır. Bu doğrultuda, coğrafyaya yayılmış olan toplumsal kültürün ediniminde iç turizm faaliyetlerinin önemi de artmıştır. Çalışmada iç turizmin kültürleme işlevine odaklanılırken, destinasyonların sözde-olaylarla bezeli mekânsız alanlara dönüşümünü hızlandıran McDisneyleşmenin kültürleme işlevini aşındırıcı yönüne ışık tutulması ve dikkat çekilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak; yapaylığın, tek tipliliğin ve ticarileşmenin ön plana çıktığı McDisneyleşmenin yüksek olduğu destinasyonların, iç turizmin kültürleme işlevini kayda değer ölçüde etkisizleştirdiği üzerinde durulmuştur. Bununla birlikte, destinasyonların gelişiminde turistlerin tek bir kategori altında ele alınmamasının ve anlam arayışına daha fazla cevap veren nitelikte turistik deneyimlerin desteklenmesinin önemi vurgulanmıştır.


  • Aktaş Polat, S. (2015). Üstgerçeklik ve turizmin sonu [Hyperreality and the end of tourism]. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(1), 120–137.
  • Albu, C. E. (2015). Intercultural communication in tourism. Cross-Cultural Management Journal, 17(01), 7–14.
  • APA (2022). Dictionary of Psychology: "Self-concept". [URL:] (Erişim Tarihi: 06 Mayıs 2022).
  • Archer, B. (1978). Domestic tourism as a development factor. Annals of Tourism Research, 5(1), 126–141. doi: /10.1016/0160-7383(78)90007-5
  • Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D. ve Akert, R. M. (2012). Sosyal Psikoloji [Social Psychology, 2010], Okhan Gündüz (Çev.), 1. Basım, İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Bach, K. (1981). An analysis of self-deception. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 41(3), 351-370. doi: 10.2307/2107457
  • Berry, J. W. (1992). Acculturation and adaptation in a new society. International Migration, 30, 69.
  • Boorstin, D. J. (1992). The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America. Vintage Books.
  • Bryman, A. (1999). The disneyization of society. The Sociological Review, 47(1), 25–47. doi: /10.1111/1467-954X.00161
  • Butler, R. (2004). The Tourism Area Life Cycle in the Twenty-First Century (Chapter 13). Lew, A. A., Hall, C. M. and Williams, A. M. (Ed.), in A Companion to Tourism. First edition. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Campbell, N. (2005). Producing America: Redefining Post-Tourism in the Global Age. In Crouch, D., Jackson, R. and Thompson F. (Ed.), in The Media and the Tourist Imagination: Coverging Cultures (pp. 198–214). London: Routledge.
  • Carlson, N. R. ve Buskist, W. (1997). Psychology: The Science of Behaviour, Fifth Edition, Allyn and Bacon.
  • Carver, C. S. ve Scheier, M. F. (2012). Perspectives on Personality, Seventh Edition, Upper Saddle River-New Jersey: Pearson.
  • Chambers, I. (2014). Göç, Kültür, Kimlik [Migrancy, Culture, Identity - 1994]. (İ. Türkmen & M. Beşikçi, çev.) 2. Baskı. Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Cohen, E. (2003). Backpacking: Diversity and change. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 1(2), 95–110. doi: /10.1080/14766820308668162
  • Cooley, C. H. (1902). Human Nature and the Social Order. First Edition, New York, Chicago, Boston: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Côté, J. E. (1996). Sociological perspectives on identity formation: The culture - identity link and identity capital. Journal of Adolescence, 19(5), 417–428. doi: /10.1006/jado.1996.0040
  • Cynarski, W. J. (2015). Following the Trail of Cultural Traditions - Travelling in the Sphere of Values and Symbolism. Puchnarewicz, E. (Ed.), in Tourism in Poland (pp. 35–46). Warsaw: The Higher School of Tourism and Foreign Languages.
  • Daffin, L. ve Lane, C. (2021). Principles of Social Psychology. Second edition. Washington State University. Decety, J. ve Chaminade, T. (2003). When the self represents the other: A new cognitive neuroscience view on psychological identification. Consciousness and Cognition, 12(4), 577-596. doi: /10.1016/S1053-8100(03)00076-X.
  • Dujmović, M. (2015). Tourism, Culture, Cultural Tourism. Gržinić, J. and Vodeb, K. (Ed.), in Cultural Tourism and Destination Impacts (pp. 3–30). Pula: Juraj Dobrila University of Pula.
  • Eco, U. (1986). Travels in Hyper Reality: Essays (W. Weaver, trans.). A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers.
  • Erdoğan Ç. ve Kıngır, S. (2021). Liminal evrenin ardından: Kümülatif turistik deneyimler temelinde kalıcı davranışsal edinimler [After the liminal stage: The permanent behavioral acquisitions based on cumulative touristic experiences]. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi/MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 10(1), 591-607. doi: /10.33206/mjss.781401.
  • Erdoğan, Ç. (2021). The Potential of Touristic Activities as Self-Related Information Provider. Cobanoglu, C., Gunlu Kucukaltan, E., Tuna, M., Basoda, A. and Dogan, S. (Ed.), in Proceedings of the Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents/MTCON’21 (pp. 121–122). University of South Florida M3 Publishing. doi: /10.5038/9781955833011
  • Erdoğan, Ç. ve Kıngır, S. (2019). Turistik deneyimlerin bilişsel edinim bağlamında değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of touristic experiences in the context of cognitive acquisition]. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 5(48), 6074–6084. doi: /10.26449/sssj.1830
  • Gavelek, J. R. ve Kong, A. (2012). Learning: A Process of Enculturation. Seel, N. M. (Ed.), in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 2029–2032). Boston, MA: Springer US. doi: /10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_868
  • Graburn, N. H. H., ve Barthel-Bouchier, D. (2001). Relocating the tourist. International Sociology, 16(2), 147–158. doi: /10.1177/0268580901016002001
  • Harvey, D. (2014). Postmodernliğin Durumu: Kültürel Değişimin Kökenleri [The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change] (S. Savran, trans.) (7th ed.). İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.
  • Hilgard, E. R. (1962). Introduction to Psychology, Third Edition, New York & Burlingame: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc..
  • Hodgins, H. S. ve Knee, C. R. (2004). 4: The Integrating Self and Conscious Experience, Deci, E. L. and Ryan, R. M. (Ed.), in Handbook of Self-Determination Research, The Softcover Edition (First Edition – 2002), New York US and Suffolk UK: The University of Rochester Press, pp.: 87-101.
  • Jack, G. ve Phipps, A. (2005). Tourism and Intercultural Exchange: Why Tourism Matters. Channel View Publications. doi: /10.21832/9781845410193
  • Jafari, J. (1986). On domestic tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 13(3), 491–496. doi: /10.1016/0160-7383(86)90033-2
  • Jafari, J. (1987). On domestic tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 25(3), 36–38. doi: /10.1177/004728758702500309
  • Kim, B. S. K. (2007). Acculturation and Enculturation. Leong, F. T. L., Inman, A. G., Ebreo, A., Yang, L., Kinoshita, L. and Fu, M. (Ed.), in Handbook of Asian American Psychology (2nd ed., pp. 141–158). Thousand Oaks, Sage.
  • Kirshner, D. H. ve Meng, L. (2012). Enculturation and Acculturation. Seel, N. M. (Ed.), in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 1148–1151). Boston, MA: Springer US. doi: /10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_773
  • Leed, E. J. (1991). The Mind of the Traveller: From Gilgamesh to Global Tourism. Basic Books.
  • MacCannell, D. (2001). Tourist agency. Tourist Studies, 1(1), 23-37. doi: /10.1177/146879760100100102
  • MacCannell, D. (2002). The ego factor in tourism. Journal of Consumer Research, 29(1), 146-151. doi: /10.1086/339927
  • Markus, H. (1977). Self-schemata and processing information about the self. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(2), 63-78. doi: /10.1037/0022-3514.35.2.63
  • Murphy, P., Pritchard, M. P. ve Smith, B. (2000). The destination product and its impact on traveller perceptions. Tourism Management, 21(1), 43–52. doi: /10.1016/S0261-5177(99)00080-1
  • Parrinello, G. L. (1993). Motivation and anticipation in post-industrial tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 20(2), 233–249. doi: /10.1016/0160-7383(93)90052-5
  • Pasya, G. K., Setiyorini, H. P. D. ve Andari, R. (2016). Traditional festivals: A tourism development contribution for cultural inheritance. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 11(2), 27–30.
  • Ritzer, G. (2011). Toplumun McDonaldlaştırılması: Çağdaş Toplum Yaşamının Değişen Karakteri Üzerine Bir İnceleme [The McDonaldization of Society: An Investigation into the Changing Character of Contemporary Social Life] (Ş. S. Kaya, trans.) (2nd ed.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Ritzer, G. ve Liska, A. (2004). “McDisneyization” and “Post-Tourism”: Complementary Perspectives on Contemporary Tourism. Williams, S. (Ed.), in Tourism: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences - Volume IV: New Directions and Alternative Tourism (1st ed., pp. 65–82). London and New York: Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Şimşek, S. (2002). Günümüzün kimlik sorunu ve bu sorunun yaşandığı temel çatışma eksenleri [The question of identity and its conflict dimensions]. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(3), 29–39.
  • Singh, S. (2009). Spirituality and tourism an anthropologist’s view. Tourism Recreation Research, 34(2), 143–155. doi: /10.1080/02508281.2009.11081586
  • Smith, S. L. J. (1994). The tourism product. Annals of Tourism Research, 21(3), 582–595. doi: /10.1016/0160-7383(94)90121-X
  • Swann, W. B. (1983). Self-Verification: Bringing Social Reality into Harmony with the Self, Suls, J. and Greenwald, A. (Ed.), in Social Psychological Perspectives on the Self (Vol.: 2, pp. 33-66), Hillsdale N.J.: Erlbaum.
  • Tan, S.-K., Tan, S.-H., Luh, D.-B. ve Kung, S.-F. (2016). Understanding tourist perspectives in creative tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 19(10), 981–987. doi: /10.1080/13683500.2015.1008427
  • UNDESA Statistics Division. (2010). International recommendations for tourism statistics 2008. United Nations Publication.
  • Weaver, A. (2006). The Disneyization of Cruise Travel. Dowling, R. K. (Ed.), in Cruise Ship Tourism (1st ed., pp. 389–396). Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Çağrı Erdoğan 0000-0001-9308-0182

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Eylül 2022
Kabul Tarihi 20 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 6 Sayı: Ek2

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, Ç. (2022). McDisneyleşme Odağında İç Turizmin Kültürleme İşlevindeki Aşınma. Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(Ek2), 104-114.

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