Corruption context which is old as human being history have become more visible by the means of the changes in the social and public sector life.Corruption causes malfunctions in social and public sector life, beside reducing the effection of public services and affecting the reliance of the public administration.From this point of view for the prosperity of society and to ensure effectiveness in public administration, corruption must be prevented.In the beginning, there was a sense that
corruption prevention is public sect
or’s duty but nowadays it is stated that corruption
prevention is duty of all actors both in public sector and social life.Related to this,
corruption prevention is one of the fundamental issue of all social and political structures.Many means and methods are matter of corruption prevention. Media is one of the most important of theese means.Especially nowadays, role and the importance of the media is major.But media which is the one of the basic means of the corruption prevention, has structurel and functional issues . In media, some issues are subject in the fields like consentration, monopolisation, trade-media relation, media-politics relation and the freedom of the press. Thereby these issues having lived in the media is reducing the effectiveness of media in corruption prevention.To ensure effectiveness in Corruption Prevention firstly freedom and objectivity of the media must be provided.