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Impact of Western Colonial Powers on 1994 Rwandan Genocide

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 18, 35 - 75, 01.07.2013


1994 Ruanda Soykırımı, Nazi Almanyası'nda gerçekleştirilen Yahudi Soykırımından sonra dünya tarihinde en büyük ikinci soykırımdır. 1994 yılında 100 gün gibi çok kısa bir süre içinde yaklaşık bir milyon Tutsi ile muhalif ve ılımlı Hutu vahşice katledilmiştir. Tutsileri hedef alan Ruanda Soykırımı planlı ve sistematik bir soykırım olmakla beraber etnik ayrışma ve kine dayanmaktadır. Soykırımın ardında etnik, siyasi, sosyolojik, ekonomik ve psikolojik nedenler gibi pek çok sebep yatmaktadır. Batılı koloniyel güçler, koloni döneminde Ruanda'da etnik kimliklerin ortaya çıkmasına ve etnik ayrışmanın artmasına neden olmuştur. Bu makalenin amacı, Batı tarafından yaratılan etnik ayrışmanın sonunda ortaya çıkan soykırıma Belçika ve Fransa gibi Batılı koloniyel güçlerin etkisini ve başta Birleşmiş Milletler olmak üzere uluslararası toplumun soykırıma karşı tepkisizliğini değerlendirmektir.


  • BBC (British Broadcasting Channel), world-africa-10935892, Erişim Tarihi: 13 Mayıs 2012.
  • BREZINSKI Zbigniew, Büyük Satranç Tahtası. İnkilap Kitabevi, İstanbul-2005.
  • BUCKLEY-ZISTEL Susanne, “Dividing and uniting: The use of citizenship discourses in conflict and reconciliation in Rwanda”, Global Society, Issue: 1, Vol: 20, Year: 2006.
  • BURKHALTER Holly J., “The Question of Genocide: The Clinton Administration and Rwanda”, World Policy Journal, Issue: 4, Vol: 11, Year: 1994/1995.
  • CANTRELL Philip, “Rwanda’s Anglican Church and Post-Genocide Reconciliation”, Peace Review: A Journal of Justice, Issue: 3, Vol: 21, Year: 2009.
  • CLAPHAM Christopher, “The Perils of Peacemaking”, Journal of Peace Research, Issue: 2, Vol: 35, Year: 1998.
  • DE HEUSCH Luc, “Rwanda: Responsibilities for a Genocide”, Anthropology Today, Issue: 4, Vol: 11, Year: 1995.
  • DE LAME Danielle, “(Im)possible Belgian Mourning for Rwanda”, African Studies Review, Issue: 2, Vol: 48, Year: 2005.
  • DES FORGES Alison, “The Ideology of Genocide”, A Journal of Opinion, Issue: 2, Vol: 23, Year: 1995.
  • GOOSE Stephen D. and SMYTH, Frank, “Arming Genocide in Rwanda”, Foreign Affairs, Issue: 5, Vol: 73, Year: 1994.
  • GREGORY Shaun, “The French Military in Africa: Past and Present”, African Affairs, Issue: 99, Year: 2000.
  • HULIARAS Asteris C., “The Anglosaxon Conspiracy: French
  • Perceptions of the Great Lakes Crisis”, The Journal of Modern
  • African Studies, Issue: 4, Vol: 36, Year: 1998.
  • ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda / Ruanda
  • Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi),
  • GeneralInformation/tabid/101/Default.aspx, Erişim Tarihi: 13 Mayıs 2012.
  • JAMES Eric, “Media, genocide and international response: another
  • look at Rwanda”, Small Wars and Insurgencies, Issue: 1, Vol: 19, Year: 2008.
  • KUPERMAN Alan J., “Rwanda in Retrospect”, Foreign Affairs,
  • Issue: 1, Vol: 79, Year: 2000.
  • LONGMAN Timothy, “Church Politics and the Genocide in Rwanda”,
  • Journal of Religion in Africa, Fascicule: 2, Vol: 31, Year: 2001. MAGNERALLA Paul J., “The Background and Causes of the
  • Genocide in Rwanda”, Journal of International Criminal Justice,
  • Issue: 4, Vol: 3, Year: 2005.
  • MAMDANI Mahmood, When the victims become killers:
  • Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda, Princeton
  • University Press, Princeton-2002.
  • MCNULTY Mel, “France's role in Rwanda and external military
  • intervention: A double discrediting”, International Peacekeeping,
  • Issue: 3, Vol: 4, Year: 1997.
  • MELVERN Linda, Conspiracy to Murder: The Rwandan Genocide,
  • Verso, New York-2006.
  • MELVERN Linda, A People Betrayed: The Role of the West in
  • Rwanda’s Genocide, Zed Books, Londra-2000.
  • MELVIN Jennifer, “Reconstructing Rwanda: Balancing Human Rights
  • and the Promotion of National Reconciliation”, The International
  • Journal of Human Rights, Issue: 6, Vol: 14, Year: 2010.
  • MUKIMBRI Jean, “The Seven Stages of the Rwandan Genocide”,
  • Journal of International Criminal Justice, Issue: 3, Year: 2005. MURIGANDE Charles, “The Rwanda Genocide – Ten Years On”,
  • Whitehall Papers, Issue: 1, Vol: 62, Year: 2004.
  • NEWBURY Catherine, “Background to Genocide: Rwanda”, A Journal
  • of Opinion, Issue 2, Vol: 23, Year: 1995.
  • NEWBURY Catherine and NEWBURY David, “A Catholic Mass in Kigali: Contested Views of the Genocide and Ethnicity in Rwanda”, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Issue: 2/3, Vol: 33, Year: 1999. ÖZTÜRK Ebru Ç., “Toplumsal Yapılar ve Şiddet: Ruanda Örneği”, Ankara Üniversitesi Afrika Çalışmaları Dergisi, Sayı: 1, Cilt: 1, Yıl: 2011.
  • PLAUT Martin, “Rwanda — Looking beyond the Slaughter”, The World Today, Issue: 8/9, Vol: 50, Year: 1994.
  • REYNTJENS Filip, “Post-1994 Politics in Rwanda: Problematising ‘Liberation’ and ‘Democratisation’”, Third World Quarterly, Issue: 6, Vol: 27, Year: 2006.
  • REYNTYENS Filip, “Rwanda, Ten Years on: From Genocide to Dictatorship”, African Affairs, Issue: 103, Year: 2004.
  • REYNTYENS Filip, “Rwanda: Genocide and Beyond”, Journal of Refugee Studies, Issue: 3, Vol: 9, Year: 1996.
  • UVIN Peter, “Difficult Choices in the New Post-Conflict Agenda: The International Community in Rwanda after the Genocide”, Third World Quarterly, Issue: 2, Vol: 22, Year: 2001.
  • UVIN Peter, “Ethnicity and Power in Burundi and Rwanda: Different Paths to Mass Violence”, Comparative Politics, Issue: 3, Vol: 31, Year: 1999.
  • UVIN Peter, “Prejudice, Crisis, and Genocide in Rwanda”, African Studies Review, Issue: 2, Vol: 40, Year: 1997.
  • VERWIMP Philip, “Machetes and Firearms: The Organization of Massacres in Rwanda”, Journal of Peace Research, Issue: 1, Vol: 43, Year: 2006.

Batılı Koloniyel Güçlerin 1994 Ruanda Soykırımına Etkisi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 18, 35 - 75, 01.07.2013


1994 Ruanda Soykırımı, Nazi Almanyası'nda gerçekleştirilen Yahudi Soykırımından sonra dünya tarihinde en büyük ikinci soykırımdır. 1994 yılında 100 gün gibi çok kısa bir süre içinde yaklaşık bir milyon Tutsi ile muhalif ve ılımlı Hutu vahşice katledilmiştir. Tutsileri hedef alan Ruanda Soykırımı planlı ve sistematik bir soykırım olmakla beraber etnik ayrışma ve kine dayanmaktadır. Soykırımın ardında etnik, siyasi, sosyolojik, ekonomik ve psikolojik nedenler gibi pek çok sebep yatmaktadır. Batılı koloniyel güçler, koloni döneminde Ruanda'da etnik kimliklerin ortaya çıkmasına ve etnik ayrışmanın artmasına neden olmuştur. Bu makalenin amacı, Batı tarafından yaratılan etnik ayrışmanın sonunda ortaya çıkan soykırıma Belçika ve Fransa gibi Batılı koloniyel güçlerin etkisini ve başta Birleşmiş Milletler olmak üzere uluslararası toplumun soykırıma karşı tepkisizliğini değerlendirmektir.


  • BBC (British Broadcasting Channel), world-africa-10935892, Erişim Tarihi: 13 Mayıs 2012.
  • BREZINSKI Zbigniew, Büyük Satranç Tahtası. İnkilap Kitabevi, İstanbul-2005.
  • BUCKLEY-ZISTEL Susanne, “Dividing and uniting: The use of citizenship discourses in conflict and reconciliation in Rwanda”, Global Society, Issue: 1, Vol: 20, Year: 2006.
  • BURKHALTER Holly J., “The Question of Genocide: The Clinton Administration and Rwanda”, World Policy Journal, Issue: 4, Vol: 11, Year: 1994/1995.
  • CANTRELL Philip, “Rwanda’s Anglican Church and Post-Genocide Reconciliation”, Peace Review: A Journal of Justice, Issue: 3, Vol: 21, Year: 2009.
  • CLAPHAM Christopher, “The Perils of Peacemaking”, Journal of Peace Research, Issue: 2, Vol: 35, Year: 1998.
  • DE HEUSCH Luc, “Rwanda: Responsibilities for a Genocide”, Anthropology Today, Issue: 4, Vol: 11, Year: 1995.
  • DE LAME Danielle, “(Im)possible Belgian Mourning for Rwanda”, African Studies Review, Issue: 2, Vol: 48, Year: 2005.
  • DES FORGES Alison, “The Ideology of Genocide”, A Journal of Opinion, Issue: 2, Vol: 23, Year: 1995.
  • GOOSE Stephen D. and SMYTH, Frank, “Arming Genocide in Rwanda”, Foreign Affairs, Issue: 5, Vol: 73, Year: 1994.
  • GREGORY Shaun, “The French Military in Africa: Past and Present”, African Affairs, Issue: 99, Year: 2000.
  • HULIARAS Asteris C., “The Anglosaxon Conspiracy: French
  • Perceptions of the Great Lakes Crisis”, The Journal of Modern
  • African Studies, Issue: 4, Vol: 36, Year: 1998.
  • ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda / Ruanda
  • Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi),
  • GeneralInformation/tabid/101/Default.aspx, Erişim Tarihi: 13 Mayıs 2012.
  • JAMES Eric, “Media, genocide and international response: another
  • look at Rwanda”, Small Wars and Insurgencies, Issue: 1, Vol: 19, Year: 2008.
  • KUPERMAN Alan J., “Rwanda in Retrospect”, Foreign Affairs,
  • Issue: 1, Vol: 79, Year: 2000.
  • LONGMAN Timothy, “Church Politics and the Genocide in Rwanda”,
  • Journal of Religion in Africa, Fascicule: 2, Vol: 31, Year: 2001. MAGNERALLA Paul J., “The Background and Causes of the
  • Genocide in Rwanda”, Journal of International Criminal Justice,
  • Issue: 4, Vol: 3, Year: 2005.
  • MAMDANI Mahmood, When the victims become killers:
  • Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda, Princeton
  • University Press, Princeton-2002.
  • MCNULTY Mel, “France's role in Rwanda and external military
  • intervention: A double discrediting”, International Peacekeeping,
  • Issue: 3, Vol: 4, Year: 1997.
  • MELVERN Linda, Conspiracy to Murder: The Rwandan Genocide,
  • Verso, New York-2006.
  • MELVERN Linda, A People Betrayed: The Role of the West in
  • Rwanda’s Genocide, Zed Books, Londra-2000.
  • MELVIN Jennifer, “Reconstructing Rwanda: Balancing Human Rights
  • and the Promotion of National Reconciliation”, The International
  • Journal of Human Rights, Issue: 6, Vol: 14, Year: 2010.
  • MUKIMBRI Jean, “The Seven Stages of the Rwandan Genocide”,
  • Journal of International Criminal Justice, Issue: 3, Year: 2005. MURIGANDE Charles, “The Rwanda Genocide – Ten Years On”,
  • Whitehall Papers, Issue: 1, Vol: 62, Year: 2004.
  • NEWBURY Catherine, “Background to Genocide: Rwanda”, A Journal
  • of Opinion, Issue 2, Vol: 23, Year: 1995.
  • NEWBURY Catherine and NEWBURY David, “A Catholic Mass in Kigali: Contested Views of the Genocide and Ethnicity in Rwanda”, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Issue: 2/3, Vol: 33, Year: 1999. ÖZTÜRK Ebru Ç., “Toplumsal Yapılar ve Şiddet: Ruanda Örneği”, Ankara Üniversitesi Afrika Çalışmaları Dergisi, Sayı: 1, Cilt: 1, Yıl: 2011.
  • PLAUT Martin, “Rwanda — Looking beyond the Slaughter”, The World Today, Issue: 8/9, Vol: 50, Year: 1994.
  • REYNTJENS Filip, “Post-1994 Politics in Rwanda: Problematising ‘Liberation’ and ‘Democratisation’”, Third World Quarterly, Issue: 6, Vol: 27, Year: 2006.
  • REYNTYENS Filip, “Rwanda, Ten Years on: From Genocide to Dictatorship”, African Affairs, Issue: 103, Year: 2004.
  • REYNTYENS Filip, “Rwanda: Genocide and Beyond”, Journal of Refugee Studies, Issue: 3, Vol: 9, Year: 1996.
  • UVIN Peter, “Difficult Choices in the New Post-Conflict Agenda: The International Community in Rwanda after the Genocide”, Third World Quarterly, Issue: 2, Vol: 22, Year: 2001.
  • UVIN Peter, “Ethnicity and Power in Burundi and Rwanda: Different Paths to Mass Violence”, Comparative Politics, Issue: 3, Vol: 31, Year: 1999.
  • UVIN Peter, “Prejudice, Crisis, and Genocide in Rwanda”, African Studies Review, Issue: 2, Vol: 40, Year: 1997.
  • VERWIMP Philip, “Machetes and Firearms: The Organization of Massacres in Rwanda”, Journal of Peace Research, Issue: 1, Vol: 43, Year: 2006.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Öncel Sencerman Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Şubat 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Sencerman, Öncel. “Batılı Koloniyel Güçlerin 1994 Ruanda Soykırımına Etkisi”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 9, sy. 18 (Temmuz 2013): 35-75.