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Jeopolitik Açıdan Suudi Arabistan-Yemen Sınır Anlaşmazlığı ve Husiler Meselesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 45, 363 - 392, 22.08.2023


Eski çağlardan beri ülkeler ile yerel topluluklar arasında sınır anlaşmazlıkları hep var olmuş ve aralarında gerek savaşların gerekse çatışmaların doğmasında temel etken teşkil etmiştir. Bilhassa Arap yarımadası ve özellikle Suudi Arabistan’ın siyasi sınırları Birinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra farklı savaşlar ve antlaşmalarla çizilmiştir. Bu gerçek, sınırların dayatılması, petrol ve enerji kaynaklarının bulunması, bazı bölgelerin veya adaların stratejik konumu, bölge dışı güçlerin müdahalesi gibi nedenlerden dolayı bu sınırların bazı kısımları üzerine anlaşma sağlanmamış ve bu anlaşmazlıklar günümüze kadar uzanmıştır. Söz konusu sınır anlaşmazlığının en önemlisi Suudi Arabistan ile Yemen arasında yaşanmaktadır. Özellikle Husilerin güçlenmesiyle sınır anlaşmazlığı kısmi çatışmaların ötesine geçerek Suudi Arabistan’ın Yemen’e savaş açmasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışma, sınır kavramı ve sınır güvenliği konusunu ele alarak iki ülke arasındaki sınır güvenliğinin ikili ilişkiler üzerine etkilerini ve sonuçlarını değerlendirecektir. Literatür taramasında Yemen ve Suudi Arabistan arasındaki sorunların daha çok mezhepsel boyutlarıyla ele alındığı, sınır anlaşmazlığı konusunun yeterince ele alınmadığı görülmüştür. Bu makalede bu konunun derinlemesine incelenmesi makalenin önemini göstermektedir. Makalede vaka analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Vaka analizinde araştırma için belirli bir bireyin, grubun, kitlenin olayın, politika alanının ya da kurumun incelenmesini içermektedir. Her ne kadar vaka analizi nitel araştırmalar ile özdeşleştirilmiş olsa da hem nicel hem de nitel araştırmalarda vaka analizi yönteminin bu makalede uygulanmasının daha doğru olduğu düşünülmüştür.


  • AHMADI Ebrahim ve HAFEZNIA Mohammadreza (2020). “Explanation the Philosophy and Function of the Boundary in the Westphalian Era and Globalization”, World Politics, 9:1, 117-152.
  • AHMADY POUR Zahra ve MOHAMAD POUR Ali (2006). “Role of transition in Border Function on Geographical Space (Region Subjected to Study: Bajgiran Area in the Iran and Turkmenistan Border)”, MJSP: Modern Japanese Studies Program, 10:1, 147-172.
  • AL DOSARI Abdullah ve GEORGE Mary (2020). “Yemen War: An Overview of the Armed Conflict and Role of Belligerents”, Journal of Politics and Law, 13:1, 53-66.
  • AL-HAJJRI Ibrahim (2007). The New Middle East Security Threat: The Case of Yemen and the GCC, Master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California.
  • AL-MAGHAFI Fadhl (2012). More Than Just a Boundary Dispute: the Regional Geopolitics of Saudi-Yemenı Relations, Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
  • AMIRI Suroush (2019). “Regional and Transatlantic Governments and the Yemeni Geopolitical and Security Crisis with an Emphasis on Iran and Saudi Arabia and Allies”, A Quarerly Journal of Political Studies of Islamic World, 7:28, 115-140.
  • CHAPMAN Bert (2011). Geopolitics: A Guide to the IssuesABC-CLIO, LLC, California.
  • DIENER Alexander ve HAGEN Joshua (2012). Borders: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • DORJ Hamid ve EMAMJOMEZADEH Seyed J. (2019). “Saudi Arabia and the Concept of Barring Iran’s Power in the Middle East (A Case Study of Yemen’s Developments)”, Journal of Islamic Revolution, 9:31, 117-142.
  • FLINT Colin (2006). Introduction to Geopolitics, Routledge, New York.
  • FRAIHAT Ibrahim (2016). Unfinished Revolutions Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring, Yale University Press, New Haven.
  • GERSTEIN Daniel M. (2018). Managing International Borders: Balancing Security with the Licit Flow of People and Goods, RAND’s publications.
  • HAFEZNIA Mohammadreza JANPARVAR Mohsen ve MOJTAHEDZADEH Pirouz (2010). “Investıngating and Analizing Globalization Afects on Nature of Boundaries”, Spatial Planning (Modares Human Sciences), 3:67, 37-54.
  • HÄKLI Jouni (2008), “Re-Bordering Spaces”, (ed.), Kevin R. Cox, Murray Low & Jenny Robinson, Handbook of Political Geography, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, 471-482.
  • HEDAYATI Shahidani Mehdi ve BABAIE Mohammad Reza (2021). “The Fragile Coalition and Political Competition between UAE and Saudi Arabia in Yemen (2015-2020)”, Journal of Political Strategic Studies, 10:68, 227-254.
  • HEIDARI Mohammad, ENAMI ALAMDARI Sohrab ve FATTAHI Farhad (2012). “Border Geopolitics and Model of Management and Control of Iran’s Eastern Borders”, Geopolitics Quarterly, 8:27, 118-153.
  • HEMATI Morteza ve EBRAHIMI Shahroz (2018). “The Effects of Saudi Foreign Policy in Yemen on Iran’s Role in the Middle East”. The Quarterly Journal of World Politics, 7:23, 227-251.
  • HEMMATI Morteza EBRAHIMI Shahrooz ve GOODARZI Mahnaz (2020). “Saudi Arabia’s Balancing Policy with Iran in Yemen”, Journal of Spatial Planning, 10:1, 105-122.
  • JAFARI VALDANI Asghar ve JAFARI VALDANI Ramin (2013). “An Analysis of Geopolitics of Oman’s Borders with Neighboring Countries”, Political Science Journal, 8:1, 79-116.
  • JONES Reece (2011). “Border Security, 9/11 and the Enclosure of Civilisation”, The Geographical Journal, 177:3, 213-217.
  • KARAOĞLU Orhan (2021). Teopower Olarak Şiilik ve İran Dış Politikası, Kitabevi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • KAZEMI Hamed ALIPOUR Abbas ve ALIZADEH Ali (2022). “Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Policies in the Red Sea and Its Impact on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, The Afaq Security Quarterly, 14:53, 193-225.
  • KOLOSSOV Vladimir (2005). “Border Studies: Changing Perspectives and Theoretical Approaches”, Geopolitics, 10, 606-632.
  • LAINE Jussi (2015). “A Historical View on the Study of Borders”, (ed.) Sergey Sevastianov. Jussi Laine, Anton Kireev, Introduction to Border Studies, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, 14-32.
  • LEYLANOĞLU Hazar ve SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad (2021). “İran ve Suudi Arabistan’ın 2003’ten Sonra Irak’ta Çıkar Çatışmalarına Jeopolitik Bir Bakış”, Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8:22, 107-126.
  • MAIGARI Abdullahi Muhammad vd. (2020). “Geopolitics of Land Borders Closure in West Africa”, Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, 1, 1-25.
  • MILLER Benjamin (2001). “The Concept of Security: Should it be Redefined?”, The Journal of Strategic Studies, 24:2, 13-42.
  • MOHAMMADI Fatemeh (2015). “Territorial and Boundaries Deliminations Between the Southern Persian Gulf States 1995-2012”, Journal of Research in History, 6:16, 115-139.
  • MOUNTZ Alison (2009). “Border”, (ed.) Carolyn Gallaher, Carl T. Dahlman, Mary Gilmartin, Alison Mountz and Peter Shirlow, Key Concepts in Political Geography SAGE Publications, London, 198-210.
  • NEWMAN David (2006). “Borders and Bordering: Towards an Interdisciplinary Dialogue”, European Journal of Social Theory, 9:2, 171-186.
  • ÓTUATHAIL Gearóid (1996). Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space, Routledge, London.
  • OKRUHLIK Gwenn ve CONGE Patrick J. (1999). “The Politics of Border Disputes: On the Arabian Peninsula”, International Journal, 54:2, 230-248.
  • OMBLER Jenny (2021). “The Border as a ‘Broken Middle’: Pursuing an Ethical Approach to Bordering”, Geopolitics, 26:2, 564-588.
  • ORKABY Asher. (2015). Saudi Arabia’s War with the Houthis: Old Borders, New Lines, The Washington Institute, Policy Analysis: PolicyWatch 2404.
  • RAMADAN Muhsin ve AL-GANAD Tawfeek (2022). Resolving the Yemen-Saudi Border Problem: Time To Revive the Joint Committees, The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies, Yemen.
  • ROBERTS John (2000). The Saudi-Yemeni Boundary Treaty, IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin, Durham University, Durham.
  • SAMIEE Alireza MOHAMADI AZIZAABADI Mehdi ve NIKFAR Jaseb (2017). “Geopolitic Identity and its Impact on Security Strategies of Iran-Saudi Arabia in the Yemeni Crisis”, Quarterly Journal of Political Research in Islamic World, 5:2, 1-27.
  • SARDAR Hamid ve MOUSAVI Mir H. (2015). “Yemen in the Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Foreign Policy, 29:1, 75-96.
  • SEDDIQ Ramin (2001). Border Disputes on the Arabian Peninsula, The Washington Institute, Policy Analysis: PolicyWatch 525.
  • SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad ve BAHREMANI Ata Ollah (2021). “Sınır Jeopolitiği Faktörlerinin İran-Türkmenistan İlişkileri Üzerine Etkisi”, Uluslararası Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5:2, 668-698.
  • SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad (2022). “Suudi Arabistan’ın Kafkasya ve Orta Asya’da Vahhabilik Politikası” Asya Araştırmaları Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6:1, 89-102.
  • SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad LEYLANOĞLU Hazar BAHREMANI Ataollah ve ZABARDASTALAMDARI Shalaleh (2021). “Yemen Crisis after 2015: The Attitudes of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates”, Cuestiones Políticas, 39:69, 717-734.
  • SHAHGHOLIAN GHAHFARKHI Reza ve JAMALI Ali, (2017), “Investigating the Impact of the Saudi War in Yemen on the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Journal of Defense Policy, 25:100, 153-193.
  • SHAHGHOLIAN Reza (2017). “The Impact of Saudi War in Yemen on Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Journal of Defense Policy, 25:100, 153-193.
  • SHEIKHOLESLAMI Mohammad Hasan ve SARADAR Hamid (2012). “Religious Approach in Saudi Arabia’s Cultural Diplomacy: A Case Study of Muslim World League”, Journal of Political Research in Islamic World, 2:4, 103-128.
  • ŞAHİN Mehmet ve SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad (2022). “Suudi Arabistan’ın Dış Politikası ve Kamu Diplomasisi”, İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 57, 31-50.
  • TAVAKLIAN Ibrahim (2012). “Border, Security and Solutions to Create Security at the Borders, National Congress on Border Cities and Security; Challenges and Strategies”, University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Iran, 656-666.
  • TOVY Tal (2015). The Changing Nature of Geostrategy 1900–2000: The Evolution of a New Paradigm, Air University Press, Alabama.
  • YARI Ehsan ve ABDALIPOUR Vahid (2017). “Analyzing the Reasons of the Persian Gulf’s Arab Countries Failure in Settlement of Their Border and Territorial Disputes”, The Journal of Geographical Data, 26:103, 201-219.
  • ZANGANEH Peyman ve HAMIDI Somaye (2016). “The Nature of Logics Ruling Interactions of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Yemen Crisis”, Quarterly of Political Strategic Studies, 5:18, 143-169.
  • ZARE Sediqeh ve AHMADI Hamid (2015). “Identification of Shiite and Religious Conflict in the Middle East”, The Quarterly Journal of International Relations Research, 6:19, 15-54.
  • ZARGHANI Seyed H. (2013). “Narcotics Geopolitics and Its Impact on Iran’s Eastern Borders”, Journal of Police Geography, 1:1, 1-30.
  • ARDEMAGNI Eleonora, “The Saudi-Yemeni Militarized Borderland”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, sada/80745, erişim 10.01.2023.
  • JAFARI VALDAN Asghar, “Saudi Arabia: Looking at Yemen”,, erişim 15.12.2022.
  • MOHSENI RAD Said, “A Look at the Border Disputes between Saudi Arabia and the UAE”,, erişim 12.10.2022.
  • “Saudi Arabia’s territorial disputes with its neighbors”,, erişim 01.11.2022.
  • “Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; Movement Towards Convergence or dDvergence”,, erişim 05.12.2022.
  • “A look at the Border Disputes between Saudi Arabia and Qatar”,, erişim 20.09. 2022.
  • “Ansarullah Presented the Statistics of 7 Years of war in Yemen: 1826 Military Operations against the Saudi Coalition”,, erişim 22.01.2023.

The Saudi Arabia-Yemen Border Dispute and the Houthis Issue from the Perspective of Geopolitics

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 45, 363 - 392, 22.08.2023


Since ancient times, there have always been border disputes between countries and local communities and these border disputes have been the main factor in the emergence of wars and conflicts. In particular, the political borders of the Arabian Peninsula and especially Saudi Arabia were drawn with different wars and treaties after the First World War. Due to this fact and due to reasons such as the imposition of borders, the availability of oil and energy resources, the strategic location of some regions or islands, and the intervention of extra-regional powers, some parts of these borders have not yet been agreed upon and these disagreements have continued to the present day. The most important border dispute in question is the one that is between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Especially with the strengthening of the Houthis, the border dispute went beyond partial conflicts and caused Saudi Arabia to declare war on Yemen. This study will evaluate the effects and consequences of border security on bilateral relations between the two countries by addressing the concept of border and border security. The literature review showed that the problems between Yemen and Saudi Arabia were mostly handled with their sectarian dimensions and that the border dispute was not adequately addressed. The in-depth examination of this topic shows the importance of the article. The case analysis method was used in the article. Case analysis involves examining a particular individual, group, audience, event, policy area or institution for research. Although the case analysis method has been identified with qualitative research, it was thought that it would be more appropriate to apply the case analysis method in both quantitative and qualitative research in this article.


  • AHMADI Ebrahim ve HAFEZNIA Mohammadreza (2020). “Explanation the Philosophy and Function of the Boundary in the Westphalian Era and Globalization”, World Politics, 9:1, 117-152.
  • AHMADY POUR Zahra ve MOHAMAD POUR Ali (2006). “Role of transition in Border Function on Geographical Space (Region Subjected to Study: Bajgiran Area in the Iran and Turkmenistan Border)”, MJSP: Modern Japanese Studies Program, 10:1, 147-172.
  • AL DOSARI Abdullah ve GEORGE Mary (2020). “Yemen War: An Overview of the Armed Conflict and Role of Belligerents”, Journal of Politics and Law, 13:1, 53-66.
  • AL-HAJJRI Ibrahim (2007). The New Middle East Security Threat: The Case of Yemen and the GCC, Master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California.
  • AL-MAGHAFI Fadhl (2012). More Than Just a Boundary Dispute: the Regional Geopolitics of Saudi-Yemenı Relations, Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
  • AMIRI Suroush (2019). “Regional and Transatlantic Governments and the Yemeni Geopolitical and Security Crisis with an Emphasis on Iran and Saudi Arabia and Allies”, A Quarerly Journal of Political Studies of Islamic World, 7:28, 115-140.
  • CHAPMAN Bert (2011). Geopolitics: A Guide to the IssuesABC-CLIO, LLC, California.
  • DIENER Alexander ve HAGEN Joshua (2012). Borders: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • DORJ Hamid ve EMAMJOMEZADEH Seyed J. (2019). “Saudi Arabia and the Concept of Barring Iran’s Power in the Middle East (A Case Study of Yemen’s Developments)”, Journal of Islamic Revolution, 9:31, 117-142.
  • FLINT Colin (2006). Introduction to Geopolitics, Routledge, New York.
  • FRAIHAT Ibrahim (2016). Unfinished Revolutions Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring, Yale University Press, New Haven.
  • GERSTEIN Daniel M. (2018). Managing International Borders: Balancing Security with the Licit Flow of People and Goods, RAND’s publications.
  • HAFEZNIA Mohammadreza JANPARVAR Mohsen ve MOJTAHEDZADEH Pirouz (2010). “Investıngating and Analizing Globalization Afects on Nature of Boundaries”, Spatial Planning (Modares Human Sciences), 3:67, 37-54.
  • HÄKLI Jouni (2008), “Re-Bordering Spaces”, (ed.), Kevin R. Cox, Murray Low & Jenny Robinson, Handbook of Political Geography, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, 471-482.
  • HEDAYATI Shahidani Mehdi ve BABAIE Mohammad Reza (2021). “The Fragile Coalition and Political Competition between UAE and Saudi Arabia in Yemen (2015-2020)”, Journal of Political Strategic Studies, 10:68, 227-254.
  • HEIDARI Mohammad, ENAMI ALAMDARI Sohrab ve FATTAHI Farhad (2012). “Border Geopolitics and Model of Management and Control of Iran’s Eastern Borders”, Geopolitics Quarterly, 8:27, 118-153.
  • HEMATI Morteza ve EBRAHIMI Shahroz (2018). “The Effects of Saudi Foreign Policy in Yemen on Iran’s Role in the Middle East”. The Quarterly Journal of World Politics, 7:23, 227-251.
  • HEMMATI Morteza EBRAHIMI Shahrooz ve GOODARZI Mahnaz (2020). “Saudi Arabia’s Balancing Policy with Iran in Yemen”, Journal of Spatial Planning, 10:1, 105-122.
  • JAFARI VALDANI Asghar ve JAFARI VALDANI Ramin (2013). “An Analysis of Geopolitics of Oman’s Borders with Neighboring Countries”, Political Science Journal, 8:1, 79-116.
  • JONES Reece (2011). “Border Security, 9/11 and the Enclosure of Civilisation”, The Geographical Journal, 177:3, 213-217.
  • KARAOĞLU Orhan (2021). Teopower Olarak Şiilik ve İran Dış Politikası, Kitabevi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • KAZEMI Hamed ALIPOUR Abbas ve ALIZADEH Ali (2022). “Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Policies in the Red Sea and Its Impact on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, The Afaq Security Quarterly, 14:53, 193-225.
  • KOLOSSOV Vladimir (2005). “Border Studies: Changing Perspectives and Theoretical Approaches”, Geopolitics, 10, 606-632.
  • LAINE Jussi (2015). “A Historical View on the Study of Borders”, (ed.) Sergey Sevastianov. Jussi Laine, Anton Kireev, Introduction to Border Studies, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, 14-32.
  • LEYLANOĞLU Hazar ve SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad (2021). “İran ve Suudi Arabistan’ın 2003’ten Sonra Irak’ta Çıkar Çatışmalarına Jeopolitik Bir Bakış”, Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8:22, 107-126.
  • MAIGARI Abdullahi Muhammad vd. (2020). “Geopolitics of Land Borders Closure in West Africa”, Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, 1, 1-25.
  • MILLER Benjamin (2001). “The Concept of Security: Should it be Redefined?”, The Journal of Strategic Studies, 24:2, 13-42.
  • MOHAMMADI Fatemeh (2015). “Territorial and Boundaries Deliminations Between the Southern Persian Gulf States 1995-2012”, Journal of Research in History, 6:16, 115-139.
  • MOUNTZ Alison (2009). “Border”, (ed.) Carolyn Gallaher, Carl T. Dahlman, Mary Gilmartin, Alison Mountz and Peter Shirlow, Key Concepts in Political Geography SAGE Publications, London, 198-210.
  • NEWMAN David (2006). “Borders and Bordering: Towards an Interdisciplinary Dialogue”, European Journal of Social Theory, 9:2, 171-186.
  • ÓTUATHAIL Gearóid (1996). Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space, Routledge, London.
  • OKRUHLIK Gwenn ve CONGE Patrick J. (1999). “The Politics of Border Disputes: On the Arabian Peninsula”, International Journal, 54:2, 230-248.
  • OMBLER Jenny (2021). “The Border as a ‘Broken Middle’: Pursuing an Ethical Approach to Bordering”, Geopolitics, 26:2, 564-588.
  • ORKABY Asher. (2015). Saudi Arabia’s War with the Houthis: Old Borders, New Lines, The Washington Institute, Policy Analysis: PolicyWatch 2404.
  • RAMADAN Muhsin ve AL-GANAD Tawfeek (2022). Resolving the Yemen-Saudi Border Problem: Time To Revive the Joint Committees, The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies, Yemen.
  • ROBERTS John (2000). The Saudi-Yemeni Boundary Treaty, IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin, Durham University, Durham.
  • SAMIEE Alireza MOHAMADI AZIZAABADI Mehdi ve NIKFAR Jaseb (2017). “Geopolitic Identity and its Impact on Security Strategies of Iran-Saudi Arabia in the Yemeni Crisis”, Quarterly Journal of Political Research in Islamic World, 5:2, 1-27.
  • SARDAR Hamid ve MOUSAVI Mir H. (2015). “Yemen in the Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Foreign Policy, 29:1, 75-96.
  • SEDDIQ Ramin (2001). Border Disputes on the Arabian Peninsula, The Washington Institute, Policy Analysis: PolicyWatch 525.
  • SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad ve BAHREMANI Ata Ollah (2021). “Sınır Jeopolitiği Faktörlerinin İran-Türkmenistan İlişkileri Üzerine Etkisi”, Uluslararası Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5:2, 668-698.
  • SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad (2022). “Suudi Arabistan’ın Kafkasya ve Orta Asya’da Vahhabilik Politikası” Asya Araştırmaları Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6:1, 89-102.
  • SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad LEYLANOĞLU Hazar BAHREMANI Ataollah ve ZABARDASTALAMDARI Shalaleh (2021). “Yemen Crisis after 2015: The Attitudes of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates”, Cuestiones Políticas, 39:69, 717-734.
  • SHAHGHOLIAN GHAHFARKHI Reza ve JAMALI Ali, (2017), “Investigating the Impact of the Saudi War in Yemen on the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Journal of Defense Policy, 25:100, 153-193.
  • SHAHGHOLIAN Reza (2017). “The Impact of Saudi War in Yemen on Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Journal of Defense Policy, 25:100, 153-193.
  • SHEIKHOLESLAMI Mohammad Hasan ve SARADAR Hamid (2012). “Religious Approach in Saudi Arabia’s Cultural Diplomacy: A Case Study of Muslim World League”, Journal of Political Research in Islamic World, 2:4, 103-128.
  • ŞAHİN Mehmet ve SEYEDI ASL Seyedmohammad (2022). “Suudi Arabistan’ın Dış Politikası ve Kamu Diplomasisi”, İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 57, 31-50.
  • TAVAKLIAN Ibrahim (2012). “Border, Security and Solutions to Create Security at the Borders, National Congress on Border Cities and Security; Challenges and Strategies”, University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Iran, 656-666.
  • TOVY Tal (2015). The Changing Nature of Geostrategy 1900–2000: The Evolution of a New Paradigm, Air University Press, Alabama.
  • YARI Ehsan ve ABDALIPOUR Vahid (2017). “Analyzing the Reasons of the Persian Gulf’s Arab Countries Failure in Settlement of Their Border and Territorial Disputes”, The Journal of Geographical Data, 26:103, 201-219.
  • ZANGANEH Peyman ve HAMIDI Somaye (2016). “The Nature of Logics Ruling Interactions of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Yemen Crisis”, Quarterly of Political Strategic Studies, 5:18, 143-169.
  • ZARE Sediqeh ve AHMADI Hamid (2015). “Identification of Shiite and Religious Conflict in the Middle East”, The Quarterly Journal of International Relations Research, 6:19, 15-54.
  • ZARGHANI Seyed H. (2013). “Narcotics Geopolitics and Its Impact on Iran’s Eastern Borders”, Journal of Police Geography, 1:1, 1-30.
  • ARDEMAGNI Eleonora, “The Saudi-Yemeni Militarized Borderland”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, sada/80745, erişim 10.01.2023.
  • JAFARI VALDAN Asghar, “Saudi Arabia: Looking at Yemen”,, erişim 15.12.2022.
  • MOHSENI RAD Said, “A Look at the Border Disputes between Saudi Arabia and the UAE”,, erişim 12.10.2022.
  • “Saudi Arabia’s territorial disputes with its neighbors”,, erişim 01.11.2022.
  • “Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; Movement Towards Convergence or dDvergence”,, erişim 05.12.2022.
  • “A look at the Border Disputes between Saudi Arabia and Qatar”,, erişim 20.09. 2022.
  • “Ansarullah Presented the Statistics of 7 Years of war in Yemen: 1826 Military Operations against the Saudi Coalition”,, erişim 22.01.2023.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ortadoğu Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Seyedmohammad Seyedı Asl 0000-0001-5237-7385

Orhan Karaoğlu 0000-0003-1389-5512

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 45

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Seyedı Asl, Seyedmohammad, ve Orhan Karaoğlu. “Jeopolitik Açıdan Suudi Arabistan-Yemen Sınır Anlaşmazlığı Ve Husiler Meselesi”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 19, sy. 45 (Ağustos 2023): 363-92.

Cited By

Yemen savaşı ve İran-Suudi Arabistan rekabeti
Trakya Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi