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Bir Siber Uzay Hâkimiyet Teorisi Mümkün mü? Çin’in Siber Egemenlik Yaklaşımı Perspektifinden Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2024, Sayı: War and International System, 131 - 149, 30.12.2024


Günümüzün hızla dijitalleşen dünyasında siber güvenlik, ülkelerin altyapılarının yanı sıra bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin de korunmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu çerçevede siber egemenlik, devletlerin dijital altyapıları üzerindeki kontrol ve otoritesini ortaya koyan bir yaklaşım olarak bazı ülkeler tarafından siber güvenlik ile ilişkilendirilmektedir. Bu çalışma, Çin'deki siber güvenlik politikalarını ve siber egemenlik anlayışını derinlemesine analiz etmektedir. Bunu yaparken, siber uzayda hakimiyeti teorileştirme olasılığı tartışılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın temel amacı, siber güvenlik ve siber egemenlik kavramlarının teorik boyutlarının incelenmesi ve Çin’in siber güvenlik politikaları ve siber egemenlik yaklaşımının analiz edilmesidir. Siber uzayın uluslararası ilişkilerde yeni bir hâkimiyet alanını temsil ettiği düşünülmektedir. Siber egemenliğin uluslararası hukuk kapsamında mümkün olup olmadığına dair kesin bir cevap vermek yerine, siber egemenliğin uluslararası güç mücadelelerinde nasıl bir rol oynayabileceğine ve siber güvenlik politikalarını nasıl şekillendirebileceğine odaklanılmalıdır. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın metodolojisi, siber güvenliğe kısa bir girişin ardından siber uzay hâkimiyetinin mümkün olup olmadığı araştırma sorusunun ve siber egemenlik kavramının analizinden oluşmaktadır. Teorik çerçeve kapsamında ilgili kavramlara ilişkin literatür taraması yapılmış, Çin’in siber güvenlik politikaları ve siber egemenlik yaklaşımı vaka çalışması olarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma boyunca ele alınan belge, kaynak ve veriler, Çin’in siber egemenlik anlayışını ve bu anlayışın uluslararası platformlarda nasıl şekillendiğini göstermektedir. Çin, siber egemenliği uluslararası sistemde küresel bir güç olmanın anahtarı olarak görüyorsa, siber güvenliğin yanı sıra asker, siyasi, ekonomik faktörler dâhil olmak üzere tüm faktörleri entegre etmelidir.


  • AIMIN Qia and GUOSONG Shao (2018). “Assessing China’s Cybersecurity Law”, Computer Law & Security Review, 34, 1342-1354.
  • BIÇAKCI Salih. (2019). “Siber Güvenlik ve Savunma”, Gvenlik Yazıları Serisi, 42, 1-8.
  • Central Committee of The Communist Party (2016). The 13th Five Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (2016–2020).
  • CHEUNG Anne S.Y. (2006). “The Business of Governance: China’s Legislation on Content Regulation in Cyberspace”, International Law and Politics, 38:1, 1-37.
  • COLLIER Jamie (2018). “Cyber Security Assemblages: A Framework for Understanding the Dynamic and Contested Nature of Security Provision”, Politics and Governance, 6:2, 13-21.
  • CREEMERS Rogier (2021). “Cybersecurity Law and Regulation in China: Securing the Smart State”, China Law and Society Review, 6, 111-145.
  • CUIHONG Cai (2018). “Global Cyber Governance: China’s Contribution and Approach”, China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, 4:1, 55-76.
  • DOĞRUL Mürsel YALÇIN Haydar and DAİM Tugrul U. (2023). “Cybersecurity Technology: A Landscape Analysis”, Tuğrul U. Daim & Marina Dabić (eds.), Cybersecurity, Applied Innovation and Technology Management, Springer, Cham.
  • DOUZET Frédérick and GERY Aude (2021). “Cyberspace Is Used, First and Foremost, to Wage Wars: Proliferation, Security and Stability in Cyberspace”, Journal of Cyber Policy, 6:1, 96-113.
  • ELDEM Tuba (2021). “Uluslararası Siber Güvenlik Normları ve Sorumlu Siber Egemenlik”, İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, 79:1, 347-378.
  • FANG Binxing (2018). Cyberspace Sovereignty Reflections on Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace, Science Press & Springer, Singapore.
  • FRANZESE Patrick W. (2009). “Sovereignty in Cyberspace: Can It Exist?”, Air Force Law Review, 1-42.
  • GIEROW Hauke Johannes (2015). “Cyber Security in China: Internet Security, Protectionism and Competitiveness: New Challenges to Western Businesses”, China Monitor, 22.
  • GRAUMAN Brigid (2012). “Cyber-Security: The vexed question of global rules, An independent report of cyber-preparedness around the World”, Security & Defense Agenda (SDA).
  • GROHE Edwin (2015). “The Cyber Dimensions of the Syrian Civil War: Implications for Future Conflict”, The John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 14:7, 1-25.
  • HABER Eldar and TOPOR Lev (2023). “Sovereignty, Cyberspace, and the Emergence of Internet Bubbles”, Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 14:1, 144-165.
  • HEKİM Hakan and BAŞIBÜYÜK Oğuzhan (2013). “Siber Suçlar ve Türkiye’nin Siber Güvenlik Politikaları”, Uluslararası Güvenlik ve Terörizm Dergisi, 4:2, 135-158.
  • JENSEN Eric Talbot (2015). “Cyber Sovereignty: The Way Ahead”, Tex. Int. Law J., 276-304. KARMAZIN Aleš (2023). “China’s Promotion of Cyber Sovereignty Beyond the West”, R. R. Šárka Kolmašová (eds.), Norm Diffusion Beyond the West Agents and Sources of Leverage, Springer, Switzerland, 61-78.
  • KAVITHA V. and PRETHA S. (2019). “Cyber Security Issues and Challenges-A Review”, IJCSMC, 8:11, 1-6.
  • KLIMBURG Alexander (2012). National Cyber Security Framework Manual, NATO CCD COE Publication, Tallinn.
  • KYRDODA Yuliia MARZİ Giacomo DABIC Marina and DAİM Tugrul U. (2023). “Cybersecurity Technology: An Analysis of the Topic from 2011 to 2021”, Daim, Tuğrul U. Daim & Marina Dabić (eds.), Cybersecurity, Applied Innovation and Technology Management, Springer, Cham.
  • LESSIG Lawrence (2006). Code: Version 2.0, Basic Books, New York.
  • LINDSAY Jon R. (2014/15). “The Impact of China on Cybersecurity”, International Security, 3:3, 7-47.
  • LINDSAY Jon R. (2015). “Introduction: China and Cybersecurity: Controversy and Context”, Jon R. Lindsay, Tai Ming Cheung & Derek S. Reveron (eds.), China and Cybersecurity Espionage, Strategy and Politics in The Digital Domain, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1-26.
  • MEDEIROS Breno Pauli and GOLDONİ Luiz Rogério Franco (2020). “The Fundamental Conceptual Trinity of Cyberspace”, Contexto Internacional, 42:1, 31-54.
  • MUELLER Milton L. (2020). “Against Sovereignty in Cyberspace”, International Studies Review, 22:4, 779-801.
  • NYE Joseph S. (2010). The Future of Power, Public Affairs Press, New York.
  • NYE Joseph S. (2011). “Nuclear Lessons for Cyber Security?”, Strategic Studies Quarterly, 5:4,18-38. R
  • AUD Mikk (2016). China and Cyber: Attitudes, Strategies, Organizations, NATO CCD COE, Tallinn.
  • SAĞIROĞLU Şeref and ALKAN Mustafa (2018). Siber Gvenlik ve Savunma, Grafiker Yayınları, Ankara.
  • SCHMITT Michael N. (2017). Tallinn Manual 2.0 On the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • SINGER P.W. and FRIEDMAN Allan. (2018). Siber Gvenlik ve Siber Savaş (trans. A. Atav), Buzdağı Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • SWAINE Michael D. (2013). Chinese Views on Cybersecurity in Foreign Relations, China Leadership Monitor.
  • The White House (2011). International Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked World, Washington.
  • United Nations General Assembly (July 2015). Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, United Nations.
  • United Nations (2021). Cybersecurity in the United Nations system organizations Report of the Joint Inspection Unit, JIU/REP/2021/3.
  • VON HEINEGG and WOLFF Heintschel (2013). “Territorial Sovereignty and Neutrality in Cyberspace”, International Law Studies, 89:123, 123-156.
  • WU Chien-Huei (2021). “Sovereignty Fever: The Territorial Turn of Global Cyber Order”, Zeitschrift Für Auslndisches Öffentliches Recht Und Völkerrecht/Zeitschrift Für Ausländisches ffentliches Recht Und Vlkerrecht, 81:3, 651-676.
  • QU Weizhi (2010). China’s Path to Informatization, Cengage Learning Asia, Singapore.
  • YELI Hao (2017). “A Three-Perspective Theory of Cyber Sovereignty”, PRISM, 7:2, 108-115.
  • BAEZNER Marie and ROBIN Patrice (2018). “Cyberspace Sovereignty”, https://www.research-collection. pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y, accessed 17.05.2024.
  • BARLOW John P. (1996). “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace”, cyberspace-independence, accessed 16.05.2024.
  • Cyberspace Administration of China. “《国家网络空间安全战略》全文”, 2016, December 27, https://www.cac., accessed 02.05.2024.
  • Etymonline (n.d.). “Cyber-“,, accessed 25.01.2024. IGNATOV Alexander. “BRICS Agenda for Digital Sovereignty”, 2024, February 14, https://moderndiplomacy. eu/2024/02/14/brics-agenda-for-digital-sovereignty/, accessed 20.08.2024. I
  • nformation Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. “The Internet in China”, 2010, June 8 ,, accessed 20.01.2024. I
  • nternational Telecommunications Union (2008), “ITU-T X.1205: series X: Data Networks, Open System Communications and Security: Telecommunications Security: Overview of Cybersecurity”, https://www., accessed 20.05.2024.
  • JINPING Xi. “在第二届世界互联网大会开幕式上的讲话, 2016, February 7, https://chinacopyrightandmedia., accessed 14.10.2024.
  • JINPING Xi. “Speech at the Work Conference for Cybersecurity and Informatization”, 2016, April 19,, accessed 04.10.2024.
  • KEMP Simon (2023). “Digital 2023: China”, KERRY John. Secretary of State, “An Open and Secure Internet: We Must Have Both”, VOAnews, 2015, 18 May,, accessed 13.07.2024.
  • Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). “Cybersecurity”, Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Statement at Budapest Conference on Cyber Issues”, 2012, October 4,, accessed 22.01.2024.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. (n.d.). “China’s Views on the Application of the Principle of Sovereignty in Cyberspace”, Chinese-Position-Paper-on-the-Application-of-the-Principle-of-Sovereignty-ENG.pdf
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The People’s Republic of China. (2021). “China’s Positions on International Rules-making in Cyberspace”, jks_665232/kjlc_665236/qtwt_665250/202110/t20211020_9594981.html, accessed 01.10.204.
  • PENG Dannie (2024). “China Makes Science and Tech a Budget Priority with 10% Jump in Spending During ‘Two Sessions”,, accessed 03.08.2024.
  • PEOPLE.CN. “填补网络空间“规则空白”, 2013, July 9, c25408-22123842.html, accessed 03.09.2024.
  • SHENG Zhong (2013). “填补网络空间“规则空白”, c25408-22123842.html, accessed 09.10.2024.
  • Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. “Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China”, 2017, July 11, aspx?LookType=3&Lib=law&Id=22826&SearchKeyword=&SearchCKeyword=&paycode=, accessed 10.09.2024.
  • STATE COUNCIL. “Provisional Management Regulations for the International Connection of Computer Information Networks of the People’s Republic of China”, 1996, February 1,, accessed 12.10.2024.
  • The White House (2024). “2024 Report on The Cybersecurity Posture of The United States”,, accessed 14.07.2024.
  • THOMALA Lai Lin (2024). “Number of Internet Users in China from 2013 to 2023”, https://www.statista. com/statistics/265140/number-of-internet-users-in-china/, accessed 15.09.2024.
  • XINHUA.NET. “Xi Jinping Leads Internet Security Group”, 2014, February 27 , english/china/2014-02/27/c_133148273.htm, accessed 04.10.2024.
  • XINHUA.NET (2014). “What is Cyber Sovereignty?”, 07/10/c_126736910.htm, accessed 23.02.2024.

Is a Theory of Cyberspace Dominance Possible? An Assessment from the Perspective of China’s Cyber Sovereignty Approach

Yıl 2024, Sayı: War and International System, 131 - 149, 30.12.2024


In today’s rapidly digitalizing world, cybersecurity requires the protection of information and communication technologies as well as the infrastructure of countries. In this framework, some countries consider cyber sovereignty to be connected with cybersecurity as an approach that discloses the control and authority of states over their digital infrastructures. This study analyzes the cybersecurity policies and understanding of cyber sovereignty in China. In doing so, the possibility of theorizing dominance in cyberspace is discussed. In this context, the main purpose of this study is to examine the theoretical dimensions of cybersecurity and cyber sovereignty concepts and to analyze China’s cybersecurity policies and cyber sovereignty approach. Cyberspace represents a new field of dominance in international relations. Rather than providing a definitive answer to whether cyber sovereignty is possible under international law, the focus should be on how cyber sovereignty can play a role in international power struggles and shape cybersecurity policies. In this context, the study’s methodology consists of a brief introduction to cybersecurity, followed by an analysis of the research question of whether cyberspace dominance is possible and the concept of cyber sovereignty. Within the scope of the theoretical framework, a literature review of the relevant concepts was conducted, and China’s cybersecurity policies and cyber sovereignty approach were analyzed as a case study. The documents, sources, and data discussed throughout the study demonstrate China’s understanding of cyber sovereignty and how it is shaped on international platforms. The study concludes that if China sees cyberspace sovereignty as the key to becoming a global power in the international system, it must integrate all factors, including military, political, and economic factors, besides cybersecurity.


  • AIMIN Qia and GUOSONG Shao (2018). “Assessing China’s Cybersecurity Law”, Computer Law & Security Review, 34, 1342-1354.
  • BIÇAKCI Salih. (2019). “Siber Güvenlik ve Savunma”, Gvenlik Yazıları Serisi, 42, 1-8.
  • Central Committee of The Communist Party (2016). The 13th Five Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (2016–2020).
  • CHEUNG Anne S.Y. (2006). “The Business of Governance: China’s Legislation on Content Regulation in Cyberspace”, International Law and Politics, 38:1, 1-37.
  • COLLIER Jamie (2018). “Cyber Security Assemblages: A Framework for Understanding the Dynamic and Contested Nature of Security Provision”, Politics and Governance, 6:2, 13-21.
  • CREEMERS Rogier (2021). “Cybersecurity Law and Regulation in China: Securing the Smart State”, China Law and Society Review, 6, 111-145.
  • CUIHONG Cai (2018). “Global Cyber Governance: China’s Contribution and Approach”, China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, 4:1, 55-76.
  • DOĞRUL Mürsel YALÇIN Haydar and DAİM Tugrul U. (2023). “Cybersecurity Technology: A Landscape Analysis”, Tuğrul U. Daim & Marina Dabić (eds.), Cybersecurity, Applied Innovation and Technology Management, Springer, Cham.
  • DOUZET Frédérick and GERY Aude (2021). “Cyberspace Is Used, First and Foremost, to Wage Wars: Proliferation, Security and Stability in Cyberspace”, Journal of Cyber Policy, 6:1, 96-113.
  • ELDEM Tuba (2021). “Uluslararası Siber Güvenlik Normları ve Sorumlu Siber Egemenlik”, İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, 79:1, 347-378.
  • FANG Binxing (2018). Cyberspace Sovereignty Reflections on Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace, Science Press & Springer, Singapore.
  • FRANZESE Patrick W. (2009). “Sovereignty in Cyberspace: Can It Exist?”, Air Force Law Review, 1-42.
  • GIEROW Hauke Johannes (2015). “Cyber Security in China: Internet Security, Protectionism and Competitiveness: New Challenges to Western Businesses”, China Monitor, 22.
  • GRAUMAN Brigid (2012). “Cyber-Security: The vexed question of global rules, An independent report of cyber-preparedness around the World”, Security & Defense Agenda (SDA).
  • GROHE Edwin (2015). “The Cyber Dimensions of the Syrian Civil War: Implications for Future Conflict”, The John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 14:7, 1-25.
  • HABER Eldar and TOPOR Lev (2023). “Sovereignty, Cyberspace, and the Emergence of Internet Bubbles”, Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 14:1, 144-165.
  • HEKİM Hakan and BAŞIBÜYÜK Oğuzhan (2013). “Siber Suçlar ve Türkiye’nin Siber Güvenlik Politikaları”, Uluslararası Güvenlik ve Terörizm Dergisi, 4:2, 135-158.
  • JENSEN Eric Talbot (2015). “Cyber Sovereignty: The Way Ahead”, Tex. Int. Law J., 276-304. KARMAZIN Aleš (2023). “China’s Promotion of Cyber Sovereignty Beyond the West”, R. R. Šárka Kolmašová (eds.), Norm Diffusion Beyond the West Agents and Sources of Leverage, Springer, Switzerland, 61-78.
  • KAVITHA V. and PRETHA S. (2019). “Cyber Security Issues and Challenges-A Review”, IJCSMC, 8:11, 1-6.
  • KLIMBURG Alexander (2012). National Cyber Security Framework Manual, NATO CCD COE Publication, Tallinn.
  • KYRDODA Yuliia MARZİ Giacomo DABIC Marina and DAİM Tugrul U. (2023). “Cybersecurity Technology: An Analysis of the Topic from 2011 to 2021”, Daim, Tuğrul U. Daim & Marina Dabić (eds.), Cybersecurity, Applied Innovation and Technology Management, Springer, Cham.
  • LESSIG Lawrence (2006). Code: Version 2.0, Basic Books, New York.
  • LINDSAY Jon R. (2014/15). “The Impact of China on Cybersecurity”, International Security, 3:3, 7-47.
  • LINDSAY Jon R. (2015). “Introduction: China and Cybersecurity: Controversy and Context”, Jon R. Lindsay, Tai Ming Cheung & Derek S. Reveron (eds.), China and Cybersecurity Espionage, Strategy and Politics in The Digital Domain, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1-26.
  • MEDEIROS Breno Pauli and GOLDONİ Luiz Rogério Franco (2020). “The Fundamental Conceptual Trinity of Cyberspace”, Contexto Internacional, 42:1, 31-54.
  • MUELLER Milton L. (2020). “Against Sovereignty in Cyberspace”, International Studies Review, 22:4, 779-801.
  • NYE Joseph S. (2010). The Future of Power, Public Affairs Press, New York.
  • NYE Joseph S. (2011). “Nuclear Lessons for Cyber Security?”, Strategic Studies Quarterly, 5:4,18-38. R
  • AUD Mikk (2016). China and Cyber: Attitudes, Strategies, Organizations, NATO CCD COE, Tallinn.
  • SAĞIROĞLU Şeref and ALKAN Mustafa (2018). Siber Gvenlik ve Savunma, Grafiker Yayınları, Ankara.
  • SCHMITT Michael N. (2017). Tallinn Manual 2.0 On the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • SINGER P.W. and FRIEDMAN Allan. (2018). Siber Gvenlik ve Siber Savaş (trans. A. Atav), Buzdağı Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • SWAINE Michael D. (2013). Chinese Views on Cybersecurity in Foreign Relations, China Leadership Monitor.
  • The White House (2011). International Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked World, Washington.
  • United Nations General Assembly (July 2015). Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, United Nations.
  • United Nations (2021). Cybersecurity in the United Nations system organizations Report of the Joint Inspection Unit, JIU/REP/2021/3.
  • VON HEINEGG and WOLFF Heintschel (2013). “Territorial Sovereignty and Neutrality in Cyberspace”, International Law Studies, 89:123, 123-156.
  • WU Chien-Huei (2021). “Sovereignty Fever: The Territorial Turn of Global Cyber Order”, Zeitschrift Für Auslndisches Öffentliches Recht Und Völkerrecht/Zeitschrift Für Ausländisches ffentliches Recht Und Vlkerrecht, 81:3, 651-676.
  • QU Weizhi (2010). China’s Path to Informatization, Cengage Learning Asia, Singapore.
  • YELI Hao (2017). “A Three-Perspective Theory of Cyber Sovereignty”, PRISM, 7:2, 108-115.
  • BAEZNER Marie and ROBIN Patrice (2018). “Cyberspace Sovereignty”, https://www.research-collection. pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y, accessed 17.05.2024.
  • BARLOW John P. (1996). “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace”, cyberspace-independence, accessed 16.05.2024.
  • Cyberspace Administration of China. “《国家网络空间安全战略》全文”, 2016, December 27, https://www.cac., accessed 02.05.2024.
  • Etymonline (n.d.). “Cyber-“,, accessed 25.01.2024. IGNATOV Alexander. “BRICS Agenda for Digital Sovereignty”, 2024, February 14, https://moderndiplomacy. eu/2024/02/14/brics-agenda-for-digital-sovereignty/, accessed 20.08.2024. I
  • nformation Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. “The Internet in China”, 2010, June 8 ,, accessed 20.01.2024. I
  • nternational Telecommunications Union (2008), “ITU-T X.1205: series X: Data Networks, Open System Communications and Security: Telecommunications Security: Overview of Cybersecurity”, https://www., accessed 20.05.2024.
  • JINPING Xi. “在第二届世界互联网大会开幕式上的讲话, 2016, February 7, https://chinacopyrightandmedia., accessed 14.10.2024.
  • JINPING Xi. “Speech at the Work Conference for Cybersecurity and Informatization”, 2016, April 19,, accessed 04.10.2024.
  • KEMP Simon (2023). “Digital 2023: China”, KERRY John. Secretary of State, “An Open and Secure Internet: We Must Have Both”, VOAnews, 2015, 18 May,, accessed 13.07.2024.
  • Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). “Cybersecurity”, Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Statement at Budapest Conference on Cyber Issues”, 2012, October 4,, accessed 22.01.2024.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. (n.d.). “China’s Views on the Application of the Principle of Sovereignty in Cyberspace”, Chinese-Position-Paper-on-the-Application-of-the-Principle-of-Sovereignty-ENG.pdf
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The People’s Republic of China. (2021). “China’s Positions on International Rules-making in Cyberspace”, jks_665232/kjlc_665236/qtwt_665250/202110/t20211020_9594981.html, accessed 01.10.204.
  • PENG Dannie (2024). “China Makes Science and Tech a Budget Priority with 10% Jump in Spending During ‘Two Sessions”,, accessed 03.08.2024.
  • PEOPLE.CN. “填补网络空间“规则空白”, 2013, July 9, c25408-22123842.html, accessed 03.09.2024.
  • SHENG Zhong (2013). “填补网络空间“规则空白”, c25408-22123842.html, accessed 09.10.2024.
  • Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. “Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China”, 2017, July 11, aspx?LookType=3&Lib=law&Id=22826&SearchKeyword=&SearchCKeyword=&paycode=, accessed 10.09.2024.
  • STATE COUNCIL. “Provisional Management Regulations for the International Connection of Computer Information Networks of the People’s Republic of China”, 1996, February 1,, accessed 12.10.2024.
  • The White House (2024). “2024 Report on The Cybersecurity Posture of The United States”,, accessed 14.07.2024.
  • THOMALA Lai Lin (2024). “Number of Internet Users in China from 2013 to 2023”, https://www.statista. com/statistics/265140/number-of-internet-users-in-china/, accessed 15.09.2024.
  • XINHUA.NET. “Xi Jinping Leads Internet Security Group”, 2014, February 27 , english/china/2014-02/27/c_133148273.htm, accessed 04.10.2024.
  • XINHUA.NET (2014). “What is Cyber Sovereignty?”, 07/10/c_126736910.htm, accessed 23.02.2024.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası Güvenlik
Bölüm Makaleler

Aybala Lale Kahraman 0000-0003-3289-5403

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: War and International System

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Lale Kahraman, Aybala. “Is a Theory of Cyberspace Dominance Possible? An Assessment from the Perspective of China’s Cyber Sovereignty Approach”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, sy. War and International System (Aralık 2024): 131-49.