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Teknoloji, Organizasyon ve İstihbaratın Askerileşmesi: Türkiye Örneği

Yıl 2024, Sayı: War and International System, 151 - 169, 30.12.2024


Hedefleme teknolojisindeki gelişimeler istihbarat teşkilatlarını giderek artan bir şekilde askerileştirerek terörle mücadele gibi konvansiyonel olmayan çatışmaların merkezine yerleştirmiştir. Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı’nın terörle mücadele amaçlı olarak gerçekleştirdiği faaliyetler de bu kapsamda incelenebilecektir. Bu makalenin amacı da genel çerçevede istihbarat faaliyetinin özelde ise Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı’nın askerileşme sürecinin arkasındaki dinamiklerin tartışılmasıdır. Bu dönüşüm teknoloji ve organizasyon değişkenleri kullanılarak açıklanacaktır. Dönüşüm SİHA teknolojisi tarafından tetiklenmiş, yeni organizasyon yapılar ve görev tanımları ile tamamlanmıştır. Bu süreçte istihbarat ve operasyonun aynı görev tanımı altında toplandığı ve taktik istihbarat önceliklerinin önem kazandığı yeni bir istihbarat anlayışının oluştuğu görülmektedir. Bu dönüşüm Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı’nı da etkilemiş, kurum 2019 sonrasında giderek askerileşerek Türkiye’nin PKK/KCK’ya yönelik olarak yürüttüğü terörle mücadele operasyonlarının merkezi bir aktörü haline gelmiştir.


  • ATEŞ Ahmet (2020). Understanding the Change in Intelligence Organizations: An Institutional Framework, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Delaware, Delaware.
  • BAKOS Nada (2019). The Targeter: My Life in the CIA, Hunting Terrorists, and Challenging the White House, Little, Brown & Company, Boston.
  • BARGER Deborah (2005). Toward a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs, RAND, California.
  • BERKOWITZ Bruce (2002). “Intelligence and the War on Terrorism”, Orbis, 46:2, 289-300.
  • CLARRIDGE Duane (1997). A Spy for All Seasons: My Life in the CIA, Scribner, New York.
  • CRELINSTEN Ronald, SCHMID Alex (1992). “Western Responses to Terrorism A Twenty‐five Year Balance Sheet”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 4:4, 307-340.
  • ÇAYCI Sadi (2002). “Countering Terrorism and the Law of Armed Conflict: The Turkish Experience”, Intenational Peacekeeping: The Yearbook of Intemational Peace Operations, 8, 333-348.
  • DEMİR Cenker Korhan (2017). Sebeplerinden Mücadele Yöntemlerine Etnik Ayrılıkçı Terörizm: PIRA, ETA, PKK, Nobel Kitap, Ankara.
  • DENÉCÉ Eric (2014). “The Revolution in Intelligence Affairs: 1989–2003”, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 27:1, 27-41.
  • DUDZINSKY S. J. and DIGBY James (1976). The Strategic and Tactical Implications of New Weapon Technologies, RAND, California.
  • FERRIS John (2004). “Netcentric Warfare, C4ISR and Information Operations: Towards a Revolution in Military Intelligence?”, Intelligence and National Security, 19:2, 199-225.
  • FULLER Christopher (2017). See It/Shoot It The Secret History of the CIA’s Lethal Drone Program, Yale University Press, London.
  • GAIBULLOEV Khusrav and SANDLER Todd (2014). “An Empirical Analysis of Alternative Ways that Terrorist Groups End”, Public Choice, 160, 25-44.
  • GOODMAN Glenn (2007). “ISR Now Synonymous with Operations”, Journal of Electronic Defense, 30:7, 19-20.
  • HERMAN Michael (1998). “Where Hath Our Intelligence Been? The Revolution in Military Affairs”, The RUSI Journal, 143:6, 62-68.
  • JINKS Derek (2003). “September 11 and the Laws of War”, The Yale Journal of International Law, 28:1, 1-49.
  • JONES Seth and LIBICKY Martin (2008). How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering Al Qa’ida. RAND, California.
  • KENT Sherman (1965). Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy, Archon Books, Connecticut
  • KRAUSE Peter (2013). “The Political Effectiveness of Non-State Violence: A Two-Level Framework to Transform a Deceptive Debate”, Security Studies, 22:2, 259-294.
  • KREPINEVICH Andrew (1994). “Cavalry to Computer the Pattern of Military Revolutions”, The National Interest, 37, 30-42.
  • LAHNEMAN William (2007). “Is a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs Occurring?”, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 20:1, 1-17.
  • LEVENT Zeynel (2019). Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa’dan Kuva-yı Milliye’ye Gayrinizami Harp (1913-1922) Doctoral Dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara .
  • MARRIN Stephen (2013). “Evaluating CIA’s Analytic Performance- Reflections of a Former Analyst”, Orbis, 57:2, 325-339.
  • MAZZETTI Mark (2013). The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth, Penguin Press, New York.
  • MCCHRYSTAL Stanley (2013). My Share of the Task A Memoir, Penguin Books, London, NEVILLE Leigh and BUJEIRO Ramiro (2008). Special Operations, Forces in Afghanistan, Osprey.
  • PILLAR Paul (2001). Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution, Washington.
  • POLLARD Neal and SULLIVAN John (2014). “Counterterrorism and Intelligence”, Robert Dover, Michael Goodman & Claudia Hillebrand (eds.), Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies, Routledge, London.
  • RID Thomas (2009). “Razzia: A Turning Point in Modern Strategy”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 21:4, 617-635.
  • SAFİ, Polat (2023). Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı 1826-2023, Kronik, İstanbul
  • SCAHILL Jeremy (2013). Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield, Nation Books, New York. SCHMID Alex (2011). “Introduction”, Alex Schmid (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research, Routledge, London, 1-39.
  • SHULTZ Richard (2016). Military Innovation in War: It Takes a Learning Organization A Case Study of Task Force 714 in Iraq, The JSOU Press, Florida.
  • STRACHAN Hew (2013). The Direction of War Contemporary Strategy in Historical Perspective, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • SÜNNETÇI İbrahim (2009). “İHA’lar ve Türkiye’nin İnsansız Havadan İstihbarat Çalışmaları.” Savunma ve Havacılık Dergisi, 132, 75-80.
  • WALZER Michael (2016). “Just & Unjust Targeted Killing & Drone Warfare”, Daedalus, 145:4, 12-24.
  • WARNER Michael (2012). “Reflections on Technology and Intelligence Systems”, Intelligence and National Security, 27:1, 133-153.
  • WEINBERG Leonard (2012). The End of Terrorism?, Routledge, London. WILKINSON Paul (2011). Terrorism versus Democracy: The Liberal State Response, Routledge, London.
  • ZEGART Amy (2007). Spying Blind The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
  • “MİT operasyonları, terör örgütü PKK’nın sözde sorumlularını hedef aldı”,, accessed 10.12.2023. “MİT’ten ‘operasyonel’ transfer!”,, accessed 11.09.2023. “
  • Selçuk Bayraktar Açıkladı: İhraç edilen SİHA’lar Türkiye’yi Hedef Alabilir Mi?”, www.savunmasanayist. com, accessed 11.09.2023. “ANKA S/İHA’da kritik eşik… Üretim Sayısı 100’ü Geçti”,, accessed 11.07.2024.
  • “MİT silahlı insansız hava aracı TB2 aldı”,, accessed 11.06.2024.
  • BEGLEY Josh. “A Visual Glossary Decoding the Language of Covert Warfare”, 15 October 2015, https://theintercept. com/drone-papers/a-visual-glossary/, accessed 03.05.2020.
  • International Committee of the Red Cross. “What is International Humanitarian Law?”, 2004, eng/assets/files/other/what_is_ihl.pdf, accessed 28.04.2024.
  • MILLER Greg and TATE Julie. “Cia Shifts Focus to Killing Targets,” Washington Post, 1 September 2011. 2011/08/30/giqa7mzgvj_print.html, accessed 11.09.2022.
  • MAZZETTI Mark and SCHOU Nicholas. “Outing The CIA’s ‘Undertaker’”, Newsweek, https://www.newsweek. com/cia-michael-dandrea-new-york-times-mark-mazzetti-drones-pakistan-al-qaeda-war-475180, accessed 07.05.2020.
  • MİT’s Official Web Site., accessed 11.05.2024.
  • ZEGART Amy, “The CIA Spent 20 Years on the Front Lines of the War on Terror. It’s Time for That to Change”, November 2021, 510880?s=03, accessed 11.09.2023.

Technology, Organization, and the Militarization of Intelligence: The Turkish Experience

Yıl 2024, Sayı: War and International System, 151 - 169, 30.12.2024


Advances in targeting technology have increasingly militarized intelligence agencies, positioning them at the forefront of unconventional conflicts such as counterterrorism. The National Intelligence Agency (MİT)’s role in counterterrorism can be studied within this context. Accordingly, this article aims to examine the underlying factors that have contributed to the militarization of intelligence activities, focusing on MİT. This transformation has been elucidated through the variables of technology and organization. The transformation was initiated by the advent of drone technology and reinforced by the introduction of novel organizational structures and mission statements. During this period, a new conceptualization of intelligence emerged, whereby intelligence and operations were unified under a single mission definition and tactical intelligence priorities assumed a greater significance. The technological and organizational transformation also impacted the MİT, which underwent a process of increasing militarization after 2019 and became a pivotal actor in Türkiye’s counterterrorism operations against PKK/KCK.


  • ATEŞ Ahmet (2020). Understanding the Change in Intelligence Organizations: An Institutional Framework, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Delaware, Delaware.
  • BAKOS Nada (2019). The Targeter: My Life in the CIA, Hunting Terrorists, and Challenging the White House, Little, Brown & Company, Boston.
  • BARGER Deborah (2005). Toward a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs, RAND, California.
  • BERKOWITZ Bruce (2002). “Intelligence and the War on Terrorism”, Orbis, 46:2, 289-300.
  • CLARRIDGE Duane (1997). A Spy for All Seasons: My Life in the CIA, Scribner, New York.
  • CRELINSTEN Ronald, SCHMID Alex (1992). “Western Responses to Terrorism A Twenty‐five Year Balance Sheet”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 4:4, 307-340.
  • ÇAYCI Sadi (2002). “Countering Terrorism and the Law of Armed Conflict: The Turkish Experience”, Intenational Peacekeeping: The Yearbook of Intemational Peace Operations, 8, 333-348.
  • DEMİR Cenker Korhan (2017). Sebeplerinden Mücadele Yöntemlerine Etnik Ayrılıkçı Terörizm: PIRA, ETA, PKK, Nobel Kitap, Ankara.
  • DENÉCÉ Eric (2014). “The Revolution in Intelligence Affairs: 1989–2003”, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 27:1, 27-41.
  • DUDZINSKY S. J. and DIGBY James (1976). The Strategic and Tactical Implications of New Weapon Technologies, RAND, California.
  • FERRIS John (2004). “Netcentric Warfare, C4ISR and Information Operations: Towards a Revolution in Military Intelligence?”, Intelligence and National Security, 19:2, 199-225.
  • FULLER Christopher (2017). See It/Shoot It The Secret History of the CIA’s Lethal Drone Program, Yale University Press, London.
  • GAIBULLOEV Khusrav and SANDLER Todd (2014). “An Empirical Analysis of Alternative Ways that Terrorist Groups End”, Public Choice, 160, 25-44.
  • GOODMAN Glenn (2007). “ISR Now Synonymous with Operations”, Journal of Electronic Defense, 30:7, 19-20.
  • HERMAN Michael (1998). “Where Hath Our Intelligence Been? The Revolution in Military Affairs”, The RUSI Journal, 143:6, 62-68.
  • JINKS Derek (2003). “September 11 and the Laws of War”, The Yale Journal of International Law, 28:1, 1-49.
  • JONES Seth and LIBICKY Martin (2008). How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering Al Qa’ida. RAND, California.
  • KENT Sherman (1965). Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy, Archon Books, Connecticut
  • KRAUSE Peter (2013). “The Political Effectiveness of Non-State Violence: A Two-Level Framework to Transform a Deceptive Debate”, Security Studies, 22:2, 259-294.
  • KREPINEVICH Andrew (1994). “Cavalry to Computer the Pattern of Military Revolutions”, The National Interest, 37, 30-42.
  • LAHNEMAN William (2007). “Is a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs Occurring?”, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 20:1, 1-17.
  • LEVENT Zeynel (2019). Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa’dan Kuva-yı Milliye’ye Gayrinizami Harp (1913-1922) Doctoral Dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara .
  • MARRIN Stephen (2013). “Evaluating CIA’s Analytic Performance- Reflections of a Former Analyst”, Orbis, 57:2, 325-339.
  • MAZZETTI Mark (2013). The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth, Penguin Press, New York.
  • MCCHRYSTAL Stanley (2013). My Share of the Task A Memoir, Penguin Books, London, NEVILLE Leigh and BUJEIRO Ramiro (2008). Special Operations, Forces in Afghanistan, Osprey.
  • PILLAR Paul (2001). Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution, Washington.
  • POLLARD Neal and SULLIVAN John (2014). “Counterterrorism and Intelligence”, Robert Dover, Michael Goodman & Claudia Hillebrand (eds.), Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies, Routledge, London.
  • RID Thomas (2009). “Razzia: A Turning Point in Modern Strategy”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 21:4, 617-635.
  • SAFİ, Polat (2023). Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı 1826-2023, Kronik, İstanbul
  • SCAHILL Jeremy (2013). Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield, Nation Books, New York. SCHMID Alex (2011). “Introduction”, Alex Schmid (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research, Routledge, London, 1-39.
  • SHULTZ Richard (2016). Military Innovation in War: It Takes a Learning Organization A Case Study of Task Force 714 in Iraq, The JSOU Press, Florida.
  • STRACHAN Hew (2013). The Direction of War Contemporary Strategy in Historical Perspective, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • SÜNNETÇI İbrahim (2009). “İHA’lar ve Türkiye’nin İnsansız Havadan İstihbarat Çalışmaları.” Savunma ve Havacılık Dergisi, 132, 75-80.
  • WALZER Michael (2016). “Just & Unjust Targeted Killing & Drone Warfare”, Daedalus, 145:4, 12-24.
  • WARNER Michael (2012). “Reflections on Technology and Intelligence Systems”, Intelligence and National Security, 27:1, 133-153.
  • WEINBERG Leonard (2012). The End of Terrorism?, Routledge, London. WILKINSON Paul (2011). Terrorism versus Democracy: The Liberal State Response, Routledge, London.
  • ZEGART Amy (2007). Spying Blind The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
  • “MİT operasyonları, terör örgütü PKK’nın sözde sorumlularını hedef aldı”,, accessed 10.12.2023. “MİT’ten ‘operasyonel’ transfer!”,, accessed 11.09.2023. “
  • Selçuk Bayraktar Açıkladı: İhraç edilen SİHA’lar Türkiye’yi Hedef Alabilir Mi?”, www.savunmasanayist. com, accessed 11.09.2023. “ANKA S/İHA’da kritik eşik… Üretim Sayısı 100’ü Geçti”,, accessed 11.07.2024.
  • “MİT silahlı insansız hava aracı TB2 aldı”,, accessed 11.06.2024.
  • BEGLEY Josh. “A Visual Glossary Decoding the Language of Covert Warfare”, 15 October 2015, https://theintercept. com/drone-papers/a-visual-glossary/, accessed 03.05.2020.
  • International Committee of the Red Cross. “What is International Humanitarian Law?”, 2004, eng/assets/files/other/what_is_ihl.pdf, accessed 28.04.2024.
  • MILLER Greg and TATE Julie. “Cia Shifts Focus to Killing Targets,” Washington Post, 1 September 2011. 2011/08/30/giqa7mzgvj_print.html, accessed 11.09.2022.
  • MAZZETTI Mark and SCHOU Nicholas. “Outing The CIA’s ‘Undertaker’”, Newsweek, https://www.newsweek. com/cia-michael-dandrea-new-york-times-mark-mazzetti-drones-pakistan-al-qaeda-war-475180, accessed 07.05.2020.
  • MİT’s Official Web Site., accessed 11.05.2024.
  • ZEGART Amy, “The CIA Spent 20 Years on the Front Lines of the War on Terror. It’s Time for That to Change”, November 2021, 510880?s=03, accessed 11.09.2023.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Savaş Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Tolga Ökten 0000-0002-6102-7704

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: War and International System

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Ökten, Tolga. “Technology, Organization, and the Militarization of Intelligence: The Turkish Experience”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, sy. War and International System (Aralık 2024): 151-69.