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Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 61 - 74, 01.12.2013


Demokrasi, günümüz modern toplumlarını oluşturan ırksal, dinsel, düşünsel ve kültürel grupların çoğulculuğuna dayanan, bütün bireyleri ve grupları kendi özellikleriyle eşit şekilde kabul ve muamele eden siyasal bir rejimdir. Bu rejimde, bir taraftan, demokratik kurumlar saydam, hesap verebilir, katılıma, tartışmaya ve işbirliğine açık, birey veya grup ihtiyaçlarına zamanında, yerinde ve gereği gibi cevap veren durumdadır. Diğer taraftan, birey veya gruplar, istisnasız ve ayrımsız bir şekilde, insan hak ve özgürlüklerini pratikte kullanabilmektedirler. Bu hak ve özgürlükler, ima yoluyla da olsa uzlaşma, müzakere veya lütuf konusu edilmemektedirler. Bu anlamda demokrasi, çeşitli etkinlik düzeylerinde de olsa, hemen hemen bütün toplumlar için evrensel bir arzu haline gelmiş bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, gerçek demokrasinin yaşatılmaya çalışıldığı Avrupa kamu düzeninin önemli bir parçasını oluşturan çoğulcu demokrasinin temel gerekleri incelenmektedir. Konu, bilhassa etnik ve dinsel çeşitliliği içinde barındıran Türkiye bakımından da önemli görülmektedir.


  • Agné, Hans, ‘Why Democracy Must Be Global: Self-founding and Democratic Intervention’, International Theory, Volume 2, Issue 3, November 2010, ss. 381-409.
  • Akandji-Kombe, Jean-François, Positive Obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights: A Guide to the Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe Human Rights Handbooks Series No 7 (Council of Europe Publishing, Belgium, 2007).
  • Álvarez, Leonardo Álvarez, ‘Education and Pluralism: Towards a Democratic Theory of Education in Europe’, Intercultural Human Rights Law Review, Number 6, 2011, s. 349-378.
  • Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi Kararları, The European Court of Human Rights, HUDOC Database [http:// hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/Pages/search.aspx, erişim 21 Mayıs 2013].
  • Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ve Ek Protokolleri, The European Court of Human Rights, Official Texts [http://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=basi ctexts&c=#n1359128122487_pointer, erişim 11 Eylül 2013].
  • Beetham, David, Democracy and Human Rights (Polity Press, USA, 1999).
  • Bohman, James and Richardson, Henry S., ‘Liberalism, Deliberative Democracy, and “Reasons that All Can
  • Accept”’, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume , Number 3, 2009, ss. 253–274.
  • Boyle, Kevin, ‘Human Rights, Religion and Democracy:
  • The Refah Party Case’, Essex Human Rights Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2004, ss. 1-16.
  • Cunningham, Bob, ‘Pluralist Democracy: Balancing Publicity, Privacy, and Secrecy’, Administrative Theory & Praxis, Volume 25, Number 2, 2003, ss. 299–308.
  • Dincer, Oguzhan C., ‘Ethnic Diversity and Trust’, Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume 29, Number 2, April 2011, ss. 284–293.
  • Finnis, John, ‘Equality and Differences’, The American Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 56, Issue 1, 2011, ss. 17-44.
  • Fredman, Sandra, ‘Human Rights Transformed: Positive Duties and Positive Rights’, University of Oxford Legal Research Paper Series No 38/2006, August 2006, ss. 1-29 [http://ssrn.com/abstract= 923936, erişim 11 Haziran 2013].
  • Gözlügöl, Said Vakkas, Positive Obligations of the State to Protect and Promote Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Within Borders and Beyond, under the European Human Rights Law (L’Aracne Editrice, Roma, Ottobre 2013).
  • Hale, Baroness, ‘Common Law and Convention Law: The Limits to Interpretation’, European Human Rights Law Review, Issue 5, 2011, ss. 534-543.
  • Janis, Mark W., Kay, Richard S. and Bradley, Anthony W., European Human Rights Law: Text and Materials (Third Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, 2008).
  • Kabasakal Arat, Zehra F. (ed), Human Rights in Turkey (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2007).
  • Macdonald, Kate, ‘Re-thinking ‘Spheres of Responsibility’: Business Responsibility for Indirect Harm’, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 99, Issue 4, 2011, ss. 549– 563.
  • McCorquodale, Robert, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility and International Human Rights Law’, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 87, Issue 2, 2009, ss. 385– 400.
  • McCorquodale, Robert, ‘Feeling the Heat of Human Rights Branding: Bringing Transnational Corporations within the International Human Rights Fence’, Human Rights & Human Welfare, Volume 1, Issue 4, October 2001, ss. 21-29.
  • O’Connell, Rory, ‘Realising Political Equality: The European Court of Human Rights and Positive Obligations in a Democracy’, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, Volume 61, Issue 3, 2010, ss. 263–279.
  • O’Connell, Rory, ‘Towards a Stronger Conception of Democracy in the Strasbourg Convention’, European Human Rights Law Review, Issue 3, 2006, ss. 281-293.
  • Official Web Site of the Council of Europe [http://hub.coe. int/web/coe-portal/home, erişim 25 Temmuz 2013].
  • Özbudun, Ergun, Türk Anayasa Hukuku (Gözden Geçirilmiş 14. Baskı, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, 2013).
  • Phillips, Anne, ‘‘Really’ Equal: Opportunities and Autonomy’, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 14, Number 1, 2006, ss. 18–32.
  • Rietiker, Daniel, ‘The Principle of “Effectiveness” in the Recent Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: Its Different Dimensions and Its Consistency with Public International Law – No Need for the Concept of Treaty Sui Generis’, Nordic Journal
  • of International Law, Volume 79, 2010, ss. 245–277.
  • Smith, Anne and O’Connell, Rory, ‘Transition, Equality and Non-discrimination’, in Antoine Buyse and Michael Hamilton (eds), Transitional Jurisprudence and the European Convention on Human Rights, Justice, Politics and Rights (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011), ss. 185-207.
  • Timmer, Alexandra, ‘Toward an Anti-Stereotyping Approach for the European Court of Human Rights’, Human Rights Law Review, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, ss. 707-738.
  • Türkmen, Füsun, ‘Turkey’s Participation in Global and Regional Human Rights Regimes’, in Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat (ed), Human Rights in Turkey (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2007), ss. 249-261.
  • United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Principle 1, Stockholm, 5-16 June 1972 [http://www.unep.org/Documents. Multilingual/Default.asp?documentid=97&article id=1503, erişim 20 Ağustos 2013].
  • Vacca, Alessia, ‘A Comparative Approach between the Council of Europe Treaties and the European Union Framework in the Legal Protection of Minority Languages’, Revista de Llengua i Dret, Volume 53, 2010, ss. 111-136.
  • Vickers, Lucy, ‘Promoting Equality or Fostering Resentment? The Public Sector Equality Duty and Religion and Belief’, Legal Studies, Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2011, ss. 135-158.
  • Xenos, Dimitris, The Positive Obligations of the State under the European Convention on Human Rights, Routledge Research in Human Rights Law (Routledge, London, New York, 2012).


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 61 - 74, 01.12.2013


Democracy, as a political regime, is based on multiplicity of racial, cultural, intellectual or religious groups
which form today’s modern society. In this regime, the establishment and overriding purpose of democratic institutions is based on strengthened pluralist individuality in their own manner. On the one hand, all democratic institutions accept and treat all individuals and groups in an equal manner, without any discrimination.
National institutions based on responsive, transparent, accountable, participatory and collaborative processes
and networks are well designed for enabling institutions and persons to cooperate with each other and live together in peace. On the other hand, without any exception every person has been able to enjoy their rights and
freedoms that cannot be seen as a matter of compromise, negotiation or favour by any public authority in any
manner. In this sense, democracy has become a universal inspiration to almost all societies today, however, in
multiple level of effectiveness. In this article, greater attention has been paid to the prerequisites for pluralist
democracy as an essential part of the European public order to ensure real democracy. The issue is of particular importance to Turkey that constitutes ethnic and religious diversity to a great extent.


  • Agné, Hans, ‘Why Democracy Must Be Global: Self-founding and Democratic Intervention’, International Theory, Volume 2, Issue 3, November 2010, ss. 381-409.
  • Akandji-Kombe, Jean-François, Positive Obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights: A Guide to the Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe Human Rights Handbooks Series No 7 (Council of Europe Publishing, Belgium, 2007).
  • Álvarez, Leonardo Álvarez, ‘Education and Pluralism: Towards a Democratic Theory of Education in Europe’, Intercultural Human Rights Law Review, Number 6, 2011, s. 349-378.
  • Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi Kararları, The European Court of Human Rights, HUDOC Database [http:// hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/Pages/search.aspx, erişim 21 Mayıs 2013].
  • Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ve Ek Protokolleri, The European Court of Human Rights, Official Texts [http://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=basi ctexts&c=#n1359128122487_pointer, erişim 11 Eylül 2013].
  • Beetham, David, Democracy and Human Rights (Polity Press, USA, 1999).
  • Bohman, James and Richardson, Henry S., ‘Liberalism, Deliberative Democracy, and “Reasons that All Can
  • Accept”’, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume , Number 3, 2009, ss. 253–274.
  • Boyle, Kevin, ‘Human Rights, Religion and Democracy:
  • The Refah Party Case’, Essex Human Rights Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2004, ss. 1-16.
  • Cunningham, Bob, ‘Pluralist Democracy: Balancing Publicity, Privacy, and Secrecy’, Administrative Theory & Praxis, Volume 25, Number 2, 2003, ss. 299–308.
  • Dincer, Oguzhan C., ‘Ethnic Diversity and Trust’, Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume 29, Number 2, April 2011, ss. 284–293.
  • Finnis, John, ‘Equality and Differences’, The American Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 56, Issue 1, 2011, ss. 17-44.
  • Fredman, Sandra, ‘Human Rights Transformed: Positive Duties and Positive Rights’, University of Oxford Legal Research Paper Series No 38/2006, August 2006, ss. 1-29 [http://ssrn.com/abstract= 923936, erişim 11 Haziran 2013].
  • Gözlügöl, Said Vakkas, Positive Obligations of the State to Protect and Promote Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Within Borders and Beyond, under the European Human Rights Law (L’Aracne Editrice, Roma, Ottobre 2013).
  • Hale, Baroness, ‘Common Law and Convention Law: The Limits to Interpretation’, European Human Rights Law Review, Issue 5, 2011, ss. 534-543.
  • Janis, Mark W., Kay, Richard S. and Bradley, Anthony W., European Human Rights Law: Text and Materials (Third Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, 2008).
  • Kabasakal Arat, Zehra F. (ed), Human Rights in Turkey (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2007).
  • Macdonald, Kate, ‘Re-thinking ‘Spheres of Responsibility’: Business Responsibility for Indirect Harm’, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 99, Issue 4, 2011, ss. 549– 563.
  • McCorquodale, Robert, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility and International Human Rights Law’, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 87, Issue 2, 2009, ss. 385– 400.
  • McCorquodale, Robert, ‘Feeling the Heat of Human Rights Branding: Bringing Transnational Corporations within the International Human Rights Fence’, Human Rights & Human Welfare, Volume 1, Issue 4, October 2001, ss. 21-29.
  • O’Connell, Rory, ‘Realising Political Equality: The European Court of Human Rights and Positive Obligations in a Democracy’, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, Volume 61, Issue 3, 2010, ss. 263–279.
  • O’Connell, Rory, ‘Towards a Stronger Conception of Democracy in the Strasbourg Convention’, European Human Rights Law Review, Issue 3, 2006, ss. 281-293.
  • Official Web Site of the Council of Europe [http://hub.coe. int/web/coe-portal/home, erişim 25 Temmuz 2013].
  • Özbudun, Ergun, Türk Anayasa Hukuku (Gözden Geçirilmiş 14. Baskı, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, 2013).
  • Phillips, Anne, ‘‘Really’ Equal: Opportunities and Autonomy’, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 14, Number 1, 2006, ss. 18–32.
  • Rietiker, Daniel, ‘The Principle of “Effectiveness” in the Recent Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: Its Different Dimensions and Its Consistency with Public International Law – No Need for the Concept of Treaty Sui Generis’, Nordic Journal
  • of International Law, Volume 79, 2010, ss. 245–277.
  • Smith, Anne and O’Connell, Rory, ‘Transition, Equality and Non-discrimination’, in Antoine Buyse and Michael Hamilton (eds), Transitional Jurisprudence and the European Convention on Human Rights, Justice, Politics and Rights (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011), ss. 185-207.
  • Timmer, Alexandra, ‘Toward an Anti-Stereotyping Approach for the European Court of Human Rights’, Human Rights Law Review, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, ss. 707-738.
  • Türkmen, Füsun, ‘Turkey’s Participation in Global and Regional Human Rights Regimes’, in Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat (ed), Human Rights in Turkey (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2007), ss. 249-261.
  • United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Principle 1, Stockholm, 5-16 June 1972 [http://www.unep.org/Documents. Multilingual/Default.asp?documentid=97&article id=1503, erişim 20 Ağustos 2013].
  • Vacca, Alessia, ‘A Comparative Approach between the Council of Europe Treaties and the European Union Framework in the Legal Protection of Minority Languages’, Revista de Llengua i Dret, Volume 53, 2010, ss. 111-136.
  • Vickers, Lucy, ‘Promoting Equality or Fostering Resentment? The Public Sector Equality Duty and Religion and Belief’, Legal Studies, Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2011, ss. 135-158.
  • Xenos, Dimitris, The Positive Obligations of the State under the European Convention on Human Rights, Routledge Research in Human Rights Law (Routledge, London, New York, 2012).
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA52AS62UH
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sadi Vakkas Gözlügöl Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gözlügöl, S. V. (2013). Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 61-74.
AMA Gözlügöl SV. Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri. HHFD. Aralık 2013;3(2):61-74.
Chicago Gözlügöl, Sadi Vakkas. “Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 3, sy. 2 (Aralık 2013): 61-74.
EndNote Gözlügöl SV (01 Aralık 2013) Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 3 2 61–74.
IEEE S. V. Gözlügöl, “Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri”, HHFD, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 61–74, 2013.
ISNAD Gözlügöl, Sadi Vakkas. “Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 3/2 (Aralık 2013), 61-74.
JAMA Gözlügöl SV. Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri. HHFD. 2013;3:61–74.
MLA Gözlügöl, Sadi Vakkas. “Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 2, 2013, ss. 61-74.
Vancouver Gözlügöl SV. Avrupa Kamu Düzeninin Bir Parçası Olarak Çoğulcu Demokrasinin Temel Gerekleri. HHFD. 2013;3(2):61-74.