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The Effect of Removed Squares and Flowers of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.): II. Changes in Dry Matter Production, Distribution and Fruiting Pattern

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 30 - 38, 20.04.2016


This study was conducted to determine the effects of squares and flowers removal on dry matter production and allocation, boll number and fruiting pattern of cotton plant (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Field experiments were conducted at research field of the Harran University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops in years of 1998 and 1999 at southeastern of Turkey. Experiments were arranged in completely randomized block design with four replications. The Sayar 314 cotton (G. hirsutum L.) variety was used as plant material. Squares were removed through first two weeks of squaring (SR1-2), and flowers were removed with two weeks intervals from flowering initiation to the end of the tenth week of flowering (FR1-2, FR3-4, FR5-6, FR7-8, FR9-10) and control. Effects of removal treatments on investigated traits were different. SR1-2, FR1-2, FR3-4 and FR5-6 have higher dry matter than control and changed dry matter allocation among plant parts. All the treatments have lower boll number than control and removal of squares and flowers also changed boll percentage on positions and fruiting branches except on monopodium branches in both years.


  • Bassett, D.M., Anderson, W.D., Werkhoven, C.H.E., 1970. Dry Matter Production and Nutrient Uptake in Irrigated Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Agronomy Journal, 62: 299-303.
  • Civaroğlu, A., 1995. The Effect of Positions Of Nodes and Fruiting Branches on Boll Retention, Some Boll, Seed and Fiber Characteristics in Three Upland Cotton Varieties (Gossypium hirsutum L.). A Joint Workshop and Meeting of Working Groups 1, 2 and 8 Breeding, Variety Trials and Technology. University of Çukurova Faculty of Agriculture and Cotton Research and Application Center, 18-24 September.
  • Dinç, U., Şenol, M., Sayın, S., Güzel, N., 1988. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Toprakları I. Harran Ovası. TÜBİTAK Tarım ve Ormancılık Araştırma Projesi Kesin Raporu, Proje No: TOAG-534, Adana.
  • Halevy, J., 1976. Growth Rate and Nutrient Uptake of Two Cotton Cultivars Grown Under Irrigation. Agronomy Journal, 68: 701-705.
  • Jones, M.A., Wells, R., Guthrie, D.S., 1996. Conton Response to Seasonal Patterns of Flower Removal: II. Growth and Dry Matter Allocation. Crop Science, 36: 639-645.
  • Kennedy, C.W., Smith, W.C.Jr., Jones, J.E., 1986. Effect of Early Season Square Removal on Three Leaf Types of Cotton. Crop Science, 26: 139-144.
  • Kerby, T.A., Cassman, K.G., Keeley, M., 1990. Genotypes and Plant Densities for Narrow-row Cotton Systems. II. Leaf Area and Dry-matter Partitioning. Crop Science, 30: 649-653.
  • Mullins, G.L., Burmester, C.H., 1990. Dry Matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Accumulation by Four Cotton Varieties. Agronomy Journal, 82: 729-736.
  • Reddy, V.R., Reddy, K.R., Baker, D.N., 1991. Temperature Effect on Growth and Development of Cotton During the Fruiting Period. Agronomy Journal, 83: 211-217.
  • Sadras, V.O., 1997. Interference Among Cotton Neighbours After Differential Reproductive Damage. Oecologia, 109(3): 427-432.
  • Sadras, V.O., Wilson, L.J., 1998. Recovery of Cotton Crops After Early Season Damage by Thrips (Thysanoptera). Crop Science, 38(2): 399-409.
  • Singh, J.P., Lakra, R.K., Ooi, P.A.C., Lim, G.S., Teng, P.S., 1992. Effect of Incidence of Leafhopper and Bollworms on Shedding of Fruiting Bodies and Loss in Yield of Seed Cotton. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Plant Protection in the Tropics., 6: 142-148.
  • Ungar, E.D., Wallach, D., Kletter, E., 1987. Cotton Response to Bud and Boll Removal. Agronomy Journal, 79: 491- 497.
  • Wells, R., Meredith, W.Jr., 1984. Comparative Growth of Obsolete and Modern Cotton Cultivars. II. Reproductive Dry Matter Partitioning. Crop Science, 24: 863-867.

Pamukta (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Tarak ve Çiçek Uzaklaştırmanın Etkisi : II. Kuru Madde Üretimi, Birikimi ve Meyvelenme Düzeni

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 30 - 38, 20.04.2016


Bu çalışma, 1998 ve 1999 yıllarında, pamukta (Gossypium hirsutum L.) tarak ve çiçek uzaklaştırmanın kuru madde üretimi ve birikimi, koza sayısı ve meyve dağılımı üzerine etkisinin saptanması amacıyla, Harran Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü araştırma alanında, tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde dört tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Bitki materyali olarak, Sayar 314 pamuk çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, taraklanma başlangıcından itibaren iki hafta boyunca oluşan tarakların (SR1-2), çiçeklenme dönemi başlangıcından başlayarak 10 hafta boyunca, ikişer hafta süreyle oluşan çiçeklerin (FR1-2, FR3-4, FR5-6, FR7-8, FR9-10) uzaklaştırılması ve Kontrol olmak üzere 7 konu uygulanmıştır. Generatif organ uzaklaştırmanın incelenen özelliklere etkisi farklı olmuştur. SR1-2, FR1-2, FR3-4 ve FR5-6 uygulamaları kontrole göre daha yüksek kurumadde üretmiş ve kurumadde birikimi farklı bitki aksamlarında farklı bulunmuştur. Kontrole göre tüm uygulamalar daha düşük koza sayısı oluşturmuştur ve her iki yılda da odun dalları hariç, tarak ve çiçek uzaklaştırma ile her pozisyondaki koza yüzdesi değişmiştir. 


  • Bassett, D.M., Anderson, W.D., Werkhoven, C.H.E., 1970. Dry Matter Production and Nutrient Uptake in Irrigated Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Agronomy Journal, 62: 299-303.
  • Civaroğlu, A., 1995. The Effect of Positions Of Nodes and Fruiting Branches on Boll Retention, Some Boll, Seed and Fiber Characteristics in Three Upland Cotton Varieties (Gossypium hirsutum L.). A Joint Workshop and Meeting of Working Groups 1, 2 and 8 Breeding, Variety Trials and Technology. University of Çukurova Faculty of Agriculture and Cotton Research and Application Center, 18-24 September.
  • Dinç, U., Şenol, M., Sayın, S., Güzel, N., 1988. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Toprakları I. Harran Ovası. TÜBİTAK Tarım ve Ormancılık Araştırma Projesi Kesin Raporu, Proje No: TOAG-534, Adana.
  • Halevy, J., 1976. Growth Rate and Nutrient Uptake of Two Cotton Cultivars Grown Under Irrigation. Agronomy Journal, 68: 701-705.
  • Jones, M.A., Wells, R., Guthrie, D.S., 1996. Conton Response to Seasonal Patterns of Flower Removal: II. Growth and Dry Matter Allocation. Crop Science, 36: 639-645.
  • Kennedy, C.W., Smith, W.C.Jr., Jones, J.E., 1986. Effect of Early Season Square Removal on Three Leaf Types of Cotton. Crop Science, 26: 139-144.
  • Kerby, T.A., Cassman, K.G., Keeley, M., 1990. Genotypes and Plant Densities for Narrow-row Cotton Systems. II. Leaf Area and Dry-matter Partitioning. Crop Science, 30: 649-653.
  • Mullins, G.L., Burmester, C.H., 1990. Dry Matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Accumulation by Four Cotton Varieties. Agronomy Journal, 82: 729-736.
  • Reddy, V.R., Reddy, K.R., Baker, D.N., 1991. Temperature Effect on Growth and Development of Cotton During the Fruiting Period. Agronomy Journal, 83: 211-217.
  • Sadras, V.O., 1997. Interference Among Cotton Neighbours After Differential Reproductive Damage. Oecologia, 109(3): 427-432.
  • Sadras, V.O., Wilson, L.J., 1998. Recovery of Cotton Crops After Early Season Damage by Thrips (Thysanoptera). Crop Science, 38(2): 399-409.
  • Singh, J.P., Lakra, R.K., Ooi, P.A.C., Lim, G.S., Teng, P.S., 1992. Effect of Incidence of Leafhopper and Bollworms on Shedding of Fruiting Bodies and Loss in Yield of Seed Cotton. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Plant Protection in the Tropics., 6: 142-148.
  • Ungar, E.D., Wallach, D., Kletter, E., 1987. Cotton Response to Bud and Boll Removal. Agronomy Journal, 79: 491- 497.
  • Wells, R., Meredith, W.Jr., 1984. Comparative Growth of Obsolete and Modern Cotton Cultivars. II. Reproductive Dry Matter Partitioning. Crop Science, 24: 863-867.
Toplam 14 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tuncay Demirbilek Bu kişi benim

Abdulhabip Özel

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Nisan 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirbilek, T., & Özel, A. (2016). The Effect of Removed Squares and Flowers of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.): II. Changes in Dry Matter Production, Distribution and Fruiting Pattern. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(1), 30-38.

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