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Effects of water pillow irrigation method on some quality properties of hot red pepper

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3, 317 - 324, 15.09.2020


This study was conducted to determine the effects of water pillow irrigation, a novel irrigation method, on quality attributes (water soluble dry matter content, moisture, protein, ash and L-ascorbic acid) of hot red pepper. Fruit yield and quality obtained under water pillow (WP) irrigation were compared with those under furrow irrigation (FI). Experiments were carried out under semi-arid climate conditions of Turkey. The irrigation intervals were 5-day for FI and 7, 9 and 11-days for WP. The amounts of applied irrigation water were found to be 1718.1, 1160.2, 906.1 and 761.4 mm for FI, WP7, WP9 and WP11, respectively. Fruit water soluble dry matter contents varied between 9.5%-11.2%, moisture contents between 86.3-91.5%, pH between 4.40-4.80, protein contents between 1.32-1.38%, ash contents between 0.98-1.09%, and L-ascorbic acid contents between 105-118 mg 100 g-1. Although the amount of irrigation water used in WP11 treatment was 125% less than the amount used in FI treatment, no significant differences were observed in quality traits of both irrigation methods as well as capsaicin contents and extractable color of the samples.


  • Abayomi, Y. A., Aduloju, M. O., Egbewunmi, M. A., and Suleiman, B. O. (2012). Effects of soil moisture contents and rates of NPK fertilizer application on growth and fruit yields of pepper (Capsicum spp.) genotypes. Int. J.of AgriScience, 2, 651-663.
  • Ahmed, A. F., Yu, H., Yang, X., Jiang, W. (2014). Deficit irrigation affects growth, yield, vitamin c content, and irrigation water use efficiency of hot pepper grown in soilless culture. Hortiscience, 49(6), 722-728.
  • Altan, A. (1992). Laboratory Technique. Cukurova University Faculty of Agriculture, Adana,Turkey, pp: 86-95.
  • Altunlu, H., Ayranci, Y., Gerçek, S. (2017). Comparison of water pillow and drip irrigation systems for tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) production under greenhouse conditions in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 23, 76-82.
  • Anonymous. (1983). Methods of Analyses. Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture, Ankara, Turkey, pp: 196-205.
  • Anonymous. (1985). American Spice Trade Association. Extractable color in Capsicums and their oleoresins. ASTA analytical methods. USA, pp: 111-114.
  • Anonymous. (1990). SAS Users Guide: version 6.0 Ed, SAS, Cary, NC, pp: 201-213.
  • Anonymous. (1991). Determination of Scoville Index in spice-hot red pepper. Turkish Standard Ins., Ankara, Turkey, pp: 350-354.
  • Biac, P. H, Daood, G., Huszka, T. T. (1994). Biochemical and varietal perspective on the color loss in spice red pepper paprika. Journal of the Ministry of Agri., 3, 32-37.
  • Carvajal, M., Martinez, M. R., Martinez-Sanchez, F., Alcaras, C.F. (1997). Effect of ascorbic acid addition to peppers on paprika quality. J. of Science Food Agriculture, 75, 442-446.
  • Çömlekçioğlu, N. (2007) The effects of selfing on the pollen fitness and seed set in pepper. J. of Agriculture Fac. of Harran Univ., 11, 1-6.
  • Çömlekçioğlu, N., Gerçek, S., Dikilitaş, M. (2008). Responses of pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) to different irrigation frequencies and water amount: growth, yield and fruit characteristics. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Harran University, 12 (4), 51-56.
  • Daood, H. G., Vinkler, M., Marku, F., Hebshi, E. A., Biacs, P.A. (1996). Antioxidant vitamin content of spice red pepper (paprika) as affected by technological and varietal factors. Food Chemistry, 55, 365-372.
  • Demirkaya, M., Gerçek, S. (2013). Farklı renkli su yastıklarının sera koşullarında biberin (Capsicum annuum L.) verimi ve su kullanma etkinliği üzerine etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19, 281-288.
  • Dorji, K., Behboudian, M. H., Zegbe, J., Dominguez, A. (2005). Water relations, growth, yield, and fruit quality of hot pepper under deficit irrigation and partial root zone drying. Scientia Horticulturae, 104, 137-149.
  • Erdost, H. (2004). Capsaicin. Uludag Univ. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Med., 23, 1-2-3, 149-155.
  • Estrada, A. B., Pomar, F., Diaz J., Merino, F., Bernal, A. (1999). Pungency level in fruits of Padron pepper with different water supply. Scientia Horticulturae, 81, 385-396.
  • FAO, 2020.
  • Gencoglan, C., Akinci, I. E., Uçan, K., Akinci, S., Gencoglan, S. (2006). Response of red hot pepper plant (Capsicum annuum L.) to the deficit irrigation. Akdeniz University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 19, 131-138.
  • Gerçek, S. (2006). Water pillow: a new irrigation method. Pakistan Journal Applied Sciences, 62, 315-317.
  • Gerçek, S., Çömlekçioğlu, N., Dikilitaş, M. (2009). Effectiveness of water pillow irrigation method on yield and water use efficiency on hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 120, 325-329.
  • Gerçek, S., Cankut, H., Can, A. (2011). Determination of some physicochemical properties of tomatoes irrigated with water pillow method and comparison with drip irrigation method. International Food, Agriculture and Gastronomy Congress, 193-194 pp., February, 15-19, 2012, Belek, Antalya.
  • Gerçek, S., Demirkaya, M., Işık, D. (2017). Water pillow irrigation versus drip irrigation with regard to growth and yield of tomato grown under greenhouse conditions in a semi-arid region. Agricultural Water Management, 180, 172-177.
  • González-Dugo, V., Orgaz, F., Fereres, E. (2007). Responses of pepper to deficit irrigation for paprika production. Scientia Horticulturae, 114, 77-82.
  • Hartman, T. K. (1970). A rapid gas-liquid chromatographic determination for capsaicin in capsicum spices. Journal of Food Sciences, 35, 543-547.
  • Hayoglu, I. (1999). Changes in some properties of hot red pepper grown in Şanlıurfa region occurred during production of ground pepper. Harran University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 3, 85-90.
  • Hışıl, Y. (1993). Instrumental Food Analyses. Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Izmir, Turkey, pp: 356-361.
  • Khan, M. A. I., Farooque, A. M., Haque, M. A., Rahim, M. A. and Hoques, M. A. (2008). Effects of water stress at various growth stages on the physio-morphological characters and yield in chili. Bangladesh J. of Agricultural Research, 33, 353-362.
  • Koc, A. B., Toy, M., Hayoglu, I., Vardin, H. (2004). Performance of a solar dryer used for red pepper drying. Journal of Agriculture Faculty Harran University, 8, 57-65.
  • Lau, N. R., Lara, M. F., Garcia, Y. M., Moreno, E. Z., Antonio, A. G., Machado, I. E., Estévéz, M. M. (2011). Water deficit affects the accumulation of capsaicinoids in fruits of capsicum chinense jacq. HortiScience, 46 (3), 487-492.
  • McCarty, M. F., DiNicolantonio, J. J., O'Keefe, J. H. (2015). Capsaicin may have important potential for promoting vascular and metabolic health. Open Heart. 2(1): e000262. Published online 2015 June 17.doi:10.1136/openhrt-2015-00026.2
  • Prasad, B. C., Kumar, V., Gururaj, H. B., Parimalan, R., Giridhar, P., Gokare, R. (2008). Characterization of capsaicin synthase and identification of its gene (csy1) for pungency factor capsaicin in pepper (Capsicum sp.) (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (September 5, 2006) 103,36 (13315-13320) 0.1073/pnas.0605805103).
  • Rollyson, W. D., Stover, C. A., Brown, K. C., Perry, H. E., Stevenson, C. D., McNees, C. A., Ball, J. G., Valentovic, M. A., Dasgupta, P. (2014). Bioavailability of capsaicin and its implications for drug delivery. Journal of the Controlled Release Society, 196, 96-105.
  • Sezen, S. M., Akyildiz, A., Agcam, E., Yazar, A., Dasgan, H.Y., Tekin, S. (2017). Critical quality parameters changing of red pepper in response to different irrigation methods and levels. Int. Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science, 1, 59-68.
  • Singh, A. K., and Kamal, S. (2012). Effect of black plastic mulch on soil temperature and tomato yield in mid hills of Garhwal Himalayas. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 4, 78-80.
  • Somos, A. (1984). The paprika. Budapest, Hungary, pp: 89-93.
  • Steele, R., Torrie J. H. (1980). Principles and procedures of statistics. Mc Graw-Hill, New York, pp: 256-270.
  • Yang, H., Liu, H., Li, Y., Huang, G., Wang, F. (2011). Precision drip irrigation on hot pepper in arid northwest china area. In: Li D., Liu Y., Chen Y. (eds) Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV. CCTA 2010. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 345, 152-158.
  • Wierenga, P. J. J. and Hendrickx, M. H. (1985). Yield and quality of trickle-irrigated chili peppers. Agricultural Water Management, 9, 339-356.

Su yastığı sulama yönteminin kırmızı acı biberin bazı kalite özelliklerine etkisi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3, 317 - 324, 15.09.2020


Bu çalışma, yeni bir sulama yöntemi olan su yastığı sulamasının, acı kırmızı biberin kalite özellikleri (suda çözünür kuru madde içeriği, nem, protein, kül ve L-askorbik asit) üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Su yastığı (WP) yönteminden elde edilen meyve verimi ve kalite verileri karık sulama (FI) yöntemi ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma Türkiye'nin yarı kurak iklim koşullarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sulama aralıkları FI için 5, WP konuları için ise 7, 9 ve 11 gün olarak seçilmiştir. Uygulanan sulama suyu miktarları FI, WP7, WP9 ve WP11 için sırasıyla 1718.1, 1160.2, 906.1 ve 761.4 mm olarak bulunmuştur. Meyvenin suda çözünür kuru madde içerikleri %9.5-11.2, nem içeriği %86.3-91.5, pH 4.40-4.80, protein içeriği %1.32-1.38, kül içeriği %0.98-1.09 ve L-askorbik asit içeriği 105-118 mg 100 g-1 arasında değişmektedir. WP11 konusundaki sulama suyu miktarı, FI konusundaki miktardan %125 daha az olmasına rağmen, hem sulama yöntemlerinin kalite özelliklerinde, hem de kapsaisin içeriğinde ve örneklerden elde edilebilen renklerinde önemli farklılıklar gözlenmemiştir.


  • Abayomi, Y. A., Aduloju, M. O., Egbewunmi, M. A., and Suleiman, B. O. (2012). Effects of soil moisture contents and rates of NPK fertilizer application on growth and fruit yields of pepper (Capsicum spp.) genotypes. Int. J.of AgriScience, 2, 651-663.
  • Ahmed, A. F., Yu, H., Yang, X., Jiang, W. (2014). Deficit irrigation affects growth, yield, vitamin c content, and irrigation water use efficiency of hot pepper grown in soilless culture. Hortiscience, 49(6), 722-728.
  • Altan, A. (1992). Laboratory Technique. Cukurova University Faculty of Agriculture, Adana,Turkey, pp: 86-95.
  • Altunlu, H., Ayranci, Y., Gerçek, S. (2017). Comparison of water pillow and drip irrigation systems for tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) production under greenhouse conditions in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 23, 76-82.
  • Anonymous. (1983). Methods of Analyses. Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture, Ankara, Turkey, pp: 196-205.
  • Anonymous. (1985). American Spice Trade Association. Extractable color in Capsicums and their oleoresins. ASTA analytical methods. USA, pp: 111-114.
  • Anonymous. (1990). SAS Users Guide: version 6.0 Ed, SAS, Cary, NC, pp: 201-213.
  • Anonymous. (1991). Determination of Scoville Index in spice-hot red pepper. Turkish Standard Ins., Ankara, Turkey, pp: 350-354.
  • Biac, P. H, Daood, G., Huszka, T. T. (1994). Biochemical and varietal perspective on the color loss in spice red pepper paprika. Journal of the Ministry of Agri., 3, 32-37.
  • Carvajal, M., Martinez, M. R., Martinez-Sanchez, F., Alcaras, C.F. (1997). Effect of ascorbic acid addition to peppers on paprika quality. J. of Science Food Agriculture, 75, 442-446.
  • Çömlekçioğlu, N. (2007) The effects of selfing on the pollen fitness and seed set in pepper. J. of Agriculture Fac. of Harran Univ., 11, 1-6.
  • Çömlekçioğlu, N., Gerçek, S., Dikilitaş, M. (2008). Responses of pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) to different irrigation frequencies and water amount: growth, yield and fruit characteristics. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Harran University, 12 (4), 51-56.
  • Daood, H. G., Vinkler, M., Marku, F., Hebshi, E. A., Biacs, P.A. (1996). Antioxidant vitamin content of spice red pepper (paprika) as affected by technological and varietal factors. Food Chemistry, 55, 365-372.
  • Demirkaya, M., Gerçek, S. (2013). Farklı renkli su yastıklarının sera koşullarında biberin (Capsicum annuum L.) verimi ve su kullanma etkinliği üzerine etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19, 281-288.
  • Dorji, K., Behboudian, M. H., Zegbe, J., Dominguez, A. (2005). Water relations, growth, yield, and fruit quality of hot pepper under deficit irrigation and partial root zone drying. Scientia Horticulturae, 104, 137-149.
  • Erdost, H. (2004). Capsaicin. Uludag Univ. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Med., 23, 1-2-3, 149-155.
  • Estrada, A. B., Pomar, F., Diaz J., Merino, F., Bernal, A. (1999). Pungency level in fruits of Padron pepper with different water supply. Scientia Horticulturae, 81, 385-396.
  • FAO, 2020.
  • Gencoglan, C., Akinci, I. E., Uçan, K., Akinci, S., Gencoglan, S. (2006). Response of red hot pepper plant (Capsicum annuum L.) to the deficit irrigation. Akdeniz University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 19, 131-138.
  • Gerçek, S. (2006). Water pillow: a new irrigation method. Pakistan Journal Applied Sciences, 62, 315-317.
  • Gerçek, S., Çömlekçioğlu, N., Dikilitaş, M. (2009). Effectiveness of water pillow irrigation method on yield and water use efficiency on hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 120, 325-329.
  • Gerçek, S., Cankut, H., Can, A. (2011). Determination of some physicochemical properties of tomatoes irrigated with water pillow method and comparison with drip irrigation method. International Food, Agriculture and Gastronomy Congress, 193-194 pp., February, 15-19, 2012, Belek, Antalya.
  • Gerçek, S., Demirkaya, M., Işık, D. (2017). Water pillow irrigation versus drip irrigation with regard to growth and yield of tomato grown under greenhouse conditions in a semi-arid region. Agricultural Water Management, 180, 172-177.
  • González-Dugo, V., Orgaz, F., Fereres, E. (2007). Responses of pepper to deficit irrigation for paprika production. Scientia Horticulturae, 114, 77-82.
  • Hartman, T. K. (1970). A rapid gas-liquid chromatographic determination for capsaicin in capsicum spices. Journal of Food Sciences, 35, 543-547.
  • Hayoglu, I. (1999). Changes in some properties of hot red pepper grown in Şanlıurfa region occurred during production of ground pepper. Harran University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 3, 85-90.
  • Hışıl, Y. (1993). Instrumental Food Analyses. Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Izmir, Turkey, pp: 356-361.
  • Khan, M. A. I., Farooque, A. M., Haque, M. A., Rahim, M. A. and Hoques, M. A. (2008). Effects of water stress at various growth stages on the physio-morphological characters and yield in chili. Bangladesh J. of Agricultural Research, 33, 353-362.
  • Koc, A. B., Toy, M., Hayoglu, I., Vardin, H. (2004). Performance of a solar dryer used for red pepper drying. Journal of Agriculture Faculty Harran University, 8, 57-65.
  • Lau, N. R., Lara, M. F., Garcia, Y. M., Moreno, E. Z., Antonio, A. G., Machado, I. E., Estévéz, M. M. (2011). Water deficit affects the accumulation of capsaicinoids in fruits of capsicum chinense jacq. HortiScience, 46 (3), 487-492.
  • McCarty, M. F., DiNicolantonio, J. J., O'Keefe, J. H. (2015). Capsaicin may have important potential for promoting vascular and metabolic health. Open Heart. 2(1): e000262. Published online 2015 June 17.doi:10.1136/openhrt-2015-00026.2
  • Prasad, B. C., Kumar, V., Gururaj, H. B., Parimalan, R., Giridhar, P., Gokare, R. (2008). Characterization of capsaicin synthase and identification of its gene (csy1) for pungency factor capsaicin in pepper (Capsicum sp.) (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (September 5, 2006) 103,36 (13315-13320) 0.1073/pnas.0605805103).
  • Rollyson, W. D., Stover, C. A., Brown, K. C., Perry, H. E., Stevenson, C. D., McNees, C. A., Ball, J. G., Valentovic, M. A., Dasgupta, P. (2014). Bioavailability of capsaicin and its implications for drug delivery. Journal of the Controlled Release Society, 196, 96-105.
  • Sezen, S. M., Akyildiz, A., Agcam, E., Yazar, A., Dasgan, H.Y., Tekin, S. (2017). Critical quality parameters changing of red pepper in response to different irrigation methods and levels. Int. Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science, 1, 59-68.
  • Singh, A. K., and Kamal, S. (2012). Effect of black plastic mulch on soil temperature and tomato yield in mid hills of Garhwal Himalayas. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 4, 78-80.
  • Somos, A. (1984). The paprika. Budapest, Hungary, pp: 89-93.
  • Steele, R., Torrie J. H. (1980). Principles and procedures of statistics. Mc Graw-Hill, New York, pp: 256-270.
  • Yang, H., Liu, H., Li, Y., Huang, G., Wang, F. (2011). Precision drip irrigation on hot pepper in arid northwest china area. In: Li D., Liu Y., Chen Y. (eds) Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV. CCTA 2010. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 345, 152-158.
  • Wierenga, P. J. J. and Hendrickx, M. H. (1985). Yield and quality of trickle-irrigated chili peppers. Agricultural Water Management, 9, 339-356.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sinan Gerçek 0000-0001-7823-0330

Nuray Çömlekçioğlu 0000-0001-7189-613X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Gerçek, S., & Çömlekçioğlu, N. (2020). Effects of water pillow irrigation method on some quality properties of hot red pepper. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(3), 317-324.

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