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Diyarbakır koşullarında bazı ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus L) genotiplerinin verim, yağ ve yağ asidi kompozisyonunun belirlenmesi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 30 - 40, 24.03.2021


Yağlı tohumlar protein, yağ, karbonhidrat ve mineral içeriği nedeniyle insan ve hayvan beslenmesinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu çalışma, 2018 yılında Diyarbakır koşullarında bazı yağ ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus L) genotiplerinin verim, yağ ve yağ asidi kompozisyonunun belirlenmesi için yapılmıştır. Araştırma, tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak düzenlenmiştir. Çalışmada 13 farklı ayçiçeği genotipi (Nantio, Turkuaz, Sanbro, Sanay MR, Armada CL, Bosfora, Tarsan 1018, LG 5580, Sirena, Transol, LG 5482, Mercan ve Tunca) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada bitki boyu, table çapı, 1000 tohum ağırlığı, tohum verimi, protein içeriği, yağ içeriği, ayçiçeği içindeki doymuş ve doymamış yağ asitlerinin içeriği araştırılmıştır. Sonuç, verim ve yağ kalitesi bileşenleri bakımından genotipler arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunduğunu göstermiştir. Ortalama değerlere göre, en yüksek tohum verimi LG-5580 genotipinden (3813 kg ha-1) elde edildi. En yüksek 1000 tohum ağırlığı değerleri LG-5580 (73.7 g) ve Tunca (72.5 g) genotiplerinden bulunmuştur. En büyük yağ içeriği Armada CL genotipinden % 44.6 olarak bulunmuştur. En yüksek Linoleik asit içeriği değerleri Tunca (% 55.7) ve LG-5580 (% 55.3) genotipleri ile bulunmuş, buna ek olarak en yüksek oleik değerleri Bosfora (% 37.8) genotipi ile belirlenmiştir. LG-5580 genotipinin, Türkiye'nin Diyarbakır ilinin ekolojik şartlarında ayçiçeği tarımında güvenle kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Ahmad S., Hassan F.U. (2000). Oil yield and fatty acid composition of spring sunflower. Pak J.Biol.Sci.;3:2063-4. Akther S, Ahmed F, Houssen M.A, Ahmed B, Houssain M.A. (2013). J. Expt. Biosc. 4(1):99-104. Albayrak ŞN. (2014). Effects of sowing dates and different forms of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of oilseed sunflower. Ataturk University Graduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesD epartment of Field Crops. MscThesis Alkan, B. (1973). Sunflower cultivation and fertilization. Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute Directorate, Publication Number: 15, 4-5, Andrei, E., Ivancia, V., Barnaveta, E., Tarnauceanu, D. (1992). Aspects and directions on seed production of sunflower in lasi County. Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova, 25 (1): 248-252. A.O.A.C. (2000). Association of Official Agri- cultural Chemists, Official and Tentative Meth-ods of Analysis. 2nd Ed. Washington, D.C., USA Ashley R.O., Eriksmoen E.D., Whitney M.B. (2001). Sunflower date of planting study in Western North Dakota. In 2001 Annual Report, Dickinson Research Extension Centres, Dickinson,ND,187-198 Ashraf A. (2017). Effects of nitrogen doses on yield and yield components of oilseed sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) having different growing stages. Ataturk University Graduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesD epartment of Field Crops. Phd Thesis Bange MP, Hammer GL, and Rickert KG. (1997). Enviromental control of potentional yield of sunflower in subtropics. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 48:231-240 Baydar H, Turgut İ. (1999). The Change Of Fatty Acid Composition According To Some Morphological And Physiological Characteristics and Ecological Regions İn Oilseed Plants.Tr. J. Of Agriculture And Forestry (23):1, 81-86. Blamey F.P.C., Zollinger R.K., Schneiter A.A. (1997). Sunflower Production and Culture, Agronomy monographs. Sunflower technology and production. Chapter 12. Broun P, Somerville C. (1997). Accumulation of ricinoleic, lesquerolic and densipolic acid an seeds to transgenic arabidopsis plants that Express a fatty acyl hdroxlasec DNA from castor bean. Plant Phsiology 113: 933-942. Çalışkan ME, Günel E, Çağar A, Mert M. (2002). Effect of sowing dates on phenological development, yield and oil content of sunflower in a Mediterranean type environment. Indian Journal of Agronomy. 47(3): 427-432 Çetin ÖE, Başalma D. (2005). The effects of foliar fertilizer applied to sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on yield and yield components at different developmental stages. Turkey VI. Field Crops Congress, 5-9 September 2005, Antalya Chaampolivier L, Merrien A. (1996). Evolation de lateneur en huile et de sa composition en acides gras chezdeux varietes de tournesol(oleique ou non) sous I’effetde temperatures differentes pendant la maturation des grines, OCL, III,2, 140- 144. Çil, A,N., Çil, A., Evci, G., Kaya, Y. (2011). Sunflower breeding and adaptation studies ın cukurova region. International Symposium On Sunflower Genetic Resources, October 16 – 20, 2011, S,53, Kuşadası, İzmir, Turkey. Coşge, B., Ulukan, H. (2005). Variety and planting time in our sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivation. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of the Institute of Science, 2005, 9(3). D‟Andria, R., Chiarandá, F.Q., Magliulo, V., Mori, M. (1995). Yield and soil water uptake of sunflower sown in spring and summer, Argon. J. 87: 1122-1128. Demurin Y, Skoric D,Veresbaranji I & Jocic S. (2000). Inheritance of İncreased Oleic Acid Content in Sunflower Seed Oil. Helia, 23, 87. Deviren R, Eryiğit T. (2017). The Determination of Yield Performance of Some Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Cultivars Under Iğdır Plain Irrigable Condition. KSU J. Nat. Sci., 20 (special), 166-171, 2017 Ergen, Y., Sağlam, C. (2005). Yield And Yield Characters of Differrent Confectionery Sunflower Varieties in Conditions of Tekirdag . Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty , 2005, 2(3): 221- 227. Evci, G., Pekcan, V., Yılmaz, İ,M., Kaya, Y., Şahin, İ., Çıtak, N., Tuna, N., Ay, O., Pilaslı, A. (2011). Determination of the relationship between oil quality and yield components in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L,). Turkey IX Field Crops Congress, S,279, Bursa. Fick, G,N. (1978). Selection for self-fertility and oil percentage in development of sunflower hybrids. Proc, VIII,Int, Sunflower Conf, 418-422. Fao (2018). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. [ Data access: 07.05.2020] Ferfuia C, Vannozzi GP. (2015). Maternal effects on seed fatty acid composition in a reciprocal cros of high oleic sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Euphytica 205:325-336 Filipescue H., Stoenescu F.M. (1978). Variability of linoleic acid content in sunflower oil, depending on genotype and environment. Helia. 1978:42-7. Flagella Z, Rotunno T, Tarantino E, Caterina R Di, caro A.De, (2002). Changes in seed yield and oil fatty acid composition of high oleic Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) hybrids in relation to the sowing date and the water regime. European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages 221-230 Gallina Tosci T, De Panfilis F, Lercker G. (1997). Valutazione della qualita di ol idi semi spremıti a freddo presenti sul mercato. Ind. Alim, XXXVI, 983-989. Gielen H. (1992). Oil for oleochemical industry. Procee in 13th International Sunflower Conference, Pisa, Italy.7-11 September, Vol. II, 1533-1543. Goyne PJ, Simpson BW, Woodruff DR, Churchett JD. (1979). Environmental influence on sunflower achene growth, oil content and quality. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb, 19, 82- 88. Gürbüz B, Kaya MD, Demirtola A. (2003). Sunflower Farming. Hasat Publishing Ltd. Sti. ISBN- 975-8377- 23-X. Harris HC, McWilliam JR, Mason WK. (1978) Influence of temperature on oil content and composition of sun- flower seed. Austr J Exp Agric Anim Husb 29: 1203–1212. Harris HC, McWilliam JR, Bofinger VJ. (1980). Prediction of oil quality of sunflower from temperature probabilities in Eastern AUSTRALİA, aust. J. agric. Res, 31, 477-488. İlisulu K. (1973). Oil Crops and Breeding. Çağlayan Printing House (Istanbul), 1st Edition, 140-158 Kamal-Eldin A, Andersson R. (1997). A multivariate study of the correlation between tocopherol content and fatty acid composition in vegetable oils. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc,74,4, 375-380. Kara, K. (1986). A research on yield and yield components of some oilseed sunflower varieties under ecological conditions of Erzurum with their phenological and morphological characteristics. Doğa Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry,1986, 10 (3): 367-377. Kara, K., Öztürk, E., Polat, T. (2013). A research on the cultivation of oilseed sunflower varieties with different growing periods in dry and juicy conditions for winter (ice cream) and summer. Turkey 10. Field Crops Congress, 10-13 September 78-85, Konya. Kaya Y, Evci G, Pekcan V, Gücer T, Durak S, Üstün A. (2005). Yield Relationships in Oil Sunflower. 6. Field Crops Congress of Turkey (2), 619-622, Antalya Keefer GD, McAllister FE, Uridge ES, Simpson BW. (1976). Time of planting effects on development, yield and oil quality of irragetd sunflower. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb, 16, 417- 422. Khalil L.A. (2000). Seed yield and fatty acid profile of sunflower hybrids. Sarhad J Agric. 2000;16:601-4. Khan M.I. (1989). Correlation study in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). J Agric Res. 1989;27:275-9. Kolsarıcı Ö, Bayraktar N, İşler N, Mert M, Arslan B. (1995). Production projections and production targets of oilseed plants. IV. Technical Agriculture Congress Proceedings Book, Vol. I. Ankara, 467- 483. Kolsarıcı Ö, Geçit HH, Elçi Ş. (1987). Field Crop. Ankara Univ. Faculty of Agriculture. Publication No: 1008, 103-118 Leto C. (1998). Sunflowers in south central Italy. Informatore Agrario, 54: 47-56 Oral, E., Kara, K. (1989). A research on some sunflower varieties in Erzurum ecological conditions. Doğa Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 13 (2): 343-355. Özer, H., Öztürk, E., Polat, T. (2003). Determination of the agronomic performances of some oilseed sunflower (Helianthus annuusL,) hybrids grown under Erzurum ecological conditions. Turk J Agric For, 27 (2003) 199-205. Öztürk E, Polat T, Sezek M. (2017). The effect of sowing and nitrogen fertilizer form on growth, yield and yield components in sunflower. Turk J. Field Crops. 22 (1), 143-151. Öztürk, F. and Kızılgeçi, F. (2018). Effects of Different Sowing Dates on the Yield and Yield Components of Some Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Genotypes. El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering Vol: 5, No: 3, 2018 (749-755) DOI : 10.31202/ecjse.418282 Patanè C, Cosentino CL, Anastasia U. (2017). Sowing time and irrigation scheduling effects on seed yield and fatty acids profile of sunflower in semi-arid climate. İnternational Journal of Plant Production 11 (1), 17-32 Popa M, Anton GF, Rişnoveanu L, Petcu E, Babeanu N. (2017). The effect of planting date and climatic condition on oil content and fatty acid composition in some Romanian sunflower hybrids. AgroLife Scientific Journal-Volume 6, Number 1.
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Determination of Yield, Oil and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Oil Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) Genotypes İn Diyarbakır Conditions

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 30 - 40, 24.03.2021


Oil seeds have an important place in human and animal nutrition because of their protein, fat, carbohydrate and mineral content content. This study was carried out to determination of yield, oil and fatty acid composition of some oil sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) genotypes in Diyarbakır conditions in 2018. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. In the study, thirteen different sunflower genotypes (Nantio, Turkuaz, Sanbro, Sanay MR, Armada CL, Bosfora, Tarsan 1018, LG 5580, Sirena, Transol, LG 5482, Coral and Tunca) were used as material. In the study plant height, head diameter, 1000 seed weight, seed yield,protein content, oil content, content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the sunflower were investigated. The result showed that Significant differences were found between genotypes with respect to yield and oil quality components. According to mean values, the highest seed yield obtained from LG-5580 genotype (3813 kg ha-1). The highest values 1000 seed weight were found from LG-5580 (73.7 g) and Tunca (72.5 g) genotypes. The great oil content found as 44.6% from Armada CL genotype. The highest Linoleic acid content values were found by Tunca (55.7%) and LG-5580 (55.3%) genotypes, in adition to, the highest oleic values was determinated by Bosfora (37.8%) genotype. it was concluded that LG-5580 genotype could reliably be used in sunflower farming under ecological conditions of Diyarbakır province of Turkey.


  • Ahmad S., Hassan F.U. (2000). Oil yield and fatty acid composition of spring sunflower. Pak J.Biol.Sci.;3:2063-4. Akther S, Ahmed F, Houssen M.A, Ahmed B, Houssain M.A. (2013). J. Expt. Biosc. 4(1):99-104. Albayrak ŞN. (2014). Effects of sowing dates and different forms of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of oilseed sunflower. Ataturk University Graduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesD epartment of Field Crops. MscThesis Alkan, B. (1973). Sunflower cultivation and fertilization. Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute Directorate, Publication Number: 15, 4-5, Andrei, E., Ivancia, V., Barnaveta, E., Tarnauceanu, D. (1992). Aspects and directions on seed production of sunflower in lasi County. Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova, 25 (1): 248-252. A.O.A.C. (2000). Association of Official Agri- cultural Chemists, Official and Tentative Meth-ods of Analysis. 2nd Ed. Washington, D.C., USA Ashley R.O., Eriksmoen E.D., Whitney M.B. (2001). Sunflower date of planting study in Western North Dakota. In 2001 Annual Report, Dickinson Research Extension Centres, Dickinson,ND,187-198 Ashraf A. (2017). Effects of nitrogen doses on yield and yield components of oilseed sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) having different growing stages. Ataturk University Graduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesD epartment of Field Crops. Phd Thesis Bange MP, Hammer GL, and Rickert KG. (1997). Enviromental control of potentional yield of sunflower in subtropics. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 48:231-240 Baydar H, Turgut İ. (1999). The Change Of Fatty Acid Composition According To Some Morphological And Physiological Characteristics and Ecological Regions İn Oilseed Plants.Tr. J. Of Agriculture And Forestry (23):1, 81-86. Blamey F.P.C., Zollinger R.K., Schneiter A.A. (1997). Sunflower Production and Culture, Agronomy monographs. Sunflower technology and production. Chapter 12. Broun P, Somerville C. (1997). Accumulation of ricinoleic, lesquerolic and densipolic acid an seeds to transgenic arabidopsis plants that Express a fatty acyl hdroxlasec DNA from castor bean. Plant Phsiology 113: 933-942. Çalışkan ME, Günel E, Çağar A, Mert M. (2002). Effect of sowing dates on phenological development, yield and oil content of sunflower in a Mediterranean type environment. Indian Journal of Agronomy. 47(3): 427-432 Çetin ÖE, Başalma D. (2005). The effects of foliar fertilizer applied to sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on yield and yield components at different developmental stages. Turkey VI. Field Crops Congress, 5-9 September 2005, Antalya Chaampolivier L, Merrien A. (1996). Evolation de lateneur en huile et de sa composition en acides gras chezdeux varietes de tournesol(oleique ou non) sous I’effetde temperatures differentes pendant la maturation des grines, OCL, III,2, 140- 144. Çil, A,N., Çil, A., Evci, G., Kaya, Y. (2011). Sunflower breeding and adaptation studies ın cukurova region. International Symposium On Sunflower Genetic Resources, October 16 – 20, 2011, S,53, Kuşadası, İzmir, Turkey. Coşge, B., Ulukan, H. (2005). Variety and planting time in our sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivation. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of the Institute of Science, 2005, 9(3). D‟Andria, R., Chiarandá, F.Q., Magliulo, V., Mori, M. (1995). Yield and soil water uptake of sunflower sown in spring and summer, Argon. J. 87: 1122-1128. Demurin Y, Skoric D,Veresbaranji I & Jocic S. (2000). Inheritance of İncreased Oleic Acid Content in Sunflower Seed Oil. Helia, 23, 87. Deviren R, Eryiğit T. (2017). The Determination of Yield Performance of Some Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Cultivars Under Iğdır Plain Irrigable Condition. KSU J. Nat. Sci., 20 (special), 166-171, 2017 Ergen, Y., Sağlam, C. (2005). Yield And Yield Characters of Differrent Confectionery Sunflower Varieties in Conditions of Tekirdag . Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty , 2005, 2(3): 221- 227. Evci, G., Pekcan, V., Yılmaz, İ,M., Kaya, Y., Şahin, İ., Çıtak, N., Tuna, N., Ay, O., Pilaslı, A. (2011). Determination of the relationship between oil quality and yield components in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L,). Turkey IX Field Crops Congress, S,279, Bursa. Fick, G,N. (1978). Selection for self-fertility and oil percentage in development of sunflower hybrids. Proc, VIII,Int, Sunflower Conf, 418-422. Fao (2018). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. [ Data access: 07.05.2020] Ferfuia C, Vannozzi GP. (2015). Maternal effects on seed fatty acid composition in a reciprocal cros of high oleic sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Euphytica 205:325-336 Filipescue H., Stoenescu F.M. (1978). Variability of linoleic acid content in sunflower oil, depending on genotype and environment. Helia. 1978:42-7. Flagella Z, Rotunno T, Tarantino E, Caterina R Di, caro A.De, (2002). Changes in seed yield and oil fatty acid composition of high oleic Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) hybrids in relation to the sowing date and the water regime. European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages 221-230 Gallina Tosci T, De Panfilis F, Lercker G. (1997). Valutazione della qualita di ol idi semi spremıti a freddo presenti sul mercato. Ind. Alim, XXXVI, 983-989. Gielen H. (1992). Oil for oleochemical industry. Procee in 13th International Sunflower Conference, Pisa, Italy.7-11 September, Vol. II, 1533-1543. Goyne PJ, Simpson BW, Woodruff DR, Churchett JD. (1979). Environmental influence on sunflower achene growth, oil content and quality. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb, 19, 82- 88. Gürbüz B, Kaya MD, Demirtola A. (2003). Sunflower Farming. Hasat Publishing Ltd. Sti. ISBN- 975-8377- 23-X. Harris HC, McWilliam JR, Mason WK. (1978) Influence of temperature on oil content and composition of sun- flower seed. Austr J Exp Agric Anim Husb 29: 1203–1212. Harris HC, McWilliam JR, Bofinger VJ. (1980). Prediction of oil quality of sunflower from temperature probabilities in Eastern AUSTRALİA, aust. J. agric. Res, 31, 477-488. İlisulu K. (1973). Oil Crops and Breeding. Çağlayan Printing House (Istanbul), 1st Edition, 140-158 Kamal-Eldin A, Andersson R. (1997). A multivariate study of the correlation between tocopherol content and fatty acid composition in vegetable oils. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc,74,4, 375-380. Kara, K. (1986). A research on yield and yield components of some oilseed sunflower varieties under ecological conditions of Erzurum with their phenological and morphological characteristics. Doğa Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry,1986, 10 (3): 367-377. Kara, K., Öztürk, E., Polat, T. (2013). A research on the cultivation of oilseed sunflower varieties with different growing periods in dry and juicy conditions for winter (ice cream) and summer. Turkey 10. Field Crops Congress, 10-13 September 78-85, Konya. Kaya Y, Evci G, Pekcan V, Gücer T, Durak S, Üstün A. (2005). Yield Relationships in Oil Sunflower. 6. Field Crops Congress of Turkey (2), 619-622, Antalya Keefer GD, McAllister FE, Uridge ES, Simpson BW. (1976). Time of planting effects on development, yield and oil quality of irragetd sunflower. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb, 16, 417- 422. Khalil L.A. (2000). Seed yield and fatty acid profile of sunflower hybrids. Sarhad J Agric. 2000;16:601-4. Khan M.I. (1989). Correlation study in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). J Agric Res. 1989;27:275-9. Kolsarıcı Ö, Bayraktar N, İşler N, Mert M, Arslan B. (1995). Production projections and production targets of oilseed plants. IV. Technical Agriculture Congress Proceedings Book, Vol. I. Ankara, 467- 483. Kolsarıcı Ö, Geçit HH, Elçi Ş. (1987). Field Crop. Ankara Univ. Faculty of Agriculture. Publication No: 1008, 103-118 Leto C. (1998). Sunflowers in south central Italy. Informatore Agrario, 54: 47-56 Oral, E., Kara, K. (1989). A research on some sunflower varieties in Erzurum ecological conditions. Doğa Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 13 (2): 343-355. Özer, H., Öztürk, E., Polat, T. (2003). Determination of the agronomic performances of some oilseed sunflower (Helianthus annuusL,) hybrids grown under Erzurum ecological conditions. Turk J Agric For, 27 (2003) 199-205. Öztürk E, Polat T, Sezek M. (2017). The effect of sowing and nitrogen fertilizer form on growth, yield and yield components in sunflower. Turk J. Field Crops. 22 (1), 143-151. Öztürk, F. and Kızılgeçi, F. (2018). Effects of Different Sowing Dates on the Yield and Yield Components of Some Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Genotypes. El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering Vol: 5, No: 3, 2018 (749-755) DOI : 10.31202/ecjse.418282 Patanè C, Cosentino CL, Anastasia U. (2017). Sowing time and irrigation scheduling effects on seed yield and fatty acids profile of sunflower in semi-arid climate. İnternational Journal of Plant Production 11 (1), 17-32 Popa M, Anton GF, Rişnoveanu L, Petcu E, Babeanu N. (2017). The effect of planting date and climatic condition on oil content and fatty acid composition in some Romanian sunflower hybrids. AgroLife Scientific Journal-Volume 6, Number 1.
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Toplam 2 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Agronomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ferhat Öztürk 0000-0002-2743-4285

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mart 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, F. (2021). Determination of Yield, Oil and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Oil Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) Genotypes İn Diyarbakır Conditions. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(1), 30-40.

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