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Kitosan ve Kitosanoligosakkaritlerinin Ruminant Beslemede Kullanımı

Yıl 2024, , 186 - 195, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Bu derlemenin amacı, kitosan ve kitosan oligosakkaritlerinin ruminant beslemede kullanımını irdelemektir.
Materyal ve Metot: Doğal olarak oluşan doğrusal bir katyonik polisakkarit olan kitosan, kitinin alkalin deasetilasyonu yoluyla elde edilen asetil glukozaminin kısmen deasetillenmiş polimeridir. Glukozamin ve N-asetil glukozaminin bir bileşiğidir.
Bulgular: Yem katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan kitosan; yemden yararlanmayı, besin maddelerinin kullanımını, sindirilebilirliği ve emilimi teşvik eder. Kitosan, orta laktasyondaki ineklere verildiğinde, kuru madde ve ham protein sindirilebilirliğini artırmış, azot ve enerjinin etkin kullanımını iyileştirmiş, bunların yanı sıra sütte çoklu doymamış yağ asitleri konsantrasyonunu artırmıştır.Yoğun yem oranı düşük rasyona kuru madde de %1 kitosan ilavesinin düvelerde, besin maddelerinin görünür toplam sindirilebilirliğinde artış ortaya çıkmıştır
Sonuç: Ülkemizin denizlerle çevrili olması nedeniyle kitosan ve kitosan içeren yem katkı maddelerinin üretimi için gereken hammaddeye sahip olmak büyük avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle hem in vitro hem de in vivo araştırmalarla konunun daha ayrıntılı araştırılması yerinde olacaktır.

Anahtar kelimeler: Kitosan, Oligosakkarit, Ruminant, Besi, Süt kompozisyonu.


  • Araújo APC, Venturelli BC, Santos MCB, Gardinal R, Cônsolo NRB, Calomeni GB, Freitas JE, Barletta RV, Gandra JR, Paiva PG. 2015. Chitosan affects total nutrient digestion and ruminal fermentationin Nellore steers. Animal Feed Science Technology 206:114-118.
  • Anggraeni A S, Jayanegara A , Laconi E B, Kumalasari NR, Sofyan A. 2022. Marine by-products and insects as a potential chitosan source for ruminant feed additives. Czech Journal of Animal Science 67(8): 295-317.
  • Ardean C, Davidescu CM, Nemes NS, Negrea A, Ciopec M, Duteanu N, Negrea P, Dudaseiman D, Musta V. 2021. Factors influencing the antibacterial activity of chitosan and chitosan modified by functionalization. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(14):7749.
  • Ayman U, Akter L, Islam R, Bhakta S, Rahman MA, Islam MR, Sultana N, Sharif A, Jahan MR, Rahman MS, Haque Z. 2022. Dietary chitosan oligosaccharides improves health status in broilers for safe poultry meat production. Annals of Agricultural Sciences 67(1):90-98.
  • Belanche A, Pinloche E, Preskett D, Newbold CJ. 2016. Effects and mode of action of chitosan and ivy fruit saponins on the microbiome, fermentation and methanogenesis in the rumen simulation technique. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92(1):1-13.
  • Byun SM, No HK, Hong JH, Lee SI, Prinyawiwatkul W. 2013. Comparison of physicochemical, binding, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of chitosans prepared from ground and entire crab leg shells. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48(1):136-142.
  • Chang Q, Lu Y, Lan R. 2020. Chitosan oligosaccharide as an effective feed additive to maintain growth performance, meat quality, muscle glycolytic metabolism, and oxidative status in yellow-feather broilers under heat stres. Poultry Science 99:4824-4831
  • Chen R, Ding Y, Xi J, Lu G, Xiao W, Ding Y, Qian L, Lin Z, Gong W. 2019. NKG2D-IL-15 fusion protein encapsulated in N-[(2-hydroxy-3-trimethylammonium) propyl] chitosan chloride retards melanoma growth in mice. Translational Cancer Research 8(6):2230-2241.
  • Cohick WS. 1998. Role of the insulin-like growth factors and their binding proteins in lactation. Journal Dairy Science 81:1769-1777.
  • Deng W, Tan Y, Riaz Rajoka MS, Xue Q, Zhao L, Wu Y. 2021. A new type of bilayer dural substitute candidate made up of modified chitin and bacterial cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers, 256:117577.
  • de Paiva PG, Jesus EF, Del Valle TA, Almeida GF, Costa AGBVB. Consentini CE, Zanferari F, Takiya CS, Bueno ICS, Rennó FP. 2016. Effects of chitosan on ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestibility, and milk yield and composition of dairy cows. Animal Production Science 57:301.
  • Dias A O C, Goes R H T B, Gandra J R, Takiya C S, Branco A F, Jacaúna A G, Oliveira RT, Souza C J S, Vaz M S M. 2017. Increasing doses of chitosan to grazing beef steers: Nutrient intake and digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and nitrogen utilization. Animal Feed Science Technology 225:73-80.
  • Del Valle TA, de Paiva PG, de Jesus EF, de Almeida GF, Zanferari F, Costa AGBVB, Bueno ICS, Rennó FP. 2017. Dietary chitosan improves nitrogen use and feed conversion in diets for mid-lactation dairy cows. Livestock Science 201: 22-29.
  • Gandra JR, Takiya CS, de Oliveira ER, de Paiva PG, de Tonissi RH, de Goes B, Gandra ERS, Araki HMC. 2016. Nutrient digestion, microbial protein synthesis, and blood metabolites of Jersey heifers fed chitosan andwhole raw soybeans. Revista Brasileira Zootecnia 45(3):130-137.
  • Garcia-Rodriguez A, Arranz J, Mandaluniz N, Beltrán-de-Heredia I, Ruiz R, Goiri I. 2015. Short-communication: Production performance and plasma metabolites of dairy ewes in early lactation as affect by chitosan. Spanish Journal Agriculturaş Research 13(4): e06SC04.
  • Goiri I, Oregui L M, Garcia-Rodriguez A. 2009. Dose-response effects of chitosans on in vitro rumen digestion and fermentation of mixtures differing in forage to concentrate ratios. Animal Feed Science Technology 151:215-227.
  • Haldorai Y, Shim JJ. 2013.Chitosan-zinc oxide hybrid composite for enhanced dye degradation and antibacterial activity. Composite Interfaces, 20(5):365-377.
  • Harahap RP, Setiawan D, Nahrowi, Suharti S, Obitsu T, Jayanegara A. 2020. Enteric methane emissions and rumen fermentation profile treated by dietary chitosan: A meta-analysis of in vitro experiments. Tropical Animal Science Journal 43:233-239.
  • Helander IM, Nurmiaho-Lassila EL, Ahvenainen R, Rhoades J, Roller S. 2001. Chitosan disrupts the barrier properties of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology 71:235-244.
  • Henry DD, Ruiz-Moreno M, Ciriaco FM, Kohmann M, Mercadante VR, Lamb GC, Dilorenzo N. 2015. Effects of chitosan on nutrient digestibility, methane emissions, and in vitro fermentation in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 93:3539-3550.
  • Janssen, PH. 2010. Influence of hydrogen on rumen methane formation and fermentation balances through microbial growth kinetics and fermentation thermodynamics. Animal Feed Science Technology 160:1-22.
  • Ke C L, Deng, F. S., Chuang, C Y, Lin, C H. 2021. Antimicrobial actions and applications of chitosan. Polymers 13(6):904.
  • Kravanja G, Primozic M, Knez Z, Leitgeb M. 2019. Chitosan-based (Nano) materials for novel biomedical applications. Molecules 24:1960.
  • Kong M, Chen XG, Xing K, Park HJ. 2010. Antimicrobial properties of chitosan and mode of action: a state of the art review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 144:51-63.
  • Li J, Cheng Y, Chen Y, Qu H, Zhao Y, Wen C, Zhou Y.2019. Dietary chitooligosaccharide ınclusion as an alternative to antibiotics ımproves ıntestinal morphology, barrier function, antioxidant capacity, and ımmunity of broilers at early age. Animals. 9:493.
  • Mima S, Miya M, Iwamoto R, Yoshikawa, S. 1983. Highly deacetylated chitosan and its properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 28:1909-1917.
  • Mingoti RD, Freitas JE, Gandra JR, Gardinal R, Calomeni GD, Barletta RV, Vendramini THA, Paiva PG, Renno FP. 2016. Dose response of chitosan on nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites and lactation performance in Holstein dairy cows. Livestock Science 187:35-39.
  • Nakthong C, Taksinoros S, Wongsawaong W. 2012. Effects of feeding chitooligosaccharide on growth performance, immunity and serum composition in goats. Journal of Applied Animal Science 5(2):27-33.
  • Pereira FM, Magalhães TS, de Freitas Júnior JE, Santos SA, Pinto LF, Pina DS, Mourão GB, Pires AJ, Júnior FJC, Mesquita BMC. 2022. Qualitative profile of meat from lambs fed diets with different levels of chitosan Part II. Livestock Science 104975.
  • Rey J, Díaz de Otálora X, Atxaerandio R, Mandaluniz N, García-Rodríguez A, González-Recio O, López-García A, Ruiz R, Goiri I. 2023. Effect of chitosan on ruminal fermentation and microbial communities, methane emissions, and productive performance of dairy cattle. Animals 13:2861.
  • Ruiz R, Albrecht GL, Tedeschi LO, Jarvis G, Russell JB, Fox DG. 2001. Effect of monensin on the performance and nitrogen utilization of lactating dairy cows consuming fresh forage. Journal Dairy Science 84:1717-1727.
  • Seankamsorn A, Cherdthong A, So S, Wanapat M. 2021.Influence of chitosan sources on intake, digestibility, rumen fermentation, and milk production in tropical lactating dairy cows. Tropical Animal Health Production 53:241.
  • Shah AM, Qazi IH, Matra M, Wanapat, M. 2022. Role of chitin and chitosan in ruminant diets and their ımpact on digestibility, microbiota and performance of ruminants. Fermentation 8, 549.
  • Soycan Önenç, S., Açıkgöz, Z. 2005. Aromatik bitkilerin hayvansal ürünlerde antioksidan etkileri. Hayvansal Üretim 46 (1): 50-55.
  • Soysal Z. 2019. Oğlak rasyonlarına kitosan ilave edilmesinin besi performansı, kan ve rumen parametrelerine etkisi. Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Burdur.
  • Tufan T, Arslan C, Sarı M, Önk K, Deprem T, ÇELİK E. 2015. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharides addition to japanese quail’s diets on growth, carcass traits, liver and ıntestinal histology, and intestinal microflora. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (5):661-665.
  • Uyanga VA, Onome E, Lambo MT, Alowakennu M, Alli YA, Ere-Richard A A, Min L, Zhao J, Wang X, Jiao H, Onagbesan OM, Lin H. 2023. Chitosan and chitosan-based composites as beneficial compounds for animal health: impact on gastrointestinal functions and biocarrier application. Journal of Functional Foods 104:105520.
  • Vendramini THA, Takiya CS, Silva TH, Zanferari F, Rentas MF, Bertoni JC, Consentini, C.E.C, Gardinal, R, Acedo TS, Rennó FP. 2016. Effects of a blend of essential oils, chitosan or monensin on nutrient intake and digestibility of lactating dairy cows. Animal Feed Science Technology 214:12-21.
  • Wan J, Jiang F, Xu Q, Chen D, Yu B, Huang Z, He J. 2017. New insights into the role of chitosan oligosaccharide in enhancing growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immunity and intestinal development of weaned pigs. RSC Adv. 7:9669-9679.
  • Zanferari F, Vendramini THA, Rentas MF, Gardinal R, Calomeni GD, Mesquita LG, Takiya CS, Rennó FP. 2018. Effects of chitosan and whole raw soybeans on ruminal fermentation and bacterial populations, and milk fatty acid profile in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 101:10939-10952.
  • Zheng Y G, Zhang B Q, Qi J Y, Zhao Y L, Guo X Y, Shi B L, Yan S.M. 2021. Dietary supplementation of chitosan affects milk performance, markers of inflammatory response and antioxidant status in dairy cows. Animal Feed Science Technology 277:114952.
  • Zou P, Chen Y, Yoo J, Huang Y, Lee J, Jang H, Shin S, Kim H, Cho J, Kim I. 2009. Effects of chitooligosaccharide supplementation on performance, blood characteristics, relative organ weight, and meat quality in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 88:593-600.
  • Zou P, YangX, Wang J, Li YF, Yu HL, Zhang YX, Liu GY. 2016. Advances in characterisation and biological activities of chitosan and chitosan oligosaccharides. Food Chemistry. 190:1174-1181.

Kitosan ve Kitosanoligosakkaritlerinin Ruminant Beslemede Kullanımı

Yıl 2024, , 186 - 195, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Bu derlemenin amacı, kitosan ve kitosan oligosakkaritlerinin ruminant beslemede kullanımını irdelemektir.
Materyal ve Metot: Doğal olarak oluşan doğrusal bir katyonik polisakkarit olan kitosan, kitinin alkalin deasetilasyonu yoluyla elde edilen asetil glukozaminin kısmen deasetillenmiş polimeridir. Glukozamin ve N-asetil glukozaminin bir bileşiğidir.
Bulgular: Yem katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan kitosan; yemden yararlanmayı, besin maddelerinin kullanımını, sindirilebilirliği ve emilimi teşvik eder. Kitosan, orta laktasyondaki ineklere verildiğinde, kuru madde ve ham protein sindirilebilirliğini artırmış, azot ve enerjinin etkin kullanımını iyileştirmiş, bunların yanı sıra sütte çoklu doymamış yağ asitleri konsantrasyonunu artırmıştır.Yoğun yem oranı düşük rasyona kuru madde de %1 kitosan ilavesinin düvelerde, besin maddelerinin görünür toplam sindirilebilirliğinde artış ortaya çıkmıştır
Sonuç: Ülkemizin denizlerle çevrili olması nedeniyle kitosan ve kitosan içeren yem katkı maddelerinin üretimi için gereken hammaddeye sahip olmak büyük avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle hem in vitro hem de in vivo araştırmalarla konunun daha ayrıntılı araştırılması yerinde olacaktır.

Anahtar kelimeler: Kitosan, Oligosakkarit, Ruminant, Besi, Süt kompozisyonu.


  • Araújo APC, Venturelli BC, Santos MCB, Gardinal R, Cônsolo NRB, Calomeni GB, Freitas JE, Barletta RV, Gandra JR, Paiva PG. 2015. Chitosan affects total nutrient digestion and ruminal fermentationin Nellore steers. Animal Feed Science Technology 206:114-118.
  • Anggraeni A S, Jayanegara A , Laconi E B, Kumalasari NR, Sofyan A. 2022. Marine by-products and insects as a potential chitosan source for ruminant feed additives. Czech Journal of Animal Science 67(8): 295-317.
  • Ardean C, Davidescu CM, Nemes NS, Negrea A, Ciopec M, Duteanu N, Negrea P, Dudaseiman D, Musta V. 2021. Factors influencing the antibacterial activity of chitosan and chitosan modified by functionalization. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(14):7749.
  • Ayman U, Akter L, Islam R, Bhakta S, Rahman MA, Islam MR, Sultana N, Sharif A, Jahan MR, Rahman MS, Haque Z. 2022. Dietary chitosan oligosaccharides improves health status in broilers for safe poultry meat production. Annals of Agricultural Sciences 67(1):90-98.
  • Belanche A, Pinloche E, Preskett D, Newbold CJ. 2016. Effects and mode of action of chitosan and ivy fruit saponins on the microbiome, fermentation and methanogenesis in the rumen simulation technique. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92(1):1-13.
  • Byun SM, No HK, Hong JH, Lee SI, Prinyawiwatkul W. 2013. Comparison of physicochemical, binding, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of chitosans prepared from ground and entire crab leg shells. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48(1):136-142.
  • Chang Q, Lu Y, Lan R. 2020. Chitosan oligosaccharide as an effective feed additive to maintain growth performance, meat quality, muscle glycolytic metabolism, and oxidative status in yellow-feather broilers under heat stres. Poultry Science 99:4824-4831
  • Chen R, Ding Y, Xi J, Lu G, Xiao W, Ding Y, Qian L, Lin Z, Gong W. 2019. NKG2D-IL-15 fusion protein encapsulated in N-[(2-hydroxy-3-trimethylammonium) propyl] chitosan chloride retards melanoma growth in mice. Translational Cancer Research 8(6):2230-2241.
  • Cohick WS. 1998. Role of the insulin-like growth factors and their binding proteins in lactation. Journal Dairy Science 81:1769-1777.
  • Deng W, Tan Y, Riaz Rajoka MS, Xue Q, Zhao L, Wu Y. 2021. A new type of bilayer dural substitute candidate made up of modified chitin and bacterial cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers, 256:117577.
  • de Paiva PG, Jesus EF, Del Valle TA, Almeida GF, Costa AGBVB. Consentini CE, Zanferari F, Takiya CS, Bueno ICS, Rennó FP. 2016. Effects of chitosan on ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestibility, and milk yield and composition of dairy cows. Animal Production Science 57:301.
  • Dias A O C, Goes R H T B, Gandra J R, Takiya C S, Branco A F, Jacaúna A G, Oliveira RT, Souza C J S, Vaz M S M. 2017. Increasing doses of chitosan to grazing beef steers: Nutrient intake and digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and nitrogen utilization. Animal Feed Science Technology 225:73-80.
  • Del Valle TA, de Paiva PG, de Jesus EF, de Almeida GF, Zanferari F, Costa AGBVB, Bueno ICS, Rennó FP. 2017. Dietary chitosan improves nitrogen use and feed conversion in diets for mid-lactation dairy cows. Livestock Science 201: 22-29.
  • Gandra JR, Takiya CS, de Oliveira ER, de Paiva PG, de Tonissi RH, de Goes B, Gandra ERS, Araki HMC. 2016. Nutrient digestion, microbial protein synthesis, and blood metabolites of Jersey heifers fed chitosan andwhole raw soybeans. Revista Brasileira Zootecnia 45(3):130-137.
  • Garcia-Rodriguez A, Arranz J, Mandaluniz N, Beltrán-de-Heredia I, Ruiz R, Goiri I. 2015. Short-communication: Production performance and plasma metabolites of dairy ewes in early lactation as affect by chitosan. Spanish Journal Agriculturaş Research 13(4): e06SC04.
  • Goiri I, Oregui L M, Garcia-Rodriguez A. 2009. Dose-response effects of chitosans on in vitro rumen digestion and fermentation of mixtures differing in forage to concentrate ratios. Animal Feed Science Technology 151:215-227.
  • Haldorai Y, Shim JJ. 2013.Chitosan-zinc oxide hybrid composite for enhanced dye degradation and antibacterial activity. Composite Interfaces, 20(5):365-377.
  • Harahap RP, Setiawan D, Nahrowi, Suharti S, Obitsu T, Jayanegara A. 2020. Enteric methane emissions and rumen fermentation profile treated by dietary chitosan: A meta-analysis of in vitro experiments. Tropical Animal Science Journal 43:233-239.
  • Helander IM, Nurmiaho-Lassila EL, Ahvenainen R, Rhoades J, Roller S. 2001. Chitosan disrupts the barrier properties of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology 71:235-244.
  • Henry DD, Ruiz-Moreno M, Ciriaco FM, Kohmann M, Mercadante VR, Lamb GC, Dilorenzo N. 2015. Effects of chitosan on nutrient digestibility, methane emissions, and in vitro fermentation in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 93:3539-3550.
  • Janssen, PH. 2010. Influence of hydrogen on rumen methane formation and fermentation balances through microbial growth kinetics and fermentation thermodynamics. Animal Feed Science Technology 160:1-22.
  • Ke C L, Deng, F. S., Chuang, C Y, Lin, C H. 2021. Antimicrobial actions and applications of chitosan. Polymers 13(6):904.
  • Kravanja G, Primozic M, Knez Z, Leitgeb M. 2019. Chitosan-based (Nano) materials for novel biomedical applications. Molecules 24:1960.
  • Kong M, Chen XG, Xing K, Park HJ. 2010. Antimicrobial properties of chitosan and mode of action: a state of the art review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 144:51-63.
  • Li J, Cheng Y, Chen Y, Qu H, Zhao Y, Wen C, Zhou Y.2019. Dietary chitooligosaccharide ınclusion as an alternative to antibiotics ımproves ıntestinal morphology, barrier function, antioxidant capacity, and ımmunity of broilers at early age. Animals. 9:493.
  • Mima S, Miya M, Iwamoto R, Yoshikawa, S. 1983. Highly deacetylated chitosan and its properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 28:1909-1917.
  • Mingoti RD, Freitas JE, Gandra JR, Gardinal R, Calomeni GD, Barletta RV, Vendramini THA, Paiva PG, Renno FP. 2016. Dose response of chitosan on nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites and lactation performance in Holstein dairy cows. Livestock Science 187:35-39.
  • Nakthong C, Taksinoros S, Wongsawaong W. 2012. Effects of feeding chitooligosaccharide on growth performance, immunity and serum composition in goats. Journal of Applied Animal Science 5(2):27-33.
  • Pereira FM, Magalhães TS, de Freitas Júnior JE, Santos SA, Pinto LF, Pina DS, Mourão GB, Pires AJ, Júnior FJC, Mesquita BMC. 2022. Qualitative profile of meat from lambs fed diets with different levels of chitosan Part II. Livestock Science 104975.
  • Rey J, Díaz de Otálora X, Atxaerandio R, Mandaluniz N, García-Rodríguez A, González-Recio O, López-García A, Ruiz R, Goiri I. 2023. Effect of chitosan on ruminal fermentation and microbial communities, methane emissions, and productive performance of dairy cattle. Animals 13:2861.
  • Ruiz R, Albrecht GL, Tedeschi LO, Jarvis G, Russell JB, Fox DG. 2001. Effect of monensin on the performance and nitrogen utilization of lactating dairy cows consuming fresh forage. Journal Dairy Science 84:1717-1727.
  • Seankamsorn A, Cherdthong A, So S, Wanapat M. 2021.Influence of chitosan sources on intake, digestibility, rumen fermentation, and milk production in tropical lactating dairy cows. Tropical Animal Health Production 53:241.
  • Shah AM, Qazi IH, Matra M, Wanapat, M. 2022. Role of chitin and chitosan in ruminant diets and their ımpact on digestibility, microbiota and performance of ruminants. Fermentation 8, 549.
  • Soycan Önenç, S., Açıkgöz, Z. 2005. Aromatik bitkilerin hayvansal ürünlerde antioksidan etkileri. Hayvansal Üretim 46 (1): 50-55.
  • Soysal Z. 2019. Oğlak rasyonlarına kitosan ilave edilmesinin besi performansı, kan ve rumen parametrelerine etkisi. Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Burdur.
  • Tufan T, Arslan C, Sarı M, Önk K, Deprem T, ÇELİK E. 2015. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharides addition to japanese quail’s diets on growth, carcass traits, liver and ıntestinal histology, and intestinal microflora. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (5):661-665.
  • Uyanga VA, Onome E, Lambo MT, Alowakennu M, Alli YA, Ere-Richard A A, Min L, Zhao J, Wang X, Jiao H, Onagbesan OM, Lin H. 2023. Chitosan and chitosan-based composites as beneficial compounds for animal health: impact on gastrointestinal functions and biocarrier application. Journal of Functional Foods 104:105520.
  • Vendramini THA, Takiya CS, Silva TH, Zanferari F, Rentas MF, Bertoni JC, Consentini, C.E.C, Gardinal, R, Acedo TS, Rennó FP. 2016. Effects of a blend of essential oils, chitosan or monensin on nutrient intake and digestibility of lactating dairy cows. Animal Feed Science Technology 214:12-21.
  • Wan J, Jiang F, Xu Q, Chen D, Yu B, Huang Z, He J. 2017. New insights into the role of chitosan oligosaccharide in enhancing growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immunity and intestinal development of weaned pigs. RSC Adv. 7:9669-9679.
  • Zanferari F, Vendramini THA, Rentas MF, Gardinal R, Calomeni GD, Mesquita LG, Takiya CS, Rennó FP. 2018. Effects of chitosan and whole raw soybeans on ruminal fermentation and bacterial populations, and milk fatty acid profile in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 101:10939-10952.
  • Zheng Y G, Zhang B Q, Qi J Y, Zhao Y L, Guo X Y, Shi B L, Yan S.M. 2021. Dietary supplementation of chitosan affects milk performance, markers of inflammatory response and antioxidant status in dairy cows. Animal Feed Science Technology 277:114952.
  • Zou P, Chen Y, Yoo J, Huang Y, Lee J, Jang H, Shin S, Kim H, Cho J, Kim I. 2009. Effects of chitooligosaccharide supplementation on performance, blood characteristics, relative organ weight, and meat quality in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 88:593-600.
  • Zou P, YangX, Wang J, Li YF, Yu HL, Zhang YX, Liu GY. 2016. Advances in characterisation and biological activities of chitosan and chitosan oligosaccharides. Food Chemistry. 190:1174-1181.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hayvan Besleme
Bölüm Derlemeler

Sibel Soycan Önenç 0000-0001-9452-4435

Tuğçe Ekşi 0000-0003-3424-8576

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 4 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Soycan Önenç, S., & Ekşi, T. (2024). Kitosan ve Kitosanoligosakkaritlerinin Ruminant Beslemede Kullanımı. Journal of Animal Production, 65(2), 186-195.


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