Türün Narenciye Posalarının Besin Değerine ve Metan Üretimine Etkisi
Yıl 2017,
, 8 - 12, 23.11.2017
Çağrı Özgür Özkan
Emrah Kaya
İsmail Ülger
İnan Güven
Adem Kamalak
çalışma, türün narenciye posalarının besin değerine ve metan üretimine etkisini
belirlemek için yürütülmüştür. Türün narenciye posalarının kompozisyonu, gaz
üretimi, metan üretimi, metabolik enerji içeriği ve organik madde sindirim
derecesi üzerinde önemli derecede etkisi vardır. Greyfurt posasının ham protein
içeriği diğer narenciye posalarının ham protein içeriğinden önemli derecede
yüksektir. Portakal ve mandalina posalarının NDF ve ADF içerikleri diğer
posalardan daha düşük bulunmuştur. Mandalina posasının metan üretimi limon ve
greyfurt posasının metan üretiminden daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Mandalina
posasının metabolik enerji içeriği limon posasının metabolik enerji içeriğinden
daha yüksek olasına rağmen mandalina posasının organik madde sindirim derecesi
limon ve greyfurt posalarının sindirim derecelerinden daha yüksek bulunmuştur.
Sonuç olarak, yüksek enerji ve organik madde sindirim derecesine sahip farklı
türlerden elde edilen narenciye posaları kaba yem olarak ruminant hayvanların
beslenmesinde önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Bununla birlikte narenciye
posaları ruminant rasyonlarına katılırken ham protein içeriklerinin göz önüne
alınması ve düşük protein içeriğinin telafi edilmesi için rasyonun protein
kaynakları ile zenginleştirilmesi gereklidir.
- AOAC. 1990. Official method of analysis. Association of official analytical chemists. 15th ed., pp.66-88, Washington, DC, USA.
- Ashbell, G., Donehaye, E. 1984. Losses in orange peel silage. Agr. Waste, 11, 73-77.
- Canbolat, O. 2012. Potential nutritive value of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L) hay harvested at three different maturity stages. Kafkas Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg. 18(2), 331–335.
- El-Shatnawi, M.K., Mohawesh, Y.M. 2000. Seasonal chemical composition of saltbush in semiarid grassland of Jordan. J Range Manage. 53, 211–214.
- Goel, G., Makkar, H.P.S. Becker, K. 2008. Effect of Sesbania sesban and Carduus pycnocephalus leaves and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) seeds and their extract on partitioning of nutrients from roughage-and concentrate-based feeds to methane. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 147(1-3), 72-89.
- Grasser, L.A., Fadel, J.G., Garnett, L., DePeters E.J. 1995. Quantity and economic importance of nine selected by products used in California dairy rations. J. Dairy Sci. 78: 962-971.
- Guven, I. 2012. Effect of species on nutritive value of mulberry leaves. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 18 (5), 865-869.
- Ibrahim, M.R., El-Banna, H.M., Omara, I.I., Suliman, M.A. 2011. Evaluation of nutritive value of some citrus pulp as feedstuffs in rabbit diets. Pak. J. Nutr. 10(7), 667-674.
- Jayanegara, A., Togtokhbayar, N., Makkar, H.P.S., Becker, K. 2009. Tannins determined by various methods as predictors of methane production reduction rumen potential of plants by an in vitro rumen fermentation system. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 150(3-4), 230-237.
- Jayanegara, A., Wina, E., Soliva, C.R., Kreuzer, M., Leiber, F. 2011. Dependence of forage quality and methanogenic potential of tropical plants on their phenolic fractions as determined by principal component analysis. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 163 (2-4), 231-243.
- Kamalak, A., Atalay, A.I., Ozkan, C.O., Kaya, K., Tatliyer, A. 2011. Determination of nutritive value of Trigonella kotschi Fenz hay harvested at three different maturity stages. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 17 (4), 635–640.
- Kamalak, A., Canbolat, O., Gurbuz, Y., Erol, A., Ozay, O. 2005. Effect of maturity stage on chemical composition, in vitro and in situ dry matter degradation of tumbleweed hay (Gundelia tournefortii L). Small Rum. Res. 58(2), 149-156.
- Kamalak, A., Canbolat, O., Gurbuz, Y, Ozkan, C.O., Kiz¬ilsimsek, M. 2005. Determination of nutritive value of wild mustard, Sinapsis arvensis harvested at different matu¬rity stages using in situ and in vitro measurements. Asian-Austral. J. Anim. Sci. 18(9), 1249–1254.
- Kaplan, M., Kamalak, A., Kasra, A.A., Guven, I. 2014. Effect of maturity stages on potential nutritive value, methane production and condensed tannin content of Sanguisorba minor hay. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 20 (3), 445-449.
- Lassey, K.R. 2007. Livestock methane emissions from the individual grazing animal through national inventories to the global methane cycle. Agr. Forest Meteorol. 142(2-4), 120–132.
- Lin, B., Wang, J.H., Lu, Y., Liang, Q., Liu, J.X. 2013. In vitro rumen fermentation and methane production are influenced by active components of essential oils combined with fumarate. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 97(1), 1-9.
- Lopez, S., Makkar, H.P.S., Soliva, C.R. 2010. Screening plants and plant products for methane inhibitors. In: Vercoe PE, Makkar HPS, Schlink A, (Eds): In vitro screening of plant resources for extra nutritional attributes in ruminants: Nuclear and related methodologies. London, New York, pp. 191-231.
- Maheri-Sis, N., Baradaran-Hasanzadeh, A.R., Salamatdoust, R., Khosravifar, R., Agajanzadeh-Golshani, A., Dolgari-Sharaf, J. 2011. Effect of microwave irradiation on nutritive value of sunflower meal for ruminants using in vitro gas production technique. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 2(12), 126-131.
- Menke, K.H., Raab, L., Salewski, A., Steingass, H., Fritz, D., Schneider, W. 1979. The estimation of the digestibility and metabolizable energy content of ruminant feedingstuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor in vitro. J. Agric. Sci. (Camb), 93(1), 217-222.
- Nazem, K., Rozbehan, Y., Shodjaosadati, S.A. 2008. The nutritive value of citrus pulp (Lemon and Orange) treated with Neurospora sitophilla. Journal of Scientific and Technological Agriculture and Natural Resources, Water and Soil Science, 12(43), 495-506.
- Sancak A.Z., Aygoren, E. (2012): Portakal suyu, TEPGE, 14(1): 1-7.
- Thang, C.M., Winding, S., Hang, L.T. 2012. Effects of different foliages and drying methods on mitigation methane production based on cassava root meal using in vitro gas production. J. Anim. Sci.Technol. 34, 40-50.
- TUIK. 2014. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, http://www.tuik.gov.tr, Erişim tarihi: 15 Mart 2014
- Van Soest, P.J. 1963. The use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds. II. A rapid method for the determination of fiber and lignin. J.A.O.A.C. 46, 829–835.
- Van Soest, P.J., Wine, R.H. 1967. The use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds. IV. Determination of plant cell wall constituents. J.A.O.A.C. 50, 50–55.
- Wencelova, M., Varadyova, K., Mihalikova, D., Jalc, D., Kisidayova, S. 2014. Effects of selected medicinal plants on rumen fermentation in a high-concentrate in vitro. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 24(5):1388-1395.
Effect of Species on Nutritive Value and Methane Production of Citrus Pulps for Ruminants
Yıl 2017,
, 8 - 12, 23.11.2017
Çağrı Özgür Özkan
Emrah Kaya
İsmail Ülger
İnan Güven
Adem Kamalak
The experiment was carried out to determine the effect
of species on the nutritive value and methane production of citrus pulps.
Species had a significant effects (P<0.001) on the chemical composition, gas
production, methane production, metabolisable energy (ME) and organic matter
digestibility (OMD) of citrus pulps. Crude protein (CP) content of Citrus paradise was significantly
(P<0.001) higher than those of the other citrus species. Neutral detergent
fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents of Citrus sinensis and Citrus
reticulata were significantly (P<0.001) lower than the others. Methane
production from Citrus reticulata was
significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of Citrus limon and Citrus
paradise. The ME of pulp from Citrus
reticulata was significantly (P<0.001) higher than that of Citrus limon pulp whereas OMD of pulp
from Citrus reticulata was
significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of pulps from Citrus limon and Citrus
paradise. As conclusion, citrus pulps from different species have a high
potential as forage for ruminant animals since citrus pulps have high ME and
OMD. However, the CP contents of citrus pulps should be taken into
consideration and diets should be fortified with additional CP sources to
compensate for the low crude protein when citrus pulps are included into
ruminant diets.
- AOAC. 1990. Official method of analysis. Association of official analytical chemists. 15th ed., pp.66-88, Washington, DC, USA.
- Ashbell, G., Donehaye, E. 1984. Losses in orange peel silage. Agr. Waste, 11, 73-77.
- Canbolat, O. 2012. Potential nutritive value of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L) hay harvested at three different maturity stages. Kafkas Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg. 18(2), 331–335.
- El-Shatnawi, M.K., Mohawesh, Y.M. 2000. Seasonal chemical composition of saltbush in semiarid grassland of Jordan. J Range Manage. 53, 211–214.
- Goel, G., Makkar, H.P.S. Becker, K. 2008. Effect of Sesbania sesban and Carduus pycnocephalus leaves and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) seeds and their extract on partitioning of nutrients from roughage-and concentrate-based feeds to methane. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 147(1-3), 72-89.
- Grasser, L.A., Fadel, J.G., Garnett, L., DePeters E.J. 1995. Quantity and economic importance of nine selected by products used in California dairy rations. J. Dairy Sci. 78: 962-971.
- Guven, I. 2012. Effect of species on nutritive value of mulberry leaves. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 18 (5), 865-869.
- Ibrahim, M.R., El-Banna, H.M., Omara, I.I., Suliman, M.A. 2011. Evaluation of nutritive value of some citrus pulp as feedstuffs in rabbit diets. Pak. J. Nutr. 10(7), 667-674.
- Jayanegara, A., Togtokhbayar, N., Makkar, H.P.S., Becker, K. 2009. Tannins determined by various methods as predictors of methane production reduction rumen potential of plants by an in vitro rumen fermentation system. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 150(3-4), 230-237.
- Jayanegara, A., Wina, E., Soliva, C.R., Kreuzer, M., Leiber, F. 2011. Dependence of forage quality and methanogenic potential of tropical plants on their phenolic fractions as determined by principal component analysis. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 163 (2-4), 231-243.
- Kamalak, A., Atalay, A.I., Ozkan, C.O., Kaya, K., Tatliyer, A. 2011. Determination of nutritive value of Trigonella kotschi Fenz hay harvested at three different maturity stages. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 17 (4), 635–640.
- Kamalak, A., Canbolat, O., Gurbuz, Y., Erol, A., Ozay, O. 2005. Effect of maturity stage on chemical composition, in vitro and in situ dry matter degradation of tumbleweed hay (Gundelia tournefortii L). Small Rum. Res. 58(2), 149-156.
- Kamalak, A., Canbolat, O., Gurbuz, Y, Ozkan, C.O., Kiz¬ilsimsek, M. 2005. Determination of nutritive value of wild mustard, Sinapsis arvensis harvested at different matu¬rity stages using in situ and in vitro measurements. Asian-Austral. J. Anim. Sci. 18(9), 1249–1254.
- Kaplan, M., Kamalak, A., Kasra, A.A., Guven, I. 2014. Effect of maturity stages on potential nutritive value, methane production and condensed tannin content of Sanguisorba minor hay. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 20 (3), 445-449.
- Lassey, K.R. 2007. Livestock methane emissions from the individual grazing animal through national inventories to the global methane cycle. Agr. Forest Meteorol. 142(2-4), 120–132.
- Lin, B., Wang, J.H., Lu, Y., Liang, Q., Liu, J.X. 2013. In vitro rumen fermentation and methane production are influenced by active components of essential oils combined with fumarate. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 97(1), 1-9.
- Lopez, S., Makkar, H.P.S., Soliva, C.R. 2010. Screening plants and plant products for methane inhibitors. In: Vercoe PE, Makkar HPS, Schlink A, (Eds): In vitro screening of plant resources for extra nutritional attributes in ruminants: Nuclear and related methodologies. London, New York, pp. 191-231.
- Maheri-Sis, N., Baradaran-Hasanzadeh, A.R., Salamatdoust, R., Khosravifar, R., Agajanzadeh-Golshani, A., Dolgari-Sharaf, J. 2011. Effect of microwave irradiation on nutritive value of sunflower meal for ruminants using in vitro gas production technique. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 2(12), 126-131.
- Menke, K.H., Raab, L., Salewski, A., Steingass, H., Fritz, D., Schneider, W. 1979. The estimation of the digestibility and metabolizable energy content of ruminant feedingstuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor in vitro. J. Agric. Sci. (Camb), 93(1), 217-222.
- Nazem, K., Rozbehan, Y., Shodjaosadati, S.A. 2008. The nutritive value of citrus pulp (Lemon and Orange) treated with Neurospora sitophilla. Journal of Scientific and Technological Agriculture and Natural Resources, Water and Soil Science, 12(43), 495-506.
- Sancak A.Z., Aygoren, E. (2012): Portakal suyu, TEPGE, 14(1): 1-7.
- Thang, C.M., Winding, S., Hang, L.T. 2012. Effects of different foliages and drying methods on mitigation methane production based on cassava root meal using in vitro gas production. J. Anim. Sci.Technol. 34, 40-50.
- TUIK. 2014. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, http://www.tuik.gov.tr, Erişim tarihi: 15 Mart 2014
- Van Soest, P.J. 1963. The use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds. II. A rapid method for the determination of fiber and lignin. J.A.O.A.C. 46, 829–835.
- Van Soest, P.J., Wine, R.H. 1967. The use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds. IV. Determination of plant cell wall constituents. J.A.O.A.C. 50, 50–55.
- Wencelova, M., Varadyova, K., Mihalikova, D., Jalc, D., Kisidayova, S. 2014. Effects of selected medicinal plants on rumen fermentation in a high-concentrate in vitro. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 24(5):1388-1395.