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Koyunlarda Üremenin Denetlenmesinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar

Yıl 2018, , 65 - 75, 27.12.2018


Neolitik Çağ’da (M.Ö. 7-6)  evcilleştirilmiş olan koyun, eski insanlardan
beri günümüze kadar yün, et ve süt üretimi amacıyla yetiştirilmektedir.
Türkiye’de de neredeyse her bölgede çeşitli koyun ırklarının (Merinos, Akkaraman,
Morkaraman, Dağlıç, Kıvırcık, İvesi, Sakız, İmroz, Tuj, Hemşin, Herik)
yetiştiriciliği yapılmaktadır. Dünyada koyun sayısında bir artış gözlenirken
ülkemizde 1980’de koyun varlığı 46 milyon iken bugün bu sayının 31 milyona
gerilediği görülmektedir. Daha verimli bir üretim için teknolojiden
faydalanarak modern yetiştiricilik hedeflenmelidir. Bu amaçla koyun
yetiştiriciliğinde masraflar artırmadan iyi verim elde etmek ve hayvanların
üreme performanslarını üst seviyeye çıkarmak için çeşitli yöntemler
kullanılmaktadır. Teknolojik yeniliklere ilaveten doğal yöntemler ve çeşitli
hormonlar kullanılarak koyunların üretimi denetim altına alınabilmektedir.
Böylece dölverimde artışlar mümkün hale gelebilmektedir. Bu yöntemler başlıca;
koyunların fotoperiyodik bir siklus düzeni olduğundan, ışık uygulamaları ve
normal siklus içerisindeki hormonların (Progestagenler, PMSG, GnRH, PGF2α)
taklidi yer alır. Bu seminerin amacı koyunlarda üremenin denetlenmesi amacıyla
yapılan uygulamalar hakkında bilgiler vererek turlere göre uygun prosedürleri


  • Abecia JA, Forcada F, González-Bulnes A. 2012. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Anim Reprod Sci Feb:130 (3-4): 173-179.
  • Ak K. 1996. Evcil Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon ve Suni Tohumlama. İÜ Vet Fak Yayını.
  • Akçapınar H. 2000. Koyun yetiştiriciliği. Ankara İsmat Matbacılık Ltd Şti.
  • Alaçam E. 1993. Koyunlarda siklik düzen ve üremenin denetlenmesi. Hay Araş Derg, 3: 65-69.
  • Ataman MB, Akoz M, Fındık M, Saban E. 2009. Geçiş Dönemi Başındaki Akkarman Melezi Koyunlarda farklı Dozlarda Flourogestene Acetate, Norgestomet ve PGF2α ile Senkronize Östrusların Uyarılması. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg. 15(59):801-805.
  • Ataman MB, Akoz M. 2006. GnRH-PGF2α and PGF2α-PGF2α Synchronization In Akkaraman Cross-Bred Sheep In The Breeding Season. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 50:101-104.
  • Baştan A. 1995. Akkaraman ırkı koyunlarda melatonin ve Progestagen uygulamalarının reprodüktif performans üzerine etkileri. Doktora tezi AÜ. Sağlık Bil Enst Ankara.
  • Benyounes A, Fakhet S, Lamrani F. 2015. Réponse des brebis Ouled Djellal à l’effet mâle après isolement physique simple des béliers. Revue « Nature & Technologie ». B- Sciences Agronomiques et Biologiques 12: 37-44.
  • Caraty A, Skinner DC. 1999. Progesterone priming is essential for the full expression of the positive feedback effect of estradiol in inducing the preovulatory gonadotropin-releasing hormone surge in the ewe. Endocrinology 140:165-170.
  • Carcangiu V, Vacca GM, Parmegiani A, Mura MC, Bini PP. 2005. Blood melathonin levels as related to reproductive activity of sarda goat does. Small Rum Res 59: 7-13.
  • Chemineau P, Pelletier J, Guerin Y, Colas G, Ravault JP, Toure G, Almeida G, Thimoiner J, Ortavant R. 1988. Photoperiodic and melotonin treeatments for the control of seasonal reproduction in sheep and goats. Repro. Nutri. Develop. 28(2B): 409-422.
  • Çetin Y, Sağcan S, Güngör O, Özyurtlu N, Uslu BA. 2009. Effect of CIDR-G and meletonin imlants, and their combination on the efficacy of oestrus induction and fertility of Kilis goats. Reprod Dom Anim 44: 659-662.
  • Deacon M L, Knights M, Inskeep EK. 2015. Effects of Photoperiodic Manipulation on Growth Rate and Ability to Breed Fall-born Ewe Lambs in Spring. Sheep & Goat Research Journal 30:30-35.
  • Dogan I, Nur Z, Kilinc B. 2018, Different estrus induction protocols and fixed time artificial insemination during the anoestrous period in non-lactating Kivircik ewes. J Hellenic Vet Med Soc 69(1): 801-808.
  • Dursun Ş, Gürbüz H, Bulut G, Köse M, Keskin S. 2017. Konya Karapınar İlçesi Orta Anadolu Merinoslarında Sezon İçinde Koç Etkisinin Farklı Uygulamasının Döl Verimine, Aşım ve Doğum Süresine Etkisinin Araştırılması (I). Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques JAVST 2(1): 18-25.
  • Gebrekidan B, Gebremeskel G, Weldegebrial B, Asfaw YT. 2014: Efficacy of GnRH-PGF2α Treatment in Synchronization of Estrus in Ethiopian Local Sheep Breed. International Journal of Livestock Research 4(7): 40-48.
  • Gordon I. 1997. Controlled reproduction in sheep and goats. Cambridge CABI Publishing.
  • Hosseinipanah SM, Anvarian M, Mousavinia MM, Alimardan M, Hamzei S, Zengir SBM. 2014. Effects of Progesterone in synchronization of estrus and fertility in Shal ewes in nonproductive season. European Journal of Experimental Biology 4(1):83-86.
  • Iglesias RMR, Ciccioli NH, Irazoqui H, Giglioli C. 1996. Ovulation rate in ewes after single oral glucogenic dosage during a ram-induced follicular phase. Anim Reprod Sci 44: 211-221.
  • Jainudeen MR, Wahid H, Hafez ESE. 2000. Sheep and Goats. In: Hafez ESE, Hafez B. (Editors). Reproduction and Farm Animals 7th Edition. A Wolters Kluver Company, Philadelphia, pp. 172-181.
  • Khalilavi F, Mamouei M, Tabatabaei S, Chaji M. 2016. Effect of Different Progesterone Protocol and Low Doses of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) on Oestrus Synchronization in Arabian Ewes. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 6(4), 855-861.
  • Kuru M., Sogukpınar O, Makav M, Çetin N. 2017. Effect of barium selenate injections on fertility of Pirlak ewes subjected to estrus synchronization during non-breeding season. Med. Weter 73 (8), 479-482.
  • Laliotis V, Vosniakou A, Zafrakas A, Lymberopoulos A, Alifakiotis T. 1998. The effect of melatonin on lambing and litter sizein milking ewes after advancing the breeding season with Progestagen and PMSG followed by artificial insemination. Small Rum Res 31: 79-81.
  • Logan KA, Juengel JL, Mc Natty KP. 2002. Onset of steroidogenic enzyme gene expression during ovarian follicular development in sheep. Biol reprod 66: 906-916.
  • Maksimovic N, Milovanovic A, Barna T, Delic N, Stefanov R, Pantelic V, Taushanova P. 2017. Effects of prostaglandin and hCG on out of season oestrous synchronization and fertility and assessment of Progesterone concentration for early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci 70 (6): 885-894.
  • Mellado M, Valdez R. 1997. Synchronization of estrus in goats under range conditions treated with doses of new or recycled norgestomet implans in two seasons. Small Ruminant Research 25(2): 155-160.
  • Metodiev N, Raicheva E. 2014. Short term Progestagen treatment for estrus synchronization at nulliparous ewes from the synthetic population Bulgarian milk. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture and Food 2: 382-386.
  • Metodiev N. 2015. Estrus Synchronization Of Ewes By Using “Ram Effect” and Single Treatment With Synthetic Analogue Of PGF2α. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 21 (4): 889-892.
  • Najafi G, Cedden F, Mojtahedi S, Aliverdinasab R. 2014. Estrus synchronization and twinning rate of Ghezel ewes treated with CDIR and PMSG during the breeding season. Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research 4 (6): 144-149.
  • Öziş Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M. 2017. Anöstrustaki Kıvırcık Irkı Koyunlarda CIDR ve Prostaglandin Uygulamalarının Üreme Performansı Üzerine Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 14 (01): 9-15.
  • Özyurtlu N, Bademkıran S. 2010. Koyunlarda östrus senkronizasyonu ve östrusu uyarma yöntemleri. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg 3: 17-22.
  • Padeanu I, Voia S, Gavojdian D, Caraba I, Sauer M, Ilişiu E, Pascal C, Petcu M. 2014. Effects of Using Melatonin Implants and Syncro-Part Pessaries + PMSG on Reproduction Performance in Tsigai Breed Ewes. Animal Science and Biotechnologies 47 (2): 262-266.
  • Praveen Kumar K, Bramhaiah KV, Venkata Naidu G, Ekambaram B, Hari Krishna NVV, Rajesh MM. 2018. Synchronization of Nellore Jodipi ewes by different doses of PGF2α. Indian J. Anim. Res 52 (3): 363-366.
  • Romano JE. 2004. Synchronization of estrus using CIDR, FGA or MAP intrvaginal pessaries during the breeding season in Nubian goats. Small Ruminant Res 55(1): 15-19.
  • Rosa HJD, Bryant MJ. 2003. Seasonality of reproduction in sheep. Small Rum Res 48: 155-171.
  • Rubianes E, Menchaca A. Carbajal B. 2003. Response of the 1-5 day-aged ovine corpus luteum to Prostaglandin F2α. Anim Reprod Sci 78(1-2): 47-55.
  • Sağcan S. 2001. Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi YYÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Van.
  • Scaramuzzi RJ, Campbell BK, Downing JA, Kendall NR, Khalid M, Munoz-Gutierrez M, Somchit, A. 2006. A review of the effects of supplementary nutrition in the ewe on the concentrations of reproductive and metobolic hormones and the mechanisms that regulate folliculogenesis and ovulation rate. Reprod Nutr Dev 46(4): 339-354.
  • Sheffield J, Roman C, Roper BL, Poole RK, Pickworth CL. 2018. Flushing and Synchronization Protocol Impacts on out of Season Breeding in Ewes. Journal of Animal Science 96 (1): 76.
  • Signoret JP. 1990. The influence ofthe ram effect on the breeding activity of ewes and its underlying physiology. In: Reproductive Physiology of Merino sheep: Concepts and Consequences. Edited by C.M Oldham GB, Martin IW, Purvis. The University of Wesren Australia Perth 6009.
  • Uçar M, Gündoğan M, Özdemir M, Tekerli M, Eryavuz A, Saban E, Özenç E. 2002. Değişik ırk koyunlarda Progesteron+eCG ile östrusların senkronize edilmesi ve hayvanlarda Kolesterol ile Progesteron seviyelerinin araştırılması. Vet Bil Derg 18: 79-85.
  • Underwood EJ Shier FL. Davenport N. 1944. Studies in sheep husbandry in W.A.V. The breeding season of Merino, crossbreed and British Breeds ewes in the agricultural districts. Journal of Agriculture Western Australia 11: 135-143.
  • Ungerfeld R. 2003. Reproductive responses of anestrous ewes to the introduction of rams. Doctora thesis, Swedish Univesity of Agriculturel Sciences Erişim Tarihi:19.07.2018.
  • Uyar A, Alan M. 2008. Koyunlarda Erken Anöstrüs Döneminde Melatonin Uygulamalarının Ovulasyon ve Gebelik Üzerine Etkisi. Yyü Vet Fak Derg 19(1): 47-54.
  • Vesely JA. 1975. Induction of lambing every eight months in two breeds of sheep by light control with or without hormonal treatment. Anim Prod 21: 165-174.
  • Vinoles C, Forsberg M, Banchero G, Rubianes E. 2001. Effect of long-term and short-term Progestagen treatment on follicular development and pregnancy rate in cyclic ewes. Theriogenology 55: 993-1004.
  • Wei S, Chen S, Wei B, Liu Z, Bai T, Lin J. 2016. Estrus synchronization schemes and application efficacies in anestrus lanzhou fat-tailed ewes. Journal of Applied Animal Research 44 (1): 466–473.
  • Wheaton JE, Carlson KM, Windels HF, Jhonston LJ. 1999. CIDR: A new Progesterone-releasing intravaginal device for induction of estrus and cycl control in sheepand goats. Anim Rep Sci 33.127-141.
  • Wildeus S. 2000. Current concept in synchronization of estrus: Sheep and goats, J Anim Sci 77: 114.
  • Wilson K. 1999. The ram effect formerly of the Agency for Food and Fibre Sciences. The ram effect. J:D:Bobb, D.V.M. International Sheep Letter Vol 19 No:5.
  • Yılmaz M, Bardakçıoğlu HE, Taşkın T. 2009. Koç Etkisinin Kullanımı ve Koyun Yetiştiriciliği Açısından Önemi. Hayvansal Üretim 50(2): 52-59.
  • Zohara F, Azizunnesa A, Faruk I, Alam MGS, Bari FY. 2014. Comparison of Estrus Synchronization by PGF2α and Progestagen Sponge with PMSG in Indigenous Ewes in Bangladesh. GSTF International Journal of Veterinary Science (JVet) 1 (1): 27-37.

Current Approaches In Control Of Reproduction On The Sheep

Yıl 2018, , 65 - 75, 27.12.2018


The sheep,
domesticated in the Neolithic Age (7-6 BC), has been cultivated daily for the
production of wool, meat and milk since the ancient times. In Turkey, almost in
every region of the various sheep breeds (Merino, Akkaraman, Morkaraman,
Dağlıç, Kıvırcık, Awassi, Sakız, İmroz, Tuj, Hemşin, Herik) are cultivated for
production. While there is an increase in the number of sheep in the world, in
1980 the number of sheep was 46 million in our country, but today this number
has decreased to 31 million. For more efficient production, modern farming
should be targeted by utilizing technology. For this purpose, various methods
are used to obtain good yield without increasing the cost of sheep breeding and
to raise the reproductive performance of the animals to a higher level. In
addition to technological innovations, the production of sheep can be
controlled using natural methods and various hormones. Thus, increases in
fertility can become possible. These methods are mainly; since sheep have a
photoperiodic cycle, light applications and imitation of the hormones in the
normal cycle (Progestagen, PMSG, GnRH, PGF2α) are involved. The purpose of this
review is to explain appropriate procedures according to breeds, giving
information about the applications carried out to control the breeder during
sheep sheep


  • Abecia JA, Forcada F, González-Bulnes A. 2012. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Anim Reprod Sci Feb:130 (3-4): 173-179.
  • Ak K. 1996. Evcil Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon ve Suni Tohumlama. İÜ Vet Fak Yayını.
  • Akçapınar H. 2000. Koyun yetiştiriciliği. Ankara İsmat Matbacılık Ltd Şti.
  • Alaçam E. 1993. Koyunlarda siklik düzen ve üremenin denetlenmesi. Hay Araş Derg, 3: 65-69.
  • Ataman MB, Akoz M, Fındık M, Saban E. 2009. Geçiş Dönemi Başındaki Akkarman Melezi Koyunlarda farklı Dozlarda Flourogestene Acetate, Norgestomet ve PGF2α ile Senkronize Östrusların Uyarılması. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg. 15(59):801-805.
  • Ataman MB, Akoz M. 2006. GnRH-PGF2α and PGF2α-PGF2α Synchronization In Akkaraman Cross-Bred Sheep In The Breeding Season. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 50:101-104.
  • Baştan A. 1995. Akkaraman ırkı koyunlarda melatonin ve Progestagen uygulamalarının reprodüktif performans üzerine etkileri. Doktora tezi AÜ. Sağlık Bil Enst Ankara.
  • Benyounes A, Fakhet S, Lamrani F. 2015. Réponse des brebis Ouled Djellal à l’effet mâle après isolement physique simple des béliers. Revue « Nature & Technologie ». B- Sciences Agronomiques et Biologiques 12: 37-44.
  • Caraty A, Skinner DC. 1999. Progesterone priming is essential for the full expression of the positive feedback effect of estradiol in inducing the preovulatory gonadotropin-releasing hormone surge in the ewe. Endocrinology 140:165-170.
  • Carcangiu V, Vacca GM, Parmegiani A, Mura MC, Bini PP. 2005. Blood melathonin levels as related to reproductive activity of sarda goat does. Small Rum Res 59: 7-13.
  • Chemineau P, Pelletier J, Guerin Y, Colas G, Ravault JP, Toure G, Almeida G, Thimoiner J, Ortavant R. 1988. Photoperiodic and melotonin treeatments for the control of seasonal reproduction in sheep and goats. Repro. Nutri. Develop. 28(2B): 409-422.
  • Çetin Y, Sağcan S, Güngör O, Özyurtlu N, Uslu BA. 2009. Effect of CIDR-G and meletonin imlants, and their combination on the efficacy of oestrus induction and fertility of Kilis goats. Reprod Dom Anim 44: 659-662.
  • Deacon M L, Knights M, Inskeep EK. 2015. Effects of Photoperiodic Manipulation on Growth Rate and Ability to Breed Fall-born Ewe Lambs in Spring. Sheep & Goat Research Journal 30:30-35.
  • Dogan I, Nur Z, Kilinc B. 2018, Different estrus induction protocols and fixed time artificial insemination during the anoestrous period in non-lactating Kivircik ewes. J Hellenic Vet Med Soc 69(1): 801-808.
  • Dursun Ş, Gürbüz H, Bulut G, Köse M, Keskin S. 2017. Konya Karapınar İlçesi Orta Anadolu Merinoslarında Sezon İçinde Koç Etkisinin Farklı Uygulamasının Döl Verimine, Aşım ve Doğum Süresine Etkisinin Araştırılması (I). Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques JAVST 2(1): 18-25.
  • Gebrekidan B, Gebremeskel G, Weldegebrial B, Asfaw YT. 2014: Efficacy of GnRH-PGF2α Treatment in Synchronization of Estrus in Ethiopian Local Sheep Breed. International Journal of Livestock Research 4(7): 40-48.
  • Gordon I. 1997. Controlled reproduction in sheep and goats. Cambridge CABI Publishing.
  • Hosseinipanah SM, Anvarian M, Mousavinia MM, Alimardan M, Hamzei S, Zengir SBM. 2014. Effects of Progesterone in synchronization of estrus and fertility in Shal ewes in nonproductive season. European Journal of Experimental Biology 4(1):83-86.
  • Iglesias RMR, Ciccioli NH, Irazoqui H, Giglioli C. 1996. Ovulation rate in ewes after single oral glucogenic dosage during a ram-induced follicular phase. Anim Reprod Sci 44: 211-221.
  • Jainudeen MR, Wahid H, Hafez ESE. 2000. Sheep and Goats. In: Hafez ESE, Hafez B. (Editors). Reproduction and Farm Animals 7th Edition. A Wolters Kluver Company, Philadelphia, pp. 172-181.
  • Khalilavi F, Mamouei M, Tabatabaei S, Chaji M. 2016. Effect of Different Progesterone Protocol and Low Doses of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) on Oestrus Synchronization in Arabian Ewes. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 6(4), 855-861.
  • Kuru M., Sogukpınar O, Makav M, Çetin N. 2017. Effect of barium selenate injections on fertility of Pirlak ewes subjected to estrus synchronization during non-breeding season. Med. Weter 73 (8), 479-482.
  • Laliotis V, Vosniakou A, Zafrakas A, Lymberopoulos A, Alifakiotis T. 1998. The effect of melatonin on lambing and litter sizein milking ewes after advancing the breeding season with Progestagen and PMSG followed by artificial insemination. Small Rum Res 31: 79-81.
  • Logan KA, Juengel JL, Mc Natty KP. 2002. Onset of steroidogenic enzyme gene expression during ovarian follicular development in sheep. Biol reprod 66: 906-916.
  • Maksimovic N, Milovanovic A, Barna T, Delic N, Stefanov R, Pantelic V, Taushanova P. 2017. Effects of prostaglandin and hCG on out of season oestrous synchronization and fertility and assessment of Progesterone concentration for early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci 70 (6): 885-894.
  • Mellado M, Valdez R. 1997. Synchronization of estrus in goats under range conditions treated with doses of new or recycled norgestomet implans in two seasons. Small Ruminant Research 25(2): 155-160.
  • Metodiev N, Raicheva E. 2014. Short term Progestagen treatment for estrus synchronization at nulliparous ewes from the synthetic population Bulgarian milk. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture and Food 2: 382-386.
  • Metodiev N. 2015. Estrus Synchronization Of Ewes By Using “Ram Effect” and Single Treatment With Synthetic Analogue Of PGF2α. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 21 (4): 889-892.
  • Najafi G, Cedden F, Mojtahedi S, Aliverdinasab R. 2014. Estrus synchronization and twinning rate of Ghezel ewes treated with CDIR and PMSG during the breeding season. Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research 4 (6): 144-149.
  • Öziş Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M. 2017. Anöstrustaki Kıvırcık Irkı Koyunlarda CIDR ve Prostaglandin Uygulamalarının Üreme Performansı Üzerine Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 14 (01): 9-15.
  • Özyurtlu N, Bademkıran S. 2010. Koyunlarda östrus senkronizasyonu ve östrusu uyarma yöntemleri. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg 3: 17-22.
  • Padeanu I, Voia S, Gavojdian D, Caraba I, Sauer M, Ilişiu E, Pascal C, Petcu M. 2014. Effects of Using Melatonin Implants and Syncro-Part Pessaries + PMSG on Reproduction Performance in Tsigai Breed Ewes. Animal Science and Biotechnologies 47 (2): 262-266.
  • Praveen Kumar K, Bramhaiah KV, Venkata Naidu G, Ekambaram B, Hari Krishna NVV, Rajesh MM. 2018. Synchronization of Nellore Jodipi ewes by different doses of PGF2α. Indian J. Anim. Res 52 (3): 363-366.
  • Romano JE. 2004. Synchronization of estrus using CIDR, FGA or MAP intrvaginal pessaries during the breeding season in Nubian goats. Small Ruminant Res 55(1): 15-19.
  • Rosa HJD, Bryant MJ. 2003. Seasonality of reproduction in sheep. Small Rum Res 48: 155-171.
  • Rubianes E, Menchaca A. Carbajal B. 2003. Response of the 1-5 day-aged ovine corpus luteum to Prostaglandin F2α. Anim Reprod Sci 78(1-2): 47-55.
  • Sağcan S. 2001. Erken anöstrüs döneminde Siirt keçilerine melatonin uygulamalarının ovulasyon ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi YYÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Van.
  • Scaramuzzi RJ, Campbell BK, Downing JA, Kendall NR, Khalid M, Munoz-Gutierrez M, Somchit, A. 2006. A review of the effects of supplementary nutrition in the ewe on the concentrations of reproductive and metobolic hormones and the mechanisms that regulate folliculogenesis and ovulation rate. Reprod Nutr Dev 46(4): 339-354.
  • Sheffield J, Roman C, Roper BL, Poole RK, Pickworth CL. 2018. Flushing and Synchronization Protocol Impacts on out of Season Breeding in Ewes. Journal of Animal Science 96 (1): 76.
  • Signoret JP. 1990. The influence ofthe ram effect on the breeding activity of ewes and its underlying physiology. In: Reproductive Physiology of Merino sheep: Concepts and Consequences. Edited by C.M Oldham GB, Martin IW, Purvis. The University of Wesren Australia Perth 6009.
  • Uçar M, Gündoğan M, Özdemir M, Tekerli M, Eryavuz A, Saban E, Özenç E. 2002. Değişik ırk koyunlarda Progesteron+eCG ile östrusların senkronize edilmesi ve hayvanlarda Kolesterol ile Progesteron seviyelerinin araştırılması. Vet Bil Derg 18: 79-85.
  • Underwood EJ Shier FL. Davenport N. 1944. Studies in sheep husbandry in W.A.V. The breeding season of Merino, crossbreed and British Breeds ewes in the agricultural districts. Journal of Agriculture Western Australia 11: 135-143.
  • Ungerfeld R. 2003. Reproductive responses of anestrous ewes to the introduction of rams. Doctora thesis, Swedish Univesity of Agriculturel Sciences Erişim Tarihi:19.07.2018.
  • Uyar A, Alan M. 2008. Koyunlarda Erken Anöstrüs Döneminde Melatonin Uygulamalarının Ovulasyon ve Gebelik Üzerine Etkisi. Yyü Vet Fak Derg 19(1): 47-54.
  • Vesely JA. 1975. Induction of lambing every eight months in two breeds of sheep by light control with or without hormonal treatment. Anim Prod 21: 165-174.
  • Vinoles C, Forsberg M, Banchero G, Rubianes E. 2001. Effect of long-term and short-term Progestagen treatment on follicular development and pregnancy rate in cyclic ewes. Theriogenology 55: 993-1004.
  • Wei S, Chen S, Wei B, Liu Z, Bai T, Lin J. 2016. Estrus synchronization schemes and application efficacies in anestrus lanzhou fat-tailed ewes. Journal of Applied Animal Research 44 (1): 466–473.
  • Wheaton JE, Carlson KM, Windels HF, Jhonston LJ. 1999. CIDR: A new Progesterone-releasing intravaginal device for induction of estrus and cycl control in sheepand goats. Anim Rep Sci 33.127-141.
  • Wildeus S. 2000. Current concept in synchronization of estrus: Sheep and goats, J Anim Sci 77: 114.
  • Wilson K. 1999. The ram effect formerly of the Agency for Food and Fibre Sciences. The ram effect. J:D:Bobb, D.V.M. International Sheep Letter Vol 19 No:5.
  • Yılmaz M, Bardakçıoğlu HE, Taşkın T. 2009. Koç Etkisinin Kullanımı ve Koyun Yetiştiriciliği Açısından Önemi. Hayvansal Üretim 50(2): 52-59.
  • Zohara F, Azizunnesa A, Faruk I, Alam MGS, Bari FY. 2014. Comparison of Estrus Synchronization by PGF2α and Progestagen Sponge with PMSG in Indigenous Ewes in Bangladesh. GSTF International Journal of Veterinary Science (JVet) 1 (1): 27-37.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derlemeler

Eser Akal

Ceyhan Akdağ Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Akal, E., & Akdağ, C. (2018). Koyunlarda Üremenin Denetlenmesinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Journal of Animal Production, 59(2), 65-75.

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