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Hormonal Changes in Ruminant Animals Exposed to High Environmental Temperature

Yıl 2019, , 159 - 169, 30.12.2019


Stress is the unusual condition that an animal experiences due to the effects of the
environment and pressures the complex adaptation mechanism of animal. Stress
factors (stressors) are extensive and some of these sources include cold, heat, x-rays,
insufficient oxygen levels, noise, fear, smell, foreign bodies and oestrus. High
temperature strains the welfare of animals and causes stress. Fear and stress in
animals cause welfare problems affecting their adaptation mechanisms. Thus,
immune, nervous and endocrine systems are adversely affected. In this case, health
problems of the animal increase and economic losses become inevitable as a result
of negative effects of parameters such as life span, life quality and yield level of the
animal. With the release of cortisol and the increase inbody temperature and pulse
rate, a physiological change in which many hormones are affected occur in animals
under stress. In this context, there is an increase or a decrease in the secretion of
adrenal hormones (catecholamines and glucocorticoids), reproductive hormones
(ovarium and testicular hormones), growth hormone, thyroid hormones (thyroxine
and triiodothyronine) and pancreas hormones (insulin and glucagon). This review
discusses the effects of heat stress on hormonal changes in ruminant animals. 


  • Al-Haidary, A.A. 2004. Physiological exponses of Naimey sheep to heat stress challenge under semi-arid environments. Internatıonal Journal Of Agrıculture&Bıology 6(2):307-309.
  • Alnmier M, De Rosa G, Grasso F, Napolitana F, Bordi A. 2002. Effect of climate on the response of three oestrus synchronisation techniques in lactating dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Scıence 71:157–168.
  • Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M. 2012. Çiftlik hayvanları ve stres. Hayvansal Üretim, 53(1): 27-37.
  • Ann Becker B, Klır J.J, Matteri R.L, Spiers D.E, Ellersıek M, Misfeldt M.L. 1997. Endocrine and thermoregulatory responses to acute thermal exposures in 6-month-old pigs reared in different neo-natal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology 22(2):87-93.
  • Anonim, 2019. (erişim tarihi=21.03.2013, 19:24).
  • Arı U.Ç. 2015. Sığırlarda Isı Stresinin Fizyolojik ve Hormonal Olarak Üremeye Etkisi. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Scıences 1(1):1-10.
  • Ası T. 1999. Hormonlar. Editör: Ası T. Tablolarla Biyokimya Cilt 2. Tayf Ofset, Ankara, s.71-111.
  • Bridges P.J, Brusie M.A, Fortune J.E. 2005. Elevated (heat stress) in vitro reduces androstenedione and estradiol and increases progesterone secretion by follicular cells from bovine dominant follicles. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 29:508–522.
  • Cengiz F. 2001. Hayvanlarda zorlanım (stres) oluşturan etkenler. Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 20:147-153.
  • Chrousos C.P, Gold P.S. 1992. The concepts of stress and stress system disorders: Overwiew of physical and behavioral homeostasis. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 267(9):1244-1252.
  • De Rensis F, Marconi P, Capelli T, Gatti F, Facciolongo F, Franzini S. 2002. Fertility in postpartum dairy cows in winter or summer following estrous synchronization and fixed time AI after the induction of an LH surge with GnRH or hCG. Theriogenology 58:1675–1687.
  • De Rensis F and Scaramuzzi R.J. 2003. Heat stress and seasonal effects on reproduction in the dairy cow-a review. Theriogenology 60:1139–1151.
  • Eliçin M. K. 2008. Akkeçilerde tiroid hormonlarının değişimi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Gendelman M, Roth Z. (2012). Seasonal effect ongerminal vesicle-stage bovine oocytes is expressed by alterations in transcript levels in the developing embryos associated with reduced developmental competence. Biology of Reproduction 86(1):1-9.
  • Gücel M. 2008. Kıbrıs Koyunlarında T3 ve T4 Hormon Düzeyleri ile Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Sıcaklık Stresinin Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir.
  • Gwazdauskas F.C, Thatcher W.W, Wilcox C.J. 1972. Physiological, environmental, and hormonal factors at insemination which may affect conception. Journal of Dairy Scıence 56(7):873–877.
  • Güzeloğlu A, Ambrose J.D, Kassa T, Diaz T, Thatcher M.J, Thatcher W.W. 2001. Long-term follicular dynamics and biohemical characteristics of dominant follicles in dairy cows subjected to acute heat stres. Animal Reproduction Scıence 66:15–34.
  • Hamilton T.D, Vizcarra J.A, Wettman R.P, Keefer B.E, Spicer L.J. 1999. Ovarian function in nutritionally induced anoestrous cows: effect of exogenous gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in vivo and effect of insulin and insulin-like growth factor I in vitro. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 117:179–187.
  • Hansen P.J. 2009. Effects of heat stress on mammalian reproduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 364:3341-3350.
  • Helal A, Hashem A.L.S, Abdel - Fattah M.S, El-Shaer H.M. 2010. Effects of heat stress on coat characteristics and physiological responses of Balady and Damascus goats in Sinai, Egypt. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Scıence 7:60–69.
  • Howell J.L, Fuquay J.W, Smith A.E. 1994. Corpus luteum growth and function in lactating Holstein cows during spring and summer. Journal of Dairy Scıence 77:735–739.
  • Imtiaz Hussain S.M, Fuquay J.W, Younas M. 1992. Estrous cyclicity in nonlactating and lactating holsteins and jerseys during a Pakistani summer. Journal of Dairy Scıence 75:2968–2975.
  • Jolly P.D, McDougall S, Fitzpatrick L.A, Macmillan K.L, Entwhitsle K.W. 1995. Physiological effect of under nutrition on postpartum anoestrous in cows. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Supplement 49:477–492.
  • Kutlu B, Varışlı Ö. 2012. Şanlıurfa’da farklı mevsimlerde tohumlanan ineklerde gebelik oranı. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2):97-102.Lacerda T.F, Loureiro B. (2015). Selecting Thermotolerant Animals as A Strategy to Improve Fertility ın Holstein Cows. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research 3(1):119-127.
  • Lawrence T, Vollhardt M.A. 1991. Psychoneuroimmunology; A literatüre revievv: American Journal of Orthopsyhiatry 61(1):35-47.
  • Lopez-Gatius F. 2003. Is fertility declining in dairy cattle? A retrospective study in northeastern Spain. Theriogenology 60:89–99.
  • Mann G.E and Lamming G.E. 2001. Relationship between the maternal endocrine environment, early embryo development and the inhibition of the luteolytic mechanism in the cow. Reproduction 121:175–180.
  • Ronchi B, Stradaioli G, Verini Supplizi A, Bernabucci U, Lacetera N, Accorsi P.A, Nardone A, Seren E. 2000. Influence of heat stress or feed restriction on plasma progesterone, oestradiol-17b, LH, FSH, prolactin and cortisol in Holstein heifers. Livestock Production Scıence 68:231–241.
  • Roth Z, Meidan R, Shaham-Albalancy A, Braw-Tal R, Wolfenson D. 2001. Delayed effect of heat stres on streoid production in medium-sized and preovulatory bovine follicles. Journals of Reproduction and Fertility 121(5):745–751.
  • Roussel S, Hemsworth P. H, Leruste H, White C, Duvaux-Ponter C, Nowak R, Boissy A. 2006. Repeated transport and isolation during pregnancy in ewes: Effects on the reactivity to humans and to their offspring after lambing. Applied Animal Behaviour Scıence 97:172-189.
  • Sartori R, Sartor-Bergfelt R, Mertens S.A, Guenther J.N, Parrish J.J, Wiltbank M.C. 2002. Fertilization and early embryonic development in heifers and lactating cows in summer and lactating and dry cows in winter. Journal of Dairy Scıence 85:2803–2812.
  • Sivakumar A.V.N, Singh G, Varshney V.P. 2010. Antioxidants supplementation on acid base balance during heat stress in goats. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Scıence. 23:1462–1468.
  • Sönmez M, Demirci E, Türk G, Gür S. 2005. Effect of season on some fertility parametres of dairy and beef cows in Elazığ province. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Scıence 29:821–828.
  • Şireli H.D, Tutkun M, Tatar A.M, Tuncer S.S. 2017. Heat Stress In Rumınants. Journal of Animal Scıence LX:257-261.
  • Taşkın T, Ataç F, Demirören E. 2008. Sıcaklık Stresinin Saanen Keçilerinde T3 T4 ve Kortisol Hormon Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkisi. Hayvansal Üretim Dergisi 49(2):15-22.Üstün Z. 2011. “Sıcaklık Stresi Altındaki Süt İneklerinde Tohumlama Protokolü Sonrası Epidural Gnrh Uygulamasının Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi” Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aydın.
  • White F.J, Wettemann R.P, Looper M.L, Prado T.M, Morgan G.L. 2002. Seasonal effects on estrous behavior and time ovulation in nonlactating beef cows. Journal of Animal Scıence 80:3053–3059.
  • Wilson S.J, Marion R.S, Spain J.N, Spiers D.E, Keisler D.H, Lucy M.C. 1998. Effects of controlled heat stres on ovarian function of dairy cattle. 1. Lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Scıence 81:2124–2131.
  • Wolfenson D, Lew B.J, Thatcher W.W, Graber Y, Meidan R. 1997. Seasonal and acute heat stres effects on steroid production by dominanat follicles in cows. Animal Reproduction Scıence 47:9–19.
  • Wolfenson D, Sonego H, Bloch A, Shaham-Albalancy A, Kaim M, Folman Y, Meidan R. 2002. Seasonal differences in progesterone production by luteinized bovine thecal and granulosa cells. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 22:81–90.
  • Yadav B, Singh G, Wankar A. 2015. Adaptive Capability as Indicated by Redox Status and Endocrine Responses in Crossbred Cattle Exposed to Thermal Stress. Journal of Animal Research 5(1):67-73.Younas M, Fuquay J.W, Smith A.E, Moore A.B. 1993. Estr us and endocrine responses of lactating Holsteins to forced ventilation during summer. Journal of Dairy Scıence 76:430–434.
  • Yorulmaz E. 2014. “Koyunlarda Stresle İlgili Bazı Fizyolojik Parametrelerin Mevsimsel Değişimi” Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aydın.

Yüksek Çevre Sıcaklığına Maruz Kalan Ruminant Hayvanlarda Meydana Gelen Hormonal Değişimler

Yıl 2019, , 159 - 169, 30.12.2019


Stres, hayvanın karmaşık uyum düzeneğine baskı yapan ve çevreden gelen etkiler ile
aldığı normal dışı durumdur. Stres faktörleri (stressörler) geniş kapsamlıdır; soğuk,
sıcak, x- ışınları, yetersiz oksijen seviyesi, yüksek ses, korku, koku, yabancı cisimler ve
kızgınlık bu kaynaklardan bir kısmıdır. Yüksek sıcaklık hayvanların refahını zorlar ve
strese girmesine neden olur. Hayvanlarda oluşan korku ve stres, onlarda refah
sorununun ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Böylece, bağışıklık, sinir ve endokrin
sistemi olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu durumda, hayvanın sağlık sorunları artar ve
hayvanın yaşam süresi, kalitesi, verim düzeyi gibi parametrelerin olumsuz etkilenmesi
sonucu ekonomik kayıplar kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. Stres altındaki hayvanlarda, kortizol
salınımı, vücut ısısı ve nabız sayısının yükselmesi ile birlikte birçok hormonun
etkilendiği fizyolojik bir değişim söz konusudur. Bu kapsamda böbrek üstü bezi
hormonları (katekolaminler ve glukokortikoidler), üreme hormonları (ovaryum ve
testis hormonları), büyüme hormonu (somatotrop hormon), tiroid hormonları
(tiroksin ve triiyodotironin) ve pankreas hormonlarının (insülin ve glukagon)
salgılanmasında artış ya da azalış gerçekleşir. Yapılan derlemede, ruminant
hayvanlarda hormonal değişim üzerine sıcaklık stresinin etkileri tartışılmıştır.


  • Al-Haidary, A.A. 2004. Physiological exponses of Naimey sheep to heat stress challenge under semi-arid environments. Internatıonal Journal Of Agrıculture&Bıology 6(2):307-309.
  • Alnmier M, De Rosa G, Grasso F, Napolitana F, Bordi A. 2002. Effect of climate on the response of three oestrus synchronisation techniques in lactating dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Scıence 71:157–168.
  • Altınçekiç Ş, Koyuncu M. 2012. Çiftlik hayvanları ve stres. Hayvansal Üretim, 53(1): 27-37.
  • Ann Becker B, Klır J.J, Matteri R.L, Spiers D.E, Ellersıek M, Misfeldt M.L. 1997. Endocrine and thermoregulatory responses to acute thermal exposures in 6-month-old pigs reared in different neo-natal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology 22(2):87-93.
  • Anonim, 2019. (erişim tarihi=21.03.2013, 19:24).
  • Arı U.Ç. 2015. Sığırlarda Isı Stresinin Fizyolojik ve Hormonal Olarak Üremeye Etkisi. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Scıences 1(1):1-10.
  • Ası T. 1999. Hormonlar. Editör: Ası T. Tablolarla Biyokimya Cilt 2. Tayf Ofset, Ankara, s.71-111.
  • Bridges P.J, Brusie M.A, Fortune J.E. 2005. Elevated (heat stress) in vitro reduces androstenedione and estradiol and increases progesterone secretion by follicular cells from bovine dominant follicles. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 29:508–522.
  • Cengiz F. 2001. Hayvanlarda zorlanım (stres) oluşturan etkenler. Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 20:147-153.
  • Chrousos C.P, Gold P.S. 1992. The concepts of stress and stress system disorders: Overwiew of physical and behavioral homeostasis. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 267(9):1244-1252.
  • De Rensis F, Marconi P, Capelli T, Gatti F, Facciolongo F, Franzini S. 2002. Fertility in postpartum dairy cows in winter or summer following estrous synchronization and fixed time AI after the induction of an LH surge with GnRH or hCG. Theriogenology 58:1675–1687.
  • De Rensis F and Scaramuzzi R.J. 2003. Heat stress and seasonal effects on reproduction in the dairy cow-a review. Theriogenology 60:1139–1151.
  • Eliçin M. K. 2008. Akkeçilerde tiroid hormonlarının değişimi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Gendelman M, Roth Z. (2012). Seasonal effect ongerminal vesicle-stage bovine oocytes is expressed by alterations in transcript levels in the developing embryos associated with reduced developmental competence. Biology of Reproduction 86(1):1-9.
  • Gücel M. 2008. Kıbrıs Koyunlarında T3 ve T4 Hormon Düzeyleri ile Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Sıcaklık Stresinin Etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir.
  • Gwazdauskas F.C, Thatcher W.W, Wilcox C.J. 1972. Physiological, environmental, and hormonal factors at insemination which may affect conception. Journal of Dairy Scıence 56(7):873–877.
  • Güzeloğlu A, Ambrose J.D, Kassa T, Diaz T, Thatcher M.J, Thatcher W.W. 2001. Long-term follicular dynamics and biohemical characteristics of dominant follicles in dairy cows subjected to acute heat stres. Animal Reproduction Scıence 66:15–34.
  • Hamilton T.D, Vizcarra J.A, Wettman R.P, Keefer B.E, Spicer L.J. 1999. Ovarian function in nutritionally induced anoestrous cows: effect of exogenous gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in vivo and effect of insulin and insulin-like growth factor I in vitro. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 117:179–187.
  • Hansen P.J. 2009. Effects of heat stress on mammalian reproduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 364:3341-3350.
  • Helal A, Hashem A.L.S, Abdel - Fattah M.S, El-Shaer H.M. 2010. Effects of heat stress on coat characteristics and physiological responses of Balady and Damascus goats in Sinai, Egypt. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Scıence 7:60–69.
  • Howell J.L, Fuquay J.W, Smith A.E. 1994. Corpus luteum growth and function in lactating Holstein cows during spring and summer. Journal of Dairy Scıence 77:735–739.
  • Imtiaz Hussain S.M, Fuquay J.W, Younas M. 1992. Estrous cyclicity in nonlactating and lactating holsteins and jerseys during a Pakistani summer. Journal of Dairy Scıence 75:2968–2975.
  • Jolly P.D, McDougall S, Fitzpatrick L.A, Macmillan K.L, Entwhitsle K.W. 1995. Physiological effect of under nutrition on postpartum anoestrous in cows. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Supplement 49:477–492.
  • Kutlu B, Varışlı Ö. 2012. Şanlıurfa’da farklı mevsimlerde tohumlanan ineklerde gebelik oranı. Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2):97-102.Lacerda T.F, Loureiro B. (2015). Selecting Thermotolerant Animals as A Strategy to Improve Fertility ın Holstein Cows. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research 3(1):119-127.
  • Lawrence T, Vollhardt M.A. 1991. Psychoneuroimmunology; A literatüre revievv: American Journal of Orthopsyhiatry 61(1):35-47.
  • Lopez-Gatius F. 2003. Is fertility declining in dairy cattle? A retrospective study in northeastern Spain. Theriogenology 60:89–99.
  • Mann G.E and Lamming G.E. 2001. Relationship between the maternal endocrine environment, early embryo development and the inhibition of the luteolytic mechanism in the cow. Reproduction 121:175–180.
  • Ronchi B, Stradaioli G, Verini Supplizi A, Bernabucci U, Lacetera N, Accorsi P.A, Nardone A, Seren E. 2000. Influence of heat stress or feed restriction on plasma progesterone, oestradiol-17b, LH, FSH, prolactin and cortisol in Holstein heifers. Livestock Production Scıence 68:231–241.
  • Roth Z, Meidan R, Shaham-Albalancy A, Braw-Tal R, Wolfenson D. 2001. Delayed effect of heat stres on streoid production in medium-sized and preovulatory bovine follicles. Journals of Reproduction and Fertility 121(5):745–751.
  • Roussel S, Hemsworth P. H, Leruste H, White C, Duvaux-Ponter C, Nowak R, Boissy A. 2006. Repeated transport and isolation during pregnancy in ewes: Effects on the reactivity to humans and to their offspring after lambing. Applied Animal Behaviour Scıence 97:172-189.
  • Sartori R, Sartor-Bergfelt R, Mertens S.A, Guenther J.N, Parrish J.J, Wiltbank M.C. 2002. Fertilization and early embryonic development in heifers and lactating cows in summer and lactating and dry cows in winter. Journal of Dairy Scıence 85:2803–2812.
  • Sivakumar A.V.N, Singh G, Varshney V.P. 2010. Antioxidants supplementation on acid base balance during heat stress in goats. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Scıence. 23:1462–1468.
  • Sönmez M, Demirci E, Türk G, Gür S. 2005. Effect of season on some fertility parametres of dairy and beef cows in Elazığ province. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Scıence 29:821–828.
  • Şireli H.D, Tutkun M, Tatar A.M, Tuncer S.S. 2017. Heat Stress In Rumınants. Journal of Animal Scıence LX:257-261.
  • Taşkın T, Ataç F, Demirören E. 2008. Sıcaklık Stresinin Saanen Keçilerinde T3 T4 ve Kortisol Hormon Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkisi. Hayvansal Üretim Dergisi 49(2):15-22.Üstün Z. 2011. “Sıcaklık Stresi Altındaki Süt İneklerinde Tohumlama Protokolü Sonrası Epidural Gnrh Uygulamasının Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi” Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aydın.
  • White F.J, Wettemann R.P, Looper M.L, Prado T.M, Morgan G.L. 2002. Seasonal effects on estrous behavior and time ovulation in nonlactating beef cows. Journal of Animal Scıence 80:3053–3059.
  • Wilson S.J, Marion R.S, Spain J.N, Spiers D.E, Keisler D.H, Lucy M.C. 1998. Effects of controlled heat stres on ovarian function of dairy cattle. 1. Lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Scıence 81:2124–2131.
  • Wolfenson D, Lew B.J, Thatcher W.W, Graber Y, Meidan R. 1997. Seasonal and acute heat stres effects on steroid production by dominanat follicles in cows. Animal Reproduction Scıence 47:9–19.
  • Wolfenson D, Sonego H, Bloch A, Shaham-Albalancy A, Kaim M, Folman Y, Meidan R. 2002. Seasonal differences in progesterone production by luteinized bovine thecal and granulosa cells. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 22:81–90.
  • Yadav B, Singh G, Wankar A. 2015. Adaptive Capability as Indicated by Redox Status and Endocrine Responses in Crossbred Cattle Exposed to Thermal Stress. Journal of Animal Research 5(1):67-73.Younas M, Fuquay J.W, Smith A.E, Moore A.B. 1993. Estr us and endocrine responses of lactating Holsteins to forced ventilation during summer. Journal of Dairy Scıence 76:430–434.
  • Yorulmaz E. 2014. “Koyunlarda Stresle İlgili Bazı Fizyolojik Parametrelerin Mevsimsel Değişimi” Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aydın.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derlemeler

Murat Durmuş 0000-0002-4221-7449

Nazan Koluman Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9888-1755

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mart 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Durmuş, M., & Koluman, N. (2019). Yüksek Çevre Sıcaklığına Maruz Kalan Ruminant Hayvanlarda Meydana Gelen Hormonal Değişimler. Journal of Animal Production, 60(2), 159-169.


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