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Etlik Piliçlerde Çevresel Stresin Performans, Karkas Randımanı ve Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2019, , 111 - 116, 30.12.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, etlik piliçlerde çevresel stresin gelişme performansı, karkas
randımanı ve bazı fizyolojik parametreler üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir.

Materyal ve Metot: Günlük civcivler yüksek sıcaklık, rotasyon, obje kullanımı ve
kontrol olmak üzere rastgele 4 deneme grubuna ayrılmıştır. Sıcaklık grubunda
civcivler denemenin 21. gününde 3 saat süre ile 38±1 ºC sıcak stresine maruz
bırakılmışlardır. Obje grubuna 1-44. günler arasında çevresel zenginleştirme amacıyla
bölmelere yerleştirilen renkli objelerle (ayna, pet şişe, top vb.) görsel uyarıda
bulunularak stres yaratılmıştır. Rotasyon grubundaki piliçler ise haftada iki kere
düzenli olarak bölmeler arası rotasyona tabi tutulmuşlardır. Denemenin 42. gününde
de tüm piliçlere 1 saat süre ile 38±1 ºC sıcak stresi uygulanmıştır.

Bulgular: Çevresel zenginleştirme uygulaması etlik piliç performansını önemli
düzeyde etkilememekle birlikte, 42. gün canlı ağırlığı ve yemden yararlanmayı
iyileştirmiştir. Sıcak stresi uygulanan grubun karkas ağırlığı ve karkas randımanı
değerlerinin kontrol grubu ile benzerlik gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Akut sıcak stresi
sonrasında (21. gün) sıcaklık grubunda trigliserid düzeyinin kontrol grubuna göre
önemli düzeyde daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Deneme sonunda (42. gün) ise
glukoz ve kolesterol değerleri bakımından deneme grupları arasında önemli
farklılıklar oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Kontrol, obje ve sıcaklık gruplarında kolesterol
seviyeleri benzerlik gösterirken, rotasyon grubunda önemli derecede yükseldiği

Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, erken yaşlardan itibaren zenginleştirilmiş çevrede büyütme
strese adaptasyon sağlanması ve refahın iyileştirilmesi amacıyla yararlanılabilecek bir
yöntem olarak önerilebilir, ancak uygulamaya aktarılabilmesi için daha fazla çalışma
yapılmasına gerek vardır.

Destekleyen Kurum

ege üniversitesi ziraat fakültesi bilimsel araştırma projeleri koordinatörlüğü

Proje Numarası



Bu çalışmayı destekleyen E.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü ve Özlem Tarım Ürünleri A.Ş.'ne teşekkür ederiz.


  • Aksoy T. 1985. Etlik piliçlerde hareket aktivitesinin arttırılmasının değişik yaş dönemlerinde gelişme özelliklerine etkisi ile optimum kesim ağırlık ve yaşının belirlenmesi üzerinde araştırmalar. E.Ü.Z.F. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir.Alnaimy AM, Habeeb I, Fayaz I, Marai M, Kamal TH. 1992. Heat stress. Eds: Phillips C, Piggins D. Farm animals and the environment. CAB International, Wallingford, England.Altan Ö, Altan A, Oğuz İ, Pabuçcuoğlu A, Konyalıoğlu S. 2000. Effects of heat stress on growth, some blood variables and lipid oxidation in broilers exposed to high temperature at an early age. British Poultry Science 41:489-493.Arjona AA, Denbow DM, Weaver WD. 1988. Effect of heat stress early in life on mortality of broilers exposed to high environmental temperatures just prior to marketing. Poultry Science 67: 226-231.Balog JM, Bayyari GR, Rath NC, Huff WE, Anthony NB. 1997. Effect of intermittent activity on broiler production parameters. Poultry Science 76:6-12.Bennion NL. 1942. Management of turkey breeding stock. Extension Bulletin 603, Oregon State College, Corvallis.Cornetto T, Estevez I. 2001. Behavior of the domestic fowl in the presence of vertical pannels. Poultry Science 80:1455-1462.Jones RB. 1982. Effect of early environmental enrichment upon open-field behavior and timidity in the domestic chick. Developmental Psychobiology 15:105-111.Jones RB. 2002. Role of comparative psychology in the development of effective environmental enrichment strategies to improve poultry welfare. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 15:77-106.Kouba M, Hermier D, Le Dividich J. 2001. Influence of a high ambient temperature on lipid metabolism in the growing pig. Journal of Animal Science 79:81-87.Leterrier C, Arnould C, Bizeray D, Constantin P, Faure JM. 2001. Environmental enrichment and leg problems in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science 42:13-14.Lin H, Decuypere E, Buyse J. 2006. Acute heat stress induces oxidative stress in broiler chickens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 144:11-17.Lin H, Malheiros RD, Moraes VMB, Careghi C, Decuypere E, Buyse J. 2004. Acclimation of broiler chickens to chronic high environmental temperature. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 68:39-46.Martrenchar A, Huonnic D, Cotte JP. 2001. Influence of environmental enrichment on injurious pecking and perching behaviour in young turkeys. British Poultry Science 42:161-170.Newberry RC. 1995. Environmental enrichment: Increasing the biological relevance of captive environments. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 44:229-243. Nicol CJ. 1992. Effects of environmental enrichment and gentle handling on behaviour and fear responses of transported broilers. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 33:367-380.Perea AT, Maldonado FG, Lopez JAQ. 2002. Effect of environmental enrichment on the behavior production parameters and immune response in broilers. Veterinary Mexican, 33(2):89-100.Puvadolpirod S, Thaxton JP. 2000. Model of physiological stress in chickens 1. Response parameters. Poultry Science 79:363-369.Rosenzweig MR, Bennet EL. 1996. Psychobiology of plasticity: Effects of training and experience on brain and behavior. Behavioural Brain Research 78:57-65.SAS Institute, 1998. PC SAS User’s guide: Statistics. SAS Inc., Cary, USA.Vitinger E, Gaal KK, Vitinger N, Szalka E. 2005. The effect of multiple ACTH injections on certain biochemical parameters in Yellow Hungarian laying hens. Acta Agraria Kaposvariensis 9:1-9.Yahav S, Hurwitz S. 1996. Induction of thermotolerance in male broiler chickens by temperature conditioning at an early age. Poultry Science 75:402-406.Yahav S, McMurty JP. 2001. Thermotolerance acquisition in broiler chickens by temperature conditioning early in life-The effect of timing and ambient temperature. Poultry Science 80:1662-1666.Zulkifli I, Dass RT, Che Norma MT. 1999. Acute heat-stress effects on physiology and fear-related behaviour in red jungle fowl and domestic fowl. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 79:165-170.

Effect of Environmental Stress on Performance, Carcass Yield and Some Blood Parameters in Broilers

Yıl 2019, , 111 - 116, 30.12.2019


Objective: In this study, the effects of environmental stress on growth performance,
carcass yield and some blood parameters of broilers were investigated.

Material and Methods: Day-old chicks were randomly assigned into four treatment
groups (heat stress, rotation, environmental enrichment and control). Chicks in heat
stress group were exposed to 38±1 ºC for 3 hours at the age of 21 days. Chicks placed
in the enriched environment group were reared in pens that contained a variety of
colorful objects (mirror, plastic bottle, ball, etc) between days 1-44. Chicks in the
rotation group were subjected to rotation among pens twice a week. All treatment
groups were exposed to 38±1 ºC for 1 hour on day 42 of the experiment.

Results: Although environmental enrichment did not have a significant effect on the
growth performance of broiler chickens, higher live weight day and improved feed
conversion ratio on day 42 was noted. In heat stress group, carcass weight and
carcass yield were similar to the control group. After exposure to acute heat stress
(21st day), triglyceride levels in heat stress group were significantly higher than that
of the control group. At the end of the experiment (21st day), there were significant
differences between treatment groups in glucose and cholesterol levels. Cholesterol
levels were significantly higher in the rotation group, whereas levels were similar in
control, environmental enrichment and heat stress groups.

Conclusion: In conclusion, rearing in an enrichment environment beginning from
early ages can be recommended as a useful method for adaptation to stress and
improvement of welfare, but further research is needed to put the method in

Proje Numarası



  • Aksoy T. 1985. Etlik piliçlerde hareket aktivitesinin arttırılmasının değişik yaş dönemlerinde gelişme özelliklerine etkisi ile optimum kesim ağırlık ve yaşının belirlenmesi üzerinde araştırmalar. E.Ü.Z.F. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir.Alnaimy AM, Habeeb I, Fayaz I, Marai M, Kamal TH. 1992. Heat stress. Eds: Phillips C, Piggins D. Farm animals and the environment. CAB International, Wallingford, England.Altan Ö, Altan A, Oğuz İ, Pabuçcuoğlu A, Konyalıoğlu S. 2000. Effects of heat stress on growth, some blood variables and lipid oxidation in broilers exposed to high temperature at an early age. British Poultry Science 41:489-493.Arjona AA, Denbow DM, Weaver WD. 1988. Effect of heat stress early in life on mortality of broilers exposed to high environmental temperatures just prior to marketing. Poultry Science 67: 226-231.Balog JM, Bayyari GR, Rath NC, Huff WE, Anthony NB. 1997. Effect of intermittent activity on broiler production parameters. Poultry Science 76:6-12.Bennion NL. 1942. Management of turkey breeding stock. Extension Bulletin 603, Oregon State College, Corvallis.Cornetto T, Estevez I. 2001. Behavior of the domestic fowl in the presence of vertical pannels. Poultry Science 80:1455-1462.Jones RB. 1982. Effect of early environmental enrichment upon open-field behavior and timidity in the domestic chick. Developmental Psychobiology 15:105-111.Jones RB. 2002. Role of comparative psychology in the development of effective environmental enrichment strategies to improve poultry welfare. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 15:77-106.Kouba M, Hermier D, Le Dividich J. 2001. Influence of a high ambient temperature on lipid metabolism in the growing pig. Journal of Animal Science 79:81-87.Leterrier C, Arnould C, Bizeray D, Constantin P, Faure JM. 2001. Environmental enrichment and leg problems in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science 42:13-14.Lin H, Decuypere E, Buyse J. 2006. Acute heat stress induces oxidative stress in broiler chickens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 144:11-17.Lin H, Malheiros RD, Moraes VMB, Careghi C, Decuypere E, Buyse J. 2004. Acclimation of broiler chickens to chronic high environmental temperature. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 68:39-46.Martrenchar A, Huonnic D, Cotte JP. 2001. Influence of environmental enrichment on injurious pecking and perching behaviour in young turkeys. British Poultry Science 42:161-170.Newberry RC. 1995. Environmental enrichment: Increasing the biological relevance of captive environments. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 44:229-243. Nicol CJ. 1992. Effects of environmental enrichment and gentle handling on behaviour and fear responses of transported broilers. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 33:367-380.Perea AT, Maldonado FG, Lopez JAQ. 2002. Effect of environmental enrichment on the behavior production parameters and immune response in broilers. Veterinary Mexican, 33(2):89-100.Puvadolpirod S, Thaxton JP. 2000. Model of physiological stress in chickens 1. Response parameters. Poultry Science 79:363-369.Rosenzweig MR, Bennet EL. 1996. Psychobiology of plasticity: Effects of training and experience on brain and behavior. Behavioural Brain Research 78:57-65.SAS Institute, 1998. PC SAS User’s guide: Statistics. SAS Inc., Cary, USA.Vitinger E, Gaal KK, Vitinger N, Szalka E. 2005. The effect of multiple ACTH injections on certain biochemical parameters in Yellow Hungarian laying hens. Acta Agraria Kaposvariensis 9:1-9.Yahav S, Hurwitz S. 1996. Induction of thermotolerance in male broiler chickens by temperature conditioning at an early age. Poultry Science 75:402-406.Yahav S, McMurty JP. 2001. Thermotolerance acquisition in broiler chickens by temperature conditioning early in life-The effect of timing and ambient temperature. Poultry Science 80:1662-1666.Zulkifli I, Dass RT, Che Norma MT. 1999. Acute heat-stress effects on physiology and fear-related behaviour in red jungle fowl and domestic fowl. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 79:165-170.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Çiğdem Şeremet Tuğalay 0000-0002-9642-1648

Özge Altan 0000-0002-6304-6431

Özer Hakan Bayraktar 0000-0002-7071-5947

Proje Numarası 2005-ZRF-059
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Şeremet Tuğalay, Ç., Altan, Ö., & Bayraktar, Ö. H. (2019). Etlik Piliçlerde Çevresel Stresin Performans, Karkas Randımanı ve Bazı Kan Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. Journal of Animal Production, 60(2), 111-116.


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