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Bioactive Components and Effect Mechanism of Apilarnil

Yıl 2019, , 125 - 130, 30.12.2019


Objective: Apilarnil is
a natural bee product produced from the drone larvae. It has highly beneficial
properties for both humans and animals. The chemical composition of the drone
larvae consists of mineral salts, vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids, and amino
acids. It has an influence on the function bio-stimulating
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis has a direct impact on the essential
measures of the genitalia function. The obtaining study was performed to reveal
the detail physico-chemical characterization of apilarnil.

Material and
In this study, a freshly harvested apilarnil sample from Turkey was
investigated in terms of the percentage of some physicochemical parameters
(moisture, ash, total lipid, total protein, and cholesterol), the level of some
hormones (estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, and testosterone), and the
characterization of some fatty acids.

Results: According
to the existing results; testosterone and progesterone were noted highly level
as 14.80±0.05 ng/g and 14.40±0.05 ng/g, respectively, moreover, conjugated
linoleic acid (52.62%) was defined as a marker of fatty acid by gas

Conclusion: The evaluating results showed that apilarnil could be seen as a remarkable
natural source thanks to its high-level bio-properties.

Destekleyen Kurum

All authors state that there isn't any conflict of interests.


The authors are thankful to Lecturer Ebru Turk, for her technical assistance during the preparation of the manuscript.


  • Adams RP. 2007. Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In R. P. Adams (Ed.), Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (4th ed., p. 804). Carol Stream, USA: Allured Publishing Corporation.
  • Altan O, Yücel, B, Açikgöz Z, Seremet C, Kösoğlu M, Turgan N, Ozgönül AM. 2013. Apilarnil reduces fear and advances sexual development in male broilers but has no effect on growth. British Poultry Science, 54(3): 355–361. DOI: 10.1080/00071668.2013.791382
  • Anonymous. 2015. Animal and vegetable fats and oils-gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters.
  • Artık N, Konar N. 2015. Used bee products in apitherapy; royal jelly and apilarnil. Apitherapy, Hirudotherapy, Maggot Debritman and Ichthyotherapy. In Apitherapy (pp. 99–104). İzmir: Meta Press.
  • Aydin R. 2005. Conjugated linoleic acid: chemical structure, sources and biological properties. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29: 189–195.
  • Barnutiu LI. 2013. Biological properties evaluation of the quality markers from royal jelly and apilarnil. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Husbandary and Biotechnologies (PhD Thesis), Cluj-Napoca/Romania, pp:55.
  • Bărnuțiu LI, Mărghitaș LA, Dezmirean D, Bobiș O, Mihai C, Pavel C. 2013. Physico-chemical composition of apilarnil (bee drone larvae). Lucrări Științifice - Universitatea de Științe Agricole Și Medicină Veterinară, Seria Zootehnie 59:199–202.
  • Bayne BL, Gabbott PA, Widdows J. 1975. Some effects of stress in the adult on the eggs and larvae of Mytilus edulis L. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 55(3):675. DOI:10.1017/S0025315400017343
  • Blankson H, Stakkestad JA, Fagertun H, Thom E, Wadstein J, Gudmundsen O. 2000. Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat mass in overweight and obese humans. The Journal of Nutrition 130(12):2943–2948.
  • Cosman D, Iliesiu NV, Moldovan O. 1984. The efficacy of neurosis treatment with apilarnil. Apicultura in Romania 3:21–24.
  • Eshraghi S, Seifollahi F. 2003. Antibacterial effects of royal jelly on different strains of bacteria. Iranian Journal of Public Health 32(1):25–30.
  • Franey RJ, Amador E. 1968. Serum cholesterol measurement based on ethanol extraction and ferric chloride-sulfuric acid. Clinica Chimica Acta 21(2):255–263. DOI:10.1016/0009-8981(68)90135-6
  • Helrich K. 1990. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Ochrotoxins. In Official Methods of Analysis (15th ed., p. 1207). Arlington, VA: AOAC.
  • Iliesiu NV. 1987. Contribution of Apilarnil and Apitotal N.V.I. to the strengthening of natural defensive factors of the body with special reference to the immune system. Apicultura in Romania 10:17–20.
  • Iliesiu NV. 1991. Apilarnil, Health, Strength and Longevity. Apimondia Publishing House, 366.
  • Kelly GS. 2001. Conjugated linoleic acid: a review. Alternative Medicine Review : A Journal of Clinical Therapeutic 6(4):367–382.
  • Kogalniceanu-Odobescu S, Kogalniceanu S, Lancrajan I, Ardelean G. 2010. Changes of the glucidic metabolism determined by the physical effort of the treatment with the aslavital and apilarnil. Jurnal Medical Aradean (Arad Medical Journal), XIII(3):33–41.
  • Kolayli S, Sahin H, Can Z, Yildiz O, Malkoc M, Asadov A. 2016. A member of complementary medicinal food: Anatolian royal jellies, their chemical compositions, and antioxidant properties. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 21(4), NP43-8. DOI:10.1177/2156587215618832
  • Mancini A, Imperlini E, Nigro E, Montagnese C, Daniele A, Orrù S, Buono P. 2015. Biological and nutritional properties of palm oil and palmitic acid: effects on health. Molecules 20(9):17339–17361.
  • Matsuka M, Watabe N, Takeuchi K. 1973. Analysis of the food of larval drone honeybees. Journal of Apicultural Research 12(1):3–7. DOI:10.1080/00218839.1973.11099724
  • Nagai T, Sakai M, Inoue R, Inoue H, Suzuki N. 2001. Antioxidative activities of some commercially honeys, royal jelly, and propolis. Food Chemistry 75(2):237–240. DOI:10.1016/S0308-8146(01)00193-5
  • Nazari RM, Ghomi MR. 2010. Relationship between steroid hormones and maternal characteristics and larvae in Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus. Italian Journal of Zoology 77(4):492–494. DOI:10.1080/11250000903435240
  • Paludo CR, Menezes C, Silva-Junior EA, Vollet-Neto A, Andrade-Dominguez A, Pishchany, G, … Pupo MT. 2018. Stingless bee larvae require fungal steroid to pupate. Scientific Reports 8(1122):1-10. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-19583-9
  • Rahmathulla V K, Tilak R, Rajan R K. 2006. Influence of moisture content of mulberry leaf on growth and silk production in Bombyx mori L. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences 4(1):25–30.
  • Schmidt JO, Buchmann SL. 1992. Other products of the hive. In J. M. Graham (Ed.), The Hive and The Honey Bee (pp. 927–977). Dadant and Sons Hamilton Illinois, USA.
  • Seres AB, Ducza E, Báthori M, Hunyadi A, Béni Z, Dékány M, … Gáspár R. 2014. Androgenic effect of honeybee drone milk in castrated rats: roles of methyl palmitate and methyl oleate. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 153(2):446–453. DOI:10.1016/j.jep.2014.02.050
  • Speteanu R, Cismaru S, Iliesiu NV. 1984. Apilarnil, an active compound in cosmetic products. Apicultura in Romania 4:23–24.
  • Stangaciu S. 2002. Bee products and their medicinal uses. Honeybee Science 23(3):97–104.
  • Thompson H, Zhu Z, Banni S, Darcy K, Loftus T, Ip C. 1997. Morphological and biochemical status of the mammary gland as influenced by conjugated linoleic acid: implication for a reduction in mammary cancer risk. Cancer Research 57(22):5067–5072.
  • Topal E, Strant M, Yücel B, Kösoğlu M, Margaoan R, Dayıoğlu M. 2018. Biochemical properties and apitherapeutic usage of queen bee and drone larvae. Journal of Animal Production 59(2):77–82. DOI:10.29185/hayuretim.455478
  • Wytrychowski M, Chenavas S, Daniele G, Casabianca H, Batteau M, Guibert S, Brion B. 2013. Physicochemical characterisation of French royal jelly: comparison with commercial royal jellies and royal jellies produced through artificial bee-feeding. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 29(2):126–133. DOI:10.1016/j.jfca.2012.12.002
  • Yücel B, Açıkgöz Z, Bayraktar H, Seremet C. 2011. The effects of apilarnil (drone bee larvae) administration on growth performance and secondary sex characteristics of male broilers. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 10(17):2263–2266.

Apilarnilin Biyoaktif Bileşenleri ve Etki Mekanizması

Yıl 2019, , 125 - 130, 30.12.2019


Apilarnil, erkek arı larvalarından üretilen doğal bir arı ürünüdür. Hem insan
hem de hayvanlar için oldukça faydalı özelliklere sahiptir. Erkek arı
larvalarının kimyasal bileşimi, mineral tuzlar, vitaminler, karbohidratlar,
lipitler ve amino asitlerden meydana gelmektedir. Bu larvaların genital
fonksiyonun temel ölçümleri üzerinde doğrudan etkisi olan biyo-uyarıcı
hipotalamus-hipofiz-adrenal aks fonksiyonu üzerinde etkisi vardır. Mevcut
çalışma, apilarnilin detaylı fizikokimyasal karakterizasyonunu ortaya çıkarmak ortaya
çıkarmak adına tasarlanmıştır.

ve Metot:
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'den taze hasat edilmiş
apilarnil örneği, bazı fizikokimyasal parametrelerin yüzdesi (nem, kül, toplam
lipit, toplam protein ve kolesterol), bazı hormonların seviyesi (östradiol, prolaktin,
progesteron ve testosteron) ve bazı yağ asitlerinin karakterizasyonu açısından

Edinilen sonuçlara göre; testosteron ve progesteron sırasıyla 14.80 ± 0.05 ng/g
ve 14.40±0.05 ng/g olarak yüksek düzeyde ölçüldü ve ayrıca konjuge linoleik
asit (%52.62) gaz kromatografisi ile ana yağ asidi bileşeni olarak tanımlandı.

Değerlendirme sonuçları, apilarnilin, yüksek seviyeli biyolojik özelliklerinden
dolayı kayda değer bir doğal kaynak olarak görülebileceği sonucunu ortaya koymuştur.


  • Adams RP. 2007. Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In R. P. Adams (Ed.), Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (4th ed., p. 804). Carol Stream, USA: Allured Publishing Corporation.
  • Altan O, Yücel, B, Açikgöz Z, Seremet C, Kösoğlu M, Turgan N, Ozgönül AM. 2013. Apilarnil reduces fear and advances sexual development in male broilers but has no effect on growth. British Poultry Science, 54(3): 355–361. DOI: 10.1080/00071668.2013.791382
  • Anonymous. 2015. Animal and vegetable fats and oils-gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters.
  • Artık N, Konar N. 2015. Used bee products in apitherapy; royal jelly and apilarnil. Apitherapy, Hirudotherapy, Maggot Debritman and Ichthyotherapy. In Apitherapy (pp. 99–104). İzmir: Meta Press.
  • Aydin R. 2005. Conjugated linoleic acid: chemical structure, sources and biological properties. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29: 189–195.
  • Barnutiu LI. 2013. Biological properties evaluation of the quality markers from royal jelly and apilarnil. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Husbandary and Biotechnologies (PhD Thesis), Cluj-Napoca/Romania, pp:55.
  • Bărnuțiu LI, Mărghitaș LA, Dezmirean D, Bobiș O, Mihai C, Pavel C. 2013. Physico-chemical composition of apilarnil (bee drone larvae). Lucrări Științifice - Universitatea de Științe Agricole Și Medicină Veterinară, Seria Zootehnie 59:199–202.
  • Bayne BL, Gabbott PA, Widdows J. 1975. Some effects of stress in the adult on the eggs and larvae of Mytilus edulis L. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 55(3):675. DOI:10.1017/S0025315400017343
  • Blankson H, Stakkestad JA, Fagertun H, Thom E, Wadstein J, Gudmundsen O. 2000. Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat mass in overweight and obese humans. The Journal of Nutrition 130(12):2943–2948.
  • Cosman D, Iliesiu NV, Moldovan O. 1984. The efficacy of neurosis treatment with apilarnil. Apicultura in Romania 3:21–24.
  • Eshraghi S, Seifollahi F. 2003. Antibacterial effects of royal jelly on different strains of bacteria. Iranian Journal of Public Health 32(1):25–30.
  • Franey RJ, Amador E. 1968. Serum cholesterol measurement based on ethanol extraction and ferric chloride-sulfuric acid. Clinica Chimica Acta 21(2):255–263. DOI:10.1016/0009-8981(68)90135-6
  • Helrich K. 1990. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Ochrotoxins. In Official Methods of Analysis (15th ed., p. 1207). Arlington, VA: AOAC.
  • Iliesiu NV. 1987. Contribution of Apilarnil and Apitotal N.V.I. to the strengthening of natural defensive factors of the body with special reference to the immune system. Apicultura in Romania 10:17–20.
  • Iliesiu NV. 1991. Apilarnil, Health, Strength and Longevity. Apimondia Publishing House, 366.
  • Kelly GS. 2001. Conjugated linoleic acid: a review. Alternative Medicine Review : A Journal of Clinical Therapeutic 6(4):367–382.
  • Kogalniceanu-Odobescu S, Kogalniceanu S, Lancrajan I, Ardelean G. 2010. Changes of the glucidic metabolism determined by the physical effort of the treatment with the aslavital and apilarnil. Jurnal Medical Aradean (Arad Medical Journal), XIII(3):33–41.
  • Kolayli S, Sahin H, Can Z, Yildiz O, Malkoc M, Asadov A. 2016. A member of complementary medicinal food: Anatolian royal jellies, their chemical compositions, and antioxidant properties. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 21(4), NP43-8. DOI:10.1177/2156587215618832
  • Mancini A, Imperlini E, Nigro E, Montagnese C, Daniele A, Orrù S, Buono P. 2015. Biological and nutritional properties of palm oil and palmitic acid: effects on health. Molecules 20(9):17339–17361.
  • Matsuka M, Watabe N, Takeuchi K. 1973. Analysis of the food of larval drone honeybees. Journal of Apicultural Research 12(1):3–7. DOI:10.1080/00218839.1973.11099724
  • Nagai T, Sakai M, Inoue R, Inoue H, Suzuki N. 2001. Antioxidative activities of some commercially honeys, royal jelly, and propolis. Food Chemistry 75(2):237–240. DOI:10.1016/S0308-8146(01)00193-5
  • Nazari RM, Ghomi MR. 2010. Relationship between steroid hormones and maternal characteristics and larvae in Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus. Italian Journal of Zoology 77(4):492–494. DOI:10.1080/11250000903435240
  • Paludo CR, Menezes C, Silva-Junior EA, Vollet-Neto A, Andrade-Dominguez A, Pishchany, G, … Pupo MT. 2018. Stingless bee larvae require fungal steroid to pupate. Scientific Reports 8(1122):1-10. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-19583-9
  • Rahmathulla V K, Tilak R, Rajan R K. 2006. Influence of moisture content of mulberry leaf on growth and silk production in Bombyx mori L. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences 4(1):25–30.
  • Schmidt JO, Buchmann SL. 1992. Other products of the hive. In J. M. Graham (Ed.), The Hive and The Honey Bee (pp. 927–977). Dadant and Sons Hamilton Illinois, USA.
  • Seres AB, Ducza E, Báthori M, Hunyadi A, Béni Z, Dékány M, … Gáspár R. 2014. Androgenic effect of honeybee drone milk in castrated rats: roles of methyl palmitate and methyl oleate. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 153(2):446–453. DOI:10.1016/j.jep.2014.02.050
  • Speteanu R, Cismaru S, Iliesiu NV. 1984. Apilarnil, an active compound in cosmetic products. Apicultura in Romania 4:23–24.
  • Stangaciu S. 2002. Bee products and their medicinal uses. Honeybee Science 23(3):97–104.
  • Thompson H, Zhu Z, Banni S, Darcy K, Loftus T, Ip C. 1997. Morphological and biochemical status of the mammary gland as influenced by conjugated linoleic acid: implication for a reduction in mammary cancer risk. Cancer Research 57(22):5067–5072.
  • Topal E, Strant M, Yücel B, Kösoğlu M, Margaoan R, Dayıoğlu M. 2018. Biochemical properties and apitherapeutic usage of queen bee and drone larvae. Journal of Animal Production 59(2):77–82. DOI:10.29185/hayuretim.455478
  • Wytrychowski M, Chenavas S, Daniele G, Casabianca H, Batteau M, Guibert S, Brion B. 2013. Physicochemical characterisation of French royal jelly: comparison with commercial royal jellies and royal jellies produced through artificial bee-feeding. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 29(2):126–133. DOI:10.1016/j.jfca.2012.12.002
  • Yücel B, Açıkgöz Z, Bayraktar H, Seremet C. 2011. The effects of apilarnil (drone bee larvae) administration on growth performance and secondary sex characteristics of male broilers. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 10(17):2263–2266.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Banu Yucel 0000-0003-4911-7720

Huseyin Sahın 0000-0002-6018-1494

Oktay Yıldız 0000-0003-0436-682X

Sevgi Kolaylı 0000-0003-0437-6139

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Yucel, B., Sahın, H., Yıldız, O., Kolaylı, S. (2019). Bioactive Components and Effect Mechanism of Apilarnil. Journal of Animal Production, 60(2), 125-130.


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