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Karma Yemlere İlave Edilen Karotenoidlerin Etlik Piliçlerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2021, , 127 - 136, 31.12.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmada etlik piliç karma yemlerine ilave edilen karotenoidlerin et kalite özellikleri üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışmada hayvan materyali olarak 840 adet günlük yaşta Ross 308 erkek etlik civciv kullanılmış ve eşit sayıda rastgele yedi gruba ayrılmışlardır. Birinci grup (K); renk maddesi katkısı yapılmayan ve standart yemle beslenen kontrol grubu, ikinci grup (LK); standart karma yeme 80 ppm likopen ilaveli, üçüncü grup (LT); standart karma yeme 80 ppm lutein ilaveli, dördüncü grup (ZK); standart karma yeme 80 ppm zeaksantin ilaveli, beşinci grup (LK+LT); standart karma yeme 40 ppm likopen ve 40 ppm lutein ilaveli, altıncı grup (LK+ZK); standart karma yeme 40 ppm likopen ve 40 ppm zeaksantin ilaveli, yedinci grup (LT+ZK) ise 40 ppm zeaksantin ve 40 ppm lutein ilaveli yemlerle beslenen gruplar olacak şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Hayvanlara yem ve su ad-libitum olarak sunulmuştur.

Bulgular: Etlik piliçlere ait göğüs eti malondialdehid değerleri (MDA) ile karbonil değerleri, göğüs ve but eti besin madde içerikleri ve pH değerleri, göğüs eti renk değerleri, duyusal özellikleri (koku, yumuşaklık, tat, sululuk, görünüm, genel beğeni), göğüs etine ait fiziksel özellikler (çözdürme ve pişirme kayıpları, su tutma kapasitesi, tekstür), saptanmıştır.

Sonuç: Karma yemlere renk maddeleri ilavesi, göğüs eti MDA değerleri, göğüs eti “b” renk değeri ile etin sululuğu ve görünümü üzerinde önemli farklılıklara sebep olmuştur (P<0.05). Lutein, likopen ve zeaksantinin kanatlı karma yemlerine ilavesi ile özellikle et rengi ve MDA değerleri üzerine olumlu etkiler saptanmıştır. Bu etkilerinden dolayı lutein, likopen ve zeaksantinin iyi bir karotenoid kaynağı olarak önerilebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Ege Üniversitesi BAP

Proje Numarası



  • AOAC. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
  • AOAC. 1998. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC, USA.
  • Bendich A. 1989. Carotenoids and the immune response. Journal Nutritional, 119(1): 112-115.
  • Blum A, Merei M, Karem A, Blum N, Ben-Arzi S, Wirsansky I. 2006. Effects of tomatoes on the lipid profile. Clinical Investigation Medicine 29(5): 298-300.
  • Braunlich K, Hoffman F. 1974. The chemistry and action of pigmenters in avian diets. XV World’s Poultry Congree Proceedings, August 11-16, New Orleans.
  • Breinholt V, Laurıdsen ST, Daneshvar B, Jakobsen J. 2000. Dose-respone effects of lycopene on selected drug-metabolizing and antioxidant enzymes in the rat. Cancer Letters, 154: 201-210.
  • Britton G. 1992. Carotenoids, In: Natural Food Colorants. (Ed: Hendry, G.A.F. and Houghton, J.D.), Blackie and Sons Ltd. New York, 141-182.
  • Estevez M, Cava R. 2004. Lipid and protein oxidation, release of iron from heme molecule and colour deterioration during refrigerated storage of liver pate. Meat Science, 68: 551-558.
  • Estevez M, Cava R. 2006. Effectiveness of rosemary essential oil as an inhibitor of lipid and protein oxidation: Contradictory effects in different types of frankfurters. Meat Science, 72: 348-355.
  • Goodwin TW. 1984. The Biochemistry of the Carotenoids. Vol. 2. Animals. Chapman and Hall, New York, NY. ISBN-0-412-23770-9.
  • Honikel KO. 1997. Reference methods supported by OECD and their use in meditterranean meat products. Meat Science, 59(4): 573-582.
  • Klebanov GI, Kapitanov AB, Teselkin YO, Babenkova IV, Zhambalova BA, Lyubitsky OB, Nesterova OA, Vasil’eva OV, Popov IN, Lewin G, Vladimirov YA. 1998. The antioksidant properties of lycopene. Member Cell Biology, 12, 287-300.
  • Koreleski J, Swiatkiewicz S. 2007. Dietary supplementation with plant extracts, xantophylls and synthetic antixidants: Effect on fatty acid profile and oxidative stability of frozen stored chicken breast meat. Journal Animal Feed Science, 16: 463-471.
  • Krinsky NI. 1989. Carotenoids and cancer in animal models. Journal Nutrition, 119-123.
  • Leal M, Shimada A, Ruiz F, Mejia, DE, Gonzalez, ME. 1999. Effect of lycopene on lipid peroxidation and glutathione dependent enzymse induced by T-2 toxin in vivo. Toxicology Letters, 109: 1-10.
  • Lee KW, Choo WD, Kang CW, An BK. 2016. Effect of lycopene on the copper-induced oxidation of low-density lipoprotein in broiler chickens. SpinringerPlus 5: 389-397.
  • Mahdavi S, Mehmannavaz Y, Nobakht A, Zakeri A. 2013. The effects of different amounts of Mentha pulegium L. on immune system performance of broiler chickens. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4: 381-384.
  • Mercier Y, Gatellier P, Viau M, Remignon H, Renerre M. 1998. Effect of dietary fat and vitamin E on colour stability and on lipid and protein oxidation in turkey meat during storage. Meat Science, 48: 301-318.
  • Miller ES, Mackinney G, Zscheile FP. 1935. Absorption spectra of alpha and beta carotenes and lycopene. Plant of Physiology, 10: 375-381.
  • Moon RC. 1989. Comparative aspects of carotenoids and retinoids as chemopreventive agents for cancer. Journal of Nutritions, 119-123.
  • Musa HH, Chen GH, Cheng JH, Shuiep ES, Bao WB. 2006. Breed and sex effect on meat quality of chicken. International Journal of Poultry Science, 5(6): 566-568.
  • Olgun A. 2008. Peroksit düzeyleri farklı yağ içeren rasyonlara likopen katkısının etlik piliçlerde büyüme performansı, kan metabolitleri ve karkas ölçütleri üzerine etkileri. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Olson JA. 1989. Biological actions of carotenoids: Journal of Nutrition, 119: 94-101.
  • Oruç, H.H., Cengiz, M. ve Kalkanlı, Ö., 2005, Piliç etlerinde lipid oksidasyonu sonucu oluşan malonaldehit (MA) konsantrasyonları. Uludag University Journal of The Faculty Veterinary Medicine, 24: 7-9.
  • Papinaho PA, Fletcher DL. 1996. The effect of stunning amperage and deboning time an early rigor development and breast meat quality of broilers. Poultry Science, 75: 672-676.
  • Perez-Vendrell AM, Hernàndez JM, Llauradò L, Schierle J, Brufau J. 2001. Influence of source and ratio of xanthophyll pigments on broiler chicken pigmentation and performance. Poultry Science, 80: 320-326.
  • Rajput N, Ali S, Naeem M, Khan MA, Wang T. 2016. The effect of dietary supplementation with the natural carotenoids curcumin and lutein on pigmentation, oxidative stability and quality of meat from broiler chickens affected by a coccidiosis challenge. British Poultry Science, 55(4): 501-509.
  • Reznick AZ, Packer L. 1994. Oxidative damage to proteins: spectrophotometric method for carbonyl assay. Methods in Enzymology, 233: 357-363.
  • SAS. 1998. PC SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. SAS Inst. Cary.
  • Scott ML, Ascarelli I, Olson G. 1968. Studies of egg yolk pigmentation. Poultry Science, 47: 863-870.
  • Sevcikova S, Skrivan M, Dlouha G, Koucky M. 2006. The effect of selenium source on the performance and meat quality of broiler chickens. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 51: 449-457.
  • Smet K, Raes K, Huyghebaert G, Haak L, Arnouts S, De Smet S. 2008. Lipid and protein oxidation of broiler meat as ınfluenced by dietary natural antioxidant supplementation. Poultry Science, 87(8): 1682-1688.
  • Şahin K, Onderci M, Şahin N, Gursu MF, Kucuk O. 2006. Effects of lycopene supplementation on antioxidant status, oxidative stress, performance and carcass characteristics in heat-stressed Japanese quail. Journal of Thermal Biology, 31: 307-312.
  • Telefoncu A. 1988. Biyokimya. Sermet matbaası, Vize (çeviri).
  • TSE. 2001. Gıda ve hayvan yemleri mikrobiyolojisi- Enterobacteriaceae’nın aranması ve sayımı için yatay yöntem- Bölüm 2: Koloni sayım yöntemi, TS ISO 21528-2, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Witte VC, Krause GF, Bailey ME. 1970. A new extraction method por determining 2-thiobarbituric acid values of pork and beef during storage. Journal Food Science, 35: 582-585.

The Effects of Carotenoids Added to Mixed Feeds on Meat Quality of Broilers

Yıl 2021, , 127 - 136, 31.12.2021


Objective: In this study, the effects of carotenoids addition in broiler feeds on meat quality was investigated.

Materials and Methods: Eight hundered forty of Ross 308 one day old male broiler chicks are randomly divided into seven groups. The first group (K) as the control group was fed with basal diet without any pigment additives, the second group (LK) was fed with 80 ppm lycopene added basal diet, the third group(LT) was fed with 80 ppm lutein added basal diet, the fourth group (ZK) was fed with 80 ppm zeaxanthin added basal diet, the fifth group (LK+LT) was fed witth 40 ppm lycopene and 40 ppm lutein added basal diet, the sixth group (LK+ZK) was fed with 40 ppm lycopene and 40 ppm zeaxanthin added basal diet and the seventh group (ZK+LU) was fed with 40 ppm zeaxanthin and 40 ppm added basal diet, were designed. Feed and water were provided as ad-libitum.

Result: When the results obtained from the study were examined, body weight, breast meat MDA values, color of the breast meat’s “b” color value and sensory analyzes, color and water content were found to be statistically significant (P<0.05).

Conclusion: The addition of lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin to poultry feeds has positive effects on meat color and MDA. Due to these effects, it was concluded that lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin can be recommended as a good source of carotenoids

Proje Numarası



  • AOAC. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
  • AOAC. 1998. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC, USA.
  • Bendich A. 1989. Carotenoids and the immune response. Journal Nutritional, 119(1): 112-115.
  • Blum A, Merei M, Karem A, Blum N, Ben-Arzi S, Wirsansky I. 2006. Effects of tomatoes on the lipid profile. Clinical Investigation Medicine 29(5): 298-300.
  • Braunlich K, Hoffman F. 1974. The chemistry and action of pigmenters in avian diets. XV World’s Poultry Congree Proceedings, August 11-16, New Orleans.
  • Breinholt V, Laurıdsen ST, Daneshvar B, Jakobsen J. 2000. Dose-respone effects of lycopene on selected drug-metabolizing and antioxidant enzymes in the rat. Cancer Letters, 154: 201-210.
  • Britton G. 1992. Carotenoids, In: Natural Food Colorants. (Ed: Hendry, G.A.F. and Houghton, J.D.), Blackie and Sons Ltd. New York, 141-182.
  • Estevez M, Cava R. 2004. Lipid and protein oxidation, release of iron from heme molecule and colour deterioration during refrigerated storage of liver pate. Meat Science, 68: 551-558.
  • Estevez M, Cava R. 2006. Effectiveness of rosemary essential oil as an inhibitor of lipid and protein oxidation: Contradictory effects in different types of frankfurters. Meat Science, 72: 348-355.
  • Goodwin TW. 1984. The Biochemistry of the Carotenoids. Vol. 2. Animals. Chapman and Hall, New York, NY. ISBN-0-412-23770-9.
  • Honikel KO. 1997. Reference methods supported by OECD and their use in meditterranean meat products. Meat Science, 59(4): 573-582.
  • Klebanov GI, Kapitanov AB, Teselkin YO, Babenkova IV, Zhambalova BA, Lyubitsky OB, Nesterova OA, Vasil’eva OV, Popov IN, Lewin G, Vladimirov YA. 1998. The antioksidant properties of lycopene. Member Cell Biology, 12, 287-300.
  • Koreleski J, Swiatkiewicz S. 2007. Dietary supplementation with plant extracts, xantophylls and synthetic antixidants: Effect on fatty acid profile and oxidative stability of frozen stored chicken breast meat. Journal Animal Feed Science, 16: 463-471.
  • Krinsky NI. 1989. Carotenoids and cancer in animal models. Journal Nutrition, 119-123.
  • Leal M, Shimada A, Ruiz F, Mejia, DE, Gonzalez, ME. 1999. Effect of lycopene on lipid peroxidation and glutathione dependent enzymse induced by T-2 toxin in vivo. Toxicology Letters, 109: 1-10.
  • Lee KW, Choo WD, Kang CW, An BK. 2016. Effect of lycopene on the copper-induced oxidation of low-density lipoprotein in broiler chickens. SpinringerPlus 5: 389-397.
  • Mahdavi S, Mehmannavaz Y, Nobakht A, Zakeri A. 2013. The effects of different amounts of Mentha pulegium L. on immune system performance of broiler chickens. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4: 381-384.
  • Mercier Y, Gatellier P, Viau M, Remignon H, Renerre M. 1998. Effect of dietary fat and vitamin E on colour stability and on lipid and protein oxidation in turkey meat during storage. Meat Science, 48: 301-318.
  • Miller ES, Mackinney G, Zscheile FP. 1935. Absorption spectra of alpha and beta carotenes and lycopene. Plant of Physiology, 10: 375-381.
  • Moon RC. 1989. Comparative aspects of carotenoids and retinoids as chemopreventive agents for cancer. Journal of Nutritions, 119-123.
  • Musa HH, Chen GH, Cheng JH, Shuiep ES, Bao WB. 2006. Breed and sex effect on meat quality of chicken. International Journal of Poultry Science, 5(6): 566-568.
  • Olgun A. 2008. Peroksit düzeyleri farklı yağ içeren rasyonlara likopen katkısının etlik piliçlerde büyüme performansı, kan metabolitleri ve karkas ölçütleri üzerine etkileri. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Olson JA. 1989. Biological actions of carotenoids: Journal of Nutrition, 119: 94-101.
  • Oruç, H.H., Cengiz, M. ve Kalkanlı, Ö., 2005, Piliç etlerinde lipid oksidasyonu sonucu oluşan malonaldehit (MA) konsantrasyonları. Uludag University Journal of The Faculty Veterinary Medicine, 24: 7-9.
  • Papinaho PA, Fletcher DL. 1996. The effect of stunning amperage and deboning time an early rigor development and breast meat quality of broilers. Poultry Science, 75: 672-676.
  • Perez-Vendrell AM, Hernàndez JM, Llauradò L, Schierle J, Brufau J. 2001. Influence of source and ratio of xanthophyll pigments on broiler chicken pigmentation and performance. Poultry Science, 80: 320-326.
  • Rajput N, Ali S, Naeem M, Khan MA, Wang T. 2016. The effect of dietary supplementation with the natural carotenoids curcumin and lutein on pigmentation, oxidative stability and quality of meat from broiler chickens affected by a coccidiosis challenge. British Poultry Science, 55(4): 501-509.
  • Reznick AZ, Packer L. 1994. Oxidative damage to proteins: spectrophotometric method for carbonyl assay. Methods in Enzymology, 233: 357-363.
  • SAS. 1998. PC SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. SAS Inst. Cary.
  • Scott ML, Ascarelli I, Olson G. 1968. Studies of egg yolk pigmentation. Poultry Science, 47: 863-870.
  • Sevcikova S, Skrivan M, Dlouha G, Koucky M. 2006. The effect of selenium source on the performance and meat quality of broiler chickens. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 51: 449-457.
  • Smet K, Raes K, Huyghebaert G, Haak L, Arnouts S, De Smet S. 2008. Lipid and protein oxidation of broiler meat as ınfluenced by dietary natural antioxidant supplementation. Poultry Science, 87(8): 1682-1688.
  • Şahin K, Onderci M, Şahin N, Gursu MF, Kucuk O. 2006. Effects of lycopene supplementation on antioxidant status, oxidative stress, performance and carcass characteristics in heat-stressed Japanese quail. Journal of Thermal Biology, 31: 307-312.
  • Telefoncu A. 1988. Biyokimya. Sermet matbaası, Vize (çeviri).
  • TSE. 2001. Gıda ve hayvan yemleri mikrobiyolojisi- Enterobacteriaceae’nın aranması ve sayımı için yatay yöntem- Bölüm 2: Koloni sayım yöntemi, TS ISO 21528-2, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Witte VC, Krause GF, Bailey ME. 1970. A new extraction method por determining 2-thiobarbituric acid values of pork and beef during storage. Journal Food Science, 35: 582-585.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Selim Mert 0000-0003-2083-0450

Figen Kırkpınar 0000-0002-2018-755X

Proje Numarası 2011-ZRF-032
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Mert, S., & Kırkpınar, F. (2021). Karma Yemlere İlave Edilen Karotenoidlerin Etlik Piliçlerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Animal Production, 62(2), 127-136.


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