Koyun ve keçi, küçükbaş hayvan yetiştiriciliğinde
sürdürülebilirliğin geliştirilmesi ve sürdürülebilirlik taleplerinin
karşılanması noktasında organik üretimdeki rolü ile öne çıkmaktadırlar. Organik
küçükbaş hayvan üretimi ile hayvan refahı, çevrenin korunması ve kırsal yaşamın
devamlılığını geliştirebilir. Doğayla dost organik koyun-keçi
yetiştiriciliğinin geleceği, beslenme konusundaki alternatifler, hastalıklardan
koruma ve kontrol uygulamalarına yönelik olarak yapılacak araştırmaların
sürdürülmesine bağlı bulunmaktadır. Son yıllarda Dünyada ve özellikle AB’de
birçok ülkede organik sertifikalı koyun ve keçi yetiştiriciliği hızla
büyümektedir. Bu üretim sisteminin gelişmesinde etkili olan faktörlerin başında
organik koyun ve keçi ürünlerine olan talebin artması gelmektedir. Bu derlemede
organik koyun ve keçi yetiştiriciliğinin mevcut durumu ve uygulama ilkeleri ele
Anonim, 2013. Facts and figures on organic agriculture in the European Union. European Commission Report, October.
Anonim, 2015. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Organik Tarım İstatistikleri.Ankara.
Anonim, 2016. ATTRA: Pasture go organic. https://attra.ncat.org/organic.html (27.01.2016).
Bingöl M, Yılmaz A, Daşkıran İ, Vural ME. 2013. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde organik koyun yetiştiriciliği ve geliştirme olanakları. Bingöl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2(1):98-108.
Cabaret J. 2004. Parasitisme helminthique en élevage biologique ovin: réalités et moyens de contrôle, INRA Prod. Anim. 17(2):145-154. CIE (1986) Colorimetry. 2nd Ed. CIE Publ. No 15.2. Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage, Vienna.
Cabaret J. 2008. Pro and cons of targeted selective treatment against digestive-tract strongyles of ruminants. Parasite 15(3):506-509.
Dulphy JP, Benoit M, Laignel G, Tournadre H. 2003. Relation between forage and sheep production in a semi-dry context under organic management. In Optimal Forage Systems for Animal production and the Environment. Volume 8. 656p, Grassland Science in Europe. May 2003. Pleven. Bulgaria.
FIBL and IFOAM, 2015. The World of organic agriculture statistics and emerging trends. https://shop.fibl.org/fileadmin/documents/shop/1698-organic-world-2016.pdf (20 Ocak 2014)
Hovi M, Sundrum A, Thamsborg SM. 2003. Animal health and welfare in organic livestock production in Europe:current state and future challenges. Organic Livestock Production 80(1-2):41-53.
IFOAM, 2002. IFOAM Norms II. IFOAM Basic standards for organic production and processing. International Federation of Organic Movements, Tholey-Theley, Germany (http://www.ifoam.org/standart/norms/ibs.pdf). (25 Mayıs 2013)
Kaymakçı M, Taşkın T, Koşum N, Önenç SS, Önenç A. 2004. Organik süt üretimini Türkiye’de geliştirme olanakları. I. Uluslararası Organik Hayvansal Üretim ve Gıda Güvenliği Kongresi. Kuşadası, 28 Nisan-1 Mayıs 2004, s.358-370.
King FH. 1911. Farmers for Forty Centuries or Payment Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan. Mrs. F.H. King, Madison, WI.
Kirilov A, Todorov N, Katerov I. Laignel G, Benoit M. 2003. Résultats technico-économiques d'exploitations ovines allaitantes conduites en agriculture biologique en Massif Central Nord. Campagnes , Eds, 522-525 2000 à 2002. Note LEE, 10 p.
Launchbaugh K, Walker J. 2006. Targeted grazing-a new paradigm for livestock management, in targeted grazing: A natural approach to vegetation management and landscape enhancement. American Sheep Industry Association. Englewood, CO.199 p. Available online at: www.cnr.uidaho.edu/rx-grazing/ Handbook.htm.(09 Ocak 2015)
Lu CD, Gangy X, Kawas JR. 2010. Organic goat production and marketing: Opportunities challenges and Outlook. Small Ruminant Research 89(2):102-109.
Mena Y, Ligero M, Ruiz FA, Nahed J, Castel JM, Acosta JM, Guzmin JL. 2009. Organic and conventional dairy goat production systems in Andalusian mountains areas. Options Mediterraneenes: Serie A. Seminaries Mediterraneens 91:253-256.
Mohica PT, Garcia A, Gomez-Castro AG, Perea J, Rodriguez-Estevez V, Aguilar C, Vera R. 2011. Technical efficiency and viability or organic dairy sheep farming systems in a traditional area for sheep production in Spain. Small Ruminant Research 100(2-3):89-95.
Morand-Fehr P, Boyazoglu J. 1999. Present state and future Outlook of the small ruminant sector. Small Ruminant Research 34:175-188.
Nardone A. 2000. Weather conditions and genetics of breeding systems in the Mediterranean area. Proc: XXXV Intern. Symp. of Societa Italiana per il Progresso della Zootecnia, Rabusa I, 67-91.
Nardone A, Zervas G, Ronchi B. 2004. Sustinabilty of small ruminant organic systems of production. Livestock Production Science 90:27-34.
Philip L. 2004. Key Factors to condsider in organic sheep production. Ontario Sheep News 23(1):18-19.
Rahmann G, Seip H. 2007. Alternative management strategies to prevent and control endo-parasite diseases in sheep and goat farming systems - A review of the recent scientific knowledge. Landbauforschung Volkenrode 57(2):193-206
Ronci B, Nardone A. 2003. Contribution of organic farming to increase sustainability of Mediterranean small ruminants livestock systems. Livestock Production Science 80(1-2):17-31.
Şayan Y, Polat M, Taşkın T. 2009. Türkiye koyunculuğunda organik üretim. Türkiye Koyunculuk Kongresi, 12-13 Şubat, s.72-81, Bornova-İzmir.
Theriez M, Tissier M. 1981. The chemical composition of intensively fed lambs. Animal Production 32:29-37.
Tournadre H, Bocquier F, Petit M, Thimonier J, Benoit M. 2002. Efficacité de l’effet bélier chez la brebis Limousine à différents moments de l’anoestrus. Rencontres Recherches Ruminants 9:143-146.
Washburn KE, Bissett WT, Fajt VR, Libal MC, Fosgate GT, Miga JA, Rockey KM. 2009. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Comparison of three treatment regimens for sheep and goats with caseous lymphadenitis. 234(9):1162-1166. American Veterinary Medical Association
1931 North Meacham Road - Suite 100. Schaumburg, IL 60173.
Anonim, 2013. Facts and figures on organic agriculture in the European Union. European Commission Report, October.
Anonim, 2015. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Organik Tarım İstatistikleri.Ankara.
Anonim, 2016. ATTRA: Pasture go organic. https://attra.ncat.org/organic.html (27.01.2016).
Bingöl M, Yılmaz A, Daşkıran İ, Vural ME. 2013. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde organik koyun yetiştiriciliği ve geliştirme olanakları. Bingöl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2(1):98-108.
Cabaret J. 2004. Parasitisme helminthique en élevage biologique ovin: réalités et moyens de contrôle, INRA Prod. Anim. 17(2):145-154. CIE (1986) Colorimetry. 2nd Ed. CIE Publ. No 15.2. Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage, Vienna.
Cabaret J. 2008. Pro and cons of targeted selective treatment against digestive-tract strongyles of ruminants. Parasite 15(3):506-509.
Dulphy JP, Benoit M, Laignel G, Tournadre H. 2003. Relation between forage and sheep production in a semi-dry context under organic management. In Optimal Forage Systems for Animal production and the Environment. Volume 8. 656p, Grassland Science in Europe. May 2003. Pleven. Bulgaria.
FIBL and IFOAM, 2015. The World of organic agriculture statistics and emerging trends. https://shop.fibl.org/fileadmin/documents/shop/1698-organic-world-2016.pdf (20 Ocak 2014)
Hovi M, Sundrum A, Thamsborg SM. 2003. Animal health and welfare in organic livestock production in Europe:current state and future challenges. Organic Livestock Production 80(1-2):41-53.
IFOAM, 2002. IFOAM Norms II. IFOAM Basic standards for organic production and processing. International Federation of Organic Movements, Tholey-Theley, Germany (http://www.ifoam.org/standart/norms/ibs.pdf). (25 Mayıs 2013)
Kaymakçı M, Taşkın T, Koşum N, Önenç SS, Önenç A. 2004. Organik süt üretimini Türkiye’de geliştirme olanakları. I. Uluslararası Organik Hayvansal Üretim ve Gıda Güvenliği Kongresi. Kuşadası, 28 Nisan-1 Mayıs 2004, s.358-370.
King FH. 1911. Farmers for Forty Centuries or Payment Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan. Mrs. F.H. King, Madison, WI.
Kirilov A, Todorov N, Katerov I. Laignel G, Benoit M. 2003. Résultats technico-économiques d'exploitations ovines allaitantes conduites en agriculture biologique en Massif Central Nord. Campagnes , Eds, 522-525 2000 à 2002. Note LEE, 10 p.
Launchbaugh K, Walker J. 2006. Targeted grazing-a new paradigm for livestock management, in targeted grazing: A natural approach to vegetation management and landscape enhancement. American Sheep Industry Association. Englewood, CO.199 p. Available online at: www.cnr.uidaho.edu/rx-grazing/ Handbook.htm.(09 Ocak 2015)
Lu CD, Gangy X, Kawas JR. 2010. Organic goat production and marketing: Opportunities challenges and Outlook. Small Ruminant Research 89(2):102-109.
Mena Y, Ligero M, Ruiz FA, Nahed J, Castel JM, Acosta JM, Guzmin JL. 2009. Organic and conventional dairy goat production systems in Andalusian mountains areas. Options Mediterraneenes: Serie A. Seminaries Mediterraneens 91:253-256.
Mohica PT, Garcia A, Gomez-Castro AG, Perea J, Rodriguez-Estevez V, Aguilar C, Vera R. 2011. Technical efficiency and viability or organic dairy sheep farming systems in a traditional area for sheep production in Spain. Small Ruminant Research 100(2-3):89-95.
Morand-Fehr P, Boyazoglu J. 1999. Present state and future Outlook of the small ruminant sector. Small Ruminant Research 34:175-188.
Nardone A. 2000. Weather conditions and genetics of breeding systems in the Mediterranean area. Proc: XXXV Intern. Symp. of Societa Italiana per il Progresso della Zootecnia, Rabusa I, 67-91.
Nardone A, Zervas G, Ronchi B. 2004. Sustinabilty of small ruminant organic systems of production. Livestock Production Science 90:27-34.
Philip L. 2004. Key Factors to condsider in organic sheep production. Ontario Sheep News 23(1):18-19.
Rahmann G, Seip H. 2007. Alternative management strategies to prevent and control endo-parasite diseases in sheep and goat farming systems - A review of the recent scientific knowledge. Landbauforschung Volkenrode 57(2):193-206
Ronci B, Nardone A. 2003. Contribution of organic farming to increase sustainability of Mediterranean small ruminants livestock systems. Livestock Production Science 80(1-2):17-31.
Şayan Y, Polat M, Taşkın T. 2009. Türkiye koyunculuğunda organik üretim. Türkiye Koyunculuk Kongresi, 12-13 Şubat, s.72-81, Bornova-İzmir.
Theriez M, Tissier M. 1981. The chemical composition of intensively fed lambs. Animal Production 32:29-37.
Tournadre H, Bocquier F, Petit M, Thimonier J, Benoit M. 2002. Efficacité de l’effet bélier chez la brebis Limousine à différents moments de l’anoestrus. Rencontres Recherches Ruminants 9:143-146.
Washburn KE, Bissett WT, Fajt VR, Libal MC, Fosgate GT, Miga JA, Rockey KM. 2009. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Comparison of three treatment regimens for sheep and goats with caseous lymphadenitis. 234(9):1162-1166. American Veterinary Medical Association
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