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Kanatlı Yetiştiriciliğinde Serbest Dolaşımlı Sistemde (Free Range) Besleme Teknikleri

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 57 Sayı: 2, 68 - 74, 30.07.2016


Son yıllarda tüketicilerin hayvan
haklarının korunması ve refahının sağlanması yönünde artan endişeleri, kanatlı
yetiştiriciliğinde yeni yetiştirme sistemlerinin gündeme gelmesine neden
olmuştur. Entansif yetiştirmede uygulanan standartlar hayvanlarda başta stres,
fiziksel ve davranışsal kısıtlamalar gibi bazı problemlerin görülmesine neden
olduğundan, bu geleneksel sistemlere alternatif olarak hayvanların rahatça
fiziksel aktivitelerini gerçekleştirebildiği ve doğal davranışlarını
sergileyebildiği yarı kapalı alternatif sistemler gündeme gelmiştir. Hayvan
refahının ön planda tutulduğu bu sistemlerin başında serbest dolaşımlı (free
range) yetiştiricilik gelmektedir. Bu sistemde, kanatlı hayvanların besleme
standartları entansif yetiştiriciliğe göre bazı farklılıklar göstermektedir. Mesela, bu
sistemde bölgesel yem kaynaklarının kullanılmasıyla oluşturulan otlatma
alanlarının ekonomik ve verimli kullanımı hem optimum besleme hem de karlı
yetiştiricilik için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu derlemede, serbest dolaşımlı
yetiştirme sisteminde kanatlı besleme uygulamaları hakkında bilgi


  • Adams C. 1999. Nutricines. Food components in health and nutritions. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press. Anonim, 2014. Pasture Primer: a look at pasture plants by Ekarius. C. (10 Mart 2016).
  • Appleby MC, Hughes BO, Hogarth GS. 1989. Behaviour of laying hens in a deep litter house. British Poultry Science 30:545-553.
  • Appleby MC, Hughes BO, Elson HA. 1992. Poultry production systems: behaviour management and welfare. Journal of Agricultural Science 120(3):420-421.
  • Blair R. 2008. Nutrition and feeding of organic poultry. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
  • Botsoglou NA, Yannakopoulos AL, Fletouris DJ, Tserveni-Goussi AC, Fortomaris P. 1997. Effect of dietary thyme on the oxidative stability of egg yolk. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45:3711-3716.
  • Buchanan N, Hott J, Kimbler L, Moritz J. 2007. Nutrient composition and digestibility of organic broiler diets and pasture forages. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 16(1):13-21.
  • Castellini C, Perella F, Muhnai C, Dal Bosco A. 2006. Welfare, productivity and qualitative traits of egg in laying hens reared under different rearing systems. Proceedings of the XII European Poultry Conference, September 10-14, Verona, Italy.
  • Castellini C, Dal Bosco A, Mugnai C. 2009. Animal welfare in organic poultry system.Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Poultry Summit, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 227-232.
  • Christaki E, Bonos E, Giannenas I, Florou-Paneri P. 2012. Aromatic plants as a source of bioactive compounds. Agriculture 2:228-243.
  • Dal Bosco A, Mugnai C, Sarti F, Perella F, Moscati L, Battistacci L, Ferrante V, Castellini C. 2009. Evaluation of welfare in Italian poultry breeds based on metabolic parameters. Italian Journal of Animal Science, Proceedings of the 9th ASPA Congress, Palermo, Italy, p. 810.
  • Elson HA. 1995. Poultry production: Environmental factors and Reproduction, in: Hunton, P. (Ed.). World Animal Science 17:389-408.
  • Fanatico AC, Brewer VB, Owens-Hanning CM, Donoghue DJ, Donoghue AM. 2013. Free-choice feeding of free-range meat chickens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 22:750–758.
  • Faria PB, Vieira JO, Silva JN, Rodrigues AQ, Souza XR, Santos FR, Pereira AA. 2011. Performance and carcass characteristics of freerange broiler chickens fed diets containing alternative feedstuffs. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 13(3):211-216.
  • Franz C, Baser KHC, Windisch W. 2010. Essential oils and aromatic plants in animal feeding—An European perspective: A review. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 25:327-340.
  • Fukumoto GK. 2009. Small-scale pastured poultry grazing system for egg production. (20 Mart 2016).
  • Gerzilov V, Nikolov A, Petrov P, Bozakova N, Penchev G, Bochukov A. 2015. Effect of a dietary herbal mixture supplement on the growth performance, egg production and health status in chickens. Journal of Central European Agriculture 16(2):10-27.
  • Hartini S, Choct M, Hinch G, Kocher A, Nolan JV. 2002. Effects of light intensity during rearing and beak trimming and dietary fiber sources on mortality, egg production, and performance of ISA brown laying hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 11:104-110.
  • Horsted K. 2006. Increased Foraging in Organic Layers. PhD Thesis. Department of Agroecology, University of Aarhus. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. (16 Mart 2016)
  • Ipek A, Karabulut A, Sahan U, Canbolat O, Yilmaz Dikmen B. 2009. The effects of different feding managenent systems on performance of a slow-growing broiler genotype. British Poultry Science 50(2):213-217.
  • İpek A, Sözcü A. 2015. Alternatif kanatlı yetiştirme sistemlerinde yetiştirme pratikleri ve refah standartları. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 29(1):133-146.
  • Kamel C. 2001. Tracing methods of action and roles of plant extracts in non-ruminants. pp. 135-150 in Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition. P.C. Garnsworthy and J. Wiseman, Eds. Nottingham University Press, Nothingham, UK. Kosmidou M, Sossidou E, Fortomaris P, Yannakopoulos A, Tservenigoussi
  • AS. 2006. A pilot study on free-range laying hens’ preference for four cultivated aromatic plants. Department of Animal Production Ichthyology, Ecology and Environmental Protection. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 1-4.
  • Kosmidou MD, Fortomaris PD, Sossidou EN, Yannakopoulos AL, Tserveni-Goussi AS. 2007. The effect of an enriched pasture with aromatic plants on some egg quality characteristics of free-range laying hens. In Proceedings, XVIIth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, 2-5 September 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, pp.73-74.
  • Kosmidou M, Sossidou E, Fortomaris P, Yannakopoulos A, Tservenigoussi A. 2008. Free-range laying hens’ preferences for two cultivated aromatic plants when offered in their pasture area. World's Poultry Science Journal 64(Supplement 1): 24-25.
  • Kroiysmar A. 2015. The importance of choosing the right dietary fibre for poultry. International Poultry Production 22(7):23-24.
  • Miao ZH, Glatz PC, Ru YJ. 2005. Free-range poultry production - A review. Asian-Aust. Journal of Animal Science 18(1):113-132.
  • Mugnai C, Dal Bosco A, Castellini C. 2009. Effect of rearing system and season on the performance and egg characteristics of Ancona laying hens. Italian Journal of Animal Science 8:175-189.
  • Narahari D, Kirubakaran A, Ahmed M, Michel RP. 2004. Improved designer egg production using herbal enriched functional feeds. In Proceedings of the XXII World Poultry Congress, 8-13 June, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Padgham JL. 2006. Raising poultry on pasture: ten years of success. Published by American Pastured Poultry Producers. ISBN-10.0972177043.
  • Portsmouth J. 2000. The nutrition of free-range layers. World’s Poultry Science Journal 16:16-18.
  • Rivera-Ferre M, Guadalupe M, Lantinga E, Kwakkel R. 2007. Herbage intake and use of outdoor area by organic broilers: effects of vegetation type and shelter addition. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 54:279-291. Salatin J. 2004. Pastured Poultry Profits. Polyface, Inc., Swoope, Virginia: p. 334.
  • Silva HO, Fonseca RA, Guedes Filho RS. 2000. Características produtivas e digestibilidade da farinha de folhas de mandioca em dietas de frangos de corte com e sem adição de enzimas. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 29:823-829.
  • Sivropoulou A, Papanikolaou E, Nikoaou C, Kokkini S, Lanaras T, Arsenakis M. 1996. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Origanum essential oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44:1202-1205.
  • Sossidou EN. 2009. Innovative methods for pasture based poultry production systems. In european forum of Livestock Housing for the Future. October, 22-23. Lille, France.
  • Sossidou EN, Dal Bosco A, Elson HA, Fontes CMGA. 2011. Pasture-based systems for poultry production: implications and perspectives. World’s Poultry Science Journal 67:47-58.
  • Sözcü A, Yılmaz E. 2014. Yumurta Tavuğu Yetiştirme Sistemlerinde Refah Problemleri. Hayvansal Üretim 55(2):38-42. Spencer T. 2013. Pastured Poultry Nutrition and Forages. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA). August, 2013. IP543.
  • Tauson R. 2005. Management and housing systems for layers – effects on welfare and production. World’s Poultry Science Journal 61:477-490.
  • Walker A, Gordon S. 2003. Intake of nutrients from pasture by poultry. In Symposium on Nutrition of Farm Animals Outdoors. Proceedings of the Nutrition Soceity 62:253-256.
  • Zollitsch W, Kristensen T, Krutzinna C, Macnaeihde F, Younie D. 2004. Feeding for health and welfare: The challenge of formulating well-balanced rations in organic livestock production, in: Vaarst M., Roderick S., Lund V. and W. Lockeretz. (Eds) Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture (CAB International).
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 57 Sayı: 2, 68 - 74, 30.07.2016



  • Adams C. 1999. Nutricines. Food components in health and nutritions. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press. Anonim, 2014. Pasture Primer: a look at pasture plants by Ekarius. C. (10 Mart 2016).
  • Appleby MC, Hughes BO, Hogarth GS. 1989. Behaviour of laying hens in a deep litter house. British Poultry Science 30:545-553.
  • Appleby MC, Hughes BO, Elson HA. 1992. Poultry production systems: behaviour management and welfare. Journal of Agricultural Science 120(3):420-421.
  • Blair R. 2008. Nutrition and feeding of organic poultry. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
  • Botsoglou NA, Yannakopoulos AL, Fletouris DJ, Tserveni-Goussi AC, Fortomaris P. 1997. Effect of dietary thyme on the oxidative stability of egg yolk. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45:3711-3716.
  • Buchanan N, Hott J, Kimbler L, Moritz J. 2007. Nutrient composition and digestibility of organic broiler diets and pasture forages. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 16(1):13-21.
  • Castellini C, Perella F, Muhnai C, Dal Bosco A. 2006. Welfare, productivity and qualitative traits of egg in laying hens reared under different rearing systems. Proceedings of the XII European Poultry Conference, September 10-14, Verona, Italy.
  • Castellini C, Dal Bosco A, Mugnai C. 2009. Animal welfare in organic poultry system.Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Poultry Summit, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 227-232.
  • Christaki E, Bonos E, Giannenas I, Florou-Paneri P. 2012. Aromatic plants as a source of bioactive compounds. Agriculture 2:228-243.
  • Dal Bosco A, Mugnai C, Sarti F, Perella F, Moscati L, Battistacci L, Ferrante V, Castellini C. 2009. Evaluation of welfare in Italian poultry breeds based on metabolic parameters. Italian Journal of Animal Science, Proceedings of the 9th ASPA Congress, Palermo, Italy, p. 810.
  • Elson HA. 1995. Poultry production: Environmental factors and Reproduction, in: Hunton, P. (Ed.). World Animal Science 17:389-408.
  • Fanatico AC, Brewer VB, Owens-Hanning CM, Donoghue DJ, Donoghue AM. 2013. Free-choice feeding of free-range meat chickens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 22:750–758.
  • Faria PB, Vieira JO, Silva JN, Rodrigues AQ, Souza XR, Santos FR, Pereira AA. 2011. Performance and carcass characteristics of freerange broiler chickens fed diets containing alternative feedstuffs. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 13(3):211-216.
  • Franz C, Baser KHC, Windisch W. 2010. Essential oils and aromatic plants in animal feeding—An European perspective: A review. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 25:327-340.
  • Fukumoto GK. 2009. Small-scale pastured poultry grazing system for egg production. (20 Mart 2016).
  • Gerzilov V, Nikolov A, Petrov P, Bozakova N, Penchev G, Bochukov A. 2015. Effect of a dietary herbal mixture supplement on the growth performance, egg production and health status in chickens. Journal of Central European Agriculture 16(2):10-27.
  • Hartini S, Choct M, Hinch G, Kocher A, Nolan JV. 2002. Effects of light intensity during rearing and beak trimming and dietary fiber sources on mortality, egg production, and performance of ISA brown laying hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 11:104-110.
  • Horsted K. 2006. Increased Foraging in Organic Layers. PhD Thesis. Department of Agroecology, University of Aarhus. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. (16 Mart 2016)
  • Ipek A, Karabulut A, Sahan U, Canbolat O, Yilmaz Dikmen B. 2009. The effects of different feding managenent systems on performance of a slow-growing broiler genotype. British Poultry Science 50(2):213-217.
  • İpek A, Sözcü A. 2015. Alternatif kanatlı yetiştirme sistemlerinde yetiştirme pratikleri ve refah standartları. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 29(1):133-146.
  • Kamel C. 2001. Tracing methods of action and roles of plant extracts in non-ruminants. pp. 135-150 in Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition. P.C. Garnsworthy and J. Wiseman, Eds. Nottingham University Press, Nothingham, UK. Kosmidou M, Sossidou E, Fortomaris P, Yannakopoulos A, Tservenigoussi
  • AS. 2006. A pilot study on free-range laying hens’ preference for four cultivated aromatic plants. Department of Animal Production Ichthyology, Ecology and Environmental Protection. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 1-4.
  • Kosmidou MD, Fortomaris PD, Sossidou EN, Yannakopoulos AL, Tserveni-Goussi AS. 2007. The effect of an enriched pasture with aromatic plants on some egg quality characteristics of free-range laying hens. In Proceedings, XVIIth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, 2-5 September 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, pp.73-74.
  • Kosmidou M, Sossidou E, Fortomaris P, Yannakopoulos A, Tservenigoussi A. 2008. Free-range laying hens’ preferences for two cultivated aromatic plants when offered in their pasture area. World's Poultry Science Journal 64(Supplement 1): 24-25.
  • Kroiysmar A. 2015. The importance of choosing the right dietary fibre for poultry. International Poultry Production 22(7):23-24.
  • Miao ZH, Glatz PC, Ru YJ. 2005. Free-range poultry production - A review. Asian-Aust. Journal of Animal Science 18(1):113-132.
  • Mugnai C, Dal Bosco A, Castellini C. 2009. Effect of rearing system and season on the performance and egg characteristics of Ancona laying hens. Italian Journal of Animal Science 8:175-189.
  • Narahari D, Kirubakaran A, Ahmed M, Michel RP. 2004. Improved designer egg production using herbal enriched functional feeds. In Proceedings of the XXII World Poultry Congress, 8-13 June, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Padgham JL. 2006. Raising poultry on pasture: ten years of success. Published by American Pastured Poultry Producers. ISBN-10.0972177043.
  • Portsmouth J. 2000. The nutrition of free-range layers. World’s Poultry Science Journal 16:16-18.
  • Rivera-Ferre M, Guadalupe M, Lantinga E, Kwakkel R. 2007. Herbage intake and use of outdoor area by organic broilers: effects of vegetation type and shelter addition. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 54:279-291. Salatin J. 2004. Pastured Poultry Profits. Polyface, Inc., Swoope, Virginia: p. 334.
  • Silva HO, Fonseca RA, Guedes Filho RS. 2000. Características produtivas e digestibilidade da farinha de folhas de mandioca em dietas de frangos de corte com e sem adição de enzimas. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 29:823-829.
  • Sivropoulou A, Papanikolaou E, Nikoaou C, Kokkini S, Lanaras T, Arsenakis M. 1996. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Origanum essential oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44:1202-1205.
  • Sossidou EN. 2009. Innovative methods for pasture based poultry production systems. In european forum of Livestock Housing for the Future. October, 22-23. Lille, France.
  • Sossidou EN, Dal Bosco A, Elson HA, Fontes CMGA. 2011. Pasture-based systems for poultry production: implications and perspectives. World’s Poultry Science Journal 67:47-58.
  • Sözcü A, Yılmaz E. 2014. Yumurta Tavuğu Yetiştirme Sistemlerinde Refah Problemleri. Hayvansal Üretim 55(2):38-42. Spencer T. 2013. Pastured Poultry Nutrition and Forages. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA). August, 2013. IP543.
  • Tauson R. 2005. Management and housing systems for layers – effects on welfare and production. World’s Poultry Science Journal 61:477-490.
  • Walker A, Gordon S. 2003. Intake of nutrients from pasture by poultry. In Symposium on Nutrition of Farm Animals Outdoors. Proceedings of the Nutrition Soceity 62:253-256.
  • Zollitsch W, Kristensen T, Krutzinna C, Macnaeihde F, Younie D. 2004. Feeding for health and welfare: The challenge of formulating well-balanced rations in organic livestock production, in: Vaarst M., Roderick S., Lund V. and W. Lockeretz. (Eds) Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture (CAB International).
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Derlemeler

Arda Sözcü Bu kişi benim

Aydın İpek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 57 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Sözcü, A., & İpek, A. (2016). Kanatlı Yetiştiriciliğinde Serbest Dolaşımlı Sistemde (Free Range) Besleme Teknikleri. Journal of Animal Production, 57(2), 68-74.


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