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Doğal Çiftleştirme Koşullarında Üretilen Tavuk x Tavus Kuşu Melezinin Karekterizasyonu

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 54 Sayı: 1, - , 01.03.2013


About 30 peafowls (Pavo cristatus) and one White Leghorn cock (Gallus gallus domesticus) were reared in the same cage for several years as pets. Out of the hatched eggs collected from the cage, one chick was phenotypically different and was presumed to be a hybrid between a peahen and the White Leghorn cock. The production of a chicken x peafowl hybrid under natural mating conditions is an unusual occurrence. This study therefore sought to confirm that the chick was indeed an inter-generic hybrid (F1) of the chicken and peafowl through phenotypic examination, analysis of blood protein, enzyme polymorphisms, and PCR-RFLP. It was concluded that this chick was, indeed, an intergeneric hybrid (F1) between the peahen and the White Leghorn cock.


  • Annie, P.G. 1958. Galliformes Order, Phasianidae Family. Bird hybrids, A check-list with bibliography. 85-118. Technical Communication No.13 of the Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Edinburgh, Farnham Royal: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
  • Bacharach, M.M., McGibbon, W.H., Irwin, M.R. 1960. An interaction product of the cellular antigens in species hybrids between Gallus gallus and Phasianus colchicus. J. Hered. 51: 122-126.
  • Gray, A.P. 1958. Bird Hybrids. A Check-List with Bibliography. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (Ed), Buckinghamshire, pp. 98.
  • Hashiguchi, T., Yanagida, M., Maeda, Y., Taketomi, M. 19 Genetic studies on serum amylase isozyme in fowls. Jpn. J. Genet. 45: 341-349. Kimura, M., Yokoyama, Y., Isogai, I. 1971. Plasma albumin polymorphisms in the chicken. Jpn. J. Poult. Sci. 8: 253-255.
  • Laemmli, U.K. 1970. Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T Nature. 227: 680-685.
  • Law, G.R.J. 1967. Alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase association in plasma of the chicken. Science 156: 1106-1107.
  • Law, G.R., Munro, S.S. 1965. Inheritance of two alkaline phosphatase variants in fowl plasma. Science 149: 1518.
  • Malin, S,F., Baker, R.P.Jr., Edwards, J.R. 1972. Electrophoretic determination of haptoglobin as a hemoglobin complex. Biochem. Med. 6: 205-209.
  • Maru, N., Watanabe, S., Ichinoe, K., Suzuki, S. 1967. Serological studies on the intergeneric hybrid between Gallus gallus and Crysolophus pictus. Jpn. J. Poult. Sci. 4: 30-35.
  • Matsuoka, M., Miyaji, T. 1981. Region of Hemoglobin, in: All of electrophoresis, Ishiyaku Publishers Inc, Tokyo, pp. 218-224.
  • McIndoe, W.M. 1962. Occurrence of two plasma albumin in the domestic fowl. Nature. 195: 353-354.
  • Miyazaki, S., Okumura, M. 1972. Change of serum γglutamyltranspeptidase level and isoenzyme pattern in hepatobiliary pancreatic disease. Intl. J. Clin. Chem. 40: 193-197.
  • Nakayama, N. 1981. LDH isozyme, in: All of electrophoresis. Ishiyaku Publishers Inc., Tokyo, pp. 174-1
  • Nishimura, T., Watanabe, S. 1973. Studies on the polymorphisms of serum protein in pony. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo 18: 6-13.
  • Nishimura, T., Watanabe, S., Matsushima, Y. 1975a. Studies on the polymorphism of erythrocyte catalase isozyme and hemoglobin in pony. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo 20: 23-29.
  • Nishimura, T., Watanabe, S., Matsushima, Y. 1975b. Studies on the simultaneous electrophoresis for four enzyme systems and polymorphism of phosphohexose isomerase (PHI) and acid phosphatase (Acp) in erythrocytes of Pony. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo 20: 72-80.
  • Ogasawara, F.X., Huang, R. 1963. A modified method of artificial insemination in the production of chicken-quail hybrids. Poultry Sci. 42: 1386-1392.
  • Oshiro, T. 1987. 2-I. Qualitative and Quantitative, Clinical Haptoglobin, Nagaishoten, Tokyo, Japan pp. 21-37.
  • Saeki, S., Ochi, M., Takeuchi, N. 1994. Analysis of ALP isozyme for electrophoresis. Jpn. J. Electrophoresis 38: 143-147.
  • Sakamuro, D., Yamazoe, M., Matsuda, Y., Kangawa, K., Taniguchi, N., Matsuo, H., Yoshikawa, H., Ogasawara, N. 1988. The primary structure of human gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. Gene 73: 1
  • Sasaki, K., Suzuki, S., Tanaka, K., Watanabe, S., Hosoda, T. 1960. Serobiological Studies on the Jungle Fowl. 1. Serological and Electrophoretic Examinations on the Relationship between Red Jungle Fowl and Domestic Fowl. Jpn. J. Zootechn. Sci. 31: 215-219.
  • Sasaki, K., Suzuki, S., Watanabe, S. 1964. Serological studies on the Jungle Fowl. Serological Relationship between White leghorn and Jungle Fowl or Japanese Native Fowl. Jpn. J. Zootechn. Sci. 35(Special Number): 61-66.
  • Serebrovskii, A.S. 1929. Observations on interspecific hybrids of the fowl. J. Genet. 21:327-340.
  • Stratil, A. 1968. Transferrin and albumin loci in chickens, Gallus L. Comp. Biochem. Phys. 24:1131
  • Tanabe, H., Ogawa, N. 1982. Comparative studies on physical and chemical property of avian eggs. 10. Electrophoretograms of prealbumins in plasma and yolk of quail. Jpn. Poult. Sci. 19: 15-19.
  • Tinhakov, G.G. 1933. A fowl x peacock hybrid. Animal Breeding Abstracts. Vol. 1, No: 118. Wajima, T., Takahashi, H. 19 Leucine aminopeptidase isoenzyme analyzed by means of agar-gel electrophoresis, application in serum and homogenized organ. Med. Biol. 68: 101-103.
  • Watanabe, S., Amano, T. 1967. Studies on the intergeneric hybrids between chicken and quail. I. Production of chicken-quail hybrids. Jpn. J. Zootechn. Sci. 38: 30-32.
  • Watanabe, S., Amano, T. 1971a. Studies on the chickenquail hybrids. II. On the growth curve, morphological characters and testis of chicken-quail hybrids. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo. Commemoration Number of the 80th Anniversary of Foundation. 91
  • Watanabe, S., Amano, T. 1971b. Studies on the chicken-quail hybrids. III. On the antigenic constitution of serum and the polymorphism of serum protein in chicken-quail hybrids. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo. Commemoration Number of the 80th Anniversary of Foundation. 97-104.
  • Watanabe, S., Yoshida, H., Kawahara, T. 1975. Serum amylase in the Japanese quail. Jpn. Poult. Sci. 12: 67Watanabe, S., Suzuki, S. 1976. Studies on the Polymorphisms of Protein and Isozyme of South East Asian Native Fowls and Jungle Fowls. Japanese International Society for Animal Blood Group Research Conference. 6(Suppl. 1): 93-94.
  • Watanabe, S., Suzuki, S. 1977. Studies on the polymorphism of serum proteins and isozymes in Japanese native breeds of chicken. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo 22: 85-94.
  • Watanabe, S., Shibata, T., Kawahara, T. 1977. EstraseD isozymes in Japanese quail. Jpn. Poult. Sci. 14: 66Watanabe, S., Munechika, I., Ichinohe, K., Miguel, P.P., Hilary, C. 1981. Studies on the Polymorphism of Serum Protein and Isozyme in the three Species of 10 Jungle Fowl. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo. Commemoration Number of the 90th Anniversary of Foundation. 266-2
  • Wilcox, F.H., Clark, C.E. 1961. Chicken-quail hybrids. J. Hered. 52: 167-170.

Characterization of a Chicken x Peahen Intergeneric Hybrid Produced under Natural Mating

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 54 Sayı: 1, - , 01.03.2013


Yaklaşık 30 tavus kuşu (Pavo cristatus) ve bir Beyaz Legorn horozu (Gallus gallus domesticus), pet hayvanı olarak birkaç yıl aynı kafeste yetiştirilmiştir. Bu kafesten toplanıp kuluçkaya konan yumurtalardan elde edilen bir civciv fenotipik olarak diğerlerinden farklı bulunmuş ve bunun bir tavus kuşu ve beyaz Legorn melezi olduğu kabul edilmiştir. Doğal çiftleşme koşullar altında bir tavuk x tavus kuşu melezi üretimi alışılmadık bir durum olduğundan, bu çalışma ile elde edilen civcivin fenotipik, kan proteinleri analizi, enzim polimorfizmleri ve PCR-RFLP yoluyla, tavuk ve tavus kuşunun bir inter-generik melezi (F1) olduğu teyit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Sonuçta söz konusu civcivin gerçekten, bir tavus kuşu ile Beyaz Legorn horozu arasında bir intergenerik melezi (F1) olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Annie, P.G. 1958. Galliformes Order, Phasianidae Family. Bird hybrids, A check-list with bibliography. 85-118. Technical Communication No.13 of the Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Edinburgh, Farnham Royal: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
  • Bacharach, M.M., McGibbon, W.H., Irwin, M.R. 1960. An interaction product of the cellular antigens in species hybrids between Gallus gallus and Phasianus colchicus. J. Hered. 51: 122-126.
  • Gray, A.P. 1958. Bird Hybrids. A Check-List with Bibliography. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (Ed), Buckinghamshire, pp. 98.
  • Hashiguchi, T., Yanagida, M., Maeda, Y., Taketomi, M. 19 Genetic studies on serum amylase isozyme in fowls. Jpn. J. Genet. 45: 341-349. Kimura, M., Yokoyama, Y., Isogai, I. 1971. Plasma albumin polymorphisms in the chicken. Jpn. J. Poult. Sci. 8: 253-255.
  • Laemmli, U.K. 1970. Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T Nature. 227: 680-685.
  • Law, G.R.J. 1967. Alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase association in plasma of the chicken. Science 156: 1106-1107.
  • Law, G.R., Munro, S.S. 1965. Inheritance of two alkaline phosphatase variants in fowl plasma. Science 149: 1518.
  • Malin, S,F., Baker, R.P.Jr., Edwards, J.R. 1972. Electrophoretic determination of haptoglobin as a hemoglobin complex. Biochem. Med. 6: 205-209.
  • Maru, N., Watanabe, S., Ichinoe, K., Suzuki, S. 1967. Serological studies on the intergeneric hybrid between Gallus gallus and Crysolophus pictus. Jpn. J. Poult. Sci. 4: 30-35.
  • Matsuoka, M., Miyaji, T. 1981. Region of Hemoglobin, in: All of electrophoresis, Ishiyaku Publishers Inc, Tokyo, pp. 218-224.
  • McIndoe, W.M. 1962. Occurrence of two plasma albumin in the domestic fowl. Nature. 195: 353-354.
  • Miyazaki, S., Okumura, M. 1972. Change of serum γglutamyltranspeptidase level and isoenzyme pattern in hepatobiliary pancreatic disease. Intl. J. Clin. Chem. 40: 193-197.
  • Nakayama, N. 1981. LDH isozyme, in: All of electrophoresis. Ishiyaku Publishers Inc., Tokyo, pp. 174-1
  • Nishimura, T., Watanabe, S. 1973. Studies on the polymorphisms of serum protein in pony. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo 18: 6-13.
  • Nishimura, T., Watanabe, S., Matsushima, Y. 1975a. Studies on the polymorphism of erythrocyte catalase isozyme and hemoglobin in pony. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo 20: 23-29.
  • Nishimura, T., Watanabe, S., Matsushima, Y. 1975b. Studies on the simultaneous electrophoresis for four enzyme systems and polymorphism of phosphohexose isomerase (PHI) and acid phosphatase (Acp) in erythrocytes of Pony. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo 20: 72-80.
  • Ogasawara, F.X., Huang, R. 1963. A modified method of artificial insemination in the production of chicken-quail hybrids. Poultry Sci. 42: 1386-1392.
  • Oshiro, T. 1987. 2-I. Qualitative and Quantitative, Clinical Haptoglobin, Nagaishoten, Tokyo, Japan pp. 21-37.
  • Saeki, S., Ochi, M., Takeuchi, N. 1994. Analysis of ALP isozyme for electrophoresis. Jpn. J. Electrophoresis 38: 143-147.
  • Sakamuro, D., Yamazoe, M., Matsuda, Y., Kangawa, K., Taniguchi, N., Matsuo, H., Yoshikawa, H., Ogasawara, N. 1988. The primary structure of human gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. Gene 73: 1
  • Sasaki, K., Suzuki, S., Tanaka, K., Watanabe, S., Hosoda, T. 1960. Serobiological Studies on the Jungle Fowl. 1. Serological and Electrophoretic Examinations on the Relationship between Red Jungle Fowl and Domestic Fowl. Jpn. J. Zootechn. Sci. 31: 215-219.
  • Sasaki, K., Suzuki, S., Watanabe, S. 1964. Serological studies on the Jungle Fowl. Serological Relationship between White leghorn and Jungle Fowl or Japanese Native Fowl. Jpn. J. Zootechn. Sci. 35(Special Number): 61-66.
  • Serebrovskii, A.S. 1929. Observations on interspecific hybrids of the fowl. J. Genet. 21:327-340.
  • Stratil, A. 1968. Transferrin and albumin loci in chickens, Gallus L. Comp. Biochem. Phys. 24:1131
  • Tanabe, H., Ogawa, N. 1982. Comparative studies on physical and chemical property of avian eggs. 10. Electrophoretograms of prealbumins in plasma and yolk of quail. Jpn. Poult. Sci. 19: 15-19.
  • Tinhakov, G.G. 1933. A fowl x peacock hybrid. Animal Breeding Abstracts. Vol. 1, No: 118. Wajima, T., Takahashi, H. 19 Leucine aminopeptidase isoenzyme analyzed by means of agar-gel electrophoresis, application in serum and homogenized organ. Med. Biol. 68: 101-103.
  • Watanabe, S., Amano, T. 1967. Studies on the intergeneric hybrids between chicken and quail. I. Production of chicken-quail hybrids. Jpn. J. Zootechn. Sci. 38: 30-32.
  • Watanabe, S., Amano, T. 1971a. Studies on the chickenquail hybrids. II. On the growth curve, morphological characters and testis of chicken-quail hybrids. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo. Commemoration Number of the 80th Anniversary of Foundation. 91
  • Watanabe, S., Amano, T. 1971b. Studies on the chicken-quail hybrids. III. On the antigenic constitution of serum and the polymorphism of serum protein in chicken-quail hybrids. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo. Commemoration Number of the 80th Anniversary of Foundation. 97-104.
  • Watanabe, S., Yoshida, H., Kawahara, T. 1975. Serum amylase in the Japanese quail. Jpn. Poult. Sci. 12: 67Watanabe, S., Suzuki, S. 1976. Studies on the Polymorphisms of Protein and Isozyme of South East Asian Native Fowls and Jungle Fowls. Japanese International Society for Animal Blood Group Research Conference. 6(Suppl. 1): 93-94.
  • Watanabe, S., Suzuki, S. 1977. Studies on the polymorphism of serum proteins and isozymes in Japanese native breeds of chicken. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo 22: 85-94.
  • Watanabe, S., Shibata, T., Kawahara, T. 1977. EstraseD isozymes in Japanese quail. Jpn. Poult. Sci. 14: 66Watanabe, S., Munechika, I., Ichinohe, K., Miguel, P.P., Hilary, C. 1981. Studies on the Polymorphism of Serum Protein and Isozyme in the three Species of 10 Jungle Fowl. J. Agric. Sci. Tokyo. Commemoration Number of the 90th Anniversary of Foundation. 266-2
  • Wilcox, F.H., Clark, C.E. 1961. Chicken-quail hybrids. J. Hered. 52: 167-170.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hiromi Hara Bu kişi benim

Kei Hanzawa Bu kişi benim

Yutaka Yoshida Bu kişi benim

Seiki Watanabe Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Nisan 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 54 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Hara, H., Hanzawa, K., Yoshida, Y., Watanabe, S. (2013). Characterization of a Chicken x Peahen Intergeneric Hybrid Produced under Natural Mating. Journal of Animal Production, 54(1).


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