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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 54 Sayı: 2, 5 - 9, 06.01.2015


In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of different meal feeding programs applied at an early ages on performance, some blood characteristics and fear behavior in broilers. A total 504 male chicks (Ross-308) were randomly distributed into three dietary treatments of four replicates each. It was used same starter (0 to 21 d) and finisher diets (22 to 45 d) in all groups. Feed was continuously offered ad libitum to birds of the first group (control). In the second and third groups, birds were fasted total 12 and 20 hours in certain times of days from 7 to 21 d by removing feeders. In the third group, meal feeding administration adversely affected the body weight of male broilers at 21d of age. However, this reduction in body weight was compensated at 45 d of age. Body weight of broilers fasted for 12 hours/day significantly increased at 45 d of age. Meal feeding administrations did not negatively affect feed intake. From 22 to 45 d of age, feed conversion ratio significantly improved in both groups than control group. Carcass, leg and breast yields and abdominal fat ratio were not affected by meal feeding administrations. Similarly, no significant differences were occurred among groups for triglyceride, cholesterol, glucose and uric acid levels and fear behavior (tonic immobility)


  • Ak, İ. 2001. Hindilerin beslenmesinde temel prensipler. Çiftlik Hayvanlarının Beslenmesinde Temel Prensipler, Karma Yem Üretiminde Bazı Bilimsel Yaklaşımlar. (Editör: H.M.YAVUZ), Farmavet
  • Yayınları, İstanbul. 97-132s.
  • Altan, Ö., Özkan, S., Yalçın, S. 1998. Etlik piliçlerde gelişmenin geciktirilmesi: Değişik sınırlı yemleme programlarının etlik piliç performansı ve karkas özelliklerine etkileri. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 22(6): 231-236.
  • Buyse, J., Decuypere, E, Veldhuis, J.D. 1997. Compensatorygrowth of broilerchickens is associatedwith an enhanced pulsatile growth hormone (GH) secretion: preferential amplification
  • of GH secretorybust mas. Br. Poult. Sci. 38: 291-296.
  • Demir,E., Sarica, S., Sekeroglu, A., Ozcan, M.A., Seker, Y. 2004. Effects of early and late feed restriction or feed withdrawal on growth
  • performance, ascites and blood constituents of broiler chickens. Acta Agric. Scand. Sect. A, Animal Sci. 54: 152-158.
  • Hassanien, H. H. M. 2011. Productive performance of broiler chickens as affected by feed restricted system. Asian J. Poult. Sci. 5(1): 21-27.
  • Jones, R.B., Faure, J.M. 1981. Sex and strain comparisons of tonic immobility (righting time) in domestic fowl and the effects of various methods of induction. Behavioural Process 6: 47-55.
  • Konca, Y., Özkan, S., Çabuk, M., Yalçın, S. 2004. Erkek hindilerde aralıklı yemlemenin performans ve stres parametrelerine etkisi. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 41(3): 133-143.
  • Leeson, S., Summers, J.D. 1997. Feeding programs for broilers. Pages 207-254. in: Commercial PoultryNutrition. 2nded. University Books, Guelph, Ontorio.
  • Leili, S., Buonomo, F. C., Scanes, C. G. 1997. The effects of dietary restriction on Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-Iand II, and IGF-binding proteins in chickens. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 216(1): 104-
  • -
  • Marks, H.L. 1991. Feed efficiency changes accompanying selection for body weight in chickens and quails. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 47: 197-212.
  • Naumann, C., Bassler, R. 1993. Methodenbuch, Band III. Die chemischeuntersuchung von futtermitteln. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Oyedeji, J.O., Atteh, J.O. 2005. Response of broilers to feeding manipulations. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 4(2): 91-95.
  • Plavnik, I., Hurwitz, S. 1985. The performance of broiler chicks during and following a severe feed restriction at an early age. Poultry Sci. 64: 348-355.
  • Plavnik, I., Hunivitz, S. 1988. Early restriction in chicks: effect of age, duration, and sex. Poultry Sci. 67: 384-390.
  • Rahimi, G., Rezaei, M., Hafezian, H., Saiyahzadeh, H. 2005. The effect of intermittent lighting schedule on broiler performance. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 4(6): 396-398.
  • Rowan, K. J., Srikandakumar, A., Englebright, R.K., Josey, M.J. 1996. Compensatory growth in rats feed in take and growth patterns. Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod. 21: 215-218
  • Ryan, W. J. 1990. Compensatory growth in cattle and sheep. Nutr. Abs. Rev. Series B. 60: 653-664.
  • Saffar, A., Khajali, F. 2010. Application of meal Feeding and skip-a-day feeding with or without probiotics for broiler chickens grown at high-altitude to prevent ascites mortality. American J. of Anim.
  • and Vet. Sci. 5(1): 13-19.
  • SAS Institute, 1999. User's guide. V.8, SAS Institute, Cary, NC.
  • Su, G., Sǿrensen P., Kestin, S.C. 1999. Meal feeding is more effective than early feed restriction at reducing the prevalence of leg weakness in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 78: 949-955.
  • Susbilla, J.P., Tarvid, I., Gow, C.W., Frankel, T.L. 2003. Quantitative feed restriction or meal-feeding of broiler chicks alter functional development of enzymes for protein digestion. Br. Poult. Sci. 44:
  • -709.
  • Telli, A.A.S., Alarslan, Ö.F., Altınsaat, Ç., Sis, N.M., Nazhad, K.H., Ahmadzadeh, A. 2012. Etlik piliçlerde kısıtlı yemlemenin performans
  • özelliklerine etkisi. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Der. 13(3): 373-377.
  • Turkish Standards Institute, 1991. Animal feeds determination of metabolisable energy (chemical method). Publication No. 9610, pp. 1–3.
  • Urdaneta-Rincon, M., Leeson, S. 2002. Quantitative and qualitative feed restriction on growth characteristics of male broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 81: 679-688.
  • Zubair, A.K., Leeson, S. 1994. Effect of early feed restriction and realimentation on heat production and changes in size of digestive organs of male broilers. Poult. Sci. 73: 529-538.

Etlik Piliçlerde Öğün Yemleme Uygulamalarının Performans, Parametreleri ve Korku Davranışı Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 54 Sayı: 2, 5 - 9, 06.01.2015


Bu çalışmada, etlik piliçlerde erken yaşlarda uygulanan farklı öğün yemleme programlarının performans, bazı kan parametreleri ve korku davranışı üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Toplam 504 adet günlük erkek civciv (Ross-308) her biri 4 tekerrürden oluşan 3 gruba ayrılmıştır. Tüm gruplarda 0-21. ve 22-45. günler arasında aynı başlatma ve bitirme yemleri kullanılmıştır. Birinci (kontrol) gruptaki hayvanlara araştırma süresince yem ad-libitum olarak sunulmuştur. İkinci ve üçüncü gruplarda 7-21.günler arasında günün belirli saatlerinde yemlikler kaldırılarak piliçler toplam 12s ve 20s aç bırakılmıştır. Üçüncü grupta uygulanan öğün yemleme programı erkek piliçlerin 21.gün canlı ağırlığını olumsuz etkilemiş, ancak canlı ağırlıktaki bu azalma 45.günde telafi edilmiştir. Gün boyunca 12s aç bırakılan piliçlerin 45. gün canlı ağırlığı önemli düzeyde artmıştır. Öğün yemleme uygulaması piliçlerin yem tüketimini olumsuz etkilememiştir. Yemden yararlanma ise 22-45. günler arasında kontrol grubuna göre her iki grupta da önemli düzeyde iyileşmiştir. Karkas, but ve göğüs randımanları ile karın içi yağ oranı öğün yemleme uygulamasından etkilenmemiştir. Benzer şekilde, gruplar arasında trigliserit, toplam kolesterol, glukoz ve ürik asit düzeyleri ile korku davranışı (tonik immobilite) bakımından önemli düzeyde farklıklar oluşmamıştır.

Anahtar kelimeler: Etlik piliç, öğün yemleme, performans, kan parametreleri, tonik immobilite


  • Ak, İ. 2001. Hindilerin beslenmesinde temel prensipler. Çiftlik Hayvanlarının Beslenmesinde Temel Prensipler, Karma Yem Üretiminde Bazı Bilimsel Yaklaşımlar. (Editör: H.M.YAVUZ), Farmavet
  • Yayınları, İstanbul. 97-132s.
  • Altan, Ö., Özkan, S., Yalçın, S. 1998. Etlik piliçlerde gelişmenin geciktirilmesi: Değişik sınırlı yemleme programlarının etlik piliç performansı ve karkas özelliklerine etkileri. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 22(6): 231-236.
  • Buyse, J., Decuypere, E, Veldhuis, J.D. 1997. Compensatorygrowth of broilerchickens is associatedwith an enhanced pulsatile growth hormone (GH) secretion: preferential amplification
  • of GH secretorybust mas. Br. Poult. Sci. 38: 291-296.
  • Demir,E., Sarica, S., Sekeroglu, A., Ozcan, M.A., Seker, Y. 2004. Effects of early and late feed restriction or feed withdrawal on growth
  • performance, ascites and blood constituents of broiler chickens. Acta Agric. Scand. Sect. A, Animal Sci. 54: 152-158.
  • Hassanien, H. H. M. 2011. Productive performance of broiler chickens as affected by feed restricted system. Asian J. Poult. Sci. 5(1): 21-27.
  • Jones, R.B., Faure, J.M. 1981. Sex and strain comparisons of tonic immobility (righting time) in domestic fowl and the effects of various methods of induction. Behavioural Process 6: 47-55.
  • Konca, Y., Özkan, S., Çabuk, M., Yalçın, S. 2004. Erkek hindilerde aralıklı yemlemenin performans ve stres parametrelerine etkisi. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 41(3): 133-143.
  • Leeson, S., Summers, J.D. 1997. Feeding programs for broilers. Pages 207-254. in: Commercial PoultryNutrition. 2nded. University Books, Guelph, Ontorio.
  • Leili, S., Buonomo, F. C., Scanes, C. G. 1997. The effects of dietary restriction on Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-Iand II, and IGF-binding proteins in chickens. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 216(1): 104-
  • -
  • Marks, H.L. 1991. Feed efficiency changes accompanying selection for body weight in chickens and quails. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 47: 197-212.
  • Naumann, C., Bassler, R. 1993. Methodenbuch, Band III. Die chemischeuntersuchung von futtermitteln. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Oyedeji, J.O., Atteh, J.O. 2005. Response of broilers to feeding manipulations. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 4(2): 91-95.
  • Plavnik, I., Hurwitz, S. 1985. The performance of broiler chicks during and following a severe feed restriction at an early age. Poultry Sci. 64: 348-355.
  • Plavnik, I., Hunivitz, S. 1988. Early restriction in chicks: effect of age, duration, and sex. Poultry Sci. 67: 384-390.
  • Rahimi, G., Rezaei, M., Hafezian, H., Saiyahzadeh, H. 2005. The effect of intermittent lighting schedule on broiler performance. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 4(6): 396-398.
  • Rowan, K. J., Srikandakumar, A., Englebright, R.K., Josey, M.J. 1996. Compensatory growth in rats feed in take and growth patterns. Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod. 21: 215-218
  • Ryan, W. J. 1990. Compensatory growth in cattle and sheep. Nutr. Abs. Rev. Series B. 60: 653-664.
  • Saffar, A., Khajali, F. 2010. Application of meal Feeding and skip-a-day feeding with or without probiotics for broiler chickens grown at high-altitude to prevent ascites mortality. American J. of Anim.
  • and Vet. Sci. 5(1): 13-19.
  • SAS Institute, 1999. User's guide. V.8, SAS Institute, Cary, NC.
  • Su, G., Sǿrensen P., Kestin, S.C. 1999. Meal feeding is more effective than early feed restriction at reducing the prevalence of leg weakness in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 78: 949-955.
  • Susbilla, J.P., Tarvid, I., Gow, C.W., Frankel, T.L. 2003. Quantitative feed restriction or meal-feeding of broiler chicks alter functional development of enzymes for protein digestion. Br. Poult. Sci. 44:
  • -709.
  • Telli, A.A.S., Alarslan, Ö.F., Altınsaat, Ç., Sis, N.M., Nazhad, K.H., Ahmadzadeh, A. 2012. Etlik piliçlerde kısıtlı yemlemenin performans
  • özelliklerine etkisi. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Der. 13(3): 373-377.
  • Turkish Standards Institute, 1991. Animal feeds determination of metabolisable energy (chemical method). Publication No. 9610, pp. 1–3.
  • Urdaneta-Rincon, M., Leeson, S. 2002. Quantitative and qualitative feed restriction on growth characteristics of male broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 81: 679-688.
  • Zubair, A.K., Leeson, S. 1994. Effect of early feed restriction and realimentation on heat production and changes in size of digestive organs of male broilers. Poult. Sci. 73: 529-538.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Zümrüt Açıkgöz

Özge Altan

Figen Kırkpınar

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Ocak 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 54 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Açıkgöz, Z., Altan, Ö., Kırkpınar, F., Bayraktar, Ö. (2015). Etlik Piliçlerde Öğün Yemleme Uygulamalarının Performans, Parametreleri ve Korku Davranışı Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Animal Production, 54(2), 5-9.


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