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Saanen X Kıl Erkek Keçinin Yaşına Göre Cinsel Deneyim ve Davranış Özelliklerinin Sürü Verimliliğine Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 65 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 08.07.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, tekelerin cinsel deneyiminin keçilerin çiftleşme performansı üzerindeki etkisini araştırmayı amaçladı. Bu nedenle, çiftleşme verimi ve cinsel deneyimi yüksek deneyimli tekeler, sürü verimliliğini artırmak için çiftleştirme programına dahil edilmelidir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Onbeş cinsel deneyimsiz genç teke, eş zamanlı altı kızgın dişinin bulunduğu bölmelerde ayrı ayrı barındırıldı. Doksan dişi Saanen x Hair, 6'şarlı 15 gruba ayrılarak deneyde kullanıldı. Veriler, doğrudan gözlem yoluyla ve iki yıl boyunca aynı zaman diliminde kapalı devre kameralar kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Tekelerin binme sayısı, binme süresi, boşalma sayısı, boşalma süresi, çiftleşme etkinliği, kur yapma davranışı gibi cinsel davranış özellikleri ve çiftleşme davranışlarının keçilerin doğurganlık oranlarına etkisi değerlendirildi. Tekelerin çiftleşme etkinlik skorları ile keçilerin gebelik ve doğurganlık oranları 1. ve 2. yılda hesaplanmıştır. Yıllar arasındaki farkı belirlemek için paired sample t testi yapılmış ve her yıl için değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek için korelasyon katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Yüzde olarak elde edilen verilere arksin dönüşümü uygulandı. Değişken kümeleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek için dönüştürülen verilere kanonik korelasyon analizi uygulanmıştır.
Bulgular: Birinci yılda yavru sayısı ve doğurganlık oranı sırasıyla %1.26 ve %21 olarak bulundu. İkinci yılda bunlar sırasıyla %2,93 ve %69'a yükseldi. Tekelerin birinci ve ikinci yıl çiftleşme verim puanları sırasıyla 0,10 ve 0,60 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlar, deneyimli olgun tekelerin, çiftleşme performansı ve dolayısıyla sürü verimliliği üzerinde çok önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğunu gösterdi.
Sonuç: Tekelerde cinsel performans özellikleri, keçilerin gebe kalma oranlarını etkilemektedir. Cinsel davranış oranlarındaki değişimler gözlemlenerek zamanında müdahale ile çiftleşme başarısı arttırılabilir. Tekelerin cinsel davranışları, testis ölçüleri ve semen özelliklerinin birlikte değerlendirilmesi önerilir.


  • Darwish RA, Mahboub HDH. 2011. Breed and experience effect on the sexual behaviours of Damascus and Egyptian-Nubian goat bucks. Theriogenology 76: 1386-1392.
  • Gelez H, Archer E, Chesneau D, Lindsay D, Fabre-Nys C. 2004. Role of experience in the neuroendocrine control of ewes’ sexual behaviour. Hormones and Behaviour 45: 190-200.
  • Imwalle DB, Katz LS. 2004. Development of sexual behavior over several serving capacity tests in male goats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 89: 315-319.
  • Ince D. 2010. Reproduction performance of Saanen goats raised under extensive conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 9: 8253-8256.
  • Karaca S, Yılmaz A, Ser G, Sarıbey M. 2016. Relationships between physiological and behavioural responses of goat bucks in mating season. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 45: 608-614.
  • Kaymakçı M. 2010. Reproduction of bucks, in: Kaymakçı M, Aşkın Y. (Eds.), Managements of the goats, Meta Press, Izmir, Türkiye pp.49-51.
  • Konyalı A, Tölü C, Ayag BS, Akbag HI. 2011. Observations on hand-mating behaviours, several physiological and hematological parameters in Turkish dairy goats. Animal Science Journal 82: 251-258.
  • Lacuesta L, Giriboni J, Orihuela A, Ungerfeld R. 2018. Rearing bucks isolated from females affects their sexual behaviour when adults. Animal Reproduction 15: 114-117.
  • Lynch JJ, Hinch GN, Adams DB. 1992. The reproductive behaviour of sheep, in: Lynch JJ, Hinch GN, Adams DB (Eds.), Biological Principles and Implications for Production, CSIRO Publications, East Melbourne, Australia, pp.96-125.
  • Maina D, Katz LS. 1999. Scent of a ewe: Transmission of a social cue by conspecifics affects sexual performance in male sheep. Biology of Reproduction 60: 1373-1377.
  • Mellado M, Cardenas C, Ruiz F. 2000. Mating behaviour of bucks and does in goat operations under range conditions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 67: 89-96.
  • Nikolov I, Sabev M, Ivanova-Kicheva M, Chemshirova T, Baycheva E, Popova M. 2005. Stimulation of sexual reflexes of aboriginal ram breeds durin the non-mating season. Journal of Central European Agriculture 6: 515-520.
  • Omontese BO, Rekwot PI, Ate IU, Rwuaan JS. 2014. Ascorbic acid enhances conception rates of Red Sokoto goats following progestin (FGA-30®, FGA-45® and CIDR®) treatment during the rainy season. Livestock Research for Rural Development 26(7): 130.
  • Öziş Ş, Kaymakçı M. 2003. Sexual behaviours in bucks, Journal of Animal Production 44(1): 69-75. Panagiotis ES, Stelios GD, Joseph AB. 2006. Effect of breed and age on sexual behaviour of rams. Theriogenology 65: 1480-1491.
  • Perkins A, Roselli CE. 2007. The ram as a model for behavioural neuroendocrinology, hormones and behaviour. Hormones and Behaviour 52: 70-77.
  • Perumal,P. Savino,N, Sangma CTR, Chang S, Sangtam TZT, Khan MH, Singh G, Brijesh Kumar D, Yadav Srivastava N. 2017. Effect of season and age on scrotal circumference, testicular parameters and endocrinological profiles in mithun bulls. Theriogenology 98: 23-29.
  • Prado V, Orihuela A, Lozano S, Pérez-León I. 2003. Effect on ejaculatory performance and semen parameters of sexually-satiated male goats (Capra hircus) after changing the stimulus female. Theriogenology 60: 261-267.
  • Price EO, Borgwardt R, Blackshaw JK, Blackshaw A, Dally MR, Erhard H. 1994. Effect of early experience on the sexual performance of yearling rams. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 42: 41-48.
  • Price EO, Borgwardt R, Orihuela A. 1998. Early sexual experience fails to enhance sexual performance in male goats. Journal of Animal Science 76: 718-720.
  • Rosa HJD, Bryant MJ. 2002. Review: the “ram effect” as a way of modifying the reproductive activity in the ewe. Small Ruminant Research 45: 1-16.
  • Simitzis PE, Deligeorgis SG, Bizelis JA. 2006. Effect of breed and age on sexual behaviour of rams. Theriogenology 65: 1480-1491.
  • SMSI. 2018. Meteorology records and statistics of Isparta. State Meteorology Station of Isparta. (22.01.2018).
  • StatSoft. 2018. Statistica 7.0 Software. (15.01.2018).
  • Tölü C, Yazgan N, Akbağ HI. 2021. Mating behaviour and hormone profile in melatonin treated goat bucks. Journal of Animal Science and Products 4: 153-163.
  • Ungerfeld R. 2003. Reproductive responses of anestrous ewes to the introduction of rams. PhD thesis. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. ISSN 1401-6257, pp.61.
  • Ungerfeld R, Ramos MA, Gonzalea-Pensàdo SP. 2008. Ram effect: Adult rams induce a greater reproductive response in anestrous ewes than yearling rams. Animal Reproduction Science 103: 271-277.
  • Véliz FG, Moreno S, Duarte G, Vielma J, Chemineau P, Poindron P, Malpaux B, Delgadillo JA. 2002. Male effect in seasonally anovulatory lactating goats depends on the presence of sexually active bucks, but not estrous females. Animal Reproduction Science 72: 197-207.
  • Zonturlu AK, Özyurtlu N, Kaçar C. 2011. Effect of different doses PMSG on estrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes synchronized with progesterone during the transition period. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17: 125-129.

Effects on Herd Efficiency of Sexual Experience and Behavioral Characteristics of Saanen X Hair Male Goat Based On Age

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 65 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 08.07.2024


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the impact of bucks’ sexual experience on the mating performance of does. Therefore, experienced bucks with high mating efficiency and sexual experience must be included in the mating program to increase herd fertility.
Material and Methods: Fifteen sexually inexperienced young bucks were housed individually in pens with six estrus synchronized does. Ninety female Saanen x Hair does, divided into 15 groups of 6 were used in the experiment. Data was collected through direct observation and by use of closed-circuit cameras same time term for two years. Sexual behavior characteristics of bucks such as: number of times mounted, time taken to mount, number of ejaculations, ejaculation time, mating efficiency, courtship behavior and effects of mating behaviors on fertility rate of does were evaluated. Mating efficiency scores of bucks and the pregnancy and the fertility rate of does were calculated in the first, and second years. Paired samples t test was performed to determine differences between the years and correlation coefficients were calculated to determine the relationship between the variables for each year. Arcsine transformation was applied to data obtained by percentage. To determine the relationship between the variable sets, canonical correlation analysis was applied to the transformed data.

Results: In the first year, litter size and fertility rate were found to be 1.26 and 21%, respectively. In the second year, these increased to 2.93 and 69%, respectively. Mating efficiency scores of bucks for the first and second year was calculated as 0.10 and 0.60, respectively. Results showed that the experienced mature bucks had a very significant effect on the mating performance of the doe and, consequently, on herd productivity.

Conclusion: Sexual performance traits in bucks affect the conception rate of does. By observing changes in the rates of sexual behaviors, the achievement of mating with timely intervention can be increased. It is recommended to evaluate the sexual behavior of bucks, testicular measurements and semen characteristics together.


  • Darwish RA, Mahboub HDH. 2011. Breed and experience effect on the sexual behaviours of Damascus and Egyptian-Nubian goat bucks. Theriogenology 76: 1386-1392.
  • Gelez H, Archer E, Chesneau D, Lindsay D, Fabre-Nys C. 2004. Role of experience in the neuroendocrine control of ewes’ sexual behaviour. Hormones and Behaviour 45: 190-200.
  • Imwalle DB, Katz LS. 2004. Development of sexual behavior over several serving capacity tests in male goats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 89: 315-319.
  • Ince D. 2010. Reproduction performance of Saanen goats raised under extensive conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 9: 8253-8256.
  • Karaca S, Yılmaz A, Ser G, Sarıbey M. 2016. Relationships between physiological and behavioural responses of goat bucks in mating season. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 45: 608-614.
  • Kaymakçı M. 2010. Reproduction of bucks, in: Kaymakçı M, Aşkın Y. (Eds.), Managements of the goats, Meta Press, Izmir, Türkiye pp.49-51.
  • Konyalı A, Tölü C, Ayag BS, Akbag HI. 2011. Observations on hand-mating behaviours, several physiological and hematological parameters in Turkish dairy goats. Animal Science Journal 82: 251-258.
  • Lacuesta L, Giriboni J, Orihuela A, Ungerfeld R. 2018. Rearing bucks isolated from females affects their sexual behaviour when adults. Animal Reproduction 15: 114-117.
  • Lynch JJ, Hinch GN, Adams DB. 1992. The reproductive behaviour of sheep, in: Lynch JJ, Hinch GN, Adams DB (Eds.), Biological Principles and Implications for Production, CSIRO Publications, East Melbourne, Australia, pp.96-125.
  • Maina D, Katz LS. 1999. Scent of a ewe: Transmission of a social cue by conspecifics affects sexual performance in male sheep. Biology of Reproduction 60: 1373-1377.
  • Mellado M, Cardenas C, Ruiz F. 2000. Mating behaviour of bucks and does in goat operations under range conditions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 67: 89-96.
  • Nikolov I, Sabev M, Ivanova-Kicheva M, Chemshirova T, Baycheva E, Popova M. 2005. Stimulation of sexual reflexes of aboriginal ram breeds durin the non-mating season. Journal of Central European Agriculture 6: 515-520.
  • Omontese BO, Rekwot PI, Ate IU, Rwuaan JS. 2014. Ascorbic acid enhances conception rates of Red Sokoto goats following progestin (FGA-30®, FGA-45® and CIDR®) treatment during the rainy season. Livestock Research for Rural Development 26(7): 130.
  • Öziş Ş, Kaymakçı M. 2003. Sexual behaviours in bucks, Journal of Animal Production 44(1): 69-75. Panagiotis ES, Stelios GD, Joseph AB. 2006. Effect of breed and age on sexual behaviour of rams. Theriogenology 65: 1480-1491.
  • Perkins A, Roselli CE. 2007. The ram as a model for behavioural neuroendocrinology, hormones and behaviour. Hormones and Behaviour 52: 70-77.
  • Perumal,P. Savino,N, Sangma CTR, Chang S, Sangtam TZT, Khan MH, Singh G, Brijesh Kumar D, Yadav Srivastava N. 2017. Effect of season and age on scrotal circumference, testicular parameters and endocrinological profiles in mithun bulls. Theriogenology 98: 23-29.
  • Prado V, Orihuela A, Lozano S, Pérez-León I. 2003. Effect on ejaculatory performance and semen parameters of sexually-satiated male goats (Capra hircus) after changing the stimulus female. Theriogenology 60: 261-267.
  • Price EO, Borgwardt R, Blackshaw JK, Blackshaw A, Dally MR, Erhard H. 1994. Effect of early experience on the sexual performance of yearling rams. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 42: 41-48.
  • Price EO, Borgwardt R, Orihuela A. 1998. Early sexual experience fails to enhance sexual performance in male goats. Journal of Animal Science 76: 718-720.
  • Rosa HJD, Bryant MJ. 2002. Review: the “ram effect” as a way of modifying the reproductive activity in the ewe. Small Ruminant Research 45: 1-16.
  • Simitzis PE, Deligeorgis SG, Bizelis JA. 2006. Effect of breed and age on sexual behaviour of rams. Theriogenology 65: 1480-1491.
  • SMSI. 2018. Meteorology records and statistics of Isparta. State Meteorology Station of Isparta. (22.01.2018).
  • StatSoft. 2018. Statistica 7.0 Software. (15.01.2018).
  • Tölü C, Yazgan N, Akbağ HI. 2021. Mating behaviour and hormone profile in melatonin treated goat bucks. Journal of Animal Science and Products 4: 153-163.
  • Ungerfeld R. 2003. Reproductive responses of anestrous ewes to the introduction of rams. PhD thesis. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. ISSN 1401-6257, pp.61.
  • Ungerfeld R, Ramos MA, Gonzalea-Pensàdo SP. 2008. Ram effect: Adult rams induce a greater reproductive response in anestrous ewes than yearling rams. Animal Reproduction Science 103: 271-277.
  • Véliz FG, Moreno S, Duarte G, Vielma J, Chemineau P, Poindron P, Malpaux B, Delgadillo JA. 2002. Male effect in seasonally anovulatory lactating goats depends on the presence of sexually active bucks, but not estrous females. Animal Reproduction Science 72: 197-207.
  • Zonturlu AK, Özyurtlu N, Kaçar C. 2011. Effect of different doses PMSG on estrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes synchronized with progesterone during the transition period. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17: 125-129.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Gıda Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Funda Ataç 0000-0002-6681-212X

Duygu Kaşıkcı 0000-0003-4574-3660

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 65 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ataç, F., & Kaşıkcı, D. (2024). Effects on Herd Efficiency of Sexual Experience and Behavioral Characteristics of Saanen X Hair Male Goat Based On Age. Journal of Animal Production, 65(1), 1-8.


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