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The Effect of Mindfulness on Gambling Addiction

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 90 - 99, 26.04.2024


Gambling addiction, like other addictions, has many negative effects and is defined as a disorder characterized by repetitive gambling that continues despite all negative consequences, causing significant psychological problems and reduced functionality. It is an important public health problem affecting the whole world. Studies show that the mindfulness thinking system is effective in the treatment of gambling addiction. Conscious awareness is defined as a person's unprejudiced and accepting focus on what is going on around him and his inner world. In this context, the aim of this review is to draw attention to the effect of mindfulness on gambling addiction, as well as to contribute to the work to be done by mental health professionals.


  • Aktepe İ, Tolan Ö. (2020). Bilinçli farkındalık: Güncel bir gözden geçirme. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 12(4), 534-561.
  • Ameli R. (2016). 25 Farkındalık dersi: Şimdi sağlıklı yaşama zamanı. (Z Atalay, K Öge, Çev.). Ankara, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği (APA) DSM-5 tanı ölçütleri başvuru el kitabı. (E. Köroğlu, Çev.). 2014; Ankara: Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
  • APS gambling working group the psychology of gambling. (2010, December). Special report: The psychology of gambling. (Erişim tarihi: 01.11.2022), Australian Psycoholgy Society (APS), 32(6).
  • Asi Karakaş S, Ersöğütçü F. (2016). Madde bağımlılığı ve hemşirelik. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 3(2), 133-139.
  • Atalay Z. (2019). Mindfulness bilinçli farkındalık: farkındalıkla anda kalabilme sanatı. İstanbul, İnkılap Yayınevi.
  • Bailis DS, Brais NJ, Single AN, Schellenberg BJI. (2021). Self-compassion buffers ımpaired decision-making by potential problem gamblers in a casino setting. Journal of Gambling Studies, 37, 269-282.
  • Bat Tonkuş M, Elveren A, Tokmak Ş. (2022). Bağımlı Bireylerin yaşadıkları ruhsal sorunlar ve önlemeye yönelik uygulamalar. Journal of Medical Sciences, 3(4), 206-213.
  • Bluth K, Eisenlohr-Moul TA. (2017). Response to a mindful self-compassion ıntervention in teens: a within-person association of mindfulness, self-compassion, and emotional well-being outcomes. Journal of Adolescence, 57, 108-118.
  • Boughton R, Jindani F, Turner NE. (2017). Closing a treatment gap in ontario: pilot of a tutorial workbook for women gamblers. Journal of Gambling Issues, 36, 1-33.
  • Bowen N, Chawla G, Marlatt A. (2011). Mindfulness-based relapse prevention for addictive behaviors: A clinician’s guide. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Brewer JA, Worhunsky PD, Gray JR, Tang YY, Weber J, Kober H. (2011). Meditation experience is associated with differences in default mode network activity and connectivity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108(50), 20254-20259.
  • Calado F, Alexandre J, Griffiths MD. (2017). Prevalence of adolescent problem gambling: a systematic review of recent research. Journal of Gambling Studies, 33(2), 397-424.
  • Campo RA, Bluth K, Santacroce SJ, Knapik S, Tan J, Gold S, et al. (2017). A mindful self-compassion videoconference intervention for nationally recruited posttreatment young adult cancer survivors: feasibility, acceptability, and psychosocial outcomes. Support Care Cancer, 25(6), 1759-1768.
  • Canby NK, Cameron IM, Calhoun AT, Buchanan GMA. (2014). Brief mindfulness ıntervention for healthy college students and ıts effects on psychological distress, self-control, meta-mood, and subjective vitality. Mindfulness, 6(5), 1071-1081.
  • Carlotta D, Krueger RF, Markon KE, Borroni S, Frera,F, Somma A, et al. (2015). Adaptive and maladaptive personality traits in high-risk gamblers. Journal of Personality Disorders, 29(3), 378-392.
  • Chen P, Jindani F, Perry J, Turner NL. (2014). Mindfulness and problem gambling treatment. Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health, 4(2), 1-18.
  • Choi SW, Shin YC, Kim DJ, Choi JS, Kim S, Kim SH, et al. (2017). Treatment modalities for patients with gambling disorder. Annals General Psychiatry, 16(23), 1-8.
  • Clark L, Liu R, McKavanagh R, Garrett A, Dunn BD, Aitken MRF. (2013). Learning and affect following near‐miss outcomes in simulated gambling. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26(5), 442-450.
  • Çakıcı, M. (2019). Bağımlılık, tanı, tedavi ve önleme. İstanbul: Yeşilay Yayınları.
  • Çakmak S, Tamam L. (2018). Kumar oynama bozukluğu: genel bir bakış. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 19(3), 78-97.
  • Çam O, Engin E. (2014). Madde bağımlılığı. (O Çam, E Engin, Çev.), Ruh sağlığı ve hastalıkları hemşireliği bakım sanatı içinde, (s:447-467). İstanbul: İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi.
  • De Lisle SM, Dowling NA, Allen JS. (2012). Mindfulness and problem gambling: A review of the literature. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28(4), 719-739.
  • Delaney MC. (2018). Caring for the caregivers: evaluation of the effect of an eight-week pilot mindful self-compassion (MSC) training program on nurses’ compassion fatigue and resilience. PLoS ONE, 13(11), 1-20.
  • Demir V. (2015). Bilinçli farkındalık temelli kognitif terapi programının bireylerin depresif belirti düzeyleri üzerine etkisi. Psikoloji Çalışmaları, 35(1), 15-26.
  • Devlet Denetleme Kurulu. Araştırma ve İnceleme Raporu (2020). (Erişim tarihi: 05.03.2023).
  • Dilbaz N, Göğcegöz I, Noyan O, Kazan Kızılkurt Ö. (2021). Bağımlılık tanı ve tedavi temel kitabı. (1. Baskı, s:102-107). Ankara: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti.
  • Dowling NA, Brown M. (2010). Commonalities in the psychological factors associated with problem gambling and Internet dependence. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc, 13, 437-441.
  • Gambling Definition of Gambling by Merriam-Webster (Erişim tarihi: 01.11.2022).
  • Germer C. (2009). The mindful path to self-compassion: freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Goslar M, Leibetseder M, Muench HM, Hofmann SG, Laireiter AR. (2019). Pharmacological treatments for disordered gambling: A meta‑analysis. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35, 415-445.
  • Grant JE, Odlaug BL, Chamberlain SR. (2016). Neural and psychological underpinnings of gambling disorder: A review. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 65, 188-193.
  • Griffiths MD, Shonin E, Van Gordon W. (2015). Mindfulness as a treatment for gambling disorder: current directions and ıssues. Journal of Gambling and Commercial Gaming Research, 1, 1-6.
  • Heinz A, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Potenza MN. (2019). Gambling disorder. Gambling Disorder içinde. (s:1-320). Hodgins DC, Stea JN, Grant JE. (2011). Gambling disorders. Lancet, 378(9806), 1874-1884.
  • Karaaziz M, Çakıcı M, Özbahadır T. (2019). Kıbrıs ve Türkiye doğumlu kumar bağımlıları ile kumar oynama nedenlerinin karşılaştırması. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 20(1), 72-75.
  • Karabacak A, Demir M. (2017). Özerklik, bağlanma stilleri, bilinçli farkındalık ve duygu düzenleme arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(23), 271-291.
  • Karlsson A, Hakansson A. (2018). Gambling disorder, increased mortality, suicidality, and associated comorbidity: A longitudinal nationwide register study. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(4), 1091-1099.
  • Kistner S, Bengesser I. (2018). Self-compassion in gambling disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(1).
  • Korponay C, Dentico D, Kral TRA, Ly M, Kruis A, Davis K, et al. (2019). The Efect of mindfulness meditation on ımpulsivity and its neurobiological correlates in healthy adults. Scientific Reports, 9(11963), 1-17.
  • Kulaksızoğlu B, Bingöl M, Gülengöz M, Kuloğlu M. (2020). Madde Kullanım Bozukluğu Tedavisinde Bir Yıllık Tedavide Kalma Oranları: Geriye Dönük Bir Çalışma. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 25(1), 43-47.
  • Kumar ne demek TDK sözlük anlamı (Erişim tarihi: 01.11.2022).
  • Laplante DA, Nelson SE, Labrie RA, Shaffer HJ. (2011). Disordered gambling, type of gambling and gambling involvement in the British Gambling Prevalence Survey 2007. The European Journal of Public Health, 21(4), 532-537.
  • Latvala T, Lintonen T, Konu A. (2019). Public health effects of gambling debate on a conceptual model. BMC Public Health, 19(1077), 1-16.
  • Lorains FK, Cowlishaw S, Thomas SA. (2011). Prevalence of comorbid disorders in problem and pathological gambling: systematic review and meta-analysis of population surveys. Addiction, 106, 490-498.
  • Lundgren L, Krull I. (2018). Screenıng, assessment, and treatment of substance use disorders. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Maalouf W, Stojanovic M, Kiefer M, Campello G, Heikkila H, El-Khatib Z. (2019). Lions quest skills for adolescence program as a school iıntervention to prevent substance use a pilot study across three south east european countries. Prevention Science, 20(4), 555–565.
  • Mallorquí-Bagué N, Mena-Moreno T, Granero R, Vintro Alcaraz C, Sanchez-Gonzales J, Fernandez-Aranda F, et al. (2018). Suicidal ideation and history of suicide attempts in treatment-seeking patients with gambling disorder: The role of emotion dysregulation and high trait impulsivity. Journal of Behavioral Addiction, 7, 1112-1121.
  • Marlatt GA, Kristeller JL. (1999). Mindfulness and meditation. In Integrating Spirituality Into Treatment: Resources For Practitioners (Eds WR Miller) ss:67-84. Washington DC, American Psychological Association.
  • Maynard BR, Wilson AN, Labuzienski E, Whiting SW. (2015). Mindfulness based approaches in the treatment of disordered gambling: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(3), 348-362.
  • McIntosh CC, Crino RD, O’Neill K. (2016). Treating problem gambling samples with cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness-based ınterventions: A Clinical Trial. Journal of Gambling Studies, 32(4), 1305-1325.
  • Milhorn, H.T. (2018). Substance use disorders a guide for the primary care provider. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Navas JF, Contreras-Rodríguez O, Verdejo-Román J, Perandrés-Gómez A, Albein-Urios N, Verdejo-García A, et al. (2017). Trait and neurobiological underpinnings of negative emotion regulation in gambling disorder. Addiction, 112(6), 1086-1094.
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Kumar Bağımlılığında Bilinçli Farkındalığın Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 90 - 99, 26.04.2024


Kumar bağımlılığı diğer bağımlılıklar gibi birçok olumsuz etkiye sahiptir ve tüm olumsuz sonuçlara rağmen devam eden, önemli psikolojik sorunlara ve işlevsellikte azalmaya neden olan tekrarlayıcı kumar oynama ile karakterize bir bozukluk olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Tüm dünyayı etkileyen önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Araştırmalar kumar bağımlılığı tedavisinde bilinçli farkındalık düşünce sisteminin etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Bilinçli farkındalık, kişinin çevresinde olup bitenlere ve iç dünyasına önyargısız ve kabullenici bir şekilde odaklanması olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu derlemenin amacı, kumar bağımlılığında bilinçli farkındalığın etkisine dikkat çekmenin yanı sıra ruh sağlığı profesyonelleri tarafından yapılacak çalışmalara katkıda bulunmaktır.


  • Aktepe İ, Tolan Ö. (2020). Bilinçli farkındalık: Güncel bir gözden geçirme. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 12(4), 534-561.
  • Ameli R. (2016). 25 Farkındalık dersi: Şimdi sağlıklı yaşama zamanı. (Z Atalay, K Öge, Çev.). Ankara, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği (APA) DSM-5 tanı ölçütleri başvuru el kitabı. (E. Köroğlu, Çev.). 2014; Ankara: Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
  • APS gambling working group the psychology of gambling. (2010, December). Special report: The psychology of gambling. (Erişim tarihi: 01.11.2022), Australian Psycoholgy Society (APS), 32(6).
  • Asi Karakaş S, Ersöğütçü F. (2016). Madde bağımlılığı ve hemşirelik. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 3(2), 133-139.
  • Atalay Z. (2019). Mindfulness bilinçli farkındalık: farkındalıkla anda kalabilme sanatı. İstanbul, İnkılap Yayınevi.
  • Bailis DS, Brais NJ, Single AN, Schellenberg BJI. (2021). Self-compassion buffers ımpaired decision-making by potential problem gamblers in a casino setting. Journal of Gambling Studies, 37, 269-282.
  • Bat Tonkuş M, Elveren A, Tokmak Ş. (2022). Bağımlı Bireylerin yaşadıkları ruhsal sorunlar ve önlemeye yönelik uygulamalar. Journal of Medical Sciences, 3(4), 206-213.
  • Bluth K, Eisenlohr-Moul TA. (2017). Response to a mindful self-compassion ıntervention in teens: a within-person association of mindfulness, self-compassion, and emotional well-being outcomes. Journal of Adolescence, 57, 108-118.
  • Boughton R, Jindani F, Turner NE. (2017). Closing a treatment gap in ontario: pilot of a tutorial workbook for women gamblers. Journal of Gambling Issues, 36, 1-33.
  • Bowen N, Chawla G, Marlatt A. (2011). Mindfulness-based relapse prevention for addictive behaviors: A clinician’s guide. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Brewer JA, Worhunsky PD, Gray JR, Tang YY, Weber J, Kober H. (2011). Meditation experience is associated with differences in default mode network activity and connectivity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108(50), 20254-20259.
  • Calado F, Alexandre J, Griffiths MD. (2017). Prevalence of adolescent problem gambling: a systematic review of recent research. Journal of Gambling Studies, 33(2), 397-424.
  • Campo RA, Bluth K, Santacroce SJ, Knapik S, Tan J, Gold S, et al. (2017). A mindful self-compassion videoconference intervention for nationally recruited posttreatment young adult cancer survivors: feasibility, acceptability, and psychosocial outcomes. Support Care Cancer, 25(6), 1759-1768.
  • Canby NK, Cameron IM, Calhoun AT, Buchanan GMA. (2014). Brief mindfulness ıntervention for healthy college students and ıts effects on psychological distress, self-control, meta-mood, and subjective vitality. Mindfulness, 6(5), 1071-1081.
  • Carlotta D, Krueger RF, Markon KE, Borroni S, Frera,F, Somma A, et al. (2015). Adaptive and maladaptive personality traits in high-risk gamblers. Journal of Personality Disorders, 29(3), 378-392.
  • Chen P, Jindani F, Perry J, Turner NL. (2014). Mindfulness and problem gambling treatment. Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health, 4(2), 1-18.
  • Choi SW, Shin YC, Kim DJ, Choi JS, Kim S, Kim SH, et al. (2017). Treatment modalities for patients with gambling disorder. Annals General Psychiatry, 16(23), 1-8.
  • Clark L, Liu R, McKavanagh R, Garrett A, Dunn BD, Aitken MRF. (2013). Learning and affect following near‐miss outcomes in simulated gambling. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26(5), 442-450.
  • Çakıcı, M. (2019). Bağımlılık, tanı, tedavi ve önleme. İstanbul: Yeşilay Yayınları.
  • Çakmak S, Tamam L. (2018). Kumar oynama bozukluğu: genel bir bakış. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 19(3), 78-97.
  • Çam O, Engin E. (2014). Madde bağımlılığı. (O Çam, E Engin, Çev.), Ruh sağlığı ve hastalıkları hemşireliği bakım sanatı içinde, (s:447-467). İstanbul: İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi.
  • De Lisle SM, Dowling NA, Allen JS. (2012). Mindfulness and problem gambling: A review of the literature. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28(4), 719-739.
  • Delaney MC. (2018). Caring for the caregivers: evaluation of the effect of an eight-week pilot mindful self-compassion (MSC) training program on nurses’ compassion fatigue and resilience. PLoS ONE, 13(11), 1-20.
  • Demir V. (2015). Bilinçli farkındalık temelli kognitif terapi programının bireylerin depresif belirti düzeyleri üzerine etkisi. Psikoloji Çalışmaları, 35(1), 15-26.
  • Devlet Denetleme Kurulu. Araştırma ve İnceleme Raporu (2020). (Erişim tarihi: 05.03.2023).
  • Dilbaz N, Göğcegöz I, Noyan O, Kazan Kızılkurt Ö. (2021). Bağımlılık tanı ve tedavi temel kitabı. (1. Baskı, s:102-107). Ankara: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti.
  • Dowling NA, Brown M. (2010). Commonalities in the psychological factors associated with problem gambling and Internet dependence. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc, 13, 437-441.
  • Gambling Definition of Gambling by Merriam-Webster (Erişim tarihi: 01.11.2022).
  • Germer C. (2009). The mindful path to self-compassion: freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Goslar M, Leibetseder M, Muench HM, Hofmann SG, Laireiter AR. (2019). Pharmacological treatments for disordered gambling: A meta‑analysis. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35, 415-445.
  • Grant JE, Odlaug BL, Chamberlain SR. (2016). Neural and psychological underpinnings of gambling disorder: A review. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 65, 188-193.
  • Griffiths MD, Shonin E, Van Gordon W. (2015). Mindfulness as a treatment for gambling disorder: current directions and ıssues. Journal of Gambling and Commercial Gaming Research, 1, 1-6.
  • Heinz A, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Potenza MN. (2019). Gambling disorder. Gambling Disorder içinde. (s:1-320). Hodgins DC, Stea JN, Grant JE. (2011). Gambling disorders. Lancet, 378(9806), 1874-1884.
  • Karaaziz M, Çakıcı M, Özbahadır T. (2019). Kıbrıs ve Türkiye doğumlu kumar bağımlıları ile kumar oynama nedenlerinin karşılaştırması. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 20(1), 72-75.
  • Karabacak A, Demir M. (2017). Özerklik, bağlanma stilleri, bilinçli farkındalık ve duygu düzenleme arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(23), 271-291.
  • Karlsson A, Hakansson A. (2018). Gambling disorder, increased mortality, suicidality, and associated comorbidity: A longitudinal nationwide register study. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(4), 1091-1099.
  • Kistner S, Bengesser I. (2018). Self-compassion in gambling disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(1).
  • Korponay C, Dentico D, Kral TRA, Ly M, Kruis A, Davis K, et al. (2019). The Efect of mindfulness meditation on ımpulsivity and its neurobiological correlates in healthy adults. Scientific Reports, 9(11963), 1-17.
  • Kulaksızoğlu B, Bingöl M, Gülengöz M, Kuloğlu M. (2020). Madde Kullanım Bozukluğu Tedavisinde Bir Yıllık Tedavide Kalma Oranları: Geriye Dönük Bir Çalışma. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 25(1), 43-47.
  • Kumar ne demek TDK sözlük anlamı (Erişim tarihi: 01.11.2022).
  • Laplante DA, Nelson SE, Labrie RA, Shaffer HJ. (2011). Disordered gambling, type of gambling and gambling involvement in the British Gambling Prevalence Survey 2007. The European Journal of Public Health, 21(4), 532-537.
  • Latvala T, Lintonen T, Konu A. (2019). Public health effects of gambling debate on a conceptual model. BMC Public Health, 19(1077), 1-16.
  • Lorains FK, Cowlishaw S, Thomas SA. (2011). Prevalence of comorbid disorders in problem and pathological gambling: systematic review and meta-analysis of population surveys. Addiction, 106, 490-498.
  • Lundgren L, Krull I. (2018). Screenıng, assessment, and treatment of substance use disorders. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Maalouf W, Stojanovic M, Kiefer M, Campello G, Heikkila H, El-Khatib Z. (2019). Lions quest skills for adolescence program as a school iıntervention to prevent substance use a pilot study across three south east european countries. Prevention Science, 20(4), 555–565.
  • Mallorquí-Bagué N, Mena-Moreno T, Granero R, Vintro Alcaraz C, Sanchez-Gonzales J, Fernandez-Aranda F, et al. (2018). Suicidal ideation and history of suicide attempts in treatment-seeking patients with gambling disorder: The role of emotion dysregulation and high trait impulsivity. Journal of Behavioral Addiction, 7, 1112-1121.
  • Marlatt GA, Kristeller JL. (1999). Mindfulness and meditation. In Integrating Spirituality Into Treatment: Resources For Practitioners (Eds WR Miller) ss:67-84. Washington DC, American Psychological Association.
  • Maynard BR, Wilson AN, Labuzienski E, Whiting SW. (2015). Mindfulness based approaches in the treatment of disordered gambling: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(3), 348-362.
  • McIntosh CC, Crino RD, O’Neill K. (2016). Treating problem gambling samples with cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness-based ınterventions: A Clinical Trial. Journal of Gambling Studies, 32(4), 1305-1325.
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Toplam 78 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Derleme

Mehtap Kızılkaya 0000-0002-4000-8926

Kübra Yılmaz 0000-0002-3813-8203

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kızılkaya, M., & Yılmaz, K. (2024). Kumar Bağımlılığında Bilinçli Farkındalığın Etkisi. Hemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi, 7(1), 90-99.