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Gıda Bileşenlerinin Orijin Tespiti Analizlerinde Kullanılan Yöntemler

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 50 - 63, 14.07.2020


Son yıllarda tüketicilerin, tükettikleri gıdaların kompozisyonlarını bilme farkındalıkları giderek artmaktadır. Helal gıdalarla ilgili fıkhi kurallar gereğince, gıdaların helal kabul edilebilmeleri için, gıda maddelerinin kaynaklarının (kökenlerinin) biliniyor olması gereklidir. Bu nedenle, helallik durumu ve otantisite ile bağlantılı meseleler ele alınmalıdır. Dolayısıyla, gıda bileşenlerinin kökeninin helal orijinli olup olmadığını teyit etmek amacıyla, doğru ve güvenilir analitik yöntemlere ihtiyaç vardır. Gıda orijin analizleri için çeşitli enstrümantal ve moleküler teknikler geliştirilmiştir. Günümüzde halen geleneksel metotların kullanılmasına rağmen, metabolomiks, proteomiks ve genomiks gibi unsurları kapsayan foodomiks, gıda ürünlerinin helalliğini doğrulamak için mevcut tekniklerin iyileştirilmesine yardımcı olmak için yeni bir yaklaşım olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Gıda biliminde foodomiks; sistem biyolojisi yaklaşımlarıyla birlikte omiks araçlarının (örn. proteomiks, lipidomiks, microbiomiks, genomiks, metabolomiks, transkriptomiks) uygulanmasını kapsar. Bu çalışmada, helal gıdalarda otantisitenin teyidi amacıyla günümüze kadar çalışılmış yöntem ve metotların, helal gıda standartları ve ilkeleri açısından uygulamalarına ve zorluklarına değinilmiştir.


  • Ali, M. E., Ahamad, M. N. U., Hossain, M. M., & Sultana, S. (2018). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay discriminates of rabbit, rat and squirrel meat in frankfurter products. Food Cont-rol, 84, 148-158.
  • Ali, M. E., Razzak, M. A., Hamid, S. B. A., Rahman, M. M., Al Amin, M., & Ras-hid, N. R. A. (2015). Multiplex PCR assay for the detection of five meat species for-bidden in Islamic foods. Food che-mistry, 177, 214-224.
  • Alina, A. R., Illiyin, M. N., Juriani, J., Salmah, Y., Mashitoh, A. S., & Imtinan, A. K. (2012). Detection of Non-Halal Plasma Transglutaminase in Selected Surimi-Based Products by using Sandwich ELISA Method. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17, 39-44.
  • Alkhalf M.I., Mirghani M.E.S., Nazrim Marikkar J.M., Hammed A.M. & Kab-bashi N.A. (2017). J Food, Agric Environ.
  • Al‐Mazeedi, H. M., Regenstein, J. M., & Riaz, M. N. (2013). The issue of undecla-red ingredients in halal and kosher food production: A focus on processing aids. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 12(2), 228-233.
  • Amaral, J. S., Santos, G., Oliveira, M. B. P., & Mafra, I. (2017). Quantitative detec-tion of pork meat by EvaGreen real-time PCR to assess the authenticity of proces-sed meat products. Food control, 72, 53-61.
  • Amqizal, H. I. A., Al-Kahtani, H. A., Is-mail, E. A., Hayat, K., & Jaswir, I. (2017). Identification and verification of porcine DNA in commercial gelatin and gelatin containing processed foods. Food cont-rol, 78, 297-303.
  • Azir, M., Abbasiliasi, S., Ibrahim, T., Azmi, T., Manaf, Y. N. A., Sazili, A. Q., & Mustafa, S. (2017). Detection of Lard in Cocoa Butter—Its Fatty Acid Compo-sition, Triacylglycerol Profiles, and Thermal Characteristics. Foods, 6(11), 98.
  • Ballin, N. Z., Vogensen, F. K., & Karls-son, A. H. (2009). Species determination–Can we detect and quantify meat adulte-ration?. Meat science, 83(2), 165-174.
  • CAC (2016). (Erişim tarihi: 14.01. 2017).
  • Cebi, N., Dogan, C. E., Develioglu, A., Yayla, M. E. A., & Sagdic, O. (2017). Detection of l-cysteine in wheat flour by Raman microspectroscopy combined chemometrics of HCA and PCA. Food chemistry, 228, 116-124.
  • Cevallos-Cevallos, J. M., Reyes-De-Corcuera, J. I., Etxeberria, E., Danyluk, M. D., & Rodrick, G. E. (2009). Metabo-lomic analysis in food science: a re-view. Trends in Food Science & Techno-logy, 20(11-12), 557-566.
  • Cifuentes, A. (2012). Food analysis: pre-sent, future, and foodomics. ISRN Analy-tical Chemistry, 801607.
  • Cifuentes, A. (Ed.). (2013). Foodomics: Advanced mass spectrometry in modern food science and nutrition (Vol. 52). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Claydon, A. J., Grundy, H. H., Charlton, A. J., & Romero, M. R. (2015). Identifica-tion of novel peptides for horse meat spe-ciation in highly processed foods-tuffs. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 32(10), 1718-1729.
  • Corsaro, C., Cicero, N., Mallamace, D., Vasi, S., Naccari, C., Salvo, A., ... & Du-go, G. (2016). HR-MAS and NMR towards foodomics. Food Research Inter-national, 89, 1085-1094.
  • Demirhan, Y., Ulca, P., & Senyuva, H. Z. (2012). Detection of porcine DNA in ge-latine and gelatine-containing processed food products—Halal/Kosher authentica-tion. Meat science, 90(3), 686-689.
  • Di Pinto, A., Bottaro, M., Bonerba, E., Bozzo, G., Ceci, E., Marchetti, P., ... & Tantillo, G. (2015). Occurrence of misla-beling in meat products using DNA-based assay. Journal of food science and tech-nology, 52(4), 2479-2484.
  • El Sheikha, A. F., Mokhtar, N. F. K., Amie, C., Lamasudin, D. U., Isa, N. M., & Mustafa, S. (2017). Authentication tech-nologies using DNA-based approaches for meats and halal meats determina-tion. Food Biotechnology, 31(4), 281-315.
  • El-Gindy, A., & Hadad, G.M. (2012). Chemometric pharmaceutical analysis: An inroduction, review, and future pers-pectives. J. AOAC Int., 95, 609–623. doi:10.5740/jaoacint.SGE_El-Gindy
  • Ellis, D. I., Muhamadali, H., Allen, D. P., Elliott, C. T., & Goodacre, R. (2016). A flavour of omics approaches for the de-tection of food fraud. Current Opinion in Food Science, 10, 7-15.
  • Ermis, E. (2017). Halal status of enzymes used in food industry. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 64, 69-73.
  • Erwanto, Y., Abidin, M. Z., & Rohman, A. (2012). Pig species identification in meatballs using polymerase chain reac-tion-restriction fragment length poly-morphism for halal authentication. Int. Food Res. Jour., 19(3):901-906.
  • Fadzillah, N. A., Rohman, A., Salleh, R. A., Amin, I., Shuhaimi, M., Farahwahida, M. Y., ... & Khatib, A. (2017). Authenti-cation of butter from lard adulteration using high-resolution of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and high-performance liquid chromatog-raphy. International Journal of Food Properties, 20(9), 2147-2156.
  • Fuchs, B., Süß, R., & Schiller, J. (2010). An update of MALDI-TOF mass spect-rometry in lipid research. Progress in lipid research, 49(4), 450-475.
  • García-Cañas, V., Simó, C., Herrero, M., Ibáñez, E., & Cifuentes, A. (2012). Pre-sent and future challenges in food analy-sis: foodomics, Anal. Chem. 84(23): 10150–10159.
  • Gaspari, M., Chiesa, L., Nicastri, A., Gab-riele, C., Harper, V., Britti, D., ... & Pro-copio, A. (2016). Proteome speciation by mass spectrometry: characterization of composite protein mixtures in milk repla-cers. Analytical chemistry, 88(23), 11568-11574.
  • Halket, J. M., Waterman, D., Przybo-rowska, A. M., Patel, R. K., Fraser, P. D., & Bramley, P. M. (2005). Chemical deri-vatization and mass spectral libraries in metabolic profiling by GC/MS and LC/MS/MS. Journal of experimental bo-tany, 56(410), 219-243.
  • He, Z., & Yang, H. (2018). Colourimetric detection of swine-specific DNA for halal authentication using gold nanopartic-les. Food Control, 88, 9-14.
  • IMARC, (2019). Halal Food Market: Glo-bal Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2019-2024.
  • Kleinnijenhuis, A. J., Van Holthoon, F. L., & Herregods, G. (2018). Validation and theoretical justification of an LC-MS method for the animal species specific detection of gelatin. Food chemistry, 243, 461-467.
  • Kumar, N. S., & Gurusubramanian, G. (2011). Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and its applicati-ons. Sci Vis, 11(3), 116-124.
  • Kuswandi, B., Gani, A. A., & Ahmad, M. (2017). Immuno strip test for detection of pork adulteration in cooked meat-balls. Food bioscience, 19, 1-6. Lubis, H. N., Mohd-Naim, N. F., Alizul, N. N., & Ahmed, M. U. (2016). From market to food plate: Current trusted technology and innovations in halal food analysis. Trends in Food Science & Tech-nology, 58, 55-68.
  • Mandli, J., Fatimi, I. E., Seddaoui, N., & Amine, A. (2018). Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA/immunosensor) for a sensitive detection of pork adulteration in meat. Food chemistry, 255, 380-389.
  • Montowska, M. (2017). Using peptido-mics to determine the authenticity of pro-cessed meat. In Proteomics in Food Sci-ence (pp. 225-240). Academic Press.
  • Montowska, M., & Fornal, E. (2018). De-tection of peptide markers of soy, milk and egg white allergenic proteins in po-ultry products by LC-Q-TOF-MS/MS. LWT, 87, 310-317.
  • Mursyidi, A. (2013). The role of analyti-cal chemistry in Halal certifica-tion. Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1(1), 1-4.
  • Murugaiah, C., Noor, Z. M., Mastakim, M., Bilung, L. M., Selamat, J., & Radu, S. (2009). Meat species identification and Halal authentication analysis using mi-tochondrial DNA. Meat science, 83(1), 57-61.
  • Musa, M. S., Kuretake, T., Harada, Y., Hori, F., & Uno, S. (2014). Electrochemi-cal Detection of Alcohol using Enzyme Sensor with Chromatography Paper and its Potential Application as halal Sensor, TechConnect Briefs, 262-265.
  • Naquiah, A. N., Marikkar, J. M. N., & Shuhaimi, M. (2016). Differentiation of partial acylglycerols derived from diffe-rent animal fats by EA-IRMS and GCMS techniques. Grasas y Aceites, 67(2), 136.
  • Nikzad, J., Shahhosseini, S., Tabarzad, M., Nafissi-Varcheh, N., & Torshabi, M. (2017). Simultaneous detection of bovine and porcine DNA in pharmaceutical gela-tin capsules by duplex PCR assay for Ha-lal authentication. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 25(1), 3.
  • Norrakiah, A. S., Azim, M. S., Sahilah, A. M., & Salam, B. A. (2015). Halal analysis of raw materials, ingredients and finished bakery products using PCR and gene chip southern-hybridization for detection of porcine DNA. International Food Rese-arch Journal, 22(5), 1883.
  • Nurjuliana, M., Man, Y. C., Hashim, D. M., & Mohamed, A. K. S. (2011). Rapid identification of pork for halal authenti-cation using the electronic nose and gas chromatography mass spectrometer with headspace analyzer. Meat Science, 88(4), 638-644.
  • Nurrulhidayah, A. F., Arieff, S. R., Roh-man, A., Amin, I., Shuhaimi, M., & Kha-tib, A. (2015). Detection of butter adulte-ration with lard using differential scan-ning calorimetry. International Food Re-search Journal, 22 (2): 832-839.
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  • Ordoudi, S. A., Staikidou, C., Kyriakoudi, A., & Tsimidou, M. Z. (2018). A stepwise approach for the detection of carminic acid in saffron with regard to religious food certification. Food chemistry, 267, 410-419.
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  • Park, S. W., Lee, S. J., Sim, Y. S., Choi, J. Y., Park, E. Y., & Noh, B. S. (2017). Analysis of ethanol in soy sauce using electronic nose for halal food certifica-tion. Food science and biotechno-logy, 26(2), 311-317.
  • Park, S., Kim, J. C., Lee, H. S., Jeong, S. W., & Shim, Y. S. (2016). Determination of five alcohol compounds in fermented Korean foods via simple liquid extraction with dimethyl-sulfoxide followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for Halal food certification. LWT, 74, 563-570.
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The Methods Used in Authenticity Tests of Food Ingredients

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 50 - 63, 14.07.2020


In recent years consumer’s awareness have been increased to know the composition of the food they are consuming. Accordingly, halal food fiqh rules and guidelines require that source (provenance) of the food can be traced back to its origin to fulfill halal requirements. Therefore, the issues related to halal status and authentication must be addressed. To accomplish this, there is a need for accurate and reliable analytical methods to verify the origin of the food components which are compatible with the halal food requirements. Various instrumental and molecular techniques have been developed for food origin analysis. Even though conventionel methods are still being used, foodomics consisting of metabolomics, proteomics and genomics is emerging as a new approach to help to complement existing techniques to verify the claims made about halal status of food products. Foodomics in food science covers the application of omics tools (e.g., proteomics, lipidomics, microbiomics, genomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics) along with systems biology approaches. This work focuses on general overview of the applications and challenges of methods studied for halal food authentication in terms of the foods compliance with halal food requirements and policies.


  • Ali, M. E., Ahamad, M. N. U., Hossain, M. M., & Sultana, S. (2018). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay discriminates of rabbit, rat and squirrel meat in frankfurter products. Food Cont-rol, 84, 148-158.
  • Ali, M. E., Razzak, M. A., Hamid, S. B. A., Rahman, M. M., Al Amin, M., & Ras-hid, N. R. A. (2015). Multiplex PCR assay for the detection of five meat species for-bidden in Islamic foods. Food che-mistry, 177, 214-224.
  • Alina, A. R., Illiyin, M. N., Juriani, J., Salmah, Y., Mashitoh, A. S., & Imtinan, A. K. (2012). Detection of Non-Halal Plasma Transglutaminase in Selected Surimi-Based Products by using Sandwich ELISA Method. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17, 39-44.
  • Alkhalf M.I., Mirghani M.E.S., Nazrim Marikkar J.M., Hammed A.M. & Kab-bashi N.A. (2017). J Food, Agric Environ.
  • Al‐Mazeedi, H. M., Regenstein, J. M., & Riaz, M. N. (2013). The issue of undecla-red ingredients in halal and kosher food production: A focus on processing aids. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 12(2), 228-233.
  • Amaral, J. S., Santos, G., Oliveira, M. B. P., & Mafra, I. (2017). Quantitative detec-tion of pork meat by EvaGreen real-time PCR to assess the authenticity of proces-sed meat products. Food control, 72, 53-61.
  • Amqizal, H. I. A., Al-Kahtani, H. A., Is-mail, E. A., Hayat, K., & Jaswir, I. (2017). Identification and verification of porcine DNA in commercial gelatin and gelatin containing processed foods. Food cont-rol, 78, 297-303.
  • Azir, M., Abbasiliasi, S., Ibrahim, T., Azmi, T., Manaf, Y. N. A., Sazili, A. Q., & Mustafa, S. (2017). Detection of Lard in Cocoa Butter—Its Fatty Acid Compo-sition, Triacylglycerol Profiles, and Thermal Characteristics. Foods, 6(11), 98.
  • Ballin, N. Z., Vogensen, F. K., & Karls-son, A. H. (2009). Species determination–Can we detect and quantify meat adulte-ration?. Meat science, 83(2), 165-174.
  • CAC (2016). (Erişim tarihi: 14.01. 2017).
  • Cebi, N., Dogan, C. E., Develioglu, A., Yayla, M. E. A., & Sagdic, O. (2017). Detection of l-cysteine in wheat flour by Raman microspectroscopy combined chemometrics of HCA and PCA. Food chemistry, 228, 116-124.
  • Cevallos-Cevallos, J. M., Reyes-De-Corcuera, J. I., Etxeberria, E., Danyluk, M. D., & Rodrick, G. E. (2009). Metabo-lomic analysis in food science: a re-view. Trends in Food Science & Techno-logy, 20(11-12), 557-566.
  • Cifuentes, A. (2012). Food analysis: pre-sent, future, and foodomics. ISRN Analy-tical Chemistry, 801607.
  • Cifuentes, A. (Ed.). (2013). Foodomics: Advanced mass spectrometry in modern food science and nutrition (Vol. 52). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Claydon, A. J., Grundy, H. H., Charlton, A. J., & Romero, M. R. (2015). Identifica-tion of novel peptides for horse meat spe-ciation in highly processed foods-tuffs. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 32(10), 1718-1729.
  • Corsaro, C., Cicero, N., Mallamace, D., Vasi, S., Naccari, C., Salvo, A., ... & Du-go, G. (2016). HR-MAS and NMR towards foodomics. Food Research Inter-national, 89, 1085-1094.
  • Demirhan, Y., Ulca, P., & Senyuva, H. Z. (2012). Detection of porcine DNA in ge-latine and gelatine-containing processed food products—Halal/Kosher authentica-tion. Meat science, 90(3), 686-689.
  • Di Pinto, A., Bottaro, M., Bonerba, E., Bozzo, G., Ceci, E., Marchetti, P., ... & Tantillo, G. (2015). Occurrence of misla-beling in meat products using DNA-based assay. Journal of food science and tech-nology, 52(4), 2479-2484.
  • El Sheikha, A. F., Mokhtar, N. F. K., Amie, C., Lamasudin, D. U., Isa, N. M., & Mustafa, S. (2017). Authentication tech-nologies using DNA-based approaches for meats and halal meats determina-tion. Food Biotechnology, 31(4), 281-315.
  • El-Gindy, A., & Hadad, G.M. (2012). Chemometric pharmaceutical analysis: An inroduction, review, and future pers-pectives. J. AOAC Int., 95, 609–623. doi:10.5740/jaoacint.SGE_El-Gindy
  • Ellis, D. I., Muhamadali, H., Allen, D. P., Elliott, C. T., & Goodacre, R. (2016). A flavour of omics approaches for the de-tection of food fraud. Current Opinion in Food Science, 10, 7-15.
  • Ermis, E. (2017). Halal status of enzymes used in food industry. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 64, 69-73.
  • Erwanto, Y., Abidin, M. Z., & Rohman, A. (2012). Pig species identification in meatballs using polymerase chain reac-tion-restriction fragment length poly-morphism for halal authentication. Int. Food Res. Jour., 19(3):901-906.
  • Fadzillah, N. A., Rohman, A., Salleh, R. A., Amin, I., Shuhaimi, M., Farahwahida, M. Y., ... & Khatib, A. (2017). Authenti-cation of butter from lard adulteration using high-resolution of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and high-performance liquid chromatog-raphy. International Journal of Food Properties, 20(9), 2147-2156.
  • Fuchs, B., Süß, R., & Schiller, J. (2010). An update of MALDI-TOF mass spect-rometry in lipid research. Progress in lipid research, 49(4), 450-475.
  • García-Cañas, V., Simó, C., Herrero, M., Ibáñez, E., & Cifuentes, A. (2012). Pre-sent and future challenges in food analy-sis: foodomics, Anal. Chem. 84(23): 10150–10159.
  • Gaspari, M., Chiesa, L., Nicastri, A., Gab-riele, C., Harper, V., Britti, D., ... & Pro-copio, A. (2016). Proteome speciation by mass spectrometry: characterization of composite protein mixtures in milk repla-cers. Analytical chemistry, 88(23), 11568-11574.
  • Halket, J. M., Waterman, D., Przybo-rowska, A. M., Patel, R. K., Fraser, P. D., & Bramley, P. M. (2005). Chemical deri-vatization and mass spectral libraries in metabolic profiling by GC/MS and LC/MS/MS. Journal of experimental bo-tany, 56(410), 219-243.
  • He, Z., & Yang, H. (2018). Colourimetric detection of swine-specific DNA for halal authentication using gold nanopartic-les. Food Control, 88, 9-14.
  • IMARC, (2019). Halal Food Market: Glo-bal Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2019-2024.
  • Kleinnijenhuis, A. J., Van Holthoon, F. L., & Herregods, G. (2018). Validation and theoretical justification of an LC-MS method for the animal species specific detection of gelatin. Food chemistry, 243, 461-467.
  • Kumar, N. S., & Gurusubramanian, G. (2011). Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and its applicati-ons. Sci Vis, 11(3), 116-124.
  • Kuswandi, B., Gani, A. A., & Ahmad, M. (2017). Immuno strip test for detection of pork adulteration in cooked meat-balls. Food bioscience, 19, 1-6. Lubis, H. N., Mohd-Naim, N. F., Alizul, N. N., & Ahmed, M. U. (2016). From market to food plate: Current trusted technology and innovations in halal food analysis. Trends in Food Science & Tech-nology, 58, 55-68.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ertan Ermiş 0000-0002-1461-7357

Hamzah Mohd Salleh Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4627-8019

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ermiş, E., & Salleh, H. M. (2020). Gıda Bileşenlerinin Orijin Tespiti Analizlerinde Kullanılan Yöntemler. Helal Ve Etik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(1), 50-63.

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