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Çok-Yüksek Stil: Havayolu Endüstrisinde Estetik Eemek Üzerine Cinsiyet Perspektifinden Bir Derleme ve Araştırma Önerileri

Yıl 2024, , 148 - 162, 31.10.2024


Estetik emek, sosyoloji, psikoloji, yönetim ve örgütsel davranış gibi birçok alanda incelenmiş önemli bir kavramdır. Duygusal emekle yakından ilişkili olan estetik emek, çalışanların görünüşleriyle ilgili olarak şirketlerin işe alım, kariyer ilerlemesi, performans değerlendirmeleri ve ücretlendirme gibi süreçlerde belirlenen standartlara uygun olarak gerçekleştirdiği kasıtlı eylemleri ifade eder. Hizmet sektörü, estetik emeği pazarlama karmasının ve hizmet kalitesinin önemli bir unsuru olarak kabul etmekte olup, mevcut araştırmalar bu emeğin cinsiyetle bağlantılı özelliklerini vurgulamaktadır. Estetik emeğin havayolu endüstrisindeki öncülleri ve sonuçlarına dair araştırmalar, diğer mesleklerde incelenmesine rağmen sınırlı kalmıştır. Bu çalışma, estetik emeğin belirleyicilerini ve sonuçlarını cinsiyet perspektifinden inceleyerek havayolu çalışanlarına yönelik gelecekteki araştırmalar için öneriler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma için veriler, Temmuz 2024 ile Eylül 2024 arasında akademik arama motorları Google Scholar ve TR Dizin dahil olmak üzere iki büyük akademik veritabanı olan Scopus ve Web of Science’da kapsamlı bir literatür taraması yapılarak elde edilmiştir. Arama, “estetik emek”, “havayolu endüstrisi”, “cinsiyet”, “cinsiyetlendirilmiş emek”, “kabin ekibi” ve “uçuş görevlileri” gibi belirli anahtar kelimelerden oluşan kapsamlı bir set kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yalnızca Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak hakemli akademik makaleler dikkate alınmıştır. Bu çalışma, şirketlerin estetik emeği önemli bir stratejik araç olarak kullanmasına rağmen, stres, tükenmişlik ve ayrımcılık gibi bireysel ve örgütsel sonuçlara yol açabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Ayuttacorn, A. (2016). Air crafting: Corporate mandate and Thai female flight attendants’ negotiation of body politics. South East Asia Research, 24(4), 462-476. google scholar
  • Bakker, A. B., & Demerouti, E. (2017). Job demands-resources theory: Taking stock and looking forward. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(3), 273. google scholar
  • Butler, J. (2006). Gender trouble. Routledge. google scholar
  • Can, A., Can, D., Tez, Ö. Y., & Yavaş, V. (2023). Estetik emek ve işten ayrılma niyeti ilişkisinde cinsiyetin düzenleyici rolü: kabin memurları üzerine bir uygulama. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 27(1), 133-150. google scholar
  • Cho, J. E., Choi, H. C., & Lee, W. J. (2014). An empirical investigation of the relationship between role stressors, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention in the airline industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(9), 1023-1043. 10941665.2013.837398 google scholar
  • Dellinger, K. (2002). Wearing gender and sexuality “on your sleeve”: Dress norms and the importance of occupational and organizational culture at work. Gender Issues, 20(1), 3-25. google scholar
  • Smith, E., Kimbu, W., de Jong, A. N., & Cohen, S. (2023). Gendered Instagram representations in the aviation industry. Journal of sustainable tourism, 31(3), 639-663. google scholar
  • Elias, A., Gill, R., & Scharff, C. (2017). Aesthetic labour: Beauty politics in neoliberalism (pp. 3-49). Palgrave Macmillan UK. 10.1057/978-1-137-47765-1_1 google scholar
  • Festinger, L. (1957). Social comparison theory. Selective Exposure Theory, 16(401), 3. google scholar
  • Fixsen, A., Kossewska, M., & Bardey, A. (2023). I’m skinny, I’m worth more: fashion models’ experiences of aesthetic labor and its impact on body image and eating behaviors. Qualitative Health Research, 33(1-2), 81-91. google scholar
  • Hamermesh, D.S. (2011). Beauty pays: why attractive people are more successful?, Princeton University Press. spe.20100415dh google scholar
  • Hanlon, M. L. (2017). Sexual hostility mile high. Hastings Women's Law Journal, 28(2), 181-200. google scholar
  • Heuven, E., & Bakker, A. (2003). Emotional dissonance and burnout among cabin attendants. European Journal of WorK and Organiza-tional Psychology, 12(1), 81-100. google scholar
  • Hochschild, A. (1983). The presentation of Emotion. Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Hochschild, A. R. (2019). The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling. University of California Press. google scholar
  • Hu, H. H. S., Hu, H. Y., & King, B. (2017). Impacts of misbehaving air passengers on frontline employees: role stress and emotional labor. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(7), 1793-1813. google scholar
  • Hutson, D. J. (2024). The silent shift: Pregnant women doing aesthetic and emotional labor at work. Gender, Work & Organization. 1-21. google scholar
  • Karlsson, J. (2012). Looking good and sounding right: Aesthetic labour. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 33, 51 - 64. 10.1177/0143831X11428838. google scholar
  • Kim, Y., & Park, H. (2014). An investigation of the competencies required of airline cabin crew members: The case of a Korean airline. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 13(1), 34-62. google scholar
  • Kukkonen, I., Pajunen, T., Sarpila, O., & Âberg, E. (2024). Is beauty-based inequality gendered? A systematic review of gender differences in socioeconomic outcomes of physical attractiveness in labor markets. European Societies, 26(1), 117-148. 1080/14616696.2023.2210202 google scholar
  • Leidner, R. (2006). Identity and work. In M. Korczynski, R. Hodson, & P. Edwards (Eds.), Social theory at work (pp. 424-463). Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Martin, J. L., & George, M. (2006). Theories of sexual stratification: Toward an analytics of the sexual field and a theory of sexual capital. Sociological Theory, 24(2), 107-132. google scholar
  • Lewis, R., & Aune, K. (2023). Aesthetic labor in religious contexts: Women encountering modest dress in the workplace in the UK and Saudi Arabia. Fashion Theory, 27(5), 709-735. google scholar
  • Lipton, B. (2020). Academic women in neoliberal times. Palgrave. google scholar
  • Lipton, B. (2021). Academics’ dress: gender and aesthetic labour in the Australian university. Higher Education Research & Develop-ment, 40(4), 767-780. google scholar
  • Lovell, T. (2000). Thinking feminism with and against Bourdieu. Feminist Theory, 1(1), 11-32. google scholar
  • Luoh, H. F., & Tsaur, S. H. (2024). Looking good and sounding right: a scale development of aesthetic labor in the hospitality industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7(2), 1263-1281. google scholar
  • Mahadin, B. K., Abu Elsamen, A., & El-Adly, M. I. (2023). Airline brand equity: do advertising and sales promotion matter? An empirical evidence from UAE traveler’s perspective. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31(6), 2031-2058. 1108/IJOA-07-2021-2868 google scholar
  • Mann, S., & Rawat, S. (2023). You got to look right! mapping the aesthetics of labor by exploring the research landscape using biblio-metrics. The Open Psychology Journal. google scholar
  • McFarlane, A., & Samsioe, E. (2020). 50+ fashion Instagram influencers: cognitive age and aesthetic digital labours. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 24(3), 399-413. google scholar
  • Mears, A. (2014). Aesthetic labor for the sociologies of work, gender, and beauty. Sociology Compass, 8(12), 1330-1343. 10.1111/soc4.12211 google scholar
  • Nickson, D., Warhurst, C., Cullen, A. M., & Watt, A. (2003). Bringing in the excluded? Aesthetic labour, skills and training in the’new’economy. Journal of Education and Work, 16(2), 185-203. google scholar
  • Noon, M. & Blyton, P. (1997). The realities of work, Macmillan Business. google scholar
  • Okabe, N. (2017). Creating of customer loyalty by cabin crew A study of the relation between emotional labor and job performance. Trans-portation Research Procedia, 25, 149-164. google scholar
  • Otis, E. M. (2011). Markets and bodies: Women, service work, and the making of inequality in China. Stanford University Press. https:// google scholar
  • Pettinger, L. (2004). Brand culture and branded workers: Service work and aesthetic labour in fashion retail. Consumption Markets & Culture, 7(2), 165-184. google scholar
  • Pounders, K. R., Babin, B. J., & Close, A. G. (2015). All the same to me: outcomes of aesthetic labor performed by frontline service providers. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43, 670-693. google scholar
  • Ren, X. (2017). Exploiting women’s aesthetic labour to fly high in the Chinese airline industry. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32(6), 386-403. google scholar
  • Robinson, S. (2021, June). Black ballerinas: The management of emotional and aesthetic labor. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 491-508). google scholar
  • Sanders, L. (2006). Consuming fantasies: labor, leisure, and the London shopgirl, 1880-1920. Ohio State University Press. google scholar
  • Schiffinger, M., & Braun, S. M. (2020). The impact of social and temporal job demands and resources on emotional exhaustion and turnover intention among flight attendants. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 19(2), 196-219. 10.1080/15332845.2020.1702867 google scholar
  • Skeggs, B. (2004). Context and background: Pierre Bourdieu’s analysis of class, gender and sexuality. The sociological review, 52(2_suppl), 19-33. google scholar
  • Spiess, L., & Waring, P. (2005). Aesthetic labour, cost minimisation and the labour process in the Asia Pacific airline industry. Employee Relations, 27(2), 193-207. google scholar
  • Tajfel, H. (1981). Human groups and social categories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Tyler, M., & Taylor, S. (1998). The exchange of aesthetics: women’s work and ‘the gift’. Gender, Work & Organization, 5(3), 165-171. https:// google scholar
  • Taylor, S., & Tyler, M. (2000). Emotional labour and sexual difference in the airline industry. Work, Employment and Society, 14(1), 77-95. google scholar
  • Towns, A. E. (2024). Gendered labor: Appearance management and the unequal extraction of effort and time among ambassadors. Coop-eration and Conflict, 00108367241251628. google scholar
  • Tsaur, S. H., & Hsieh, H. Y. (2020). The influence of aesthetic labor burden on work engagement in the hospitality industry: The moderating roles of employee attributes. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 90-98. google scholar
  • Tsaur, S. H., Luoh, H. F., & Syue, S. S. (2015). Positive emotions and behavioral intentions of customers in full-service restaurants: Does aesthetic labor matter?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51, 115-126. google scholar
  • van Dalen, P. (2024). The labour of looking good: Exploring perceptions of and engagement in aesthetic labour through investing in aesthetic capital, including cosmetic procedures among female interactive bodyworkers in the Netherlands. [Master thesis] Sociology Health, Well-being and Society School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Tilburg University, Netherlands. google scholar
  • Vonk, L. (2021). Peer feedback in aesthetic labour: Forms, logics and responses. Cultural sociology, 15(2), 213-232. 1177/1749975520962368 google scholar
  • Walters, K. (2018). “They’ll go with the lighter”: Tri-racial aesthetic labor in clothing retail. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 4(1), 128-141. google scholar
  • Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D. (2009). ‘Who’s got the look?’ Emotional, aesthetic and sexualized labour in interactive services. Gender, Work & Organization, 16(3), 385-404. google scholar
  • Warhurst, C., Nickson, D., Witz, A., & Marie Cullen, A. (2000). Aesthetic labour in interactive service work: Some case study evidence from the ‘new’Glasgow. Service Industries Journal, 20(3), 1-18. google scholar
  • Waring, P. (2011). Keeping up appearances: aesthetic labour and discrimination law. Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(2), 193-207. https:// google scholar
  • Williams, C. L., & Connell, C. (2010). “Looking good and sounding right” aesthetic labor and social inequality in the retail industry. Work and Occupations, 37(3), 349-377. google scholar
  • Witz, A., Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D. (2003). The labour of aesthetics and the aesthetics of organization. In The Aesthetic Turn in Management (pp. 89-110). Routledge. google scholar
  • Witz, A., Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D. (2017). The labour of aesthetics and the aesthetics of organization. In The Aesthetic Turn in Management (pp. 89-110). Routledge. google scholar
  • Wright, S. C., & Taylor, D. M. (1998). Responding to tokenism: Individual action in the face of collective injustice. European Journal of Social Psychology, 28(4), 647-667.;2-0 google scholar
  • Yang, C. H. (2017). Sky Glamour: Customers' Expected Aesthetic Characteristics Considering Cabin Crew and Passenger Perspectives. Re-vista De Cercetare şi Intervenp’e Socialâ, (58), 127-145. google scholar
  • Yang, C., Yang, C., & Cheng, C. (2019). Difference in the Perception of Aesthetic Labour of Airlines and High-speed Rail Cabin Occupants between Industry and Academia: Discussion on Cross-Curricular Credit Programs. Revista De Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 67, 136. google scholar
  • Yelgin, Ç., & Ergün, N. (2020). Job demands perceived by cabin crew in airline companies: a case in Turkey. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 22(2), 200-218. google scholar
  • Yeşilyurt Temel, H. (2023). Commodification and exploitation of aesthetic labor. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 21(4), 275-295. google scholar
  • Yeşilyurt, H. (2022). Turizm Literatüründe Duygusal Emek ve Estetik Emek Üzerine Bir İnceleme. International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 6(2), 88-96. google scholar
  • Young, J. L., & James, E. H. (2001). Token majority: The work attitudes of male flight attendants. Sex Roles, 45, 299-319. 10.1023/A:1014305530335 google scholar

Sky-High Style: An Overview and Research Agenda on Aesthetic Labour in the Airline Industry from a Gender Perspective

Yıl 2024, , 148 - 162, 31.10.2024


Aesthetic labour is a significant concept that has been examined in several fields, including sociology, psychology, management, and organisational behaviour. Aesthetic labour, which is closely related to emotional labour, refers to companies’ deliberate actions regarding employees’ appearances in the context of recruiting, career advancement, performance assessments, and compensation, all of which are aligned with established standards. The service sector recognises aesthetic labour as a vital component of the marketing mix and service quality, with current research highlighting its gendered characteristics. Research on the antecedents and consequences of aesthetic labour, specifically within the airline industry, remains limited, despite its examination in various occupations. This study investigates the determiners and outcomes of aesthetic labour through a gender lens and provides suggestions for future research on the airline industry. This study reveals that although organisations use aesthetic labour as a crucial strategic tool, it could also result in individual and organisational outcomes, including stress, burnout, and discrimination. This study is expected to be a valuable guide for decision makers in the airline industry, human resource experts, industrial and organisational psychologists and researchers.


  • Ayuttacorn, A. (2016). Air crafting: Corporate mandate and Thai female flight attendants’ negotiation of body politics. South East Asia Research, 24(4), 462-476. google scholar
  • Bakker, A. B., & Demerouti, E. (2017). Job demands-resources theory: Taking stock and looking forward. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(3), 273. google scholar
  • Butler, J. (2006). Gender trouble. Routledge. google scholar
  • Can, A., Can, D., Tez, Ö. Y., & Yavaş, V. (2023). Estetik emek ve işten ayrılma niyeti ilişkisinde cinsiyetin düzenleyici rolü: kabin memurları üzerine bir uygulama. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 27(1), 133-150. google scholar
  • Cho, J. E., Choi, H. C., & Lee, W. J. (2014). An empirical investigation of the relationship between role stressors, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention in the airline industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(9), 1023-1043. 10941665.2013.837398 google scholar
  • Dellinger, K. (2002). Wearing gender and sexuality “on your sleeve”: Dress norms and the importance of occupational and organizational culture at work. Gender Issues, 20(1), 3-25. google scholar
  • Smith, E., Kimbu, W., de Jong, A. N., & Cohen, S. (2023). Gendered Instagram representations in the aviation industry. Journal of sustainable tourism, 31(3), 639-663. google scholar
  • Elias, A., Gill, R., & Scharff, C. (2017). Aesthetic labour: Beauty politics in neoliberalism (pp. 3-49). Palgrave Macmillan UK. 10.1057/978-1-137-47765-1_1 google scholar
  • Festinger, L. (1957). Social comparison theory. Selective Exposure Theory, 16(401), 3. google scholar
  • Fixsen, A., Kossewska, M., & Bardey, A. (2023). I’m skinny, I’m worth more: fashion models’ experiences of aesthetic labor and its impact on body image and eating behaviors. Qualitative Health Research, 33(1-2), 81-91. google scholar
  • Hamermesh, D.S. (2011). Beauty pays: why attractive people are more successful?, Princeton University Press. spe.20100415dh google scholar
  • Hanlon, M. L. (2017). Sexual hostility mile high. Hastings Women's Law Journal, 28(2), 181-200. google scholar
  • Heuven, E., & Bakker, A. (2003). Emotional dissonance and burnout among cabin attendants. European Journal of WorK and Organiza-tional Psychology, 12(1), 81-100. google scholar
  • Hochschild, A. (1983). The presentation of Emotion. Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Hochschild, A. R. (2019). The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling. University of California Press. google scholar
  • Hu, H. H. S., Hu, H. Y., & King, B. (2017). Impacts of misbehaving air passengers on frontline employees: role stress and emotional labor. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(7), 1793-1813. google scholar
  • Hutson, D. J. (2024). The silent shift: Pregnant women doing aesthetic and emotional labor at work. Gender, Work & Organization. 1-21. google scholar
  • Karlsson, J. (2012). Looking good and sounding right: Aesthetic labour. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 33, 51 - 64. 10.1177/0143831X11428838. google scholar
  • Kim, Y., & Park, H. (2014). An investigation of the competencies required of airline cabin crew members: The case of a Korean airline. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 13(1), 34-62. google scholar
  • Kukkonen, I., Pajunen, T., Sarpila, O., & Âberg, E. (2024). Is beauty-based inequality gendered? A systematic review of gender differences in socioeconomic outcomes of physical attractiveness in labor markets. European Societies, 26(1), 117-148. 1080/14616696.2023.2210202 google scholar
  • Leidner, R. (2006). Identity and work. In M. Korczynski, R. Hodson, & P. Edwards (Eds.), Social theory at work (pp. 424-463). Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Martin, J. L., & George, M. (2006). Theories of sexual stratification: Toward an analytics of the sexual field and a theory of sexual capital. Sociological Theory, 24(2), 107-132. google scholar
  • Lewis, R., & Aune, K. (2023). Aesthetic labor in religious contexts: Women encountering modest dress in the workplace in the UK and Saudi Arabia. Fashion Theory, 27(5), 709-735. google scholar
  • Lipton, B. (2020). Academic women in neoliberal times. Palgrave. google scholar
  • Lipton, B. (2021). Academics’ dress: gender and aesthetic labour in the Australian university. Higher Education Research & Develop-ment, 40(4), 767-780. google scholar
  • Lovell, T. (2000). Thinking feminism with and against Bourdieu. Feminist Theory, 1(1), 11-32. google scholar
  • Luoh, H. F., & Tsaur, S. H. (2024). Looking good and sounding right: a scale development of aesthetic labor in the hospitality industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7(2), 1263-1281. google scholar
  • Mahadin, B. K., Abu Elsamen, A., & El-Adly, M. I. (2023). Airline brand equity: do advertising and sales promotion matter? An empirical evidence from UAE traveler’s perspective. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31(6), 2031-2058. 1108/IJOA-07-2021-2868 google scholar
  • Mann, S., & Rawat, S. (2023). You got to look right! mapping the aesthetics of labor by exploring the research landscape using biblio-metrics. The Open Psychology Journal. google scholar
  • McFarlane, A., & Samsioe, E. (2020). 50+ fashion Instagram influencers: cognitive age and aesthetic digital labours. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 24(3), 399-413. google scholar
  • Mears, A. (2014). Aesthetic labor for the sociologies of work, gender, and beauty. Sociology Compass, 8(12), 1330-1343. 10.1111/soc4.12211 google scholar
  • Nickson, D., Warhurst, C., Cullen, A. M., & Watt, A. (2003). Bringing in the excluded? Aesthetic labour, skills and training in the’new’economy. Journal of Education and Work, 16(2), 185-203. google scholar
  • Noon, M. & Blyton, P. (1997). The realities of work, Macmillan Business. google scholar
  • Okabe, N. (2017). Creating of customer loyalty by cabin crew A study of the relation between emotional labor and job performance. Trans-portation Research Procedia, 25, 149-164. google scholar
  • Otis, E. M. (2011). Markets and bodies: Women, service work, and the making of inequality in China. Stanford University Press. https:// google scholar
  • Pettinger, L. (2004). Brand culture and branded workers: Service work and aesthetic labour in fashion retail. Consumption Markets & Culture, 7(2), 165-184. google scholar
  • Pounders, K. R., Babin, B. J., & Close, A. G. (2015). All the same to me: outcomes of aesthetic labor performed by frontline service providers. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43, 670-693. google scholar
  • Ren, X. (2017). Exploiting women’s aesthetic labour to fly high in the Chinese airline industry. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32(6), 386-403. google scholar
  • Robinson, S. (2021, June). Black ballerinas: The management of emotional and aesthetic labor. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 491-508). google scholar
  • Sanders, L. (2006). Consuming fantasies: labor, leisure, and the London shopgirl, 1880-1920. Ohio State University Press. google scholar
  • Schiffinger, M., & Braun, S. M. (2020). The impact of social and temporal job demands and resources on emotional exhaustion and turnover intention among flight attendants. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 19(2), 196-219. 10.1080/15332845.2020.1702867 google scholar
  • Skeggs, B. (2004). Context and background: Pierre Bourdieu’s analysis of class, gender and sexuality. The sociological review, 52(2_suppl), 19-33. google scholar
  • Spiess, L., & Waring, P. (2005). Aesthetic labour, cost minimisation and the labour process in the Asia Pacific airline industry. Employee Relations, 27(2), 193-207. google scholar
  • Tajfel, H. (1981). Human groups and social categories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Tyler, M., & Taylor, S. (1998). The exchange of aesthetics: women’s work and ‘the gift’. Gender, Work & Organization, 5(3), 165-171. https:// google scholar
  • Taylor, S., & Tyler, M. (2000). Emotional labour and sexual difference in the airline industry. Work, Employment and Society, 14(1), 77-95. google scholar
  • Towns, A. E. (2024). Gendered labor: Appearance management and the unequal extraction of effort and time among ambassadors. Coop-eration and Conflict, 00108367241251628. google scholar
  • Tsaur, S. H., & Hsieh, H. Y. (2020). The influence of aesthetic labor burden on work engagement in the hospitality industry: The moderating roles of employee attributes. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 90-98. google scholar
  • Tsaur, S. H., Luoh, H. F., & Syue, S. S. (2015). Positive emotions and behavioral intentions of customers in full-service restaurants: Does aesthetic labor matter?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51, 115-126. google scholar
  • van Dalen, P. (2024). The labour of looking good: Exploring perceptions of and engagement in aesthetic labour through investing in aesthetic capital, including cosmetic procedures among female interactive bodyworkers in the Netherlands. [Master thesis] Sociology Health, Well-being and Society School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Tilburg University, Netherlands. google scholar
  • Vonk, L. (2021). Peer feedback in aesthetic labour: Forms, logics and responses. Cultural sociology, 15(2), 213-232. 1177/1749975520962368 google scholar
  • Walters, K. (2018). “They’ll go with the lighter”: Tri-racial aesthetic labor in clothing retail. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 4(1), 128-141. google scholar
  • Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D. (2009). ‘Who’s got the look?’ Emotional, aesthetic and sexualized labour in interactive services. Gender, Work & Organization, 16(3), 385-404. google scholar
  • Warhurst, C., Nickson, D., Witz, A., & Marie Cullen, A. (2000). Aesthetic labour in interactive service work: Some case study evidence from the ‘new’Glasgow. Service Industries Journal, 20(3), 1-18. google scholar
  • Waring, P. (2011). Keeping up appearances: aesthetic labour and discrimination law. Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(2), 193-207. https:// google scholar
  • Williams, C. L., & Connell, C. (2010). “Looking good and sounding right” aesthetic labor and social inequality in the retail industry. Work and Occupations, 37(3), 349-377. google scholar
  • Witz, A., Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D. (2003). The labour of aesthetics and the aesthetics of organization. In The Aesthetic Turn in Management (pp. 89-110). Routledge. google scholar
  • Witz, A., Warhurst, C., & Nickson, D. (2017). The labour of aesthetics and the aesthetics of organization. In The Aesthetic Turn in Management (pp. 89-110). Routledge. google scholar
  • Wright, S. C., & Taylor, D. M. (1998). Responding to tokenism: Individual action in the face of collective injustice. European Journal of Social Psychology, 28(4), 647-667.;2-0 google scholar
  • Yang, C. H. (2017). Sky Glamour: Customers' Expected Aesthetic Characteristics Considering Cabin Crew and Passenger Perspectives. Re-vista De Cercetare şi Intervenp’e Socialâ, (58), 127-145. google scholar
  • Yang, C., Yang, C., & Cheng, C. (2019). Difference in the Perception of Aesthetic Labour of Airlines and High-speed Rail Cabin Occupants between Industry and Academia: Discussion on Cross-Curricular Credit Programs. Revista De Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 67, 136. google scholar
  • Yelgin, Ç., & Ergün, N. (2020). Job demands perceived by cabin crew in airline companies: a case in Turkey. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 22(2), 200-218. google scholar
  • Yeşilyurt Temel, H. (2023). Commodification and exploitation of aesthetic labor. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 21(4), 275-295. google scholar
  • Yeşilyurt, H. (2022). Turizm Literatüründe Duygusal Emek ve Estetik Emek Üzerine Bir İnceleme. International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research, 6(2), 88-96. google scholar
  • Young, J. L., & James, E. H. (2001). Token majority: The work attitudes of male flight attendants. Sex Roles, 45, 299-319. 10.1023/A:1014305530335 google scholar
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Merve Gerçek 0000-0002-7076-8192

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Gerçek, M. (2024). Sky-High Style: An Overview and Research Agenda on Aesthetic Labour in the Airline Industry from a Gender Perspective. Human Factors in Aviation and Aerospace, 1(2), 148-162.