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Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar ve Uygulama

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 2, 69 - 91, 01.08.2012


Avrupa Birliği, 2020 hedefi doğrultusunda yaşamboyu öğrenme şemsiyesi altında, yarım yüzyılı aşkın bir süredir kurguladığı politika ve tedbirleri konsolide ederek topyekün bir eğitim inisiyatifi başlatmış durumdadır. Türkiye’deki eğitim alanındaki yetkili kurumların bu süreci yakından izlemeleri sonucu, son birkaç yılda yasal ve kurumsal birçok düzenleme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yaşamboyu öğrenmenin kavramsal ve felsefi arkaplanı, tanınması ve stratejileri; yapılandırılmış, yarı yapılandırılmış ve yapılandırılmamış eğitimin yaşamboyu öğrenmedeki yeri; yaşamboyu öğrenmenin ölçülmesi ve finansman yolları ile yaşamboyu öğrenmeye farklı uluslararası bakış açıları bu çalışmada ele alınmaktadır. Avrupa’nın 2020 Vizyonundaki eğitim ve öğretim stratejisinde yaşamboyu öğrenmenin kurgusu ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Avrupa, bir yandan mesleki diğer yandan akademik ağırlıklı eğitim çerçevesinde insan kaynakları vizyonunu meslek, eğitim ve ekonomik faaliyet sınıfl aması doğrultusunda bir bütünsellik içinde kurgulayarak politika geliştirmekte ve buna uygun enstrümanlarla performansı izleyerek güncelleme yapmaktadır. Avrupa’nın yaşamboyu öğrenme yaklaşımının, ülkemiz bakımından referans alınabilecek yetkinlikte bir politika olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışma, Avrupa Birliği yaşamboyu öğrenme deneyimini bir referans olması itibariyle değerlendirmekte ve Türkiye bakımından bir model olarak önermektedir


  • Andersson, P., & Harris J. (2006). Re-Theorising the Recogni on of Prior Learning. Leicester, UK: NIACE.
  • Andersson, P., Fejes, A., & Ahn, S-E. (2004). Recogni on of Prior Voca onal Learning in Sweden. Studies in the Educa on of Adults, 36(1), 57-71. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// educa on/more-informa on/doc/2010/reforms.pdf
  • Andresen, L., Boud, D., & Cohen R. (1995). Experience-Based Learning: Contemporary Issues. G. Foley (Ed.), Understanding Adult Educa on and Training (2nd ed., pp. 225-239). Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • Aspin, D.N., & Chapman, J. D. (2001). Lifelong Learning: Concepts, Theories and Values, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of SCUTREA: 38-41. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://add-life.uni- les/add-life_opensymposiumreader_web_0.pdf
  • temel ilke olarak benimsenmesi gerekir. Ne var ki, yaşamboyu
  • Cedefop, 2009c. Future Skill Supply in Europe. Medium-Term Forecast Up To 2020: Key Findings. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p://
  • Cedefop, 2011. Developing lifelong learning. Erişim: Ocak 2012, learning/index.aspx
  • CERI (Centre for Educa onal Research and Innova on), 2001. Educa on Policy Analysis. OECD, Paris.
  • Chapman, J. D., & Aspin, D. N. (1997). The School, the Community and Lifelong Learning. London: Cassell.
  • Chisholm, L., Larson, A. & Mossoux, A-F. (2004). Lifelong Learning: Ci zens’ Views in Close-Up, Findings from A Dedicated Eurobarometer Survey, Luxembourg: Offi ce for Offi cial Publica ons of the European Communi es.
  • CoEU, 2009. Council Conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a Strategic Framework for European Coopera on in Educa on and Training (‘ET 2020’), (2009/C 119/02). Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// 2009:119:0002:0010:EN:PDF
  • Colardyn, D., & Bjornavold, J. (2004). Valida on of Formal, Non- Formal and Informal Learning: policy and prac ces in EU Member States. European Journal of Educa on, 39(1), 69-89. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// img/pool/docs/open/bjornalvold_colardyn_example_en.pdf
  • Colley, H., Hodkinson P., & Malcolm J. (2002). Non-formal Learning: Mapping the Conceptual Terrain. A Consulta on Report. Leeds: University of Leeds Lifelong Learning Ins tute. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// colley_informal_learning.htm
  • Commission of the European Communi es, 2001. Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality. Brussels, 21 November, Com (2001) 678 Final. [Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// on_summaries/educa on_training_youth/ lifelong_learning/c11054_en.htm
  • Commission of the European Communi es, 2006. Adult Learning: It Is Never Too Late to Learn. Brussels, 23 October, Com (2006) 614 Final. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// on_ summaries/education_training_youth/lifelong_learning/ c11097_en.htm
  • Commission of the European Communi es, 2008. New Skills For New Jobs: An cipa ng And Matching Labour Market And Skills Needs, Communica on From The Commission To The European Parliament. The Council, the European Economic and Social Commi ee and the Commi ee of the Regions. Brussels, 16 December, Com (2008) 868 Final, {SEC(2008) 3058}. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// on_summaries/ educa on_training_youth/lifelong_learning/em0012_en.htm
  • Coombs, P. H., & Ahmed, M. (1974). A acking Rural Poverty: How Non-formal Educa on Can Help. Bal more; Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Dave, R. H. (1976). Founda ons of Lifelong Educa on. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The Treasure within Report to UNESCO of the Interna onal Commission on Educa on for the Twenty- fi rst Century. UNESCO.
  • EC, 2012b. Mobility and Lifelong Learning Instruments. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// on/lifelong-learning- policy/mobility_en.htm
  • EC, 2012c. The Lifelong Learning Programme: Educa on and Training Opportuni es for All. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// doc78_en.htm
  • Edwards, R., & Usher, R. (2001). Lifelong Learning: A Postmodern Condi on of Educa on? Adult Educa on Quarterly, 51(4), 273- 287.
  • EHEA, 2010. Bologna Seminars 2007-2009. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// cle-details.aspx?Ar cleId=176
  • Eraut, M. (2000). Non-formal Learning, Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge in Professional Work. F. Coffi eld (Ed.), The Necessity of Informal Learning. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Eraut, M., Alderton, J., Cole, G., & Senker, P. (1998). Learning from Other People at Work. F. Coffi eld (Ed.), Learning at Work, Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • EU, 2008. New Skills for New Jobs - An cipa ng and Matching Labour Market and Skills Needs. Communica on from the Commission to the European Parliament. The Council, the European Economic and Social Commi ee and the Commi ee of the Regions, COM (2008) 868. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// COM:2008:0868:FIN:EN:PDF
  • EU, 2010. Lifelong Learning Programme, General Call for Proposals 2011-2013, Strategic Priori e. 27.10.2010 Offi cial Journal of the European Union C 290/13. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// on/lifelong-learning-programme/ doc78_en.htm
  • EU, Allume (A Lifelong Learning University Model for Europe. Erişim: Aralık 2010, .h p://
  • European Commission, Educa on, Audiovisual & Culture Execu ve Agency, 2011. Allume: A Lifelong Learning University Model for Europe: Progress Report (Public Part). Erişim: Ocak 2011, h p:// on. pdf
  • European Society of Associa on Educa on, 2005. What is Lifelong Learning? The view from the European Commission. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// cles/2007_08_005.pdf
  • Eurostat, 2001. Measuring Lifelong Learning, Task Force Report (TF/MLLL). Spyridon Pilos, Educa on and Training Sta s cs, March, Eurostat Working Papers, Popula on and Social Condi ons 3/2001/E/No.4.
  • Eurostat, 2006. Classifi ca ons for Learning Ac vi es: Manual, Educa on, Science and Culture Sta s cs, Eurostat Working Papers, Popula on and Social Condi ons 3/2006/F/No.31.
  • Falch, T., & Oosterbeek, H. (2011). Financing Lifelong Learning: Funding Mechanisms In Educa on and Training. European Expert Network on Economics of Educa on (EENEE), European Commission Educa on and Culture, No.10.
  • Golding, B. (2002). A Learning Community Builds Social Capital: Ballarat East Community. I, Falk, J. Bala , & B. Golding (Eds.), Building Communi es: ACE, Lifelong Learning and Social Capital. Melbourne: Centre for Research and Learning in Regional Australia University of Tasmania Launceston.
  • Lifelong_learning_sta s cs
  • Milli Eği m Bakanlığı, 2009. Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Strateji Belgesi. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// hayat%20boyu%20öğrenme%20dokuman.pdf
  • Nordstrom, N. M. (2001). Educa on Policy Analysis. Centre for Educa onal Research and Innova on (CERI), OECD, Paris.
  • Nordstrom, N. M. (2008). Top 10 Benefi ts of Lifelong Learning. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// cles/ Top_10_Benefi ts_of_Lifelong_Learning.html
  • OECD Observer, 2004. Lifelong Learning, Policy Brief, February. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// dataoecd/17/11/29478789.pdf
  • OECD, 1994. Assessment and Recogni on of Skills and Competences, unpublished document prepared for the OECD Educa on, Employment, Labour and Social Aff airs Commi ee.
  • OECD, 1996. Lifelong Learning for All: Mee ng of the Educa on Commi ee at Ministerial Level, 16–17 January, Paris.
  • OECD, 1997. Lifelong Learning for All. Paris.
  • OECD, 2007a. Qualifi ca ons Systems: Bridges to Lifelong Learning, OECD, Paris. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// ent/53/0,3343,en_2649_39263238_38465013_1_1_1_1,00. html
  • OECD, 2007b. Recogni on of Non-Formal and Informal Learning, Project Plan and Ra onale for the Ac vity. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://
  • OECD, 2007c. Terms, Concepts And Models for Analysing the Value of Recogni on Programmes, RNFIL- Third Mee ng of Na onal Representa ves and Interna onal Organisa ons, 2 - 3 October, Vienna, Austria. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// dataoecd/33/58/41834711.pdf
  • OECD, 2007d. Thema c Review on Recogni on of Nonformal and Informal Learning: Country Background Report (Australia), September. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// ent/43/0,3746,en_2649_39263238_33911403_1_1_1_1,00. html
  • OECD, 2010. Recogni on of Non-formal and Informal Learning. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://,33 43,en_2649_39263238_37136921_1_1_1_37455,00.html
  • OECD, 2012. Financing Lifelong Learning Country Reports - Home Page. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// 0,3746,en_2649_39263238_33911403_1_1_1_1,00.html
  • Oosterbeek, H., & Patrinos, H. A. (2008). Financing Lifelong Learning. Policy Research Working Paper 4569, the World Bank, Human Development Network Educa on Team.
  • Palacios, M. (2003). Op ons for Financing Lifelong Learning. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2994, March.
  • Ryan, P. (2003). Lifelong learning: Poten al and constraints with special reference to policies in the United Kingdom and Europe, Skills Development Department. ILO, Geneva, WP/Forma ed only/WP15.doc.
  • Schugurensky, D. (2000). The Forms of Informal Learning: Towards a Conceptualiza on of the Field. NALL Working Paper #19 -2000. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://
  • Simmons-McDonald, H. (2009). Employability and lifelong learning, ICDE Standing Conference of Presidents- Quality in the Context of the Financial Crisis, Barcelona, Spain - 19-21 November. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// fi les/Simmons-McDonald.pdf
  • The Sco sh Government Educa on Analy cal Services, (2010). Educa on and Lifelong Learning Research Findings, Recognising Achievement: Literature Review and Model for Managing Recogni on Processes, No.54/2010. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// ons/2010/02/24102421/1
  • UNESCO, 1996. Learning: the Treasure within, Report to UNESCO of the Interna onal Commission on Educa on for the Twenty- fi rst Century, Chaired by J-J. Delors. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// on_in/pdf/15_62.pdf
  • UNESCO, 1997. ISCED 97. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://www.uis.
  • UNESCO, 2011a. ISCED 2011. Erişim: Ocak 2011, h p://www.uis.
  • UNESCO, 2011b. United Na ons Sta s cs Division (UNSD), Classifi ca ons Newsle er, No.27. Erişim: Ocak 2012, newsle er_27e_ISCED.pdf
  • Watson, L. (2003). Lifelong Learning in Australia. 03/13, Australian Government, Department of Educa on, Science and Training.
  • Werquin, P. (2010). Recognising Non-Formal and Informal Learning: Outcomes, Policies and Prac ces, OECD.
  • Wetzel, D. R. (2010). 10 Secrets to Lifelong Learning for Everyone: The Benefi ts of Con nuing Educa on for Work and Self Improvement. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p://david-r-wetzel. a188260#ixzz1lozgRBt4, h p:// 10-secrets-to-lifelong-learning-for-everyone-a188260
  • World Bank, 2003. Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy: Challenges for Developing Countries. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// Lifelong-Learning-in-the-Global-Knowledge-Economy/ lifelonglearning_GKE.pdf
  • Zukas, M., & Malcolm, J. (2001). Pedagogies for Lifelong Learning: Building Bridges or Building Walls? University Of Leeds, School of Con nuing Educa on. Erişim: Ocak 2011, h p:// 66D4-0000015700000157_Zukas-MalcolmPaper.doc
  • The European University Associa on, (2008). European Universi es’ Charter on Lifelong Learning. Brussels. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// andler.ashx?PdfUrl=h p://www. cle-details.aspx?Ar cleId=14

Lifelong Learning: Concept, Policy, Instruments and Implementation

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 2, 69 - 91, 01.08.2012


European Union has started an education & training initiative under the umbrella of lifelong learning to achieve the 2020 Agenda targets. Th is initiative has nearly half of a century time horizon, and all designed policies and measures have been consolidated under this initiative. Turkish Education authorities have been monitoring this European eff ort closely and made important legal and institutional regulations in recent couple of years. Th is study examines the primary aspects of lifelong learning in detail: conceptual and philosophical background; recognition strategies; the place of formal, non-formal and informal learning in the lifelong learning approach; financing and measurement ways of lifelong learning; and variety of perspectives of international institutions. In addition, education and training strategy of the Europe’s 2020 vision of lifelong learning is also evaluated in detail. Th e human resources vision of the Europe considers education, occupation and economic activities together to allow authorities to plan the future of the European societies. Th e updating mechanisms of this approach are designed both domestically at national and internationally at European levels. It is concluded, in this study, that the lifelong learning policy and implementation of the Europe should be taken as benchmark


  • Andersson, P., & Harris J. (2006). Re-Theorising the Recogni on of Prior Learning. Leicester, UK: NIACE.
  • Andersson, P., Fejes, A., & Ahn, S-E. (2004). Recogni on of Prior Voca onal Learning in Sweden. Studies in the Educa on of Adults, 36(1), 57-71. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// educa on/more-informa on/doc/2010/reforms.pdf
  • Andresen, L., Boud, D., & Cohen R. (1995). Experience-Based Learning: Contemporary Issues. G. Foley (Ed.), Understanding Adult Educa on and Training (2nd ed., pp. 225-239). Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
  • Aspin, D.N., & Chapman, J. D. (2001). Lifelong Learning: Concepts, Theories and Values, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of SCUTREA: 38-41. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://add-life.uni- les/add-life_opensymposiumreader_web_0.pdf
  • temel ilke olarak benimsenmesi gerekir. Ne var ki, yaşamboyu
  • Cedefop, 2009c. Future Skill Supply in Europe. Medium-Term Forecast Up To 2020: Key Findings. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p://
  • Cedefop, 2011. Developing lifelong learning. Erişim: Ocak 2012, learning/index.aspx
  • CERI (Centre for Educa onal Research and Innova on), 2001. Educa on Policy Analysis. OECD, Paris.
  • Chapman, J. D., & Aspin, D. N. (1997). The School, the Community and Lifelong Learning. London: Cassell.
  • Chisholm, L., Larson, A. & Mossoux, A-F. (2004). Lifelong Learning: Ci zens’ Views in Close-Up, Findings from A Dedicated Eurobarometer Survey, Luxembourg: Offi ce for Offi cial Publica ons of the European Communi es.
  • CoEU, 2009. Council Conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a Strategic Framework for European Coopera on in Educa on and Training (‘ET 2020’), (2009/C 119/02). Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// 2009:119:0002:0010:EN:PDF
  • Colardyn, D., & Bjornavold, J. (2004). Valida on of Formal, Non- Formal and Informal Learning: policy and prac ces in EU Member States. European Journal of Educa on, 39(1), 69-89. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// img/pool/docs/open/bjornalvold_colardyn_example_en.pdf
  • Colley, H., Hodkinson P., & Malcolm J. (2002). Non-formal Learning: Mapping the Conceptual Terrain. A Consulta on Report. Leeds: University of Leeds Lifelong Learning Ins tute. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// colley_informal_learning.htm
  • Commission of the European Communi es, 2001. Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality. Brussels, 21 November, Com (2001) 678 Final. [Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// on_summaries/educa on_training_youth/ lifelong_learning/c11054_en.htm
  • Commission of the European Communi es, 2006. Adult Learning: It Is Never Too Late to Learn. Brussels, 23 October, Com (2006) 614 Final. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// on_ summaries/education_training_youth/lifelong_learning/ c11097_en.htm
  • Commission of the European Communi es, 2008. New Skills For New Jobs: An cipa ng And Matching Labour Market And Skills Needs, Communica on From The Commission To The European Parliament. The Council, the European Economic and Social Commi ee and the Commi ee of the Regions. Brussels, 16 December, Com (2008) 868 Final, {SEC(2008) 3058}. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// on_summaries/ educa on_training_youth/lifelong_learning/em0012_en.htm
  • Coombs, P. H., & Ahmed, M. (1974). A acking Rural Poverty: How Non-formal Educa on Can Help. Bal more; Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Dave, R. H. (1976). Founda ons of Lifelong Educa on. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The Treasure within Report to UNESCO of the Interna onal Commission on Educa on for the Twenty- fi rst Century. UNESCO.
  • EC, 2012b. Mobility and Lifelong Learning Instruments. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// on/lifelong-learning- policy/mobility_en.htm
  • EC, 2012c. The Lifelong Learning Programme: Educa on and Training Opportuni es for All. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// doc78_en.htm
  • Edwards, R., & Usher, R. (2001). Lifelong Learning: A Postmodern Condi on of Educa on? Adult Educa on Quarterly, 51(4), 273- 287.
  • EHEA, 2010. Bologna Seminars 2007-2009. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// cle-details.aspx?Ar cleId=176
  • Eraut, M. (2000). Non-formal Learning, Implicit Learning and Tacit Knowledge in Professional Work. F. Coffi eld (Ed.), The Necessity of Informal Learning. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Eraut, M., Alderton, J., Cole, G., & Senker, P. (1998). Learning from Other People at Work. F. Coffi eld (Ed.), Learning at Work, Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • EU, 2008. New Skills for New Jobs - An cipa ng and Matching Labour Market and Skills Needs. Communica on from the Commission to the European Parliament. The Council, the European Economic and Social Commi ee and the Commi ee of the Regions, COM (2008) 868. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// COM:2008:0868:FIN:EN:PDF
  • EU, 2010. Lifelong Learning Programme, General Call for Proposals 2011-2013, Strategic Priori e. 27.10.2010 Offi cial Journal of the European Union C 290/13. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// on/lifelong-learning-programme/ doc78_en.htm
  • EU, Allume (A Lifelong Learning University Model for Europe. Erişim: Aralık 2010, .h p://
  • European Commission, Educa on, Audiovisual & Culture Execu ve Agency, 2011. Allume: A Lifelong Learning University Model for Europe: Progress Report (Public Part). Erişim: Ocak 2011, h p:// on. pdf
  • European Society of Associa on Educa on, 2005. What is Lifelong Learning? The view from the European Commission. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// cles/2007_08_005.pdf
  • Eurostat, 2001. Measuring Lifelong Learning, Task Force Report (TF/MLLL). Spyridon Pilos, Educa on and Training Sta s cs, March, Eurostat Working Papers, Popula on and Social Condi ons 3/2001/E/No.4.
  • Eurostat, 2006. Classifi ca ons for Learning Ac vi es: Manual, Educa on, Science and Culture Sta s cs, Eurostat Working Papers, Popula on and Social Condi ons 3/2006/F/No.31.
  • Falch, T., & Oosterbeek, H. (2011). Financing Lifelong Learning: Funding Mechanisms In Educa on and Training. European Expert Network on Economics of Educa on (EENEE), European Commission Educa on and Culture, No.10.
  • Golding, B. (2002). A Learning Community Builds Social Capital: Ballarat East Community. I, Falk, J. Bala , & B. Golding (Eds.), Building Communi es: ACE, Lifelong Learning and Social Capital. Melbourne: Centre for Research and Learning in Regional Australia University of Tasmania Launceston.
  • Lifelong_learning_sta s cs
  • Milli Eği m Bakanlığı, 2009. Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Strateji Belgesi. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// hayat%20boyu%20öğrenme%20dokuman.pdf
  • Nordstrom, N. M. (2001). Educa on Policy Analysis. Centre for Educa onal Research and Innova on (CERI), OECD, Paris.
  • Nordstrom, N. M. (2008). Top 10 Benefi ts of Lifelong Learning. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// cles/ Top_10_Benefi ts_of_Lifelong_Learning.html
  • OECD Observer, 2004. Lifelong Learning, Policy Brief, February. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// dataoecd/17/11/29478789.pdf
  • OECD, 1994. Assessment and Recogni on of Skills and Competences, unpublished document prepared for the OECD Educa on, Employment, Labour and Social Aff airs Commi ee.
  • OECD, 1996. Lifelong Learning for All: Mee ng of the Educa on Commi ee at Ministerial Level, 16–17 January, Paris.
  • OECD, 1997. Lifelong Learning for All. Paris.
  • OECD, 2007a. Qualifi ca ons Systems: Bridges to Lifelong Learning, OECD, Paris. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// ent/53/0,3343,en_2649_39263238_38465013_1_1_1_1,00. html
  • OECD, 2007b. Recogni on of Non-Formal and Informal Learning, Project Plan and Ra onale for the Ac vity. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://
  • OECD, 2007c. Terms, Concepts And Models for Analysing the Value of Recogni on Programmes, RNFIL- Third Mee ng of Na onal Representa ves and Interna onal Organisa ons, 2 - 3 October, Vienna, Austria. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// dataoecd/33/58/41834711.pdf
  • OECD, 2007d. Thema c Review on Recogni on of Nonformal and Informal Learning: Country Background Report (Australia), September. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// ent/43/0,3746,en_2649_39263238_33911403_1_1_1_1,00. html
  • OECD, 2010. Recogni on of Non-formal and Informal Learning. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://,33 43,en_2649_39263238_37136921_1_1_1_37455,00.html
  • OECD, 2012. Financing Lifelong Learning Country Reports - Home Page. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// 0,3746,en_2649_39263238_33911403_1_1_1_1,00.html
  • Oosterbeek, H., & Patrinos, H. A. (2008). Financing Lifelong Learning. Policy Research Working Paper 4569, the World Bank, Human Development Network Educa on Team.
  • Palacios, M. (2003). Op ons for Financing Lifelong Learning. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2994, March.
  • Ryan, P. (2003). Lifelong learning: Poten al and constraints with special reference to policies in the United Kingdom and Europe, Skills Development Department. ILO, Geneva, WP/Forma ed only/WP15.doc.
  • Schugurensky, D. (2000). The Forms of Informal Learning: Towards a Conceptualiza on of the Field. NALL Working Paper #19 -2000. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://
  • Simmons-McDonald, H. (2009). Employability and lifelong learning, ICDE Standing Conference of Presidents- Quality in the Context of the Financial Crisis, Barcelona, Spain - 19-21 November. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// fi les/Simmons-McDonald.pdf
  • The Sco sh Government Educa on Analy cal Services, (2010). Educa on and Lifelong Learning Research Findings, Recognising Achievement: Literature Review and Model for Managing Recogni on Processes, No.54/2010. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// ons/2010/02/24102421/1
  • UNESCO, 1996. Learning: the Treasure within, Report to UNESCO of the Interna onal Commission on Educa on for the Twenty- fi rst Century, Chaired by J-J. Delors. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p:// on_in/pdf/15_62.pdf
  • UNESCO, 1997. ISCED 97. Erişim: Aralık 2010, h p://www.uis.
  • UNESCO, 2011a. ISCED 2011. Erişim: Ocak 2011, h p://www.uis.
  • UNESCO, 2011b. United Na ons Sta s cs Division (UNSD), Classifi ca ons Newsle er, No.27. Erişim: Ocak 2012, newsle er_27e_ISCED.pdf
  • Watson, L. (2003). Lifelong Learning in Australia. 03/13, Australian Government, Department of Educa on, Science and Training.
  • Werquin, P. (2010). Recognising Non-Formal and Informal Learning: Outcomes, Policies and Prac ces, OECD.
  • Wetzel, D. R. (2010). 10 Secrets to Lifelong Learning for Everyone: The Benefi ts of Con nuing Educa on for Work and Self Improvement. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p://david-r-wetzel. a188260#ixzz1lozgRBt4, h p:// 10-secrets-to-lifelong-learning-for-everyone-a188260
  • World Bank, 2003. Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy: Challenges for Developing Countries. Erişim: Ocak 2012, h p:// Lifelong-Learning-in-the-Global-Knowledge-Economy/ lifelonglearning_GKE.pdf
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Metin Toprak Bu kişi benim

Armağan Erdoğan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Toprak, M., & Erdoğan, A. (2012). Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar ve Uygulama. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi(2), 69-91.
AMA Toprak M, Erdoğan A. Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar ve Uygulama. J Higher Edu Sci. Ağustos 2012;(2):69-91.
Chicago Toprak, Metin, ve Armağan Erdoğan. “Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar Ve Uygulama”. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2012): 69-91.
EndNote Toprak M, Erdoğan A (01 Ağustos 2012) Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar ve Uygulama. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 2 69–91.
IEEE M. Toprak ve A. Erdoğan, “Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar ve Uygulama”, J Higher Edu Sci, sy. 2, ss. 69–91, Ağustos 2012.
ISNAD Toprak, Metin - Erdoğan, Armağan. “Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar Ve Uygulama”. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 2 (Ağustos 2012), 69-91.
JAMA Toprak M, Erdoğan A. Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar ve Uygulama. J Higher Edu Sci. 2012;:69–91.
MLA Toprak, Metin ve Armağan Erdoğan. “Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar Ve Uygulama”. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 69-91.
Vancouver Toprak M, Erdoğan A. Yaşamboyu Öğrenme: Kavram, Politika, Araçlar ve Uygulama. J Higher Edu Sci. 2012(2):69-91.