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Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 150 - 161, 30.04.2021


The study was conducted to determine the problem solving skills with peer support of nursing and midwifery students. This descriptive
and cross-sectional study was conducted with a total of 305 students. The data were collected using student information form, Problem
Solving Inventory and Peer Cooperation Scale. Students’ peer support and problem-solving skills are moderate. 1st classes in the nursing
department, 2nd classes in the midwifery department, those who choose the profession because they feel close to themselves in both
departments and those who are satisfied with their department, those who have authoritarian families in the nursing department and,
those who have democratic and extremely relevant families in the midwifery department of students peer support scores are high. Men
and 3rd classes in the nursing department, , 1st and 2nd classes in the midwifery department, those who chose their department for their
family request in both departments and are not satisfied with their department, those who have authoritarian families in the nursing
departmen, those who have irrelevant families in the midwifery department of students problem-solving scores are high. While there was
no significant relationship between the nursing student’s problem solving and peer support total scores, a negative correlation was found
between the midwifery students’ problem solving and peer support total scores. It was determined that the peer support and problem
solving skills of the students were at a moderate level, the problem solving skills of the nursing students and the peer support of the
midwifery students were higher. It was determined that the department, class, satisfaction with the department, reason for department
preference and the family structure affected the peer support and problem solving skills.


  • Beşer, A., & Kıssal, A. (2009). Critical thinking dispositions and problem solving skills among nursing students. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 2(3), 88-94.
  • Carey, M.C., Kent, B., & Latour, J.M. (2018). Experiences of undergraduate nursing students in peer assisted learning in clinical practice: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep,16(5),1190-219.
  • Chen, J.J. (2005). Relation of academic support from parents, teachers, and peers to Hong Kong adolescents' academic achievement: The mediating role of academic engagement. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr, 131(2), 77-127.
  • Çalışkan, T., & Çınar, S. (2010). Peer cooperation: evaluation of the manners of students’ working together ın the classroom area and practice areas. Journal of Maltepe University Nursing Science and Art Review, Symposium Special Issue, 226-233.
  • Çalışkan, T., & Çınar, S. (2012). Peer cooperation: the study of validity and reability. Marmara University Health Sciences Institute Journal, 2(1), 1-7.
  • Çelik, B., Karadağ, A., & Hisar, B. (2011). Instrument of prefessional attitude for student nurses (IPASN): A confirmatory factor analytic study. Nurse Educ Today, 30, 497-500.
  • Çırpan, F.K., & Çınar, S. (2013). Assessment of the relationship between peer support and academic success among students of vocational school of healthcare services. MÜSBED, 3(4), 191-99.
  • Edmonson, C., McCarthy, C., Trent-Adams, S., McCain, C., Marshall, J. (2017). Emerging global health issues: A nurse’s role Online J Issues Nurs, 31, 22(1), 2.
  • Fışkın, G., & Doğan, N. (2020). Assessment of ınterpersonal relationship and peer support in nursing and midwifery students. Pam Med J, 13, 723-732. doi:
  • Francis R. (Ed.) Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London. 2013, ISBN: 9780102981476.
  • Ghadirian, F., Salsali, M., & Cheraghi, M.A. (2014). Nursing professionalism: An evolutionary concept analysis. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, 19(1), 1-10. PMC3917177
  • Günüşen, N.P, & Üstün, B. (2011). The relationship between problem solving skills levels and locus of control in nursing students. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 4(2),72-7.
  • Heppner, P.P, & Petersen, C.H. (1982). The development and implications of a personal problem solving inventory. J Couns Psychol, 29(1), 66-75.
  • Hisar, F., Karadağ, A., & Kan, A. (2010). Development of an instrument to measure Professional attitudes in nursing students in Turkey. Nurse Educ Today, 30(8), 726-730.
  • Karantzas, G.C., Avery, M.R., Macfarlane, S., Mussap, A., Tooley, G., Hazelwood, Z. et al. (2013). Enhancing critical analysis and problem-solving skills in undergraduate psychology: an evaluation of a collaborative learning and problembased learning approach. Aust J Psychol, 65 (1), 38-45.
  • Katkat, D. (2003). The comparıson wıth the skılls of problem solvıng from the perspectıve of dıfferent sexes and fields for the teacher candıdates. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 8(3), 11-8.
  • Keskin, G., & Sezgin, B. (2009). Determining the factors that influence the status of academic success in a group of adults. Fırat Journal of Health Services, 4(10), 3-18.
  • Korkut, F. (2002). High school students' assessment of problem solving skills in terms of some variables. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 23, 177-84.
  • Kuo, C.L., Turton, M.A., Hsieh, J.L., Tseng, H.F., Hsu, C.L. (2007). Measuring peer caring behaviors of nursing students: Scae development. Int J Nurs Stud, 44, 105-14.
  • Olgun, N., Kan Öntürk, Z., Eti Aslan, F., Karabacak, Ü., Serbest, Ş. (2010). Problem solvıng skılls of the nursıng students: results of the 1-year observatıon problem solvıng skılls of the students. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 1(4), 188-94.
  • Ökdem, Ş., & Yardımcı, F. (2010). The study on the level of perceived social support among university students in terms of certain variables. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 11, 228-34.
  • Pepito, J.A., & Locsin, R. (2018). Can nurses remain relevant in a technologically advanced future? Int J Nurs Sci, 4, 6(1), 106-110.
  • Şahin, N.H., Şahin, N., & Heppner, P. (1993). Psychometric properties of the problem solving ınventory in a group of Turkish university students. Cognit Ther Res, 17(3), 379-85.
  • Şimşek, D. (2012). Analysis of Peer Relations, Social Support Perceptions and Life Satisfaction of Primary Eighth Grade Primary School Students with Resident Primary School District and Family Members. C.U. Social Sciences Institute, Master Thesis, Adana, Turkey.
  • Tümkaya, S., Aybek, B., & Aldağ, H. (2009). An investigation of university students’ critical thinking disposition and perceived problem solving skills. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 36, 57-74.
  • Yıldırım, B., Özkahraman Ş.K., & Sarıkaya, S.K. (2014). Investıgatıng the relatıonshıp between learnıng modalıty and problem solvıng skılls of nursing and mıdwıfery students. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 3(3), 859-82.
  • Yılmaz, E., Karaca, F., & Yılmaz, E. (2009). Examining the problem solving skills and some related factors of the health college students. Atatürk Univ Nurs High Sch J, 12(1), 38-48. Yurttaş, A., & Yetkin, A. (2003). Comparison of the problem solving abilities and empathetic abilities of the students of the school of health. Journal of Atatürk University School of Nursing, 6(1), 1-13.
  • Yüksel, A. (2015). Nursing students’ self evaluation of problem solving skills and related factors. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 37-49.

Hemşirelik ve Ebelik Öğrencilerinin Akran Destekleri ve Problem Çözme Becerileri

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 150 - 161, 30.04.2021


Çalışma, hemşirelik ve ebelik öğrencilerinin akran desteği ile problem çözme becerilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı ve
kesitsel türdeki bu çalışma toplam 305 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler öğrenci bilgi formu, Akran Destek Ölçeği ve Problem Çözme
Envanteri kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Öğrencilerin akran desteği ve problem çözme becerileri orta düzeydedir. Hemşirelik bölümünde 1. sınıf,
ebelik bölümünde 2. sınıfların, her iki bölümde mesleği kendine yakın hissettiği için tercih edenlerin ve bölümünden memnun olanların,
hemşirelik bölümünde otoriter, ebelik bölümünde ise demokratik ve aşırı ilgili aileye sahip olanların akran desteği puanları yüksektir.
Hemşirelik bölümünde erkeklerin, 3. sınıfların, ebelik bölümünde ise 1. ve 2. sınıfların, her iki bölümde ailesi isteği için bölümünü seçen ve
bölümünden memnun olmayanların, hemşirelik bölümünde otoriter, ebelik bölümünde ise ilgisiz aileye sahip öğrencilerin problem çözme
puanları yüksektir. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin problem çözme ile akran desteği toplam puanları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmazken,
ebelik öğrencilerinin problem çözme ile akran desteği toplam puanları arasında negatif korelasyon bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin akran
desteği ve problem çözme becerilerinin orta düzeyde olduğu, hemşirelik bölümü öğrencilerinin problem çözme becerilerinin, ebelik
öğrencilerinin ise akran desteklerinin daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bölüm, öğrenim görülen sınıf, bölümden memnuniyet, bölüm
tercih sebebi ve aile yapısının akran desteği ve problem çözme becerisini etkilediği saptanmıştır


  • Beşer, A., & Kıssal, A. (2009). Critical thinking dispositions and problem solving skills among nursing students. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 2(3), 88-94.
  • Carey, M.C., Kent, B., & Latour, J.M. (2018). Experiences of undergraduate nursing students in peer assisted learning in clinical practice: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep,16(5),1190-219.
  • Chen, J.J. (2005). Relation of academic support from parents, teachers, and peers to Hong Kong adolescents' academic achievement: The mediating role of academic engagement. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr, 131(2), 77-127.
  • Çalışkan, T., & Çınar, S. (2010). Peer cooperation: evaluation of the manners of students’ working together ın the classroom area and practice areas. Journal of Maltepe University Nursing Science and Art Review, Symposium Special Issue, 226-233.
  • Çalışkan, T., & Çınar, S. (2012). Peer cooperation: the study of validity and reability. Marmara University Health Sciences Institute Journal, 2(1), 1-7.
  • Çelik, B., Karadağ, A., & Hisar, B. (2011). Instrument of prefessional attitude for student nurses (IPASN): A confirmatory factor analytic study. Nurse Educ Today, 30, 497-500.
  • Çırpan, F.K., & Çınar, S. (2013). Assessment of the relationship between peer support and academic success among students of vocational school of healthcare services. MÜSBED, 3(4), 191-99.
  • Edmonson, C., McCarthy, C., Trent-Adams, S., McCain, C., Marshall, J. (2017). Emerging global health issues: A nurse’s role Online J Issues Nurs, 31, 22(1), 2.
  • Fışkın, G., & Doğan, N. (2020). Assessment of ınterpersonal relationship and peer support in nursing and midwifery students. Pam Med J, 13, 723-732. doi:
  • Francis R. (Ed.) Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London. 2013, ISBN: 9780102981476.
  • Ghadirian, F., Salsali, M., & Cheraghi, M.A. (2014). Nursing professionalism: An evolutionary concept analysis. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, 19(1), 1-10. PMC3917177
  • Günüşen, N.P, & Üstün, B. (2011). The relationship between problem solving skills levels and locus of control in nursing students. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty, 4(2),72-7.
  • Heppner, P.P, & Petersen, C.H. (1982). The development and implications of a personal problem solving inventory. J Couns Psychol, 29(1), 66-75.
  • Hisar, F., Karadağ, A., & Kan, A. (2010). Development of an instrument to measure Professional attitudes in nursing students in Turkey. Nurse Educ Today, 30(8), 726-730.
  • Karantzas, G.C., Avery, M.R., Macfarlane, S., Mussap, A., Tooley, G., Hazelwood, Z. et al. (2013). Enhancing critical analysis and problem-solving skills in undergraduate psychology: an evaluation of a collaborative learning and problembased learning approach. Aust J Psychol, 65 (1), 38-45.
  • Katkat, D. (2003). The comparıson wıth the skılls of problem solvıng from the perspectıve of dıfferent sexes and fields for the teacher candıdates. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 8(3), 11-8.
  • Keskin, G., & Sezgin, B. (2009). Determining the factors that influence the status of academic success in a group of adults. Fırat Journal of Health Services, 4(10), 3-18.
  • Korkut, F. (2002). High school students' assessment of problem solving skills in terms of some variables. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 23, 177-84.
  • Kuo, C.L., Turton, M.A., Hsieh, J.L., Tseng, H.F., Hsu, C.L. (2007). Measuring peer caring behaviors of nursing students: Scae development. Int J Nurs Stud, 44, 105-14.
  • Olgun, N., Kan Öntürk, Z., Eti Aslan, F., Karabacak, Ü., Serbest, Ş. (2010). Problem solvıng skılls of the nursıng students: results of the 1-year observatıon problem solvıng skılls of the students. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 1(4), 188-94.
  • Ökdem, Ş., & Yardımcı, F. (2010). The study on the level of perceived social support among university students in terms of certain variables. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 11, 228-34.
  • Pepito, J.A., & Locsin, R. (2018). Can nurses remain relevant in a technologically advanced future? Int J Nurs Sci, 4, 6(1), 106-110.
  • Şahin, N.H., Şahin, N., & Heppner, P. (1993). Psychometric properties of the problem solving ınventory in a group of Turkish university students. Cognit Ther Res, 17(3), 379-85.
  • Şimşek, D. (2012). Analysis of Peer Relations, Social Support Perceptions and Life Satisfaction of Primary Eighth Grade Primary School Students with Resident Primary School District and Family Members. C.U. Social Sciences Institute, Master Thesis, Adana, Turkey.
  • Tümkaya, S., Aybek, B., & Aldağ, H. (2009). An investigation of university students’ critical thinking disposition and perceived problem solving skills. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 36, 57-74.
  • Yıldırım, B., Özkahraman Ş.K., & Sarıkaya, S.K. (2014). Investıgatıng the relatıonshıp between learnıng modalıty and problem solvıng skılls of nursing and mıdwıfery students. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 3(3), 859-82.
  • Yılmaz, E., Karaca, F., & Yılmaz, E. (2009). Examining the problem solving skills and some related factors of the health college students. Atatürk Univ Nurs High Sch J, 12(1), 38-48. Yurttaş, A., & Yetkin, A. (2003). Comparison of the problem solving abilities and empathetic abilities of the students of the school of health. Journal of Atatürk University School of Nursing, 6(1), 1-13.
  • Yüksel, A. (2015). Nursing students’ self evaluation of problem solving skills and related factors. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 37-49.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nurhan Doğan 0000-0002-6713-6581

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, N. (2021). Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi, 11(1), 150-161.
AMA Doğan N. Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students. J Higher Edu Sci. Nisan 2021;11(1):150-161.
Chicago Doğan, Nurhan. “Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students”. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi 11, sy. 1 (Nisan 2021): 150-61.
EndNote Doğan N (01 Nisan 2021) Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 11 1 150–161.
IEEE N. Doğan, “Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students”, J Higher Edu Sci, c. 11, sy. 1, ss. 150–161, 2021.
ISNAD Doğan, Nurhan. “Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students”. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi 11/1 (Nisan 2021), 150-161.
JAMA Doğan N. Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students. J Higher Edu Sci. 2021;11:150–161.
MLA Doğan, Nurhan. “Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students”. Yükseköğretim Ve Bilim Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 150-61.
Vancouver Doğan N. Peer Supports and Problem Solving Skills of Nursing and Midwifery Students. J Higher Edu Sci. 2021;11(1):150-61.